Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3965 - SIS AND MOM ON MY CASTING COUCH


looked at the handwriting on the package that my secretary, Priscilla, had just given me. It had arrived in the post that morning. I recognised my mother's writing immediately, even though it had been four years since we'd last been together. Our parting had been traumatic.

I was eighteen at the time, living at home with mom and my sister, who was four years younger than me. Mom was thirty seven. Dad had left the family over ten years before and the three of us had rubbed along together until I'd hit the difficult teenage years. At that point the relationship with my mom deteriorated.

The trouble was that I was a horny teenager and mom was every boy's voluptuous fantasy. Her long black hair shone in the sunshine and her face was gorgeous. Her athletic body was kept firm by her regular horse riding, but her exercise, though keeping her great ass nicely rounded, failed to reduce the size of her breasts which were big melons, pushing out any tops she wore.

I couldn't help staring at her, especially where I had an opportunity to glimpse down her front or up her skirt. The problem was that mom was clearly uncomfortable with my eyes following her all the time. She was snappy and we ended up arguing almost every day. The atmosphere in the house was bad. I don't think my sister noticed much. At fourteen she was too busy with her friends.

It all came to a head just after my eighteenth birthday. Mom didn't do any dating. She seemed to think that she'd finished with all that when our dad left her. However, that didn't stop her dressing up in clothes that hugged her eye-catching figure, nor I believed did it stop her wearing sexy underwear, and on this particular morning I decided to check the underwear out.

I snuck up to her room while she was out and began to search through her drawers. Pretty soon I found what I'd been searching for and pulled out of a drawer and placed on the bed a matching set of green bra, panties and garter belt. A pair of beige nylon stockings made up the ensemble.

I tied the garter belt round my neck, gripped the panties between my teeth and wrapped a nylon stocking round my boner, imagining that it was my mom who was jacking me off. I was just about to cum when the bedroom door flew open and mom screamed. She marched over towards me and slapped my face so hard that bells were ringing in my ears.

After hurriedly extracting myself from her underwear, I ran red faced to my bedroom. I knew I could not stay in the house any longer and, putting my clothes in a suitcase, left the house slamming the door behind me.

I caught a bus into town not having a clue about what I was going to do. I trudged around looking vacantly in shop windows when I saw a note in a window advertising a job for an office boy who was willing to do anything. When I went inside I met a nice old man called Reg who asked me a few questions about office experience. Fortunately I'd had a number of holiday jobs and he seemed pretty pleased with my answers.

When he offered me the job, I made up a story that we'd had a fire at our house. The other members of my family were staying with my aunt, but as there was no room for me, I had to find accommodation in town. He immediately said I could stay temporarily in the small studio flat above the office and I started work that day.

The business turned out to be a Talent Agency for actresses and female dancers. Reg wasn't particularly good at his trade. He didn't seem able to place many of his clients in stage or screen roles, but he was always kind to me. To start with I did the basics, tea-making, sweeping floors etc. but I soon moved on to filing and answering telephones.

After a couple of years I began to take on more of the business, telephoning producers, setting up interviews and successfully placing clients. I found I had a knack for networking and building relationships and word began to spread that Reg's agency was the one to go to if you wanted to get on. Reg was now paying me a lot more money which enabled me to move out into a better apartment.

Actresses were coming into the agency and asking for me, Danny, to help them. It was at this time that I first became aware of one of the major advantages of my position. I'd told one particular actress, an attractive twenty five year-old redhead, that I thought I could get her a minor role in a play in Wisconsin, but I'd have to let her know. As soon as I'd said these last words, she knelt in front of me, unzipping me and pulling my cock out of my pants.

They say you always remember your first blowjob. I know I always will. It was over fairly quickly, as I was shooting cum into her mouth in about a minute, but the feeling of having my cock in between her lips was fantastic.

After that I caught on fairly quickly and began to use every situation to my advantage. Reg retired when I was twenty one and I was then able to fully exploit my position. I had a bed installed in the corner of my office, officially for when I was working late, but I had my clients laying back on it more than I did.

I had a routine. When I'd told an eager actress about the role I could place her into, I then went into my spiel.

