Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3473 - SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS


Ho! Ha-ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!...Wham!"

As Daffy's bill got bent I laughed. Reaching over to the table, I picked up my cup of coffee and took a cautious sip, still was just a bit too hot, then I go back to the bowl of Cheerios.

"Thought I heard someone down here," I heard whispered.

Looking over the back of the couch, I saw my younger sister, Gwen. She smiled seeing me. She looked to the TV and shook her head.

"Are you ever going to grow up. Two years at college and you're still up watching Saturday morning cartoons and stuffing your face with cereal."

"So ask-uth the eighteen year old girl in the Hello Kitty pajamas." I gave the far-too-small top and bottoms a look. "You got those when you were what, Thirteen?"

"Hey...I like my pajamas. They're comfortable to sleep in." She walked around and grabbed up my coffee cup. I was about to protest till I saw her just breathing in the smell of it.

"Oh god, you made coffee. You have no idea how much I've missed this smell." She breathed in deep the steam.

"Would you and the coffee like a room?" I asked sarcastically hearing her moan.

She sat it down with reluctance.

"Don't tempt me. You have no idea how much I've missed it these last two weeks."

I looked at Gwen with an eyebrow lifted.

"I'm grounded,"she explained.

I blinked at her for a second.

"From coffee?" I asked, not sure I'm hearing her right.


"Why...?" I kind of gestured with my spoon for her to explain.

"I lied to mom about where I was going. I told her I was going to Starbucks with Jennifer and then Jennifer came by after I left." Gwen shrugged. "Busted."

"So where were you?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"I was down at the lake with Jeremy."

"Why didn't you tell her that?" I asked, not understanding.

"Yoik's and away!...BAM!"

I chuckled as Daffy smacked the tree.

"She caught me skinny dipping with Jeremy at the lake a month back. I'm forbidden to see him any more." She was eying my coffee with a near lust. "Or go to the lake."

"Gwendolyn Victoria Robert's you naught girl!" I said, trying to pitch my voice like our mother's.

"Yoik's... and away!...BAM!"

She chuckled and shrugged. Her eyes went back to the coffee, her hand was starting to shake like a drug junky needing her fix.

"Oh, for goodness sakes. Here!" I handed her the cup, and even though it was still nearly scalding, she tossed it back in one long sip. "Now go get me some more. I left better than half-a-pot in the kitchen."

Her eyes went the size of saucers, and she hurried off.

"Sweet and white!" I called after her.

"Yoik's.... and.... away!...BAM!"

Chasing the last of the little 'O' around the milk at bottom of my bowl I cleaned the spoon in my mouth and set it and the bowl aside. After a moment I looked to the kitchen. I could almost picture her filling and emptying my cup, over and over.

"Any day now," I called that way.

"Keep your voice down!" she said to me in a loud whisper. She handed me the cup and plopped down on the couch next to me. "Mom and dad are asleep."

"No, they're not. They went to the lake to go fishing early this morning. With Helen and Tom and their three hellions." I took a sip of my coffee. She had it nearly the way that I liked it. "They asked if I wanted to go but the flight still has me lagged. I asked about you, but Mom said you wouldn't want to go. I see why now. You and lake water causes your clothes to melt away."

"Funny ha, ha... Wait. They're not here?" she asked suddenly.

"That's what I said. Dad told me to keep an eye out on you that you've been getting...buck wild...was, I think the phrase he used."

"Could you take me over to Jeremy's house?" she asked in a quick near-panicked voice.

I just stared at her for a moment then shook my head.

"Not taking you to see any guy that gets you swimming naked at the lake." I took a second slow sip of my coffee. "Why, what's the rush? He have a home espresso machine?"

She blushed to her Hello Kitty top. The sudden color was enough to even distract me from the beginning of the Two Mouseketeers.

My eyebrows climbed towards my bangs.

"Okay, what brought that on?" I asked turning in the seat to look at her fully.

"En garde, me sir pussy cat!"

Grabbing the remote, I muted the cartoon.

The blush wasn't fading.


"Not really your business," she said, a bit tartly, looking away from me. Her eyes came to focus almost unblinking on the little, now silent Mouse d'Artagnan.

I looked her over for several seconds then a grin started to appear on my lips. I chuckled...then I laughed. I was soon clutching my sides they hurt so much.

She looked back at me clearly getting pissed.

"What?" she finally shouted.

"I cannot believe you had the nerve to ask me to take you to your boyfriends so you can have sex with him!"

"I didn't say that!" she blushed even more deeply.

"Sis, you might as well have screamed it." I hid my laughter behind my hand a bit. "I'm taking drama remember. I'm learning how to read faces, expressions. You might just as well yelled it from the roof tops."

She looked away for a moment, then went to get up.

