Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3338 - RITE OF PASSAGE

Chapter 3338 - RITE OF PASSAGE

In the queen sized bed, the two lovers lay entwined on top of the cream colored duvet. The early afternoon sun filtered through ivory colored chintz curtains softening the glare. A mid-summer breeze blew gently, causing them to flutter.

Joel Allen lay in the crook of her arm gently stroking her belly. Helen Crane, her back supported by soft down filled pillows, stroked Joel Allen's moist hair. The afterglow of their lovemaking suffused her body. Her milk filled tits had a satisfying soreness from her young lover sucking them. Equally satisfying was the squishiness of his cum in her pussy. He had filled her to overflowing with his youthful seed. She was not sure what she loved the most; the intensity and stamina of her young lover or the Niagara of sperm that he pumped into her.

It was wrong. She knew that. He was 18 and the son of her best friend. In addition, she was married, the mother of his best friend and soon to be college roommate. She could not count the times in the past six months she made the decision to break it off.

Though she intellectualized about the propriety of her sexual relationship with Joel, her pussy ruled. It loved the full feeling of his cock. She knew she should have made him use condoms. However, she lusted for the sensation of skin on skin. She craved the primal feel of sperm flooding her hole and splashing against her cervix.

Now she was carrying Her other hand came up and caressed the life growing in her. From the first, she used no birth control. She accepted the risk. Looking back, she knew she actually embraced it. When her gynecologist confirmed what the over the counter pregnancy test said, there was no horror. There was a secret satisfaction that the intensity of their coupling produced the inevitable. The need to have his child, even his children, was so visceral she could not understand it. She just knew she had to do it.

Joel was little more than a child himself. Albeit, a child with an enormous cock and the stamina to drive her body to unimaginable orgasms. She accepted her pregnancy as a late life gift. Even her husband, ignorant of being a cuckold to the boy who mowed the grass, warmed to the idea

Her husband Claude, despite their early sexual explorations into wife swapping, tended to be conservative when she was pregnant. While enthused with the idea of having a baby, her pregnancy-swollen body put her husband Claude off. As she got larger, the sex became less frequent. It was the same when she carried their son years ago. He never said it. However, it had been weeks since he touched her. While his ardor cooled, her need grew.

It did not matter this time. This time she had Joel. He thought she was beautiful. He loved to lay his head on her belly, hear, and feel the movements of the baby. He reveled in suckling her tits. Sometimes he would suck her breasts until his mouth filled with her milk. Then he would kiss her and share her breast milk. In some ways that sharing was more erotic than the sharing his cum with him after he came in her mouth.

Joel loved her and loved the fact that she was carrying their baby. Her lust for him, she was not sure if it was love, caused her to risk the security that marriage gave her. She clung to her youthful lover, risking all.

Lately, the passion of their lovemaking increased. Her son, Johnny, was 19 but she could recall her insatiable need for sex late in that pregnancy. This time she had all the cock she needed. They were fucking 2-3 times a week.

"Maybe I should delay going to school until you have our baby."

"We've had this discussion, darling. You have to get your education. Besides, this is not my first baby."

"I know! I know!" There was an edge of exasperation in his voice. "But I feel like I'm abandoning you when you need me most."

"Joel," Helen said sternly, "I am 38 years old and you are 18. I should have been more careful."

Joel raised his head from the cradle of her arms. He looked into her eyes with that puppy dog look only young love engenders. "Are you sorry about...?" His hand indicated her belly.

With some difficulty, she turned on her side and took his face in her hands. "No, baby! Not at all!" She knew it was true as she said it. There was nothing she would not do for him.

He leaned over and kissed her, letting his tongue explore the curve of her lips. With a barely concealed devilish smile, he moved down, kissing first her chin, then the little pulse in her throat.

Helen grasped his head, trying to stop him. "No! Baby don't! You know my husband will be home shortly."

Ignoring her pleas and her hands ineffectually pulling his head, Joel planted kisses on her belly, starting with the curve just below her milk filled breasts, across the rise of her baby bump and down the other side. He ended by French kissing her cum filled pussy.

She writhed under his touch. Despite her protest, she loved how he took charge of her. There were probably things she would deny him. She just did not know what they were. Physically and emotionally, she had surrendered to him. Like a woman half her age, she came again, her body quivering in passion.

"Oh Joel please, don't! You know how...! Oh my god!"

Helen's body thrashed under his show of affection. She shuddered as waves of orgasmic ecstasy washed over her body. She loved the kinkiness of him licking his cum from her pussy. She and her husband rarely had oral sex at all.

"You always taste so good after we make love."

Playfully, Helen reached down, pulling his head away from her still spasming hole. He lay with his chin on her pubic thatch, smiling up at her.

"Up Mister! You are not going to entice me into more lovemaking."

Joel laughed and rolled to his back next to her. Helen struggled to her knees. She crawled the length of his body and straddled him, her belly resting against his hairless chest.

"I'm corrupting you," she laughed wagging a finger in his face, "six months ago you were an inexperienced virgin. Now you know all the debauched things that satisfy this old broad."

"You're not old. You are the same age as my mother."

Helen sat up, placed her hands on her hips, and smiled down at her youthful lover. She WAS old enough to be his mother. She and his mother were the same age. Although she and June were pregnant at the same time, Johnny was premature and was 2 months older than Joel was.

When he was a baby, she changed his diapers, fed him and babysat him. She even breastfed him a few times. Now she was having sex with him. She smiled broadened. And I'm back to breastfeeding him.

Because of the way the school enrolment year went, Johnny started school before Joel. He was in his freshman year at State. Joel would join him in September.

With some difficulty, she swung her leg over his body and sat on the edge of the bed. She was 22 weeks pregnant. The doctor said the pregnancy was proceeding normally. However, she was 38 years old and that presented challenges.

Her doctor had additional testing done to insure the viability of the fetus. Part of that testing was DNA. She sighed as she looked at her young lover. She needed to talk to his mother. Things were going to get very complicated.

"Come on sweetie. You need to go."

Joel swung his legs around and bounded out of bed, his large semi hard cock swinging freely. Oh, to be that young and agile again, she thought as she extended her hand for him to help her up.

Joel pulled her to her feet. As she stood, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hmm," he said teasing, "I'm going to need longer arms."

She smacked him on his ass and, laughing, pointed imperiously at her bedroom door. "Out you!"

She watched wistfully as he slipped on his jockeys then his mid-thigh track shorts. She wished they had time to shower together as they usually did. As much as she was addicted to his cock, she also enjoyed their extended play after sex. The hugging, kissing and long hot soapy showers were new for her. As he slipped his t-shirt over his head, she saw his flat abdomen with a hint of a six-pack.

Helen, she thought, this is insanity.

Briefly, she flashed back to how this all began, to the box of pictures he found of his parents and she and Claude. They were explicit. In their younger days, they experimented with wife swapping. Foolishly, they took many pictures. Even more foolishly, she kept them

"Okay, Helen." He smiled as she cocked her head to the side. "Sorry! AUNT Helen!"

Helen took a step toward him and placed both hands on his shoulders. "Sweetie we need to be careful."

"I know H...Aunt Helen. I know."

"And remember, you must tell no one! No one! If you start bragging about this old broad you're banging and someone figures out it's me, it would be disastrous."

