Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3185 - PUSSYNAPPED!

Chapter 3185 - PUSSYNAPPED!

Jeff Foster lay on his back under the clear summer sky as a red-tailed hawk soared overhead towards the Susquehanna River a mile or so away. He watched it work the thermals in the morning heat, wondering what the bird was thinking as it flew by. Jeff himself felt great. He was flying high, too, on his first day of liberty in almost six months.

A few feet away, Jeff's mom lay on a recliner in their yard, stretching as the sun warmed her body. His mom was wearing an old red bikini. She would not have worn it in public but this was their backyard and only Jeff and Mr. Cuddles could see her, so what the hell. The backyard of their duplex was small and covered with scrubby grass but it was private, unless the neighbor was peeking out the upstairs bedroom window. That wasn't the case today because the other half of the duplex was vacant and had been for months.

Jeff was on the other recliner, and Mr. Cuddles the cat strolled around cadging strokes from them as he passed by. Jeff was in long swim shorts, bare-chested and wearing sunglasses dark enough to let him stare undetected at his mom's body stretched out in front of him. She looked great. Jeff rolled over onto his front, just in case.

It was late June in Wilkes-Barre, upstate Pennsylvania and Jeff's mom, a medical receptionist, had taken the day off to be with her son. She was feeling bad because she felt Jeff's incarceration was partly her fault. But Jeff didn't blame his mother. He had been the one caught trespassing in the empty building, not her. Expecting a couple of weekends community service, his mother had declined the assistance of an attorney to save money.

Unfortunately for both of them, Jeff was hauled up in front of Judge Ciavarella of the Luzerne County Court. Ciavarella would later be sentenced to 28 years in federal prison for taking bribes to keep a local privately run young offenders institution full. Preying on defendants without legal representation, Ciavarella had sent hundreds of young people into long term custody for trivial offenses. But this would all come out in the future. Right now his mom just felt guilty.

Jeff was eighteen and his mom was forty two. They were both single. An unwise affair with one of the married doctors at her practice had turned sour two years before and she had not dated since. It was the latest in a long series of unsatisfactory relationships for Jeff's mom. Jeff's father, of course, was long gone. Despite her passionate nature, the emotional roller coasters of so-called romance had left her anxious and bewildered more often than not. She was just too sensitive for her own good. Nowadays she spent a lot of time fantasizing because it was safer. She had her favorite movie stars. That way she didn't get hurt.

Jeff wasn't happy, either. After he was sentenced his girlfriend dumped him straight away, never even visited once, so the only female company he had in prison was his mother's regular visits. Unfortunately, bottled up inside all alone, Jeff had developed feelings for his mother that a son shouldn't have. This first day out at home, seeing her in a bikini was an erotic dream come true. Of course, his mother had no idea that he now lusted after her, and he had enough sense to conceal it.

He looked at her. A runner, she was toned, slim, and her face was still attractive. She was lying on her back and her body was oily in the summer sun. Her black hair was tousled and her face was upturned to the sky. He could see her breasts sagging a little out of the sides of her bikini top. Her belly was flat. Her delicious crotch an alluring hump gently rising above her thighs, leading down to her shapely legs, shaved and glistening in the light.

Jeff was horny as hell, although he couldn't do anything about it but watch her. Well, watching was better than nothing and he could feel his dick hardening against the recliner underneath him. It was turning into a great morning. His mom stirred and turned on her side to look at him, squinting in the bright sun.

"It's great to have you back at last, Jeffy. How about topping up my sunblock?"

He arose, crouching to hide his half-hard dick in his baggy swim shorts. His mom handed him the cream and lay down on her front, undoing her top strap to get an even tan on her back. The bikini straps hung down at the side, exposing a generous view of side-boob. With her face down buried in her folded arms she could not see his shorts, so he relaxed and started on her. As his hands worked the cream into his mother's body he could not help but notice that she responded as if to a lover's touch.

In fact, Jeff's mom had not the slightest interest in him sexually. But pretending his hands were someone else's hands was OK in her book. She imagined Chris Hemsworth was rubbing in the cream and she shivered slightly in her romantic dream world. Meantime her son thought about pushing his fat cock inside his mother as she lay beneath him stretching and moving lazily as he applied the cream. It would be so easy. But she would never stand for it.

Jeff tried to take his mind off sex as he rubbed in the cream, at least until he could return to the safety of the recliner. Instead he thought about his future. A good student before he was put away during his final year at high school, Jeff had refused the education program in prison. In his bitterness he had lost all respect for authority, and now found himself eighteen years old without a high school diploma or any chance of a job. His childhood dream of attending Slippery Rock University was gone. He did not realize it, but he had been brutalized by the system that had treated him unfairly, and he had become an angry young man.

