Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2814 - OH SISTER! WHEN I CUM TO LIE IN YOU


My sister lives in Kyoto, Japan. She's been there for 3 years as a researcher at the Institute of Liberal Arts, Doshisha University. Over the last three years I had made at least a dozen trips to Japan but they were almost invariably to either Tokyo or Osaka, and they were always business trips that lasted no more than three days. In fact the last time I'd met her was when she was en route from Paris to Tokyo and had stopped at New Delhi. We'd spent a couple of days together and that was it.

I've seen her only over Skype on the two occasions we connected. But other than that, we've been in our own worlds. I've grown the Asian business for my firm almost a hundred fold in the last six years as Regional Director for the APac region. Although I had set up regional headquarters in New Delhi, India, the last few years have seen me spending most of time in Hanoi, Vietnam where I have relocated because of a crisis in 2013. I had originally planned to be in Vietnam for no more than a few months but then one thing led to another.....

My name is Hjjer and her's sister is Halina. At 35, she's a few years younger than I am. We were very close growing up as our parents moved from town to city to metropolis; our youngest memories in Annecy, then to Avignon, later to Marseilles and a few other cities, till we finally ended up in Paris during my first year at the École Normale Superieure.

While I worked towards my Masters degree in Paris, Halina finished school and decided to visit the Far East immediately after. She did odd jobs and worked her way through Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, South Korea, Hong Kong and Japan. After she got back, she entered the Institut Catholique De Paris but didn't stay on beyond a year. She returned to Japan and for the next couple of years nobody knew what she was doing. We did however stay in touch via emails and so on, but only to say we were fine and life was good.

The years went by, I relocated to India, Halina returned to France, we all grew up.


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Narita International Airport. The local time is 1:45 in the afternoon and the temperature outside is 23 degrees centigrade.

For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about.

Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.

On behalf of Japan Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice evening!"

It was the first Friday of June, and if I didn't catch any rain, this five day trip to Japan would be a pleasant experience; weather-wise, at least. I had decided to fly in just before the weekend so I could go and visit my sister. We had used WhatsApp to communicate my probable day of arrival because she refused to pick up her cellphone when I called. She may not have my number registered on her phone; or maybe she does and that's why she didn't pick up. Who knows with Halina?!

It was now almost six years that we hadn't met. After collecting my single piece of baggage at Narita airport, I found my way to the railway station and was just in time to catch the Narita Express departing for Tokyo at 14:46. Instead of heading all the way to Tokyo station I decided to get off at Shinagawa, and once again my luck held out. I got in at 4:10 pm and had just enough time to buy a ticket on the superfast bullet train, the Nozomi 239 Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen which left at 16:27.

A little over two hours later, we pulled in to platform 2 at Kyoto station. I exited and tried to call Halina on her cellphone but she didn't pick up. I was now getting worried thinking she may have forgotten about my planned visit and may have taken off for some other weekend destination. I knew her address so I stood at the taxi rank on the North side of the station for a few minutes before getting into a Yasaka cab.

As expected, the cabbie knew no English so I showed him the address on my mobile phone, which one of the office girls in Hanoi had helpfully translated into the Kanji script. "Hai, wakarimasu", he exclaimed as he handed back my mobile device. I sat back and relaxed, knowing that he had understood where the address was. Anticipating that it would be a twenty minute drive, I tried to call Halima again but received no response.

I knew that the last train back to Tokyo would be around 9:00 pm and had decided that if my sister was not at home, I would head back to the station and go back to Tokyo. I thought of calling my friend Jean Printemps at the Four Seasons and warning him that I may do a late check-in but decided to first get to Halina's house before figuring out my next course of action.

Twenty-five minutes later I was ringing the bell at the entrance to her house. It was a neat looking double storied house in Kyoto-shi Kamigyo-ku; I could see the dark wooden slanted roof beyond the white boundary wall, and a couple of windows on the top floor with the curtains drawn. I pushed the buzzer again and waited. Nothing happened for five minutes.

I sat down on a concrete ledge that lined the short 4-metre walkway from the street to the wooden entrance portal and contemplated my next steps. I pulled my cellphone out and started searching for Sean's number. As I tapped his name on the iPhone screen, I heard my name almost being screeched in the distance; a high piercing "Hjjjeeeer!" I looked up and saw her about 100 metres down the road, a bus disappearing past her beyond the bus stand. She was waving frantically and running down the middle of the empty street when I heard "Hello?" from my phone. I knew Sean had picked up but I quickly switched off the phone, pushed it into my pocket and started walking towards her.

There were shopping bags hanging from her forearm, a leather handbag strapped across her chest and over one shoulder, and she clutched a large brown paper bag in one arm. I picked up the pace as I now jogged towards her, worried about her still in the middle of the road, fearing that a mad Kyoto driver may come careening around the bend. I was now running towards my sister who was about twenty meters away. She wore a light top and a dark skirt, her dark hair flying behind her.

In a few seconds she was in my arms, as were the grocery bags and her handbag, all in one tangled mess between our chests. In the next 30 seconds she continued an uninterrupted free-flow monologue about why I hadn't called her and how long had I been waiting and why I didn't send her an email and how nice it was to see me and why I never come to Kyoto when I visit Japan.... We were still in the middle of the street when I heard a blaring honk and tyres screeching as I turned to see a No.59 "Ryoanji via Kinkakuji" stop 10 metres away from us.

I bowed towards the front of the light green coloured bus in apology and pulled my sister on to the footpath as a glaring bus driver continued past us. "Halina!" I said finally, "Where have you been? I've been trying to get through to you for the last 24 hours!" but then decided it was pointless. "Anyway, how are you? Its so wonderful to see you and be with you. Mon dieu, ça fait si longtemps."

I took the large brown paper bag and the other grocery bags from her as we walked back to her house. She locked arms with me as we walked and continued her monologue. When we got to the entrance, she unlocked the door and I entered before her, placing the bags on the tatami matted floor four inches raised from the wooden base where shoes are removed and stored. I went back out and dragged in my suitcase, leaving it next to where I removed my shoes.

We talked, mostly her, non-stop for the next hour or so. She had gone out shopping for my dinner; of course she hadn't forgotten about my visit, how could I think that. She had been really really busy the last few months, enjoying her work tremendously, traveling to all parts of the country, mainly to small towns and villages. The professors were wonderful at the University. How was my work? Was I planning to go back to India? Why was I in Vietnam for so long? When do I plan to get married?

Then she busied herself in the open kitchen. I asked if she wanted help but she said to go and have a shower, freshen up, the bedroom upstairs had been readied for me, there was an ensuite bathroom and fresh towels were on the rack. How long was I staying for? Why don't I come back from Tokyo after my work was done, take a few days off. We can travel around for a few days. Or just hang out together. I kissed her on the cheek as she faced the kitchen sink, washing vegetables.

It was a 8 o'clock in the evening. I went up the wooden stairs in my socks, but left my suitcase down by the entrance. In twenty minutes I had showered and shaved, dried myself, and then realized I hadn't unpacked any clothes. In the wardrobe I found a Yukata which I donned over my briefs, tied the cloth belt around my waist and went down to the ground floor again. Halina was still at the kitchen but there was a bottle of red wine and a couple of glasses on the counter.

