Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3455 - SANDY'S SISTER COMES TO VISIT


I had a special treat planned for my wife Sandy on her birthday. She'd been feeling just a little blue lately and I wanted to do something special for my lady. I knew what would cheer her up.

She missed her family ever since we had moved to Tucson from Scottsbluff, Nebraska but lately, her homesickness had been stronger than usual.

I had called up her kid sister Robin and invited her to come stay with us for the summer. Robin agreed to keep the impending visit a surprise, and I had sent her a plane ticket.

Today was the big day

Sandy was sitting in the living room reading the manuscript for my latest try at writing a novel.

The phone rang. "I'll get it!" I called out.

"OK Hon. " she replied.

I picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Hi Bill! I'm at the airport now. As soon as I get my bags, I'll catch a cab right over. "

"Massive cool. She doesn't suspect a thing. "

"Sweet. I'll see you in about an hour. "

"Bye. "

I hung up the phone and went back into the living room.

"Who was that?" Sandy wanted to know.

"Just an old buddy calling to let me know he was in town. "

She went back to reading the manuscript. She wasn't making a lot of notes in the margins this time, and seemed absorbed in the story. Maybe I had finally gotten it right this time.

I settled down on the couch and watched Sandy read. My wife is always worth watching. A 25-year-old strawberry blonde with medium small tits and grass green eyes in the face of an angel.

I still don't know why she fell in love with an ugly old dude like me, but I ain't about to question my incredible luck.

I looked at my watch, still a good 3/4 hour to go.

We hadn't seen Robin since she was about 12, and that was 6 years ago. I would have taken Sandy up to see her family long ago, but she loathed her step dad, and she never had gotten along with her mother. Robin was the only one out of the family that she truly cared about. She had been devastated when we had to leave her kid sister behind.

I found myself wondering what Robin looked like now. Last time we had seen her, she was all scrawny limbs and a mop of unruly bright red hair.

The time seemed to crawl until I finally heard a car pull up in the driveway. Sandy was still engrossed in the story, and didn't even look up. I went to the door and opened it quietly. I don't know what I was expecting, but it sure wasn't this vision of beauty that was now walking up the steps.

Long red hair, creamy white complexion and a magnificent set of tits that were obviously unfettered by a bra to judge from the way they bounced and swayed as she moved. A flat waist and long shapely legs displayed by a super tight pair of denim cutoff shorts.

"Robin?" I asked, stunned.

"The one and only. " she said with a happy grin.

"Thank you God. "

"What was that?" She asked.

Oh shit, I hadn't meant to say that aloud.

"Never mind. Come on in. " I took her bags and ushered her inside.

She stopped in the doorway to give me a quick hug and a kiss. "Thank you!" she whispered in my ear.

I put her suitcases down in the hall and followed her into the living room. She stood there waiting for her sister to look up.

"Who was that?" Sandy asked distractedly.

"its just me. " said Robin. Sandy's head snapped around and her eyes went wide. "ROBIN!" she whooped and flung herself out of her chair to wrap her arms around her kid sister in a hug so tight it must have made the younger girl's ribs creak. "How did you get here? How long are you going to stay? WHY DIDN"T YOU LET ME KNOW YOU WERE COMING?" Sandy was babbling out questions so fast that Robin didn't have a chance to answer.

"Happy birthday my love. " I said.

Sandy didn't hear me; she was too busy trying to cram 6 years of catching up into about 6 minutes of talking. I shook my head and left the room.

I carried Robin's bags up to the guest room across the hallway from our bedroom. It had it's own bath and a nice view of Mount Lemmon. Robin should find it comfortable enough.

When I got back downstairs, the girls were still chattering away like a couple of magpies. I decided to let them have some time together alone and left to pick up robin's little surprise.

When I got home, Sandy was in the living room with the manuscript again. "Hi sweetie. " I said. "I hope you like your birthday surprise. "

Sandy stood up and laid the manuscript on the coffee table. "Have I told you today that I love you?" she asked as she snuggled into my arms.