His attempt to think about other things was not working. As he massaged his mother and she uttered occasional moans under his hands, his cock stood up inside his shorts. Taking a big risk, he continued to rub in the cream with one hand while his other hand felt down inside the elastic waistband of his shorts and gripped his cock. His hand was slippery with the cream, of course, and he was unable to stop himself from starting to pump, ever so gently, ever so quietly. One hand was rubbing the cream onto his mom's thigh, while he was fingering himself with the other when his mother spoke.

"Come on, Jeffy. I need both hands. Don't be lazy," said his mom as she wriggled her little ass for emphasis.

As Jeff watched her ass he could not help himself. He pumped harder and harder then came suddenly without warning. His cock shot a load inside his shorts and his knees trembled. He only just managed to stifle a moan. The cum messed his shorts and he wondered what he was going to do.

"Jeff. Both hands, please," said his mom.

On an impulse he cupped his hand, filled with cum, and slapped it on his mom's thighs. He worked it into her skin with both hands, hoping it would be diluted with the coconut tanning cream. It mixed well with cum, and even better it had a strong coconut aroma.

Then Mr. Cuddles showed up. For some unaccountable reason, Mr. Cuddles found this new smell on Jeff's mom fascinating. He jumped up on her and Jeff moved back to give him space. He watched as Mr. Cuddles padded around on his mom's back.

"Get him off me. He tickles. Ow."

"He's just being affectionate, Mom."

Mr. Cuddles sniffed the air and made his way down south to Jeff's mom's thighs. There he hesitated and started licking her.

"He's such a good cat,' said Jeff, full of admiration.

"I wish he wouldn't lick me. Now I need a shower."

"Mom, this is the best day ever."

"It's my treat, Jeffy. Anything you want today."

Jeff pretty much already had what he wanted, but was not above extracting more.



Later that night Jeff and his mom were watching basic cable, while the cat was prowling around looking for attention. She stroked him as he nuzzled up to her.

"You know, I'd do anything for this cat. I love Mr. Cuddles more than anything in the world," sighed his mom as they ate pepperoni pizza in front of the TV

Jeff looked at his mom.

"Apart from you, Jeff," she added hastily.

The local TV news was a piece on the arrests of men and women meeting in public locations for anonymous sex. Apparently it was called dogging. Jeff watched the piece with interest. Enthusiastic locals mixing with drivers from nearby I-81 made for an eclectic mix in the Wilkes-Barre dogging community. Jeff reflected bitterly that it probably wasn't so different from any other upstate PA town, most of which seemed to be filled with perverts and evil judges.

He watched his mother making a fuss of the cat, again. He felt a little jealous.

Cogs started to whirr in Jeff's brain and within minutes the germ of a really bad idea started to form. Jeff was bright but very horny, and horny trumps brains every time. He worked through the details in the next few days and then set the date. In his mind the plan was foolproof. It might not succeed but it had no chance of anyone getting hurt.

A week after his release Jeff returned home from the YMCA to an anxious mom.

"Mr. Cuddles never came back last night. And now it's the end of the day," she said, looking upset.

His mom ventured outside for a tour of the neighborhood and also spoke to people on the street. With enormous guilt, Jeff followed, making a show of looking for him. Tomorrow she would start putting up pictures and she had already spoken to the animal welfare people. She was optimistic. He had always come home before and his name and address was on his collar.

Mr. Cuddles was actually tucked up with food and water in the empty duplex next door. Jeff had made a copy of the key the neighbors left with them for emergencies, and never told anyone. Jeff hated seeing his mom upset and resolved to have the ransom note in place by the following morning. In the middle of the night Jeff sneaked downstairs to push the note under the front door.

His mom found it there when she went down in the morning before leaving for work. She nearly threw it out without reading it, but a picture of a cat on the envelope caught her attention.


She gasped in shock as she read the rest of the note spelling out detailed instructions. She knew she couldn't tell Jeff. He'd want to do something foolish. She spent all day thinking about it at work, but told no-one. She Googled cat-kidnapping. It was quite common. Who knew?

The following day at dawn she drove the short distance to the river. To say Jeff's mom was nervous would be the understatement of the century. She parked in a distant lot and made her way through the woods to the park restroom, a wooden shack beside an empty parking lot. It was dilapidated but open and in working condition.

She went into the women's section and sat on the seat in the cubicle next to the dividing wall between the men's and women's restrooms, as instructed. The graffiti was shocking. Clearly men had been in here. Men interested in having sex with other men, even though it was the women's restroom. On the dividing wooden wall was a series of holes plugged with repair patches. Jeff's mom had no idea what these were. She was puzzled. She heard a knock on the wall. She summoned up enough courage to speak clearly. She was angry and afraid equally.

"I am Mrs. Foster. Where's my cat?"

She heard a meow. It sounded like Mr. Cuddles but of course she could not be sure. A wooden slat in one of the larger holes disappeared with a sliding noise and a note popped through, falling on her lap. It was dark on the other side, she could see nothing through the hole. She picked up the note


Nervously, she put her hand and forearm through the hole. A hand took hers gently and placed it on a furry head. She felt around. It was Mr. Cuddles alright. His ear was shredded and he had the lump on the left side of his head where a dog had attacked him last summer. She was so relieved. He purred as she stroked him. She didn't want to let him go. She wanted him back so badly. Then he moved out of her reach and she could hear him being put in a carrier.

