Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3997 - SISTER CATCHES ME

Chapter 3997 - SISTER CATCHES ME

stepped outside the office at 5pm and the heat hit me like a furnace.

The weather had been stifling for days and I was not looking forward to the trip home on the subway, as it would be packed and surely it would be standing room only by the time it arrived at my station.

Still, when I did get home, I could throw my clothes off and relax naked for an hour or so before mum and dad got home from work, and being a Tuesday, my sister Cathy would be at the gym.

The train arrived the minute I hit the platform, so that was a win for me and fifteen minutes later I was walking the short distance from the station to home. The Sun was beating down, and I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead. I loosened my tie and undid the top button of my shirt.

Soon, home was in view and my pace quickened as I realized in seconds, I would be through the door and my clothes thrown on the floor of my bedroom. As I opened the front door, a breath of cool air greeted me. Mercifully, our house remained a steady temperature despite the heatwave outside. I strolled to my room and quickly got out of my clothes.

I spent a lot of my time naked in my room. I would have loved it if we were a nudist family, but that wasn't the case. By the same token, we weren't prudes. Often, when mum got home on a hot day like today, she would change into something cooler, often just shorts and a t shirt. She would definitely ditch the bra, saying that she hated wearing them anyway and if it wasn't for work, she probably would never wear one. She did not have big breasts, so there really wasn't a good reason to wear a bra anyway.

My sister Cathy had a similar mindset. She spent a lot of time at the gym and she had a fantastic figure. Like her mum, she hated bras, and being at university, her dress code was somewhat relaxed so she rarely wore them, and she too would change into something flimsy when she got home after a hot day.

I looked at my watch and reckoned that I had an hour to myself. I strolled naked to the kitchen and got myself a beer. The first sip tasted like nectar from the gods. I sat down with my phone and checked my emails. The beer was going down a treat and before I knew it the can was empty. But I needed to have a piss, so made my way to the downstairs bathroom, that was just off the hallway down from the kitchen.

I was just finishing when I heard the front door open and shut. Who on earth could it be I thought to myself, as no one was due home for a while yet. Instinctively, I flushed the toilet, immediately regretting my actions as this would disclose my location to whoever had come home.

"I'm home" said the voice in the distance to no one in particular. It was my sister Cathy. Oh oh, she is home early and here am I trapped naked in the toilet.

Cathy, you are home early. Isn't it gym day today?" I cried plaintively.

"Too bloody hot," replied Cathy. "Are you finished in there? I need to go."

"Umm, yeah, but, ummm...I didn't think anyone was going to be here, so I got undressed...and.... then I had to go to the toilet.... well...I'm don't look," I answered in a quivering voice.

"Nice one, Greg, you pervert," teased Cathy, obviously relishing the moment. "Come out, I promise I won't look."

Why did I not believe her? No doubt Cathy was enjoying my discomfort. I could give her the satisfaction by creeping out, covering my manhood, and embarrassment, and slinking into my bedroom. Or I could stride out confidently, as if it was no big deal. I thought this was the better option, one that would afford me some dignity.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and with a flourish said, "It's all yours."

Cathy looked me up and down. I stood there, unmoved and allowed her her moment of triumph. Time was suspended and the seconds seemed like minutes.

"Not bad," was all Cathy could say, looking at my flaccid cock.

Having been around a few locker rooms in my time, I knew that my dick was up there with the best of them. It was certainly something that my last, and only, girlfriend had commented on.

"I suppose you are an expert," was my immature reply. I instantly recognised the stupidity of the statement. Cathy is an absolutely gorgeous young lady and has had more than her fair share of admirers and had probably seen more dicks than I have had hot dinners.

"I've seen a few," was Cathy's derisive response and as a final put down, "I've seen bigger."

I thought it best to not continue with that line of conversation, Also, I was feeling a certain wave of excitement coming over me, the fact that I was standing naked in front of my sister, and she was looking straight at my cock. My dick was beginning to swell, and a sense of panic overtook me.

"Well, the toilet is all yours," I finally blurted out as I brushed past her on the way to my bedroom.

I slammed the door behind me and took a deep breath. My cock had now grown to full size as I thrilled to the fact that I had stood naked in front of my sister, and she had not freaked out. I went and laid down on my bed and took my hard meat in my hand, I pumped it furiously, all the while thinking of Cathy.

I was interrupted when my phone rang. It was mum.

"Hi Greg, you father and I are having a drink then going to dinner," she stated, "so you and Cathy eat without us."

"OK, mum, thanks for letting me know, where are you going? I inquired.

"Trilussa," mum replied.

This was an Italian restaurant that we had often gone to as a family. They did excellent pasta, and I was instantly envious as I was probably going to settle for a boring salad.

"Yum, well have a nice night, see you when you get home," I said as I ended the call.

I lay there for a minute, deciding what to do next. I wanted to leave my room and go out and watch some TV, but I was a little apprehensive about what to say to Cathy. I reasoned that I should be mature about it all. It wasn't the end of the world, so what, she saw my cock. We are family, surely it is no big deal. I pulled on a pair of boxer shorts as it was still hot and that would be the most comfortable and made my way out into the lounge room.

Cathy was sitting there scantily dressed in a singlet and panties only. This was not entirely unusual as she often dressed very casually when she got home and after all it was a very hot day.

"Want a beer? I offered, as something of an icebreaker.

"Sure," Cathy replied.

I sat down next to her.

"Mum rang, she and dad are going out for dinner, so won't be home til later." I spoke.