I walked up to my sister and slipped my arms around her, kissing the back of her head and asked her how she was. She turned around, kissed me on the cheek and said how happy she was that I had decided to visit her. Then she pointed at the wine silently. I sensed a shift in her mood; she was more contemplative now and there was no stream of consciousness flow of words emanating from her mouth any more. I wondered. Then I went to the counter top, took the bottle and corkscrew to the table, and began to open the bottle.

It was a Muscat Bailey A, a Japanese red wine from the Iwanohara winery. I uncorked the bottle and left it to breathe for a few minutes. Sitting on one of the chairs around the six-seat dining table, I watched as Halina continued to busy herself at he kitchen. She still hadn't said a word after I came down from the upstairs bedroom. "What's the matter, Hali?" I asked softly.

She didn't say anything. Pushed a tray into the oven, turned a few knobs, washed her hands in the sink, dried them, put something into the refrigerator, and finally turned around. "Do you want to sit upstairs or here or in the tatami room?" The upstairs, I had noticed earlier, was furnished in western style, with a leather sofa set and a recliner. I chose the traditional Japanese style room at the back of the house.

I took the wine bottle and glasses and headed towards the rear of the house. Halina pushed aside the sliding door and we entered a beautiful Washitsu room that was decorated in classic tradition. It was an 8-mat room with another sliding door opening into a small Japanese garden with a pond zen like flora. There were cushions on the floor and my sister rearranged them around the low lacquer table so that we sat at right angles to one another. I poured the wine as she sat down, allowing me the side with a view of the garden.


I looked at her, startled that her voice had been so soft and almost in pain. Her eyes glistened as she looked at me. "You're my brother. We have such a long history, and it all came back to me when I saw you. We are family, yet we have strayed. we have drifted. Have we gone too far to come back? I was thinking only about when you go away on Monday. Instead of enjoying your presence here for the weekend, all I can think about is your going away. Why is that?"

The mood had turned sombre. I tried to answer her question philosophically, but layered with strong doses of practicality. The conversation drifted to more mundane matters like our jobs, the countries we were living in, the people and their cultures, food and art, her studies. But we kept going back to her original question. It was difficult for me to relate to this aspect of Halina; I had rarely or never known her like this. She seemed homesick, but at the same time determined to continue the life of her choosing. I resisted the urge to psychoanalyze.

The wine went down fast and smooth. We got up after about an hour; she to the kitchen while I extracted another bottle of the Muscat. Halina busied herself laying the dining table; not a Japanese style low Chabudai that many homes and restaurants have, but a regular 6-seater next to the kitchen. I put some music on her stereo and settled down at the table where we ate and we drank; the mood had lifted and my sister was seemingly happy. We joked about the old days, we laughed at anecdotes from our lives, and we promised that we would see each other at least twice a year. I promised I would visit during my trips to Japan.

The food was delicious and I heaped praises on Halina's cooking, telling her that she did a far better job than Mom. She probably didn't believe me but it helped further lighten the atmosphere. We kept sitting long after dinner was over, enjoying each other's company. I looked at her across the table as an overhead lantern shone its hue over her head and face. I had never stopped to think how beautiful my sister looked, especially when she smiled or laughed.

Her hair looked smooth and shiny; jet black and long till the middle of her upper arms. She had bundled it up over her head in a twist and a knot but every once in a while it would unravel and cascade down in wispy light bounces. Then she would bunch it up again, almost automatically. Her skin was fair as always, not tanned or anything. And smooth; I couldn't detect any signs of aging, no fold and wrinkles; no frown lines on her forehead.

Her lips looked soft; not overly full but definitely on the fuller side. I looked at them as she talked, the minute curves and stretches, the shapes of her mouth as she broke into French occasionally; it was absolutely mesmerizing. There was a soft coloration, a dainty pink like a cherry blossom that shone off her lips, glistening when her saliva moistened them.

There was a strange sensation running through my body as I looked at her face while she spoke. A sensation that I suddenly became aware of and had to check myself, wondering if there were any giveaway telltale signs on my face that she might catch. I was a little startled at the fact that my attention had drifted from her words to the visual effects her beauty was having on me. I pulled myself together and began to pay attention again to what Halina was saying.

"Where were you, Hjjer. Your mind drifted away there. What were you thinking of?" I had been caught out. I didn't know what to say. Maybe this was casual banter and I could get away with some commonplace response like I was thinking of work, or I was thinking of what we should do tomorrow, or something equally prosaic. I looked into my sister's eyes and she seemed deadly serious. She had got a vibe; it wasn't just observing any giveaway details on my facial expression.

"I was admiring your beauty, that's what I was doing." It was the truth but in my Machiavellian way, I thought that she would accept the compliment and stop probing too deeply into what exactly I was going through. In fact, I myself wasn't so clear about what exactly had just happened to my brain, and where it had drifted.

I poured wine into our glasses, hoping to distract us both from what was getting to be an awkward conversation. But Halina pushed her chair back and started carry the dishes and crockery back to the kitchen. She went back and forth a couple of times while I just sat and stared at her, not getting up to help. She came over to my side of the table and gathered my plate and the cutlery I had used. I smelt the gentle fragrance of an expensive perfume that surrounded her like a misty bouquet.

As I sipped my wine, I felt the aura of my sister's presence enshroud me. I was beginning to lose control of logical thought as I looked at her walk back to the kitchen sink, carrying her own glass of wine. She took a sip and placed it on the side, adjusted the temperature of the water and began rinsing the dishes.

Her hair had unbundled itself and fell down her back. She was wearing a light blue top and a dark blue skirt. The top didn't quite reach the skirt, leaving an inch of bare skin around her waist. The skirt fit her well and I stared unashamed at the well rounded contours of her arse. I thought I could discern the faint panty line low on her hips but wasn't very sure. Through her top, however, the white brassiere was clearly visible.

Halina hadn't said a word since I told her that I had been admiring her beauty; there had been no verbal exchange for the last ten minutes as she cleaned the plates and knives and forks, dried them lightly, and placed them in their holders and cabinet drawers. Suddenly, I was very concerned. Had I just screwed up our weekend? Did I just ruin our coming together after all these years. Now there was a fear running through me. I stood up and, taking the bottle and wineglass with me, I walked up to my sister and stood behind her. "I'm sorry, Sis; I didn't mean to hurt you or anything. I'm sorry, I was just being stupid."

Still standing behind her, I placed my glass of wine next to hers and held her by her upper arms lightly. "Hal?" I said in a rather plaintive enquiry. She still didn't say a word, and when I murmured her name again, she reached for her glass and drank the entire contents in two gulps. I thought she was finally going to turn around and berate me for what I had said. But she didn't. Instead, she reached for the bottle and poured herself the last of the wine.

Still holding her by her upper arms, I bent my head and whispered her name again into the back of her ear, letting my lips brush aside her hair. My nose was next to her skin and I breathed in the sweet aroma as I whispered her name, "Halina?" I rubbed my palms along her upper arms and up to her shoulders, pulling her back so as to expose one side of her neck. I let my lips touch the soft white skin and breathed her name again, barely audible.