"Of course, honey, this is a tough business. There are two or three other excellent actresses in competition with you for this role. If you really want me to ring up the producer and recommend you, then you need to show me a good reason for doing so."

With a weary sigh my victim would see immediately what was required and I would be enjoying my blowjob about a minute later. What my young ladies didn't always appreciate was that it would not only be a blowjob. I have a strong sexual drive and always need to cum twice when I'm having sex. Therefore when, after I'd cum in their mouth, I began to strip them, there were usually objections. This never deterred me and, despite their reluctance, once I'd got my cock inside them, I always had them moaning in pleasure.

I think my success in satisfying the ladies was a lot to do with the size of my cock. Most of their pussies seemed quite tight and I suspect that, as I fucked them, I was stretching them a lot more than their partners usually did.

I suppose that it was inevitable that I would gain a reputation for my naughty behavior as much as for my talent in placing women. However, this was not always a disadvantage as most actresses had some idea what to expect before they came through my door.

I looked again at the package that Priscilla, my secretary, had just brought me. I had taken on Priscilla six months before when I knew that I had to have help to keep the business running smoothly. I'd interviewed two others before I saw Priscilla, both of whom answered my questions fairly well. I'd got a list of interview questions and answers off the internet and Priscilla hadn't done too well on the first couple. However, I thought I'd battle on as Priscilla looked the part of a secretary with a serious, though pretty face, with her hair tied up and wearing spectacles.

I got to the third question which was about what quality she thought was most important for a secretary. The answer I was looking for was 'efficiency'. I waited for her answer.

Priscilla just stood up, removed her dress and turned her back towards me, thrusting her ass back at me. A few minutes later I had her bent over the desk, fucking her from behind. She also readily accepted my need to fuck her again almost immediately. This time she was on her back on my desk with her legs over my shoulders. I grasped her thighs just above her stocking tops and fucked her until we both were shouting in our orgasms.

I, of course, immediately gave Priscilla the job. She was always there to fuck when I hadn't got an actress or dancer available and she was not a bad secretary either.

Priscilla left me to open the package on my own; inside was a short letter from my mom. It read:

'Dear Daniel,

I know that we did not part on good terms when you left, but this letter is not about me, it is about your sister.

Elspeth, who is now eighteen, wants to be an actress. She has written to a number of drama schools without success and is now worried about her future. I know that you have contacts that may be able to assist Elspeth and I am telling you now that I expect you to do something to help.

I am enclosing some recordings of her in her school play and in some community shows, which hopefully you can use.

I am sending Elspeth to see you at five o'clock next Tuesday, when I expect you to give her some good news.

Please, for once, do something useful in your life.


I smiled ruefully. It was not the friendliest of letters. There was no attempt to arrange for Elspeth to come to see me when it would be convenient for me. I sighed with resignation and began to play the recordings.

Wow, my sister was a natural. She clearly had a great deal of acting talent but on top of that she was a beautiful girl. Even in her theatrical costume I could see that she'd filled out very nicely, with a pair of tits that took after mom's. How on earth did the boys at school concentrate with her in their class? We'd never been that close as children, but looking at her beauty and her acting talent I felt very proud that she was my sister.

I thought immediately of how I could help her. I had a business contact, Josh, in New York who ran an off-Broadway theatre company. The company was for young actors and actresses and, as well as appearing in productions, the students received training which led to a formal drama degree. The fees were quite high, but it was possible for some students, who were particularly gifted, to have them paid through the theatre group's endowment fund and to receive help with accommodation etc. The theatre was internationally known with famous patrons such as Meryl Streep and Robert Redford. In addition, I knew that Josh would look after Elspeth. Josh was in a gay relationship and he, and his partner, George, acted like fathers to the girls in the company.

I sent the recordings immediately to Josh. Josh owed me some pretty big favors and, if he was not helpful, I decided that I would be forceful in reminding him of his obligations to me.

I got my reply a couple of days later and it was everything I could have hoped for. Josh was excited about Elspeth's potential. He could guarantee her a place on the course and furthermore assured me that she would receive a full grant from the endowment fund. It made me very pleased for Elspeth, but also reminded me that I needed to do some kind of further studying to complete my education, perhaps a correspondence course.