Cathy just nodded her head.

I thought I had to say something about the earlier incident.

"Sorry about earlier, I thought you were going to the gym." I explained, "it was hot, so I just threw my clothes off. It's not a crime to be naked you know."

"Never said it was,"was Cathy's response. "I have no problem with nudity, I nude up myself when there is no one around. I quite enjoy the freedom of it all."

"Really!" was all that I could reply. "Well, that makes me feel a bit better."

"Yeah, there are times when I wish that we were more open as a family, so that maybe we could be naked and not make a big deal of it. We are adults after all, so we can be mature about it." Cathy suggested.

She was right. As it stood, we were sitting with the bare minimum of clothes on. We realised that comfort was important, and if it was as hot as it was today, the least we had on the better.

"Well, I'm naked in my room all the time," I bravely revealed.

Cathy gave out a gentle laugh. "Me too."

"So, we have both been suppressing our desires to be naked all this time. Who would have thought.?" I let out a deep breath.

We sat silently for a minute. I'm sure that we were both thinking the same thought, but who was going to be the first to mention it.

Cathy took the initiative.

"Well, I'm going to take my clothes, off. You can join me if you want, but I don't want you to be freaky about it if you don't. I can go to my room if you are going to be weird."

"Of course I'm not going to be weird, it's a good idea and I reckon I'll join you" I replied enthusiastically.

Cathy stood up. She reached behind her back and undid the clip to her bra, She slid the straps off her shoulders and the bra fell to the floor. She then stepped out of her panties and ceremoniously flung them across the room. She stood naked in front of me.

"Well, there I am, your chance now to see me naked. What do you think? said Cathy matter of factly, standing with her hands on her hips.

I was temporarily lost for words as I took in the vision of beauty before me. Cathy had a long lean tight body from her time at the gym. Her breasts were not large, but they were firm and her areolas were huge and her nipples were pert and there was the hint of them swelling. Her body tapered down in the classic hourglass figure, her waist giving way to broad hips. Her pussy was shaved. It was a sight of loveliness and I felt a twinge of guilt for the sexual pleasure that I was experiencing.

"You are truly magnificent Cathy, if a brother is allowed to say that" I managed to spurt out.

A slight blush came over Cathy's face. "You can; I think we can talk freely, now off with those boxers," Cathy ventured.

"Ummm, yeah right," I stammered as I dithered over taking off my shorts, knowing that my cock was hardening due to the sexually charged atmosphere. I decided there was nothing to do but bite the bullet and see what happened.

I lowered my shorts and my cock sprang out. I stood motionless in front of Cathy. Her eyes were locked on my cock.

"I see that it has grown the last hour," she teased.

Now it was my turn to blush. I didn't really want to get an erection in front of my sister. I was thrilled that she was willing to try a bit of social nudity and I wanted it to be non sexual, something that we could indulge in in comfort without any weirdness. Now it had got off on the wrong foot and I was afraid that I had spoiled the opportunity to make this new lifestyle a reality.

"OK, "Cathy said. "Let's get this out of the way, then we can relax and have another beer."

With that, Cathy took a step towards me and reached down and took my cock into her warm soft hand. She stroked it gently, her hand easily sliding along the length of my shaft. She then tightened her grip slightly; the squeezing sensation was sublime. With her other hand, she cupped my balls and ever so carefully massaged them lightly.

"Feel my tits," Cathy demanded.

I needed no further encouragement. I loved the size of Cathy's tits. Big is certainly not always best, but her breasts were by no means small. As my hand ran over her nipples, they responded immediately and they sprang from her areolas, growing to the size of my fingernails. Cathy moaned softly as I tweaked them. I had to have them in my mouth so I leant forward, my tongue lashing the erect nipple on her left breast. It was rock hard as I drew it into my mouth sucking furiously, my lips locking onto it and my teeth giving just the tenderest of a nibble. The feeling was primal; I felt as if I was an infant, driven by the innate need to feed, to survive. As a breast fed baby, of course I had no recollection of that time and surely, it was not a sexual activity, but I could not explain the arousal that I was feeling. I felt a mothering bond with Cathy, that she was nourishing me, giving me life, that she was not just my sister, but my protector.

Cathy was quickening the pace as she wanked my rock hard cock. I could feel a swelling in my balls and an energy was building within me that I knew was soon going to lead me to explode in a massive orgasm. Her own breath was getting faster.

"I'm cumming Cathy, oh God, yes," I cried.

My cock erupted and spewed forth a stream of thick white cum, that splattered onto Cathy's stomach. That load was followed by another as my dick pulsated with pure pleasure.

Cathy still had a firm grip on me, but she had stopped pumping and watched in awe as my cum covered her. She laid back over the arm of the couch and rubbed my sperm deep into her skin. I could only watch, breathlessly as she did so. She reached back and her hand enveloped the tip of my cock as she milked the very last drop onto her fingers, which she then proceeded to put in her mouth, relishing the salty sensation of my fresh cum. Unsatisfied, she then took my still hard cock into her mouth and sucked forcefully, draining the very last ounce of semen from me.

The feeling was superb as I felt my cock starting to soften in her warm moist mouth.