"Hey don't leave," I said my voice suddenly serious.

She looked at me for a half-second then started to walk off again.

"Gwen...Gwen I'm sorry...that I laughed. Okay, I get it. To you it's something serious." I held out my hands palms up "Sorry."

She nodded and slowly moved to sit back down.

"So you'll take me?" she asked after a few seconds.

"Ah... Not no, but oh hell no!"

Chuckling softly, I watched her get up, storm out the room and up the hall to her bedroom.. She slams the door to her room hard enough to rattle the good china in the dining room hutch.

I looked back at the screen just in time to see Jerry Mouse look at the camera and shrug.

I snorted at the perfect timing of that and nodded to him.

"Yea, I agree. Fucked if I know."

I got up, went to the kitchen and poured out the last of the coffee. Carrying it with me, I went to her door and knocked.

"Go fuck off!"

"Peace offering." I said through to door. My finger tips lightly scratch the door.

After a moment she opened the door, and I waved the cup in front of her face, while blowing the scent towards her.

She took a deep breath, her eyes closing, and an ecstatic expression crossed her face.

"You really are an ass."

I shrugged.

"Well, you are what you eat," I said, then slowly grinned at the look on her face that appeared. "Now... you drink, we talk. Agreed?"

She eyed the coffee then slowly nodded.


The door opened and I walked into her room. The boy band posters had changed, but other than a few more unicorns, the room looked about the same as it did when I left for college.

I moved a purple horny horse out the way and sat on the corner of her bed.

"So how long?" I asked, after she took her first sip. Looking over her shoulder, I saw she was updating her Facebook page.

"How long what?" she asked.

"How long, has my little baby sister, been having sex?" I said it as plainly as I could.

"Not really your business," she said, giving me a look. "I'm eighteen. I'm old enough to be having one, so stay out of my sex life."

"Does he treat you right?" I asked, looking her in the eye. "Does he respect you afterwards... or to him are you just there for sex? Does he ever call and ask if you want to just go see a movie, or is it always let's go here and fuck, or there and fuck?"

I watched her mouth twitch for a half-second, and then she turned away, fiddling with her Facebook page again.

"You might as well answer me. I can read your face like a book now," I told her softly.

"I wish you wouldn't do that. Sex is supposed to be private. Just him and me. I shouldn't even be talking with you about this," she said not looking at me.

"Why not? Because he said so, or because you're a bit ashamed of what you're doing?" She looked over at me quickly, then looked away just as quick. "Ah... so it's both."

"Would you stop that!" she screamed at me.

I shrugged.

"It's not like I control it anymore. It's almost a reflex. Never mind it... Look, Gwen... I'll be as open and as honest with you as I can. You can ask me anything, and I'll give you a true answer. Yeah, sex is private. Yeah, it's your body, and I have no right to know what you're doing with it, but I'm still your older brother. I worry about you. It's kind of part of my job description. I don't like the idea of you with someone that's just using you."

"He loves me!" she said fiercely.

"Really? I've been back home since yesterday. I haven't seen him. The one time I was in love it was like we were joined at the hip." I paused, then my lips quirked. "I guess in a way we were ...well, from time to time."

Gwen was just looking at me.

"When was this?" she asked with a bit of a tone.

Almost... jealous?

"Right after I left for college. I met her in line, on the first day. We were both getting signed up for drama." I shrugged.

"Why haven't I heard anything about her?" Gwen all but demanded.

My face, if less schooled, would have been showing a whole lot of things right then.

"Because we broke up."

"I thought you were in love?" she asked sarcastically.

"I was...she wasn't."

Gwen sat silently for a second, and then I saw her face shift.

"I'm sorry."

I shrugged.

"It's okay. I got over it. It hurt...still does some days, but that's what this little game is about. Now back to your hopping into bed with Jeremy. How long?"

She took a slow, deep breath.

"About six months."

"So I turn my back for one second, and this is what happens?" I asked, jokingly.

She made a face, I could see the demand to get out her room forming.

"My little sister becomes a woman," I said softly. "Wonder what else I'm missed around here. Look...I'll be honest with you like I said. Any questions? Mary wasn't my first. I had a few other girls before her. I can kind of give some good advice... I guess. If nothing else on what you need to look for in a guy that's just out for"

She laughed.

"Can't even say 'pussy' in front of me? Lot of help you're going to be." She gave her head a shake.


She looked up.

"Out for pussy." I took a breath, as I suddenly realized just how hard this little talk may become "Now... I can't help when I don't know, so fill me in. What's going on?"

She shrugged and took a sip of the coffee to hide her nerves. Caffeine for nerves. Good idea.

