Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2711 - NO CLOTHES SUNDAY

Chapter 2711 - NO CLOTHES SUNDAY

Late Sunday afternoon.

I'd just finished going around with the vacuum cleaner and was just tidying a few loose things when I saw it.

Dan's pen. His favorite pen. A present from our parents when he got a job promotion.


No answer.

"Dan! I found your pen!"



No answer still.

I went up to his bedroom door and knocked.

"Dan? Are you in there?"

Not a sound.

"Dan?" I said, knocking again.

I decided to go in and put it by his bed. He'd been quite upset at the thought of losing it.

I turned the handle and pushed open the door.

I'm not sure what I saw first; the laptop, the porn on the laptop, the massive and expensive headphones on my brother's head. Or maybe his naked body stretched out on his bed. Or his cock. Or his hand frantically stroking his cock.

Whichever, I silently backed out the room and shut the door behind me. I put the pen on the coffee table in the living room and went through to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water.


So I'm Sara. I'm twenty four and I share an apartment with my brother, Dan, who is twenty one.

We both have good jobs. I work in law and Dan's in finance. We used to live at home with our parents and younger sister Louise, but as our jobs are in the city center, it was quite tiring commuting every day.

Our father suggested we should get a city center apartment together. We could share it and it would be cheaper than each having our own small place and paying two lots of rent.

When he heard of the idea our Uncle Steve suggested a place in the same block where he lived. We came to have a look. It was perfect.

Fourth storey. Two bedrooms. Open plan living, dining and kitchen. Balcony overlooking the bus station and with views to the river beyond. Right in the city.

So we moved in eighteen months ago. Me and my brother.

A few rules.

Keep it tidy. Share the bills and the chores. Respect privacy.

The last one was important. Always knock on each others' door before entering. The same with the bathroom. If you bring back a boyfriend / girlfriend keep the noise down!

And it worked surprisingly well. Not that we seemed to find time for boyfriends or girlfriends.

In fact we did loads together.

We shared home cooked meals. Went out to bars and clubs together or just rented a movie and chilled at home together.

To my surprise, my brother, who I hadn't been that close to growing up, became like a best friend.

Our parents got into the habit of coming over on saturdays. We would have lunch or dinner or just spend time with them and Louise. Sometimes our eighteen year old sister Louise would call by on her own and spend time with us.

I liked nothing more than sitting out on a summers evening on our balcony. Bottle of wine. Watch the sunset. Chatting with Dan or just sitting in silence.

The only other habit that developed was that we liked to relax on sundays. No visitors. We both had stressful jobs and sunday became a sort of unofficial rest day. A bit of housework but otherwise a day for the two of us to prepare for the hectic week ahead of us.

Of course we got the occasional visitor but we soon made them feel unwelcome.

The only person who didn't get the hint was Uncle Steve. Mum's brother. Estranged brother should I say.

Steve was married to mum's best childhood friend. He cheated. They divorced. She moved away and cut all links with him and his family. So now mum and almost everyone else in the family will have nothing to do with him.

But it was Dan who bumped into him in town one day and mentioned our plans for an apartment. And it was Steve who, in one very tense phone call, told mum of this apartment.

"That's the only drawback," said mum. "Having that man as a neighbor. I bet he'll be round for a free meal every evening."

In fact he wasn't. He lived two storeys below us and we didn't see him much. He called by maybe once every two weeks to see if we were ok and catch up on family gossip. Usually on sunday!

Actually I quite liked him. He seemed lonely. Quiet. Very thoughtful towards us. Helpful. I discovered that most people in the block had only good things to say about him.

Certainly not the monster our parents painted him.

Louise had been brainwashed to absolutely hate the man.


So I continued tidying. About an hour later Dan came out of his room. He was dressed thankfully.

He cooked dinner and we chatted about our plans for the week ahead. We watched tv then headed off to our bedrooms.

But all the time I kept thinking about seeing him masturbating. I'd had lovers. I'd seen my fair share of penises, soft and hard.

There was a man at work, Gavin. Married and thirty years older than me. We had a loose arrangement which involved having sex with each other maybe three or four times a year. Just because... I can't explain it!

So seeing Dan's cock shouldn't mean anything. But it did. It was my brother's cock. And that seemed to mean something.

It seemed to stir a curiosity in me that I couldn't shake.

That night when I went to bed I came with my faithful vibrator. And during the night. And in the morning in the shower. Always thinking about Dan's cock.

We had lived together for a year and a half and there had been nothing. We had grown up and there had been nothing. No curiosity. No feelings beyond that of siblings.

Like most brothers and sisters we probably grew up thinking of the other as not being of the opposite sex, just as family. I never thought of him as sexual in the same way he never thought of me as sexual.

At work I was still not fully focussed on the job. That penis kept appearing in my head. And on monday night.

As I walked into work on tuesday I decided I needed to resolve this situation.

I sat in the canteen and spoke to Gavin, my fuck buddy and confidante. I told him what had happened on sunday and my obsession since.

"So you want to have sex with your brother?" he asked, qiuetly.

"No. No. I don't know."

"What then?"

"I'm not sure."

"What do you want to do?" he asked again, confused.

"I don't know."

"Do you want sex with him or what?" Gavin was getting irritated.

"No. At least I don't think I do. I think...I think... I just want to know if he ever thinks of me in that way."



"Does he ever look at your chest? Your ass? You know like I do?" he laughed.

I slapped him playfully.

"No. At least not that I've noticed. I don't know."

"Then test him out. Give him something to notice. Walk around in your underwear or something. See if he notices. If he isn't interested then he isn't interested. At least you'll know."

"Then what?"

"Move on. Find another cock to go mad about. Mine for example."

I smiled.

"What if he does show an interest?" I pondered.

"Then fuck him!"

"My brother? He's my brother. Ohhhh I couldn't do that. That's wrong."

Gavin threw his hands up in despair and walked off.

I sat looking out the window, lost in thought.

What I really wanted to do, all I really wanted to do, was to see my brother's cock again. That's all. I think.

I finished work and got home before Dan. I got changed to prepare for my usual tuesday evening playing tennis with my friend Jenny. I put on my shorts and sports shirt. Usual tennis clothes. But this time no bra.

Dan still wasn't home when I left. I got back about ten pm to find Dan sitting out on the balcony, drinking a beer.

"Hi, good game?" he asked.

"Good thanks. Jenny won, as usual. How was work?"

"Boring. Wanna beer?" he replied.


So I sat on the balcony as he brought me a beer. The night air was just beginning to kick in, and with it slightly cooler temperatures. I looked down at my chest and saw my nipples were erect under my shirt.

I wondered if Dan would notice.

He brought my beer and sat and chatted. After I had finished my drink I went for a shower, slightly disappointed that Dan had barely looked at me.

And yet, I thought as I showered, if he had mentioned anything about my chest I would probably have been really embarrassed.

That night I slept nude as normal, and again pleasured myself. I tried to picture Gavin's cock as I played with myself, but all I ever saw in my head was Dan's.

Wednesday morning, another little idea. After my early morning shower I left a pair of my panties and bra on the bathroom floor. Normally I would put them in the wash immediately but today I left them there.

Maybe when he went in there Dan would see them and look at them. Maybe that would awaken his awareness that I was a woman...