Soon, she had had enough. She sat up and looked me squarely in the eye. We sat silently for a moment. For my part, I was lost for words, but my thoughts were crystal clear. This had been the most, sensual, intimate experience of my life. I felt an incredible bond with Cathy, that went beyond sibling love. She had allowed me to enter a world of intimacy that could only exist between two people who had known each other for all of their lives. I sensed she felt the same, as she moved towards me and rested her head on my chest, her arms wrapped around my shoulders. I gave her a hug in return, to reassure her that I was fully on board with the event that had just transpired. The nagging thought at the back of my brain was that we should not have indulged in what had happened. But I pushed that thought aside, overwhelmed by the feeling of closeness that Cathy and I now shared.

"I love you Greg, "Cathy was finally able to say. "You are the best brother; you have always been."

"Oh Cathy. You know I love you too," I replied breathlessly, "you know I will always be there for you."

We sat silently, still entwined, I could feel Cathy's heart racing. I'm sure she could feel mine too.

"Beer?" I finally had the strength to move.

"You bet," Cathy answered.

I went to the fridge and returned with two beers. We sat for a while without saying a word. I felt though, that I needed to say something.

"Cathy, people may not understand what just happened between us, but I don't care. We are family, you are the most important person in my life. We just shared a precious moment. It was pure love. How could that be wrong?" I rationalized.

"It wasn't wrong," Cathy reassured me. "We simply expressed our love for each other. It is special."

Again, we sat quietly as we drank our beers.

"Gees, look at the time, mum and dad will be home soon, we had better get dressed," I said with a hint of panic to my voice.

"Not me," replied Cathy, "this is a new start for me. I love being naked and I'm not going to cover up. You know, I reckon mum will be OK with it, dad, I'm not so sure, but I guess we will soon find out."

My mind was racing. This could end very badly. Of course, mum and dad didn't need to know what had just occurred. Sitting naked would be something of a shock, no doubt, but nudity in itself is not such an outlandish thing and family nudism is not that unusual. And I loved being naked, just as much as Cathy. Maybe this was worth the risk, to set in place a new life where nudism was acceptable, and we didn't have to hide in our rooms to enjoy the practice. I had to admire Cathy's resolve in this matter.

But I needed a bit of Dutch courage, so it was another beer for me, and Cathy agreed.

We were half way through that beer when we heard a car pull up. But the car was not in the driveway, but out on the street. I got up and peeked through the window. Mum and dad were getting out of a taxi. Responsible parents that they are, no doubt, they had had too much to drink to drive home. They were giggling as they walked up the path to the house, further suggesting that they had imbibed heavily at dinner.

I went back and sat next to Cathy on the couch, nervously anticipating their reaction to seeing their children sitting there naked.

The door opened and they stumbled in.

"We're home," mum cried out cheerfully.

"We're in the lounge room," Cathy replied.

Mum and dad turned the corner and stopped dead in their track. An often-used term is "stunned mullets" and this aptly applied as they both stood there their mouths agape.

"Greg, Cathy, what on earth are you doing? Where are your clothes?" was all that mum could utter.

"Not sure," said Cathy "maybe in the laundry basket." Cathy replied cheekily.

"That's not what I meant, you're naked, both of you, together," mum stuttered. "Matt, they're naked."

Dad didn't say a word. I'm sure he wanted to, but they wouldn't come out. I could see that he was well and truly drunk. He looked quite dishevelled, and his eyes were very bloodshot.

"I think you are right, Hanna," he finally observed. "Are you kids alright?"

"Perfectly fine," responded Cathy, "it is such a hot night tonight that we wanted to make ourselves comfortable."

"Well yes," said mum," but naked and together, you could have been in your undies. I'm not sure that I'm Ok with this. Have you been drinking?"

"Had a few beers mum," I replied, "but probably not as much as you and dad."

Mum said nothing, simply glaring in my direction.

"Yes, we have had a bit to drink, but we still have our clothes on," mum finally answered. "So are you two going to sit there all night like that? Matt, tell them to put some clothes on."

"Ummm, well, maybe we should talk about this, they are adults after all," dad answered sounding surprisingly reasonable about it all.

"Yes, we are mum and it's not like it should be such a shocking thing, I mean you get around in next to nothing when it's hot," Cathy remarked to strengthen her argument.

Good point, I thought to myself. Cathy was right. Mum would stroll around the house in a t shirt and shorts, with no bra, leaving little to the imagination.

"Cathy is right," said dad.

Mum threw him a withering glance. She struggled for a response.

"I'm going to change," mum huffed, knowing that she had little to argue against, as she made her way to her bedroom.

Dad followed her.

I looked across to Cathy.

"Well, that went better than I expected," I said with a laugh.

Cathy smiled back at me. "Round One to us, I think it helped that they are both pissed."

We could hear muffled voice for a few minutes, then it fell silent. About five minutes later, mum reappeared, having changed into her light summer robe. It would not surprise me if that was all that she had on.

"Your father has crashed, he has had a tough day and quite a bit to drink at dinner," she advised us.

"Fair enough, "said Cathy," it has been a stinker, Greg and I have had a few beers too."

"Enough to loosen all your inhibitions, by the look of it," volunteered mum. "It was a shock to see you both like that. I mean is it right for brother and sister to be naked together?"

"We are perfectly fine with it mum," replied Cathy, "we discovered that we both like to be naked in our rooms, so why not be able to do it around the house. It just makes sense, and it is so hot today. We didn't think you would object as you seem to like to get around with a minimum of clothes on."

"Yes, I do and I don't think that nudism is a bad thing, but around family? I'm just not sure." Mum answered honestly.

"Family is the perfect place for it mum," I responded, "we are close, we are open minded, we aren't prudes, and we are all adults, we should respect others wishes."

