Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2784 - ODD JOBS

Chapter 2784 - ODD JOBS

I met Molly when I was eight. We moved in next door and she was the first friend I made. That friendship grew quickly and we saw each other daily. My second best friend was Brian, who lived just a little ways down the street. As time passed, the three of us were inseparable. In the summer we spent hours in the pool behind Molly's house, and played well into the evening almost every day. Only school slowed us down, and not really all that much, since the three of us were in the same class. Elementary gave way to middle school which gave way to junior high. You'd expect us to drift away and find new friends, but that didn't happen. If anything, Molly and I got closer as time passed. By the time we hit high school, my younger sister was hanging out with us, nearly inseparable, from Brian. As high school progressed it became apparent to me that Molly and I were destined to be together.

When I was accepted to MIT Molly was both ecstatic for me and unhappy. It meant that we wouldn't be going off to college together. I'd be going half way across the country and she and Brian would be just going down state. That last summer was so important to us. We spent almost every waking minute together. Several weeks before we had to head off to school, the four of us went on a double date to a late movie. It was nearly midnight when we got back to Molly's house. Brian dared us, all four of us, to go skinny dipping. My sister, a year younger than the rest of us, objected about getting naked in front of her brother, but eventually agreed.

It was the first time I'd actually seen Molly naked. Well, all the way naked anyway. We'd of course played around some, touching, kissing, that sort of thing. We would partially undressed each other as we played and touched. But for outright sex, we'd both agreed years ago that the two of us were going to wait until we got married. We were doing our best to be faithful to that promise to each other... until that night. Rubbing against each other in the pool in the moonlight, feeling each other's bodies pressed together as we kissed, it was more than our nineteen year old hormones could withstand. While my sister and Brian moved off into the dark to "leave us alone", Molly and I decided that it was time to forgo that promise and to do what we had both been wanting to do for months.

We slipped from the pool and stood on the side by the filter, blocked from the view of Brian and my sister by the pool and by anyone else by the seven foot high privacy fence and bushes. We were so nervous that we spent long minutes just standing and playing with each other. We could hear my sister off in the back corner of the yard moaning in pleasure, which made things all the more difficult for the two of us. When she finally did gain enough courage to turn around and bend over, I was nearly ready to explode, and explode I did as she tried to get me lined up to push into her. I embarrassingly came all over her pussy without ever getting inside her. At first we were horribly frustrated. Given the situation I got her to climax using my fingers, which I'd done many times, both of us vowing to try the next day when we could be alone and more relaxed.

The next morning we did try again. The two of us undressed each other slowly, taking our time to touch and kiss and tease everywhere. Molly wrapped her lips around my cock and tasted what it was like to suck on me and I spread her lips and tasted her juices. We were both quite excited again, but determined to actually get me inside before the inevitable happened.

I have often wondered what would have happened, what would have been different, if her mother hadn't walked into her bedroom just as I was crawling over the top of Molly. Mrs. Ericson was surprised to walk in on us, and quickly put a stop to what we were about to do. Not that she objected to what we were going to do, but to make sure that I'd had "the talk" first. I told her I had, after which she asked if I was just stupid or if I intended to get her daughter pregnant. The comment hit me like a ton of bricks. The two of us were so intent on doing what we had failed to do the night before that we didn't even think of birth control, either the night before or now.

Mrs. Ericson took us both down to her bedroom, where she had a huge king-sized bed. She had me methodically examine her daughter's body, instructing me on how to touch, kiss and lick her to make her feel good, on body parts other than just her pussy and nipples. She then had me lay down and did the same with Molly, instructing her on how to touch, kiss and lick a man to make him excited, and more. She instructed her daughter on how to put a condom on a man's dick and then helped guide the two of us together for our first penetration.

I thought the lesson would end there, but to my surprise, she had me watch her undress and then used her own body to help me learn how to pleasure a woman, having me do things to her so she could tell I was doing it right, and then practicing it on Molly. By lunch time, we'd experimented with numerous sexual positions, learning how each one felt different and provided different stimulation to each of us. In the process I'd made Molly climax three more times various ways and Mrs. Ericson twice. The final lesson was what she called "more advances stuff". Laying on the bed, I had Molly over my face, licking her pussy to another climax while Mrs. Ericson straddled me and rode herself up and down my shaft, climaxing on me and bringing me off in my first climax inside a woman without a condom.

That evening she gave us a box of 100 condoms, and hoped it would last us the three weeks until it was time to leave for school.

I thought things were great! But then it was time to go. I missed Molly horribly. We talked and skyped every day. I think my roommate in the dorm was getting tired of listening to the two of us have virtual sex. Then came the call I'd never expected.

My sister called, breaking the news to me that she had been on a skype call with Brian when Molly walked into the camera frame, naked. I of course quickly called Molly and after some prodding, she admitted that she'd been having sex with Brian in my absence. That was the worst day of my life. I lost the girl I thought I was going to marry and my best friend in the same phone call. I hung up on her and refused to take her calls. It was more than I could deal with and there was no amount of apologizing either one of them could do that would remedy the betrayal that I felt.

In an attempt to help cheer me up, my roommate took me along to a party at a sorority house, and talked one of the girls into "cheering me up." Off in her room on the third floor of the house, she took her shirt off, helped me pull my pants down and gave me a very good blow job, aiming my cum onto her big soft tits. In exchange I undressed her the rest of the way and gave her the best oral sex I knew how, making her climax twice in an hour before the two of us fucked for a final mutual orgasm. Somehow, after that, I got very popular in that particular sorority. I had frequent invitations to come over by various girls, occasionally by more than one at the same time. By spring break, I had a number of girls having sex with me on a regular basis, and a reputation as the best fuck on campus.

Then the world changed. The Covid pandemic invaded. All the students were sent home.

I sat at home and avoided both Molly and Brian. They both tried to see me, but I simply refused. There wasn't anything I wanted to talk to them about. It was finally Mrs. Ericson that came to see me.

"Molly told me about what happened," Mrs. Ericson said as we sat on the sofa in the family room, my parents both off in their separate offices working remotely.

"Yeah?" I asked, trying not to be angry, but having a hard time not feeling it. "Did she tell you that sis saw her naked in his apartment?"

"Yes. She said she just was using his shower. But that you wouldn't listen."

"She told me that too. But after awhile she admitted that she was feeling down and alone after I left and that she let Brian give her oral sex to cheer her up, as she put it. After that they just started having sex whenever. I wasn't even gone a week and he was banging her."

"She didn't tell me that."

"Well. That's why I stopped talking to them. There wasn't anything they could say that would fix that."

"No," she said with a sigh. "I suppose if I were in your shoes, I'd have felt the same way."

"Thanks. But it doesn't help that much."

"You two were always so close," she said, reaching out and gently resting her hand on my leg. "I'm truly sorry."

"Yeah. Me too."

"You know. Your mom says you're just sitting around doing nothing when you're not online for school. Would you like to come over and do some odd jobs for me? Since you left for school, a lot of the little things you used to do for me have gone undone."

"Thanks. But I'd rather not see Molly."

"I don't think you will be. Not intentionally anyway. See, she's not living with me right now."

I looked at her curiously. "She's not?"

"No. In fact, she's still down at State with Brian."

"I thought they closed school?"

"They did. But he had to drop out and get a job. He has a family to support now."

"A family? What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Apparently she didn't listen to the talk. You know the one we had that day? She paid attention to everything but the being safe part," she said quietly, rubbing her hand on my leg gently, almost as if trying to ease the blow that her words conveyed.

"You mean? She and Brian..."

"Are expecting? Yes." She nodded. "I know that has to hurt, but you should know. I mean if you should happen to see her, she's starting to show now, and I wouldn't want you to find out that way."

"Oh god," I answered, suddenly feeling even worse than I had before.

She leaned towards me, moving her hand from my leg to my shoulders, pulling me towards her. I felt my shoulder press into her chest, the softness of her breasts pressing against my arm as I leaned my head against her shoulder. "You know that I've always thought of you as the son I never had. I thought you and Molly had something real, something that would last. I'd have never guessed it would turn out this way," she whispered as she stroked my hair with her other hand, gently kissing the top of my head. "I'm so sorry it turned out like this."