When I arrived home from work Dan was already home, cooking dinner. My underwear was where I had left it. Oh well.

Later I got a text from Gavin. I hadn't seen him at work today.

'How's your situation going,' it read.

I texted back, telling him what I had done, and that there had been no reaction yet.

'Keep going. May take time,' he replied.

I was too busy and tired to bother trying anything on thursday but had arranged to go out with my friend Jenny on friday.

Dan and I met for a very quick drink after work before heading home. I had a small dinner and went to get ready.

My plan had been formed during a boring day at my desk.

I 'accidentally' left my make up bag in the living room as I went for my shower. I showered, dried, then put on a quite sexy set of bra and panties.

But my make up bag wasn't in the bathroom, and I was in a hurry! Oh no!

So I took a very deep breath. Do I really want to do this? I was having doubts.

Finally, after another deep breath, I unlocked the bathroom door and hurried into the living room.

'Ah there it is! I wondered where I put it. God I'm so disorganized tonight," I said as I darted past Dan, who was sitting on the couch, reading the newspaper.

I sensed him look at me as I performed my little act. In truth it was all over in less than thirty seconds but I'm sure he would have got a good look.

On saturday morning I was still feeling brave after a large amount to drink the previous night. I woke up, put on a different set of underwear, and went to make a coffee.

To my disappointment Dan was still in bed. I had just finished pouring my cup when he appeared, sleepy and dis-shevelled, from his room. He was wearing boxers.

"Hi Dan. Coffee?"

"Mmmmmm..thanks," he mumbled.

I poured his coffee and hurried back to my room.

That went quite well. He didn't seem shocked to see me in my underwear, so maybe I can do it more often, I thought to myself.

Our parents came by late morning and took us for lunch. They hung around till early evening. Louise had been in town with her friends and was supposed to join us but she rang to say she had gone straight home.

After our parents left I opened a bottle of wine.

As we sat in the living room I had an idea. I took another deep breath and spoke.


"Huh?" he said, not really listening.

"What have you got planned for tomorrow?"

"Nothing. Usual quiet sunday. I hope. Why?"

"Do yo fancy playing a game tomorrow? A bit of fun?"

"Like what?"

"Well I know it's a bit childish, but...well...Jenny gave me the idea," I lied.

"What?" he sounded irritated now. He and Jenny didn't like each other.

"Well. What it is, right?"


"Well, tomorrow. We both have to wear just our underwear. All day. No matter what. Whoever loses their nerve first and covers up is the loser."

He didn't reply.

"The loser has to treat the winner to a lovely meal out later this week. What do you think?"

"What if we get a visitor?" he finally spoke.

"Just act normal. Like I said. Lose your nerve and you lose. Dinner at Watson's?"

Watson's was a very good seafood restaurant. Dan loved it there. We both did. I knew the idea of possibly being bought dinner there would sway him. Also Dan loved to win challenges. Especially with me.

"Deal," he shook my hand. "Underwear all day?"

"All day."

Sunday I was up first. I chose a fairly plain bra and panties and went to prepare breakfast. My plan was to change underwear throughout the day. Depending on how it was going and what Dan chose to wear.

I had about five options laid out, varying in skimpiness and sexiness.

I jumped when I heard a noise at the front door but it was just the newspaper being delivered.

Dan appeared in a pair of tight trunks. I think they're called jockey shorts. Tight. Light grey. Oh my, I thought. This is a good start.

I could see his package neatly stored away in these shorts. And a perky ass.

We sat at the table and ate breakfast together, sharing sections of the newspaper.

A knock on the door. We looked worried.

"A rule. Whoever is closest to the door has to answer it," Dan piped up.

In this case it was Dan.

He stood up and walked to the door, allowing me the chance to admire his backside again.

We have a little peephole in our front door, so you can see who is outside.

It was Carl, the eighteen year old son of one of our neighbors. He usually washes my car on a sunday morning, to earn a bit of money.

Dan came back in, fetched the car keys and the money I put aside, and returned to the front door.

"Did he see much?" I asked.

"No I kept the door mostly closed."

Another knock about an hour later. I was just coming out the bathroom so I went this time.

Mrs Davies, another neighbor. Lives downstairs. Wanted to know if I knew who owned a little black cat she had seen running about outside last night and this morning.

I shook my head, as I hid behind the door.

"So much for a quiet day," moaned Dan, as I shut the door.

We sat quietly and read for the remainder of the morning. I volunteered to make lunch but went to change first.

I chose a light blue matching set of bra and panties. A bit more revealing than my first choice.

We had a light lunch. Dan sat on the couch looking at the laptop while I took a book out to the balcony to read.

We have three reclining chairs and a small glass table out there. The panelling to the front is glass, with wood panels to either side. There is nothing to the right but to the left is another balcony, belonging to a fairly miserable middle aged couple, the Johnsons.

They are quite nosey, and also like to complain if we make noise out there. According to them, talking is noisy.

As I lay out there, reading my book, I sensed I was being watched. Sure enough, as I looked through my sunglasses there was Mr Johnson, peeking over, looking at me. As soon as he saw me look back he disappeared. Dirty old man.

It had got to about three in the afternoon. I was just contemplating a short sleep when we heard a knock on the door.

"For fucks sake! What now?" Dan cursed.

He went to the door.

"Uncle Steve!" he said, looking through the peep hole. "What should I do?"

"Let him in," I replied.

"Hi Steve!" said Dan.

Steve seemed bemused at the sight of his nephew in a pair of trunks.

"Hey...err...Dan. Ok?"

I appeared from the balcony in my bra and panties, confusing my uncle even more. He stood for a moment, mouth open in shock.

"Hey Steve."


"Drink?" I asked.

"Yes please. Am I interrupting some strange ceremony here?" he finally asked.

We explained it was a game we were playing, including the prize or forfeit, depending on the winner.

He seemed to understand and be ok with it. Like I said I think he is alright really.

He was there for about an hour when another knock interrupted our afternoon.

"Louise!!" I called, looking through the spy hole.

Panic took over. We had both agreed that if family appeared we would have to declare the game over. So we quickly grabbed anything to make ourselves appear decent.

Louise was more concerned by the presence of Uncle Steve, than by mine and Dan's appearance.

"What's he doing here?" she shouted.

"Louise, be nice," I said.

"Tell him to go and I will."

"Louise. This is our home and Steve is our guest. So are you. Be polite and show respect in our home or go away," said Dan.

Dan and Louise were very close. She adored him and so when he scolded her like that it would clearly have an effect.

"Sorry," she slowly said, quietly.

"No it's ok. I'll go now. I've outstayed my welcome," Steve said, heading for the door.

We both told off Louise after he had left. She stayed till about six pm.

We had dinner, watched tv before bedtime.

On monday, Dan had left for work before I awoke. He quite often started early on a monday.

I got up and walked around naked for a while. I tried to work out if the underwear day had ben a success or not.

I told Gavin about it. He was clearly excited about the idea of me wearing so little all day! His advice was to take it just a little bit further.

"Just a bit more sexy underwear. Don't over do it. A bit at a time," he suggested.

On wednesday morning I woke up. I thought I heard Dan leave for work so I got out of bed. I pulled on a pair of panties and walked topless into the kitchen.