Mum sat silently, reflecting on what she had heard.

"You are right, and I'm no big fan of clothes when they aren't needed. And you seem to be pretty comfortable sitting there naked. You have grown into such beautiful adults. I am so proud of you and you seem to be so mature about things, more than I am," mum conceded.

"I'm glad you can see our point of view mum," Cathy replied," we hope to be naked around the house as often as we like and we would love it if you are OK with it and even join us.""Well, I am OK with it, and I would like to join you. "

With that, mum stood up and quickly dropped her robe, revealing, as I suspected that she was naked underneath. She stood there proudly. Naturally, my eyes surveyed her body. Mum was only 42 years old so in the prime of her life really. She had a slim figure, very similar to her daughter's. Like Cathy, her breasts were not large but perfectly formed. She had a taunt stomach and as my eyes dropped lower, she displayed a shaven pussy, with a very pronounced raised mons. I found this immediately erotic. Her pussy was compact, her labia neatly contained.

"I'm getting a drink,' I said, "there is a white opened, mum? Cathy? want one?"

They both replied yes. I soon returned with a glass for Cathy and mum. As I passed the glass to mum, I lingered there for a moment, knowing that my cock was only inches from her face, and it was giving me a thrill to know that she was getting a good look at it. Indeed, her eyes never left it in the time I stood there. I went back to the kitchen and got my own wine and returned to the lounge room. My cock was a little aroused and I had half a hard on. All the while, mum watched me.

"So, whose idea was this to get naked?" mum asked after taking a sip of wine.

"I got home early as I didn't go to the gym. Greg was not expecting me and he was in the toilet naked. He had no where to go, so he manned up and walked out and said, ok, you have caught me naked, is it such a big deal? I said no, in fact I like to nude up too. So we decided that we would just get naked, have a few beers and enjoy ourselves," Cathy explained, filling mum in with the outline of the evening.

"Were you shocked to see his cock, I mean, I'm sure you have seen one before, but your brother's? mum inquired.

"Not shocked, but pleasantly surprised, it is a nice cock after all," Cathy replied with perhaps more detail than required, bringing a tinge of red to my face.

"Cathy!" mum cried with perhaps a touch of fake indignation, "you're not supposed to notice that!"

"Hard to miss mum, I mean you have seen it now, its not bad is it," Cathy enthused.

This talk of my cock was not helping matters at all. It was at half mast earlier but had now grown to a full on stiffy. I contemplated covering it with a cushion, but rationalised that that would only draw more attention to it. And if we are to be naked around the house more often, then there is always going to be the chance that an unscheduled erection would make an appearance.

"Yes, not the little boy who would run around naked after his bath. I should have known then that you had a nudist streak, it was hard to get you to wear clothes. And you are certainly a healthy young man now." Mum said admiringly.

"He certainly is," replied Cathy as she reached across and wrapped her hand around my hard cock. Mum sat there watching and said nothing.

"I did have a bit of a feel earlier mum, it is quite impressive don't you think. Long and thick, any girl would enjoy it I should imagine. Why don't you have a feel yourself?" Cathy cheekily suggested.

Mum sat silently, she looked Cathy in the eye. She must have been trying to imagine what had gone on earlier. She looked across to me. I raised my eyebrows as a gesture of acceptance. Mum took a gulp of her wine then sat it down on the table beside her.

"Here mum. I'll swap seats," said Cathy as she got up and offered mum the space next to me.

Mum got up nervously and sat down next to me.

"Greg," she said, " I'm not sure that I should be doing this. You are my son."

"Mum, I want you to. I love you and I love Cathy. Yes we are family, but is there a greater expression of our love? I want us to have this closeness. I want you to play with my cock. It will make me happy," I held mum's hand as I encouraged her.

Tentatively, mum reached across and took my cock in her hand. Lovingly, she stroked it gently. Her hands were hot and sweaty, which was hardly surprising, but it felt great on my stiff rod. She moved her other hand across and was now pumping my cock with both hands. With her thumb and forefinger she rubbed and squeezed my glans and it began to turn a shade of purple from the attention.

Without warning, she removed her hands and took my engorged cock into her mouth.

I looked across to Cathy, who was watching intently, her legs spread, and her fingers were exploring her pussy. I was finding it hard to believe the situation that I had found myself in. Here were the two most important women in my life, sharing an intimacy that I could never have thought possible.

Mum was expertly sucking my cock, impressively taking its entire length into her mouth at once. I could feel the tip of my cock deep in her throat. Back and forth she motioned, her tongue lashing my manhood. For the second time that night, I felt an immense orgasm building.

"I'm cumming" I warned mum, not knowing if she was prepared to swallow my load. She made no attempt to withdraw and kept a firm mouthful of my cock. I let loose with another shuddering orgasm but was certain that I had only a small load to offer mum as I was spent from my earlier effort. Still, she took what I could offer and gently sucked my cock as it shuddered in her mouth.

I was interrupted by soft moans coming from the other lounge as Cathy worked herself to her own orgasm. She bucked violently as her hips rocked back and forth as her fingers were swiftly massaging her clit. I watched intently, revelling in the pleasure that my mother and sister were experiencing. Cathy's breath quickened and she threw her head back let the orgasm envelop her. Mum looked in her direction as well as we both shared the moment of her intense desire.

No words need be spoken. There was no doubt that the evening had been intense, yet immensely satisfying. We had taken a step to being a closer family. We accepted that our feelings for each other were genuine and our actions simply a logical step of cementing our affections.