"I think so, but tell me again. " I quipped. Instead she fastened her mouth to mine with a fierce hunger that I hadn't seen in quite a while.

"You'll get your reward tonight in bed. " she promised me as she pushed her groin against mine.

I rubbed my hands up and down her back in the way she liked to be caressed. "I'm glad I could make you happy again. " I said.

She laid her cheek against my shoulder and sighed. "I'm always happiest with you around. " she murmured.

"Where is our houseguest?" I asked.

"She's up taking a shower. " Sandy replied. "I told her that we'd take her out to dinner tonight. "

"I already have reservations. " I told her.

She squeezed me again and then turned back to the chair and the manuscript.

"How do you like it so far?" I wanted to know.

"I keep getting caught up in the story line and forget to look for errors. " she admitted.

I felt just a little smug. Fort once, Murphy's Law seemed to be leaving me alone for a while.

"Robin will like this too. " Sandy said suddenly. "I'll have her read it tonight while we're, ummm, busy. "

I grinned. "Sounds great my love. "

If it sounds like I am still infatuated with my wife, you're right. I am. And proud of it.

I sat on the couch again and propped my legs up on the coffee table. I opened my laptop and started another story line.

I looked up when Robin came into the living room. She was fresh from her shower and wore only a knee length terry robe and a towel around her hair.

"Sandy," she said. "I can't find the blow dryer. "

"Check the bathroom in our bedroom and look in the cabinet under the sink. " Sandy told her.

"Hey Robin, " I said before she could leave the room. "I have a little something for you too. Consider it an early Christmas present. " I took a key ring from my pocket and tossed it to her. "That's the house key and the keys to your car. "

"I don't have a car... " she trailed off.

Sandy was smiling at me and I winked at her. "Really? Then whose car is that sitting out in the driveway?" I asked Robin.

She went to the front door and looked. "No way!" She shrieked. Then she came tearing back into the living room to practically tackle me with a hug. "Thank you!" she said over and over again as she peppered my face with kisses.

Sandy's curiosity got the better of her and she went to the front door to have a look for herself.

"Where the hell did you find that?" she asked.

The "that" in question was a 1962 Lincoln Town Car convertible.

"Remember Dale?" I asked. She nodded.

"Dale just finished restoring it. I traded him that old 'Vette that I have been wasting so much time on. "

Robin had climbed off me by then and was headed for the door, intent on a closer examination of her new toy.

"Um, sis," said Sandy, "You might want to retie your robe or put some clothes on before you go out there. "

Robin looked down and realized that her robe was completely open, giving me a fine view. She wrapped her robe shut and retied the belt, and then she sped upstairs to get dressed.

"Every time I think you can't surprise me anymore," Sandy said as she eased onto my lap," you come along and show me something new. "

About then Robin zoomed out the door wearing another set of daisy dukes and a tank top. Sandy leaned against me and laughed. "She'll be useless for an hour or two. "

We heard the car start up and pull out of the driveway. I slipped my hand up under Sandy's shirt and tweaked her nipple. "How about a quicky while your sister's otherwise occupied?"

My wife dragged me to my feet and into the kitchen. "The hell with the bedroom. " she declared. Then she sank to her knees and unzipped my pants. Taking my cock out of my shorts, she took it deep into her mouth and started nursing on it like a baby with a pacifier. As my cock quickly grew to full erection, she started bobbing her head back and forth, pumping her hands along the shaft with a twisting, spiral motion, occasionally taking nearly all of my 7 1/2 inches deep into her throat. I caressed her hair as she worked. Then she pulled her head back and stood up suddenly. She undid her shorts and pushed them to the floor along with her panties. She turned and bent over the table. "Now. " she said urgently. "Please. "