"He and I started to date right after you left. It was just movies and burger dates at first then some kissing. Then one night we stopped by his house to get a jacket he had left and needed to take to his friend's house. He invited me in, and then we got to talking."

"His parents weren't there...and he showed you his etchings?" I shook my head.


I chuckled. I couldn't help it.

"It's an old trick. You get the girl to come back to your place, and then you work your way around to the 'have your ever done it before' question. Right?"

She nodded.

"So...wham, bam, thank you Gwen, and you're left wondering was that it?" At her nod, I smiled "Then he invites you back over one afternoon, again no parents...plenty of time to play. Explore. Show you the ropes, teach you a few things he likes. Yeah?"

She nodded, then looked away.

"I've been played haven't I?" she asked then.

I suddenly felt like shit.

"Look, I can't say for full certain...I've never even met the guy. He may really be in love with you."

"He's in love with fucking me," she said then went very quiet. Her hand became a tight fist by her mouth. I saw rage tears building at her eyes. She smacked the top of her desk hard enough to make the coffee slosh out of the cup. "God damn him."

"Oh fuck," I said softly as she started to cry.

Sliding off the bed, I reached over to the arm of her chair, and pulled it to me, the little casters squeaking. She came to me with no resistance. I wrapped her in my arms.

"It will be okay. I know it hurts," I whispered next to her head.

"That sack of shit," she said, through her tears, into my chest.

"Shuu." I held her head to me as she cried. Her fist would occasionally give my chest a little pop that I ignored. "It's going to be okay."

I held her to me and just let her cry for a few moments while I tried to order just how I want to say this.


"What?" she asked with a sniffle.

"I want you to listen to me now okay?"

She looked up. I brushed her tears away with my thumbs. She sniffled, and I reached over and pulled her out a few tissues from the box next to her computer.

"Yeah, he lied to you. He did. I want to you to remember what this feels like. Think you can do that?" I nodded with her. " I want you to remember it because every guy you meet, till you meet one that truly falls in love with you, is going to tell you that same lie."

Her face took on an unbelieving look.

I nodded at the truth of what I had said..

"It's true. You will not meet a guy in this world that's first thought on seeing you will not be 'I'd like to fuck the shit out of her.' I absolutely promise you that. Every guy. We will all take one look at you, with this sexy body you've got, and go 'Damn, I want to tap that.' Now..."

I took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. "What you have to do is look at all these guys that want to do that as either something to play with... or not. must become your play toys. Don't let us play with you on our terms. It's your body we're it by your rules."

She had her head tilted just looking at me.

"If you see a guy and think he's cute... sure why not? Take him to bed. Get as much pleasure out of it as you can. When he calls back wanting more... tell him no." I smiled at her. "Or yes if you're horny. Just do it on your terms."

"Every guy?"

I chuckled.

"Sis, I honestly can't look at a woman and not have that thought go through my head. I look at her face, then her breasts as she walks towards me, then her ass as she walks past." I shrugged and smiled. "Honestly...when a woman walks past me the first thought that comes to mind is about how much I would like to fuck the hell out of her ass."

"So, you're saying every guy will look at me like I'm a piece of meat?"

"Nope. Like you're a sex toy." I paused, and my lips quirked. "Although, I suppose that for a few of us, the piece of meat thing is maybe closer because we would like to eat you. At least first, then I guess it would be a matter of playing with our food."

She blushed beautiful at that. After a moment I saw her ire started to build again.

"So guys will look at me like I'm a toy...and your saying I should look at them the same way? So I need to think like a guy?"

"Sun Tzu the Art of War. Know thy enemy as you know yourself." Smiling, I shrugged. "All is fair in love and war."

"I don't know that I want to think like that," she said, looking away from me.

"Well, that's up to you, but Gwen you're about to head off to college. Trust me when I say that the guys there very much do think that way. To most of them it's a game they play, with very little care for what your heart endures. They will tell you a head full of lies that will make Jeremy look like he's in kindergarten compared to them. They will fuck you then break your heart just to see the expression on your face."

"How do you know this?" she asked me suddenly.

I paused and took a deep breath.

"Because not only guys play this game at college."

She looked at me for a second, and then her mouth dropped open.

Suddenly, I had my sister in my arms hugging me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry she did that to you."

Chuckling, I held Gwen to me. Just how warm and soft she was, I found disturbing.

"It's okay. I got over it. Learned from my mistake and moved on." I gave a half-shrug at the look on her face. "Hey, the more of life you live, the better actor you can be after all. How could I play a guy with a broken heart if I never had mine broken?"

She sat looking at me for a few seconds then moved back into her seat. I watched the gears at work behind her eyes processing what I had told her.

"So, from now on, I get to go through life knowing that every guy I meet wants just to use me. That sucks big brother."