Mum got up and simply said, "Good night kids, I love you. I'll see you in the morning."

I looked across at Cathy and took her hand.

"It has been a big night sis, I will see you in the morning. I need to think all this through. I love you," I said dreamily.

"Love you too," replied Cathy as we made our way to our respective bedrooms.

What a change had come over our lives in the space of one evening, but I had no doubt that there were more turns to come.

woke to the sounds of voices coming from the kitchen.

I picked up my phone and checked the time; it was 8am.

The voices were in fact mum and dad and being Saturday, dad was having breakfast before heading off to golf. Today looked like being another scorcher, but this would not worry dad, he would play golf in a hurricane. I had a bit of a giggle to myself, as my mind went back to last night, when dad got home from being out to dinner with mum, he was as drunk as I had ever seen him. With stinking hot weather and a hangover, I wondered how pleasant his round of golf was going to be. A minute later I heard the front door open and close and dad was on his way.

I lay in bed and the events of last night came flashing back to me.

Cathy and I had discovered our love of nudism and had sat naked having a drink. Cathy then had a feel of my cock and wanked me off, while I had a feel of her tits. Then mum and dad came home and after the initial shock, mum got naked with us and she had a nice feel of my cock too.

Looking back on those events, it certainly felt surreal. We had become so accepting of family nudism and I was excited with this new chapter of our life. However, I was a bit concerned that maybe when mum had sobered up, she might have regretted what transpired last night and our nudist lifestyle may not eventuate. I would be bitterly disappointed if that was the case.

I pondered what to do next. Of course, I would go down to have breakfast, but would I put on some clothes or go naked? What if mum is clothed and wants to block out the events of last night? I decided that I had too much to lose if I went down clothed. The ice had been broken. I desperately wanted our family to adopt nudism around the house.

With my heart in my mouth. I wandered downstairs without any clothes on. I turned the corner in to the kitchen and there, to my great relief, was mum, sitting naked at the table sipping her coffee.

"Good morning mum," I cried cheerily, "looks like another hot day coming up.

I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning honey," mum replied, "yes it sure looks like it will be."

"How is your head?" I inquired, hoping to get a bit of a gauge as to how much of last night mum had remembered,

"I've felt better; at least I'm not as bad as your dad. I don't know how he is going to get his round of golf in," mum stated.

I walked to the bench to make myself a cup of coffee. I knew that I had to raise the topic of what transpired last night.

"Mum, about last night...." I began to say, before mum interrupted me.

"Greg, I have been thinking long and hard about it. Most people would no doubt say that what we did was wrong, but for me it felt like the most natural thing in the world," mum honestly responded, "we have always been a close loving family, and this will only bring us closer. I love that we can be naked and comfortable around each other, and why can't we be physical, it is just a display of our love."

I was so relieved; I strode up to mum and gave her a big hug, I didn't want to let her go.

"Mum, I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you think that way. This is going to be a brand new way of life for us and it is going to be the best, I just know it,' was my truthful reply.

We sat silently for the next minute drinking our coffee.

"Mum, how do you think dad is going to be with all this," I asked with some trepidation.

"Well, he did remember coming home and seeing you both naked, but of course he went upstairs and promptly fell asleep. I didn't tell him about what else happened. But he said this morning that he didn't have a problem if we get around the house naked. That didn't surprise me too much as we sleep naked and we have gone to a nudie beach a few times. Bet you didn't know that eh!" mum volunteered.

"No I didn't, but what a shame you couldn't have been more upfront about it as we could have joined you and got into this home nudity thing a lot earlier. Cathy and I have been hiding our desires," I lamented.

Yes, honey, I do regret that now, but let's just look forward, it is going to be our life now," mum replied enthusiastically.

There were footsteps coming down the hallway and a naked Cathy joined us at the breakfast table.

"Morning nudies," she cheerily said as she gave first me a hug and then mum, "nice to see you both looking so comfortable on this hot day."

Mum and I smiled at each other. This indeed had been a turning point in our relationship with each other.

"I think we should try and work on our all over tans today, what do you think?" Cathy said.

"Sounds good to me," I replied and mum nodded her agreement.

"But breakfast first, I'm starving," said Cathy as she popped some bread in the toaster.

I watched unashamedly, admiring her fantastic body. I glanced across at mum and I had to pinch myself to reassure me that there were two beautiful women, naked in the same room as me. I could feel my cock starting to swell. I was sitting down and supposed that no one was looking so I did nothing to hide my obvious appreciation of the situation. It felt so liberating to think that I could be myself and not worry about it.

I felt like another cup of coffee, so got up to get one. Mum could see that I had half an erection and said nothing. Cathy too could see and chose to say nothing as well. This was the new order where the family was accepting of our bodily functions. I felt a feeling of both pride and satisfaction of the mature approach that we were taking.

Soon breakfast was over and the three of us ventured into our very private backyard to enjoy the sun before it got too hot.

"Greg, can you do my back?" Cathy asked, handing me the bottle of sunblock.

"No worries,' I truthfully replied, "if you do mine."

"Of course," Cathy replied, "but you have to do mum too, don't want her to burn."

I dribbled the sunblock on Cathy's shoulders and allowed a generous amount to flow down the small of her back. Slowly, I massaged the lotion into her velvety smooth skin. The feeling was incredibly sensuous. I got to her bottom and poured some more sunblock into my hands and gently rubbed it in savouring the moment, marvelling at the taut, muscular bum she had. My cock was now rock hard.