A soft, almost tender hand grasped hers as she was about to withdraw and guided it to something else. She knew immediately what it was. An erect penis. She gasped in fear and shock. The kidnappers hand enclosed hers, making it wrap around his stiff warm cock. Then, he started to make her hand squeeze and pump up and down and she felt the throbbing organ quiver in her reluctant grasp.

The whole experience was unreal. She couldn't see him, she couldn't hear him, in a way she even felt safe as he was in a separate part of the building. As her hand was forced to pump up and down, she wondered about resisting. She could probably pull away suddenly, the kidnapper was holding her quite gently. But what would be the consequences for Mr. Cuddles? This act was the ransom, she realized.

It had been a long time since she had held a cock. She decided to go with the flow and grasped the cock with renewed purpose and kept pumping, although it was difficult with the kidnapper's hand around hers.

"Let my hand go. I can do it better on my own."

The hand moved away and she found herself gripping the perpetrator's cock solo. She was in shock and woodenly pumped up and down, trying to bring this episode to a conclusion. It was so different to anything she had ever done before. Who was she dealing with? It could be anyone on the other side of the wall. Perhaps Chris Hemsworth had kidnapped her cat. The thought brought a tingle to her crotch and a little wetness started to form in her panties.

She pumped harder and faster. Two minutes later she heard a muffled moan and her hand and wrist became warm and wet. The kidnapper had come all over her hand. She slowed her action as she could feel his cock become limper. It was all gooey with sperm. Very slowly, to allow the kidnapper to stop her if he wanted, she let go and pulled her hand and forearm out of the gloryhole. She looked at the copious volume of cum dripping off her fingers and palm. With her other hand she pulled off some tissue from the roll and, trembling, wiped off all the cum from her hand. She needed to wash her hands of course, but now what? Money as well?

"I want my cat back," she said quietly.

She was careful not to insult him. But she was hoping he would speak. She had a pocket recorder and she wanted evidence she could go to the police with. Instead of a reply she heard some strange loud noises through the gloryhole. A cubicle door banged, then some other sounds, and it all went quiet.

She waited patiently. Well, not that patiently. She was just about to repeat her demand when the kidnapper knocked twice on the dividing wall. She wasn't sure what to do so she repeated his knock back at him. She heard a grunt of approval and shortly thereafter the fat head of a large cock appeared through the hole.

So he wanted to continue. Well. Her mind was in overdrive. She could leave. But why do that now when she had already jerked the guy off? It would just put Mr. Cuddles in more danger. Now the entire cock was through the gloryhole and his balls too. She was fascinated. It was a good looking cock, large but not crazy-big. But it was black. Her fantasies of Chris Hemsworth went out the window.

"Suck it," said the man in a gravelly voice through the gloryhole.

So he could talk. Perhaps she could get him to say more, for her recorder. Her hand, as if it were someone else's, reached out and grasped the cock. It was stiff, and became stiffer at her touch.

"Well, will I get what I want?" she said as her face moved forwards to the man's throbbing dick, her voice low and deep with the stress. Her mouth was so dry.

"Oh yeah. But make it snappy, Park Patrol comes around soon."

She already knew inside herself that she was going to do what he asked. Why was this so easy for her? It should have been really difficult. But she had to fantasize. She cast around for a black guy she liked. Idris Elba. She also dismissed any lingering suspicion that Jeff was involved in any of this.

She suddenly realized how much she had missed the physical pleasures of a relationship. As she thought this her mouth closed on the glans, wetting it. Then she pulled back a little and the tip of her tongue darted around it, teasing the aperture where the pee comes out, seeking out the underside where the glans bulges over the main shaft.

"Hurry up," said the kidnapper.

Annoyed at his lack of appreciation she held the glans inside her mouth with her teeth, biting at the knob end, and roughly pumped the shaft with her hand.

"That's better. You were sucking like a woman. Here it comes, buddy."

She yanked the cock out of her mouth just in time as cum spurted out and landed on her nice clean cotton top, soaking the thin material and wetting her breasts. How could he have so much when he had just come minutes ago? She held his cock in front of her face and watched the final spasms shoot onto her neck and chest. The sight and feel of the man's sperm landing on her gave her a thrill of such intensity that she almost forgot about why she was there, almost forgot how angry and worried she was. With her other hand her fingers moved around her chest, spreading the cum out all over and she watched as her top became semi-transparent with the coating of semen. Then her cum-soaked fingers moved down to her pussy.

As she sat in the cubicle on the toilet seat, holding an anonymous cock dripping all over her, she felt the rush of an orgasm grip her, legs and ass shivering as she shamefully enjoyed the moment for what it was. Sex for sex's sake with a stranger, and an enemy at that.

The door of the women's restroom banged open and a voice called out.