We sat like that for long minutes until I gently pressed my hand against her thigh to push myself back upright again. I looked at her and whispered, "Yeah. I'm sorry too."

"You know. If there's anything I can do to help. I don't know what, but if you think of anything, you know, all you have to do is ask."

"Yeah. I know. Thanks," I answered quietly.

"The pool is opened up and ready to use. Water is a bit cool yet, but my yard is as much home to you as yours, so feel free any time you want to come over. Just come on over, okay?"

"Sure. I appreciate that." I nodded.

"Well. I need to go get back online. I'm actually just on my lunch break."

"I thought you were working downtown?" I asked as she stood up.

"No. They switched us to online yesterday. I'm still trying to get the hang of all this tech stuff. I was never all that good at it to start with."

"Well. If you have any problems, just holler. If an electrical engineering student can't help there's a problem," I said with a slight smile.

"I will," she said before leaning down towards me. Her hand reached down and pressed against my leg as she leaned low enough to give me a gentle kiss on the forehead. I couldn't help but notice that I could look right down the front of her blouse and see almost the whole front of her lace clad breasts. She squeezed my leg and then straightened, looking down at me for several seconds before walking away.

The news about Molly had been a shock. As much as part of me had written them both off, some deep down part still cared, a lot. Finding out she was pregnant just finished what she started months ago.

Over the next few weeks I tried to put that out of my mind. I worked on my school work which seemed twice as hard remotely. I also started going over and occasionally helping Mrs. Ericson with some odd jobs around the house. She'd been divorced for as long as I'd known her, but she somehow always managed to keep the house up. Now that COVID restrictions were in place, I learned she'd done that primarily by hiring work done through a number of handyman repair services. Unable to get anyone to come make repairs changed that dynamic, and I offered to help out where I could. I learned that there were actually quite a few places that I could help.

The email I got from the company I planned on interning with over the summer was like getting a dagger to the heart. When I wanted to go to MIT it was clear that the money my parents put away for my college education would be enough to cover the tuition and fees, but I'd have to find a way to contribute to my room and board costs. My agreement with my parents was that I'd work summers at the best job I could find, and put at least six thousand into a fund we set up to cover room and board. The rest I could keep for spending money. But if I didn't have a job for the summer, there was no way I'd make that kind of money, and no way I could go back to school.

Mrs. Ericson, being the clear thinking person she was, had a simple solution. She'd pay me for the work I was doing, and the work that I'd volunteered to do already. It wasn't like she couldn't afford it, and if I wasn't doing the work she'd be hiring someone else to do it anyway, so why not. I agreed.

"Mrs. Ericson," I called as I walked into her home office one morning.

"David! Good morning!" she said, seeming almost a little startled, as she swiveled in her chair from the desk that sat in front of the second story window, overlooking her backyard, to face me. "I thought you were going to trim those bushes along the back fence this morning."

"Um. Yeah. I am," I said, letting my eyes travel down her body. Her hair and face were made up like she was headed out to work as was her cream colored blouse. What didn't look quite so ready to go out the door was below that. She had high heels sitting next to her desk, ready to put on, stockings on her legs, and, well.... From what I could see under the tail of the blouse, underwear, but no skirt or pants. I couldn't help but think to myself that she looked like she was playing with herself. As soon as I got my mind out of the gutter, I stammered out, "I was trying to find the lopping shears you said were in the garage, but I didn't find 'em."

"Oh. Goodness. I'm sorry. Let's go see if we can find them," she said quickly, turning back to the computer and clicking something on the screen before pushing back and getting up from the chair. I couldn't help but notice that the tail of the blouse wasn't quite long enough to completely cover her panties, and the red lace underwear looked surprisingly sexy as she walked past me. I followed her out of the office and down the stairs as she headed for the garage. She opened the garage door and walked out barefoot, heading to the far wall, weaving between boxes and around her car. She moved several boards that were leaning against the wall and low and behold, there, hanging on the wall were the lopping shears that I'd spent half an hour looking for. She lifted them off the wall with one hand and turned around to hand them to me at the same time I was stepping towards her to reach past and lift them from the wall myself. As she turned, we ended up face to face with her chest pressed to mine.

We stood there for long seconds, neither of us moving, both of us holding the shears. After what felt like an eternity I stepped back, suddenly feeling embarrassed. I could see she was blushing as well as breathing surprisingly heavily. "I'm. Um. I'm sorry," I said, stepping back another step, taking the shears that she finally let go of.

"Yeah. Me too. Um. Those should work," she stammered.

"Yeah. These should do fine," I said, feeling my cock swelling in my pants. "I... Um... I better go start," I mumbled, stepping back again and then turning quickly away before she could see the huge bulge I could feel in my pants. I walked quickly out of the garage and closed the door behind myself, standing in the back yard, just feet from the back door, panting as if I'd been running, my heart pounding in my chest.

It was only a year ago that she'd given Molly and I "the talk". It was a much different talk than the one my dad had given me years before. I could still remember the feeling of her bare skin against mine, the hardness of her nipples between my fingers and in my mouth and the soft sweet taste of her pussy as I licked her to climax that first time. All the sensations of that day seemed as fresh as if they had happened yesterday. I know her intent was to teach us, to make sure that I was giving her daughter the fulfillment she felt Molly deserved. But along the way, I couldn't help but feel that she was enjoying it as much as her daughter, especially towards the end.

I stood there until my mind and my body started to slow down and then headed to the fence line to start trimming the row of tall thin bushes that extended well above the height of the fence, effectively adding additional privacy. There were only a couple houses in the whole neighborhood that could see into her yard. One window on the second floor of my house was one, a couple windows on Mrs. Rodriguez's house next door and the second floor back windows on two houses behind her house. Even then, because of the bushes there were large swatches of yard that were completely private, including the pool deck, which was the original intent of the bushes.

I spent several hours working my way around the yard. The day was getting hot and I quickly got rid of my shirt, working in just my shorts and shoes. I stopped a couple times to put on more sunblock and toss some pool water on my head and body. Most of it ran down my body and soaked into my shorts and briefs, but I didn't really care.

"David!" I heard Mrs. Ericson call from the back door.

"Yes ma'am?" I called back from the top of the ladder I was standing on.

"Would you care for some lunch?" she called.

"Sure. Be right down," I called back before climbing down the ladder. I leaned the shears against the bottom of the ladder and headed up to the house, walking past the pool on the way. I opened the back door and stepped inside, sliding the patio door closed behind me.

"Goodness. Look at you. SWEATTY!" she said, crinkling up her nose at me. "Tell you what. I'm still making lunch. Why don't you go take a real quick shower? You can use my bathroom. And leave those soggy shorts in the bathroom! You can put them back on after lunch!" she said as I started towards the staircase near the front door. I headed up and walked to her bedroom, pushing the half closed door the rest of the way open before stepping in. I pushed the door closed and bent down to pull my shoes and socks off. I couldn't help but remember the last time I was naked in this room as I pushed my shorts and briefs off. I carried my soggy clothes with me and dropped them on the bathroom floor before stepping into the shower and turning the water on.

It was a big shower, big enough for three. I should know because Molly, her mom and I all shared this shower once. The only soap was a flowery smelling body wash, but it was better than stinky sweat. I washed quickly and turned off the water. I used the fluffy yellow towel hanging on the wall hook to dry off and then wrapped the towel around my waist.

I was walking out of the bathroom and couldn't help notice that the bedroom window, like the office window, overlooked the back yard. I could easily see where I was working as I stepped near the bed. I turned and started to step away and stopped, something drawing my attention. I looked down at the bed and saw something blue sticking out from under the pillow. I lifted the pillow to find a long blue bullet shaped vibrator laying under the pillow. The same one that she had used to teach Molly and me about adult toys. We'd not spent much time with it, just enough to know how to lubricate it and a few ways it could be used. For some reason, I reached down and picked it up realizing that it was still slick with lubricant. Fairly fresh lubricant. I couldn't help but remember her teaching me how to put the slender tool into her pussy, gently pressing it into her as I rotated it back and forth. I could almost hear the soft moan she made as I slowly teased it into her, the almost identical moan that Molly had made when I did the same to her.