What was I doing? This was wrong and a sudden memory from two decades ago flashed through my mind. I subdued it, pushing it back to the dark recesses of my brain as I continued to feel the smooth skin of her arms. Sharp goose pimples erupted on her skin as I breathed against the side of her neck. I heard an almost silent moan escape from my sister's throat as she bent her neck and faced the depth of her kitchen sink. I could feel a stirring in my groin as I closed the gap between our bodies.

I placed my palms on her shoulders and gently stroked over the light fabric of her top, letting my fingers stray on to the bare skin of her neck. I rubbed my nose and face against the soft lustre of her black hair, breathing in the aroma. "Hjjer!", my sister whispered, "My darling Hjjer, why have you stayed away from me so long?" I could barely hear her voice, even though my ears were only inches away from her lips.

My erection was now solid and hard in my undies and behind the folds of my yukata as it pressed against the fitting skirt that hugged her rump and hips. My fingers trickled to the front of her neck as I ran them delicately along her throat. Halina's hands rested on the edge of the kitchen sink as my face pressed against hers. I drew aside her hair and nuzzled her jawline and cheek from one side. She turned slightly and tilted her head back at a small angle, allowing my lips to drift just below her jaw.

As I kissed the side of her neck, I let my hands drop down her front, gently grazing the swell of her bosom before encircling her waist and pressing myself against her. She reached for her glass and took another sip of wine. My mind was filling with the utmost pleasure of sexual anticipation, white flashes of surrealistic visions snapping against the soft ambient light. Visions of my sister's breasts, the hard stand out nipples, her naked torso and the swell of her hips, the perfectly contoured arse, black curly pubic hair in a thick undergrowth with soft tendrils escaping the sides of her panties. Just lightening bolt type of visions.My hands found the lower edges of her shirt and slipped underneath, feeling the soft velvety warmth of her naked stomach; flat and firm. Halina took a sharp intake of breath at that first touch, her body twitching involuntarily. Her buttocks sashayed against my hard-on as she turned another small angle. I held her by the hips and pressed unashamedly against her, leaning into her, pressing her body against the kitchen counter.

Raising my hands along her sides, caressing her body almost up to her armpits, I stroked for a minute before venturing towards her breasts and rubbing my palms across the centre of each orb. I could feel the edges of her brassiere and traced the lines of stitches. The bra cups encircled her breasts, holding them up firmly; the filigreed work felt like braille latticework under my fingertips. And when I touched the hardened nipples, my sister leaned back into me as I straightened up.

For the next five minutes, I continued kissing what part of her face I could reach with my lips. I caressed her breasts over her shirt top and teased her nipples to a heightened state of erection. I continued to rub my groin against the smoothness of her perfectly fitting skirt. Once, Halina twisted her neck and our lips met, locking desperately for a couple of seconds before she turned away to face the front again. I knew we had already passed our point of no return and any sense of guilt or fear had long been banished from my mind.

Still holding her by her hip on the left, I took my right hand and parted the gown I was wearing, the yukata, and pulled my cock out from inside my underwear. Pushing down the undies a few inches, I let my manhood free. I held it in my hand for about half a minute, rubbing the thickness against my sister's skirt as my other hand stroked her left hip. Clearly, I was not thinking; my actions were being guided by pure animal instinct and behaviour.

As I stroked myself for the next few seconds, the red hot tip of my penis kept grazing the polyester fabric of her skirt, but I could feel the warmth radiating from her body. Then, with my manhood fully exposed, I pushed both hands under her blouse and let my palms and fingers skim across the bare skin. I kept pushing my body against her so that the glans of my cock continued to rub against her backside, the ever increasing sensitivity driving me deeper into the space we were headed for.

My hands were on her bra-ensconced tits again and I rubbed all over them. Her nipples pressed back and the goose pimples on her arms resurfaced. I pressed my stiff phallus against her clothed derriere as the desire kept building up in me. I never stopped once to think of what my sis may be thinking, but the vibes were strong and I knew instinctively there was no turning back.

Taking my hands away from her bosom, I held her by the arms and turned her around. She twisted about 90 degrees and now her shoulder and right arm pressed against my chest. Halina kept her head down and I saw that her eyes were open. Her lips were wet and there was a slackness to her jaw which could have meant anything; I didn't and couldn't interpret. My ramrod stiffness projected at an upward angle and the full eight inches must have been in her line of vision.

As I leaned forward to kiss her face, I was obstructed because both her hands were now up to her hair, pushing the unruly strands behind her ears. I took her right hand in mine and drew it down to my penis, holding her by the wrist. When I felt her palm touch my cock, I let out reflexive groan and let go of her. For a few seconds, my sister didn't stir; just let her hand limply graze against the thickness of my overheated manhood. Then, she quietly and gently wrapped her hand over the five inch girth of my eight-inch long shaft. She seemed to absorb the sensation of touch in an almost zen-like fashion; her eyes were shut as I groped the bra-encased roundness of her breasts and leaned towards her face to kiss her again.

She stroked my cock slowly and very gently, her fist wrapped around the thickness as she moved it along the entire length. I wanted her so bad at that moment, I was completely delirious with ecstasy. My breathing was deep and hard as I kissed her on her lips. My hand went down to the hem of her skirt and I pulled it up before palming her crotch. That was the next step and it came instinctively, unthinking; my brain was completely shut down at that moment. As she increased the tempo ever so slightly with her hand around me cock, I rubbed over her panties. Her thick bush made a prominent mound underneath as as I rubbed intensely, two fingers finding the crevice between her thighs.

Her panties were sodden as my fingers ploughed along the groove. I could feel the occasional strand of pubic hair penetrate through the pores of her intensely wet undies. She held on to my shaft and kept pulling, her grip now tight over the entire circumference of flesh. I pushed my hand into her undergarment and felt the thick forested growth over her swollen pudenda, my fingers now almost digging into her. "Oh! Hjjer! What is happening to us?" I heard her gasp. But she was as taken up with the moment as I was.

The hood over her clitoris felt stiff and I rubbed over it, gripping with two fingertips. Moving them only a few millimeters, I massaged over the protective covering, occasionally touching the edges where perhaps her clit would soon expose itself.

She turned completely to face me, her grip on my cock still as intense as ever. Tilting her head back, her lips slightly parted, she looked up into my eyes. Hers were moist and glistened as she stared into mine, a solitary tear rolling down her cheek. I closed my eyes and kissed her, tonguing the tear drop and tasting the salty wetness. She then took her hand away from my penis and pushed both arms around me under the yukata that I wore. I felt her hands rest on my buttocks as she pulled me hard against her.

I had one hand still inside her panties, stroking her vaginal opening, feeling the soft lips encircle my fingers, the wetness lubricating the entrance to her cunt. My sister was in raptures, her head thrown back, her grip still tight on my arse, desperate sounds from deep within her escaping from her mouth in an incoherent flow. I found her clitoris protrude from beyond its protective hood and her body jerked involuntarily as my finger found the hardness. I rubbed very gently but she was already in the throes of her first orgiastic release.

