Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2713 - NO WAY BACK

Chapter 2713 - NO WAY BACK

Val woke up tangled in her sheets and took a deep breath. Her head was spinning like a top and it the room was too bright. It was morning. How was that possible? She had been at a small get together last she could remember. There had been four of them. They had come over for drinks and they had been having fun.

Val opened her eyes and blinked several times, she was in her bed. The soft super high thread count of her sheets told her as much. She had put on the dark blue ones just before they had come over, she knew they would be drinking and she wanted to have soft sheet to fall asleep in.

Was she naked? Val raised her head to look and see but the hangover hit her like a hammer and she dropped her head back to the pillow, lifting her soft hands up she dropped them onto her large breasts. She was not naked but she was wearing that half cup, red lacy bra that she had bought to wear on her late husband's birthday two years ago.

Camron, how much she missed him even now. Her head spun again as she let her hands trail down over her taunt stomach, the one she had worked so hard to keep up even after her lover and best friend had died. She wasn't wearing the micro thong that came with the outfit, or any bottoms at all. Her clean shaven pussy revealed for all to see. Laying her hand on her mons she felt something else. She felt sticky and oh god. Had she had sex last night?

Fighting through the nausea she sat up. She took a deep breath and smelled it then and was certain. She could smell cum and pussy. It was apparent she had sex, she could feel the dried cum on her mons, she felt gooey between her legs too which meant she had defiantly had sex and raw sex at that.

A wave of panic swept over her then. She hadn't been on any birth control since Camron had stopped being able to have sex. The cancer had taken so much from her and as a cruelty it had taken the thing that made her feel closer to him, in a way that two people who are truly in love can when they make love and fuck and sleep together.

Time to remember. Oh god she was wearing the black thigh highs she wore when she wanted to get fucked, not adored or made love to but absolutely fucked.

She closed her eyes and let her mind open up and remember. It had been her and three others.

Carol, her buxom 44 year old, divorced next door neighbor.

Jonah, Carol's 20 year old son who was the neighborhood heart throb and one other.

Kyle, her adopted 21 year old son.

She and Camron had never been able to have kids, his sperm count was low or so the test had told them a year after they had been married. They had decided to adopt after another year of trying. Damn the test he had said. But after so many failed attempts they had adopted the perfect little boy that had been Kyle. His mother had given him up for adoption because of how young she had been when she had fallen pregnant and didn't want an open adoption. She wanted to forget and from that had been she and Camron's every happiness.

As she finally was able to stand, Val steadied herself and stumbled over to her bathroom and sat down and relieved herself. As she cleaned up she felt how sore she was. Her pussy had that fucked all night feel to it, sore but in the best possible way. She knew she hadn't been taken advantage of. She remembered she was not wearing this slutty lingerie when she had gone to the party so she had come back here at some point during the night and put this on in anticipation of the railing she had gotten

She remembered hearing muffled wailing in pleasure, someone above her as she was on her back, the scent of wet pussy in her face and thrusting bodies behind and in front of her. She could remember the taste of both on her tongue now that she thought of it.

The whimpers she had felt in her own throat as whoever was inside her had taken hold of her hips and shifted into high gear. The sound of their flesh slapping together in rapid succession over and over, the hot, rod of flesh probing her deeply with every stroke, rubbing along all the places inside that drove her crazy, the pressure building with each thrust, the way she was stretched around him speaking of how thick he was.

It had felt so good. Pressing back into him, feeling him pulse inside her and swell as he too built toward his own orgasm. She could feel herself shaking as she neared her own orgasm, another one of many that night. His grip tightening on her hips, the tongue of the person above her lashing out and striking her clit over and over with wet precision, causing her stomach to tighten and her pussy to leak and clamp down on the invasive organ like a vise, only making every vein along its surface feel like it was alive inside her.

Taking her robe off the hook on her bathroom door she wrapped herself in its warmth. She wanted to keep remembering, but she also wanted to find Kyle. He had been there, had others come over? Had they gone out when she was already drunk?

She looked back over the room and saw that her clothes from last night lay in a pile, with it her comfortable peach colored cotton boy shorts. They lay inside the outfit she had been wearing at dinner.

It had been a casual party. Just her fun neighbor and the boys. Maybe one of his friends, someone from the college they both attended. Jonah and Kyla both played lacrosse, maybe some of their friends from the team had come over?

'Fuck me! Baby fuck me, yes like that!' She remembered whispering in the ear of her lover as he clutched tight against her, her tight clad legs locked behind his thrusting ass. Pulling him into her as he continued to pick up the pace, his own groans rising in volume as their mutual pleasure built up. She raked her nails over his back, pulling him into her, her tongue lashing out over his ear, tasting the salt of his sweat in her mouth.

'I want to feel you throb inside me," she had whispered in his ear.

She paused as she opened the door of her room. The memory of it was making her skin warm, she could feel a heat low in her belly.

As she made her way down the hall she saw other clothes there, discarded pants.

Men's. Boxer briefs beside them, black and stylish. Beside a pile of something green and blue and floral in color. A soft summer dress.

The one that Carol had been wearing. Everything was falling into place.

She could see into her son's room from where she stood. There were people in his bed but before she could move forward and see who it was she heard footsteps approaching and topping the steps. Looking up she saw a beautiful man, wearing only a pair of black boxers. His legs were athletically muscled. His waist was narrow, the V of his back rose up to wide shoulders that spoke of lots of time on the lacrosse field and in the gym. His abs stood out, his pecs were chiseled. He had a lovely face and high cheek bones with a good chin. His hair was black as a crow and his eyes were blue like the sea. He had a cup of coffee in each hand, and when he saw her his full lips split into a pearly white smile and all of what happened last night hit her like a freight train.

"Hey mom, I think we have a lot to talk about." Kyle said as he handed her one of the cups.


"Oh my god Carol you look so good." Val said as she opened her front door and hugged her next door neighbor and friend.

"Sweetie, how do you keep looking so good?" Carol said into her ear and kissed her cheek. Carol was what young men called a thick milf. She was in her very early forties. She had thick curly brown hair. Her lips were full and her green eyes sparkled. She had a thing for summer dresses and tall heels. She had thick muscled calves and big thighs. Her butt was a bubble and her hips were wide. Her waist was narrow and her breasts were huge, she was a DDD cup size and she was always falling out of the shelf bras she wore. She was partial to lace, thongs and pantyhose that sheathed her thick legs and gave them an allure that was unmistakable. She gave excellent hugs and always kissed her cheek near her ear like it was a secret. Every time she did, Val could feel goosebumps spring up all over her body and a warmth between her own thighs.

Val had been in a few tryst in college with women and always kept her options open. Carol had kissed her once and cupper her ass while they were out by her pool but it had been while they were drinking and it had never gone further. In the light of day they had both talked about it and thought it was better to keep things as friends since they were neighbor and they didn't know how Carol's ex, or their college age sons would react if they found out.

"Swim every morning and run at night and go to yoga and palates every day of the week. It supposed to tone my ass and I think it's working. Thank you for noticing." Val said as they parted and she moved to close the door. A form stepped into the threshold and blocked the door from closing.

"I would say it has worked, Miss Evans." Said the six foot three inch blonde haired young man that followed Carol into the house.

"Fresh." Carol said as she slapped Jonah, her step son's, arm as he stepped into the house and moved so Val could shut the door behind him. Jonah was so cute, it was a wonder there weren't four girls hanging off him right now. He had a big bright smile and his muscles were visible underneath his well-fitting grey button up shirt. His slacks were tailored, his step mother was flexing the money she got in the divorce paying for clothes like that. Val knew full well he didn't buy them, he was just like Kyle in that his idea of dressing up was putting on a clean shirt and shorts after practice.

Val remembered seeing him in his baggy gym shorts one day after they boys had been in the pool and were in getting snacks. When he sat on the couch legs up talking with Kyle, the leg had fallen open and she had seen the dark thatch of his pubes and his flaccid cock hanging between his legs. It was impressive, even limp.

"Sorry, Miss Evans. I was raised to be honest and I was just having to be honest. You look very good today and always." Jonah said, his face breaking into a smile, not a creepy lecherous one but a genuine one. She moved in and accepted the hug he offered and laughed when Carol pulled him away from her in mock jealousy.

"Alright, alright. You keep encouraging him and he will think you are sweet on him." Carol said as she set her purse on the kitchen island, leaving Jonah and Val to take seats in the living room. She returned with two glasses of red wine and perched between her fingers and 3 fingers of what looked like whiskey in her other hand.