I shook my head to clear the image of Molly's sexy naked body and put the vibrator back, careful to set things back the way they were. I headed downstairs, realizing half way down that my little pause had given me a significant hard-on, which was impossible to hide with the towel. If she noticed it, she didn't say a word about it as I stepped to the table and sat down across from her. As we ate the sandwiches she'd made, I couldn't help but notice the hardness of her nipples in the blouse which seemed to make my dick all the harder.

"I'm sorry about this morning," she said with a little tinge of blush around her cheeks. "I'd never wear pajamas to work, but since they can only see the top half of me, well I was just being comfortable."

"Oh. No problem," I answered quickly. "I shouldn't have been looking at you like that."

"Looking at me like what?" she asked slowly.

I paused, thinking about what I'd just said. "Um," I said quietly, not sure how to answer.

"You were looking at my panties?" she asked very quietly. I could feel myself blushing, and I wasn't sure why. I'd seen her naked. Hell, I'd seen a bunch of girls naked. Why would looking at her panties make me blush? She pushed away from the table and stood up. She stepped around the end of the table and reached for the side of the knee-length black skirt she had on. She slowly pulled the small zipper, the one I didn't even see was there, slowly down. She pushed the skirt slowly down over her hips until it slid down around her ankles. She stepped out of the skirt, her red lace panties again visible below the end of her blouse. She slowly unbuttoned the blouse, starting at the bottom, working her way up the front, one button at a time. I stared as she slowly pulled the blouse apart and slid it off her arms, leaving her in her heels and stockings, the tiny red lace panties and a white lace bra. She reached around her back unhooking her bra and then shrugged the bra off, letting her large soft tits swing free.

She stepped over to me, pushed the wheeled chair back from the table and then stepped in front of me, her legs straddling mine. "If you wanted to see my panties, all you had to do was ask," she whispered.

"I... Um... I didn't..."

"I didn't either," she whispered, reaching down to the towel around my waist and gently tugging it, letting the crossed over front spread apart. She let go of the towel, letting it pool on the chair on either side of me, my big dick sticking straight up towards her. "I'd almost forgotten how hot your cock looks," she said as she stepped back slightly before pushing my knees apart. She knelt down in front of me and grasped my cock in both hands. She shook her head slowly as she began to stroke her hands up and down my shaft. "I haven't forgotten how it felt here though," she said as she lowered her face to my crotch.

"Oh damn," I groaned in pleasure as she slowly licked all the way up my shaft like an ice cream. Her eyes watched my face as she moved back down to my balls, licking and kissing gently on them before continuing her efforts up my shaft, working ever closer to my engorged head. She teased her tongue over and around my head before she engulfed it in her hot mouth, making my whole body shudder in pleasure. "Ohhhhhhh fuuuuuuck," I groaned as she slid her mouth up and down my shaft. Her lips teased my shaft and her tongue swirled around my head for long seconds before she slowly pulled her mouth off my cock.

"I have an important question for you David," she whispered, giving my cock another long lick. "Clearly you're turned on by my body. Would you like another chance to put this into me?"

"Oh god yes," I groaned without hesitation as she slowly stroked her tongue back up my shaft again, flicking her tongue across that soft sensitive spot under my head.

"Can I tell you a secret?" she whispered as she let go of my cock and stood up.

"Sure," I answered back as quietly, staring at the red lace panties.

"I wore these because I wanted to tease you a little. I'd planned on letting you see me in them accidently. I think I ended up teasing myself more than you. I think you already guessed that when you came into the office while I was playing with myself."

"Yeah," I answered as she slowly pushed her panties down, exposing her curly brown mat. She worked the panties down over her thigh high stockings and then set them on the table. She pushed the dishes aside and sat on the edge of the table in front of me. She spread her legs apart.

"I know you're really turned on. You don't have to wait. Just let it happen," she said as I stood up in front of her. "I was watching you outside, your young strong body making me hornier and hornier," she whispered as she reached for my cock with one hand and guided it to her wet slit. She rubbed my head up and down her wet lips a few times to spread her juices on it and then nestled it into the entrance to her vagina. "I just had to get my toy out and make myself come," she moaned as I pressed towards her, driving my cock slowly into her pussy. "Ohhhhhhh fuck yes," she moaned, lifting her legs and leaning back. She reached behind her to move her own plate to the side and lay back on her back on the table, lifting her legs high in the air and spreading them. "Oh god David. Fuck me. Please fuck me. I've wanted to feel you in me again ever since that one day," she moaned as I started to pump into her pussy.

I reached up between her legs to her chest, capturing her tits and gently squeezing them in time with my strokes. In and out I pushed my cock, my mushroom head feeling every bump and fold of her vagina as I stroked it deep into her. My thrusts picked up quickly, getting more energetic by the second as my already teased body urged me on. 'Fuck her!' it screamed in my head as I pounded into her, shaking her whole body and the table with each stroke. Her moans grew in intensity and depth as I pounded into her. She'd taught me how to feel it, how to see it, how to know her climax was almost there. I knew I wanted to push her over the edge before I couldn't hold back any longer. I pulled my right hand from her tit and slid it down her body. I pressed my thumb against her clit and began to slowly rub it in small circles, partly stimulating it with my thumb and partly pressing it down so that each stroke of my shaft rubbed against it.

"OH SHIT!" she screamed loudly, her whole body suddenly dissolving into shudders and trembles as her pussy clenched and spasmed around my thrusting cock. My own body appreciated the sudden change in sensations as she climaxed around me, urging me to stroke faster, harder.

"OH FUCK!" I grunted loudly as my body jerked hard, thrusting my hips forward and my cock deep into her pussy. I felt a huge gush of hot cum travel up my shaft and burst forth inside her. Time after time my body jerked, pumping more cum into her with each new spasm. I lost track of how many times I added to the load inside her until I was standing, her legs resting on my shoulders, my cock occasionally twitching as it softened inside her.

"Ohhhhhh god I wanted that so bad," she moaned. "I think you did too."


"Yeah. I felt that hard-on you had this morning in the garage. Did you know that after you left, I pulled my panties down right there and fingered myself off?"

"No. I didn't."

"God I wanted you to turn around and walk in right then. I wanted you to catch me playing with myself. I wanted you to know how badly I wanted to feel you inside me. I know I shouldn't. I mean you were Molly's. I shouldn't want this, but GOD, I do. Does that make me a bad mom?"

"Not in my book," I answered honestly.

She lay silently on the table until she felt her watch vibrate. "Shit. I need to get back to work," she said, pushing me back from her. She sat up on the table and then slipped off, quickly picking up her bra and slipping it on. Her blouse came next, leaving her running up the stairs in nothing but her top. I picked up her skirt and panties and carried them upstairs with me. I set them on her bed and put my own clothes back on. I stopped in the kitchen to pick up the half eaten sandwich, chomping on more of it as I walked out the back door to go back to work. It was late in the afternoon before I finished and had all the branches piled up in one corner of the back yard. I was hot, sweaty and ready to be done for the day.

I couldn't help but think about her sitting up in her office, naked from the waist down, looking out the window at me. I wasn't sure she was actually watching as I put away the ladder and shears. I walked to the pool, stripped completely and slipped into the water. I floated there, looking up at her window, wondering if she was watching me. My cock had been rock hard for the last hour, thinking about her naked body, how good she felt playing with my cock and how damn good it felt to cum deep inside her. I stroked my cock as I floated in the pool, hoping she was watching. It didn't take long playing with myself before I squirted my cum into the air for her to see, if she was watching. I floated there until my cock had softened and then pulled myself from the pool. I pulled on my shorts and shoes, and headed into the house to let her know I was done and heading home. "Mrs. Ericson!" I called as I walked into the house.

I didn't hear any answer, so I headed up to her office. I stepped inside the office and froze. I could see her sitting in her office chair, the chair tilted back, her feet propped on the desk. I stepped into the room and around the chair. Her blouse was pulled completely apart and her bra pushed up over her tits. One hand pulled and pinched her right breast and nipple while her other hand pushed the blue vibrator in and out of her pussy. "Oh fuck me David!" she moaned softly as the humming vibrator pushed in and out of her pussy with a soft wet squishing sound.