I was therefore feeling very good about myself as I sat in my office on Tuesday waiting for my sister to appear. In fact, I had seen her since I'd left home. I'd run across her at a party when she was sixteen and, although it was funny talking to her at first, we soon began chatting amicably. She told me that mommy, as she called her, was still mad at me, although Elspeth didn't understand why. She did say that mommy called me a disgusting dirty boy, but mommy hadn't explained to Elspeth why she called me that. Still it was good to see my little sis so happy and she seemed pleased that things had worked out alright for me.

At five o'clock, Priscilla opened my door and showed Elspeth into my office. Priscilla raised an eyebrow at me as she left, clearly thinking that I was now starting on much younger women. I laughed to myself as I thought about Priscilla's obvious misconstruction of the situation. However, I could understand Priscilla's misunderstanding. Elspeth was looking lovely, but also much younger than she had in the recordings. I had forgotten how made up she would have been for the parts she was playing. Now, with a pony tail, wearing sneakers, a short skirt and a tight T-shirt she looked every inch like the eighteen year-old schoolgirl she was. She looked like a teenage boy's dream. With her big tits and her long legs she was a mouthwateringly tasty girl. At twenty two, I suddenly felt very old.

She looked shy as she came towards me. I stepped forward and hugged her to me, feeling a real brotherly love towards her.

"Sis, you look great," I said smiling at her.

"Thanks Danny," she said, relaxing a bit.

"I'll try to help you Sis," I said, "but let's start by you telling me everything you've done and what you are looking for in a career."

So then she started talking and I quickly realized that she had a poor opinion of her own ability. She undersold herself, giving average descriptions of how she'd performed in her different parts. She'd been talking in a depressed voice for twenty minutes about her experiences when she started telling me of her ambitions. To say she was aiming low was an understatement. Her hope was to get on a local general course that covered a number of subjects of which drama would be one.

Whenever she mentioned drama or acting, her tone lifted for a moment. Acting was clearly the one thing she was desperate to do. I let her carry on pouring out her thoughts for a further ten minutes until she was finished.

She sat back opposite me, one delightful leg crossed over the other, looking woebegone, intending to listen politely to what I was going to say, but without any particular hope that I could help.

I started slowly, "Firstly Sis, I have studied the recordings. In my line of work, as you can imagine, I have a good idea of what is good and what's bad and I can tell you that you are good."

She sighed. She clearly thought I was only buttering her up to try to lift her confidence.

"Secondly, I'm not the only person who thinks you're good. I sent the recordings to a colleague in New York."

Elspeth's catch of breath was the first sign of animation I'd seen her show. New York, the very sound of the name of the Big Apple was enough to get her attention. Then I started to describe the off-Broadway theatre. I didn't have to say much, she knew all about it. She'd read the reviews of New York plays for years and knew all the theatres.

"They even have students who appear in the plays and study for a degree at the same time," she told me excitedly, thinking it was something I didn't know.

She clearly thought we were digressing from her potential future, but the New York theatres scene was something she loved discussing.

I was going to build up to it slowly, but as she was forever going off into a discussion on theatres generally, I cut to the end quickly.

"I can get you a placement there," I said abruptly.

She stared at me stunned.

She was breathless, "You can—get me?"

She couldn't get her words out in her excitement.

I deliberately made my voice slow and calm so that there would be no misunderstanding, "Yes, the Director of the Theatre has seen your recordings and has agreed that he can take you as a student if I put you forward."

"Oh Danny," she whispered, her eyes glistening, "thank you so much."

It was at this point that my brain went stupid. Whether I'd gone mad or whether it was out of sheer habit, I don't know, but I went into my spiel.

"Of course, Sis, this is a tough business. There are two or three other excellent girls in competition with you for this placement but-"

I was going to rescue myself from this lunacy by saying, "but I can guarantee that the placement is yours," but Elspeth didn't give me the chance.

As soon as I'd started my spiel, she'd shot out of her chair over to me and placed her left hand over my mouth, preventing me from finishing and giving her my intended reassurance.