"Where's Kyle or is it just the three of us for dinner and drinks today?" Jonah asked as he took his whiskey and Carol slipped in beside him on the couch and Val sat opposite them in her light blue comfy chair. To look at them you would have thought they were a non-traditional couple as opposed to mother and son.

Carol had only been married for eight years to Jonah's father and those years had been turbulent. Jonah was from his prior marriage, his 3rd. He was a hard man to live with but he was rich and rich men got away with a lot more than poor men so women tolerated a lot so they could be kept. Carol had said as much in one of the wine fill conversations they had just after they met.

Just then Kyle walked down the steps, he was in one of his few button down shirts, burgundy in color and it was his color. He was gorgeous no matter what he wore but she was biased. She had loved him since the first time she saw him when the agency had brought him in. He sat down in the other chair in the living room before noting there was no drink for him he gave Carol and Jonah a look and stood back up got a drink before he sat down again.

"Should I simply let you all talk?" Kyle said with a smirk aimed at Jonah, who flipped him off before Carol slapped his thigh and he recoiled in mock pain.

"I wasn't sure where you were, sorry bud, you know I got you." Jonah said with a smile. "Doesn't my mom look nice, I bought her this dress for her birthday last month?"

Kyle gave her his sweet smile and nodded as he appraised her, a gesture he somehow made look suave and not gross before he nodded.

"It fits her well. I'll say that." Kyle said with the slightest of winks before he sipped his whiskey. Carol blushed a deep red and smoothed her hand over her waists and crossed her legs.

"Well before we get to flirty, Kyle why don't you and Jonah make yourself useful and get the barbeque going and I'll bring out the meat once it's ready. We have some wine to drink and topics to cover that is too evolved for such rude beasts." Val said as she stood and smoothed her own clothes and went to the kitchen, throwing Kyle a look and a smile before she finished her glass and started pouring another.

"Man cook meal." Kyle said in a mock caveman voice and stood. "Grab the beer in the fridge and come outside, I wanted to talk about a new supplement the coach showed me."

The pair of them went outside and shut the door to the back patio. Carol stood leaning against the island, sipping her wine.

"Val, I have to say, your son is what my mother would have called a hunk for sure."

"Jonah is no slouch either." Val said as she offered the bottle to Carol who took it and poured another glass.

Over the next two hours they had eaten and drank and talked about every subject under the sun from where things were with both of their jobs, friends at work, women at work they didn't like from their respective jobs that were annoying and after two bottles of wine it turned to sex.

"I think if this dry spell keeps up I'm going to have to buy stock in batteries or lower my standards far enough that I can finally get someone in my bed." Val said, her words were not yet slurred but they were getting there. She could feel how warm her skin was and her head was swimming but she was having fun and once the boys had cleared the table they had begun to do the dishes without being asked.

"I doubt you would have to lower your standards that far or even work that hard for that matter, pretty as you are." Carol said, her eyes were hooded a bit but she too was still speaking clearly and by the flush of her skin she was also quite tipsy.

"I'm serious. And thank you. I work really hard to keep myself in shape and I'm not even sure why I do it. I tried some of those internet sites all I got was a bunch of crazies and dick pics out of the gate." Val said as she sipped her wine and leaned against the cool stove front. Carol drank down the last part of her glass and reached for the bottle, finding it empty she opened another and poured herself a tall glass.

"I mean it, I bet you wouldn't have to look that far for some really good dick." Carol said with a laugh and raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah right. It's my fault. I could get dick I'm sure but I don't want dick I don't trust or that might come back and bite me or be attached to crazy possessive dude or whatever. He almost doesn't have to be cute at this point." Val said. She was starting to sweat a bit, the heat of the alcohol in her body was causing her to perspire.

"I hear you, but I promise you. You would not have to do much and you could get all the dick you wanted. Dick you could trust." Carol said, she had set her glass down and popped open another bottle of wine.

"Where is this mythical man that would provide me with endless safe dick?" Val asked as she waited for the revelation, she saw that Carol really did look pretty damn amazing in her dress. Summer dresses were made to advertise great legs and show off cleavage and nice shoulders and back. Carol was showing off all of that. Val knew Carol was a regular at the gym as one of those few that owns and uses their stationary bike. She was one of those women who would work and work and work and still never be skinny, she was just built different.

But what she had she wore perfectly. Her tits were huge but despite her age had bounce and life when she moved. Her hips were wide but her waist was narrow for her hips. She wore a size 16 pant but had a narrow waist and an ass for weeks. Her legs showed no cellulite and her shoulders showed she had put in work on the weights but the muscles there were subtle and peaked at her as Carol rolled her neck and sipped her wine before turning and letting her eyes settle on Val.

"I never said the dick was on a man." Carol said, her eyes were sultry as she looked over the top of her glass at Val. Val sighed and laughed over her own glass as she sipped it but stood silent.

"I'm not sure what you mean." Val said, feigning ignorance. She knew full well what was being offered. Carol was direct, had been since they met and it was part of the appeal. And it wasn't that she wasn't attracted to her. They had been talking about sex for the last forty five minutes. Her nipples were hard from arousal and she could tell she was soaking through her panties.

The silence that hung between them in the kitchen was so thick Val could feel it like molasses.

Right then she heard the boys laughing upstairs in Kyle's room.

"I think I'm gonna go see if the boys need anything." Val said moving past her in the kitchen

"Did I just ruin the night?" Carol asked her back as she reached the steps. Val could hear the worry in her voice but she could also feel the lusty gaze on her as she climbed the stairs.

"No, I'm just really tipsy and I want to see if the boys need something. I think I'm switching to water though."

As she came to the top of the stairs she heard the conversation and laughter from inside and she was just about to open the door when she heard something that stopped her dead in her tracks.

"You know you would do her if she let you bud. Don't even lie."

The speaker was Jonah, but who were they talking about? She stopped waiting to see what Kyle would say. Were they talking about a girl in class? Maybe that blonde beauty Terri that was on the college swim team, she had come by a few times when they boys had thrown parties in the pool or the hot tub they had out back.

"Bro, are you high?" Kyle sounded, not upset but more like he agreed with Jonah. "We are talking about your mom are we not?"

Val caught her breath. Did she hear right? Was it the booze clouding her head or was she just having some kind of breakdown.

"I may be a tad drunk but I'm being totally serious. I see the way you look at her, the way you stare at her ass when she wears her bathing suit in the hot tub or by the pool. And what is not to like, she has a fantastic ass."

"Why did you tell me this? I can't know this. You can't be serious." Kyle asked and Val leaned closer to the door. What had he told Kyle that made her son sound so incredulous?

"I told you because you are my best friend and because she confessed it to me once after we had partied over here. She totally wants to fuck you bud." Val's mouth was dry, she stepped closer to the door and leaned on the wall, her breath was coming in muffled, ragged puffs as she kept listening.

"Well that part is not what I'm talking about. I mean you and her. What am I supposed to do with that?!" Kyle sounded angry or just flat out confused. Val nearly cried out, she couldn't have heard right. Jonah and Carol were fucking??

"Dude. I told you that because I have to tell someone, and I've seen your browser history. You watch stepmom porn more than I ever did before it happened." Jonah said with a laugh. There was tension and silence in the room and then she heard Kyle laugh also. It was a nervous laugh but it was a laugh that cut the tension between them.

"Who goes through a browser history, what are you my mother?"

"She would be surprised if she saw it I'm sure. Delete that shit before she gets and eyeful and sees what gets you off." Jonah said with a laugh. They messed with one another for a minute and then silence sat back down in the room."She would probably hate me so I would prefer you don't say anything." Kyle said flatly. Val shook her head. No matter what he was looking at she couldn't hate him. There was no way that he was into anything with kids or something so there was no reason she would hate him but how terrible could it be?

"She won't hate you man, she adores you. She looks at you the same way Carol looks at me." Jonah said with a laugh. "I wish she looked at me like that if we are being all honest."

Val stepped back from the wall.

"You already have yours why do you want my mom too?" Kyle said, his voice was a bit drunk but not mad. "I haven't had her yet, it wouldn't be fair if you got to be with her too."

Just as she was about to start trying to think she heard footsteps coming up the steps and hurried down to her room and shut the door. Val stood behind her door breathing like she had been running a mile flat out. She couldn't believe what she had heard in revelation in the past few minutes.