"I know, Aunt Helen! I know!" He scanned the yard. "I need to put away the lawnmower. I'll see you tomorrow at the 4th of July barbecue. Now I want to play a little b-ball with my friends."

Helen grabbed her robe, put it on and followed him down the stairs. In the kitchen, he embraced her and kissed her deeply.

"Go!" She said patting him on the butt. She watched as put the lawnmower into the shed. Then he jumped on his bike and pedaled away.

Laboriously, Helen made her way back up the stairs. She felt the baby move. She suppressed the wild impulse to catch Joel and let him feel it again. Ruefully, she shook her head. She loved her husband. However, Joel touched something deep in her.

As she climbed the stairs, she felt his cum running out of her. It ran down the inside of her thighs. She smiled. It made her feel so wicked. The damn kid comes in quarts. I can almost hear it sloshing around in me. I need a shower and a nap, she thought. Joel came in her twice and she swallowed one load. As always, her orgasms were countless and unbelievably intense. He was an amazing lover.


The burr of her cell phone pulled Helen from a sound sleep. Outside the shadows were lengthening. Damn she thought, as she reached for her phone, I forgot to take something out for dinner.

"Helen? Did I wake you? Sorry! I know you need your rest."

"Hi June. It's ok. I need to get up and start dinner anyway. Claude will be home from work soon."

"That's what I was calling about. Tom told Joel to put some steaks on the grill. You know how Joel loves to show off his grilling skills! Why don't you and Claude come by here?"

"June, you are a lifesaver! I intended to take a short nap. However, I was more tired than I thought. Your son fucked the shit out of me and wore me out.

"Okay! Make it 5ish. Did Joel do everything he was supposed to do?"

My lord, yes he did. "Yes, he moved the Goodwill stuff to the garage and mowed the lawn."

"Good! You make sure he helps you."

"I will June, I will."

"Here he comes now! I'll get him started on the grill so dinner will be ready when Tom gets home. See you later."

June Allen hung up the phone. She looked into the kitchen where Joel had taken the pitcher of ice water from the fridge. She watched as he glanced around furtively and began to raise the pitcher to his mouth.

"Joel Thomas Allen! Don't you dare drink from that pitcher!"

"Awww mom!"

"Aww mom my butt! Your father and I drink that water also."

As she spoke, June struggled to her feet and walked through the door leading from the living room to the kitchen. She surveyed the slim body of her first and only born. He was as tall as his father at 6' 1" but weighed only 180 pounds to Tom's 210. Except for his sandy hair and dark eyes, he looked like Tom the day they were married.

His sweaty shorts and t-shirt clung wetly to his body. The scent of his sweaty body always had an embarrassing effect on her. She eyed the prominence of his manly bulge.

"And you smell! Go take a shower and hurry back. Your father wants you to get the grill going. The Cranes are coming by later."

"Okay mom! I'm going. Would you mind getting the steaks out while I'm showering? I like them to come to room temperature before I grill them."

June spread both arms and bowed deeply. Her loose fitting top gaped open revealing her milk filled breasts. "Yes, Oh Master Chef," she said mockingly, "To hear is to obey."

Laughing, Joel stripped off his shirt and started past his mother heading for the upstairs shower. As he did, he reached under her blouse and tweaked her nipple.

"OUCH! You devil! That hurt!"

June tried to grab her son. However, she was 22 weeks pregnant and not as agile as she once was. He slipped past her and ran part way up the stairs. "Come join me in the shower, mom."

Joel's cock was at June's eye level as he stood on the stairs. She could see the bulge in his shorts. Hungrily, she licked her lips. She felt a moistness between her legs. She had not worn panties with her mid thigh jean skirt hoping they would have time for a quickie. However, she dare not now. Tom was due home within the hour.

Besides, she thought, he gave me a good pounding this morning before he went to help Helen. This pregnancy has my hormones out of control. The more I fuck my son, the more I want to fuck him. It's a sickness. But lord knows I don't want to be cured.

"No time, dear! The Cranes are coming over later. I need to fix a salad and make up some margaritas." That's how it started, she thought. One too many margaritas and too much ogling a tight 18 year old body.

She caught her breath then smiled as Joel took off his shorts and jockeys on the stairs. He stood there naked smiling at her, his cock at half mast.

"You sure mom?"

June felt a gooey wetness between her legs as her son stood naked on the stairs stroking his cock. Her breathing rate increased. She watched as his hand began to glisten as he leaked copious quantities of pre cum. Maybe a quickie, she thought. Just a quick pounding to ease this itch.

She shook her head, clearing her mind of the lustful thoughts. "Shower, young man," June said pointing up the stairs. Her pussy twitched as he turned and bounded up the stairs. She touched her belly. She felt the popcorn popping sensation as the baby moved. Growing inside of her was the precious gift her son gave her.

Joel stood in the shower, the hot water streaming over his body. He vigorously soaped up, lingering over his cock. Six months ago, he was a virgin, awkward around the girls in his class with little chance of losing his virginity.

Then in the space of two weeks, he fucked first his mother then Aunt Helen. At his tender age, he was unfamiliar with the phrase 'an embarrassment of riches.' All he knew was he was fucking two mature women and was the probable father of their babies.


His mother was his first. It was back in January. A winter blizzard dropped a foot of snow and the near gale force winds caused it to drift. Public transportation ground to a halt. It forced the cancelation of all commuter trains, stranding his father and Mr. Crane were stranded in the city.

Despite the cold, by the time he cleared their side drive and the sidewalk around their corner lot he was drenched in sweat. He glanced over at Aunt Helen's snowed in driveway. It would have to wait until he warmed up.

His mother was sitting by the roaring fireplace dressed in a thick white terry cloth robe and, as he was to find out later, nothing else. Things had been tense around the house. His parents were in a running argument about their poor financial condition and her desire to have another child. The arguments devolved to the point of his father sleeping on the sofa.

"Mom, I'm going to get out of these wet clothes and shower." Joel noticed the sweating half empty pitcher of margaritas sitting on the end table. His mother sat wide legged in the wing backed chair her back to him facing the roaring fire in the fireplace, sipping her drink.

"Okay, sweetie. Helen called. She wondered if you could stop by tomorrow and help her dig out. Claude is stranded in town also." Her voice was heavily slurred.

"Ah...sure mom! Are you okay?" Concern tinged his voice. He was aware of the tension between his parents.

June turned from the fire. She leaned over the arm of the chair and looked back at her son. The top of her terry cloth robe fell open, exposing one small coral tipped breast.

"I'm fine, just fine," she slurred. Her eyes wandered over her son's body as he removed his coat, scarf and boots. As he stood in the doorway, back lit by the fluorescent kitchen lights, she could see the significant bulge in his wet sweat pants. Despite herself, her inhibitions lowered by the alcohol, she stared at his bulge until he became uncomfortable.

"Ah...going upstairs, mom! Be right back!"

June turned back to the fire. Her mind was a confused muddle. Fucking Tom and his fucking pissant job! The heat thrown off by the flickering flames was intense. She undid the tie and opened her robe, exposing her front to the heat. It was no less intense then the heat she felt between her legs. Tom had slept on the coach for the past two weeks. She went from sex 2-3 times a week to a starvation diet. Damn him! Damn him for being so obstinate!

June lay back in the large chair. Her free hand wandered over her body as she sipped her drink. Her body ached with her need. It was a sexual need fueled by her strong breeding instinct.