I was making some toast, sipping on my coffee, when Dan's bedroom door opened and he emerged into the living area. He was wearing boxers.

"Shit!" I thought to myself.

"Morning," he said, either not noticing, or pretending not to notice that I was only wearing panties. I kept my back to him.

"Coffee?" I asked, deciding that acting normally was the best course of action.

"Yes please."

Thirty seconds of silence passed, seeming like forever. I sensed him walking up behind me. My heart started pounding in my chest.

Dan stood right behind me. Right behind. Suddenly his hands shot round my sides and settled on my bare breasts. He gently fondled and squeezed my tits, saying nothing.

I felt his cock stiffen as it pressed through his shorts against my ass.

I moved my hand back and onto his bulge. I slid my fingers inside his shorts and around his erect cock, and began stroking him.

I pushed my head back as he started to kiss my neck. We were startled by the toast popping out of the toaster and waking us from our trance.

"We'd better stop...before something happens, " Dan said, moving away. I covered my chest with my hands and hurried to my room. I put on a shirt and came back.

We sat in silence for a while before I spoke.

"I think Uncle Steve was enjoying checking me out on sunday," I joked, trying to lighten the tension.

"Well why not? He probably doesn't see many attractive girls."

I blushed as Dan got up and went to dress for work.

The rest of the week was busy and I think we both wanted to give each other space.

After mum, dad and Louise left on saturday, Dan looked at me.

"Same again tomorrow?" he asked.


"Underwear all day? I still want my dinner at Watson's."

"Yes if you want."

"I do. Tell you what. Let's make it more interesting," he suggested.

"What? How?"



"Yes. Naked. All day. What do you think?" he asked.

"I will if you will," I replied.

He headed off to his room. Ok then. See you in the morning. Don't trick me now. Naked?"

"Ok," I stammered, excited but nervous.

No clothes sunday...

I woke up on sunday morning full of doubts.

I climbed out of bed and looked at my naked body in the mirror. Medium everything. Medium height, medium weight, medium ass and medium, maybe small-ish, breasts. Would Dan look at me and be unimpressed.

I know we had a bit of a fondle on wednesday morning but he had stopped it. What if he changed his mind this morning?

I quietly opened my door and checked the coast was clear. No sign of my brother. I rushed to the bathroom and showered. I went back to my room and sprayed my best body spray on.

Then I heard the paper being delivered so I went to get that then went to the living room.I made a coffee and sat at the table, reading the paper. It seemed a bit cool outside today, and my nude body was covered in goosebumps.

As I drank my coffee and read the paper I began to relax. Then I heard Dan's door open. If he's not naked...

He seemed to take forever to appear at the living room door. Finally he appeared. We stared at each other.

"Oh thank fuck for that!" he exclaimed.

"Oh god!" I responded.

"I was convinced you were gonna be sitting there with clothes on!"

"I know how you feel. I was sure you'd come out and say you'd changed your mind," I said, relieved at seeing him nude.

I took a moment to take in the sight of his bare cock. It was soft and swinging freely as he walked in, but as we talked it was stiffening slightly. He followed my eyes.

"I'll go and do my breakfast," he said, hurrying into the kitchen area.

We sat at the table, sharing sections of the newspaper, and just chatting.

As the minutes passed, we both grew more comfortable with our nakedness. I found myself talking to my brother again, rather than ogling some naked man. The same for him.

"One thing though," he said. "What about visitors?"

"Same as last week. Whoever's nearest. If it's family, game over, yes?" I suggested.

"What about Steve?" asked Dan.

"Don't know. Ignore it? Or let him in?"

"Up to you. He may not come round."

"Oh he'll come round all right. After last week he'll be hoping to perv on me in my underwear again."

"He'll see a lot more this week then," laughed Dan.

"I'll let him in then!" I replied, feeling playful.

The only visitor that morning was Carl from next door to clean the car. I had prepared for him calling by putting the money and keys right behind the door. All I had to do was put an arm round the door and hand them to him, revealing nothing.

We had a light lunch. Dan read a book and watched a bit of tv. It was a shame the weather wasn't better as I would have liked to sit on the balcony.

After lunch I began to catch up on some work I had to do for my job. A bit of research. Boring. I spread my stuff over the table and began reading and making notes.

At about four there was a knock on the door. Dan had just come off the phone after speaking to a friend, and had just gone to the toilet.

"Shit," I thought. "Steve, what should I do?"

I got up and went to the front door. Peeping through, I could indeed see Uncle Steve.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. As soon as I opened it I turned and walked back towards the living room.

"Hi Uncle Steve. Ok?" I asked, feeling his eyes staring at my ass.

"Uh...uh...yes..sure. Are you ok?" he stuttered, clearly lost for words.

I sat down at the table and tried to carry on with my work.

"Just catching up on a bit of research for a case I'm working on. Nothing exciting. Dan will be here in a moment."

Dan duly appeared, as naked as I was. Steve just stared at him, then finally smiled.

"Oh I get it. A new challenge?"

"That's right. A bit more difficult than last week. Beer?" said Dan.

Steve nodded. Dan hurried to the kitchen and got a beer. He passed it to our uncle over the worktop and stayed in the kitchen as they chatted. Steve's eyes kept going back to my tits, no matter how hard he tried not to look.

He stayed for about an hour.

"Steve I don't want to send you away but I've got to get on with this work," I finally interrupted.

After Steve had gone Dan began to prepare dinner.

We ate, then I opened a bottle of wine as we sat down on the couch. Still naked, but not too close to each other.



"I noticed when Steve was here you stayed in the kitchen?"

"Did I?"

"Yes. Were you a bit shy to show Steve your little boy?"

"Little boy?"

"You know. That," I said pointing to his thing.

"Oh. Sort of I suppose."


"Well. I don't know if I should say this but..."

"Go on."

"Well, when Steve came in and I realised he could see your naked body it seemed kind of wrong."


"You know, naughty."

"Oh ok."

"Well that sort of turned me on. Him seeing you like that. Kind of perverted," he said, trying to laugh.

"Oh I get it," I replied. Then a moment of realization.

"Oh I see. I understand. You got an erection?" I smiled.

He nodded. I also noticed that he was getting another erection now.

"Like that?" I asked, pointing at his twitching cock.

He started to turn away in embarrassment.

"Sorry. No it's ok. Honestly," I said.

He turned further away.

"Do you need to take care of it?"

"What you mean like when I was a teenager? Rush off to my room and whack one off?" he was laughing now.

I laughed and nodded.

"We could, you know, do it together. Masturbate,I mean," I suggested.

He looked at me, shocked.

"Well you know. Here we are naked together. We've nothing else to hide. I'm feeling fucking horny right now and I guess looking at your little soldier there you're the same way."

He smiled.

"It's up to you," he said.

I put my hand between my legs and slid a finger across my smooth pussy lips. He watched as I toyed with my entrance.

He finally touched his cock, then wrapped his right hand around it and began stroking. Slowly at first.

I inserted my finger and began to play more firmly.

We both sat there, jacking off together. His stroking got faster as he got more confident. Feeling braver I leaned back and opened my legs really wide, frantically rubbing myself.

I began to moan.