I pushed my shorts down and stepped out of them before stepping to the chair. I gently stroked her leg, trying unsuccessfully not to startle her. She looked at me with a jolt and then relaxed as I eased her right foot off the edge of the desk. I lifted her foot and used it to twist the chair enough to allow me to kneel in front of it. I set her foot on my shoulder, her eyes never leaving mine as I reached for her hand. I moved her fingers from the end of the vibrator and replaced them, with mine. She moved her hand away as I slowly lowered my face to her pussy. I gently kissed on one side and then the other of her full round outer lips before kissing the juncture of her lips. I wrapped one arm around her left thigh and used my fingers to spread her delicate inner lips apart, exposing her hard excited clit.

"Oh fuck," she moaned, letting her head fall back and her eyes close as my tongue softly stroked across the hard nub. I could feel the vibration of the blue bullet through my tongue as I teased her clit, slowly sliding the vibrator in and out of her as she had been doing. In and out I pushed the little toy while I teased her clit with my tongue. "Oh god David. Ohhhhhh fuck me. Please fuck me!" she moaned as I worked the little device in as far as I could push it without losing my grip on the end. Her juices flowed around it, running down her ass and soaking into the chair. Her pussy looked so damn sexy.

I pulled the vibrator from her pussy and set it aside, drawing her attention back to me. I gently eased her foot off my shoulder and stood up, my cock not quite fully hard, but I hoped hard enough to get it worked into her. She lifted and spread her legs as I reached for the back of her chair for balance. She reached for me, her fingertips grabbing for my side to pull me towards her. She slipped one hand down to my dick, gripping it with her fingers and working the half hard appendage into herself as I lowered myself towards her.

"Oh god David," she groaned as I pushed into her until our pubic hairs mingled together. Her hands reached up to my face and gently stroked my cheeks before pulling my face to hers. She kissed me wetly, her lips teasing mine for long seconds, my dick slowly swelling inside her. I started to rock my hips, afraid to move too much and pull myself out of her, but the worry was unnecessary. My young cock had recovered enough already to stay inside her as I started stroking. In and out I moved, her eyes watching mine while I watched her bare tits wiggle and bounce. In and out I thrust, working my dick into her harder until, completely unexpectedly, the chair tipped backwards, the two of us tumbling out of it onto the floor.

"Oh god David!" she laughed as we untangled ourselves from the chair and each other. Our mutual laughing lasted only a few moments before her face became serious again. She gently rolled me onto my back and then rolled herself over onto me. She held herself over me and reached between us, finding my dick and guiding it to her pussy. "Oh David," she moaned as she pushed herself down my rock hard shaft.

Her big tits hung down in front of my face and I reached for and captured them, gently guiding one to my lips as she started to rock herself back and forth, pushing herself on and off my hard shaft. In and out I could feel my cock sliding, her hot wet depths caressing my hard young cock. I moved my mouth to her other nipple and licked and teased it gently as she stroked herself on and off of me.

"Nibble it. Gently nibble it," she whispered to me. Following her directions, I let her nipple pull gently through my teeth before sucking it back into my mouth again. She moaned loudly and I could feel her legs tremble where they rested against my body. Her pussy squeezed and gripped my shaft as she continued to rock on and off of me. "Oh god David. Come for me. Please come for me," she practically begged. "I want to feel you coming deep inside me. I so miss feeling that. Please come for me."

I felt her climax fade away before she pushed more upright. She looked down at me and pulled her knees farther forward. She started to bounce on me, looking down at me as I stared at her tits. "You like watching 'em bounce?" she asked as she slammed herself down on me over and over. "God damn you feel so good inside me. So much better than any toy," she groaned as she bounced on me, her tits bouncing and flying wildly. "Come for me sweetie. Let me feel your big fat cock cumming deep in my pussy. Oh god yes. I can feel you getting closer. I can feel your fat head getting bigger and bigger. Did you know I was watching you? Did you know I was up here, playing with my pussy while you were laying in the pool stroking yourself? Were you imagining it was me doing this? Riding you? Pushing your fat cock into my pussy over and over until you explode? "OH SHIT YES!" she screamed as my body bucked under her, surging a gush of cum up into her soaked pussy.

My body jerked and spasmed over and over, pumping what felt like a gallon of cum into her as she sat on me, wiggling her hips and grinding her clit into me. "Oh god yes. Oh yes David. I know this is so wrong, but god I want it so bad," she moaned, her eyes closed, enjoying the sensations of my cock emptying into her. "Sooo bad," she whispered as my body slowly stilled, my cock twitching occasionally. She slowly leaned forward and lay on me, rolling off of me to one side, one of her legs still draped across my body, her head resting on my shoulder. With my arm looped around her back I could feel both her soft tits pressed to me, one to my side and one to my chest as she tilted her head and softly kissed my cheek. "David, you don't think I'm a bad mom, do you?"

"No," I whispered back.

"How she could throw this away, I don't understand. You two. You were so perfect with each other. How could she do to you what she did? I'm so sorry," she whispered.

"I know," I answered, not at all sure how to answer. We lay there silently after that for nearly half an hour before she pushed herself up and sat up. She pulled the rest of her clothes off and leaned down to kiss me.

"You better go home before I start things all over again," she whispered after breaking a long wet erotic kiss. "I'm going to take a shower. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Maybe," I answered as she pushed herself up and walked away, leaving me laying naked on the floor.

The next morning was Saturday. I spent the morning studying for Monday's exam since I'd pretty much played hooky the previous day. It was early afternoon and something drew my attention to the window. I wasn't sure what drew me there, but something didn't seem right. I stepped to the bedroom window, the one facing next door. I looked out the window and realized that I could see the pool and deck from my window. The reason this was a surprise was that before this, I couldn't. It was blocked by one of the trees that I'd spent the previous day trimming.

I could see Mrs. Ericson laying on a foam float in the pool, wearing a very, very small black string bikini. I could also see my sister floating on one in a somewhat more modest, bikini. Not that more modest really hid all that much more than the one Mrs. Ericson was wearing, but more that my sister had a lot less to cover. Laying on a reclining lounge chair on the wooden deck that circled half of the pool was my sister's friend Toni. I'd met her a bunch of times. She was a senior in high school, like my sister, and was actually pretty damn good looking. Not that my sister wasn't, but then, guys aren't supposed to think their sisters were hot. Clearly my ex-best friend thought she was hot.

As I stood there I realized that Toni was reading a book and had untied part of her string bikini, the string around her neck dangling loosely down each side of her body as her fingers stroked back and forth across her chest. I didn't know what she was reading, but it was clearly getting her turned on as her fingers slowly stroked back and forth, working lower and lower until the two triangles of material covering her nicely sized tits slipped off her breasts, completely exposing them. Her nipples were rock hard, jutting out from the center of two perfect circles of pink areola. The tips of her fingers circling first one nipple and then tracing across to the other, where it repeated its trips around and around the hard nub.

I couldn't help but push the front of my athletic shorts and briefs down as I stood there, staring at her hand, slowly moving lower. She tugged on the strings of the top, trying to pull it all the way off before arching her back and reaching behind her. She never stopped reading as she pulled the top off and dropped it to the deck. Her fingers stroked up and down her stomach, running up between both breasts, circling them and then slowly stroking downward again. Each time she stroked down her fingers moved closer to the juncture between her legs until her fingers pressed against her pussy and stroked up and down on the material covering it.I had my cock in my hand, slowly stroking it as I watched her fingers slip inside the material. Her fingers bulged the tiny triangle out as she curled them to slide between her lips, her finger appearing to dip deep into herself. I saw her lick her lips as she read, her hand pulling from within the small triangle and pulling the strings on her left hip. She tugged the strings and then, lifting her butt from the chair, pulled the bottom completely off, leaving her sitting completely naked. Her fingers moved back to her pussy, her full round lips allowing only a small bit of inner lip to protrude as she started stroking them again. I saw her press a finger between her lips, driving it deep into herself. She held it there for long seconds before she started sliding it in and out, fucking herself with it as she read.

Part of me wanted to stand there and jack off watching her, and part of me wanted to walk down into the yard and watch up close. I turned away long enough to grab my swimsuit and stood, stroking my cock with one hand, watching her play with herself, and pulling my shorts and briefs off with the other. It didn't take long for me to step into my swimsuit. I pulled away from the window and practically ran down the stairs and out the back door. I paused at the gate to Mrs. Ericson's yard, silently opening the gate and then closing it again. I could see that Toni was still laying naked, playing with herself as she read. I walked to the side of the above ground pool and stood watching her, grabbing my cock through my swimsuit as I leaned on the side of the pool.