Nor could she believe the effect it was having on her. She had been almost unmanageably horny downstairs. Now the butterflies in her stomach had grown to the size of cats and they were kicking and flipping about. What had Kyle said just before she rushed into her room? I haven't had her yet.


Did that mean he had thought about it, considered it even?

She heard Carol talking to the boys down in Kyle's room and Val almost ran into the bathroom and locked the door. What would she say to Carol? How was she even going to ever talk to her without just coming out and asking if what she had just heard was true and then the details of it, and why did she want details, why did she not just throw them both out of her house right now?

Val didn't have time to get to her bathroom before she heard Carol come to the door and with her typical amount of familiarity she came right in. Val was standing in the middle of the room, her hands at her side feeling really uncomfortable and not sure what to do but also there was a distinct damp feeling in her panties and her skin felt like it would be hot to the touch.

Carol came into the room with a smile on her face, a glass of either bourbon or scotch in each hand, and a spring in her step. She also seemed oblivious to the look on Val's face.

"We need to go in the hot tub." She stated matter of factly as she handed Val a drink and moved over to the king sized bed and sat down. Her hair was a bit mussed as if she had been laying down or something and she smoothed her skirt down a few times before she crossed her smooth legs, color in her cheeks.

Val stood in silence for a few breaths, not sure what to say, not sure if she should simply leave the room. Finally she spoke.

"Should you go get a suit?"

"I figured I could just borrow one of yours, or just go in without one." Carol winked at her and sipped her drink, she giggled and then stood and moved to the large chest of drawers across form her bed and pulled open the top drawer. "This one looks like maybe just panties and bras, where do you keep the suit..."

Carol paused and reached into the pile of underwear in every color of the rainbow and produced the red lace micro thong and held it up between them from one of its angel hair thin straps.

"I bet you look amazing in this," Carol said as she bit her lip and held the tiny swatch of lace and strings up before her eyes, "Hell, I would look amazing in this I'm sure if it fit."

"I wouldn't know," Val said as she crossed the room and took the thong from Carol, "I've never worn it for anyone."

"Oh that won't due, put it on!"

"No!" Val said flatly and dropped it into the drawer and tried to close it, the alcohol and her haste making the drawer fail to close. Carol hurried over and grabbed the drawer, pulling it more fully open.

"Please! You are already going to be naked anyway." Carol said as she set her drink down and used both hands to pull the drawer open. Val's brain screamed for her to force it shut and end this foolishness but she did not.

"Am I?" She heard herself asking and a giggle in her voice, her brain was fuzzy as the alcohol she had drank very quickly down stairs began to catch up to her.

"Well I said we should get in the tub, you have to take off all your clothes unless you already have a suit on underneath your clothes. Carol said as she rummaged and another look of excitement beamed from her flushed face as she reached in and picked up the red lacy half cup bra that obviously matched the tiny thong.

"Why?" Val asked as she leaned back against the chest of drawers.

"Why what?"

"Why do you want to see it?" Val asked, sipping her whiskey, then quickly placing it beside her jewelry box and reminding herself it was water for the rest of the night.

"Because you are very hot and I want to see you in it. Before we go hot tub and I return the favor of giving you and eyeful." Carol said as she leaned in close, holding the scraps of lace up between them.

Val could smell her perfume, it was sweet and enticing. The smell of her shampoo and that of wine and whiskey and dinner and the mint she had taken to clear as much of all of it away as possible.

"Lock the door." Val finally said and Carol clapped her hands and gave a small shriek of glee before downing all of her whiskey in one go and setting her glass on the chest of drawers and hurrying over to the door. Val let her hands drop to the zipper on the back of her black skirt and pulled it down as she took a steadying breath. The now loose garment fell about her feet and she stepped out of it and her stylish heels as well, standing now only in her sleeveless blouse and her navy cotton thong.

"Those are nice." Carol said, now seated once more on the bed, her legs crossed but the hem of her summer dress seemed to have climbed higher on her thigh. Val looked over her shoulder at Carol and felt her cheeks warm, she made sure to keep facing away so her friend would not see the damp patch at the crux of her things. With a steadying breath she began to undo the buttons of her blouse and then pulled it up and over her head. She did not stand on ceremony as she reached up and unclasped the front of her bra and let the garment fall away.

Standing facing the mirror on her chest of drawer and saw Carol taking in her form, her eyes focused on her ass, parted by her thong, before raising up and locking eyes with her reflection and then down at her naked breasts.

Val had always liked her tits. They sat high on her chest and full, her nipples were hard for all the excitement and she took a step back and hooked her thumbs in the sides of her panties and pulled them over the swell of her ass, bending slightly she let them fall to her feet, knowing that the bend forward let her lust swollen pussy lips peak at Carol from between her legs and she sighed when she heard Carol's give a deep intake of breath and move her hand unconsciously to where her legs were crossed, she was rocking her legs and uncrossed them before swapping legs and crossing them again.

Val wrapped the lace half bra around herself and pulled it closed, the garment lifting her already ample breasts without covering her nipples save to have the edge rub at them and set them gloriously aroused and stimulated. Val moved reached to where the thong lay on the dresser and saw that in her still open drawer was the last piece of this outfit and she let her hand drop to them.

"What have you got there?" Carol asked, her voice with thick as if her mouth had run dry,

Val didn't answer, she simply rolled one up quickly and stepped into it and pulled the black thigh high up until its elastic sat in place midway up her muscular thigh, the close inspection of the lace at its top showed little red roses woven into the lace, she bent over further putting the second one on and took her time pulling it up and into place.

This time she hard Carol gasp aloud and she felt her wet lips peaking between her legs. She was soaking wet now, and she had to admit she was enjoying the attention.

"You already have yours why do you want my mom too?" Kyle's word filled her head and her alcohol addled brain seized again upon the startling news she had heard tonight, as if trying to keep her from crossing a line that was so near at hand with her neighbor and close friend.

"I have to ask you something and I need you to be honest with me please." Val said and her own mouth went dry as sand

"Oooo. I like the way this sounds." Carol said as she uncrossed her legs and leaned forward on the bed, her tongue slipping out and wetting her lips.

"Are you sleeping with Jonah?" There she said it. It could not be undone. The silence between them grew and there was a dampening of her arousal that was swift, even as sexy as she still felt it was quickly stilled and that fire between her thighs quickly fell to a mere smoldering and she felt aware of how naked she was and for the first time a tiny bit self-conscious of her exposed nipples and mons.

Carol looked like she had been stuck but it was only for a moment and then she gave a smirk and spoke.

"Yes and I've never felt more alive than I do when we are together." She seemed proud, relieved to speak it aloud as she sat back a little on the bed, her knees parted a bit and Val felt her eyes drawn to the gap between her thighs, seeing black of some kind of fabric between her legs before she raised her eyes to Carol's own beautiful ones.

"He is so gentle and caring when I want that, and..." Carol paused and closed her eyes and took a breath as if remembering something incredible at that moment, "he is rough when I want that as well."

"He's your son." Val said, her arm now covering her nipples, her other hand dropping down to cover her exposed pussy.

"He's my step son, and we are closer than we have ever been. I haven't been fucked like this since I was in high school and what's better is he loves me and I won't break his heart." Carol said as she stood up, her phone in hand. "You want to see how much fun we are having? We take pictures, videos. It's like being a newlywed again but without the delusion of forever after." Carol held up her phone and began to click the screen.

Val's mind screamed to make her stop, to forestall her before she showed her anything she couldn't unsee. But there was a spark of curiosity that kept her from speaking. Carol handed over her phone and Val could feel her eyes grow large as she starred at the screen.

It was a close up, a shot by the light of a lamp, of a thick cock splitting a clearly very wet pussy. Carol's clit was prominent and engorged and dragging against the invading shaft. Val felt warmth between her thighs at seeing that, she remembered how good it felt when that happened, she felt her nipples grow hard again.

The next pic was of Carol on her hands and knees on a bed. The picture taker, Jonah obviously, had his pelvis tight against her round, smooth ass. His hand was balled in her hair and Carol's head and back were arched.

"He gets so deep when we fuck like that." Carol said matter of factly. She was now standing beside Val, commenting on the graphic photos as is they were talking about vacation photos of Lake Tahoe or something.

Val loved being pounded in doggy style. She liked having her hair pulled too but she really, REALLY loved to have a guy get a good hold on her hips and just got to town. Or if she was feeling really naughty, have him slip a finger up her tight little ass.

She gave a shudder at the thought and knew she was getting really wet again. She could feel her breath becoming ragged as she flipped to the next picture.