At 38, her biological clock ticked so loud it drowned out everything. She, she needed... another baby before it was too late.

She took her pebble sized nipple between her thumb and fore finger. She pulled hard, relishing the sensation of pain and pleasure. So good, so good!

Unsteadily, June reached out to sit her now empty glass on the table. She set it partway on the table and had to catch it before it fell. Giggling, she carefully picked up the pitcher and decanted its remaining contents into her glass. She reached out and slowly set the pitcher down on the table and picked up her overly full glass. Some of the contents spilled onto her thigh.

She ran a finger along her thigh, smearing the drink. She had a devilish thought. It was something she and Helen did years ago. She slid the finger, sticky with the margarita through her swollen pussy lips. She took that finger in her mouth and sucked it clean of the musky sweet mixture.

She tipped the glass, intentionally spilling more of the drink on her pussy. She shivered as the ice cold drink ran down her belly and across her clit. Again, she wet her finger, inserted it in her pussy and sucked it clean. Her hips involuntarily began a slow thrusting as she recalled Helen licking spilled margarita from her pussy years ago.

She moaned at her touch and left the hand resting on her nether region. Slowly she inserted her index finger in her pussy. She groaned as it again slipped into her wetness. She slowly pulled her hand up and down dragging her finger from her pussy and across her clit. She shivered as sensations rocketed through her body.

June held up her finger wet with margarita and her juices and watched the flickering light of the fire shine over it. Slowly, she brought the finger to her mouth and stuck it in to the second knuckle. She sucked her finger, imagining it was her husband's cock, any cock. She withdrew her finger and again looked at it as though seeing it for the first time. "Not bad," she mumbled, "not bad at all."

Joel came down the stairs as his mother was slowly finger fucking herself. He watched stunned as the roar of the fire blended with the wet sloshing sounds and his mom's moans. He almost lost it when she pulled her finger from her pussy and sucked it.

" think I'll watch TV in my room."

Her robe still open, June turned and looked back at her son. He was fuzzy and indistinct. She tried to stand, pushing up on the arms of the chair and fell forward, dangerously close to the fire.

"Mom! Careful!" Joel bolted across the room. He grabbed his mother under her arms to lift her. The side of his hands brushed against her breasts.

June felt the intense heat of the fire. She also felt her son's hands brush her breast. Sensations, like an electric shock, shot through her body. She tried to lean back and push away from the fire as her son grasped her shoulders, pulling her back. Her robe came off in his hands. June fell backward on the robe. She felt the heat of the fire on her naked body and tried to squirm backwards.

Embarrassed at seeing his mother sprawled on her back naked, Joel took a step back. Despite himself, he surveyed her body. She was cleanly shaven. Her vaginal lips gleamed wetly. Her legs were full with a pronounced calf. Her thighs and hips grew from there to the incongruous swell of her outsized hips.

Her face was oblong with a square chin and wide deep set brown eyes. Her sandy hair was cut even and fell across her shoulders.

She is like a doll, he thought, a small delicate doll with a peaches and cream complexion. He stole quick looks at her nude pear shaped body. Her breasts were little more than hard pink nipples on a flat chest. A smile tugged at his mouth as he recalled his father's pet name for her: Buttilicious!

He realized she was too drunk to leave alone. He stooped, wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her petite frame to her feet. His arousal at touching his mother's nude body embarrassed him. She, on the other hand, seemed comfortable with her nudity.

"Why thank you kind sir," June said drunkenly, attempting to bow. She overbalanced, attempted to recover and stumbled forward. Instinctively, Joel's arms shot out encircling her waist. She felt warm. She was the first woman he saw undressed.

She wrapped her arms around him and plastered her naked body to him. Her head rested against his lower chest. She looked up into his concerned eyes.

"You are tall," she slurred.

"You are drunk," Joel laughed. His cock tented rigidly in his sweat pants as he looked at his mom's small frame. She was barely 5 feet tall. Her belly was flat with only the faintest hint of a pooch. Her breasts, though little more than raised mounds on her chest had bright rigid coral colored nipples.

"I'd better get you to bed."

"There was a time I could hold you closer than this. But now your cock gets in the way." She reached between them, grabbed his cock and tried to push it to the side.

"Mom! Stop! Jesus Christ!"

"Watch your language, young man!" Again, she tried to push his cock out of the way, this time getting a firm grip on it and holding it to the side. This struck her as funny and she began to titter.

"You are bigger than your father."

"Mom! You need to stop." He desperately wanted her to stop. However, it felt so damn good.

When Joel tried to grasp her wrist and pull her hand away, her grip tightened.

"Mom! That hurts!

June looked up at her son. She was having trouble focusing.

"How much bigger?"

"What? I don't know, mom! Let go! You are hurting me."

"I'm sorry, baby! Is mommy squeezing you too tight?" June began to stroke her son's cock through his sweat pants. "Does that feel better?"

"Mom stop!" Joel had a death grip on her wrist trying to pull her hand away.

"You ARE bigger than your dad." With that, June used her free hand, grabbed the elastic band of her son's sweat pants and pulled them below his hips.

Joel had two quick reactions. The first was to release his mother's wrist and try to pull his pants up. The second was shock as his mom dropped to her knees resumed stroking his cock. Stunned, he watched her inspect his tool as she knelt in front of him and stroked it.

"I can get all of your father's cock in my mouth. I'll bet yours won't fit."

With that, she opened her mouth wide and guided her son's substantial cock in her mouth. Her head bobbed a couple of times and she mumbled something around his dick.

Joel had a firm grip on his mother's head. Later he was unsure if he was trying to push her off or fuck her mouth.

"What," he groaned. This was his first blowjob and it felt incredible.

June pulled back, holding Joel's cock in one hand. Her saliva made a long string from his cock to her mouth. They both watched it, fascinated. When it broke, she looked up at her son.

"I said you are bigger. The sides of my mouth ache from trying to get more in. Let me try again." Somewhere in the sodden depths of her brain, an alarm went off. She ignored it.

June opened her mouth wide and pushed forward, letting her son's cock slide as far as it could in her mouth. She gagged when she felt it touch the back of her throat. Suddenly, she felt it swell as her son started cumming. He's going to cum, she thought. My son is going to cum in my mouth.

Alcohol slowed her reflexes. She felt his volcanic stream of baby batter slide down her throat. Her husband rarely came in her mouth anymore. Joel came so much she was gagging and spitting up from the sheer volume. His cum erupted from her mouth in a thick white mist, coating her chin and chest. Finally, she got his manhood out of her mouth. However, Joel was still cumming. He covered her hair, face and breasts in a white patina of jizz before his cock stopped spewing his seed.

Joel felt weak in the knees. His hands still grasped his mother's head but now for support. His breathing was labored and uneven. He never came like this when he whacked off.

Bemused, June rocked back on her heels. She used the palm of her hand to wipe her son's sperm from her eyes. She held her cum covered hand up and inspected it as if she was seeing it for the first time. Joel's cum, thick like a white creamy syrup, flowed down her hand and across her wrist. She had a wild thought about not making a mess on the floor. She brought her hand to her mouth, licked the front and back clean then licked up the back of her hand. She turned it over, licked the palm clean then each finger. She remembered a time at the amusement park when her ice cream cone melted. Then, like now, she licked all the sticky cream up.

She felt Joel's cum drip from her chin and land on her chest. She giggled. It felt hot. She expected it to sizzle.