My hands express what can you do about it. After a moment of silence, I smiled.

"Given how desperately you were wanting to go over there I take it you like sex?" I said more than asked.

She looked up quickly, then blushed.

"I'll take that as a yes. Well...that's a good thing. Sex is one of the few things on this planet that's fun to do and free. It's also good for you. Hell, that's almost unheard of. If it weren't for the prudes we would probably have Sexersize clubs all over the country. Hell, I would sign up for that in seconds. Get laid and tone up at the same time."

She giggled.

"It would sure put Weight Watchers out of business," she said smiling.

"True but then...thinking about it...Richard Simmon's Sweating to the Oldies would have been too horrible to even think about it." I grinned, then chuckled at the sudden disgusted look on her face.

She started to laugh, and I joined her.

After a moment when the laughter died down I looked up to find her looking at my face.


"You said we...and us...when you were talking about guys looking at me and wanting to have sex with me. Did you mean to say it that way?"

I looked at her and smiled.

"I said I would be honest so...yea. If you weren't my sister, I would be doing everything in my power right now to talk you out of those pajamas." I smiled. "You've grown into quite a sexy woman Sis. I won't lie and say otherwise."

She blushed but looked flattered. Then I saw a strange look cross behind her eyes. Like some inner decision being made.

"How would you do that?" she asked, giving me a look. "Talk me out of my pajamas?"

My lips quirked.

"I don't know...maybe start with a compliment about your eyes."

She snickered.

"That's kind of lame."

With sudden intensity my eyes went to her face. After a second, seeing the startled expression surface, I tilted my head a bit and slowly let my eyes take in her whole face. I let my eyes briefly drop then go quickly back to her face.

"You have the most beautiful eyes." My hand lifted to her face, the back of my fingers brushed her cheek. I followed the line of her jaw to her chin and lifted her profile into the light. Her hair fell back out the way. "But I guess that's appropriate. They match your face."

I let my hand lift her chin a bit more as I moved forwards a step. Gwen's lips were aligned with mine. I needed only lean in to kiss her.

As she noticed this, her lips parted a bit and her breath quickens. Her face flushed, but not with blush. Her tongue slipped out to quickly wet her lips.

"When a man compliments you, he can't lie. A woman would hear the lie for what it is. You... would... know. If I told you even a simple compliment, one without really meaning it you would be able to tell."

" mean it? I have beautiful eyes?" she asked softly.

I smiled at my sister's vanity.

" have very beautiful eyes."

She again licked her lips, making them shine.

"What should I do? When a guy gives me that type of compliment?" she asked, her eyes not leaving mine.

"Well, you have to decide. Not whether to believe what he's said. Like I said it has to be the truth." I tilted my head a bit. "YOU have to decide if you like the way he looks enough to maybe want to have sex with him."

"And when I decide that?" she asked quickly.

"Thank him for the compliment."

She looked down for a second then back up at my face. She slowly smiled.

"Thank you."

She looked at me for a second then bit her bottom lip, her teeth pulling one side of it between them till it slipped free.

"Then what?"

"Well, he's already touched you..." I shrugged then glanced to my chest. She didn't read the hint though.


Smiling, I brushed her face again.

"Again, that depends on what you want. If you're still figuring out if you want him, then maybe on his chest."

I took her hand and guided it to rest on my chest.

"Can you feel my heart beat?" I asked after a moment.

She swallowed and nodded.

"This is always a good sign if the guy is interested. That he has a heartbeat means he is."

She lifted her hand away and popped my chest lightly.

"Ass!"she called me, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Oh, yes. He will be interested in that." I caught her hand and made it hold tight to my chest over my heart. "You will met very few guys that won't be interested in your ass, in fact."

"What is it with guys and that? Jeremy has already asked me to let him try doing it back there."

Fighting down a surge of anger, I shrugged. I didn't let it show on my face, but thoughts of going to beat the crap out of this guy began to form.

"To a guy it feels incredible. It's hot...there is also a bit of power play going on. I mean it gives a hell of a rush to a guy when we have a woman under us moaning and begging and well, when... you're in her ass your pretty well sure ...she's not faking it." I smiled at the look on her face. "Plus for some it's a personal kink. Those get started young in life and you're not really in charge of them. You're attracted to something just...because you are."

She looked down for a second then nodded.

"Okay, I can understand that. Does it feel good? For the girl I mean."

I just looked at her. I knew she was still feeling my pulse beat under her fingers. I wonder if she had noticed it getting faster. This little chat had me more than a bit turned on. I was starting to notice things. Like the fact she didn't have a bra on under that clingy top. That her nipples were causing those darker points in the fabric. I quickly looked back to her face lest she caught me looking.

I figured if she noticed, that I would suffer death by fuzzy unicorn stoning.