"Ohhhhh...yes...oh...that's it...oh my god..."

Dan moaned softly as he shot a load of his cum out onto his leg and stomach. I watched as his cock twitched as the last drops of semen came out.

Shortly after my own orgasm hit. Dan watched as my finger plunged deeper and faster into my vagina. The soft folds of flesh glistening with moistness.

I came ferociously, moaning loudly, then resting my head on his shoulder. I was sweating.

I stood up and went across to the kitchen. I grabbed a handful of tissues and brought them back to my brother so he could clean up his mess.

"Thanks. Shower time I think," he said quietly.

I nodded.

"You first?" he suggested.

I stood up and went to the shower.

So that was the end of our first no clothes sunday. The first of many, I hoped...


On monday morning I was woken by sounds from the kitchen.

I stumbled out of bed, wrapped a gown around myself and went out of my room.

My brother Dan was there.

"Hi! Morning! Gotta rush..." he said.

"Morning," I mumbled.

"There's fresh coffee. See you this evening."With that he left for work.

My morning was a blur. I kept thinking about the day before. In particular, the evening before. Sitting on the couch, masturbating with Dan.

I avoided Gavin, my work colleague, and the only one who had the faintest idea that I was sexually interested in my brother.

At lunchtime I received a text from Dan saying that he had a training course on wednesday and thursday and would be away for the night.

On the way home that evening I bumped into Uncle Steve just outside our building. For some reason I mentioned that Dan would be away on wednesday night and invited him round for a meal.

I have no idea why I did this. I didn't really think it through and regretted it immediately. Of course he accepted the invitation.

Dan was at home cooking dinner when I got in. I told him about my offer to Steve and my doubts.

"Good luck with that then," he laughed.

At the dinner table we chatted about our work day before sitting on the couch and opening a bottle of red wine.

As we relaxed I had the feeling my brother wanted to say something but was hesitant. Finally he spoke...

"I can't believe what we did last night!" he said, laughing.

"What? You mean...?"

"Yes. Crazy!" he said, shaking his head.

"In a good way or a bad way crazy?" I asked, unsure whether he regretted it.

"Oh a good way. I loved it. It's just, you know, we're brother and sister. Mad."

"Yes it was really. Imagine what mum would say!" I joked.

"Don't! She'd go mental."

"Still. No harm done. No one died or anything," I commented, my mouth half on my wine glass.

"Suppose. I mean we are both single. Rather than hiding in our bedrooms hoping the other one won't hear we could do it together," he suggested, much to my surprise.

"What? You'd do that again?" I asked.

"Uh huh. Why not? If we're both horny single people why not get rid of our frustrations together like that? Better than me sneeking off to my room whenever I feel like banging one off."

"So romantic, little brother."

"Sorry, just a phrase. What do you reckon though?"

"Could do," I was thinking out loud.

A few minutes and a few sips of wine passed.

"Dan?" I whispered.

"Mmmm.." he sort of replied.

"I'm feling a know...right now."


I nodded.

"Do you want to?" he asked, nodding at my crotch area.


"That's good because I would love to do that as well," he laughed.

I smiled, as I began to unbutton my work shirt.

Within a minute we were both naked, side by side on the couch. I took one more gulp of wine, put my glass aside and slipped my hand towards my stomach.

I spread my legs and touched myself in between my legs. Dan wrapped his hand around his shaft.

For about two minutes we sat there playing with ourselves. Then Dan spoke.


"What?" I looked at his face, puzzled.

"Would it be more exciting if you did me and I did you? I mean would you want to?" he asked nervously.

"What? You do what I'm doing and I...?"

He nodded.

"Ok." I tried to remain calm, not too excited but I really wanted to feel his cock again.

Slowly he reached across to my leg. He placed his left hand on top of my right leg, then carefully edged it inwards.

I moved my hand out the way as he reached the space between my legs. His hand rested on the slit. Then very carefully he extended a finger and slipped in between the fleshy folds.

My right hand moved across to his lap then I wrapped it around his erect cock for only the second time in my life. The first had been less than a week ago.

We were both slow and gentle at first, but became more confident as the minutes passed. My stroking found a rhythm and his finger probed more deeply, exploring and teasing my cunt.

I sensed his body tense up and his cock began to twitch. His breathing was heavier then suddenly a jet of fluid came out of his tip and onto my fingers. Then more jets followed, getting more powerful, sending his sperm out onto his legs and stomach.

I smiled. I let go of his penis and wiped his cum over my tits.

Then my own orgasm began to rise deep inside me.

My breathing was hard and fast, matching the movement of his finger. My chest rose and fell rapidly. I began to moan, quietly at first, then louder and louder.

I gripped the edge of the couch tightly as I came, rocking my pussy against his hand. Beads of sweat formed on my whole body, making me shiver gently.

Finally my body relaxed. It was over. I leaned back into the couch and looked at him. His face and his now softening cock. My brother.

We had made each other cum.

We sat quietly for at least five minutes before one of us had the strength to speak.

"Shower?" I suggested.

"Together?" he asked.

I nodded and, standing up, I led him towards the bathroom.

After our shower we went to our separate rooms to dress. Shorts and a vest for me.

I tidied up then went back to my room to read.


On tuesday evening I went out with my friend Jenny, so didn't see much of Dan, who was busy packing for his work trip when I came home.

On wednesday morning we sat together and ate breakfast before work.

"So, are you looking forward to your work trip then?" I asked. I knew he hated these things.

He shook his head, then laughed.

"At least you won't be spending the evening with Uncle Steve," I assured him.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Why did you invite him?"

"No idea. I don't know what I was thinking. I just sort of said it and then..." I complained.

"What are you cooking him?"

"Salmon. Cheesecake for afters."

"Hopefully he won't stay too long," said my brother.

"Hope to get the meal over and done with as quick as possible."

"What will you talk about? I mean he's ok but..."

"Usual I expect. Him moaning about how mum won't talk to him. I'll just listen and try to express understanding."

We looked at each other seriously for a moment then just collapsed into fits of laughter.

At work I was trapped by Gavin in the canteen at lunchtime.

"So any news on your brother situation?" he asked.

"Shhhhh. It's a secret you know. It's not the kind of thing I want people gossipping about. Like I've got some mad desire to see my brother's cock. Between you and me. Ok?"

"Sure. Sorry. What's the latest?"

Gavin really was a lovely guy. Even if we didn't have a little sexual 'situation' going on between us, he is so caring. I found it hard to be angry with him.

"Well you know we spent the whole day in our underwear the other sunday?" I reminded him.

"Mmmmmmm...I'm just remembering now. Hot!"

"Steady. Well, we did the same this sunday just gone."

"Ok. Is this a regular thing then?"

"Anyway, listen, there's more. After lunch we agreed to spend the rest of the day naked."

"Naked? Oh my god!"

I knew I was being economical with the truth but I figured that if I told Gavin little bits it would fire his imagination. Besides, I enjoyed sharing this with him.

"Naked. Totally," I nodded in confirmation.

"And did you?"

"Did we what?" I asked.

"Spend the day naked?"

"Yes. Totally. It was crazy."

"Did...erm...did anything happen?" he asked.

"God no. We just walked around naked. Doing our own stuff. It seemed quite natural after a while," I lied.