Her pussy ached. She hissed as she reached down and touched her swollen pussy lips. She glanced down at her finger sliding through her crevice then up at her son standing over her with a look of shocked dismay.

Joel was scared to death. The unthinkable had just happened. His mother had sucked him off and now she knelt in front of him, her hair, face and chest covered in his cum. And she kept playing with herself! He knew she did it because she had been drinking. Still, when she sobered up there would be hell to pay. And what would his father say?

June's legs ached from kneeling so long. She reached up for her son's hand. "I'm getting a cramp. Help me up."

"Mom, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Tears welled in his eyes. He grasped June's hands and pulled her to her feet. His cum got on his hands from helping his mom to stand. June stood in front of her son weaving.

He stood for a moment, his hands held up like a surgeon preparing for a surgery.

"Well?" June weaved as her son looked around for something to wipe his hands.

"I need to wipe my hands."

It took her two tries but June grasped her son's hand. She ran her tongue up his cum covered palm, clearing a stripe of cum.

"Your turn!" She pushed his hand toward him. Joel snatched his head back.

"Mom! Stop! That's...uh...!"

"Nasty," June slurred, "it's okay for me to swallow your cum but you licking your hands clean is revolting?"

Joel's hand flapped uselessly in the air. He had tasted his cum before after masturbating. It didn't taste that bad. He took his fingers in his mouth and sucked his cum off them. Mother and son held each other's eyes as he did. June took his hand. Like a cat drinking from a bowl of milk, she licked Joel's hand clean.

"You had better help me upstairs."

Joel tried to lead June by holding her hand. However, she kept stumbling. Finally, when he got her to the steps, he stepped behind her. His large hands almost encircled her tiny waist. She was warm and perspiring. There was a faint musky odor in the air. Joel could not identify it. However, he found it strangely arousing. He looked at her standing slack jawed, her face covered in a lewd mask of his cum. His cock, which had never softened, twitched.

Eroticism was a word not yet in his vocabulary. If it were, he would have used it and its derivatives to describe his mother. It was an erotic sight to see this mature naked petite female with his seed covering her from hair to tit. It was strangely exciting to be touching his mother's body. He smacked his lips at the after taste of his cum.

June took a few tentative steps up the stairs. Joel followed her, his hands on her hips. She stumbled forward, placing her hands on the steps just above her for balance. The action pushed her ass in her son's face.

His face was inches from his mother's perspiring behind. Her musky aroma filled his nostrils. He pressed his face against his mother's warm sweaty naked ass. He never knew what possessed him. His head swam with the musky aroma of her arousal. His cock throbbed, leaking drips of clearish white fluid on the back of her thighs. Impulsively, he kissed his mother's ass.

June moaned and pushed her ass back and rotated it. It's been so long, she thought. She felt her son's mouth slip between her ass cheeks and kiss her anus. June moaned loudly and pushed back even harder. Her husband never did this. He said it was a filthy and disgusting thing to do. Helen had. Years ago. Helen used to drive her to unimaginable heights tonguing her asshole.

Joel's ears roared with the sound of his blood rushing through his veins. The scent of his mother's pussy was strong, overpowering. It made his nose flare and his mouth water. His tongue flicked out, probing her most intimate hole. Lust drove him. He lifted his mother's hips and moved his tongue down across her swollen wet pussy lips.

"Do that," June moaned, consumed by alcohol driven lust, rotated her ass against her son's mouth," please, baby do it."

Joel knelt down on one knee, the other behind him on the step below. He grasped her ass in both hands and pressed his face into it. His tongue slipped between the lips of her pussy. Unsure of what to do, he began to flick his tongue up and down as though moistening a stamp or an envelope.

"Aw fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" June screamed at the top of her lungs. Fearing he was hurting her, Joel pulls back.

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Don't stop, Joel! Please don't stop"

"Are you sure, mom? Are you sure I'm not hurting you?"

June looked back over her shoulder at her son. His face shone with her wetness.

"No baby! You are not hurting your mommy. Don't stop."

June watched over her shoulder as her son pressed his face back into her ass. This time he buried his tongue deep in her pussy. He held her ass tightly and repeated the flicking motion with his tongue buried in her pussy. Jean screamed again. Joel felt a flood of wetness against his face and chest. He pulled back, frightened.

He watched a whitish liquid ooze from his mom's swollen pussy lips. Curious, he took a finger and touched her wetness. He felt her shiver as he ran the tip of his finger up and down her deep coral red swollen pussy lips. It looked so small. He tried to imagine him coming out of this tiny coin slot and could not.

Still coming down from her earth shaking orgasm, June felt his finger against her pussy and again thrust back. The need she felt sitting in front of the fire, the need that drove her to suck her son's cock, that need drove her to the next inevitable, irreversible action. "That's right, baby! Fuck mommy! Make mommy feel good."

June kept thrusting back hard against her son's finger. The stairs begin to blur. She feels dizzy and out of body.

"Are you sure, mom?" Joel's heart was pounding in his chest. His throat felt constricted and he was having trouble breathing. He rose up on his knees and let his sweat pants drop to his knees.

"Don't take it out, baby! Please put it back in." June was drunk and confused. She thought her son's probing finger was his cock. She wanted a cock. Her womb ached for life giving seed.

Sweat streamed from Joel's body. He positioned himself behind June. He took his cock in one hand. He stared at his mother's wet pulsing pussy. She was making small circles with her ass. He placed one hand on her hot sweaty behind to slow her gyrations.

"Fuck me, baby! Please fuck me!" June was on fire. Need and instinct drove her. She was dimly aware it was begging for her son's cock. It did not matter.

Joel scooted forward on the step until the head of his cock was just touching his mother's pussy lips. Then, inexperienced as he was, instead of a slow measured entry, allowing her to get used to his large length and width, he slammed all the way in, burying his cock balls beep in his petite mom's tight pussy.

"Sweet fucking Jesus!" June let out a long piercing scream. She clawed the carpet trying to get away from this enormous invader of her tight hole. Waves of pain tinged with an incredible full feeling radiated from her convulsing pussy.

Joel followed her up the stairs, one hand on the railing, the other on the stair frantically slamming in and out of her pussy. There was no rhythm, no alternating of speed and depth, just his enormous tool fucking her pussy until a white froth built up around the circumference of his cock. It coated his mom's ass.

As June clawed her way onto the second floor landing, the waves of pain mixed with paroxysms of pleasure. On all fours now she began to slam back against her son's invading cock. She had never felt this full. The pressure on her cervix told her he was filling all of her. Her pussy contracted hard as she came.

"Oh my fucking god, Joel! You are going to split me in half. I never had a cock this big!"

Worried, Joel slowed and looked at his mother. Her bright red face turned toward him, drool hung from her open mouth. Her eyes alternated from slits to wide eyed wonder.

"Should I stop mom? I'm I hurting you?"

"No baby! You are not hurting me. But slow down."

June reached back and placed her hand flat against Joel's belly. Joel slowed, pulling out until just the head was captured between her pussy lips then sliding in until his egg like balls slapped against her ass.

"A little faster"

The staccato slap of flesh on flesh echoed down the hall as Joel sped up.

"Now slow down, baby."

Joel slowed, pulling way out then sliding slowly back in.

"Now just keep doing that. Slow then fast. Slow then fast."