"Anybody in there?"

It was the Park Ranger. Jeff's mom was sitting in the cubicle with her front top covered in semen. The black dick, already shrinking, left her slippery grasp and disappeared back into the gloryhole pronto.

Jeff's mom managed to keep the nerves out of her voice, and even sound a little outraged.

"I'm nearly done, sir. Is there a problem?" she said clearly.

The Park Ranger recognized the voice as a woman.

"I didn't mean to disturb you, ma'am. Just checking. Have a nice day."

The gloryhole wooden slat was already down and Jeff's mom was on her own. She took her time cleaning up and went home, shocked at what had happened.

Jeff's mom walked through the front door. Her son was sitting on the sofa staring into space. He had a cut lip and a black eye. She did not notice, being distracted by her experience in the park restroom. On the short trip home the reality sank in. She had prostituted herself but had not recovered Mr. Cuddles.

She was angry with herself and ashamed. But at least no one had seen her, or could identify her. She pushed the memories of pleasure back down into her subconscious, not yet willing to accept them for what they were. She threw her bag onto the sofa next to Jeff but did not dare to sit down next to him. She smelt and she needed to change and shower.

Jeff looked at his mom. He was very relieved to see her return unharmed. After her delicious hand had jerked him off he had suddenly been forcibly ejected from the men's restroom by one of the regular pervs. He had been beaten, insulted and thrown out in fifteen seconds by some guy twice his size. It had never occurred to him that others might spoil his dream of anonymous sex with his mother.

At least he had returned safely with the cat and his mom had also returned safe and sound. Mom seemed OK. Now Jeff had to consider his next move. Mr. Cuddles couldn't stay next door indefinitely. And Jeff wanted more than a tug job from his mom, he wanted the real deal. He wanted to fuck her. He thought about nothing else."I'm going to freshen up," said his mom.

His mom turned and walked up the stairs, he watched as her legs disappeared sashaying ever so slightly as her recent sexual experience still flowed around her body. She enjoyed her shower very much, only the thought of her missing cat spoiled it as another orgasm shook her body while she played the blast of water on her pussy.

The next morning brought a new note.


Jeff made sure he was out. He would have enjoyed watching his moms reaction but he did not trust his abilities as an actor. Jeff prepared for the meeting with great care. He bought clothes at the second hand shop specially. He put pebbles in his shoes to disguise his walk and stuffed cushions down his shirt and socks in his pants to create a misshapen appearance. He had a crash helmet over a ski mask to cover his face. He used a different deodorant.

Mr. Cuddles, who was getting a bit pissed off with the whole thing, was back in his carry cage.

The park and trail along the Susquehanna River ran right into the town. There were many access points, handy for casual encounters and invisible comings and goings. The sun was dropping below the horizon and the scrubby back areas around the more remote parts of the river trail attracted those looking for casual sex with strangers.

Jeff had given his mother specific instructions. Jeff's mom wanted her cat back and she wanted him back now, at this meeting. Whatever she had to do. She watched as a lumpy man in a crash helmet limped out of the woods carrying a cardboard cat carrier. She wasn't sure but she suspected he was young. He saw her and turned towards her. She sat in the drivers seat of her Civic as he approached.

After her previous experience, Jeff's mom decided that she would be safer if she was unidentifiable. She wore a headscarf and dark glasses, even though it was sunset. She had a sundress on and a cardigan.

Jeff himself was shaking and sweating with nerves, not helped by the hot summer evening and his bulky garments. He knew how much he had to lose. This was far more dangerous than a gloryhole encounter. Get this wrong and his mother might never speak to him again, cast him out, disown him. As long as she did not know who he was he would be OK. Jeff limped forward over the parking area to his mother's car holding Mr. Cuddles in the cage.

He put the cat carrier on the hood and moved to the car window. His mom watched him, wondering what motivated this stranger who had taken her cat, and also framing her own fantasy in preparation for what she felt sure she was going to endure.

"How do I know it's my cat, you pervert?"

He opened the car door, leaned forward and took the car keys before she could stop him. Then he handed her the cat carrier. She opened it three inches and peered in. Mr. Cuddles looked up at her balefully. Jeff signaled her to put the cat on the passenger seat. She did so. He took her hand and hauled her out of the car, holding her with one hand while he locked it up and left an inch of window down for the cat. Then he walked off, dragging her by the wrist. This manhandling of his mom was extremely exciting for Jeff.

Near the parking lot was a fenced-off area where building work was underway. Jeff had discovered a way through the chain link fence to a private area, screened from the lot and the park in general. He led his mother through a gap in the fence.

Jeff led his mom to a ten foot high mound of earth, covered in grass and weeds. It towered over them and without warning he pushed her onto it. On a forty-five degree slope she lay on her back wondering what would happen next. She looked up at him. Jeff pulled out a burlap sack and motioned his mom to put it over her head.

"Sex under duress is rape. I'm not putting that on."

Jeff shrugged, jangled the car keys and turned to leave, as if to retrieve the cat.