"My turn now," said mum who had been patiently watching me apply the lotion to my sister's back.

She turned away from me and I repeated the same procedure for her. Her skin was just as tight and silky as her daughter's and my hands lingered as I massaged the sunblock into her bum.

"Thank you darling" mum said, turning around and seeing my imposing erection.

"Oh dear, you don't want to get that lovely cock burnt," she said as she took the lotion from me and oozed a generous amount onto my hard dick.

I stood transfixed as she lovingly ran her hand up and down my rigid cock, until she was satisfied that she had finished the job satisfactorily.

Cathy, by this stage was lying on her towel. Her legs were spread wide and I was afforded an uninterrupted view of her gorgeous pussy. She was no doubt aware that she was teasing me unmercifully, not that I cared in the least.

Mum took a position next to her and reasoned that she too should spread her legs. Was it just to ensure that she tanned her pussy or was it a tease as well: it mattered not.

I put my towel down and laid on my back, my erection proudly pointing skywards. The feeling of the hot sun bearing down on every inch of my exposed skin was both erotic and deeply satisfying.

I was unsure if I had dozed off, but the next thing I knew was that I could feel pressure on the tip of my cock. I opened my eyes to see Cathy slowly lowering herself onto my still hard dick. She was incredibly moist, and I slid easily into her. Half my cock disappeared as she shifted up and down, taking more of my cock with each stroke. Soon she had taken me up to my balls. Slowly and methodically, she pumped up and down; her hands were resting on my shoulder and her firm tits swayed with the rhythm. Her breath was quickening and she was moaning softly.

Over and over, she drew her pussy up and down the length of my manhood. She was looking me directly in my eyes, her tongue ever so slightly protruding from her mouth, licking her upper lip.

I could feel that I was close to exploding. A tightness grew in my balls and I could sense the excitement of an orgasm brewing.

Cathy had now increased the tempo of her pumping. Her tight pussy was enveloping my cock and I could feel her juices flooding over me.

With a shuddering jolt I exploded inside her. Stream after stream of hot semen filled her. I convulsed under her, my cock jerking as I writhed with pleasure.

Cathy now sat bolt upright. The fingers of her left hand were furiously rubbing her clit and she was about to experience her own orgasm. She threw her head back.

"Oh my god, yes, oh yes, yes," she bellowed loudly as she shook uncontrollably.

Cathy collapsed onto my stomach; our hot sweaty bodies locked together as the spasm overtook us. I held her tight, my heart filled with love for her. Slowly, her body came down from her high. Her breathing became less laboured, but I could still feel her breasts heaving on top of me, her nipples now stiff and pressing into my chest.

Just to my right, mum was fingering her cunt. She had watched with awe as Cathy and I had made love. I looked on, as mum worked herself up to her own orgasm.

Cathy had rolled of me and was lying quietly by my side, relishing the petite mort that she had just experienced.

As I watched mum playing with herself, the eroticism of the moment had enabled my cock to get hard again, perhaps not as rock hard as earlier, but stiff enough for me to entertain the though of fucking my mother now.

I moved to mum and spread her legs, placing her feet over my shoulders. With her pussy wide open, I easily entered her. She too was soaking wet, and she flexed her muscles, gripping my cock as I thrust deeply into her. Back and forth I pumped, as she took my cock up to my balls.

Supporting myself with one hand, I used the other to massage her lovely firm breasts. I tweaked her nipple between my thumb and forefinger and it responded accordingly. It grew to about the size of my fingernail. I had to have it in my mouth, so I leant forward and sucked it deeply, darting my tongue over it.

"Fuck me hard Greg, oh yes, that is so good, don't stop," mum cried breathlessly.

I had no intention of stopping. The connection that I was feeling with my own mother was intense. All that I cared for was to give her pleasure. What an ultimate expression of love it would be to bring her to her own shuddering orgasm.

I rolled her on her side and my cock was attacking her from the rear. As I thrust backwards and forwards, I moved my hand around her and found her clit. I rubbed it firmly. Like Cathy, her love juices were flowing in a torrent. As I thrust, they slurped and flooded onto my stomach.

"I'm cumming, oh yesss, I'm cumming," mum shrieked as her pelvis moved in unison with my cock plunging into her. She trembled uncontrollably as she came violently. I stopped fucking her and held her tight as her pulsating pussy milked my hard cock. My heart was racing like a train and mums was too. We lay there, our bodies entwined as the passion flowed over us and then slowly began to ebb.

No words were spoken for many minutes, there was no need verbalize our feelings. We had just experienced the most intense sexual experience. A deep sense of satisfaction enveloped me. We had given of ourselves to each other as only those who share a deep abiding love can do.

"I'm getting some iced water, who wants some?" I said finally breaking the silence.

"Yes please!" they both responded.

Our relationship had moved to another plain and I could not be happier. Who knew what lay ahead, all I knew was that things had changed and changed for the better and there was no going back, not that I would ever want that.t was approaching noon and the heat from the sun was intense.

"That will do me," I said, "I can feel myself burning."

"Me too, "Cathy replied, and mum made three.

Even without the air conditioning on, the house was so much cooler. I went to the fridge and got myself another glass of cold water. The temptation was to have a beer. Hmmm, why not, it's Saturday. It's after midday and its hot. What better time for an amber refreshment.

"I can make some sandwiches for lunch," mum volunteered.