Mrs. Ericson noticed me first making no noise but looking at me and then at what I was looking at. She smiled and raised her eyebrows.

"That must be an awfully good book, Toni," she said loud enough for Toni to hear up on the deck.

"Oh god. Jason is sooo making love to Jennifer," Toni answered without looking back.

"Really?" Mrs. Ericson said with a soft chuckle.

"SHIT TONI!" my sister practically shouted, drawing both my attention and Toni's attention to her. My sister floated, seeming to be speechless as she pointed to where I was standing watching Toni finger herself.

"OH FUCK!" Toni cried, quickly closing her legs and trying to cover her tits and then her pussy with the book and one free hand, neither being particularly successful.

Mrs. Ericson laughed and shook her head. "Not much point in hiding it now. He's already seen it all."

"But he doesn't have to keep looking, does he?" Toni squeaked as she dropped the book and wiggled around, trying to keep her hands covering her body and still look for her discarded swimsuit pieces.

"He wouldn't be much of a guy if he didn't," Mrs. Ericson replied.

"DAVID! STOP STARING!" my sister chided me loudly, almost talking over Mrs. Ericson.

"What?" I asked innocently. "All I did was come over to swim."

"But you're staring!" Toni cried as she climbed off the chair, giving me another glimpse of her pussy and then an even better view as she bent over to pick up her bikini, her bare ass and pussy sticking out at me before she scooted around to hide behind the chair.

I chuckled to myself as she wiggled around behind the chair, hiding herself from me as she put her bikini back on. While I watched, still hoping for another glimpse, sis paddled over on the float and half leaned over the side of the pool to slug me in the shoulder. "You don't have to embarrass my friend!"

"Hey!" I said holding my hands up defensively and taking a couple steps back from the side of the pool. "I didn't do anything. Besides, what's embarrassing about looking damn hot?"

My sister tried to reach out to slug me again, this time rolling off the float and into the water. She came up sputtering, water streaming down her long blonde hair. She wiped the water from her hair and tried to lean over the edge of the pool to swing at me again, missing as I stepped back one more step. She levered herself up onto the side, laying almost flat to try to reach me as I backed away to stay out of her range. She cried out in surprise as her swing shifted her center of gravity beyond the side of the pool, her feet flailing in the air as she toppled head first over the edge. Even if she was my sister, I didn't want her to end up hurting herself. I instinctively took a step back toward the side of the pool and leaned toward her to try and grab her falling body as she reached for the ground with her hands. I only partially caught her before her weight toppled me over with her, the two of us ending up sprawled on the grass in a tangle of arms and legs next to the side of the pool. I rolled over, starting to push myself up, my sister half laying on top of me.

"YOU!" she shouted at me as she lay on me, trying to swing at me and push herself up at the same time. "You made me fall!" she shouted angrily.

"I didn't!" I said defensively as I tried to grab her flailing arms, which were trying to hit anything on me that they could. I finally corralled her arms, leaving her laying flat on top of me.

"You did too!" she shouted as she tried to push herself up, only partly successful since I was holding both her wrists. She managed to get her knees under her so she was half sitting astride me and half laying on me. "You embarrassed my friend and now you're trying to embarrass me!"

"I think you're doing a fine job of that yourself. You don't need any help!"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" she practically spat at me as I held her wrists and started to push her upright.

I chuckled and didn't say a thing, letting her slowly find out for herself. String bikinis are wonderful things. They show off all the things that they are intended to show off. They can be like expensive picture frames, drawing attention to what they are framing without actually showing anything themselves. Unfortunately they lack one important quality. Ruggedness. They just aren't particularly good for things like wrestling. Not if you want your body parts to stay covered that is.

She finally looked down at her own chest and realized that her bikini top was askew, both her tits completely on display only a foot from my face. If that weren't bad enough, her bikini bottom was laying in the grass next to us instead of covering her pussy, which was pressing against my swimsuit covered hard-on as she sat on her knees straddling me. "OH SHIT!" she squealed, pulling her arms back against my grip. I let go of her and she quickly covered her tits with one hand and her crotch with the other, still sitting on top of me. "Well don't just lay there! Help me!"

I opened my mouth to say something and then, with a crooked grin, said, "Sure. Here." I reached up and pulled the strings on the bikini top, pulling it all the way off and tossing it into the grass with the bikini bottom.

"DAVID!" she squealed, leaving her tits once again uncovered to try and batter me with her open hand slaps. "That was fucking mean!" she shouted as I captured both wrists again, holding them apart so that I could easily see her completely bare body. Her tits were nicely sized, maybe a big B or small C cup, but definitely firm with perky, hard nipples. Her mound was shaved as I presumed her pussy was, leaving her looking quite hot.

"Seems to me he deserves the same treatment!" Toni said from where she was walking around the side of the pool, stopping to look at my sister sitting naked on top of me. "You hold him down!"

In moments Toni was leaning over me, trying to jerk on my swimsuit legs. "Move up Jenny!" Toni said as she tried to pull my swimsuit down with my sister still sitting astride me.

"Hey!" I said as sis leaned towards me dragging my arms down the grass, her tits practically in my face. I let go of her wrists and reached for her waist, trying to lift her off of me so I could combat Toni trying to pull my swimsuit down.

"I got him!" my sister said as she slid her body forward, pressing her bare tits in my face as she moved her hands to mine, trying to pull them off her waist. I felt my swimsuit being pulled and tugged and all too soon sliding down my legs.

"Holy shit!" I heard Toni say as my suit stopped sliding down my legs, still wrapped around my ankles. As suddenly as she stopped pulling she started again, pulling it off my feet so that I was as naked as my sister. "I got it," Toni said, backing away.

My sister pushed herself up off of me, rolling away and quickly standing up, leaving me to push myself up onto one elbow.

"Shit Jenny! Your brother has one huge cock!"

"It's not all that big, but it is above average. And he knows how to use it," Mrs. Ericson said from where she was standing in the pool, leaning on the edge. Both girls looked at her in surprise. "Oh no. It's not like that. I helped Molly and David kind No. It isn't like that," she protested.

"Damn. Mrs. Ericson," my sister said quietly. "My brother?"

"Now it isn't like that. Besides, you can't tell anyone!" she protested.

"It sure sounds like it's like that," my sister answered.

Mrs. Ericson sighed. "It isn't. I just helped David and Molly learn a little about what good sex feels like, and I might have demonstrated a few things."

"Demonstrated a few things?" my sister asked, crossing her arms over her tits. "Like what?"

"I don't think we need to get into that. Besides, you don't have much room to talk. You're standing naked in front of him."

"Oh shit!" my sister squeaked, clearly having forgotten just exactly what her own clothing status was. She moved quickly to scoop her bikini off the grass and then ran around the side of the pool and all the way to the house. She disappeared into the house with Toni right behind her, still carrying my swimsuit.

"Well. That, um, could have gone better," Mrs. Ericson said quietly.

I got up from the grass and started around the pool. I climbed the stairs to the deck and then slipped into the water, still butt naked. "Yeah. A little. I guess it never occurred to me someone might find out that we've"

"Fucking?" Mrs Ericson asked with a grin.

"...Yeah. That."

"Are you embarrassed about it?" she asked quietly. "I mean we are both adults. There's nothing illegal about it. Though I doubt your parents would appreciate the fact that we are."

"Yeah. No, they wouldn't, would they."

"No. they wouldn't."

"Does that mean you wanna stop? I mean, not do it anymore?"

She stepped over to me, sliding her arms across my shoulders so that her hands stuck out behind my neck. She inched herself closer until her pelvis was pressing against my hard dick under the water and her bikini covered nipples were brushing my chest above the water. "Do YOU want us to?"

"It's not like I have anyone else to do it with," I answered, holding my hands on her hips.

"So, I'm just convenient?" she asked with a little bit of a smile tugging on her lips.

"I didn't say that."

"You should. Quite honestly if we're getting at all emotionally involved we need to stop right now. I do care for you. In many ways I care for you like the son I didn't ever get. But I'm twice your age and quite honestly, you should be looking for a nice sexy young girl to be fucking. Someone like Toni. I should be nothing but a little way station along the way to a real relationship."