"Very well, how about this instead..." she said in resignation.

She leaned over forwards and took hold of the hem of her dress, a long sundress that went down almost to her ankles. She slowly pulled it up and Jeff watched its progress up her calves, thighs, then exposing her exquisite hips, and her pussy tucked up and hidden in a pair of pink cotton panties. Then on up, exposing her tummy and her bra. Jeff reflected that this was above and beyond what he had requested, but he wasn't complaining. Her hands stopped just above her eyes, still clasping her dress over her face. She could see nothing of her antagonist.

Her body was now displayed before him, her face and neck covered by her ruffed-up dress. To Jeff it looked like a pose of utter submission. Much better than the burlap bag. He took off his helmet. Underneath for concealment he had on the polyester ski mask. He leaned forward and touched his mother's knee. She shivered in anticipation. He had to see her pussy. His middle finger hooked the waistband of her panties and pulled the left side down ever so slowly. A little tug further and she was exposed.

His nerves had inhibited him so far, but now his mom was exposed his cock started to rise and he was becoming rock hard. She could not see him, so he had no inhibitions about freeing it, and his cock sprang from his pants like a cobra ready to strike. He pulled her panties down further until they were around her knees.

He let his own pants drop to his ankles and undid his shirt. He was mostly naked at the front now. He leaned forward, steadying himself above her with both hands either side of her on the grassy slope. Her panties fell the rest of the way down of their own accord and she unconsciously let her knees move apart, ever so little.

Seeing this, excited to the point of madness, he dipped his pelvis down and pushed the tip of his cock against his mothers labia, grinding it in a half circle around the oily wetness. She gasped at the soft velvet touch of him. She knew what it was. He moved it and lowered it slightly. Almost of its own accord, without a guiding hand, its tip started to find the way, slipping gently in half an inch.

"You beast. Get it out of me. My son is just out of prison. When he finds out who you are you'll regret this."

This was the last straw for Jeff. He felt it coming but he couldn't stop it. In an ecstasy of lust he came, withdrawing slightly and gushing out gobs of semen all over his mom's pussy as his cock wobbled about, its tip touching her. Leaning his head down, he could see his cum decorating his mom's pussy like cream on a cake. He managed to remain silent but it was the most erotic moment of his life. His mom's pussy was snow white with his cum and it was a beautiful sight.

Jeff's mom herself was having a pivotal moment. She was aroused by this anonymous encounter. In all this mental tumult she could feel his cock barely entering her, then withdrawing as the hot drops of this man's sperm landed on her pussy and crotch. She shivered with desire, and waited for the next thing to happen.

Jeff had shot his bolt far too soon, but he was only eighteen. He knew he just needed a short time to recover. What could he do to keep the momentum going? His mother's breasts were staring at him. He lowered himself down on top of her, and their damp flesh met and sealed them together.

His cock pressed against her crotch and they could both feel the slippery wetness of his cum engulfing them as they squished around against one another. Then he softly kissed her right breast. It took her by surprise. She had been enjoying the imprint of his soft but still half-engorged cock as it rolled against her pussy.

She moaned, although she did not mean to, and she instantly regretted it. He sucked in the nipple so that it grew a little within his mouth. Jeff did not know it, but his mom needed stimulation of her nipples to reach her sexual peak.

His mouth around her nipple told Jeff's mom that this was no ordinary kidnapper-rapist. In her pleasure she noted that fact, and relaxed a little more which heightened her sexual enjoyment which she was starting to acknowledge even to herself.

Jeff switched to the other nipple. He could tell his mom was enjoying it. She was trying to project the shame and humiliation she knew she was supposed to be feeling. But it didn't wash. Just a hint of a twist in her spine, a knee flexing outwards, and her fingers that gripped her dress were flexing back and forth.

Jeff's dick was recovering. Sucking his mom's nipples had reinvigorated him quickly and he sensed that he had to seize the moment. He lifted himself up on his knees above his mom, his legs either side of her, balancing himself on the slope, reveling in her beauty. Her pussy was covered in cum but as yet un-assaulted, her nipples still swollen and reddish, best of all her whole body straining and flexing.

Spreading her legs, he knelt in between them, and aimed his cock at the entrance of his mom's pussy. He slid it in an inch. It felt like heaven, but more exciting. Unable to help himself he fell gently forward on top of her, hands on the grassy slope, thrusting inside her. As he fell he felt the delicious feeling of his cock slide up inside his mother, and the double satisfaction of her involuntary cry of pleasure as it did so. The remains of his cum on his mother's pussy oozed up between them, oiling their bellies and thighs as they touched.

"You bastard," whispered his mom.

Jeff held himself still inside his mom for a precious moment, savoring his victory. Then he started to thrust inside her. He knew they could not stay there long. Jeff started to thrust hard and fast while his mom reached the limit of her self control trying to remain silent and play the outraged victim. It was possibly the greatest screw she had ever had and soon she knew she was going to come. She did not know how she was going to disguise that. She did not have to.