"Didn't you get a bit turned on? Didn't he?"

"Probably at first. But it seemed quite normal, you know."

Gavin looked at his watch and rushed off, late back from his lunch break.

"We must go for a drink after work soon. Tell me more," he hurried away, smiling to me.

I arrived home and set about cooking dinner for me and Uncle Steve.

There was a knock on the door just before seven thirty. Bang on time. I groaned quietly then went to answer it.

Bless him, Uncle Steve had made a real effort.

He brought with him a lovely bunch of flowers a bottle of wine. More delightful was that he was looking smart. He's not someone who appears in smart clothes very often.

We chatted in the kitchen while I finished off cooking, then sat down to eat.

And to my surprise and relief it was a really enjoyable evening. Steve was charming, interesting and didn't spend the whole time talking about his marriage break up or my mother, his sister.

I found myself listening intently to his stories and jokes.

After dinner, he insisted on washing up. Then I opened up the bottle of red wine he had brought with him and took it over to the couch. We sat down together. He told me some of the gossip he knew about the other residents in our apartment block.

I found myself bent over in laughter on several occasions as he told me all the rumors.

I mentioned our neighbors and how I had caught the man spying on me as I lay on the balcony.

"Oh yes. Mr Johnson. No one really likes him. What were you wearing?" he asked.

"It was that sunday we just wore underwear. Bra and panties, I think."

"Oh well you can't really blame him. Most men would have stared," he said.

An awkward silence. The first of the evening.

"Can I asked you something?" Steve said quietly.

"Of course."

"Well I hope you don't mind me asking this. I mean I don't want to say something stupid. You know."

"What is it, Uncle Steve?"

"Well, I mean, please don't get angry or anything, but I mean it's a natural question after what I saw. But..." he struggled to get the question out.

"...Is there something going on between me and my brother? You want to say," I finished for him.

"Well...erm...yes. I mean, you were both naked, you know." He seemed really uncomfortable.

"It's ok. It's a natural thought to think. I know it looked odd, us both being naked."

He was relieved I wasn't mad at him.

"Well, no there's nothing going on. It was just a bit of fun. A challenge. And besides it just removes any awkwardness. You know. Two adults sharing a place together."

He nodded.

"There's bound to be the odd embarrassing moment. Bumping into each other while getting dressed. Passing on the way to and from the shower. Stuff like that. This gets rid of that."

He nodded again.

"We were just having a bit of fun. Anyway I couldn't do that with anyone else like another man. It would only lead to one thing. But at least I know with my brother that's not going to happen.

"Ok, sorry."

"So, no there is nothing going on. Don't worry."

Silence. Again.

I took another sip of wine.

"Did you like seeing me naked?" I teased him.

I saw him blush.

"Well...well...well...I suppose."

"You suppose!? Thanks!" I continued to tease.

"Well. Yes. You have a lovely body. And it's been a long time since I saw a naked lady. Especially a pretty young lady."

He seemed very uncomfortable.

"Thanks," I said, kissing him on the cheek.

More silence.

Then I stood up.

"Back in a minute," I said, as I headed out the room.

I went to my bedroom, looked at myself in the mirror, then took a massive intake of air as I removed all my clothes.

I slowly opened my bedroom door then strolled across the hallway. I gently pushed open the living room door. I took another deep breath then stepped forward.

Steve's eyes and mouth opened fully at the same time as he took in the sight of my nudity.

"Do you remember this?" I purred.

He nodded as I moved closer. I sat down on the couch beside him. Within seconds he was sucking on my titties.

I started to moan as he worked my breasts with his mouth, then I felt his trousers and found his swollen cock.

He undressed then lay down on the couch. I climbed on top of him and rubbed his chest before lowering my vagina onto his stiff member.

I gasped as I felt him thrust inside me, his hands round my hips. He reached up to suck my tits some more. We fucked in this position before I climbed off.

I told him to sit normally on the couch and then climbed on him again with my back to him. I rose and fell on his shaft until I felt my orgasm coming through.

He came seconds before I did, his semen shooting into my cunt before some spilled out onto my legs.

We sat quietly for a while, me still on his lap, with his cock resting soft and sticky between me.

Minutes passed before I moved to sit alongside him.

"Mmmmm, that was fun," I whispered.

"Thanks, " he said.

We sat in silence for about ten minutes.

"Better not tell anybody about this. Our secret," I mumbled.

"Definitely," he replied.

"My mum would kill you, that's for sure," I smiled.

He laughed.

"You know, when you invited me I did sort of wonder if this might happen. Don't know why. Maybe I was hoping," he told me.

"You mean you were hoping to fuck your niece when you arrived?" I began teasing him again.

"Sort of. Is that bad? I mean you are my niece, like you say."

"Don't worry. It was me who started it."

We dressed then I gave him a kiss as he headed back to his own apartment. As I showered I looked back on the evening, amazed at what I had done.

The next few days were an anti climax as my time of the month arrived, meaning that Dan and I would have to miss our regular sunday fun. I did offer to jerk him off if he wanted but he refused saying it wouldn't be fair on me.

Steve kept a very low profile. Dan asked how my evening with him went and I told him it had gone surprisingly well without telling the whole story.

The next week passed quietly until I received a text from Dan on thursday lunchtime.



I did mind. I wasn't as close to our younger sister as Dan was and knew she could wrap him round her finger.

So I got home on thursday to find Dan and Louise curled up together on the couch playing on the xbox.

My mood wasn't further improved by Dan telling me he was going out with his friends on saturday evening. No time alone with my brother.

I was ready to resume my games with Dan by thursday evening but it wasn't going to happen with our little sister about. I felt it wrong to even mention to Dan with her in the apartment.

I was mildly surprised to come home on friday evening to find Louise had cooked dinner for us and done loads of tidying.

Later in the evening she sat on the couch while Dan and I had an armchair each as we watched tv. I got up to change into my nightwear, which was a white sleeveless top and stripy shorts.

Dan followed in a short while, coming back into the living room in just a pair of boxers.

As I went to the kitchen to pour a beer he came up to me.

"I want to play tonight. What about you?" he whispered so Louise couldn't hear.

"Yes please. But what about her?" I replied, nodding in the direction of our sister.

He shrugged.

About twenty minutes later our prayers were answered when she announced she was going for a shower.

Within seconds of Louise leaving the room Dan and I were sitting side by side on the couch. I lifted my top quickly to show him my tits, then I reached into his boxers and wrapped my fingers around his stiffening cock.

He was just about to put his hand to my shorts when our little sister burst back in.

"Is there a spare towel anywhere?" she asked, looking at us.

"Look in my room, on the chair nearest the door," I replied, staring straight into her eyes.

"Thanks," she turned away as quickly as she had come in.

She must have seen my hand in our brother's shorts. She must have thought it odd that we were sitting together on the couch so soon after she left.

No matter. I returned to the important task of jerking off Dan. In fact I felt so disinterested in whether Louise would catch us I pulled my shorts to my knees to give Dan better access.

We proceeded to pleasure each other while our sister was in the shower. When Dan came I went to the kitchen to get some tissues for him to clean up, then let him carry on with me until I also came.

We had just finished and adjusted our clothing when Louise came in, wrapped only in a towel.