"Whooaa. Look at you two," my sister said as she waked from the house onto the deck. "You two want us to wait in the house while you do a little fucking?"

"Actually," Mrs. Ericson said with a smile as she slipped back from me a few inches and turned to look at my sister and Toni standing on the deck looking down at us. "We were just talking about fucking. But not each other. We were talking about him fucking Toni there."

"Me!?" Tony squeaked.

"Sure. Why not. You're not a virgin are you?" Mrs. Ericson asked.

"A Virgin? Hell no!" Toni snapped back, maybe a little too quickly.

"Don't need to get defensive. It's alright if you are. He was just telling me how sexy you looked while you were reading your book and that he wouldn't at all mind giving you a little pleasure."

"I'm not fucking him!" She protested.

"Toni," Mrs. Ericson said softly, wading over to the deck and reaching up for her hand. "Come on. I don't bite." She gently tugged Toni's hand until she climbed down into the pool with us. "Toni, there are many ways a man can pleasure a woman without fucking. Sometimes starting with one leads to another, but to be honest, I definitely wouldn't kick David out of bed if he crawled in and wanted to...oh...say...suck on my nipples. I know that because he HAS sucked on my nipples and it made me want so much more."

"But my mom says that sex is something that's supposed to be shared between two people that love each other."

"That's one way to look at it. It's always better if you care about the person you're having sex with. But that doesn't mean there aren't times that just enjoying the sensations aren't just as important. Take you for instance. You were enjoying that book, right?"

"Well. Yeah," she said with a shrug.

"It made you feel so good that you took your swimsuit off and were pleasuring yourself."

"Yeah. So?"

"So, it looked like maybe you'd done that before. Gotten so involved in the book that you wanted to feel the sensations you were reading about."

"Maybe. So?"

"So, why not enjoy those sensations for real? Do you have to be in love for someone to help you fulfill those little fantasy desires?" Mrs. Ericson whispered. "Think about what the characters were doing. Was he kissing and licking parts of her body?"

"Well. Yeah," she answered softly.

"Was he licking her pussy? Stroking her lips with his tongue? Tasting her nectar? Did he press a finger into her and feel her hot wet depths close around it?"

"Oh fuck," Toni answered in a whisper, her eyes closed and her free hand reaching under the water to press against her crotch.

"See. You're still excited. You can imagine how it feels, can't you? You can feel his lips on your body," she whispered to Toni. "His kisses touching your pussy. His tongue gently spreading your lips as he searches for your clit, and then the little tingles as he teases it. You can feel that can't you?"

"Oh god," Toni moaned softly as Mrs. Ericson pulled the strings on her bikini bottom and let it float away in the pool.

"Can you feel his fingers on your nipples, gently stroking them and teasing them as he licks his tongue up and down your wet slit, tasting you, teasing you, making you want to climax but denying it," she whispered as she tugged the strings of her bikini top, pulling it off so that Toni was once again naked. "You can. All you have to do is ask and let him give you those sensations," she whispered.

I saw Toni's eyes open and her head swivel as she looked around, eventually settling on my sister standing on the deck with her jaw practically hanging open. "In front of everyone?"

"It wouldn't have to be. Not if you're not comfortable, but I've already felt his lips, and other parts on and in my pussy. I wouldn't care if it was in the middle of the street if I was as turned on as you are right now."

Toni looked around again, spotting the floating foam pad that my sister had been floating on before the fight broke out. "On there?" she asked Mrs. Ericson.

"If you want," she nodded before looking towards me. "David. Why don't you help her get settled on it?"

"Sure," I answered, wading over to the float. I pulled it to where Toni was standing in the water a little meekly. I stepped in front of her, my hard dick sticking out and pressing against her stomach as I pulled the end of the float down into the water. "Just sit on it," I whispered.

"Your dick?" she asked, the hand that had been pressing between her legs now wrapped around my cock.

I chuckled. "I meant the float, but I wouldn't complain about that either."

"You really think I'm good looking?"

"Jenny. Why don't you help me put some more tanning oil on?" Mrs. Ericson said as she climbed the ladder out of the pool up to the deck. "I don't think they need an audience."

"Uh. No. I guess not," she answered while I stood in front of Toni waiting for her to sit on the float.

"It feels pretty big," Toni whispered to me.

"You wanna try it on for size?"

She looked up at my eyes for the first time, almost as if searching for something. "You won't tell anyone if I do, will you?"

"Our secret," I whispered as she slowly ran her hand up and down the length of my dick.

"In the book, they were making love in an orchard," she whispered.

I grinned and let go of the float. I turned slightly and scooped her unto my arms and waded to the ladder. I set her down to let her climb out and then I followed. I scooped her petite body into my arms and walked to the stairs, her arms reaching out and looping around my neck. She couldn't weigh more than a hundred pounds, soaking wet, which she was. Even then by the time I carried her to the back of the yard, she was starting to get heavy. I knelt down with her in my arms in the shade of two of the trees, confident that no one could see us except my sister and Mrs. Ericson. "This more like what you had in mind?" I asked as she leaned her face towards mine. She pressed her lips to mine hard at first and then slowly softening somewhat. "Take it easy. I'm not going to run away," I whispered when she let her lips leave mine. "Take your time. Pretend you're the heroine in whatever that novel you were reading was. How did she kiss?"

"More like this," she said, pulling her lips to mine again, this time moving her head side to side, brushing her lips against mine before pressing them gently against mine. She opened her mouth part way through the kiss and sucked my lower lip into her mouth and gently pulled on it with her teeth.

"Much better," I whispered as she pulled her face away. I eased her to the ground in front of me and then leaned down, gently kissing her neck. I licked and teased the nape of her neck for long seconds before letting my kisses extend down over her collarbone and to her chest.

"Oh fuck," she sighed softly as my kisses began teasing as low as the top of her perky little tits. Each mound was firm and warm under my lips as I worked around each one and then across to the other. I kissed my way to her nipples, small hard nubs protruding from her slightly oblong pink areola. "Ohhhhh fuck," she moaned as I swirled my tongue around each one in turn and then sucked each one into my mouth. I released her left nipple and slowly kissed my way down her stomach, working slowly and softly to her mound and the tiny tuft of dark brown curls shaped like a triangle. "Ohhhhh my god," she moaned louder as I pushed her legs apart and kissed down between them, planting each soft kiss on her pussy lips.

Her outer lips were firm and round, framing her protruding inner lips as if inviting me to suck on them. I sucked each side of her inner labia into my mouth and stretched the soft tender skin before releasing it. I could taste her juices on her lips, sweet and wet, clearly excited. I shifted around and laid down between her legs, my face inches from her pussy. I slowly licked up her slit, teasing my tongue between the soft lips with each stroke. I found her clit with my tongue and flicked up across it at the end of each long slow lick.

"Oh fuck!" she squeaked. "I think you're going to make me come."

"Good," I answered with a grin, licking yet again up her slit. As Mrs. Ericson taught me, I could tell by the slight tremble in her legs and the deep moan escaping her lips that she was very close to climax. I pulled my face away and crawled up her body. She instinctively lifted her knees and spread her legs to give me access. I aimed my cock at her slit with one hand and lowered my hips towards her. I felt my head press against her wetness. I lowered a little more, putting pressure on my head as it tried to spread her apart, feeling the pressure change just as she moaned out again.

"Oohhhh my god yes," she gasped as I slid several inches into her. I'd never thought of myself as being that big, but Toni was extremely tight around me. Her pussy was certainly wet enough, but I was having to stroke short little strokes to work myself into her further. I felt my head press against the end of her vaginal tunnel before her pussy could accept all of me, so I changed my motion, stroking in and out of her in long slow strokes. In and out I slid, her body slowly stretching to accept me at first, and then clamping around me, practically keeping me from stroking as her climax washed over her. She silently gasped and panted as her body stiffened, laying almost like a board. I held myself over her and slowly lowered down until I was laying most of my weight on her, her tits pressed to my chest, my rock hard dick still stuck deep inside her.

"Is that something like what you expected?" I whispered.

"Oh god no. It was soooooo much better. I didn't think you were going to fuck me though. I thought you were just going to make me come other ways."