Only three minutes after entering his mother Jeff arched his back, digging his toes into soft earth for leverage and rammed his cock as far inside his mother as he could, shoving her further up the slope a couple of inches. As he did so he felt his cum rise again and flood into her pussy, this time deep inside her. She felt it within her and could tell in any case that he was coming from his violent ramming as he drove her upwards moaning with pleasure. She thought she had heard that voice before but was so drowning in her own orgasm that she did not give it a moment's thought.

Jeff only permitted himself a minute of post-cum pleasure inside his mom as he felt his semen start to escape from her pussy and slide down their thighs. He eased himself out and his mom instinctively closed her thighs, pressing them together as she wrung the last drops of pleasure out of her son's fuck.

"You can put your dress back down."

Jeff's mom, still pressing her dress to her face with both hands in her heat, pulled it back down and let it fall, with a little help, to her ankles. The kidnapper had put his crash helmet back on. She knew he had not been wearing it when he was on top of her. Kissing her nipples. Fucking her.

The whole episode had taken perhaps ten minutes, but it had grown darker in the warm summer's evening. Jeff silently pulled his mom up from the slope and led her back through the hole in the fence to the parking lot. Neither of them noticed the dark silent figures who had been watching them from the woods. Several had their cocks out and were jerking off as they watched Jeff and his mom walk away.

They returned to the car without incident. Mr. Cuddles was on the seat looking at them through the air holes. He was pissed.

"I get to take him home. That was the deal," she said.

The kidnapper nodded and gestured her into the drivers seat. She sat down on it, facing him with her feet on the ground. Jeff had intended to give her the cat back in the carrier but realized he had not checked it for incriminating evidence. He hadn't taken the price tag off or anything. She would have to take him home without it. He gestured to her that she could take the cat but he would keep the carrier.

"OK," she said. "Help me with him."

He put the door end of the carrier on her knee and undid the latches. She slowly opened the door and reached in for Mr. Cuddles. She gripped him and lifted him gently out onto her lap. Mr. Cuddles felt a familiar grip and was content to be lifted out. When he landed on her lap he looked around him and saw not a familiar face but a figure in a headscarf and large dark glasses. Looking further around he saw a figure with a big black blob instead of a head. Mr. Cuddles didn't know these people.

He sat quietly until the carrier was clear, then suddenly hissed, scratched, and leapt off her lap. Jeff and his mom watched him race across the lot and disappear into the shrubs on the other side.

"Shit!" said Jeff's mom.

Jeff dropped the car keys on her lap, turned on his heel, and hobbled off towards his bike hidden in the woods. After taking five minutes to compose herself, Jeff's mom started up the car and headed home. Jeff had a YMCA fitness club alibi, so had to wait a while before he could go back. The cat escaping was no big deal. Mr. Cuddles knew his way home.

But the incident got Jeff thinking. After the unbelievable heaven of fucking his mom, he wanted already to repeat it. It had seemed impossible. But now, with Mr. Cuddles escape, perhaps there was a way. It was in the hands of fate. And his mom.

The following morning Jeff was in the kitchen making coffee. He heard a noise at the back door. It was Mr. Cuddles. Uttering a prayer of thanks, Jeff quickly checked on his mom. She was in the shower. Perfect. He slipped out the back door, scooped up Mr. Cuddles, vaulted over the picket fence to the other property and let himself in. He was back in their kitchen within two minutes, Mr. Cuddles safely secured next door. He trembled with excitement.

The next morning brought a new note under the door for Jeff's mom.


Jeff's mom screeched in annoyance when she read the note. Stupid cat! So now she would have to prostitute herself again for the mangy ungrateful fleabag. Jeff sat silently at the other end of the room, his eyes closed in anticipation.

His mom scrumpled up the note and threw it on the floor, then lay back on the sofa wondering what would happen at the rendezvous. She retreated upstairs to be alone. Once in her bedroom she opened a package that had arrived from Amazon which she had hidden in her bedside drawer.

This time she was instructed to park in a different lot, further along the river out of town. The night was hot, and it was dark. She felt a little weak because she had not eaten for 24 hours. Her son had attributed that to nerves, but it was something else entirely.

This night the kidnapper emerged from bushes down near the river. He put the meowing carry-case in the back seat of her car and took her car keys. She didn't bother to check the cat. He led her away to another sheltered location under the trees with wooden picnic tables. It was so hard to see in the dark, and they both kept stumbling. She followed along behind him as he held her by the wrist.

He pushed her upper body gently down on one of the rough wooden table tops, leaning her face forward, feet still on the ground. He put a burlap bag on her head, pulling it down to her shoulders. This time she did not protest. She instinctively splayed her arms out along the table, and laid her head down with her cheek against the tabletop. She could feel the rough burlap against her face. She could see nothing.

He removed his crash helmet. He wore the thinnest ski mask he could find. It also had a large hole for his mouth. He wanted to kiss his mother. Rapists don't kiss, he realized, but he still wanted so much to kiss her on the lips.