This one was a close up of Carol's pussy, clearly ravaged and well fucked but what was different was it was leaking a mix of her sexual fluids and thick white cum caught mid ooze from her sex dilated hole crowned with a thatch of wet matted brown pubic hair.

Val gasped and turned to her friend who stood very near to her, her perfume in her nose now standing to increase the arousal as well the vision of her friend's pussy full of cum, her step sons cum. She shivered and Carol bit her lip and giggled.

"Yeah, had to get a Plan B after that one. But no worries now, got an IUD and now he can make a mess inside me as much and as often as he wants."

"You have to see how wrong this is." Val said as she turned to look at her friend.

"Why, I did not bear him so we are not blood related, he came to me when I was lonely and sad and offered me comfort which then turned to lust but there is no illusions. HE kissed me first but I was the one that pushed it to the next level." Carol had now placed a hand lightly around her waist and Val could feel the heat of her skin though her dress since she was still standing naked near her chest of drawers.

"Because it's wrong."

Val couldn't stop herself from laughing at that. From the pictures Jonah absolutely was well grown. She had been with a few guys before she had met Camron. She had slept with fifteen to be exact. Not too high a body count and conservative by some estimates. She had seen dicks of every shape size and color.

Jonah's looked above average and just on the thick side of things. The thought of it made her whole body shiver.

"You can't tell me you have never thought about it, at least as any times as you have seen Jonah and Kyle in the hot tub. How they wear those Speedo's and not board shorts like most men their age." Carol said in a deep husky voice, and at that moment she broke the touch barrier, laying a hand on Val's bubble butt and caressing it gently.

Val had been told by some guy at a bar once recently that she resembled a Porn star, more specifically that of the stunning red head milf Sophia Locke. Val could see it if she was being generous. Her boobs were the same size, she was fit too, and had the same hair color, but Val's hair was curly where Sophia's is straight, and her lips are fuller and her own eyes wider. It was a compliment of sorts but it didn't help his cause.

Val turned and Carol's face was right beside her now, close. They were both breathing hard, labored with lust and Carol leaned in and Val met her halfway. Their lips mashed together and they turned to face one another, their hands falling all over each other's bodies.

Carol had both her hands on her ample athletic ass and was kneading it, spreading it and pulling her naked pelvis into her body, the whole time massing her lips into Val's. Val had her hand on the back of Carol's neck, pulling their faces together was the viciously kissed one another, they staggered away from the chest of drawers, their bodies mashed together, moaning in each other's mouths.

Val's other hand found the tie at Carol's waist that held her sun dress on her, it tied up like a robe and with a pull the tie came loose and the dress began to loosen. The multicolored garment opened up and gave Val free reign to touch her flesh and finally get her hands on Carol's DDD breasts.

Val broke their kiss and let her gaze drop to Carol who was finally revealed to her. She hadn't worn a bra and her large tits were out and hanging free. Her nipples were hard, her areolas were not overlarge and her pussy was still covered by and high cut black thong. Carol continued to wear her open dress as she dropped her head to one of Val's tits, taking her nipple between her lips and startling to lick and suck.

Val pulled Carol to her and they again were pressed together, she was trying not to moan, the boys were just down the hall, they would no doubt hear it if she was too loud but as soon as Carol moved to her other breast and began to lick and suck at it in the lacy half cup of her bra she didn't care anymore. It had been so long since someone had worshiped her nipples like this and she was getting wetter by the second.

Val felt Carol's hands leave her well groped ass and take hold of the back of her head and pull her harder into her ample tits, her head thrown back and moaning, her other hand snaked up between Val's legs and directly to her engorged pussy. Val cried out and nearly lost her balance as she felt Carol's middle finger slip in deep between her folds and drag heavily over her clit as is slipped fully inside her, squishing upon entry from how ridiculously wet she was.

"All that talk got you pretty worked up sweetie, you like when I talk about fucking Jonah? Do you?" Carol said to Val, her mouth close to Val's face as she adds another finger with relative ease and begins to finger her more aggressively. As Carol sawed her hand between Val's legs she was fighting harder and harder not to fall over, her moans got louder and louder and the squishing between her legs became more pronounced.

"Oh fuck I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna fucking cum!!" Val cried out and she leaned into Carol and squeezed her eyes shut. Val felt like her skin was covered in bees that were stinging her and setting her nerves on fire in the best possible way. Heat bloomed up from between her legs and then spread over her whole body as she came hard on Carol's fingers. Her stomach clenched tightly over and over as she rode out the orgasm and then as Carol slowed her probing she was able to gain her footing again, but was still leaning against her neighbor.

Carol helped her stand back up and kissed her again, not as aggressively this time, their tongues still danced roughly together and Val still shook with aftershocks of her incredible orgasm.

"I wanna see that again, you look so sexy when you cum baby." Carol whispered as they broke their kiss, their faces very close, both of them breathing in ragged gasps.

Val was still shaking, she hadn't cum that hard in years, since the last good bout of sex she had with Camren. Her head was swimming and she was grinning like a fool as she kissed Carol again and began to knead her large breasts and pinch her nipples. Her neighbor began to moan and groan as Val continued to maul her sexy tits with her small hands.

Carol began to back toward the bed and just before she bumped into it, Val pulled back and offered Carol a look that made her pause for a moment, unsure if she was going to stop her advances or what was going to happen.

"Take off the dress and get up on the bed on your hands a knees." Val said with a stern voice, her breasts still rising and falling rapidly. Carol smiled and bit her lip before shucking her dress that was only hanging from her shoulders to pool at her feet before she obeyed. Carol was now looking over her shoulder back at Val breathing through an open mouth as Val approached her and lay both of her hands on the globes of her thong separated bottom. Val ran her hands gently over the globes of Carol's ass and her neighbor issued a groan and she neared the seam of her black thong. Peeking out from behind the seam was a sea green gemstone heart of a butt plug.

"What are you gonna do to me?" Carol asked in mock fear, a naughty smile crossed her flushed cheeked face.

Val smiled back and ran her finger under the seem that split her cheeks and followed it down, Carol shuddered and moaned as her fingers only danced over the plug and then continued lower and stopped over her pussy. Her mons was puffy but not overmuch and had a light thatch of brown hair crowning her thick lipped pussy, her clit was engorged and peeking out at the top of her lips, which looked like they had been doused in clear viscous liquid. The gusset of her thong was completely soaked as Val pulled it aside.

"You wore your plug to dinner?" Val asked with a laugh as she kissed first one and then the other cheek gently, flicking her tongue over the soft globes of her butt.

"Jonah was feeling a bit sassy today, he mentioned we might do something in it after we went home." She winked at Val and laughed. Her laugh caught in her throat and became a groan as Val opened up her mouth wide and tried to take Carol's whole pussy into her mouth. Val began to wetly suck at her exposed lips and hole, her tongue and lips instantly glossed in her wetness as she feasted on her friend. Val had not eaten pussy since college so she was not practiced but by the sounds Carol was making and how she pressed back into her face, she was doing a good job. Carol tasted amazing, there was a tang to taste but her juices were pleasant and plentiful and Val could feel her whole face now covered as she pressed and licked and sucked at Carol who was not howling and writing and balling the comforter in her hands.Val continued her assault, loud sucking noises drown out by Carol's groans and sighs, and she reached up and took hold of the butt plug and began to move it ever so slightly back and forth. Drawing it out until the bulb dilated and stretched her knotted hole and then relaxed again as she pressed it back in.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!!!" Carol was almost screaming now and she dropped her face to the soft blue green comforter and began to sob with pleasure into it, no understandable words only her cries of pleasure. Val continued to probe Carol with the plug working it in an out and she was now forcing her tongue deep between her fold, dragging her chin on her clit and Carol began to shake. Val brought her other hand up and placed her thumb flat against her clit and began to saw it in and out of her hole, licking and sucking viciously at her.

"Please don't stop! Of fuck!!!" Carol cried out and began to shake as her orgasm rolled through her in waves. Val could feel the spongy inside of Carol's folds pulse and contract as her tongue continued to dart and caress her insides, which were now inundated with juices. When her orgasm finally subsided Val stood behind Carol, caressing her ass and watching her shudder and giggle with post cum energy.

Carol rolled over on the bed, her large breasts swinging about a bit as she lay flat on her back and gasped for air, covering her face and continuing to moan and giggle as she twitched in the aftershock of orgasm.

Val wanted more, she wanted to cum again, wanted to make Carol cum again and keep cumming until they both passed out.