She stared hard into my eyes and, breathing hard, said in a whisper, "I'm not stupid. I know how this business works. Mommy thinks I'm naïve, but I'm not. I'm no innocent girl. I know what's required."

I didn't know what the hell she was talking about until, with her right hand, she started undoing the buttons on my pants.

I felt trapped in my chair. Oh God, this was awful. I'd never intended this. I began shouting "No!" but her left hand muffled my cries. I was shaking my head violently from side to side but she was taking no notice. Having undone the buttons, she pushed her right hand inside the opening and grasped my cock, pulling it out.

I groaned, feeling ashamed that my little sister was now holding a very erect penis in her hand.

She bent her head forward and it was only at that point that she took her hand away from my mouth.

I groaned, "Nooo!" as she enclosed my mushroom head with her teenage mouth.

I remembered a friend telling me that there was something special about being given a blowjob by your sister. I now knew what he meant. It wasn't that Elspeth had a particularly good technique, it was the fact that my cock was in her mouth which I had known virtually all my life. She was sucking me slowly, purposefully, her eyes gazing up, locking into mine.

I groaned again. I couldn't help myself. She was licking round the rim of my helmet, then going back sucking it, sliding her lips backwards and forwards. I felt I was in a trance. My hands automatically went to the base of her ponytail and started pushing her head onto me. As she was sucking, she pushed my pants further down my legs until I was able to kick them away.

Now that I was completely free from the waist down, Elspeth's hands went to work. She pushed her right hand under me to feel my balls, so I pushed my ass forward. My ball sack now hung over the front of the chair and Elspeth was able to tickle them and squeeze them, heightening my pleasure.

I was now moaning and could see Elspeth's eyes, which were still locked on mine, glint in satisfaction as she heard me. Elspeth was doing an excellent job. She clearly knew that a man's helmet was the most important part of his anatomy and she was sucking my sensitive glans voraciously.

Although I intended to be gentle, I found that I was automatically tightening my grip on her ponytail and pushing her head so that my helmet was nudging the back of her throat. Although Elspeth seemed unsure on what she was supposed to do, she could sense that I wanted my cock to slide further in. I could see a look of determination on her face as she relaxed her throat muscles, allowing me to penetrate as far as I could. I pulled my cock out to her lips and pushed it right to the back of her throat again. It felt fantastic. Seeing how much I was enjoying it, Elspeth squeezed and tickled my balls to enhance my pleasure as I continued to fuck her throat.

I wanted it to last forever, but I felt my climax nearing. "Sis, I'm cumming!" I groaned and Elspeth pulled me out of her throat to just inside her mouth, lathering my mushroom head with her tongue as I shot my jizz.

She was swallowing my cum as best she could but, when she realized I had finished, she got up quickly and walked into my washroom. I could hear her washing her mouth out, clearly finding her first mouthful of cum quite a shock.

I stood up and buttoned up my pants, waiting for her return. As she walked out of the washroom towards me, she obviously felt that she had performed as required. I held my arms out to give her, what she assumed would be, a last hug, but I had other intentions. When Sis had walked into my office, I was never intending that we would have any kind of sexual activity. However, the blowjob now meant that I saw her in a completely different light. She might have been a schoolgirl, but she had the curves of a sensual woman, with a beautiful face.

I pulled her hard into me so that I could feel her breasts against my chest. She involuntarily tightened slightly as she felt my body touching her. "Kiss me!" I whispered into her ear.

She turned her head to give me a peck on the lips, but I put a hand on the back of her head so that she could not pull away. As our lips were touching I pushed my tongue inside her mouth. She didn't know how to respond but eventually moved her tongue against mine. After we'd done this for a minute I moved my mouth to her ear and began to whisper to her."Sis, you're going to be a successful stage artist."

As I whispered these words I moved my hands up the back of her T-shirt so they were resting on her bra fastener. I could feel Elspeth tensing in response.

"The other Broadway theatres will probably want to borrow you for their productions."

I'd unclipped her bra at the back before I'd finished my sentence.

"Although you're relatively young, your body is well developed."

As I whispered these last words, I slid my right hand around to the front and grasped her young full left breast. She gasped but didn't try to push me off. She clearly didn't know what to do as I started squeezing and fondling her tit.