Jeff had planned so hard to get his mom there he had forgotten to plan the most important thing. What was he going to do with her when he got her there? Yeah he'd had ideas, fantasies. But nothing specific other than fucking her again. He knew he had to act quickly, without hesitation. He knew it was imperative to keep up the pretense that he was a man who would not hesitate to hurt her.

In the dim light from the stars he looked down at her stretched out before him, legs together but arms spread-eagled across the table, her head an indistinct shadow of burlap. He leaned down and picked up the hem of her dress, pulling it up all the way, past her waist and stuffing it up near her chest. She wriggled a little as he did this to assist him. The dress, now under her upper chest, was a lot more comfortable than the wooden table. She lay there with all her weight on the table, her toes cleaving furrows on the grass

Jeff's eyes were now getting used to the dark. He was amazed at what he could see after ten minutes when before it was just blackness. He looked down at his moms panties. He could not tell what color they were in the dark but they were light, high cut, and sexy.

"Hurry up. My son comes home in an hour. Get on with it and be on your way."

She had intended to insult him more directly, but could not bring herself to. In any case she had a surprise for him if he was up for it. The mention of 'my son' snapped Jeff out of any hesitation and also gave his dick a boost. He could feel it growing. He undid his belt and his pants dropped to his ankles. He unbuttoned his shirt and opened it. He placed his hands on his mother's ass and ran them around over her ass cheeks, at the same time stepping forward so that his erect dick was brushing against her.

In an unconscious movement she was now standing with her legs apart. He felt around the front of her crotch and tucked his fingers up into her pussy cleft, outside the panties. The panties were sheer nylon and he could feel every bump of her pussy opening as he roved around. He realized his mom had shaved herself since their previous encounter. No pussy hair anywhere. She seemed oily, inviting. He had to go in.

Just as he pulled her panties to one side he noticed it. A thin white string coming from her asshole. He wondered what it was, but not to be distracted he ignored it. Positioning his dick at his moms pussy hole, pulling the gusset aside with his other hand, he rammed it up inside her, leaning into her against the table to get the maximum penetration.

"Ooof!" she said in reaction as she felt her son's dick travel as far up inside her as any man's ever had. He started to pump into her, she was wet and ready. She felt marvelous.

But it was time for his mom to make her play. She wanted to try something she had never tried before, something she had dreamed about but never had the courage to do even though she'd had offers. In her erotic fantasies she had always wanted to try anal. Who better to do it with than a cat-kidnapper whom she would never see again?

"Stop!" said his mom.

Jeff stopped thrusting, wondering what was going on. But he did not withdraw, pushing hard into her, making sure she knew what he wanted. She swallowed and gasped, loving the feel of him inside her.

"The little white string. Can you see it?" she said.

He slapped her ass gently for yes.

"If you want you can pull it out and come in me that way. I expect it's more to your taste. No doubt you've been in prison."

Jeff was breathing heavily. His mom wasn't the only one who wanted to try this. He'd refused plenty of offers in the slammer. But now, with a woman, well. As the penetrator. That was entirely different.

He backed up and watched as his fat cock slid out of his mother. It sprang up and wobbled about just under her asshole. Fascinated he took a hold of the white string which turned out to be a strong plastic thread.

"Pull hard," said his mom, her voice raspy and breathless.

He tugged at it. Nothing. So he yanked and all of a sudden it came out. A plastic butt plug. After it, out came a fragrant liquid, personal lubricant his mom had hidden up there to ease the passage of her kidnappers cock into her rectum. The fluid flowed out and much of it fell on Jeff's dick. It was warm from the bowels of his mother. His mom quickly clenched her asshole to keep the rest in.

"Go on then you beast," said his mother in a hoarse shout, quivering and anxious for the first ever feel of a man's cock in her ass.

Jeff needed no further urging. In a frenzy he aimed his cock at his mom's butt-hole, difficult to see though it was in the darkness, and pushed. It was not easy, even with all the lube. His mom had clenched up with nerves and her hole was small and tight. But the raging of his sexual appetite knew no limits and with one powerful thrust he tore through his moms asshole and his cock entered the warm lubricated paradise of her rectum.

"Ooof!" said his mom, for the second time that night. A hint of pain as her son battered his way in, and then a feeling of pleasure and fullness heightened by the abandoned nature of the forbidden act. At least forbidden in her eyes, according to her upbringing.

Jeff felt it. Different, good. Tight but very slippery. He started to thrust, but instinctively knew that he had to be more careful than in his mom's pussy. But thrust he did, instinctively leaning over his moms back and reaching around for her breasts. She was only too glad, that was the final thing she needed, the link to bring her to orgasm.

Within thirty seconds she arched her back and groaned long and loud as she came. Unintentionally she also clenched her butt, bearing down on her son's dick inside her, squeezing it along its length. Jeff felt his dick in a vice and cum rose up his shaft and spurted a load which traveled inches up into his mom's bowels. His semen would be dripping out of her for days.