Carol finally uncovered her face, now flushed and sweaty, she looked up at Val and shook her head.

"We should have done that so many times by now, oh my god." Carol propped herself up on her elbows and looked past Val her smile growing.

"I guess I didn't lock that door after all."

Val turned and saw them then. Jonah and Kyle were standing in the doorway, her son in his speedo and Jonah in his boxer briefs, both tented obscenely in the front from arousal.


Val waned to crawl into a hole. She was frozen and unsure what to do, she heard Carol get off the bed and come up to stand behind her. Carol slipped him tight behind her, her large soft breasts pushing against Val's back, her warm hands, still wet from Val's pussy laced up her from her flared hips until they covered her breasts in a mixture of a hiding pose while she drug her palms gently and enticingly over Val's nipples, her chin coming to rest on her shoulder.

"Jonah honey, why don't you come over here and warm Val up before she gets too cold." Val squirmed as she felt Carol take her earlobe in her lips and lick at it, it raised goosebumps along her whole body. "Kyle, you stay right there, I have something I want to show you."

Val felt her mouth go dry as Jonah approached her as directed and stood in front of her. He truly was a beautiful man. He had thick curly hair and beautiful eyes of a deep blue. His smile which he showed her now was warm and friendly but now it held sexual tones that were thick between them. His chest had the swell of a lot of time in the gym and his rippling muscled abs showed his hours of lacrosse practice and running to stay in shape. His board shorts were tented in the front and she could see the outline of his cock as it pushed uncomfortably against the fabric. His legs were thick and his skin was tanned from lots of time in the sun.

He towered over her and she felt vulnerable as she stood there and reached up to cover her breasts and down to cover her exposed mons, the tryst almost ground to a halt there when he reached up and lifted her chin so Val was looking into his deep blue eyes.

"You look so beautiful, I've always had such a crush on you, and there is no reason to hide from me though now." He sounded strong and yet there was a hint of youthful vulnerability in his admission. He leaned down as he held her chin with his fingers and kissed her lips gently. Without even knowing it, Val stepped into his arms that greeted her and she began to kiss him with more intensity. Val could hear the sound of Carol's moans and wet kissing sounds and she caught sight of her wrapped around Kyle's muscular form, his strong hands pulling at her as their tongues fought each other.

Val turned her attention back to Jonah and his warm, hard body now closing the minute distance between them. Val decided to let this happen, she was still horny and Jonah was of age and beautiful and from the tent in the front of his trunks, very well endowed. Val shuddered as she strong hands reached down and cradled her ass and then, to her surprise, lifted her off her feet.

Val gave a little shout in surprise and then wrapped her legs around Jonah, his muscled flexed and move beneath his skin like iron but he didn't struggle at all with her weight. She could feel her wetness increasing and rubbing against Jonah as they continued to kiss and paw at one another. Val broke the kiss and Jonah began to kiss her ear, jaw and then onto her neck. She began to grind her exposed pussy against Jonah and groan, looking over his shoulder and her breath caught in her chest.

Carol was on her knees, Kyle's speedo was at his ankles and one of her hands cradled his clean shaven balls the other was massaging his very impressive and erect shaft. Kyle's cock was just over average, maybe six and half inches long but it was the thickness of it. The now very erect organ was as thick as a large man's wrist. Val gasped at the sight and she heard Carol laugh and watched her shaker her head.

"I don't think I can fit that in my mouth honey."

Val hissed as she felt Jonah drop a hand to her engorged pussy and slip one of his thick fingers inside and begin to stir her spongy wet insides as he continued to kiss and nip at her neck. She was thoroughly enjoying the attention but she was ashamed to admit she was enjoying the show unfolding between her son and her friend.

Carol was now licking Kyle's shaft from his balls to the bulbous head of his shaft, the shaft that was weeping clear precum, and stroking her hand up and down the shaft. Kyle stood, his mouth open and gasping in pleasure, his hands in fists at his sides as Carol continued to lick his shaft and then take his balls in her warm mouth one at a time. Val felt Jonah slip a second finger into her and she turned her attention back to her gorgeous boy toy and flashed him a lust drunk smile before she slid slowly to her knees and reached for the waistband of his trunks.

Val looked up at Jonah as she untied them and laughed as she dipped his soaked fingers into his mouth and sucked the liquid off of them. With a final steadying breath she pulled down his trunks.

Jonah was quite impressive. His cock was about three quarter hard and sprang back up as the elastic passed over it, trailing precum of its own that flipped onto Val's breast. He was not as thick as Kyle but he had a good inch or two on him making him the biggest cock Val had ever seen up close by a lot.

"I see why your mom has had that smile on her face for a while, Jesus Jonah." Val said as she kissed the mushroom tip and then took the first two inches into her mouth and began wetly working it with her tongue. Jonah groaned low in his throat and reached down to take her head in his strong hands. Val slid back, looked up at his sexy eyes and bared her teeth

She bit down gently and shook her head and he let go of her. She liked to suck cock but she was in charge, none of this throat fucking bullshit. She knew enough tricks to not have to gag and be abused to get him off. Taking his hands in hers she pushed her head forward and showed him he didn't need to drive to feel pleasure. Twirling her tongue she bobbed wetly on Jonah, feeling his warmth and tasting his fluids as his arousal rose with every passing second. Val sucked at him loudly, concentrating her tongue on the underside of the head of his cock, he was leaking like crazy and she drank him down and felt his fists white knuckle in her hands as she continued to bob and slurp on his organ.

Jonah was moaning and shaking as she continued to work his cock. Val knew it wouldn't be long, she could feel him getting harder and beginning to pulse in her mouth. Releasing one of his hands she began to stroke the bottom of his shaft in time with her tongue and mouth, using her copious spit to ease the journey.

Val felt Jonah drop his hands to her shoulders and push her back, pulling his blood filled, quaking shaft from her mouth, a line of thick drool slinging to its pulsing tip to fall on her chest. Reaching down, Jonah picked her up onto her feet and pushed her back until she lay on the bed. Jonah trailed his eyes over her body and she smiled up at him, biting her lip as she spread her knees wide and dropped her hand between her legs, her fingers parting her petals and splaying her wide, dipping into her wet depths as she put on a show for him.

"Oh my god you're beautiful." Jonah said barely above a whisper as he dropped to his knees and pulled her hand free of her splayed pussy before clamping his mouth over it.

Val knotted the sheets up in her fists as his tongue snaked between her folds and began to lick just inside of her, flicking and probing at the sensitive areas inside her. She was convinced her whole sex had been set on fire in the most glorious way. She could feel his lips rubbing back and forth on her clit which was building the pressure in jolts and jumps and then he would plunge back inside her and lick and probe with his tongue along her lips and the sensitive insides as well. The sounds she was emitting were separate from the well of sensations spiking up her whole body from between her legs. She was screaming and groaning and laughing and holding her breath at alternate times as Jonah continued to lick and suck at the crux of her womanhood.

The orgasm was intense, caught off guard by his skill with his tongue she vaulted over the cliff and was in ecstatic freefall, she could feel the blood hot on the skin of her chest above her tits as her loins throbbed and clutched through the wave of her orgasm and still he persisted. She was absolutely drenched, sweating and leaking fluids onto Jonah's face and the cover of her bed.

She felt his fingers slide inside her and begin to expertly probe and crawl along her g-spot and he zeroed in on her clit like he was nursing. She screamed and contorted as the combination of it sent her rocketing into her second orgasm only a few moments later. She came down from this light headed and euphoric, feeling the bed shift as Jonah leaned forward and slotted the monstrous mushroom head of his cock against the spongy slot at her core.

Val was taking her breathes in huffs, gasping for air as she scooted back fully on the bed and spread her thighs wide, allowing Jonah to crawl between then as he knelt again and took hold of his shaft at the base. The head of his pole rubbed against her clit as it pressed into her engorged lips and she raised her head. It looked like he was holding a flesh colored 80's cop flashlight in his hand, the head of which was slotted to spear her.

"Baby, please be gentle with me, it's been a really long time since I've been with anyone." Val heard the pleading in her voice and let her hands grip his thighs, holding Jonah from thrusting forward and possibly hurting her but she didn't want him to pull away either.

Jonah smiled down at her and sat back on his heels, the wide head of his cock still abutting her leaking tunnel entrance. He was covered in sweat, his hair was wet to his head, he looked rugged and bestial and sexy and he was her's for the night. Reaching up, Jonah took hold of Val's hand and placed it on his shaft, which she instantly began to stroke as best she could as he slotted the head again at her entrance, nesting it in between her fleshy wet petals and stopped.