She sat on the armchair opposite us, chatting away about nothing in particular.

Half an hour passed, with us talking in between watching tv. Dan and I on the couch, him in just boxers. Me in a vest and shorts. Louise on the armchair, in a towel.

"Bed soon, I think," she yawned.

Dan went to his room to fetch her pillow and sheet, placing them on the couch while I went to clean my teeth.

I had only been gone two minutes but when I came back Louise was in her 'bed' wearing a tee shirt while Dan was picking her towel off the floor.

We went to our own rooms. I was looking forward to the weekend.

Saturday morning was hot and sunny, as the last few days had been, only hotter. Summer was here at last. Dan and I had to go to do some food shopping, so we left Louise to tidy up and get her stuff ready for when mum and dad came later.

When we got back we couldn't see Louise at first but then we saw she was sunbathing on our balcony.

Wearing one of my bikinis!

"Hey Lou, all ok?" asked Dan.

"Fine thanks. Sorry Sara I hope you don't mind me borrowing your stuff. I didn't think to bring my own."

I smiled at her, a weary smile. Whatever.

I unpacked the shopping while Dan went to have a shower. He came out wearing a pair of shorts. So I went off to change and came out in another of my bikinis.

Dan got some drinks and we all sat down on the balcony.

I noticed that my bikini top was a bit loose on Louise as she hadn't quite filled out yet. She was developing quite a nice body though.

We spent the morning out there, then had some lunch, and returned to our sunbathing until our parents arrived.

After they had gone home with Louise, Dan went off to get ready for his night out. He left about half seven.

Although I was originally pissed at Dan going out I had changed my mind. I had recorded a couple of tv shows during the week and now fancied a bit of 'me' time alone. I planned to curl up on the couch with a bottle of wine and some chocolates and watch my shows.

I had just changed into a baggy pair of jogging pants and a loose fitting top when there was a knock on the door.

"Fuck. Now what?" I whispered to myself.

I looked through the spy hole and saw Uncle Steve outside.

"Hi Steve," I said wearily as I opened the door.

"Hey Sara. I bumped into Dan outside and he mentioned he was going out for the evening."

"So you thought you would check I wasn't feeling lonely?" I said sarcastically.

"That's right," he smiled.

"How sweet of you," I said through gritted teet.

He came in and sat down.

"Beer? Or did you come for something else?" I asked, turning off the tv.

"Beer's good. Unless some of that wine is going spare."

"You can have some of that after."

"After what?" he asked, confused.

"After we've had sex. I assume that's what you want."

"Sara, I wouldn't be so..."

"So obvious. It's ok I don't mind. Come on, let's go to my bedroom."

We went into the bedroom. I pulled off my top then my jogging pants. I didn't have any underwear on. I climbed onto my bed.

I knelt on my hands and knees, inviting my uncle to take me from behind! He stripped off and climbed on the bed behind me.

With one firm thrust he penetrated my pussy. I gasped at his roughness.

He grabbed my tits and rubbed them hard as he pumped me.

I was enjoying his somewhat rough treatment.

"Yes that's it. Treat me bad. I've been a bad girl," I purred.

He continued to pump me hard, then he spanked my ass a couple of times.

'Mmmmmm, ohh, yes. More. Make me scream! Harder! Harder!"

He thrust more powerfully than ever into my cunt.

"Fuck!! Fuck your bad girl! Your naughty little niece! Ohhhhh!"

He took hold of my hips and as he pulled his cock out he threw me round onto my back. Then he tightly held my wrists down on the bed and began sucking my titties.

"You naughty girl. You let your panties down. I'm going to punish you, my bad little niece!"

"OHHHH!! OH MY GOD!!" I screamed as he thrust his cock back inside me.

He was biting on my nipples ans pushing further into my juicy but sore cunt.

"OHHHHHHHHG!" I screamed.


Finally I could take no more as my orgasm hit me like a freight train.

He continued to pound into me, shutting me up by roughly kissing my mouth. Then he sank down as his cum exploded into me.

We lay silently for minutes as our chests rose and fell with our breathing.

Then he looked at me as I began laughing.

"That was wild. That was the best," I panted.

"You're a bit mad aren't you?" he asked.

"Sorry I like it rough," I said looking slightly embarrassed.

"Don't apologise."

"Next time you can fuck me up the ass. I love that."

"My god Sara. I can't believe I'm hearing my niece say that!" he laughed.

"You can't talk, Mr Niece-Fucker!" I playfully slapped at him.

We lay down on the bed together and were soon fast asleep.

I woke up and looked at the clock. Twelve twenty. Dan normally got home from one of his nights out at about one in the morning.

I looked at my naked uncle. I studied his body. Not bad for a man in his late forties.

I began playing with his cock and when it began to thicken I leaned down and started to suck it.

Steve woke up to find me giving him a blow job. If he tried to protest he was very weak and it wasn't long before he came, his juices flowing down my throat.

Soon after we sprang to life. He dressed and left, while I tidied the apartment and sprayed air freshener everywhere. I went back to bed and promptly fell asleep.

I didn't hear Dan come home.

I woke up on sunday morning and thought about last night with my uncle Steve. I was still naked and began to masturbate. And today was Sunday so I assumed Dan and I were going to have another nude day together, and hopefully masturbate together.

My orgasm was intense, and shortly after, I climbed out of bed and headed for the kitchen, still naked. Well no point in putting clothes on today.

I didn't notice the piece of paper on the floor just inside my door. Nor the sleeping figure on the couch.

I got to the kitchen and put the kettle on. After standing there watching it boil for five minutes I made myself a cup of coffee.

Then I turned round and saw Dan's friend Rob lying on the couch staring at me. At my naked body.

I was stunned for a moment then I composed myself.

"Morning Rob. Back in a minute," I said as I walked past him and headed back to my room.

I put on a gown and went back out.

I made him a coffee and sat down at the table and chatted with him for about half an hour or so.

Of all my brother's friends, Rob is the only one, the only one, I can honestly say that I have ever fancied. And typically he's the only one that's married, with two children!

Then Dan appeared, wearing his tight jockey briefs that I first saw on our first 'underwear' only sunday.

"Morning sis. You got my note I see," he said.

"Note. Oh yes," I nodded.

We all chatted for a while then Rob left. I went to my room and found the note:




Ah, the note.

Before long Dan and I were sitting naked side by side on the couch. He told me about his night out. We laughed as I confessed that I hadn't seen his note and had given Rob a nice sunday morning surprise.

I obviously didn't mention my night with uncle Steve, insisting that instead I had a quiet night watching tv.

We cuddled up on the couch reading the sunday newspaper.

"I suppose Uncle Steve will make his usual appearance later, " mumbled Dan.

"Actually I don't think he will today," I replied.

"We'll see," said Dan.

I was just about to get up and make us some lunch when Dan suggested we could have a quick jerking session together.

As his finger probed my cunt I realized I had not had a shower since before our uncle had unloaded his cum into me, and before I had cum again in my bed that morning.

If only Dan knew.

We had a quiet afternoon. No visitors!

After dinner we ventured out onto the balcony. Still naked. I thought it would be nice to enjoy the evening sun with a bottle of wine and a bit of risk taking. We couldn't be sure Mr Johnson or his wife wouldn't look over and see us.