"It seemed like what you wanted," I answered quietly.

"I think it was. No. I know it was. I just didn't know I knew. Does that make sense?"

"NO. But that's okay," I answered, rocking my hips slowly to push myself in and out of her an inch or so.

"You haven't cum yet, have you?"

"Not yet," I agreed softly.

"Do you want to? Inside I mean?"

"I wouldn't mind. If you're on something I mean."

"Yeah. My mom made me get an IUD, just in case. I guess this is kinda just in case."

"I guess so," I answered, lifting some of my weight off her. I started sliding in and out of her, pushing into her as deep as I could without hurting her. Her breathing started to grow ragged as I plunged into her more quickly, her feet moving to rest on the ground, her hips starting to lift in time with my strokes. In and out I went, smashing my head on her cervix as my urgency grew. I knew it wasn't going to be long, but was surprised when Toni stiffened under me again with another climax moments before my own took over. My body bucked and I felt a gush of cum lance into her hot pussy, her vagina walls gripping and massaging my spurting cock as I lay on her jerking and twitching.

"I wasn't expecting that," she panted after half a minute of the two of us laying there enjoying the remnants of our mutual climax.

"Expecting what?" I answered, still trying to get my brain back to earth.

"The second climax. No wonder Mrs. Ericson likes fucking you."

"Oh. Yeah," I answered stupidly.

After another minute or so I rolled us over, rolling her on top of me so I didn't squish her. She lay on top of me, her head resting on my shoulder and her body pressed to mine until my dick softened and slipped from her. "I guess we should go back," she said softly.

"We don't have to," I answered, enjoying the feeling of her laying on me.

"Trust me. You're gonna want to," she said with a giggle. "Look."

I turned my head to look back to the pool and saw my sister, topless, bent over behind Mrs. Ericson who was reclined halfway back in the lounge chair. My sister had one hand rubbing and massaging Mrs. Ericson's big tits while her other hand pushed down between Mrs. Ericson's legs, rubbing the tiny black triangle over her pussy.

"Wow. I never would have thought I'd see that," I said in a whisper.

"What? Your sister rubbing another woman's pussy? Why not. She's rubbed mine." I turned my head to look at Toni questioningly. "Come on mister sexy. What do you think girls do when they're horny and there aren't any guys around? Specially after that dork friend of yours left her high and dry."

"Guess I never thought of girls getting turned on that much," I answered honestly.

She grinned. "Guess there's still a few things for you to learn."

"I guess so."

"Come on. We can go watch. Maybe you'll get turned on enough to wanna fuck again, huh?"

"Maybe," I answered as she pushed herself up off me. She held out a hand to help me up and we walked back to the pool, hand in hand. Mrs. Ericson looked up at me as we climbed the steps to the deck, seeing us before my sister did.

"Oh shit," my sister said as she looked up and saw us, jerking her hand out of Mrs. Ericson's crotch. She quickly crossed her arms across her chest to hide her exposed tits. "We were tanning oil on," she added quickly.

"Don't bother Jenny. You've already been laying naked on top of him, and you're gonna try and hide your tits now?" Toni said before turning and climbing down the ladder into the pool. She waded to where the breeze had pushed the floating foam pads against the side of the pool. She pushed one in my direction and then pulled one for herself as she moved to the middle of the pool. She got onto the pad, laying on her back, her legs spread slightly and closed her eyes. "You know Jenny. Your brother is one hot fuck."

"Says the girl who's never been fucked by a real cock before!" my sister shot back.

"Yeah. Well. First time for everything. I mean it's not like we haven't stuffed enough stuff in there. Just not one of those."

"Yeah. Well," my sister said quickly as I climbed onto the foam pad that Toni had given me.

I lay on the pad, floating in the middle of the pool, using my hands to try and keep myself where I could watch my sister and Mrs. Ericson. My sister didn't seem in too much of a hurry to come into the water and after a few moments I realized why. I could see two pieces of material that had the exact same pattern as her bikini, laying on the wooden deck.

"Well, you gonna lay there all day staring?" she said to me curtly.

"Oh Jenny. No need to be upset with him for being a guy. Come on, let's finish what we started or the two of us are gonna be looking for something else later."

"In front of my brother?"

Mrs. Ericson chuckled. "You didn't mind a few minutes ago when he was out in the yard. Why should it matter now?"

"He's closer?"

"You still wanna get off?"

"Well. Hell yeah."

"Fine. David. Come on up here."

"Huh?" Both my sister and I asked at the same time.

"I'm just inviting him for a closer look," Mrs. Ericson said softly. "Come on David. You know I don't bite."

I shrugged and paddled to the ladder and climbed off the foam pad. Mrs. Ericson got up as I stepped onto the deck, reaching out for my hand. "Lay down," she said, motioning to the chair. I sat in the chair and she leaned across me, her big tits bumping into my face as she unlatched the back of the chair and let it lay flat. "There you go Jenny. You can have that end and I'll take this end."

"What? What am I supposed to do with...him!?"

Mrs. Ericson stepped around to my sister and gently backed her up until she had to spread her legs to back up over the now reclined chair. "You said you wished someone would lick your pussy until you come. I can guarantee you that he's VERY good at it."

"But he's my brother!"

"So? It's not like you're asking him to fuck you, right? It's not any different than touching each other, except he's not using his fingers, he's using his tongue. Besides, you two can consider this insurance. Neither of you will be telling anyone about this, now will you?"

"But he's my brother."

"If you prefer you can have his dick."


"Well, I guess you're going to miss all the fun then, because I plan on riding David until he bursts, or I do!"

"Okay. Fine," my sister said quietly, looking down at me as I wrapped my arms around her thighs. "But you damn well better not say anything about this, EVER!" she said as I used my fingers to spread her full round outer lips apart, revealing the delicate inner lips that were trying to protrude as well as exposing her clit.

"Wouldn't think of it," I said as I pressed the tip of my tongue between her lips and slowly licked up her slit until my tongue flicked over her clit.

"Ohhhh shit," she grunted, looking down at me again as I started another lick. I let my tongue trace up her lips, teasing as deeply between them as I could, until I felt her clit. I let my tongue flick back and forth across it several times before pulling away to start another long slow lick. "OH god you are a fucking shit!" she moaned.

"He's pretty damn good, isn't he?" I heard Mrs. Ericson say moments before I felt a hot wet mouth engulf my dick.

"Oh shit!" my sister gasped as I concentrated on her clit once again. "Ohhhh my god."

"You like?" I asked, looking up at her before starting another slow lick up her slit.

"You are such a fucking tease!" she gasped as I teased my tongue back and forth across her clit, her hands trying to grasp my short hair to pull my face against her pussy.

"You wanna come?" I asked, somewhat muffled by her pussy trying to grind into my face.

"God yes. Make me come," she moaned as I pressed my tongue against her clit and gently flicked up and down across it. "Ohhhh shit yes. Do that. Keep doing that. Ohmygod. Ohhhhhhhhhnmygod," she moaned as her legs started to tremble. "Ohhhhh fuck. How are you making me come so fast? Ohhhhhhh shit."

I pulled my tongue away and smiled. "You wanna come?"

"Oh fuck, don't stop," she moaned as I moved my tongue back to her clit. "Oh please don't stop. I wanna come. God I'm gonna come any second." I could feel her legs squeeze my head slightly as they trembled and I saw her stomach tense. Her body jerked and I felt a gush of her juices flow over my face as she rocked her hips and ground her pussy against my chin. "Oh god!" she squealed as her body shuddered and trembled, her hips unable to rock for a few moments. "Ohhhh god. Cumming. Oh so fucking cumming!"

She opened her eyes and looked down at me, panting slightly as she let go of my head with her hands. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but it was obvious something was going through her head. She stepped away, forcing me to let go of her thighs, and stepped around the side of the chair, opposite of where Mrs. Ericson was kneeling, sucking my nearly hard dick. "I think I need this," she said as she stepped up onto the chair, one foot on either side of my hips. She looked down at me as I looked back up at her completely naked body. Sister or not, she was fucking sexy. Or maybe it was just that I was horny as hell? Either way, I was still surprised when she squatted down over me. She reached for my cock and aimed it between her legs.