I held her hip with my left hand and used my right to rub my cock up and down her pussy slit before nudging the head to her hole. I now gripped her with both hands and pressed forward as she pushed back. Even after a yearlong courtship and 6 years of marriage, Sandy was still nearly virgin tight as I set up a rhythm that pushed deeper into her with each stroke. Sandy was lunging back to meet every thrust, her head hanging down and her pussy already starting to spasm. My cock normally points straight up along my belly when fully erect. When I entered Sandy from a standing position, my cock rubbed into her at a unique angle. I don't know what I am hitting inside her, but it drives her wild, and standing rear entry is her favorite position. I buried my cock deep in her and held it there as I leaned forward to caress and tease her breasts, then down her sides and belly to her pussy slit, splayed open by my cock, her clit was easy to access. I rubbed it gently, then traced circles around it with my fingertips. Sandy gasped when my fingers found her pleasure button, and her pussy clamped down hard on my erection. When I felt her pussy relaxing and contracting with her climax, I resumed thrusting hard and fast. Sandy was trying to say something, but it was too jumbled for me to make out what she was saying. I felt my own come boiling up from my balls and thrust into her as deeply as I could, letting my semen spurt out to splash against her cervix. I held still in her for a long moment, then she started moving her hips again to indicate that she wanted to continue. I was more than willing. I positioned her legs a little further apart, lowering her stance and changing the angle at which my erection entered her. I looked down at her ass and spread her cheeks with my thumbs to get a better view.

Sandy moaned and pushed back again. I brought one hand to my mouth and slicked up my thumb with spit. I applied gentle pressure to her puckered rosebud of an asshole. When she pushed back again, her sphincter relaxed and my thumb popped through and into her ass.

"Yesss. " Sandy hissed as I wriggled my thumb a little deeper. After thrusting into her for a while, I moistened my other thumb and it joined the first up in her ass. When I felt her climax yet again, I withdrew from her pussy and slid my cock up her ass with a smooth even push. Sandy lunged back hard, and I felt her anal rim sliding down my shaft to clamp snugly around the base of my cock.

Sandy had always been a big fan of anal sex, and was game for a little butt banging whenever I brought it up.

As always, I started out with slow, short strokes, giving her a chance to get used to my cock in her ass. Then gradually, watching her for any sign of pain or discomfort, I picked up the pace and length of my thrusts until eventually I was stroking full length in and out with a loping rhythm. Her ass was even tighter than her pussy, and it felt unbelievably good as I slid my cock into her to the roots, then pulled out until only the tip of the head was still inside her, then back again. Sandy had a hand down under herself, rubbing her pussy hard and fast. When she came, her sphincter clamped down like a vise, during an in stroke, and I came abruptly with little warning. I leaned forward, still deeply embedded in her bowels to kiss her back and shoulders. "You're the best. " I told her. "And I love you now more than the day we met. "

Sandy squeezed my cock with her anal ring, "And I love you too. " she said, almost purring.

I straightened up and started the gradual withdrawal from her ass. She liked it when I took my time withdrawing from her, with occasional forays back deeper inside her. Gradually I eased out until only the head was still inside her ass. She pushed back a little to take me about halfway back inside, and then let her breath out in a long sigh. "OK, now. " she said. I pulled my cock slowly from her ass all the way.

I heard a slight noise and turned my head to see Robin standing there in the kitchen doorway with a glazed look in her eyes and her hand down the front of her shorts. I winked at her, and then turned back to my wife. I pulled out a chair and sat down, guiding her into my lap where she put her arms around me and buried her face in the juncture of my neck and my shoulder. I knew from long experience that she would be like this for another few minutes at least as she recovered from her series of orgasms.

Robin finally noticed me grinning at her and did a nuclear blush. She yanked her hand out of her shorts and spun away down the hall. I wasn't fooled for an instant; Robin had been wearing the same look Sandy gets when she has just finished a major climax.

I turned my attention to cuddling with my wife, feeling perfectly content to stay right where I was for the next several eternities if that was what Sandy desired. But Sandy stirred and raised her face to mine for a leisurely kiss. When we came up for air, I started nibbling her neck and shoulders. Sandy pressed against me for a moment, then moaned, "We don't have time for this. We have to get ready to take Robin out to supper. "

I kissed the hollow at the base of her throat, one of her prime turn on spots, then set her on her feet. "As you wish milady. "

She knelt and kissed the tip of my cock before tucking it into my pants again. "You'd better grab a shower before we go. I'll use the one in Robin's room. " She her finished pulling up her shorts and went upstairs.