They knew we were brother and sister so I can't imagine what they would think if they saw us lying naked together on the balcony.

Although I didn't want anyone to know what Dan and I were doing I must admit the risk and danger thrilled me. I liked the idea of being seen naked.

I had been turned on when Dan first saw me, and I realise now that it had also been a turn on when Uncle Steve and then Rob had seen me.

I also enjoyed playing with Dan on the couch on friday night knowing our little sister could come in at any moment and catch us.

I don't know about Dan but I got more and more horny with every risk we took.

So we went out onto the balcony. Not only could we be seen if our elderly neighbors looked over, but also people down at the bus station could see us. If they had good eyesight. Or binoculars!

As we drank our wine we talked about work, then about work colleagues. I asked Dan if there was anyone at work he fancied, and he asked me the same. He didn't know about Gavin. No one did.

As our conversation continued he began to get an erection. I teased him about this and asked if he wanted to play again.

"Inside, don't you think?" he suggested.

Instead I stood up and moved towards his seat.

I bent down as if I was about to touch his cock, but this time I moved my head down and began to lick it.

My little brother's cock! It was such a great feeling. Running my tongue up and down his erect shaft.

My little brother! Who I had walked to school with all those years ago. Whose hand I held when we were small children. Who I had read stories to and taught to catch and kick a ball.

And now I was licking his cock. I lowered my mouth onto it and took it into my mouth. A bit at first and then a bit more, a bit more, until its full length was in my my mouth.

Dan moaned and pulled my hair as my lips carressed his hard pole and my tongue teased his balls.

He moaned some more, then louder, as his orgasm shot up his cock and into my mouth. With his seed still running around my mouth I kissed him, his tongue inside, battling my tongue, and tasting his own cum.

I sat in front of him, and used my fingers to open my cunt lips, showing him the full opening of my vagina. I teased my fingers around then plunged them in and began to masturbate.

He watched as I got closer and closer to cumming.

Then I finally came, and lay down beside him, until the night air cooled down so much that we had to go inside.

"Next time you can eat me out if you want," I said as we headed indoors.

"Little brother."


The hot weather showed no sign of leaving us. On Monday I arrived home after a sweltering day at work and headed straight for the shower.

I put on a bikini, prepared a salad for dinner then went out onto the balcony with a good book and an even better bottle of wine.

I'd not been there long when Dan came in from work. He also had a shower but amazed me by coming out onto the balcony afterwards completely naked.

I looked at him, in shock.

"Well what's the point? It's so hot. Nothing you haven't seen already," he explained.

I stood up, removed my bikini and headed indoors to collect our dinner.

There we sat on our balcony, nude, eating our dinner and sharing a bottle of wine. We ate in silence mostly.

We finished eating then sat and talked for a while, only to hear voices on next door's balcony.

I was about to rush in and put on some clothes but looked at Dan, who winked at me. So we remained out there.

About fifteen minutes later the phone rang. Dan went in to answer it and I guessed by over hearing him talk that it was his friend Rob. I lay back and read my book.

It wasn't long before I became aware of being watched, and sure enough, out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mr Johnson, our neighbor, spying on me over the wall.

I tried to act normally as if he wasn't there, but I must admit I was getting a bit turned on, knowing he could see me.

Dan re-appeared and I can only imagine Mr Johnson's state of mind the next time he looked over and saw the two of us there, both nude. He knew we were brother and sister.

I heard his wife's voice so I guess he went back indoors. Now very horny from being seen I moved across to my brother's reclining chair.

"In the mood?" I purred as I sat across him.

"Mmmmmmm... who could say no?" he asked, smiling.

I lowered my mouth to his still soft cock and began licking it along its length until it was fully erect.

Then I took him in my mouth and began to suck him.

"Remember last night? What you said?" he moaned in pleasure.

"I do," I replied, lifting my head.

I shifted round so my back faced him, then moved backwards till my vagina was over his head. Then I lowered my head again so I could continue giving him a blow job.

He immediately took up my invitation and raised his mouth to my cunt, his tongue sinking into my waiting lips.

I moaned as he licked my pussy, my mouth wrapped around his shiny cock.

At that moment something caught my eye and I glanced up to see our neighbor staring at us over the balcony wall.

This turned me on even more and I opened my mouth more so I could take in the whole of my brother's shaft.

I don't know how long Mr Johnson was watching us for, but I know that when I shuddered to my third orgasm, and with my mouth full of cum, he wasn't there when I looked up.

I turned round and fell onto Dan, kissing him firmly on the lips and letting him taste his own cum.

We lay side by side on the chair for ages. Just holding each other. Listening to our breathing and feeling our chests rise and fall with the beat of our hearts.

I lazily stroked his cock as he gently toyed with my nipples with his finger tips.

His cock was soon erect again.

"My god, you're keen!" I joked.

I straddled him, lowering my pussy towards his cock.

As the tip of his penis touched my vaginal lips he hesitated.

"No, no sex. We can't," he whispered.

"I know, it's ok. Just go along with what I do," I tried to take charge and reassure him.

"I won't fuck you. It's too much," he again protested.

"Just trust me, " I said, putting a finger to my lips to silence him.

I rubbed the entrance to my pussy along the length of his shaft.

"See, no penetration," I smiled.

"I know but..."

"This is no worse than what we've already done," I said.

With that I pushed his arms back behind his head and held them firmly, as my pussy lips continued to grind his cock.

This was enough for me. I came twice more, and I guess it was enough for him as cum shot out of his penis and onto my stomach, legs and my open cunt lips.

"See, no harm done. Not sex, but enough," I whispered, kissing him.

"I suppose. That was hot," he laughed.

"I think it's best if we get dressed now otherwise we'll get nothing done this evening," I said, getting up and carrying the dinner plates indoors.

For the rest of the evening we tried our best to act normal.

At work the next day I was trapped at lunch by Gavin, my work colleague, confidante and sometime sex partner.

It was still hot and sunny and I could barely work that morning. The heat and the events of the two previous evenings with my brother were getting to me.

I needed to tell someone and Gavin was the only one who knew anything.

I had thought of confiding in Jenny, my friend but was scared she would think I had gone crazy. Her lovelife was mad enough anyway without me adding my adventures.

On the walk to work I had thought about what was going on. It had seemed immoral enough to be fucking a much older, married, work colleague. Now I was also fucking my uncle and getting up to all sorts with my brother.

"Hi Sara!" Gavin gushed.


"What's up?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"No I mean your brother thing?"

"Shhhhhh. It's a secret. Remember."

I knew I could trust Gavin. We both knew our own little sex secret would destroy his marriage and his job so we had an 'understanding'.

But he was like a little puppy to me with my story.

"Sorry. Any more to tell?"

I had decided to feed him little bits, not the whole truth but also not nothing. I enjoyed telling someone and I knew he wouldn't judge me.

"Well, we did it again," I began.

"Did what?"

"Spent the day naked. The whole day."

"Wow, that's incredible."

"We lay on the balcony sunbathing all afternoon."

Some truth. Just not all of it.

"Lucky guy your brother."

"Thanks. You're just a pervert."

"Thanks. I just can't believe two adults being naked all day and nothing sexual happening. Not even brother and sister."