I took a deep breath and decided how to answer her question.

"No." I smiled at her startled expression. "Not the first time. Probably not the second. Maybe a little by the third time. Get the trend? It's kind of like drinking beer or smoking. The first time you try it you're wondering how anyone could want to do this. Then you try it again, and it's not quite so bad. Before you know it you're a six pack a night and two pack a day chain smoker. It's the same with...anal sex."

"For the girl?"

"Oh, yeah. For the guy it feels awesome the first time and never gets worse. Hell, our biggest problem with it is that girls don't want to do it more often." I grinned, then my eyebrows kind of shrugged. "Trust me, you will be begged to do it."

"So you've done it? Anal?" She looked at me with a slow sly grin.

I smiled and nodded.

"You are what you eat?" she asked with a grin.

That I blushed a bit was a surprise to me. I kind of shrugged and grinned.

She started to chuckle. I noticed then that she was trying to move her hand under mine. I took mine away and her fingers started to roam my chest. Exploring the muscles that the days pumping iron in the weight room had started to give me.

"You've done that? Licked a girl...back there?" her expression was a mixture of curiosity, excitement and a little disgust. "But that has to be nasty."

"Most of the times I've done it...she was right out the shower. But even without that it's all that bad. I mean I..." I started to say how much I loved to sixty-nine with a girl and how my nose is right there when I do that, but that I was talking to Gwen came back to me just all of a sudden.

Also that she was caressing my chest in a way that felt wonderful.

"You mean what?" she asked. I noticed then that her breath was coming faster.

I caught and held her hand. Her fingers curled a little, and I felt her nails bite into my skin lightly.

"Any other things you want to know?" I asked, suddenly a bit disquieted. Hell... no I was turned on as all get out.

"Yea.... Um.... oral."

I chuckled

"What about it naughty girl?" I asked, smiling.

"I...I want to be good at it." She blushed.

"You enjoy doing that?" I asked, my heart skipping a beat.

"Well...yea, I guess...kinda. Jeremy said I was terrible at it.... so I was just thinking, if I got good at would be kind of a way of getting back at him. Sort of, he never knew what he missed out on, kind of thing." She shrugged then blushed scarlet as I started to laugh.

"Well, as my Drama teacher says, the road to perfection was laid with years of practice. Keep doing it till you have guys screaming. Practice, practice, practice." Lucky fucking pricks, rolled the thought through my head. "How about the flip side of that coin though?"


"Guys going down on you." I explained.

She looked away, shaking her head.

"What?" Damn, I wished I could be writing this down. I would get a good solid grade next semester. "Come on what is it? Don't you like it? Or does he not do it?"

"He tried it once. He said, I tasted horrible." She suddenly looked embarrassed and sad. "It felt okay till he stopped. I was clean!"

"I'm sure you were," I said softly. I took a slow deep breath. "Okay...from what I'm hearing, you have managed to land yourself a true prick as a boyfriend, who has no fucking clue and is, if anything, going out of his way to turn you off sex. Look...a woman tastes like a woman. Okay, it's not honey or apples or sweet cake...It's simply what she tastes like. Plus, every woman is a little different. A guy either loves it or hates it. You need to find the ones that love to do it. That will simply devour you till you're ripping the headboard apart, trying to get away from his mouth and hoping at the same time you don't. He needs to be loving every second that he's doing it and then beg for more."

"How do you find that type of guy?"

"Ask. You can be coy about it...or not. I would rather have a straight up questing. Do I like to do it or don't I?" I looked her in the eyes and smiled. "I mean, after all, you're shopping for a toy here. You wouldn't want to get one that you don't like.'

She blushed and then, after a moment, she chuckled.

"Do you ask? If a girl likes to go down on a guy?"

I started to laugh so hard, I had to wipe a tear out the corner of my eye.

"What?" she asked with a strange smile.

"First semester drama we were told to go walking up to people and just ask the most off-the-wall question to them. Total strangers. We were supposed to watch for their reactions. Trying to learn how people react to being questioned. How they react to certain types of questions. That was a fun afternoon." I chuckled. "Led to at least one fun night for that matter."

"Oh, really?"

I smiled and nodded.

"So, you just walked up to a strange woman and asked if she liked to give blowjobs?"

"Not quite that crudely, but for the most part, yes. It wasn't just that... I asked all kinds of questions that day. I asked a cab driver what he would charge to drive me to LA. I asked the manager at a Mickey D's if he could fry me up a tofu burger. I mean hell, I even asked a nun what she wore under her habit. All kinds of shit."

"What did she say? The nun." Gwen demanded with a grin.

I chuckled.