I followed at a slower pace. When I got to the bedroom, Sandy was undressing for her shower.

"I thought that you were going to use Robin's bath," I said.

"She's busy in her room I guess," Sandy shrugged. "The door is locked and she's not answering. "

"Hmm, she must have come home when we were busy. " I said casually.

Sandy's eyes went wide. "You don't think she saw anything do you?"

It was my turn to shrug. "You can ask her if you want when she comes out of her room. "

(Hey, I wasn't about to rat her sister out directly. )

Sandy stepped into the shower where I joined her moments later.

"No monkey business this time. " she said sternly. "Or we're going to be late. "

"Who me?" I feigned innocence. "Would I ever do something like that?"

She laughed deep in her throat. "Turn around, you big goof. " And she proceeded to wash my back for me. When she was done, I took the soap and washed her back, and then her front. I even shampooed her hair for her.

Sandy loves to be pampered, and I love spoiling her rotten.

When we got out of the shower and dressed, we heard Robin moving around in her room. I knocked on the door. "Hey Honey, are you ready to go out to dinner?"

"Just about. " She answered. "About another 10 minutes. "

"You can drive us there in your new car. " I said through the door.

"OK!" came the excited response. I went on downstairs in search of my wife.

I found Sandy down in the kitchen setting things out for a late night snack if anyone would still be hungry after supper. I folded her into my arms from behind and hugged her. "Every time I see you, I thank any Gods that are listening that you love me. "

She turned her cheek to me for a kiss. "Is Robin coming down soon?"

"About 10 minutes or so is what she said. "

"Good. " Sandy said. "I can't believe that you did this for me. "

"You're worth it. " I said.

She wrinkled her nose at me and went back to her preparations.

I retrieved my manuscript from the coffee table and slipped it into its proper folder. No sense in taking chances with this one.

Robin came down the stairs so fast it was little more than a controlled fall. "Are you two ready?"

She was absolutely stunning in an apple green dress that set off her hair perfectly.

"Whenever you are, slowpoke. " I teased.

Sandy came out of the kitchen sling ing her tiny purse over her shoulder. Her skintight black dress was designed to make men drool when she walked by, and Sandy had the body to pull it off. "Let's get going. " she ordered.

Robin led the way to her car. She practically strutted as she walked. I couldn't blame her, if I was a woman with her kind of looks, I'd be strutting too.

Robin took directions well and proved to be a good driver on the way to the restaurant. The dinner went well, and I was the envy of nearly every man in the place with two such beauties on my arms. Robin was gushing about her new car to Sandy all the way home. I could see my wife trying not to grin at her kid sister's enthusiasm.

"If you are a good girl, I'll even let you drive my Pantera. " I said to Robin when she stopped chattering long enough to take a breath.

Sandy looked at me in surprise. I hadn't even let my own brother drive the Pantera. But then, he wasn't as good a driver as Robin was proving to be.

"What's a 'Pantera'?"

Sandy laughed at my expression. Of all the responses I had anticipated, incomprehension was not among them.

"Sandy darling, why don't you take your sister out for a ride tomorrow in the Pantera while I'm at work. I'll take your Acura instead. "

Sandy squeezed my hand. She loved driving my sports car, and took every opportunity to do so. "I'd love to. " she smiled. "I'll take her to the mall, then up Mount Lemmon. "

"Sounds like a plan. " I said.

Robin parked neatly to one side of the driveway and carefully put up the ragtop. She put an arm around each of us as we walked into the house. "I can't believe I'm really here. " she said. The. She yelped and jumped forward, her hands going to her butt. "Hey, what's the big idea?"

"Just showing you that you aren't dreaming. " smirked Sandy.

"Does anyone want a midnight snack?" asked Robin.

I scooped Sandy up over my shoulder and thumped myself on the chest with my free hand. "Gonad the Ballbarian wants tuna taco. "

My wife was squawking to be let down, but I just carried her upstairs anyway. When we got to the bedroom, I tossed her onto the bed from about 6 feet away. "Whee!" she cried as she bounced about a foot. Then she narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at me. "What's this Gonad the Ballbarian shit?"