"You tell me when, if at all. I want you but if we stopped now, I still got to see you like this and feel you, taste you. It's more than I had hoped for." Jonah smiled at her widely again, but it was a sincere and gentle smile. Val felt a twinge in her chest of true appreciation and want. She could tell from his physical state that he wanted nothing more than to rail here within an inch of her life, to own her and claim her pussy as his, but he was a decent man, Carol had a right to be proud.

Val began to drag the head up and down along her splayed flower, coating the crimson head with juices and felt her body continue to prep her inner sheath for him to enter. She was over her, his mouth open and his eyes locked on her as she continued to dredge him through her trough.

"Thank you sweetie." Val whispered up at him and she lay back propped up on her elbows, knotted the sheets in her fists and nodded. Jonah took his cue and pressed forward. Val gasped and fought to keep her eyes open as his thick length pressed forward between her splayed lips and with a bit of force she felt her channel accept his organ as she pressed forward until her pussy had swallowed about half his cock before he stopped. As Val opened her eyes she saw Jonah looking down at her, his brows raised in silent question if he should continue. Such a fucking gentleman. Val nodded at him after a few rapid heartbeats, splaying her hips as wide as she could and reaching up and taking hold of his strong shoulders she lay back as he thrust himself fully within her, his cock coming to rest at the very back of her pussy and settling gently against the door to her womb as she balls smooshed against her wet pelvis.

Jonah paused again to let her get accustomed to his size and then she began rotating her hips and scooting into him giving him another cue to begin. Jonah took the hint and pulled back a few inches and pressed forward to the hilt. The sensations of his bulbous head and shaft gliding against her soft insides was so fucking good. She gripped him and began to moan in time with his thrusts, each one coating him a bit more in her lustful juices. Having already cum a few times she was able to keep her head and focus on rewarding Jonah for being so good to her. She had worked her Kegels for years trying to keep herself in shape and also to please her late husband all the better and now she began to alternate clamping down on his amazing invading organ as he continued to thrust into her, gaining speed and depth with each passing minute. It wasn't as if it didn't feel good but she had cum so good in lead up to the actual sex her senses were dulled by the ecstasy she had already felt, but to say she wasn't enjoying the ministrations would be an outright lie.

Jonah lay atop her now, his hips hammering into her, the squishing of their wet flesh between them played loudly as did their combined moans.

Kyle. Val had forgotten all about Kyle in the throes of her encounter with Jonah. She reached up and pulled him down onto her and he clutched at her and began to go faster and fuller with his strokes, her pleasure mounting near to another orgasm when she turned her head toward where she had last seen Carol and Kyle together.

Kyle was on his back, his body turned to offer her a side view of the action. Carol lay atop him, her legs over his head while she stroked his cock, cradled and rolled his balls and slurped and sucked at the massive mushroom head of his cock that was slick with pooled spit and precum. Carol was sobbing and groaning onto Kyle's organ shaking so hard she was nearly vibrating with pleasure. Kyle was groaning into Carol's pussy but in his place between her legs, Val could not see him. She could see he was coated in swear and he was gasping for breath because of his own pleasure. As she watched, Carol pulled his cock head from her mouth and dropped her head to his pelvis and screamed as an orgasm tore through her. Val felt a swell of pride as she watched him pull his fingers from her weeping slot and Carol shook and flopped onto the carpet beside Kyle.

Jonah paused his thrust buried fully into her and she turned back to look into his sweet eyes. He was so much harder now, close to cumming. She could feel it. Feel him pulsing more and more rapidly so tight was the seal of her tunnel against his shaft even as she was drowning his cock with her juices. His brows were pinched and he closed his eyes as he began to hammer her, Val closed her own eyes and pulled him hard down on top of her, their sweaty flesh and wet bodies squishing and slipping against one another as the tension, pressure and feeling built at the apex of where their bodies were joined and he began to groan and cry out and Val added her own cries to his as they raced toward mutual release together.

"Not yet baby." Carol called out and Jonah's head snapped up and his hips snapped to a halt, his cock fully sheathed in her. Val was breathing like she was running a marathon, she squeezed herself down on him like a vice in hopes she could get him to pop and feel him explode, her lust halted and her irritation grown as she felt Jonah pulled his body up from hers. They both turned toward Carol who was now standing beside the bed, Kyle standing behind her, kissing her neck and shoulder.

"He was so close, why did you stop him?" Val asked, trying not to let her irritation turn to anger, even more so when she tapped the kneeling Jonah on the shoulder and he scooted back dragging his organ free of its seat in her body with a wet, squishing noise that finished leaving her gaping and struggling to close back up, leaking what felt like a cup of their combined fluids down over her ass and onto the bed beneath her.

"Don't worry, he's going to finish but I want to watch, and I want this young man to stretch me all the fuck out with this thick cock." Carol said as she turned and locked lips with Kyle for a moment before parting and patting the bed and speaking to Val. "Scooch up into the middle." With help from Jonah she pulled herself into the center of the bed and propped herself up on her elbows and waited. She couldn't help but look over at Kyle and Carol. Carol's pussy lips were soaked and peeking out from between her thick thighs, she was sheened with sweat as was her muscular built son who's cock still throbbed erect and crimson from his tight hairless abdomen below his gorgeous abs.

Val was about to ask what the hell was going on as Carol crawled onto the bed and kissed her pelvis, a few inches from her pussy and then higher on her abdomen. Her anger forgotten for the lust that began to surge she lay back and let Carol lick and kiss so near her pussy thinking she was going to crawl atop her and make out or drop down and proceed to eat her out. To her surprise, Carol flipped around and assumed the position she had taken over Kyle a few moments ago and she did not protest.

Carol set her splayed lipped pussy perfectly within reach of her mouth after making sure she did not kneel on her hair and went back to kissing and licking about and around but not on her pussy. Val looked up and saw the purple gemstone of Carol's but plug and her well licked sex and didn't horse around as she dove right in latching her lips onto the weeping flower between Carol's legs. Carol arched her back and pulled her pussy away from Val's mouth again drawing her confusion.

"Naughty girl. Your boy has gotten me off four times already with that sweet mouth, and now I'm giving you a front row seat to him spreading me wide open, just like I'm gonna watch my baby open up this sexy little hole like it deserves." Carol's voice was slightly muffled from Val's place between her legs. She felt the bed shimmy at her feet as Jonah climbed on and then looked up as Kyle came to kneel behind Carol, his ponderous thick cock now very near her head. She had seen if from across the room but so near as it was she could see every ridge and vein along its peach skinned shaft all the way up to its massive flared crown. Val swallowed hard and watched as Carol arched her ass up and Kyle slid closer. She could see that even in its gushy, oozing state, Carol' hole was going to have a time swallowing Kyle's pole and it was happening literally on top of her.At the same time she felt Carol begin to lick her clit and reach down to spread her pussy lips wide open for the bulb of Jonah to rest against it and push in. Again she groaned as he pushed deep into her and she felt what little rigidity he had lost in the swapping positions return instantaneously as he set right to a good pace. As good as it felt, Val was sight locked as Carol released Val's now occupied pussy without losing her tongues attachment to it and spread her pussy wide open in a brazen display. Her hold dilated open obscenely, leaking fluid and ready and Kyle took his cue and lodged the head against her hole and pushed. The fat lips of Carol's pussy flared angrily as he forced his head slowly between the lips, Carol cried out but pushed back, the only thing allowing the invader to advance was the prodigious amount of fluid being secreted by her pussy until finally her channel gave and the head slipped in. Carol gave a hoarse cry and froze, dropping her head to Val's pelvis as her son pummeled into her, her cry growing as Kyle and she both pushed together and his organ slid in slowly but surely until his balls, slick and red rested against Carol's clit.

This was a space Val had never been in before and had she not been drunk and hornier than she had ever been there was no way she would have allowed it. As it was she snaked her tongue out and did some targeted lashes on Carol's clit, very aware of her son's pillar of a cock plundering the pussy very near her mouth and she could feel his balls, now tight against his body occasionally trailing over her forehead.

As if that wasn't enough Jonah was really giving it to her now, his long cock making a swift journey in and out of her and he had leaned back a bit and now the ridge of his cock was rubbing at her G-spot every time it pulled back and dragging her clit about when he thrust in. She was licking and wailing in the enclosed space created by Carol's legs and her boys thrusting nearness. It was sensory overload and she felt her orgasm rising up from the combination of all the mixed stimulation and she clamped her lips down on Carol's clit and began to suck as hard as she could.