"Put your hands around my neck," I whispered.

Elspeth slowly complied. She was in a sort of trance, thinking of her future, being aware of what I was doing and probably hoping I wouldn't take it much further, but I was now not to be distracted from my goal. I brought the other hand round to the front and began to fondle both her breasts at once, feeling her young nipples blossoming in my fingers. Her breathing was becoming heavier as I continued my whispering.

"Of course, you'll probably go into television."

I could feel Elspeth starting to relax as my friendly fingers did their work on her tits and I fed her imagination. As her body became less tense, I put my hands down, lifted her skirt and pushed my hands under the elastic of her panties to grab her buttocks. They were delightful. Not as big as I remembered mom's looked to be, but well-rounded and firm. As I pulled her towards me she would have felt my boner pressing against her. I carried on whispering.

"Then, of course, you'll move into films."

Elspeth seemed to be in a very happy trance as she was envisaging her career on stage, television and films. This was the perfect moment for the next crucial stage as I pushed my right hand down her panties at the front and slid my fingers between her legs. Her pussy was already moist from my tit fondling, but now, massaging her clitoris, I was able to get her really juicy.

As I felt her arms weakening round my neck, I started walking her backwards slowly to the bed. When I reached the bed I gently pushed her back and pulled her panties off quickly. I left her sneakers and socks on as I couldn't wait to get my cock inside her as soon as possible. She lay on the bed, a picture of schoolgirl loveliness.

I parted her legs and, quickly taking off my pants and boxers, placed my raging boner at her entrance. It was at this moment that she seemed to start realizing what I was about to do and started pushing herself up. I thought quickly and then said in a loud voice.

"Mommy will be so pleased when you are a film star."

As I said the last two words I thrust my boner hard inside her. Elspeth shrieked, "MOMMY!!"

I didn't know if her shriek was a cry for help or a realization that her mother would be proud of her. At that moment I didn't care.

Although she was well lubricated by my clitoris massage, my cock had only penetrated her about two inches. I realized that, although probably not a virgin, my sister had never encountered such a cock as big as mine. I pulled back and thrust hard inside her again, this time spearing through another inch. Each of my thrusts brought another shriek.

"Oh God Sis," I groaned, "you're so hot, juicy and tight."

I continued ramming into her, thrust after thrust, gaining more and more penetration. Finally, I was inside her to the hilt. I pushed up her T-shirt and began licking and gobbling her nipples. As I licked away, I could feel Elspeth trying to move her pelvis, trying to fuck me.

My mouth reluctantly left her breasts and I looked at her face. It was beautifully flushed, making her eyes bluer than ever as she gasped for breath. She was pushing back at me, trying to maximize the pleasure she was now involuntarily undergoing.

"You're going to be a film star, Sis," I gasped. Although I was thinking that, at that moment, she was just a slutty schoolgirl being well fucked by her older brother.

I'd got her in a sexual heaven and I knew I could do what I liked with her. I grasped an ankle in each hand and pushed her legs wide and back. I was slicing into her and she was screaming in her pleasure. I leant forward and pushed my tongue in her mouth. This time there was no reticence. She wrestled my tongue eagerly as she pushed back in time with my thrusts.

As our mouths broke away Elspeth screamed, "FUCK ME, FUCK ME, YOU BASTARD FUCK ME!!"

If I was surprised by her language, I wasn't surprised at her begging to be fucked. She was desperate to have me continue to fuck her as deep and hard as possible. I could tell that she was approaching her climax and, as I pushed a finger into her mouth, she bit hard on it as she orgasmed.

With a loud groan I started shooting my jizz deep inside her. We gripped each other in our sexual spasms and were both moaning as we held each other. We just lay there embracing for a few minutes. I held her tenderly, thinking what a wonderful girl she was. Elspeth was obviously also thinking nice thoughts about me as she said, "Danny, that was wonderful."

After a pause she continued, "Mommy and I are renting a holiday cottage for a week. You could come with us. Mommy has her riding lessons in the morning so we could make love while she's out. In the afternoons, I am booked into a local drama group, but we'd all be together in the evening as a family."