"Wench not undressed. " I said in my best dimwitted brute imitation. "Gonad HORNY!"

Sandy gave up and played along with the insanity.

"C'mere ya big lummox. You'll never figure out how to get out of those city clothes. "

Once we were both nude, I started kissing every inch of her that I could reach. And since she was cooperating whole-heartedly, that was most of her. She was already getting aroused, I could smell and feel the way her pussy juices were starting to flow. By the time I actually slipped my tongue into her pussy, then up and across her clit, there were plenty of her tangy/salty/sweet juices to taste and savor.

"Come on baby, eat my pussy. " Sandy said as she twined her fingers in my hair. Her hips were grinding her pussy up into my mouth and she was getting very close to coming. I slipped two fingers into her pussy, palm up and made beckoning motions. Evidently I hit the right spot because she stiffened and arched her back. Her cunt spasmed around my fingers as a shattering orgasm ripped through her. Her pussy juices flooded out of her, coating my face and hand. I loved it and lapped up as much as I could.At last, Sandy tightened her fingers in my hair and pulled me up and over her. My cock slipped easily into her without either of us having to guide it in. Sandy kissed me deeply and licked her own juices off of my face. I took her hands and raised them above her head and held them there. She raised her legs and wrapped them around me up near my short ribs, just the way I liked her to. I raised my weight off her as best I could on one arm and started thrusting. When she had shuddered through another climax, I let go of her hands and she promptly wrapped her arms around me just under my armpits, digging her nails into the skin of my back. I was going to look like I had lost a fight with a tiger later, but it was worth it. Sandy didn't claw until she was super aroused and passionate. I timed my climax to hers, and we reached completion together. I rolled us over, still connected, until she was lying atop me.

Sandy raised herself to a sitting position and gave an experimental wriggle with her hips. "You have anything left you big barbarian?"

"That BALLbarian silly wench. " I grunted, then started humping up, bucking and bouncing her up and down.

Sandy timed her move perfectly, on one bounce she went a little too high, and when she came down, her asshole was suddenly impaled on my shaft. "Oh my," she gasped. "That may have been a little too much too soon. "

I immediately stopped thrusting and watched her concernedly. At long last, she relaxed a bit and cautiously raised and lowered herself. Then she relaxed even more and settled down onto me until I was as deep into her as it was possible to get.

I reached up and cupped her breasts, toying with her nipples. "Are you OK Honey?"

"I'm fine. " she replied with a smile. "I just went a little too quickly there. "

She began bouncing up and down on me again, then leaned forward to kiss me as she pumped her hips. I savored the feel of her ass around my cock as I let her do all the work. She sat back up straight and began a slow, shifting, grinding motion with her hips. I reached down and quickly found her clit and started playing with it. Sandy moved faster and faster until she came. I rolled us over again, hooking her knees over my elbows to spread her high and wide while I started really fucking her ass hard and deep. I came a few moments later, and had to hold still in her for a long moment because I was quivering and twitching from having come so hard myself.

I took almost 5 minutes pulling out of her ass again, then flopped down to lay beside her. She rolled over to face me and put her uppermost leg between mine and then put her arms around me to snuggle close, her firm breasts pressed tight against my chest.

I looked up at a slight sound and, over my wife's shoulder, saw a lock of red hair and a single emerald eye peeking at us around the doorframe. I pantomimed a kiss at her. Robin stepped into the doorway fully and held her finger to her lips for silence. Then she stripped off her dorm shirt nightie and turned slowly around to give me a good look at her magnificent body.

Damn she was hot. A tiny strip of red/gold pubic hair between her thighs, tits that looked to be at least 36D's with almost no sag at all and topped my pale pink nipples. Her areola were puffed out and her nipples themselves poked out rigid and about the size of the eraser on the end of a pencil.

Her ass was perfection as she turned it to me, then she bent over with her legs spread. She reached under herself and spread her pussy lips open for a second, then straightened and blew me a kiss before scooping up her nightie and going to her own room.