"That only her... husband... had a right to know that. She lifter her eyes to the heavens, touched her cross and then she winked at me. She made a sign blessing me then walked off laughing. Like I said. It was a fun day."

"And it got you laid."

"Yes it did. Totally wasn't expecting that reaction, but what the hell?" I said.

"Who was she?"

I smiled.

"Older lady...say about Mom's age. I asked her if she would mind answering a few questions...if she had the time. She shrugged and said she didn't have a lot of time for a survey. I told her that I wasn't doing a survey, that I was just asking strangers off-the-wall questions." I grinned, remembering her reaction. "I asked her a few things. What her favorite meal was. If she liked to dress sexy under her clothes. She was in a business pants suit. Executive-type, looking lady. That one made her grin."

Gwen smiled.

"Then what?"

"Well, I asked a few more silly things, and then I asked where the strangest place she had ever had sex was. She looked at me then blushed and said the back of a cab, crossing midtown, in broad daylight. With the cabby about to wreck trying to watch."

"Holy shit!"

"Yeah, that was about my reaction too." I shrugged, my mouth a quirk at the memory. "Anyway I thanked her and started to walk away, but she stopped me. She said she had one for me." I chuckled. "She asked me if I had ever had sex in a hot tub. When I said no, she asked if I would like to try. With her. She took out a business card, and wrote her home number on the back of it. That was one hell of a night. I think I still have water in my ear."

I mimed shaking my head while I tapped the side of my head.

Gwen laughed till I thought she might pee herself.

When I sat further back on her bed, she moved to sit next to me. Our legs were touching. I couldn't feel her bare skin through my sweat pants, but I wished I could. I gave that reaction a few thoughts then moved on.

"So, what are you going to do about Jeremy?" I asked. I reached over, took her thumb, and started to absently play, first with it, then with the rest of her hand.

"I'm going to dump his sorry ass."

I nodded.

"Okay, good start. Not that he will care. There are probably more than a few other girls in the school that he can go to. So when that's done, what are you going to do about your needs?" I picked up a stuffed unicorn with a plastic horn that was far-too-phallic looking. "Horny horses?"

The deep scarlet she turned tells me she has either done it or thought about doing it at least once. Chuckling, I put down her toy, maybe lover.

" me when I say this. For a girl to find a guy willing to be just there for sex, it's not the hardest thing to find. If you're going to go looking for love...well...leave the sex till later. Don't just jump right into bed." I brushed a finger through the fine hairs by her wrists. "If nothing else make him work for it. And ask him questions! Make sure he's what you're looking for in bed before you let him in your heart."

"That's rather profound," she said, watching my fingers on her arm.

"Actually, it's rather cynical, but then I've been that way since Mary decided to go buck dancing on my heart. I should have known better, I guess."

"How can you know better?" I looked up to find Gwen looking at me. "How can you know that she's as in love with you as you are with her? I mean, if she can fake an orgasm, love shouldn't be that hard."

I smiled and shook my head.

"Faking an orgasm is easy. All you have to do is look like you're enjoying it. When a guy is hard, he's got low blood flow to his brain in the first place. Noticing things like that's not on the top of his list at that time. But faking love...for a long time..." I gave my head a shake. "...That's hard to do."


"Well, over time you will start to notice little things. My first clue to what she really felt came when I would ask her questions she wasn't expecting. She would get this, how dare you ask that, kind of look to her eyes." I looked over at Gwen and shrugged. "She hated my friends, despised the music I listen to. Always wanted to go see her movie, not mine. Was always busy when I called to ask her out, but wanted me to drop everything when she called."

"She sounds like a cunt." Gwen's tone was heated.

" the time she called me and said that we were through, I had kind of figured it out on my own. It still hurt...but yeah." I scratched behind my ear. "Yeah, being used isn't fun. Remember that part as well. Don't you...go leading someone on."

She pulled back from my pointed finger.

"You have the power to rip someone's heart out far more than a guy does."

"How so?" Gwen asked, leaning back into me when my hand lowered.

"Guys don't keep their hearts on their sleeves. A girl can fall for someone, then be pissed at him the next day, then want to be friends, and then be back in his arms all in a week. Most guys don't do that. When we do hand our hearts out... well, it's given with a lot of trust. When that trust is betrayed, we fall completely apart."

"Did you?"

"Yeah...for a little bit. Like I said, I got over it." I shrugged.

"How? I mean I know now that I've been used, but I still hurts to break up. How do you get over it?"

"Well, with me, I did forty laps around a hot tub." I slowly grinned at the look that came to her face

"So, the best way to get over a relationship is to get right back into another one?"

"I didn't get into a relationship. I got into a hot tub...then a bed. Your heart will often follow where your body leads. When your heart's hurting, let your body lead you to something fun."