"Thanks mum," said Cathy who followed my lead and helped herself to a beer.

"Cheers," I said, clinking our bottles.

I could not help but notice a pinkish tinge to Cathy's breasts. Although she did apply sunblock, the fact that they had not had much exposure to the sunlight meant that she had not gradually built up a tan.

"I think you could do with some moisturizer on those boobies of yours, "I advised helpfully.

Cathy looked down and lifted one breast and studied it momentarily.

"I think you are right bro, how about you rub some on for me?" Cathy inquired.

"Ohhh, if I must," I joked.

I got up and headed to the bathroom and returned with some soothing aloe vera lotion that was perfect for the job. I sat down and Cathy moved her chair to face me. I poured some of the lotion onto my hands and reached out and applied it to her lovely mounds.

"Ohhhhh," Cathy recoiled, "brrrrrr, that's a bit chilly.

"It will take the sting out of the sunburn, it will be worth it," I said.

As I rubbed it into her breasts my hands ran over her nipples and either that movement or the cold nature of the lotion had an effect on them, as they hardened instantly. I relished the opportunity to linger there, fiddling with her growing buds. Cathy closed her eyes and slumped a little in her seat. She was no doubt enjoying the experience as much as I was. Slowly and methodically, I rubbed the aloe vera in and soon my pleasant duty was completed. I had certainly enjoyed it as my erect cock could testify.

"Thanks Greg, that does feel better, glad you enjoyed it too," said Cathy, noticing my stiffie. She gave it a quick rub and returned to drinking her beer. I just loved that we could be so casual with our intimacy. I didn't expect Cathy to wank me off, just because my hard cock was right in front of her. I appreciated that she could basically ignore it if she wanted to, as that had become a new norm that was to become commonplace around the house now.

In the distance, there was the sound of a car arriving in the driveway. It was dad returning from golf. Mum's, Cathy's and my eyes met and we all burst out laughing. We had the same suspicion, that dad would struggle in, in a state of exhaustion, the heat and exertion from a round of golf after his big night on the drink was bound to take its toll.

The front door opened and closed and there were footsteps down the hallway leading to the kitchen where we were anxiously awaiting his arrival.

Our suspicions proved to be correct. Before us stood our red faced father, sweat formed on his brow, his shirt was wet under the armpits, his eyes were droopy. If it wasn't for the fact that I knew that he had been at golf, I could have guessed that he had just run in a marathon.

His dejected demeanour had the three of us erupt once again in laughter. It may have been cruel, but it was unavoidable. Cathy got up and offered him her chair, concerned that he was on the verge of collapsing. I rushed to the sink and got a glass of water for him. Mum ran to his side and took his arm to support him. This was sheer theatrics as our concern was only exceeded by our desire to make a bit of fun at his expense.

Dad made his way to the seat offered him. He sat down and took a long sip of the water. So far, he made no reference to the fact that his entire family was naked in front of him.

"So dad, how did golf go today?' I politely enquired, fully expecting that I knew the answer.

"Shithouse," was his emphatic reply, "it was bloody hot out there, and I wasn't feeling the best."

We did our best to muffle our amusement.

Dad looked up, indignant, that far from offering sympathy we were revelling in his discomfort.

"And what are you all doing naked? When did this house become a nudist colony?" he inquired.

"Since yesterday and since it is so hot. We decided that we don't need clothes," was Cathy's response.

"Hmmmm, I thought you were up to something after last night," dad replied.

"Oh, you remember," I added, perhaps unhelpfully.

Dad shot me a withering glance but thought better of saying anything else. He sat there observing each of us in turn.

"I guess it's a good idea. It is hot and who needs clothes when it's not cold. You know your mother and I enjoy a bit of nude up time, we have been to Cobblers Beach a few times," dad advised.

"So mum was saying, "I answered, "it's good that you are on board dad."

"How about you join us then dad," Cathy asked," you look all hot and bothered."

"I guess I will," he replied.

And with that he stood up and began to undress. He seemed more than eager to remove the hot clothes that were clinging to his clammy body. First off were the shoes and socks, then he peeled off his polo shirt. Dad had a rather muscular physique. He did go to the gym twice a week and he played golf every Saturday, which was excellent exercise. In a swift move he dropped his pants and underwear and with that he stood naked before us. Cathy gave him the once over, her eyes darting from head to toe, stopping for a good look at his cock, which whilst flaccid, was large and thick. He was clearly an adherent of manscaping as his pubic hair was neatly trimmed, which only accentuated the length of his cock.

"How about getting your old man a beer, before I pass out," he asked, looking in my direction.

I went to the fridge and got him a beer and another one for Cathy and myself.

"Cheers," I gestured as we clinked our bottles together. "So, tell me dad, why did you play today if you knew it was going to be terrible out there?"

"I was asking myself the same question before we had finished the second hole. I love my golf, but to be honest, I should have stayed home, I'm not a well boy," dad honestly replied.

"A couple of beers and you will be as good as new," Cathy confidently added.

"I hope so baby," dad answered, "I can say this is going down a treat."

"Here Les, I've made some sandwiches," mum said, passing a plate to dad.

"Thanks Betty, I'm actually starving, I came straight home without having anything to eat at the club," dad responded.

We sat quietly for a while as we drank our beers and ate the sandwiches. Dad finally broke the silence.

"So, what have you all been up to today," he asked.

"Not much," I replied, "we did a bit of sunbaking in the yard, but it got too hot."