Val tasted it then, the unmistakable flavor of dick and felt her tongue glance the swiftly invading shaft of her son and it thrilled her in a way she was not expecting and made her clamp her pussy down that much harder on Jonah's cock. Jonah gave a throaty cry and froze, his cock about half way in here as she squeezed him like a wet vice milking him through her won orgasm hoping maybe she had triggered his.

She could feel him pulsing and swell but then she felt it; a hand gripping the base of his cock no doubt forestalling his orgasm. The thought of Carol holding Jonah's cock sent a spike of lust though her and she opened her eyes and saw that Kyle too had stopped and was watching the interaction, his own cock throbbing just above her mouth.

Val made up her mind then and pushed back ever so slightly on Kyle's hips, and with an audible wet pop, his cock fell free of Carol's hole which gaped open obscenely as if fought to contract close. Val was not paying attention as she leaned her head up and latched her soft lips around the mushroom cap of Kyle's cock.

Kyle's whole body tensed and he nearly pulled away but Val reached out and grabbed hold of his ass and pulled him toward her, swallowing the whole of his cock head and swirling her tongue around it and sucking as hard as she could without hurting him. She felt like her whole body was on fire, she was doing it, she was sucking Kyles cock and it tasted so fucking good. It was at that moment when she was just getting started really sucking him off when Carol released Jonah's cock and he drove forward and set to pounding away at her.

Val opened her mouth and Kyle's cock popped free. Carol tried to back into it but Kyle had to steady her and once more feed his beast back into her hole. There was going to be no stopping now. Val could feel it, Jonah was pulsing and he was yelling out instead of moaning with each thrust. She could feel his already impressive girth begin to swell, more blood being pushed into him as his body neared the point of no return. Kyle was in the final stretch now too, he had grabbed a tight hold on Carol's flared hips and was clapping her cheeks as he beat her insides with his cock. She was tossing her head and crying out as she too knew they were in that final stage of good hard sex.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna fucking cum." She heard Jonah cry out and Val squeezed her pussy as hard as she could, bearing down as she felt him slam into her three more times and then bury himself as deep as he could and she felt his cock begin to throb and buck inside her. Val screamed out and arched her back off the bed as she felt his liquid heat pulse and throb and felt the rhythmic pressure deep inside on the wall of her cervix as the spray of his cum splashed out and coated her tunnel and his invading cock.

Kyle was not far behind, he gave a strangled cry and shoved his hips forward as he blasted Carol's insides with his cream. Val looked up and watched as the tube on the bottom of her son's cock pumped and she could see him flex as he pulsed, spewing his hot cum in Carol's depths.

"Fuck yeah baby oh god I can feel you cumming in me, it's so much!" Carol shouted out as she pressed her hips back hard into Kyle's shaft that continued to throb, his balls roiling in his tight sack as they gave up their payload.

Val was numb, she could feel her head swimming as if she was not in her body. She felt her neck muscles raise her head up and she felt her mouth open and clamp down on Carol's pussy as she squeezed her internal muscles and milked the cream from inside herself. The mix of her son's cum and Carol's pussy was like the sweetest wine to her sex addled mind. She felt the bed shake and move as Carol rolled onto her side and then her back. Her hand dropped between her legs and strummed her engorged lips and fluid leaking hole as she caught her breath beside Val.

The world around her darkened and she felt like everything was serene and muted. She managed to roll onto her side before sleep grabbed hold of her and everything went pleasantly dark.

Sometime later she awoke, her head still swimming from the alcohol and the remanence of the supreme fucking she had taken. She was laying properly on her bed, under the sheets and blankets, it was still dark outside and her bathroom light was on but her room was dark around her. Her head spun but not as it had nearly the whole time she had been engaged with Carol and the boys.

She could hear something down the hall, the sound of flesh slapping and a woman wailing and crying out in ecstasy. Val wanted to go see what was happening, see where Kyle was. Talk to him about what had happened. See how they were going to move forward. Val let herself sleep, fall away from the thoughts that were invading her now less that fully inebriated brain.

She had sucked Kyle's cock. She had felt his fleshy, hot rod on her tongue. Felt the leaking mushroom head between her lips, felt his heart beat through his organ and heard him gasp when she had dragged her tongue along the sensitive underside. Tasted his flavor on her tongue and yearned to drink him down. It went against everything she knew but she wanted him so bad and she nearly started to cry as she imagined how good it would feel to have his hands on her, his mouth and tongue.

Have him stretch her out and push deep inside of her.

Her face was wet with tears as she felt the guilt take hold but she fell back to sleep in short order and luckily didn't dream.


She woke again and the sun was still not up. Now the house was quiet, the sounds from down the hall were not present and the house was cool. She needed to pee and she rolled out of bed and the alcohol grabbed hold of her again as soon as she swung her legs down to the carpet. The room spun and she fought to keep the dinner she had eaten down. After a few steadying breaths she got up and made her way to the bathroom. As she was cleaning up she noticed the goo between her legs as she cleaned up. A flash of fear gripped her stomach.

Jonah had cum inside her.

She hadn't been on birth control in a long while. She hadn't taken the plunge back out into the dating world and knew that she would have to suffer through condoms with anyone she was with until they were together long enough to get serious and she could get and IUD or something and the real fun could begin. She hadn't even thought about it when Jonah's big organ had swelled in her depths and she felt his piping hot cream blast her insides full. But now the reality of it fell on here like a hammer.

She could be pregnant, even now. Her womb could already be full of Jonah's child just some assembly required. The thought of it was thrilling on a biological level but in a level of a responsible adult, she was so scared she nearly threw up again.

There was a sound from the bedroom door, that squeak the hinge made when it opened that she had never gotten around to having Camron fix before he got sick.

She moved to the door of the bathroom and peeked out. Kyle stood at the door of her room, the light on the far end of the hall but she could see he was framed in silhouette. He was still totally naked.

Val had seen him walk from the hall bathroom to his room in the last two weeks so and it seems since he had gone off to college he chose to forgo the towel and just run from room to room naked "Mom?" Kyle called out gently, uncertainty in his voice as he stood in the doorway, peering around the door to look at where he thought she was in the bed. She pushed the door open and stood in the threshold, backlit as she was he could see me but none of the details of her body. He turned and she could see that his thick cock began to pulse and grow a bit.

Val crossed the room slowly and came to stand before him now only feet separating their naked bodies. She could smell him, the scent of pussy and sweat but there was nothing off putting about it. It made him smell almost primal, sexual.

She felt her mouth go dry as they continued to stand in silence.

"Mom I..." Kyle tried to talk but Val reached up and put a finger against his lips. They didn't need to speak, talk would come tomorrow. Val just wanted to feel him, lay with him, feel his hands on her and see where it went.

Taking his hand in hers she led him into the dark room and over to the bed. The lamp beside her bed clicked and shed soft glow on the two of them as she sat him down on the bed and pushed him gently toward the pillows. Kyle took the hint and slid all the way up and lay propped up on her elbows, waiting to see where this would go. Val stood beside the bed and let Kyle look at her.

This time as she felt his gaze roam over her she didn't feel self-conscious at all. She felt sexy, wanted, yearned for. She was instantly soaking wet and her mouth was even dryer than before. She could tell just seeing her like this was having an effect on him also. His cock was like a thick pillar of flesh laying against his abdomen, he was licking his lips and she could see the color flushed his skin.

She needed to touch him.

She smiled at him as sexy as she could and crawled onto the bed. She felt his arms encircle her and their lips met without a word uttered. The kiss was not rushed, it was gentle, slow and sensual. She wanted him to take hold of her, throw her down, choke her, use her. That way it wouldn't make her feel so much in her heart, and more with her aching pussy.

The kiss kept on, their tongues gently stroking against one another, their lips locked together as she moaned into his mouth and he held her a bit tighter. Val's heart ached for him, she wanted him to fuck her, stop her from falling further for him and being such a gentleman, so soft and kind it only made her need him even more.

As she lay on top of her with their kiss drawing on and on, she moaned again when his strong hands grabbed hold of her sculpted ass and began to squeeze and hold it. His cock, throbbing and weeping fluid on his belly, was trapped between them. She could feel his heartbeat through it as she straddled him, the lips of her pussy depositing fluid along his length as she began to gently rock her hips as they kissed and held one another.