My sister's body went rigid, the muscles around her pelvis and buttocks suddenly went taut; I could feel her labial lips tense as she thrust her body against my hand. Her hands unwrapped from around my arse and she threw them backwards, supporting herself against the kitchen counter as she leaned against it. I smelt the raw musky odour of her sex, more euphoric than physical. Her hips spasmed a number of times against my hand; Halina did not scream or shout but her breathing was intensively heavy and deep. Maybe 10, 15 seconds later her body quietened down and she leaned into me again, throwing her arms around my neck and burying her face into my chest.

I removed my hand from inside her panties and licked the wetness off my fingers before raising her head and kissing her on the mouth. Her lips were soft and warm as they rubbed against mine. Our mouths opened and I pushed my tongue into her oral orifice, running the tip over the edge of her teeth before thrusting it deeper into her mouth. She sucked my tongue into her mouth, her lips forming a slippery grip as she drew me in. As I kissed Halina deeply and hard, I felt her hand slide across my bare torso under the yukata, touching my nipples and teasing the hair on my chest.

As she bent forward, lowering her face to my chest, I felt her other hand glide down the side of my body, past my waist, over my hips and thigh where she stroked the inner skin. My erection was even harder now, and almost upright against my abdomen. Her lips pursed around one of my nipples and then I felt the tip of her tongue run over the protuberance. At the same time, she took my penis in one hand and pushed the foreskin back completely, the red hot glans now rubbed against her palm.

She began a slow delicate motion sliding her hand up and down the length of my cock as she continued to suck on my nipple. I wanted to undress her now, see and touch and taste her naked body. My hands were on her shoulders and back as I stroked the waves of her hair. And then quite suddenly, my sister straightened up, kissed me firmly on the mouth, reluctantly released her grip on my shaft, took one of my hands in hers, and walked me back to the tatami room. She pushed aside the low lacquer table, opened the sliding door to the small koi pond and zen garden outside, and drew me down on to one of the floor cushions next to her.

I pulled up my briefs and belted the gown although my erection had not completely disappeared. The air smelt fresh in this quiet neighborhood as a gentle breeze wafted into the room through the garden door. The temperature had dropped considerably compared to the day but my body was overheated. Halina and I both paused for a moment, taking in our new reality as she got up to put a CD into the player. It was strangely haunting music by Llewellyn and Leora Lightwoman. She went back out for a minute and came back with a bottle of Hennessy Beaute du Siecle Cognac, and two snifters.

"Wow!" I said when I saw the bottle. "That's really expensive stuff, Sis. And by the way, what music is this?"

"The cognac was a gift from you six years ago when we met. You said the Grand Champagne would ensure that I never forgot about you or about France. And the music is Tantric music. Like it?" She poured out two splashes from the half-full bottle, handed me the short-stemmed glass, and sat down beside me.

I vaguely recalled buying the brandy for her. We'd had a drink at my New Delhi residence and then she'd packed away the bottle. I was surprised that she'd kept it so long and fleetingly wondered if so many years had done any damage to the spirit. But with the first delicate sip I took, I knew that time had done nothing to the complex aroma of this wonderful distillation. And the music just seemed to get my erotic senses all astir again. The soft drums and windy slow keyboard were as intoxicating as the Hennessy.

Halina had ignored the light switches when we came into this Washitsu room; the low diffused lighting was what filtered in from the front kitchen and the outside streetlights. The soft lapping of tiny waves against the stone walls of the pond drifted through the night. My sis and I were sitting next to each other on cushions that were more like small floor mats with cotton padding; silent but with raging minds. At least mine was; once again I was getting flashes of vision seemingly projected on the darkness of my mind's eye.

There was a strange vibe in the room around us. There was nostalgia and sentiment as we reminisced about our youth in Paris, the times I had taken my sister for shopping on her birthdays to the fashion districts of Saint Germain des Pres and the Marias; the time we went up to the top of the Arc de Triomphe at the centre of Place de l'Etiole and I took black and white photographs of the 12 grand avenues, including the Champ Elysees. She laughed at the idea that I had once actually contemplated life as a professional photographer.

And there was also our current reality. What we had just done in the kitchen; I think we were both coming to terms with our desires and feelings, wondering perhaps whether this had been a dormant emotion, a hidden attraction that neither of us had previously admitted to.

We both reached for our snifters at the same time and brought them to our lips; I took a rather large sip and replaced the glass on the lacquer table which was now pushed against one wall. Halina did the same. And then in absolute sibling synchronization, we turned towards each other and had our arms around the other's neck, drawing us together. Our mouths met and I felt the softness against my lips. I opened my mouth and pushed out my tongue into hers, feeling the comfortable warmth inside.

I raised a hand to hold my sister's flushed face, rubbing my palm across her cheek, taking her ear lobe and tweaking it in my fingers. I traced her jawline as we kissed, letting her suck on my tongue. She brought her own hand up to my face and cupped it, then ran her fingers through the dark curls of my hair and drew my head towards her. When she pulled away for a second, my fingers were near her lips and she took one into her mouth, sucking the length gently. With one hand still on my head, she then began to kiss me all over my face, drawing the tip of her tongue across the contours, whispering softly. Words that I could not decipher.

I leaned back and felt my torso being pushed towards the reed matting as my sister continued to kiss me all over. Her lips were gentle as they roamed across my eyelids and my nose, my cheeks and my forehead, my chin and my jaw. And all this time, my burgeoning erection rubbed against various parts of her clothed anatomy. She sat up halfway and undid the belt of my yukata, then parted the flaps and began pushing them off my shoulders. I raised my torso and let her unwrap me completely, leaving the dressing gown under me.

She rubbed the stiffness underneath my briefs for a minute before pulling them down. My penis jerked out of the confines of my Calvin Klien and lay upright as she continued to pull the underwear down my legs and past my ankles. When she had me fully exposed, she pushed my undies somewhere under the table and looked down at me.

I lay back completely naked and stared up at her, seeing the glint in her eyes despite the low ambient lighting. She stretched out her legs and lowered her body next to mine, using her elbows to keep her torso raised as she looked down at me. I placed my hand around her back and then for a moment, lost control as I rolled her over and lay on top of her, looking into the beautiful eyes of my younger sis. I placed my head between her breasts and tried to raise her top. My cock was ramrod stiff and rubbed harshly against the polyester skirt, feeling the strength of her thighs beneath. I frantically gyrated my body, my hands now on her full and firm tits, rubbing them like a depraved animal.

But I soon regained control; I didn't want this to degenerate into a one-night sexual quickie. I wanted to prolong this mixture of deep sentimental love for my sister and the passionate erotic forbidden adventure we had embarked on. So I laid back down on the tatami mats as Halina sat up slowly. And I stared wantonly at her, she place her hands at the bottom edge of her blouse and drew it upwards. I saw the expanding bareness of her midriff as she raised the top; her fingers engaged with the base of her bra and she continued to pull up till her breasts were revealed.

I wanted to pounce on them, my animal instinct was so overpowering but I had to rein in the fervour. Instead, I rested my head on her lap and faced upwards so that her white creamy breasts hung pendulously over my face. I took one nipple into my mouth as I clasped her other breast in a hand. Her teats were stiff and protruded almost half an inch. The rigid knob in my mouth was incredibly arousing and I lashed it sideways with my tongue, knowing that it was giving her pleasure. I rubbed the other nipple with my fingers and felt the sharp bumps on her aureole.