Joel watched his mother's back tremble and her wetness increased. That happened several times as they fucked on the stairs. He watched her back undulate. He was amazed at that sight of her heart shaped behind, his mother's ass, slamming back against him.

He felt pressure building in his groin. It was at once familiar and new. He knew from masturbating that he was close to coming. However, the intensity of his need surprised him. The hallway blurred and swam around him. He grasped his mother's hips with both hands. Millennia of breeding instinct drove his pace. He began a hard staccato thrusting, instinctively pushing deep to give his seed that initial thrust.

June groaned as she felt her son swell in her. "That's right, baby! That's right! Fill mommy up."

Joel moaned as he came, slamming hard, piston like, pumping his seed deep in his mom. As he did, she dropped belly down on the floor. Joel collapsed on top of her breathing heavily, pumping the last of his sperm into her.

"Mom, that was incredible."

"Yes it was, darling, yes it was! Now help mommy up." June's lust was sated. The incessant aching eased.

Joel helped her to her feet and supported her with his arm around her waist as he took her to her bedroom. As June passed the bathroom, she knew she should clean up. Her son's sperm was drying on her face and hair. She could feel it running out of her. However, she was so tired.

Joel watched his mother as she collapsed on her bed. His feelings were ambivalent. She was still his mother and he loved her dearly. However, what they just shared added a layer of intimacy he felt but was too inexperienced to understand.

He turned and started for his bedroom. At his mother's bedroom door he stopped and looked back. He shook his head and walked down the hall to his bed. WOW, he thought as he dozed off, wow!


June awoke in the darkened room and rolled to her back in the bed. She had to pee in the worse possible way. Carefully, she turned in the bed and placed her feet on the floor. The room spun and she felt sick to her stomach. Then as she stood, she felt a soreness in her pussy. She reached down touched and quickly drew her hand away. Why am I so...!

The events of the night swam back into her brain. Oh my good, she thought, oh my fucking god! I fucked Joel last night. Tears began to stream down her face. What have I done?

She stood and began walking wide legged to the bathroom, tears streaming down her face. She sat on the toilet. As she peed, she could feel Joel's cum, her son's cum, flowing out of her. She gingerly patted herself dry. She had a terrifying thought. I'm on no birth control. That terror combined with an odd sated feeling.

What must he think of me? I practically raped him. She hesitated for a moment. Instead of turning left and going back to her room, she turned right and took the few steps to Joel's room. She knew it was late. He was probably asleep. However, she felt it was important that she try to mitigate any emotional damage she had done.

She eased his bedroom door open. The reflected moonlight off the snow shown through his bedroom window, dimly illuminating Joel lying on his back in the bed. The soft burr of his snoring confirmed he was asleep. Cautiously, she tiptoed into his room. His blanket cut diagonally across his body exposing one leg and his semi rigid cock. He slept with one arm thrown over his face and the other holding his exposed cock.

June grasped the blanket. Her intention was to cover her son. Joel groaned. His hand stroked his cock. June caught her breath. At about 7" her son's cock was slightly above average in length. However, it was very thick.

An old memory flooded back. She recalled Claude Crane fucking her. Next to them, her husband, Tom was fucking Helen. Claude's cock was thick like that. While her husband's was longer, slimmer.

Impulsively, she sat on the edge of his bed. Gently she lifted his hand from his cock. As she leaned over and kissed the mushroom shaped head she thought, this is so wrong! She inhaled his musky maleness.

Joel groaned as she took his tool into her mouth. The corners of her mouth ached as she tried to get all of him in her mouth. I should stop. Last night could be called a drunken mistake. We might be able to get past that. However, what I am doing now...

She crawled over his body and lay between his legs. His cock hardened as she bobbed wantonly on her son's cock. She could feel his hips pumping up against her. Then it swelled and sprayed her tonsils with his thick creamy juice. June was surprised to feel how wet she was. She watched lovingly as he struggled awake

Joel dreamed about his mother on her knees sucking his cock in the living room. In his sleep, he could feel her mouth, her talented tongue encircling his tool. The feeling was too real to be a dream. As he began to cum, he struggled awake. Between his legs, he saw his mother. He cheeks were hollow where she applied an amazing suction to his cock. He bucked against her as he filled her mouth.

"Mom! Wha..! "

June took her son's cock from her mouth. It was still rigid, leaking small drops of his seed. She rose to her knees and walked over his body until her pussy was just above his cock.

"Shhhh! Don't say anything!"

June grasped Joel's cock and positioned it at her entrance. She sank slowly down, her eyes widening as his girth stretched her.

Joel's mouth opened and closed reflexively. He was fully awake now. This was no dream. His eyes flicked from the rapturous vision of his mother to his cock sliding into her hole.

"Mom, that feels incredible!"

June leaned forward, placing her hands on her son's chest. A groaned escaped her lips as she began to rise and fall on her son's cock. So wrong, she thought, but so good!

She leaned forward and kissed him, her tongue outlining his lips. "Better than your girlfriends?"

She watched him color deeply. She slowed her pace and looked deep into his eyes. "Am I your first?"

His head bobbed. "Oh baby! Then mommy will make this very special."

Later, the sun glistened off the snow as Joel eased out of the bed. His mother was sleeping soundly. For most of the night, they fucked. She taught him various positions and how they felt to a woman. They fucked doggy, missionary, side saddle, etc. He had even stood, lifted her and bounced her on his cock while he stood, her arms around his neck and her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

He looked lovingly at his sleeping mother next to him. She lay on her belly with one knee bent and the other spread to the side. A crusty white something covered her pussy. On the sheet and spread on her thighs was more of the same. After some reflection, he realized he was seeing his dried cum on his mother's pussy, the sheets and her thighs.

He felt odd. He fucked his mother and he could see the residue. Pride tinged the odd feeling. At first, he could not understand the pride. Over time, he realized that was pride in his performance. He recalled his mother's squeals of delight. He learned a lot from her last night.

He padded naked back down the hall and into the bathroom. He took a quick shower. Then he bundled up and went out to clean the snow from Mrs. Crane's driveway.

It was arduous work. Overnight the wind drifted the snow making it difficult to move. Finally, he was finished. As he started back across the street, he heard someone call him.

"Yoo hoo! Yooo hoo! Joel!"

"Oh hello, Aunt Helen."

"Thank you so much for clearing my driveway. I just talked to Claude. He said it will be late tonight or early tomorrow before the trains are running again. Come in and let me give you some hot chocolate."

Joel was going to turn her down. His mom was laying naked in the bed. Despite the cold and his fatigue, he wanted to hurry inside. Maybe she would let him do it again. Then his stomach growled reminding him that he had not eaten since lunch the day before. He trudged toward Helen Crane's door.

"Thank you, Aunt Helen."

Joel stepped into the foyer of the Crane house and removed his coat, gloves and boots. This left him wearing his trademark sweat pants and sweatshirt. In his stocking feet, he followed her into the kitchen.

Helen Crane wore a mid thigh length ivory peignoir gown and robe set with matching furry mules. This was her usual daily wear. She rarely got dressed before early afternoon. At 5' 9" and 200 pounds she was a big woman. She had not let herself go. However, at 38 , married 20 years and with a son in college, she found very little incentive to dress up. That, her fondness for extra dry martinis, the occasional joint and her relative prosperity gave her a laid-back view of life.

For the first time, Joel saw her as something other than his play aunt. She was a big voluptuous sensual woman. He watched the flow of her hips as she led him into the kitchen. He was so intent that he actually bumped into her when she stopped.