There was so much she wanted to say to him. Apologize to him for being a bad mother, for feeling what she felt, for needing to have him now and feel him inside her. Things a mother should never want, even though he was adopted he was still her son. But in the same breath she wanted to say some of the filthiest things to him as she rocked against his throbbing rod. Wanted to tell him she wanted him to fuck her, spank her, pull her hair. To slam her legs open and fuck every hole she had and fill her to overflowing with his cum. She wanted to suck him dry, to scream his name as he exploded against her womb. To lick and finger her tight little asshole while he pounded her senseless.

The combination of her mind filled with filth, her desire to protect and take care of him and the taboo act she needed so desperately had her quaking and groaning just from rocking against him and kissing his amazing mouth.

Val finally broke the kiss and sat back, straddling his groin and feeling him grow even thicker and harder from her pussy now splayed over his cock. She reached down and took his hands in hers and pulled them to her breasts. They were both breathing open mouthed as she continued to rock her hips, her hands atop his, kneading her tits as they watched the pleasure on each other's face.

Guiding one of his hands down her body, she gasped as she pressed his thumb against the top of her pussy and right against the engorged nub of her clit. She began to take some shuddering breaths as the pleasure built in her core, she could feel her insides pulsing and the tension building as she climbed toward orgasm, bolts of pleasure surging to every pleasure center in her body as she let go of his hands, took her hair in hers and tipped her head back and let out a choked groan that turned into a cry as her insides clamped down and her body released in orgasm, the ecstasy throbbed through her and she pressed her pussy down on his cock hard as she rode out the climax

"Mom I..." Kyle began to say but again she shushed him and propped herself up on one leg with the other extended, reaching down between her legs she took hold of the rampant cock and began to stroke it. Fuckin hell it was thick. Like the thickest cock she had ever seen easily but the head was bigger and thicker, soft and yet hard enough to pierce her folds when put to it, it was leaking a near constant stream of clear, slick precum which she used to combine with her own juices as she jerked him and began running his bulb head through her furrow, against her hole and up and over her aching clit.

Every time its spongy head made contact she had to bite her lip as not to scream out in pleasure.

Finally after she had drawn him through her pussy probably forty times she felt that she was wet enough to try to take him inside. She stopped his head its journey at the entrance to her tunnel and settled her weight over his cock, forcing the head against the opening into her depths. Had she not taken Jonah earlier that day she was sure there was no way she would get him past her lips, but she wanted him in her, needed him so as she felt her canal open and strain almost painfully against her until finally her tunnel, inundated with her juices gave up and allowed his thick head to press inside and took a tight hold of him as she sank slowly down his length.

She had to stop 3/4 of the way down his cock which felt like a pillar of warm wet flesh stabbing up inside her. She had never felt this stretched out, never this open as she ground her hips around and worked down his pole until she was finally seated fully atop him, his balls resting against her ass.

Val sat motionless and worked her Kegels around him, feeling her tunnel clench around him tightly as she pulsed her insides around him as they sat completely still and he lay his hands on her thighs. His eyes were closed and he was taking deep breaths. She could feel he was harder than steel and pulsing. It was all the buildup he was probably close to cumming. The taboo nature of their coupling was clearly working him up as it certainly was her. Just feeling him seated deep inside her, stretching her pussy to the absolute limit, the single stroke it took to get him in was almost enough to send her reeling into another orgasm.

Reaching up behind Kyle, Val pulled all the pillows and threw them off the bed until he was almost lying flat on his back. She lay forward and took her face in her hands and their lips met just as she began to grind her hips in tight circles, stirring his pole inside her and dragging it all about, pressing on every place she loved and pushing her closer and closer to cumming, she groaned and cried out into his mouth and then kissed him harder as she continued to work his cock, hoping to stretch herself out so that she could slide along his length with ease. His thickness was making that quite a feat but it felt exquisite as the ridged head scraped along her sensitive inner walls. No words passed between them as she rode him, her eyes opened even as they kissed, she wanted to watch his face as they made love.

He was holding on, trying his best not to cum and hold out for as long as he could. She rocked her hips with him as he thrust up at her, his hands pawed at her cheeks and along her back. He groaned into her mouth and dropped his hands to her hips, holding on and pulling her down into his cock as he thrust up. Her next orgasm hit her out of nowhere. It hit hard and she stopped moving and screamed into his open mouth, her pussy bearing down on his invading organ like a vise.

His moans built as she froze and clamped and pulsed atop and around him. She could feel him swelling and knew he was very very near the point of no return. She released her grip on him and sat up, feeling how soaked she was and how wide he had stretched her. It felt so glorious. She kissed his neck and licked up to his ear.

"Baby, don't hold back if you need to cum. We are gonna be at this for a while." He turned and looked her right in the eyes and there was such love and adoration there. He kissed her deeply and roughly and she groaned as she felt his strength and knew he could take her if he wanted but this was sensual, loving and passionate without being overly rough.

"Mom, I don't want this to ever end." Kyle whispered as he kissed her again. Rolling over with him he was now atop her, up on his knees as he looked down at her, adoration in his eyes, his cock still fully rooted in her depths.

She looked down between the valley of her large breasts and saw where they were connected, he was shorn bald around his cock, his skin was slick with juices, and her own mound was slick and pressed against him. He looked so fucking good between her thighs.

"Come down here baby, I want to hold you close while you fuck me." Val saw the look of ecstatic disbelief cross his face and he smiled.

"I will never get tired of hearing you say that, Jesus." Kyle said as he lay his muscular torso atop her and began to shift his hips into her. Val gave a contented groan as she began to suck on his ear and wrapped her legs around as she dug her heels into his muscular, bouncing ass.

Sitting on top of him felt good, but having him pounding into her from between her thighs felt like heaven in its purest form. She felt tears wet her cheeks as she groaned and cried out with each thrust. His pace picked up as her body finally made him slick enough that the journey of his cock was coasting along, rubbing her g-spot with each in stroke.

"Fuck me! Baby fuck just like that!" She cried out into his ear, sucking the flesh lobe as she felt her guts tighten up and begin to pulse as another orgasm roared through her and she clutched at him tightly and howled in pleasure as he kept the same pace and depth with his hips.

She could feel him begin to swell as his pace grew, she could hear his cries grow louder in the closeness of his mouth to her ears.

"Oh fuck mom I'm gonna cum so fucking hard!!" Kyle screamed, his pace slowed but the fury of his thrusts became punishing.

"I wanna feel you throb inside me, baby." Val whispered and knew that was just what he needed as he thrust himself one final time as deep as he could and warmth pulsed and spread from the depths of her and she clutched him to her as tight as she could. He groaned and cried out and shook in her arms as she felt him continue to pulse and the warmth spread within her depths.

She felt a surge of love and contentment as he thrust into her deeply three more times as his orgasm continued and finally subsided and lay his full exhausted weight atop her. Kyle tried to rise but Val held him tight to her, nestled with his head against her neck. She could feel their hearts pounding from exertion, the sweat of their hot bodies making them slick. She wanted nothing more than to fall asleep right then, his rod still mostly hard and throbbing in aftershocks within her dilated tunnel, their combined juices pooled against the opening of her cervix.

Kyle raised his eyes and he kissed her lips, he looked like he had run a mile at full speed.

"Mom, I came in you. Is it going to be ok?"

Val smiled down at him as she took his face in her hands and kissed his lips and nodded.

"It's fine baby, no matter what happens, it will be fine." And with that she pulled him close again and let fatigue take hold of her.


"Mom, I think we have a lot to talk about." Kyle stood before her as the memories finally came crashing forward on her. She saw worry in his precious features. She felt it too. The uncertainty of what would it be like for them going forward. There was no way back now, they had slept together, done things they should have never done. But Val was not sorry. There was no regret in her heart as she stood on her toes and kisses his soft lips and ran her fingers down the line of his cheek.

"We will, baby. We will. But after." Val said as she put her hand in his and turned, pulling him with her, toward her bedroom.

"After what." Kyle asked as he followed her loyally.

"After you show me what you can do with your tongue and I show you what I can do with mine." Val saw his face flush and she knew he was cheering on the inside because she certainly was. She couldn't wait to taste him, to watch him devour her, to have him take her from behind and maybe give up her ass to him if that was even possible. All the intimate things she wanted to share and this was just the beginning. She couldn't wait and knew as she shut the door and he picked her up and tossed her playfully on her soft bed that she wouldn't have to wait long.