I briefly wondered how long she had been watching. Those moves of her were done with the ease of long practice.

Then sleep took over. Sandy was already snoring softly and drooling onto my shoulder.

When I woke in the morning, the sisters were both gone. There was a note on the dresser telling me that they wanted an early start, so had let me sleep.

I showered and shaved, then dressed for work. As promised, I took Sandy's Acura to work as my black Pantera was gone from the garage.

The workday went fairly well. I kept fantasizing about Robin and how she'd look impaled on my cock. I shook myself out of it, but Sandy was in for a marathon sex session tonight!

When I got home, there was no sign of my car in the garage. I figured the girls were still out having fun. But when I stepped into the house and saw both of them in the living

Room, I knew something was wrong. Both ladies sat on the couch, holding hands so tightly that their knuckles were white, looking at me with scared eyes.

"Are you two OK?" I asked.

Sandy wet her lips with the tip of her tongue, then swallowed hard and looked me in the eye. "Oh, Honey, the Pantera's totaled!"

I held up my hand to interrupt her. "I could give a shit less about the car. Are YOU two all right?"

She hung her head. "A few bruises is all. "

I relaxed a bit. "Now tell me about the car. "

It seemed that Sandy had let her sister drive down from Mount Lemmon. They had been rear ended by a runaway beer truck near the bottom of the mountain highway. The fact that the Pantera had the engine in the back probably saved their lives.

"I'll make it up to you somehow. " said a tearful Robin. Sandy nodded her agreement.

I had a sudden thought; maybe this could work out to my advantage after all.

"The insurance will cover the car. " I said. "Do you have any ideas how you will make this up to me?"

Sandy shook her head. Robin looked at her sister, and then stood up.

"You can have me until I go home. " she said. Sandy twitched and looked up at her sister.

"And Sandy's part is that she'll let you have me and never use it against you. " Robin said.

"No. " I said. "Sandy's part will be that she will join us. "

My wife looked at her feet for a moment, then finally came to me for a hug and a kiss. "OK. " she said.

I wanted to make her feel better about the whole thing, so I told her what she had been desperate to hear ever since we got married. "It's about time we had kids. So stop taking the pill and let's get you pregnant. " She looked into my eyes with a sudden hope. Then she hauled my face down to hers for an emphatic kiss.

Robin came over to hug her sister and murmured softly into her ear. It would not be the first time that we had invited another girl into our bed, Sandy rather enjoyed the occasional novelty, but this was her sister!

And yet, the one thing she had longed for and had dreamed of was becoming a mommy. That was her dearest ambition in life. To have children and be a much better mommy than her own mother had been. And now I was telling her at last to go for it.

The sisters pulled apart and nodded at each other. "If I agree to this, then you have to agree that Robin can stay as long as she wants. She doesn't have to go back home at all. " Sandy said.

"Agreed. " I said. "She would be welcome to live with us forever anyway, even if you don't want to do this. " After all, I didn't want to blow my marriage to the best thing that had ever happened to me.

Sandy considered what I had said for a few minutes. Then, "I'll go through with the deal anyway. " She gave me an impish smile. "Besides, I want to share you with my baby sister. That way you two won't get tempted to have some fun on your own without me. "

Robin took Sandy in her arms again and kissed her. This time their tongues went to work and their hands went a-roving.

I put my arms around both girls and they turned to include me in their embrace. I collected kisses from both between them kissing each other. Finally, Sandy took my hand in hers and pulled me towards the bedroom. I had ahold of Robin's hand with my left hand and brought her along.

Once inside our room, Sandy slipped a new tape into the camcorder mounted on a tripod and pointed at our bed. "I want to record this for posterity. " she said.

Robin was already nude and sitting on the edge of the bed, bouncing experimentally. I had just finished stripping and moved to Sandy to undress her as well. I took my time and kissed her body as I uncovered each part. By the time I had her completely nude, she was already getting moist.