"Ha ha !' answered dad, "this is not the day to spend too much time in the sun. Rather be inside with a beer."

No doubt we all agreed as we raised our beers in a toast.

We sat and chatted as we drank our beers and ate the sandwiches that mum had prepared. It was a delight to be sitting naked as a family, without any inhibitions.

Lunch was done and dad piped up. "I really could do with a coldl shower. I'll be back down shortly." With that he drank the last of his beer and headed off to the bathroom.

The rest of us retired to the loungeroom. I sat next to Cathy and mum sat on the double couch, no doubt expecting dad to join her when he was cleaned up.

"Well dad took us all being naked very well didn't he," mum said.

"Yes he did, but mum, you must have suspected that he would, as you two have enjoyed nuding up in the past," Cathy declared.

"Yes honey, no surprise at all. My only regret is that we haven't been a nudist family earlier. Your dad just loves being naked, I guess it must be in the genes since you two seem to love it too," mum stated.

"Maybe you are right mum." I answered, "we do love being naked and we don't seem to have too many inhibitions. I love that I can walk around with a hard on and nobody cares."

"Got to love your stiffies bro," teased Cathy and she reached across and took hold of my flaccid cock. Gently she massaged it and magically it responded, growing in her hand.

At that moment, dad walked into the room after a quick shower to freshen up. He stopped in his tracks as he saw his daughter playing with his son's cock. He watched intently without saying a word. He looked across to mum, as if to gauge what she was thinking. Mum simply shrugged her shoulders as if to imply that this was normal behaviour. Dad's eyes returned to Cathy playing with my cock. He seemed to enjoy the show as his prick responded accordingly, growing of its own accord. His hand made its way to his growing member, and he stroked it slowly.

"Nice cock dad," said Cathy seductively, "can I have a bit of a play with it?"

Dad did not need any further encouragement. I gave up my seat so that dad could sit next to Cathy and enjoy her attention.

Dad's cock was indeed impressive. It was long and thick and I caste an envious glance in mum's direction, who only smiled back, in the full knowledge that she had enjoyed that cock for over twenty years. She seemed to have nothing but admiration for Cathy having the opportunity to enjoy it now as well.

Expertly, Cathy massaged dad's dick, slowly her hands worked up and down its length. With one hand, she cupped his balls, squeezing them gently. Dad lay back on the lounge, but with one free hand, he moved to Cathy's left breast and he fondled it softly.

In a swift movement, Cathy took dad's cock into her mouth, expertly she sucked it, back and forth, taking as much in as she could. It looked a challenge to get the whole length of dad's considerable cock into her mouth, but Cathy accepted the task as hand and slowly she forced that massive dick down her throat. It was a sight to behold, and as I was now sitting next to mum, with a raging hard on, she thought it was only right and proper to emulate her daughter's deed.

Without hesitation, she took my cock into her mouth. Dad looked across and saw what was going on. I could only guess as to what was going through his mind at that very moment, but what was clear was that he was enjoying every moment of it, his daughter pleasuring him and his wife savouring her son's cock.

There was no thought that there should be a stop to what was occurring. As a family, we had always been very close. We were comfortable with the intimacy that we had enjoyed in the past. Not for us, any sense of false modesty. The only thought that was running through my mind was why had we not been experiencing these moments earlier. It was a shame that we had not let our feelings been known, that we all enjoyed being naked, that we were comfortable with this affection, this physicality.

I looked across to dad and could see that he was close to cumming.

"Ohhh, Cathy, don't stop, this is so good, "he managed to utter.

I'm sure that Cathy had no intention whatsoever to stop. She was relishing her task and her sucking had increased in its tempo and she skilfully moved back and forth on dad's rock hard cock, nibbling is glans then taking his whole length down her throat.

"Yes, yes, I'm cumming," dad exclaimed breathlessly.

Cathy had every intention of swallowing dad's load. Her lips remained wrapped around his cock as he exploded, sending a torrent of cum into her eager mouth. As I watched, I could see that despite Cathy's best efforts, some hot jizz had escaped and dribbled down onto her chin.

Cathy, stopped her probing and locked onto dad's prick and milked the last of his cum. Her tongue massaged his cock as it slowly softened in her mouth.

Dad had collapsed onto the couch, his head thrown back as the energy from his orgasm drained from him.

His attention turned to mum and me as she sucked my hard cock and brought me to my own orgasm.

The sensual act of Cathy sucking dad and my mum sucking me had me in seventh heaven and I could feel a bolt of excitement, building in my balls.

"I'm cumming mum,' I cried as I held her head down hard on my cock.

I thrust upwards as a stream of cum blasted from my rock hard cock. Like her daughter, she was determined not to waste a drop and she swallowed every load as they pumped into her mouth.

Dad and Cathy looked on approvingly.

Mum sat up and with a satisfied look on her face, wiped her hand across her mouth and licked the last drops of my cum off her lips.

There was an eerie silence as all four of us relished the events that had just taken place.

There was no doubt that we had crossed the threshold of what would be considered family closeness.

Were we concerned? I think not. There was no sense of shame, indeed quite the opposite as we had now experienced the most intimate of interactions possible and there was only the thought that this was just the beginning.

I needed to say something.

"Mum, dad, Cathy, I love you all so much, I have never felt so close. This means so much to me. "

A group hug would have been too cliched, so there was only one other option.

"Who wants a drink," I asked.

There were yeses all round, and it was the sign to me that all was well with our new found intimacy.