"That's a nice idea, Sis," I said, "but mommy and I don't get on, so I think I'll give it a miss."

Elspeth thrust out her bottom lip in disappointment and said, "But mommy will be so pleased that you've found me this theatre placement, she'll be fine with you."

As Elspeth talked about mom being pleased, I felt irritated. Mom would feel that she'd won in forcing me to help Elspeth and I found that really annoying. I turned to Elspeth looking serious.

"Don't tell mommy your success just yet. Come back next Wednesday when I'll have all the paperwork for you to sign and then tell her when you get home. In the meantime just tell her that there is a possible placement but I've said I'll let you know."

Elspeth looked disappointed that she couldn't tell mom just yet, but did reluctantly agree. Her final comment was: "I think mommy could do with some good news. She seems so bad tempered at the moment. I think it's because she needs a man. She hasn't dated for at least two years and I think she's frustrated."


The next Tuesday I was just putting the papers together for Elspeth to sign the following day, when Priscilla opened my office door. I assumed she was coming in so we could have some fun together. She knew I hadn't had sex for two days and was feeling horny. We'd been making fruity comments to each other all day and the innuendo had got us both worked up so that we were both looking forward to a good fucking. However, she had not opened the door for that reason.

As she held the door open, my mom came sweeping into my office. She clearly hadn't introduced herself to my secretary as Priscilla didn't announce her name. After hesitating, I nodded to Priscilla that she could leave us. As Priscilla was closing the door, she raised an eyebrow at me, similarly to how she had done with Elspeth, only this time clearly thinking that I was now starting on much older women.

I suppose mom was an older woman. She was now forty two, but looked just as good as when she was younger. Her long black hair was now probably shorter than the last time I'd seen her, but as it was tied up in a bun, it was difficult to tell. Her face showed no signs of ageing and, with her defined cheek bones, looked as beautiful as ever. She wore a tight simple black cocktail dress which showed her magnificent curves. Her breasts looked to be even bigger than ever, pushing out the material. Her ass, I could see, was still kept in trim by her horse riding. The shelf above her buttocks indicated how big, strong and round her ass was. Her legs were covered in nylon that appeared to be beige. Her high heeled stiletto shoes made her elegant.

However, the expression on her face was not that of a loving mom, but was looking more like the angry face I remembered from when I walked out four years before. She glared at me.

"How dare you! You complete piece of shit!"

I thought immediately that she must know about the sex that Elspeth and I had enjoyed. I started mumbling defensively, "I-I am s-sorry but -"

She cut me off with a snarl, "Poor Elspeth is so naïve, but as soon as she told me that you had said you'd 'let her know', I knew you had no intention of helping her at all."

I suddenly felt indignant in the attack on my integrity which for once was unwarranted. I straightened my back and looked her proudly in the face and in a hurt dignified voice said, "I'll have you know that -"

But she cut me off again. "I knew that with a scoundrel of a son like you, I would have to go to extreme measures to make sure you contributed to your family's welfare."

She was making me irritated now, but I let her continue. She did look a creature of beauty standing there.

"Now listen to me Daniel. You are going to do whatever is necessary to place Elspeth in a good placement, so that she can at least try to achieve her ambition of being an actress."

I smirked at her. She didn't know that I had already sorted out a superb placement for my young sister. I waited now to see how mom thought she was going to make me do what she wanted.

Mom took a deep breath and then said, "I remember that disgusting way you used to look at me when you lived at home. I gather, from what I've heard from rumors about you and your clients, that nothing has changed in your perverted desires. Now you will do for Elspeth what I ask and in return I will give you what you want. I've no doubt that you have been fantasizing about me for the last four years."

My mouth was dry as I said in a quiet voice, "I don't know what you are talking about."

It was mom's turn to smirk now as she said sarcastically, "Oh really?"

With those words mom reached behind her neck, unclipped the top of her dress and unzipped it, letting it fall to the floor. I gasped in my excitement. Mom was wearing the same green underwear that I had taken out of her drawer that day that she had come home and caught me.