"Oops! Sorry Aunt Helen."

Helen stumbled forward but not before she felt something hard poke her in the butt. She glanced down and noted the significant tent in his sweat pants. Well, she thought, he is growing up. She and his mother had discussions about him and his sexuality. He tended to be bookish and had never had a real date. The fact that he got a hard on watching her ass was a good sign. She shivered as a long ago memory of his father long slim cock rose from a dusty corner of her mind.

"No problem, Joel. While I fix the cocoa, why don't you get that cheese cake out of the fridge." She paused for a moment, had a thought and added: "I didn't get this big ass from eating diet food." She smiled as she watched the color move up his neck and into his face.

"How's your mother?"

"Uh...she was still asleep when I left, aunty."

"What? Her husband is stranded in the city and she sleeps in. She must have had a big night."

The previous night she was tempted to bundle up and head over to June's to spend the night. She imagined them sharing a pitcher of martinis or June's favorite, margaritas. She imagined them lying entwined in each other's arms as they used to. She got wet thinking of the sweet taste of June's pussy.

She decided against it. She knew Joel was home. When the boys were born, the four of them agreed they needed to cut back on their intense sexual activity. However, she and June fell off the wagon a few times.

They had a sweaty encounter in this very kitchen a few years back. She recalled lifting the weakly resisting June onto the breakfast counter. Then Helen knelt between her friends large thighs. She licked and probed June's pussy and anus until she was a limp sweaty ragdoll like figure.

However, it had been nearly 10 years since the four of them played together. Occasionally one the guys got touchy feely. During a barbecue last summer, Tom met her coming out of the upstairs bathroom at his house. A playful smack on her behind progressed to a full on make out session. In short order, her sundress was around her waist and her panties laying on the hallway floor. She recalled the delicious feel of the head of Tom's cock pushing into her hole. She wrapped one leg around his waist. Their tongues dueled as they thrust into each other. Joel's voice calling up the stairs ended that session.

When she told Claude about the hallway encounter, he was indifferent. She was at once hurt and furious. She shared with her husband that his best friend fucked her in his hallway and he did not care. The sexual animal of yesteryear was not just dead it was extinct.

She was thinking of Joel's father as she watched his son's Adam's apple bob several times before he managed to squeeze out a reply. " ma'am...I mean yes ma'am. She fixed a pitcher of margaritas and overdid it."

Helen noted his nervousness and the way his hard on increased as they discussed his mother. She shook her head to clear an evil thought from her mind. Joel caught her glancing down at his bulge. He quickly sat down and crossed his legs. Jesus! How big is that damn thing? It looks larger than his father's!

For the several minutes, they sipped hot chocolate and ate cheesecake. Helen enjoyed his company. With her son away at college and her husband more of an acquaintance than partner, she spent long lonely days eating and drinking.

"I guess I had better get home. Mom will be looking for me."

"Before you go, would you do me a favor?"

"Yes, ma'am! What do you need?"

For a moment, Helen felt very old. This strapping man child with a sizeable cock called her 'ma'am'!

"I'm a little concerned that the power might go off. Would you mind getting the extra comforters out of the attic?"

Joel watched Helen's large ass roll under her gown as she led him up the stairs. She always dressed this way. However now it seemed different. Making love to his mother changed his view of women. Aunt Helen was not just a big woman. She was a big SEXY woman.

Helen turned. Her arm was raised pointing at the attic door. She inhaled sharply as she saw the size of the bulge in Joel's sweatpants. Unaware that she did, she ran her tongue over her lips.

Joel stepped around Helen and reached for the lanyard that pulled down the attic stairs. He caught a whiff of the same scent he smelled from his mother last night. It was somehow different but the same.

As Joel climbed the ladder into the attic, his cock was briefly at Helen's eye level. It took all of her will power to keep from touching it. Why, she thought, was she so aroused by Joel now?

"Do you need more light?"

Helen stood at the bottom at the bottom of the telescoping attic ladder looking up at the tight butt of her play nephew as he scrambled into the attic.

"No I can see pretty good. I see the plastic bags with the comforters."

Helen heard him rummaging around in the attic.

"Can you get them?"

"Yes, yes I can get them."

To Helen, his voice sounded strange. "Is everything okay?" There was a long silence. Nervous, Helen placed a foot on the bottom rung of the ladder. She looked up through the trap door. "Should I come up?"

"NO! Uh, no, aunty. I...uh...knocked over some boxes."

"Oh okay! I need to have you come over this Spring and help me... A chill shot over Helen. He knocked over some boxes. Not THOSE boxes!

Helen started up the ladder. Her feet kept getting caught in the hem of the robe. Frantic, she stripped it off, leaving just her knee length diaphanous gown.

Her heart sank when she poked her head through the opening. Joel sat cross legged on the dusty floor of the attic. Scattered about the floor where various kinds of pictures. They were old Polaroid's, 35mm and computer discs that she knew contained more pictures and some video.

"Is this you in these old picture albums?"

Helen had a sinking feeling as she realized that a shoebox of old nude Polaroids and 35 mm slides were stored up there. How the hell had she forgotten about those? Joel sat cross legged in the dusty old attic looking at some of her old pictures.

"Joel! Leave those alone."

"Wow Aunty! Is this dad in these old pictures?"

The attic room was triangular, its shaped determined by the slope of the roof. The floor was plywood covered in years of accumulated dust. At the far end was a dormer with a dust encrusted window. A single 25 watt light bulb hung from the center of the triangular roof. Floor to ceiling height was a little under five feet necessitating crawling or an uncomfortable bent over walk.

Joel sat under the light, the damning pictures scattered about. He found them in the shoebox behind the plastic bags with the comforters. Curious, he lifted the lid on the shoebox and found dozens of old pictures.

The first ones showed a younger, slimmer Aunt Helen nude sitting on a bed smiling nervously. As he progressed through the neatly indexed pictures, they became more risqué. He got a boner when he got to the ones of his aunty kneeling with her hairy pussy pointed toward the camera. She was looking back over her shoulder and smiling.

What caused him to exclaim and drew a fearful Helen into the attic was a picture of Helen sucking a guy's cock. The guy, with an intense look of pleasure on his face was not Uncle Claude. It was his father.

"Joel! Put those down!"

"What are these?" He held up a handful of the pictures.

Her anxiety level shooting off the scale, Helen crawled across the dusty floor. She was unaware that the bodice of her nightgown gaped open. Joel watched entranced as her large breasts swung freely as she crawled to him. Helen's breasts were much larger than his mother's.

"Give me those! You shouldn't pry, Joel!"

Helen knew they should have destroyed these old pictures years ago. It was from a time before her son was born when she, Claude and the Allens experimented with wife swapping. It was a fun period in their lives. It ended when they started to have families. The pictures were embarrassing.

His eyes wide, with sweat streaking the dust on his face, Joel silently handed the pictures to Helen. She turned, sat next to him and took the pictures. On top was a Polaroid of June Allen on her knees with Claude fucking her doggy. Helen sighed as she looked from the damning picture to the face of the stunned teenager.

Joel was confused. How could his loving, seemingly conservative mother, have engaged in such an act? Sure, he fucked her in a similar position. She told him she liked the deeper penetration of doggy style, as she called it. But Uncle Claude! Despite his confusion, the eroticism excited him. She looked so incredibly hot! His cock bulged in his sweat pants.