Jeff collapsed over his mom's back, his dick as far up her as it would go while he emptied himself into her. He felt so tightly squeezed that for a moment he worried they might be stuck together like dogs. But as his dick softened and his mom relaxed, he had no difficulty withdrawing. They both lay there, one on top of the other, catching their breaths in the darkness.

Jeff felt his right arm being grasped and pulled up behind his back. He gasped in pain, and a male voice whispered in his ear.

"Welcome to your local dogging chapter. Time to pay the entry dues."

The man pulled Jeff upright, his cock still pressed against his mom's ass. They were surrounded by shadowy figures, perhaps five or six that he could see. They all had their dicks out masturbating except one, a woman in a short skirt. Jeff's mental state went from ecstasy to anger and fear in a heartbeat.

The figures gathered closer around them. Two climbed right up on the table and looked down at his mother as they jerked their dicks. The others stood on the wooden benches attached to the table. This was all in total silence.

Jeff's mom who was returning to earth from a transport of delight was aware that other people had arrived. They were quiet and did not talk. She was too far gone to worry. She knew she was in her captor's power, his sex slave, really. She had lost any fear of her kidnapper and lay there half-drowsy with sexual fatigue.

Jeff watched as the figures leaned over towards his mother, pumping their cocks frantically. The man behind him held his arm tightly up between his shoulder blades, he could not move. The sight of these men in the dim light masturbating shocked but also aroused him. The woman had hitched up her mini and was rubbing herself. To his dismay he felt a tweak of life in his cock which had emptied itself only moments ago. It was rising as the shameful sight unfolded before him.

"Here. Let me help, sonny," whispered a raspy voice in his ear.

The man's other hand moved around to Jeff's front and gripped his flaccid cock, fondling it and then starting to pump it. Despite Jeff's distaste, he could not stop his cock from growing hard at the strangers touch. When it was hard, the hand guided his cock to the entrance of his mom's pussy once again. Instinctively he pushed it inside her.

"You're welcome," whispered the man.

Then he felt the man's own oily dick appear between his ass cheeks, already slick with sweat. It started to move up and down in his ass crack, but made no attempt to penetrate him.

His mom moaned again. She was in a state of heat and welcomed a cock inside her once more. She was beginning to think this erotic drama would never end. She smiled as she felt her kidnapper's cock travel up her and start to thrust. At that moment she thought she heard a faint grunt or two and she suddenly felt warm drops spattering down on her naked back. She wondered what they were.

Jeff could see what they were alright. He saw thin streams of sperm fly out of the gathered watchers and land all over his mother, on her back, her ass, everywhere. The sight of it was too much for him and his cock, hard and ready once more, let go a trembling spurt of cum inside his mother. He groaned and behind him heard another groan as he felt the man's cock between his buttocks spray a load up onto the small of his back.

Jeff's knees trembled and he almost fainted but he kept upright. The strange woman standing on the table moaned last of all and in her orgasm squirted down on his mom's back, and some hit Jeff, too, in the chest and belly. Then the woman let her skirt down and hopped off the table. She was the last, the men had already gone.

"Consider yourself and your good lady friend members. See ya, sonny," said the man in his ear.

Suddenly his arm was free and figures darted off in all directions into the blackness of the woods. Jeff's mom lay there, warm and wet. She heard the group leave. She did not know what had gone on but she knew she was wetter than before. She had felt her captor come in her pussy and enjoyed an orgasm while the fluids were raining down on her. But now it was time go. After all, she had come here for the cat.

Jeff remained silent. He realized his mother had not really understood what had just happened. He felt the man's sperm trickling down his legs onto his pants round his ankles. He felt a need to clean up. But it could have been worse. A lot worse. He gently helped his mom up, pulling down her dress. He pulled up his own pants, wincing as the strangers cum squished around his balls. Slowly he led his mom back to her car.

He unlocked the car, heard a meow from Mr. Cuddles in the back seat, and gave her back the keys. He removed the burlap bag. She saw a figure in a ski mask standing in front of her.

Both realized this would be the last time they met. He so wanted to say something. So did she. But instead, he turned and walked off without a word into the woods. She sighed and got into the car. She was exhausted and a wet mess. But it had been the most exciting night of her life. Now she had to go home and pretend nothing had happened when Jeff returned from the YMCA. With a half sob she started up the car and headed home.

As Jeff headed back to the YMCA for a shower he realized that he never did manage to kiss his mother.

A week later Jeff and his mom were watching TV in the early evening. A deep cloud of depression had settled on their small household. Only the cat was happy, although he was treating Jeff with suspicion nowadays. Jeff's mom realized her son was terribly depressed, but did not know why. She was depressed too, but she knew exactly why.

Jeff sighed and came to a decision.

They watched TV in silence and went to bed early. In the middle of the night he arose and sneaked downstairs.

When his mom got up at six to go to work she noticed a note shoved under the door.