The bra looked tight, with her ample breasts spilling over the top. Her tits must have got even bigger I thought, as I stared at her. I recognised the panties and the garter belt. Even the stockings were the same beige color as the ones I had wrapped around my dick on that day. The pink flesh showing above her stocking tops and under her garter straps was mouthwatering.

I steadied myself and said in as strong a voice as I could muster, "I still don't know what you are talking about. I have not thought about you at all since I left home."

Mom was still smirking as she walked towards me and undid my trouser belt, unbuttoning the front and pushing my pants down my thighs. My boner sprang out, freed from its constraints. As mom grasped it with her right hand she whispered, "Looks like you're a liar as well as a pervert."

I groaned in admission, my arms hanging limply by my sides, as mom squeezed my throbbing cock and whispered, "So, do we have a deal?"

Mom waited until I dumbly nodded an assent, then let go my cock and put both hands behind her to unhitch her bra, releasing those big wonderful breasts.

I sobbed in my emotional excitement as I eagerly reached forward grasping those succulent melons. As my fingers were mauling and squeezing those magnificent globes, her areolae swelled, thrusting out her firm nipples. I bent my head quickly, licking, gobbling and sucking those tasty teats.

Mom held my head to her breasts and commented sarcastically, "God, you're still the disgusting little boy you always were!"

After a minute of manic tit mauling, I moved my hands down to feel her buttocks while continuing to suck her nipples, gorging myself on her wonderful breasts.

"That's it," says mom, still with her sarcastic tone, "grab my ass you pervert, you know you've always wanted to."

I didn't need inviting. I slipped my hands under her panties and grasped her butt, squeezing it and pulling her towards me. My fingers intertwined with her garter straps as I felt her ass muscles reacting to my gripping hands. With my fingers inside her panties, I started sliding them round her hips to her pussy, but she pushed me back off her.

"Lie back on the bed." Her voice had a commanding tone.

Stripping off all my clothes I lay naked back on my bed with nervous expectation. Mom walked up to the foot of the bed and pushed her panties down her legs and on the floor. I looked on in excitement at her neatly trimmed dark pubic hair.

She'd carried her handbag over to the bed and now she reached into it to pull out a plastic bottle with Astroglide written on the front. I knew this to be a bottle of sex lube and my cock was rock hard in expectation. Mom squeezed a good dollop on her hand and then reached forward to wrap her hand around my boner, stroking the unctuous gel all over my throbbing hard phallus. She hadn't commented on the size of my cock when she'd first gripped it, but I knew with pride that she must have been noting its girth.

I thought that she would swing a leg over and straddle me, but she was clearly doubtful of her ability to impale herself on it. Instead, she came around to my side and lay on top of me. I was shaking with excitement as I felt the weight of her body, but mom never said a word. Once in position, she carefully pushed herself back until the tip of my boner was at her entrance. Her face up to now had shown no emotion, but I could see her grimace as she carefully pushed back, allowing my helmet to slide between her pussy lips.

She was tight, and I gasped in delight as she pushed back again and again, each time inserting me a little further. I wasn't sure if my tit fondling had moistened her at all, but certainly the sex lube was providing all the lubrication she needed. Eventually I was fully embedded and she pushed herself upright to properly start the sex act she'd committed to. Now in position she commenced fucking me.

Although her action was mechanical rather than erotic, I didn't care. She had obviously planned this carefully and was staring ahead, refusing to acknowledge what she was doing. Well I wasn't going to be mechanical. I slid my hands along her stockinged thighs and pinged her garter straps, letting my hands linger on those exposed thighs above her stocking tops.

At this action she sneered, "I knew you had a fetish for nylon when I caught you jacking yourself off with my stockings. You are disgusting!"

I smiled and just lay back enjoying her pumping her hips, my boner sliding in and out of her.

I'm sure she'd meant to remain silent but she couldn't help herself. "Is this you're fantasy come true, Daniel, being fucked by your mother? Well you'd better make the most of it, because after today you're never going to see me again."

At that moment, I didn't care what she said, I was in paradise. I sensed that her thrusts were becoming quicker and longer, pushing forwards and backwards a little more each time so that my boner was sliding further in and out with each thrust. I assumed that she was trying to encourage me to cum quickly, but I'd been fucked by ambitious actresses many times in this position and I knew I could hold off.