Being driven backwards into a pile of unicorns was not at all the reaction I had been expecting just then.

My sister's lips attacking mine also hadn't been on that list, despite the mild flirting.

Eighteen-year-old girl in almost nothing, kissing you...and she's your sister.

Go with it or don't?


Handful of tit.

"Ah Sis?'

Handful of ass.

"Ah, SIS!"

Oh, fuck. She's got a hold of my cock!

I rolled her over onto her back and turned her loose as quickly as I could, stepping back from the bed. I nearly tripped over her office chair.

Gwen was lying with her little top pushed up, one breast bare... "OH my god look at that puffy pink nipple!"...upon a pile of stuffed toys. She looked at me, panting. Her hand drifted down and tugged the bottoms of her pajamas down in the front to show me she is shaved bare.

"So...what's going through your head?" she asked as her hand slipped under the elastic and she caressed herself "Chase something fun right? Do I look like fun?"

"Yes.... but I got to go!"

I all but sprinted back to the TV in the living room. As I hopped the seat and came crashing down I hit the remote, killing the mute.

".... I'm just a Bill, sitting here on Capital hill."

My hands shaking, I brought them to my mouth and covered my mouth and nose. I tried to slow my breathing.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck..."

The "Bill" was a law before my heart stopped pounding.

When Gwen's arms wrapped around the back of my neck, I startled. I hadn't heard her walk up behind me.

"Sorry. I kind of got carried away," she said softly next to my ear.

With a sigh I brought my hand to rest on my sister's hands just under my chin. I knew she could feel how hard my heart was still beating.

Her fingers moved, and she walked around the side of the couch.

My jaw dropped as I saw that she has left her pajamas back in her room. Naked and blushing, Gwen knelt down in front of me. My breath a pant, I looked down into her eyes and tried to keep my eyes there.

It was very hard not to let them wander.

"....I'm going to blow it up. It's obstructing my view of Venus."

"Remember what you said about fetishes? How they come to you when you're young and you don't have a lot of say in them?"

Swallowing, I jerked my eyes back from her nipples. She smiled, seeing where I was looking.

"I have three fetishes." Her hands came to rest on my thighs. "I like older men."

Her hands moved ever so slowly towards my crotch.

"I like to be naked." She smiled at me. "And having someone watching me when I'm naked."

Her fingers moved on top of my cock. She grinned, finding me hard.

"...someone has stolen my space modulator! Oh delays, delays..."

"And the third one?" I asked when she seemed to get distracted caressing my cock through my pants.

Gwen looked up and licked her lips.

"I'm hopelessly in lust with my brother." She bit her bottom lip. "I always have been. You've been my fantasy lover since the first time I ever played with myself."


"Look Gwen...I."

"Don't you think I'm beautiful?" She suddenly stood up. I found myself head-level with her bellybutton. My eyes went automatically to the shaved bare "V" I could just make out the tops of her lips. The little valley where her clit lived, hidden under it's hood. I felt then that almost over powering desire to lean in and kiss that spot till she screamed.

It's a feeling I got whenever I saw a woman naked in front of me.

I looked up Gwen's body to her eyes.

"Well? Am I beautiful?"

"You are the most sexy, beautiful woman I have ever seen," I said softly.

She slowly smiled.

"You're right. I would have been able to tell if that had been a lie." Gwen moved her hand up her body and gave her nipple a tweak. The puffy cones rose to harder points. "Do you like seeing me naked?" I noticed that she is nearly panting.

My eyes moved across her without any control by me.

"Oh, hell yeah..." I said, more moan than words.

She was grinning at me when I looked back up.

"I can read your face now. You're wanting to kiss me. Down there. On my... pussy." Her hand came to my head, and I felt her fingers in my hair. "I would like that. I would like to know what it feels like when a man really enjoys doing it."

I swallowed. The desire was so strong in me, I could almost not stop myself from doing it.


"Head for the hills folks or you'll be up to your arm pits in Martians!"

"Please? Don't make me have to find another guy like Jeremy to try and do what I want you to be doing."

I closed my eyes. I took a long deep breath.

"Gwen.."My voice was husky. "If you're just teasing me I'm going to spank your ass all the way back to unicorn village."

She chuckled. I felt her move, and then incredibly soft skin, with just the begins of bristle coming back in, was brushing my nose.

"Does that feel like I'm teasing, big brother. Please. I want to know..." she begged softly.

My next breath carried in with it the scent of her. I was lost at the first whiff.

Turning my head I placed a kiss on the outer lips. Her legs opened just a bit as I started to rain kiss after kiss upon them.

Then I grabbed her under one thigh and lifted her leg till she was fully open and her foot was nearly on my shoulder. Her hands came to rest on my head, catching her balance.