Robin was lying back with her legs open and rubbing her pussy slowly with one hand while her other hand toyed with her nipples. Sandy eased onto the bed beside her sister and adopted a similar pose.

Decisions, decisions.

Sandy flicked her eyes at her sister. So I slid onto the bed between Robin's leand and reached under and around her thighs. I blew gently on her pussy, making her shiver, then I lowered my face to her lovely pussy.

Robin sucked in a long breath when my tongue tip parted her innher lips and began exploring. She was soon pumping her hips up and had both hands on my head as she writhed around. I slipped a finger inside her as I ate and was astounded. Sandy was tight, but Robin was even tight to my finger! I pulled back enough to look over at my wife and say a single word. "Virgin. "

Sandy lay on her side with her head propped up on one elbow so she could watch. I had been the one to take Sandy's cherry, and she had loved sex ever since. I didn't dare make a single mistake now.

"Tits. " I said to Sandy, then went back to Robin's delicious pussy, she was coming fairly steadily by now, but when her sister started licking as sucking those pretty pink nipples while I ate her, Robin went wild.

Finally I eased up and over Robin for the defloration. Sandy reached down and spread her sisters pussy lips with one hand while she guided my cock in with her other hand.

Robin was more than ready, but I took my time, applying a gentle pressure, then easing up. A moment later I would press again, a bit harder. I felt her pussy entrance begin to stretch around my cockand I increased the pressure. Then abruptly I was through her maidenhead and sinking deep into her seemingly molten depths.

Robin cried out in mingled pleasure and pain as her cherry popped, then she had her arms and legs wrapped around me, flexing her hips upward to try to get as much of my cock inside her as possible.

For my part, she was tighter than Sandy had been when I had deflowered her. Almost painfully tight in fact.

I was careful, and did everything I could to bring Robin along until she too clawed my back as she came. When I came a few moment slater, I knew that I wasn't about to pull out of her now. Her pussy felt just too damn good. I started pumping again, and Robin started a whole set of mini-climaxes, building rapidly to a major come.

I let myself go, thrusting into her deep and fast and hard,, and Robin's passion matched my own. When I came this time, Robin pulled me into her with her arms and legs as if she didn't want to ever let go of me.

She finally relaxed and I eased out of her. Her pussy and inner thighs were smeared with the blood from her torn hymen, but she didn't care. She only lay there fingering her pussy as it dripped mingled semen and blood.

Sandy kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you. " she said.

Then she slif down and took my cock into her mouth despite the mingled fluids still coating it. She started swallowing when she felt her gag reflex, and was able to damn near deep throat all

7 1/2 inches.

I pulled her around atop me in a classic 69 position where I could reach her pussy with my tongue.

I ate Sandy to climax after climax while she did her damn best to swallow all of my dick. And just before I came, she finally succeeded. Robin was staring in awe as her big sister did her sword-swallowing act.

When I came, my cockhead was still well down Sandy's throat. She swallowed over and over, taking my semen straight down her gullet into her stomach. She pulled her mouth from me with an audible smacking sound, then leaned over and around to kiss Robin and let her taste what semen remained in her mouth.

While Sandy was on her hands and knees, I slipped into her doggy style. She kept on kissing her sister while I pounded into her hard and fast from behind. She came once again, then collapsed across her sisters belly, sliding completely off my cock.

Robin squirmed around and unhesitatingly took my cock into her mouth and started sucking.

"Watch those teeth damnit!" I hissed. Sandy shifted position and started coaching her sister through the blowjob. When I came that time, it was a weak and pitiful ejaculation, but Robin managed to swallow it all without gagging too much.

When she lay back, my wife swung a leg over her sister and settled down nose to pussy. Then she started eating. To judge by the noises Robin was making, she was enjoying the hell out of it. Then she wrapped her arms around her sister's hips and got her own tongue busy.

When they were both just too damn tired to come anymore, I lay down with one on either side of me. Each one had an arm around her and was using my shoulder as a pillow. They were asleep long before I was. I was too busy enjoying the situation.

When I finally dropped off into dreamland, I made a mental note to introduce Robin to the joys of the full body massage.