I sucked her breasts and let my hand run over as much of her exposed skin as I could, palming her boobs and her ribcage, feeling the flatness of her stomach, reaching as far back around her waist as I could - all while suckling at her breast. Her fingers ran though my hair in gentle strokes as I began to ravage her breasts and her nipples. She straightened up for a minute and drew her top above her head, removing it and placing it on the matted floor behind her. She then reached behind her and unclasped her brassiere, drawing the straps off each of her arms. Halina turned around and placed the undergarment with her top.

I stared up at her as she bent forward again and her fulsome breasts poured on to my face. I reached up to them with my hands and palmed all over, feeling the rigid protrudent nipples against my palms. As my sister bent lower, the solidity of her teats grazed my face and the evening bristle on my jaws scraped against the sensitive knot of nerve endings on the tips of her hanging mounds. I had never realised how full and firm and glorious Halina's breasts were. But now, I raised my head an inch and drew one of her mamilla into my mouth and swirled my tongue around the tip.

I opened my eyes and saw the deep cleavage in front, unable to visualize her face or any other part of her anatomy beyond the swell of her bosom. With one hand squeezing her boobs as though I was trying to lactate my sister, my mouth enveloped her breasts like a strong suction cup. My other hand pushed to her side as I felt the cool silkiness of her midriff and waist. My head still rested on her knees, bent as her legs folded beneath her rump.

I felt my sister's hands splay across my chest, fingering my nipples to a tautness again. She bent down lower and smothered my face between her perfect tits as I continued to wrap one arm around her waist; my body contorted as I attempted to touch and mouth as much of her body as possible. But the physical strain made it impossible so I straightened out, brought my hands back to her breasts and continued to suckle first one nipple, then the other.

After a while, I felt the fingertips of one of her hands trace an invisible line from my chest down to my navel and my penis jerked in anticipation. I was stiff and hard against my stomach, the fiery tip no doubt glowing in the dim amber luminescence of the ambient lighting. The breeze was a lot cooler now as it found its way in through the garden sliding door. My nipples were taut, the hair on my chest and arms rose in response, partially to the cold air and partly because of the tantalizing touch of Halina's fingers on my skin.

Strangely, a sweat had developed on my back and I could feel the matting of rice straw under me sticking to my skin. And then she touched me once again; her fingers wrapped around the solid thickness of my cock as she pulled. She bent lower and her fingers reached down to gently cup my testicles; my balls must have been cold because her delicate cupping felt warm and comfortable around my sac. She deftly manipulated her fingers around my scrotum, then traced along a thick vein that ran up the length of my shaft, and finally wiped a large drop of pre-cum from the tip of my penis.

"You know I love you, right? Hjjer?" Her voice had the husky undertones of a mature geisha as she mumbled the words over my face. I opened my eyes and saw hers, two inches away from mine and her hair draped like a gauze curtain with the frilly edges playing with the hair on my chest.

"I love you too, Halina" I whispered back as I reached up and placed my hands on her neck, drawing her down to kiss her on the lips. Her hand still gripped my cock and continued to masturbate the raw stiffness, pulling and pushing like a piston ring.

"No!" she said a little louder but still very gently. "I mean I love you" she stressed. "I love you in so many different ways. Not just as a sister. Not just as a friend. In fact, not just as a lover either. Much more than that." I stayed silent as she kept rubbing my engorged penis. She lowered her head and her mouth found my lips; her tongue probing inside my mouth. When she drew away, she whispered again, "I have always loved you in all these ways. But what I have never told you is that I have always fantasized sexually. I have masturbated thinking about you. About your body. About you and me."Once again flashes of memory screened themselves on the dark canvas of my mind. I was twenty, she was barely an adult. We were in Paris, the apartment in Le Marais. My sister's bedroom overlooked a park and a tree lined street. I had just returned from an overseas trip to Mexico and we were listening to Nirvana in her room. Smells Like Teen Spirit. And we were smoking a spliff.

With the lights out, it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us

We kissed. We lay down on Halina's bed together; I was tired, she was happy to see me. I fell asleep. When I awoke in the middle of the night, I was lying next to my sister. She was wearing a bra and panties. I was in a pair of jeans and nothing else. I sipped from a glass of water. Only the bedside lamp next to her lit up the room. I turned to look at my sister; her thighs and the long perfectly shaped legs. Her breasts in a Chantelle bra, white and lacy. Taking off my jeans; taking off my briefs. Lying naked next to my sister. Flashes of memory on a dark canvas in my mind.

But now, here in Kyoto, my sister and I were making love. Her hand on my erect penis, her full breasts lush over my face, my nakedness at the alter of her lust. I silently whispered to my sister "I love you too Halina. I know I love you in more ways than one. I have always known that. I want you. I want you now. I want your body and I want your mind. I want all of you."

"I give you my soul. My lover, my brother, my friend, I give you everything that I have held as my own. I want to give it all to you. I want to be you. I want us to be one."

I raised my head from her lap, sitting up and facing her as she backed away and we sat on the floor facing one another. I stared at her naked torso, big breasts full and hard with erect nipples as she still knelt on the tatami floor. She still had her skirt on as I rose on my knees and placed my hands on her shoulders. My rigid penis now stuck out from my body and touched her face, the glans rubbing against her cheek. I rubbed her shoulders and ran my fingers through her hair; I felt the skin of her face and cupped her chin, tilting it so she could look up at me. "I have always loved you, and I always will, my baby. I always will."

And as I whispered those words, I pushed her backwards slowly so she could unbend her knees and straighten out her legs as she lay back. Her head rested on the thin cushion on the floor as she stretched out her legs in front of me, pushing down the folds of her skirt so it covered her thighs almost down to her knees. Her breasts were bare and she attempted to cover them in a simple gesture of modesty. I smiled down at her, bent down and kissed her on her lips. My beautiful sister.

I lay down on the mat beside her and faced my sister. I placed a hand against her cheek and turned her head towards me and kissed her on her forehead, her eyelids, and then her lips. I sucked her soft lips into my mouth, wet them with my tongue, slithered it along the edges, and then pushed it into her mouth. She parted her lips wide and pulled my tongue into her mouth; I pushed it in deep and she sucked on it like a succubus.

I then lowered my head and took a nipple into my mouth, my hand playing with her other breast, teasing the nipple into a heightened state of rigidity. I pulled on her nipple with my mouth and felt the stiffness against my tongue and lips. Then very slowly, I took my hand lower and let my fingers hover around her navel and the flatboard stomach. I slipped further down along the tatami, letting my lips kiss her body; along the downward curve of her bosom, then on her upper abdomen feeling her ribcage.

When my mouth reached the top of her skirt, my hand had drifted lower and now my palm rested on her thigh. My sister moaned softly with pleasure, her legs were now slightly bent at her knees and the swayed gently from side to side. As I continued to caress her thighs, first on the outside and later on the sensitive inner side where the skin seemed softer and more vulnerable. She moaned a little louder and her thighs parted and closed. I pushed myself lower along the floor till my face was against her hips.