Unable to sit cross legged like her teenage play nephew, Helen was forced to sit bent slightly forward with her legs extended in front of her. This caused the pink sheer thigh length gown to ride up her legs until it barely covered her bare pussy.

"Aunt Helen, mom and Uncle Claude...they...had sex? Where were you and dad?"

Joel was sure he knew the answer but he needed confirmation. Even in his shock and confusion, he noted Helen's full mature thighs were bare. His eyes followed the line between them to where they disappeared under the scalloped hem of the gown.

Helen was for the moment unaware of Joel's growing interest in what was under her gown.

"Joel...that was another time, before you or my son was born. Your parents and we had just moved into this subdivision. It wasn't like it is now, all built up. There were just our two houses and the others were under construction.

We were young and felt isolated. We begin to spend a lot of time together. One thing led to another and we began...experimenting. These pictures, which I should have destroyed long ago, were part of that experimentation."

"So mom fucked Uncle Claude. Did you fuck dad?"

Before she answered, Helen repositioned herself. Sitting bent over strained her back. She slid forward. The gown climbed, now barely covering her. Joel could looked down and see a bristly black hairy forest sprinkled with gray.

Helen noticed that Joel was not using euphemisms for sex. "Yes, but it was another time. We stopped after we became pregnant."

For the umpty umpth time, a stray thought entered her mind. It was a thought she and June shared right after they knew they were pregnant. She shook her head to clear it

"Wow," Joel exclaimed, "fucking wow!"

"Joel, watch your language! You need to promise me you will never tell anyone you saw these."

He opened his mouth to agree. Then 18 year old curiosity took over. "I will if you let me see you naked."

"WHAT? I will not! Give those pictures and get the hell out of here."

Joel hesitated, then handed the pictures to Helen. "I'm sorry I said that Aunt Helen."

Joel glanced at 3"x5" glossy 35 mm print. On it, Helen and June were 69ing while Tom was behind them fucking Helen. He handed it to Helen.

For a moment, she stared at him. The pictures shocked him. However, he was showing maturity by giving them to her.

"Aunt Helen."

"Yes, Joel."

Helen was exhausted. The physical exertion of climbing the ladder combined with the emotional stress of him finding the pictures drained her.

"Do you guys...I mean you say you stopped...have you...?"

She decided honesty was the best policy. "Not in years! Once we decided to start our families, we stopped...getting together." A stray thought tugged at her memory then slipped away.

"Joel, if you promise me you will never tell, you can look at the rest of the pictures. After that I will do what I should have done years ago...destroy them!"

His head bobbed quickly. Curiosity replaced his initial surprise and disgust. In his mature but unsophisticated mind, he imagined only he, and naturally his father, had sex with his mother. And that thing Aunt Helen and his mother did! The ecstasy on Aunt Helen's face as she turned and looked into the camera while his mom lay under her, her face buried in Aunt Helen's pussy caused his cock to jump.

They sat next to each other as they went through the pictures. Joel asked many questions. Helen answered them honestly. She explained how different positions gave a woman different sensations as the penetration angle changed, Helen was acutely aware of his rigid cock tenting his sweatpants and the wet spot it created.

"There are a lot of pictures of you and mom." The statement hung in the air.

"Umm...yes! Uh...your mother and I...actually your father and Claude...well, they liked to watch us."

Helen felt a little tingle in her nether regions. Yes, Tom and Claude liked to watch them. However, she and June enjoy 69ing and did it even when their spouses were not around. Jesus! She missed licking June!

Helen looked down at his sweat pants tented by his cock. There was a wet spot where his cock pressed against his sweatpants. She unconsciously licked her lips.

"You were very beautiful, Aunt Helen."

"You mean I'm not anymore?" She laughed nervously. Looking at dirty pictures with a sexually unaware (she thought erroneously!) 18 year old was arousing. As they flipped from picture to picture, she recalled the situation, explained it to him and became more aroused. When they finally viewed the last picture, her pussy was drenched.

"I haven't seen you naked so I can't compare," Joel said quietly, his crystal clear blue eyes luminous.

"Not much to see," Helen tittered like a school girl, "just an old 38 year old, soon to be 39, overweight middle aged woman."

Made bold by his encounters with his mother, He reached for the hem of her gown and began to pull it up. June told him women liked an aggressive but tender man. Helen grabbed his hand.

"Joel, this is totally inappropriate." As she grasped his hand, she felt one of his fingers slide back and forth on her inner thigh. Were the hell did he learn that?

With his free hand, he pushed her gown up, exposing her neatly trimmed grey streaked black thatch. He squeezed her thigh just below her pussy.

"I'll bet you are as beautiful now as you were then."

Helen released her grip on his wrist and attempted to pull down her gown. She was aware that she was wet between her legs, very wet. There was sexual tension in the air. Looking at the pictures aroused old memories.

"Look, this has to stop!" She tried to stand and bumped her head against the rafters. She howled in pain and sat back down heavily rubbing her head.

"Are you okay, Aunty? Let me see if you broke the skin."

He scooted closer, pulling her head down so he could see the crown of her head. Helen's face was mere inches from his rigid cock and the growing wet spot in his sweat pants. As he pushed her greying hair aside, his other hand gently stroked her thigh.

"Joel, please," her voice quavered, "you must stop."

He pushed her head down in his lap. She turned her head to the side to prevent his cock from touching her mouth. She felt the warm wetness of his sweat pants slide along her cheek. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled the aroma of his arousal.

Joel's finger slid up her thigh and cupped her sodden wetness. Helen's hand shot out and gripped his hand in a death grip. She was surprised at how this man-child was taking charge of the situation. Though she fought, the thought of him overwhelming her sent shivers through her body.

Joel did as his mother told him the night before. He slipped his index finger into Helen's pussy. He found the spot at the top just inside Helen's pussy. He flicked his finger as if he was beckoning for someone. He smiled to himself as Helen hissed, released his wrist and pumped her substantial hips up.

"Does that feel okay, Aunt Helen?"

Helen fell back, her body supported by her arm thrust out behind her. "Where...who...Oh my god! That feels so good!"

She was only dimly aware of him pulling her gown above her breasts. She grabbed his head pressing it to her bosom as he lowered it and took one of her swollen nipples in his mouth. The duel sensation of her G-spot being stimulated and her sensitive nipples being sucked and nibbled on caused mini orgasms to rock her body.

He watched her eyes widen then narrow. He felt her pussy clench around his finger. He looked down and saw a thin stream of fluid running out of her and down his finger. He recalled his mother telling him that sex was about sharing. He took his finger out of Helen's pussy and licked it. Then he offered it to Helen.

"Suck it, Aunty!"

"What? I..." She recoiled as his finger touched her lips. He pressed the finger against her lips. Helen parted her lips. His finger slipped between them. For a moment, she held it there, staring fixedly at her nephew. He pressed again. She took it in her mouth and sucked it. She held his eyes as she hungrily licked and sucked his finger clean. She always loved how she tasted. Lately, she tasted herself more and more.

Helen understood what Joel was only dimly aware of it. He was taking charge. A thrill of fear mixed with an unholy anticipation suffused her body. When he placed his hand on her chest, pushing her to her back, she offered no resistance.

"Do you like that, Aunty?"