"Oh my God!" she moaned as I drove my tongue up into her.

The silky feel of the skin inside her was a wonderful caress to the side of my tongue as I tried to gather in more of the taste of her...of Gwen. Of my sister. Oh my fucking god, what was I doing?

"Please...Oh please don't ever stop doing that."

Guilt suddenly gone, I smiled as she moaned. Guilt could never stand up to that sound.

"I keep my feather's number for just such emergency.."

More and more I licked her. Listening with growing pleasure to the moans as they became louder. Her nails dug into my scalp.

"Oh, oh...oh!"

Then I gave her clit a quick lashing.

"Oh my god, yes! Oh fucking hell, yes."

Suddenly my tongue and face were being ground against. I loved it when I heard her words turn into mindless babbling sounds. That my little sister could be such a passion-driven woman, when licked, would have never occurred to me.

Wetter and wetter she became till I was soon licking through thicker juices, sucking them from her lips.

I pushed her up off me.

"No!" she screamed. "Don't stop!"

Laughing, I caught her arm, and as I stood up, I set her down onto her knees, on the couch. Sliding around behind her I pushed her forward onto the cushions, and then I buried my tongue into her now so very-open sex.

"Oh my fucking god!"

Driving into her, truly fucking her with my tongue, I savored the taste of her and devoured everything from clit to lips, pulling and sucking for more.

Then I sprung the surprise.

My tongue went up between her ass cheeks, and I gave the little rosebud a hard lick.

"Oh, oh, oh fuck. You're... oh fuck!"

Back down, then back to the swirl, back and forth now licking every bit of her. Smothered in her soft ass cheeks, I felt my nose bury itself into her ass as I drove my tongue back into her.

"Oh. Yes. Oh. Yes. Oh, yes! Oh. YES!" Gwen threw back her head and screamed out as I suddenly moved down and sucked her delicate inner lips into my mouth.

I held hard to her hips as I felt my little sister cumming again. I held still and let her savor the orgasm for a few seconds. Then, when I felt the shivers of that one starting to pass, I went back into that sweet valley of heaven. Into her as deep as I could push my tongue, I lick, finding now a deeper taste. That passion filled moisture that a woman driven to the point of oblivion will start to give. I dig my tongue into her, trying to pull it all to my mouth.

Soon her begging to never stop became pleas to please stop. I ignore them like I have the other and drive her to orgasm again, then again. Over and over I feel my sister's body clamp down on my tongue. Whether it's in her pussy or the hot, tight rose above, her body is thrashing under my mouth.

Finally, I feel her all but passed out onto the back of the couch. Clutching its over stuffed pillowed cushions like a drowning person would clutch a life preserver.

"Please...oh please."

Sitting back, I placed soft kiss after soft kiss on the cheeks of her ass. My hands gently caressed the sides of her thighs. She made a sound that was half purr then moaned "No, please no," as I placed a slow lick along her inner thigh.

"...but Yogi what about the ranger?"

Hearing a car door then a second one slam outside, I jumped to my feet and grabbed up my sister. Carrying her in my arms, I ran up the hallway to her bedroom. I sprinted through the open doorway and set her on her feet. She was very wobble-legged.



"Mom and dad are back!" I said when I heard the front door opening.

"Oh shit!" she said suddenly, scrambling for her clothes.

I ran out the door and across the hall into the bathroom, just in time.


"Yeah, Mom?"

"Where's your brother?" I heard Mom asking as she walked down the hall.

Opening the door of the bathroom, I stuck my head out with my face covered in shaving cream.

"Yeah, Mom?"

"Oh, there you are. Your dad want you to go out to the garage and help him with the fish," she said.

"Sure...just let me get finished shaving."

She nodded.

As I stepped back into the bathroom, I heard her explode.

"Gwendolyn Victoria Roberts, what is that coffee cup doing in here?"

I leaned back out.

"Mom. It's mine. I left it in there... Gwen and I were talking."

"Oh. Oh, I'm sorry Gwen." Mom looked to me standing there with foam dripping off my face. "Anyway, finish what you were doing. Your dad needs your help."


As mom walked off towards her bedroom, I left the bathroom door open and decided that, since I was already lathered, I might as well shave. I looked over to find Gwen staring at me.



"Your shirt's on backwards."

She looks down the hall then with a grin slowly striped it off and turned it around. My eyes were glued on her breasts as they reappeared. Seeing this, she grinned, and then her tongue ran across her front teeth. Her eyes on me, she cupped her bare breast and gave the nipple a squeeze.

"Later," she mouthed, hearing mom returning. She quickly pulled the shirt over her head.

"Why is the TV on so loud?" asked mom, stopping by the doorway.

"... th, th, the, the,... that's all folks..."