Halina's skirt had ridden up towards her crotch when she bent her knees but she made no further attempt to lower the hem. I raided myself on my elbows and, on bended knees, I positioned myself between her legs, pushing them further apart. I pushed her skirt up around her waist and bent down till I smelt the unique odour from her vagina as it seeped through her panties. I breathed it in and exhaled my hot breath on to her covered cunt. I barely heard a soft mewling sound come from deep inside her as I pressed a finger against her groove.

Then, hooking my fingers into the band of her undies, I began to peel it off her, pulling it down past her hips and her thighs. My sister raised her buttocks so I could draw down the panties. I straighten up briefly as I pulled them down her long shapely legs and slipped them past her ankles. For a short second I brought the delicate underclothing to my nose and breathed in deeply. The soggy wetness exuded an overpowering scent that went directly to the most sensitive and erogenous zone of my brain. I opened my mouth and drew a portion of the fabric into my mouth as I sucked on it for a second.

Placing the garment somewhere behind me, I bent down and buried myself in my sister's thick pubic bush. With both hands I pushed her thighs further apart and breathed in the scent of her vaginal secretions. My mouth touched her genitalia, her labia and my lips merged as I kissed her hard. Halina groaned as her thighs closed in against the sides of my head. The thickness of her pussy hair was like a jungle against my face as I continued to mash my mouth against her cunt. I brought a hand to her hole and found her clit, rubbing gently on it as I sucked on her juices.

"Hjjer!" my sister whispered. "I want you inside me." I could barely hear her whisper but the sound of her voice was like what I imagined to be the rumbling of a volcano before its eruption. Deep and silent almost, fierce with its potential power. "Hjjer!" I brought my other hand up to her crotch and with the fingers of both hands I parted the lips of her cunt as my tongue probed the inner recesses of her vagina. I sucked deep as I continued to tease her clitoris. I was lost in that triangle of forested bush, my face now one with her genitalia.

Her clit protruded and I lashed it with my tongue. My sister gyrated her hips as I struggled to hold my place between her thighs. I drew Halina's unhooded clit and gently cushioned it between my lips as my finger now penetrated her completely sodden hole. Her hips continued to sway from side to side, the tempo of her thrashing increasing with every second that my mouth osculated against her cunt. And then suddenly, her hips jerked off the tatami matting as she raised her middle off the floor and rammed into my mouth.

Her thighs parted wide and the thick hairy triangle was fully exposed as my sister bucked, her arse raised at least a foot off the floor. It all happened so quickly and without warning that I was thrown back, almost instinctively, and my head rose from the deep jungle as my face was sprayed with my sister's secretions. She screamed. For the first time that night, her voice rose beyond the near silent decibels. There was little ambient noise; the music had stopped, there was no traffic outside this late at night, only the wind and picked up and the rustle of leaves filtered through the night.

Halina's scream rented the quiet curtain of near darkness as her hips jerked off the matted flooring, fell back, and then bounced off again. She squirted her juices in a fast trajectory that gushed, spurted and spritzed my face with her most intimate secretions. I shut my eyes for those fractions of time and let her wash all over me.

Seconds later, as she settled her bum on the reed mats, I bent down and sucked the remaining droplets into my mouth. I knew her orgasm had been the most volatile she had experienced in a long time, perhaps ever. I lowered my head and rested the side of my face against the forested undergrowth, feeling the warm wetness against my cheek. Her thighs were parted completely, both knees almost touching the ground on either side of her. Her breathing was returning to normal but I could still hear the exhalation and intake of breath as her hands reached down to find my head.

Her fingers were entwined in my hair, still clutching ferociously as I remained buried in her crotch. The smell of her cunt was still intoxicating and I realized that my cock was hard and rampant; a spear that needed to penetrate her inner depths. And then I heard her "Hjjer", a muffled voice from a distant shore. With my face still in her hairy crotch, I whispered back "Sis! I love you." She curled her fingers around thick clumps of my hair and gently coaxed my away from her dripping cunt. I pushed my tongue out one last time, swirling it around her nether lips before raising my head away from between her thighs.

A few minutes later after she had caught her breath, Halina placed her hands first over my shoulders; then as I pulled myself up, she had her palms under my armpits and drew me towards her face. My body was now on top of her and I felt my stiff penis rub against the drenched sopping wet undergrowth of her pussy hair as I drew myself further along her body. Resting on my elbows, my face was directly above hers, my chest against the firm roundness of her boobs. She craned upwards and planted a kiss on my mouth, perhaps tasting her own juices that my lips had been drowning in.

She then planted her hands on my chest and lightly pushed so I rolled off her and lay on my back next to her body. She raised herself now and I heard the small zipper on her hip pulled down. She maneuvered her skirt down her hips and pushed it away with one foot towards the side of the room. I looked at her in the golden glow that suffused the room and felt the beauty of her presence all over again. From the rear, I saw her shoulder blades and spinal cord cast gentle shadows into the delicate indentations of her back.

She was completely naked, her back towards me as I lay beside her. The sensuous S of her spine curved down to her buttocks as I stared at the beauty that she had grown into. From slightly broad shoulders, her torso tapered to a slim waist before swelling again to the expanse of her hips. I reached out with my left hand and touched the smooth skin, tracing lines across it. She turned very slightly and reached out her right arm to caress my thighs, and I could see the lower curve of her bosom as it rose from her chest.

Her fingers ran along the length of my legs. My sister bent forward as I shut my eyes and felt the feather like touch of her fingertips near my ankles, From there, she moved up along my shin, over my knees, and on the thick muscles of my thighs. I kept one hand on her back and felt her bending down and straightening up as her hands kept running along the bottom half of my body. I knew my manhood was stiff as ever and I waited for her to touch it.

When she finally did, Halina took my cock in her hand and wrapped a fist around it, massaging its length slowly. I felt her turn so that she now faced the length of my body. She had both hands in my groin, one cupping my balls and the other running up and down the full length of my penis. I ran my hand up along her waist and arm, and then over her shoulder till I had my palm on her head. My fingers played with her hair for a while but involuntarily, I was applying a slight pressure on her skull, wanting to push her head down towards my shaft.

The tempo of her breathing seemed to change slightly as she stroked me. "You're very big, Hjjer" she whispered. I put a little more pressure on her head, wanting my cock in her mouth. And then I felt her lowering her head, felt the warm breath closer to my penis, felt her hair tickle my abdomen. She pulled back the already taut skin on my manhood, the base of her fist now flush against my groin. And then I felt her lips envelop the burning tip of my red hot phallus.

At first, she puckered her lips and drew only my glans into her mouth, the tip of her tongue running circles around it. After about a minute, she withdrew her mouth from around me and licked the entire length of me stiffness, from the hair at the base, up along the hard length and back to the helmeted top. She parted my legs and reached under my balls, sucking them in and tonguing them. Her fingers circled around my anus; I wasn't sure if that was intentional or by chance.