Helen's belly convulsed as Joel continued fingering her G-spot while rubbing his thumb slid across her clit. The sloshing of her pussy was loud in the dusty confines of the attic. His other hand massaged her breasts, starting at the base and sliding up until his thumb and forefinger captured her nipple. He discovered that Helen's nipples were harder and longer than his mom's. Helen writhed on her back in the dust.

"Wha...where...who...taught you that?"

"On the internet," he lied, preserving the secret he and his mother shared. "Take off your gown."

Helen raised up from the attic floor, grasped the hem of her gown and tugged upward, over her head. She tossed it to the side. She marveled at how easily she surrendered.

Helen's large breasts lay on her chest. Long ago they lost the fight with gravity but were impressive in their fullness, covering her chest. Her brown rigid nipples set partway up the curve of her breasts. Joel leaned down and gently kissed their wrinkled glory.

"Aunt Helen, you are SOOOO beautiful."

He continued down, planting kisses on her prominent belly pooch and tongued her navel.

"Mmmm, Joel that feels so good!"

He turned slightly, his face even with her abdomen. He kissed the small swell just above her neatly trimmed pubic thatch. Helen smiled. She reached down with one hand, placed the tip of her index finger under his chin and raised his head so she could see his face.

"You lie," she smiled sadly, "I'm an old fat married woman."

Balancing himself with his hands on her full pink thighs, Joel leaned forward. He kissed her wet pussy lips, letting his tongue slide between their swollen glory.

"To me, you are unexplored territory. Full of mysteries and hidden places. I want to explore your body. With my hands! With my tongue! With my cock!"

Helen was shocked at his forwardness. However, she smiled down at her soon to be lover. "Flattery will get you everything."

He kissed her pussy hard forcing his tongue deep in her swollen lips. June taught him how to French kiss. Then she told him to do the same thing when he kissed her pussy.

"Easy, baby easy! Go slow," Helen moaned, "start at the bottom and let the tip of your tongue slide slowly between my pussy lips! Yes! Yes! Just like that!"

When his tongue hit the hard nub of her engorged clit, she grabbed his head. "Don't touch that too long! It's very sensitive now. Later I'll teach you when and how to suck it."

The pussy eating lesson went on for sometime. She taught him gentle was better than rough when licking her. She had him suck his finger to wet it and then slide it in her anus. She shivered as her orgasm overtook her.

When she finally allowed him to suck her clit, he instinctively inserted his thumb in her hole. As he sucked her engorged clit, he rocked his hand up and down, simultaneously fucking her pussy and ass. Helen screamed as wave after wave of pleasure cascaded over her body. By the time Joel slid up her body, she was like a limp noodle.

Helen's eyes widened in surprise as Joel's fat cock slid into her hole. His length took him deep into her dripping hole. His girth pleasantly stretched her.

"OH FUCK! Easy Joel Easy! It feels good but go slow!" His girth stretched her to her limits. She was surprised that he knew how to vary his rhythm and depth. She never suspected her very good friend, his mother taught him.

Aunt Helen's pussy is different from mom's, Joel thought, it's larger and not as wet.

Recalling his mother's instructions about speed and depth, he slowed. He pulled back until the thick meaty lips of Helen's pussy captured just the head. Then he slid in slowly, watching her expression change as he slowly filled her. Following his mother's teachings, he repeated this several times. Then he began the rapid long dicking his mother taught him.

Helen was lost in a miasma of lust. In all of her 38 years, she had never had a cock this large. Each time he thrust in her, she felt it throughout her body. Caught up in the act, her legs popped up and wrapped around his young slender but well toned body. A part of her feared being caught. It also worried that she was not on birth control. The rhythmic deep fucking she was getting quickly overwhelmed that part of her mind.

"Oh My God! Oh my God!"

"Do you like it, Aunty? Is there anything you want me to do?"

She lay back on the rough dusty plywood floor. Her hands were palm down pressing against the floor.

"I...what...I...! Get on your knees, Joel. Grab my legs, baby. Draped them over your shoulders. That will help you get deeper in me. I want you as deep as you can get!"

Joel did as he was told. He draped her legs over his shoulders and continued his altering of depth and speed. He looked down at her pulsing clit. Using the finger of one hand, he flicked lightly at it. He felt the familiar spasming that in his mother meant she was coming. Helen's orgasm was harder, tighter, trying to push his cock out. He gripped her thighs tighter and thrust harder, forcing his way deeper in to her constricting pussy.

"Am I doing okay, Aunty?"

Helen's mind was blurred. Her world shrunk to the attic and this large hard cock pounding her like never before. She rode wave after wave of orgasms.

"You are doing real good, baby! Keep fucking aunty."

Joel smile. The next time he and his mother had sex, he wanted to try what Aunt Helen was teaching him. She loved the way he was fucking her. He decided he would show her something he practiced while masturbating. Joel began the short hard thrusting strokes that presaged his orgasm.

"Yes, baby! Yes! Cum in me! Let me feel your juice spray my insides."

A brief clear thought crossed her mind again. Birth Control. She was not on any. As she opened her mouth to warn him, to tell him to pull out, she felt a jet of his lava hot, potent seed splash against her cervix with all of the force of a fire hose.

"Awww shit! Aww shit, I'm cumming, aunty!"

Joel slowed. He smiled. His cock was still hard. He taught himself this trick. How to control his cumming enough that he stayed hard. He resumed his rhythmic fucking of his aunt. He could see his seed being squeezed out of her pussy. It mixed with the froth of her juices coating his cock and her hairy pussy.

Helen's eyes opened wide. He had come. She felt him. She came with him! Nevertheless, he was still hard. Still driving her to perform with him.

For nearly an hour, Joel and his aunt fucked in the attic. He came twice more. The volume lessened but still he could come. Helen was drifting in and out of consciousness, riding waves of pleasure. Finally, she felt him cum and he fell on top of her. Weakly, she brought up one hand and stroked his sweaty back. She was exhausted.

Joel knew there was one more thing he needed to do. Again, it was something his mother liked. He began to slide down his aunt, kissing her sweaty tits; he nibbled lightly on each distended nipple.

Helen groaned in post coital bliss. It had been years since her husband showed such loving attention after sex. Her abdomen quivered as Joel lavished kisses on it. When he kissed her sodden hairy thatch, drenched in their juices, her eyes popped open.

"Joel! No! Don't...! Awwww fuckkk!!"

Joel planted soft kisses on her still swollen, slightly tender, pussy lips. His kisses were feather light. His tongue flicked at her opening then gently penetrated her lips in a loving French kiss.

"Oh Joel! Joel!"

Helen writhed as her 18 year old lover worked his tongue in her hole, sucking and licking their combined juices. The sheer eroticism of such a loving act caused her to experience one more orgasm. Her hands shot down and caressed his sweaty head as her hips pumped against his mouth.

Joel raised his head. He looked up at his smiling aunt as he stroked her moist thigh. The damning box of pictures lay next to her.

"Can we take some pictures also, Aunty?"

Helen sat up on her elbows. Her moist dust covered gown was plastered to her body. She felt a slight ache in her nether regions that she knew was the beginnings of a soreness she would endure for the next few days.

"Pictures! Oh sweetie, I don't know! Don't tell your mother what we did. I can trust you, can't I?"

"Yes, you can aunty. It's our secret." Joel glanced at the picture of his mom and Aunt Helen licking each other while his father fucked aunty. He imagined replacing his father in the picture.