"Oh shit," I groaned as she slowly sank down onto my dick, her pussy slowly accepting the fat intruder.

"Oh my god," she moaned. "Ohhhhh sweet Jesus! He feels like... hell, I don't know what. He feels so big," she said to...well, Mrs. Ericson I guess. "Ohhhhhh shit."

Her bare ass pressed on my thighs as she shifted her weight, moving her legs so that she could support herself on her knees. She started to lift and drop herself, her hands moving to my chest where she teased my nipples gently with her fingers. "You like that?" she asked in a whisper. "You like getting your nipples teased?"

"Uh huh," I answered breathlessly as she stroked herself up my shaft so far I thought I was going to slip out of her, before slamming herself down hard on me, jamming my cock deep into her and my engorged head into her cervix.

"So now who's the tease?" she asked softly, repeating the trip again and again. "You want me to go faster? You wanna feel my hot pussy fucking your cock hard and fast? You do, don't you. You don't even have to tell me. I can tell you wanna cum deep in your sister's pussy. You wanna fill her up with your hot cum don't you?"

"Oh fuck," I groaned, the sensations of her slamming down on me sending tingles through my whole body, but just not quite enough to push my orgasm switch to the overload position. I reached up and grasped her tits, not nearly as big as Mrs. Ericson's, but still nicely sized. I squeezed her breasts, allowing her nipples to stick out between my fingers and be squeezed at the same time.

"Ohhhhh. Naughty, naughty," she groaned, reaching for my hands and gently pulling them away. "You had your chance to tease me. Now it's my turn. Tell me David, how long do you think I can do this before I come again on your cock? Five minutes? Ten minutes, More? I'm not going to make you come until I do, so you might as well be ready for a nice long ride."

"Oh fuck," I groaned, partly in frustration and partly in pleasure. She felt so damn good on my cock, I didn't care if she was my sister or not. I just wanted her to bounce a little faster. Just a little faster.

"I think he likes it." I heard Mrs. Ericson say, bringing my attention to where she sat in a regular deck chair, her legs pushed apart, two fingers stuffed in her pussy. "I think he likes fucking his sister."

"Yeah? You think we should let him come?" sis asked, her hands now pinching and pulling her own nipples.

"I thought you weren't going to let him come until you did?" she asked.

"I'm not. But then I'm more than halfway there already," my sister answered, looking down at me. She started to rock on and off of me a little faster. "Oh yeah. Now that feels nicer. How much you wanna bet he can't hold back until I come?"

"Ohhhh shit," I groaned.

"Yeah. You know, don't you? You wanna come? You wanna fill your dirty little sister's pussy with your cum? Is that what you wanna do?" she asked as she bounced faster still, her bare ass slapping rhythmically against my bare skin. "Oh damn. Here it comes. Here comes mine," she moaned. I could feel her vagina squeezing and spasming around my fat dick as she bounced wildly on me. "OH FUCK!" she cried loudly as my body bucked under her and I felt a gush of cum squirt deep inside her. She slammed herself down on me and reached between her legs, one finger frantically stroking her clit as she shuddered and jerked on me. "Oh fuck!" she gasped again as my body continued to jerk and twitch inside and under her. She sat for long seconds, her fingers finally stilling as did my cock. She slowly lifted herself off me and shifted herself on the chair to lay down beside me. "Oh god we're in so fucking much trouble if anyone ever finds out about this," she whispered as she pressed her body against mine.

"So who's gonna know?" I asked with a shrug.

I was worn out after that and spent the evening in front of the TV with my folks, my sister and Toni sitting uncharacteristically close to me. I saw my mom make a face at one point when my sister shifted on the sofa, practically laying on top of me before she pushed herself up to walk down the hall. I finally called it a night around nine and headed to my room. I stripped and climbed into bed and was soon fast asleep.

It was Sunday morning. On a normal non-COVID Sunday morning I'd be up getting ready for church. It was a routine that my parents required of us as long as we were in the house. True, we didn't have to agree to believe, but quite honestly, I did, so church wasn't such a huge imposition. Was I perfect? Oh hell no. If anything, the last two days had proven that to me. I was sinning in ways I'd never thought of. Was I going to hell? Maybe. I hoped not. I'd ask go for forgiveness, the same way I did every Sunday. Just this Sunday I was going to have a bit longer list of things that I KNEW I'd done that I shouldn't have. Including having sex with my own sister.

No, I wasn't getting ready to go to church this morning. Instead I was laying on the bed, my laptop open and booted up. While I didn't mind going to my parents church, being virtual also meant that I could attend church at the church I'd made home at MIT. The service was about to start when my sister walked into the bedroom, pushing the door closed behind herself. She walked over to the bed in a horribly short nightgown that was thin enough I swore I could see the outline of her body through it. She climbed onto my queen-sized mattress next to me, moved the extra pillow to a more comfortable position, and settled in next to me, her body pressing against the side of mine. I couldn't help but notice that as she moved to settle in, the very short nightgown had pulled up somewhat and her shaved mound and pussy were on full display as the church service started.

My pastor would say that the devil has a way of finding our weaknesses and using them to draw us away from God. It was a theme that was used over and over as he tried to convince college students that the pleasures of the body weren't always God's choice for us. He was a believer in remaining celibate until marriage, much like my parents' pastor. He also realized that he was dealing with kids, some of whom were out on their own for the first time, with much less self-control than most adults. I'd never considered myself in that category until I realized that I'd moved my left hand to my sisters lap and was idly stroking her pussy as we watched the church service. Clearly God was going to have a LOT of forgiving to do today!

By the time the service had ended my sister had my hard-on in her hand and I had my sister within inches of climax. How did I know? Thankfully, the church service broadcast was one way, or the pastor would have heard her moaning that she was getting so close. With the service over, she pushed the laptop off my lap, shoved my sleep pants down as far as she could get them, and then rolled herself over on my lap. It only took a few moments for her to get my cock aimed at her sopping wet pussy and work it inside herself.

"Oh fuck yes," she moaned as she began to bounce on me. Up and down she slid, her vagina caressing my hard shaft and mushroom head. I could feel that wonderfully sensitive spot under my head being teased by her vaginal walls each time she lifted up, and my fat head smashing against her cervix, sending tingles racing through my body, each time she dropped herself down. She'd long since pulled the front of her nightgown up, allowing me to slide my hands from her hips up to her bouncing breasts, capturing them and squeezing them in time with her plunges down my shaft.

The shudder she made was my first sign. I'd learned that all women have a slightly different tell, not gambling tell, but a climax tell. A little indicator that their orgasm was almost there. Just moments and slight sensations from bursting forth. Molly had always arched her back, surprisingly, just like her mother does. A few of the girls in the sorority moaned a certain way, some stiffened, others got vocal. It took me about three orgasms to find it, but it was something I enjoyed finding out.

Jenny's legs shuddered ever so slightly moments before I felt her vagina start to contract around me. If my goal was to hold her off, to not let her climax quite yet, this would be when I'd change motion and sensations, making her beg for me to make her come. It was a delicate balance. If I didn't keep enough sensation going her orgasm would slip away, leaving her unfulfilled and angry. It was a mistake I'd made a few times with Molly before I learned. If I did it right, I could use it to increase the height of her climax. I'd learned with Molly that if I let her slip back slightly and then push it forward again, that after about three times she'd have the most fantastic climax, sometimes squirting her juices all over me. One of the girls at the sorority would get down right aggressive, one time throwing me on the floor and taking over until we both climaxed. After she apologized and then threatened that if I ever did that again that she'd tie me to the bed and let every girl in the house come ride me as punishment. I never quite got across to her that THAT wouldn't exactly be punishment.

No. With my sister, at least this morning, the last thing I needed to do was to prolong things or get her as vocal as she was by the pool the day before. I dropped my right hand from her left breast and slipped it down her stomach, holding it so that as she pushed herself down she stroked her clit along my finger. It had the desired effect. With a low deep moan she thrust herself down one final time, her pussy contracting around me as she climaxed. I'm sure her intent was to finish fucking me after her climax finished, but my mom knocking on the door put any thought of that out of our minds. She pulled off of me, pulled her nightgown down to cover herself and rolled onto the bed next to me as I covered my exposed cock with the sheet, barely getting everything covered before my mom walked in.