The feelings coursing through my body were indescribable; I was suddenly conscious of the illicit and of course incestuous nature of what we were doing. My sister and I naked in faraway Japan, almost decades after an unnatural first encounter in the early years of our youth. Her breasts, her hairy pussy, my cock, our mouths, all for the erotic pleasure of our senses. And now, the sensations of her mouth on and around my manhood, the soft warm insides of her blanketing my pike.

I lay back, trying to relax every muscle in my body while my sister used her lips, her tongue, and her fingers to love my body. Halina must have felt in total control at the moment, caressing and devouring my shaft; I shut my eyes and let my mind and body drown in the amazing carnality of the night. I suddenly became aware and conscious when I felt her tongue reaming my anus, the wet warm tip tracing around the entrance. My body bucked at the feeling as she pushed her tongue deeper inside. Her hands were cupping my testicles with a gently massage.

After a minute or so, I felt my sister raise herself and take me into her mouth again. This time she opened wide and lowered her head taking in about four inches of the thickness. I found her face with an outstretched hand, my fingers on her lips. I realized that her mouth was wide open and filled to the edges with the width of my shaft and wondered if she would be able to take all of me inside. When she pulled herself away after a few seconds, she held on to the rigid stiffness and rubbed her face against it, feeling the steely heat against her delicate skin.

She started stroking again and the slick sound of rhythmic caressing filtered through the quiet of our night. Occasionally she would bend down and take me in her mouth, lubricating the shaft before continuing with her petting. As she increased the pace I knew I would soon reach that point of no return, and that was not something I wanted right now. As though she had read my thoughts, she slowed down and bent over my manhood again.

This time, my sister opened her mouth wide and took my cock into her far deeper than earlier. I felt the tight grip of her stretched lips slide down my penis, slowing down midway but continuing lower. It was a very slow progress but I eventually felt the tip of her nose and her heavy breathing against my genitals. She heaved up as her gag reflex gave in but soon took me back into her mouth. As she got used to the fullness and the girth, her head bobbed up and down sucking on the full length. With each stroke I was sure I touched the back of her throat but was too caught up in the moment to think of any discomfort that my sister may have been experiencing.

Her breasts rubbed hard against my thighs and I realized that I was involuntarily raising my hips upwards every time her mouth came down the thick spike. Her hand and mouth were now working on me in tandem. Her fingers slithered up the length as she withdrew her mouth, and slid down to the base as she drew me in. I reached down with one hand, found her bosom and took a large globular orb into my palm. My fingers found her nipples, tight and hard and long. I rubbed them more to distract myself, keeping my ejaculation at bay for as long as I could.

Halina continued giving me the blowjob of my life, sending currents through my nerves that I had never experienced before. She moved her body around with my cock still in her mouth. I opened my eyes and saw her buttocks towards my face. I reached out and touched her arse while she continued to fellate me. My fingers moved along the crack between her cheeks, going deeper into the chasm till I felt the heat from under her.

I pushed my hand further down as my sister lowered her head to draw my entire cock into her mouth; her arse was raised and I slipped my hand under her, feeling the thick bushy hair as my fingers fought through the undergrowth. Her dripping wet cunt made my entire hand sodden with her juices as I traced the outer edges of her labia. Then, with my other hand I clasped her right thigh and coaxed her to lift it above my body and to the other side. She was now straddling me, her arse close to my face and my penis still in her mouth.

I reached up with both hands and parted her arse cheeks, pulling her down over my face till I felt the wetness and smelt the intoxicating odour of her sex. I felt her hand around the base of my cock, fingers around my testicles. Gripping her round buttocks, I raised my head an inch till my lips approached her arsehole. I let out the tip of my tongue and probed her hole, rimming the edges before pushing it in deeper. Her body jerked as she raised her head and let out a loud groan, releasing my penis from her mouth.

My fingers ploughed through her thick forested cunt and found her vaginal opening. I rubbed into the swampy wetness of her grotto, finding her hard protruding clitoris rampant at the top end. I pressed very gently at the same time as I pushed my tongue half an inch into her anus. Her stiffened nipples grazed my thighs as she tried to keep my upright cock in her mouth, but the combination of my manipulation of her clit and the probing in her rear hole was too much for my sister.

She pushed her arse further back towards my face while simultaneously her cunt roved over my hand. I stuck two fingers deep into her pussy while I continued to mouth her anal orifice. I fully expected Halina to reach another series of climactic orgasms. But she raised her head up and almost squatted on my face, pushing back till I felt the dampness of her pussy hair over my lips and my mouth opened to suck her juices in. Her cunt was so dripping with wetness, it was like being lost in the thick tropical undergrowth of a monsoon forest.

The smells were delicate and strong at the same time; a sexually charged aroma seemed to flow out of the depths of her most intimate depths. She tasted like a mixture of freshness and decadent lust. She pushed her hips back and forth, rubbing her vaginal lips hard against my face. I stuck my tongue out and let it lash her vagina as she gyrated over my face. Every few seconds she would grab my upright cock in her fist and tug at it but the sensations of my tongue under her sexual organs would overtake her. The ecstatic sounds from deep with her switched between sharp cries to heaving groans as she continued to rub herself against me.

As my saliva mingled with her spicy-sweet secretions, the suckling sounds close to my ear as her hips gripped my head, reverberated in the confined space. I couldn't make out if she was crying but sometimes the undecipherable words that escaped her mouth sounded laden with melancholy. And she continued to whisper through her cries and her mewling. Sometimes I could make out what my sister was saying, and other time I could not. "Oh oui! Plus fort!"

I lay back, a supplicant to her rising desires, wanting to pleasure my sister and delay my own satisfaction. My love for her at that moment was beyond bounds; I felt I could do any and everything for her. "Tu me rends folle, Hjjer." Yes, and she was driving me crazy too. I kept flicking my tongue into her cunt, probing as deep as I could go, tasting the sweetness of her nectar. Halina moaned loudly now, not holding back the decibel level of her sounds. She groaned as she continued to push herself over my mouth, getting wetter with each minute.After a considerable length of time during which I orally stimulated her vulva and clitoris, she finally raised her hips off my face and slid down my chest, leaving a soggy trail of her juices over my body, trailing from my face down to my abdomen. My ramrod stiffness was flush against my stomach as she raised her hips again, both knees on either side of my waist, and sat on the engorged length. Her cunt was awash and slippery as she glided along my cock, deftly skating over the full length. Her hips moved like an exotic dancer, her upper body almost still as her buttocks moved forward and back.

I stretched my arms and placed my palms on her arse, slipping one hand under her derriere to find the puckered entrance to her arsehole. As she skimmed her cunt forwards and back along my shaft, i positioned a fingertip at the entrance to her anus, wet with the juices that had slithered back from her cunt. With every backward movement of her hips, I let the finger probe into her rear hole, going deeper as I stretched out my arm. And then I heard another whisper amidst her moans: "Je veux te baiser, Hjjer! Baise moi maintenant." I so wanted to fuck her too, my darling sister.

Halina raised herself off me and stood up, turning around to face me as she placed her legs on either side of my supine body. I looked up at her and saw such a sensually erotic look on her face, her mussed up hair framing the gentle warm features of her face. As she bent her knees outward and parted her legs a little more, I saw her firm large breasts descend towards me; I saw the thick mat of her bushy hair come closer to my groin. And as she lowered her body to meet mine, she took my steely rod in her hand and held the stiffness upright.