It was at this moment that I noticed she was breathing more heavily and that her face looked prettily flushed. I sensed that she was losing control of the situation and that she was beginning to realize it.

I grinned as I said, "Elspeth said that 'mommy hasn't dated for two years', so you must have really needed this sex."

Mom's eyes opened wide as she grasped that she was losing control. "You fucking bastard!" she whispered bitterly.

Mom's comment was not only because of my perceptive words, but also because I had moved my hands under her buttocks and was exaggerating her pelvic movements, so that my boner was moving in and out of her with longer and longer strokes.

She was now pumping me madly and I let go her buttocks to grasp both her tits, squeezing and pinching her nipples. Mom now lost it completely, fucking me like a lunatic and screaming obscenities.

I now had her at my mercy and I grabbed her hair, forcing her mouth down to mine. Our kissing was electric as we excitedly explored each other's mouths. When we broke away we were both gasping for air.

Mom was nearing her climax and she pushed herself up to grab the bedrail above me. Now she could ram herself on my hot boner. Her vagina was raking up and down my love pole. After a few agonized final pushes down on me she gave her loudest scream and I knew she was about to cum. I quickly brought my mouth to her right nipple and sucked hungrily; at the same time I allowed my body to enjoy my own climax. As mom orgasmed, her vagina muscles contracted, sucking up my shooting spurts of cum deep inside her.

With her orgasm completed, mom collapsed next to me on the bed. It had all gone wrong for her, but at least she believed that she had earned her daughter a theatre placement. She thought it was all over but then found me maneuvering her, pushing her so that she was kneeling, facing the bed rail. From the commanding mother who had first entered my office, I now had a slut mom and I was determined to exploit her to the full.

I grabbed the bottle of lube and squirted a dollop on her ass crack. As I slid my fingers into her asshole, mom suddenly decided to object. "Get off me," she said bitterly.

I whispered harshly to her. "If you want Elspeth to have a good placement, you will do what I want."

Mom groaned as she realized that she had no choice but to submit. She grabbed the bed rail, tense with apprehension.

I pushed my mushroom head slowly into her anal opening. Mom was whimpering. Once I'd got a few inches inserted, I held her stable by her hips and commenced a steady fuck of her asshole. My hips were slapping against her butt cheeks as my cock slid in and out of her anal sheath.

I gasped, "Oh God mom, I've dreamed so many times of fucking you in the ass!"

There was no answer from mom, as she gritted her teeth and accepted my violation. I decided to be crueler. I moved my hand to her hair bun and grasped her head pulling it back. At the same time I said in a smooth voice: "By the way, there was no need for you to do any of this. I've already booked Elspeth on a very good course at a New York theatre, but I wasn't going to turn down an invitation to fuck you."

Mom's groan of realization was loud. She'd satisfied her sex mad son for nothing. I grinned as I started pounding her hard; the slap of my thighs on her ass cheeks now sounding like bullet shots. Mom was screaming, but also, I noted, pushing back, returning my thrusts.

Fuck, this was fabulous. Mom was now gripping the bed rail in her determination to force her ass on my dick. Although I had her head gripped, it was her who was arching her back, thrusting up her ass for my impaling cock.

I could feel I was cumming and so was mom. As I felt the cum unloading from my balls up my boner, I reached underneath mom and grabbed her big breasts which were hanging like large melons. We both spasmed together, before collapsing in each other's arms on the bed.

As we lay there, I could feel that we were holding each other in what I could only call a loving way. After a minute of silence, mom whispered, "You broke my heart the day you left home."

I held her tightly for a moment before I whispered in reply, "It broke my heart to leave."

We gently kissed and lay there enjoying our moment of making up.

t was mom who broke the silence in the end. "Elspeth and I are renting a holiday cottage for a week. You could come with us. I have my riding lessons in the morning, but in the afternoons Elspeth is booked into a local drama group, so we could make love while she's out. In the evenings we'd all be together as a family."

I held my breath. Fucking Elspeth all morning then mom all afternoon sounded challenging even for me. But then I thought, what the hell!

"Count me in," I said with a smile. "It sounds great."