I raised my hips an inch off the matted floor, wanting to enter her so desperately. I felt her position my cock at the entrance to her cunt, and as she lowered herself on to me, she removed her hand and slid down my shaft in an agonizingly slow and exquisite motion. I reached out for her bosom, clasping her glorious boobs in my hands for a few seconds before running my fingers along the outer side of her breasts. My fingers then circled all around the flesh before centering in her nipples. They were hard, and once again I realized how long they were. I pulled very gently on them and heard Halina's deep breathing intensify.

She had her hands on my chest, leaning forward slightly. Her arse moved up and down, the pace gradually increasing. I looked up at her and saw that she had her head raised, bending her neck backwards as she continued thrusting. My hands continued circling around her breasts, cupping them, pinching the stiff nipples gently, running circles around her aureole, palming her swollen orbs. In the soft light, I could glean the fair bikini tan-lines barely covering her nipples as I ran my hands over the smooth silky skin.

Knowing that I would not be able to hold back my ejaculation by much longer, I attempted to stimulate my sister's own orgasm as I now reached down towards her cunt. Looking down along my chest, I saw her hairy bush mingle with my own pubic hair. As she rocked her hips and moved them up and down my cock, I saw the massive girth of my penis penetrate her depths. I reached down and found the firm glans of her clitoris protruding from under its hood and gently massaged it. Her moans turned to soft screams as her tempo increased to pulverizing pace.

The fingers of both her hands were close to mine, spreading her vaginal lips wider and pressing over my fingers to increase the pressure on her clit. She continued to moan loudly with each thrust. Her thighs were wide apart, feet still close to my torso. Her body was now thrown backwards and she needed one hand to support her as she placed it on the floor next to my left thigh. Continuing her rocking motion, she pushed and shoved her body harder against mine, drawing my phallus deep into her cunt.

As I felt myself approaching my climax, I rubbed her clit harder and heard my sister's voice rising. Her breasts hung heavily from her chest and swayed pendulously, the nipples now extremely hard and large. I briefly looked at them and wondered at the length of her erect nipples, surrounded by the dark circles of her aureoles which were not as large as I would have expected given the size of her teats. I looked down again and pondered the thickness of her pussy hair, distracting myself momentarily from the impending climax.

I took my hands away from under her, fingers sopping wet and drenched, and held her hips. They were swaying and swiveling in back and forth motions, changing suddenly to an up-down hammering, gyrating in long circular side-to-side pirouettes, all in fast tempo. My cock was sturdy and solid as it took these strenuous manipulations without any strain. I thought fleetingly that my sister had found her own G-spot with the tip of my unyielding manhood, in complete control of her body as she rode me cowgirl.

She rocked her body, riding me hard. Her screams now rent the silence of the night with no consideration for how far her voice may carry. I felt a tingling in my groin and I knew in the next two seconds I would reach a point beyond which I would not be able to hold back. I realized that I had been thrusting my hips upwards for many minutes now, wanting to take charge and fuck my sister hard. But I had let her stay in control, and now the moment of her climactic pinnacle was fast approaching, as was mine.

She bent forward again, her hands on my chest, fingernails clawing into my flesh. I rammed harder, shoving myself up into her with an animal like force. As I held held on to her hips, I also realized that my thrusts were almost lifting her up off the tatami mats. And when she came down, her bum pushed against my abdomen in an attempt to keep me deep inside her. We sustained this cadence for at least another minute as I continued to hold myself back and she tried to bring herself to the verge.

And then there was complete darkness, as though all the lights in Kyoto had been switched off. In my mind's eye, or a dark canvass, I saw only pitch blackness with the occasional firefly like glow of a distant star flashing across. My sister pushed herself backwards again, used one hand to support herself up and another parting the lips of her pussy. My erection was deep inside her as she thrust her body forward.

I felt a cool liquid spray my upper body while I shoved myself deeper into Halina. Her fingers tore aside her left labial lip as a non-viscous liquid jetted out of her vagina and showered my sweat drenched body. I felt the slight drizzle reach up to my face but the shower sprayed on my chest and abdomen. My sister screamed out, words and noise and sound all co-mingled as she shoved her hips forward.

My eyes were clenched shut and my hands had a vice like grip on her hips as I rammed upwards into my sister's cunt. I felt the hot molten liquid rise along my urethral tube and explode inside her. Like a volcanic eruption, the over heated sperm burst out and I had no thought of withdrawing myself from Halina's cunt. The first burst of cum shot into her womb, followed by a far more explosive detonation that rocketed out almost immediately. My hands clutched at her hips, impossible to tear away, as a third spasm of my body drilled into her.

For almost seven or eight seconds, Halina continued shoving herself forward, bending my cock backwards inside her vagina. The jet spray from her cunt cooled almost instantly on my body and I knew she had actually ejaculated. In the language of Indian tantric sex, this was called 'Amrita', divine nectar from my sister's cervix. She almost bellowed out a long and high pitched cry when my violent sperm discharge erupted in her.

For those moments in time, we were completely one; fused into a symbiotic universe. We were one flesh, our lives were one. Beyond sibling connectivity, our souls and our minds were entwined. Brother and sister were in a dimension of our own, complete and united. As the last drops of my semen drowned her vaginal canal, I wondered for fleeting moment about whether any of the sperm from my semen would find its way to her cervix. But I let that thought go, believing and trusting in my sister.

When Halina's screams subsided, she continued to rub herself over me, keeping my cock inside her. She then bent forward and folded herself on to my chest. Her head came down next to mine, draped over my shoulder. I raised both arms and placed my hands on her back, rubbing her perspiring body down. I was still inside her for a couple of minutes before she raised her hips and let me out of her cave. She rolled off me and lay by my side as my semen probably dribbled out of her cunt.

We lay there in the silence, hearts still beating fast. I turned to my side and draped an arm over her, raised my left leg and placed it over her hip. My eyes were still shut but I felt her cuddle up against me, throwing her right arm over me. We held each other tight, my penis only slightly deflated as it rested between our bodies. I ran my fingers up and down her spine in a lazy stroking movement for a few minutes before bringing it down to her arse, where I let it rest. I ran a finger along the crack in her arse cheeks, trailing it downward till I felt the wetness of her juices and probably some of my semen that had dripped along her thighs.

The silence became all consuming. Once again I could hear the gentle lapping of water against the walls of Halina's koi pond outside. Once again, I could feel a cool breeze against my still perspiring body. Her boobs were flush against my chest as she burrowed her face into it. I heard a distant chiming, possibly from the clock tower over Centennial Hall in Kyoto University. It was 3 o'clock in the morning.

I heard the soft vibrations of her tired breathing as I drew my sister closer to me. I kissed the soft full hair on her head, now damp like every other part of her body. I felt her warmth as she pressed against me. She was asleep. I stroked her body for a few more minutes before I began to drift away myself. In my mind, the gentle refrain from a cover version of Bob Dylan's original song wafted through my brain.

Oh sister when I come to lie in your arms You should not treat me like a stranger

Oh sister am I not a brother to you And one deserving of affection?