"Who said nothing sexual happened?" I blurted out. I'd done it now. Oh shit.

He looked at me. Eyes and mouth equally wide in amazement.

"I...err...I mean..we...err... we jerked off together," I managed to say.

He said nothing, just staring."We jerked each other off, that's what I meant."

"OH MY GOD!! he exclaimed.

"Out on the balcony. I stroked his cock and he fingered me. We both came," I tried to sound as if this was completely normal.


"Like we have before. Remember?"

"But I'm not your brother," he mumbled.

He sat there waiting for more. I was just trying to work out how much more to say when another work partner came over.

"Later," I whispered to Gavin.

On Tuesday evening I went out to play tennis with my friend Jenny. When I got home I saw Dan sitting on the couch. He made me a coffee and we sat down together.

"Listen. About all this stuff we've been doing," he began.

I nodded, a little worried what he was going to say.

"I think we should cool things down a little," he continued.

"Don't you like it?" I asked.

"Yes, of course. I love it. It's fun, exciting, but you're my sister. It's kind of wrong."

I started to protest but he stopped me.

"Look, I love what's happening but we can't let it take over our lives."

"Suppose," I said sadly.

"It is. It seems like every day. I want to do these things. I love you. You're beautiful, but it's not like this can be forever."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, one day hopefully I'll find a girl. I keep hoping. And you'll find a guy. We don't want this...this thing we're doing, to come in between that. This is a bit of fun, but not the real thing."

"Yeah I suppose," I whispered, trying not to cry.

We talked some more. Actually Dan didn't want it to stop, but just a compromise. In the end he had a good solution.

We had to restrict our 'games' together to our no clothes sunday. The rest of the week had to be normal.

I was actually quite pleased at this compromise because I could totally see where he was coming from.

So the rest of the week we acted like any normal brother and sister sharing an apartment. I guess when he felt horny he jacked off when I wasn't about. I know I did!

On Thursday evening we got a call from our younger sister Louise asking if she could come round again after school and stay on Friday.

Dan was quite keen so I reluctantly went along with the idea. Our parents would come for lunch on Saturday and take her home with them.

Dan knew that I wasn't that close with Louise and told me to just make an effort.

"Keep trying. You only get one family. It's worth never giving up. I know it's not easy," he said sensibly.

Louise arrived on Friday straight from school and was waiting for us when we got home. We agreed to go out to a pizza restaurant and then on to see a movie. It was late when we got in so we all went straight to our beds.

On Saturday morning after breakfast we agreed that Dan would go shopping for lunch for our parents while my sister and I cleaned and tidied.

In truth our tidying was not very committed and it was still so hot. After about twenty minutes or so we gave up.

"Sunbathing?" suggested Louise.

I agreed to lend her one of my bikinis again. We changed in my room and took our places on the balcony.

It was so hot! I put on sun cream then lay on my stomach and removed my bikini top. Shortly after Louise followed suit and joined me in going topless.

Later I rolled over onto my back.

"What if Dan comes home?" asked Louise, also going on to her back.

"Ignore him. That's what I do," I joked.

For a while we both sat up and read, me a book, Louise a magazine. I noticed she tensed when we heard Dan open the front door.

He came out and saw his two sisters sitting topless on the balcony. I think he and Louise were equally nervous.

"Do you want a hand putting the shopping away?" I asked, standing up.

Dan and I went in and put the stuff away. I offered to prepare lunch, while he went to his room to get changed. I smiled when I saw him return in just a tight pair of swim trunks, nicely showing off his package!

He went out to the balcony and I followed shortly after.

"Mum and dad will be here soon," said Louise, like me still topless.

I took the moment to look at her. She had always been a bit plumper than me, but was thinning out nicely. Her breasts were a little, just a little bit, smaller than mine. But her nipples were long. Long and pointy. Seriously pointy! I was fascinated by them.

I assume that Dan had never seen them before. He and Louise had always been pretty tight. Still are. But I assume not in that way. I noticed him carefully checking out her tits. I felt both excited and a little jealous.

Knowing that our parents were due in about thirty minutes I got up to have a shower. I don't know why really. I think I wanted to leave my brother and sister alone for a few minutes. But also I didn't.

I got up and headed for the bathroom. I turned on the shower and removed my bikini bottoms. Before I stepped under the shower I waited a minute or two then sneeked back out.

I looked towards the balcony but saw that they were still sitting apart. In fact I'm not sure they had moved at all.

Then I had an idea.

Still naked I walked through the room out onto the balcony and picked up my bikini top.

"Just in case mum and dad get here early. Don't want to surprise them!" I laughed turning round to give both Dan and Louise a good view.

I rushed back into the shower and masturbated as I wondered what my sister must have thought.

I finished, dried off and put my bikini bottoms back on. I joined my brother and sister and a few minutes later heard a knock on the door.

I stood up, put on my bikini top and smiled at my sister as she did the same.

Our parents came in. Hugs and kisses, as always.

"Aren't you a bit far from the pool?" joked dad, pointing out our choice of attire. Only Louise didn't get it.

"Huh?" she asked.

"Your swimming costumes," explained mum.

We sat down and had lunch. The three of them left about seven in the evening.

After more tidying up Dan and I sat on the balcony with a bottle of wine. We watched the sunset, still in our swim clothes.

"Did you deliberately come out here naked in front of Lou?" Dan asked.

"Maybe," I laughed.

"God knows what she thought," he sighed.

"Did you see her nipples?" I laughed.

"Of course, why?"

"Fuck, they're pointy. She could have someone's eyes out with those."

We both laughed at the idea.

"Quite nice though," I added.

"What are?"

"Her tits. Quite nice. I think."

"You're a girl," he replied.

"I know. Still nice tits. Didn't you think?" I asked.

"All tits are nice in my opinion," he answered.

" Have you ever seen them before?"

"What? Seen what? You're not making much sense," he sounded a bit irritated.

"Louise's tits?"

"All the time, obviously," he answered sarcastically.

That didn't really answer my question, I thought to myself.

We sat in silence for a while.

"I know what I meant to ask you," Dan piped up suddenly.


"That evening with uncle Steve?"

"Which one?"

"Was there more than one? When I was away and you cooked him dinner?"

I realised my mistake.

"Oh that evening. Sorry too much sun and wine. Long week."

"Did he say anything about us being naked that sunday he came round?"

"No not really. Why?"

"Not really?"

"Oh a little. He kind of asked if there was anything going on between you and me. I soon put that thought out of his mind."

"He hasn't been round since, has he?" continued Dan.

"I suppose he's trying to keep a low profile. Doesn't want to meet mum's low expectations of him," I said in a jokey way.

We sat quietly again for a while.

"I suppose," Dan said thoughtfully and suddenly.

"You suppose what?" I had no idea what he was talking about.

"What you were saying about Uncle Steve."

"What did I say about Steve?"

"Not wanting to come round all the time. He's ok really," said Dan.

"I think so too," I replied.

"Did he mention you being naked? You know."

"You've asked me that already," I replied.

"I know. But you said the first time he saw you in your underwear you thought he was checking you out. So when he came round the next week and we were naked, well..."

"I expect he was. But he didn't say anything that evening. He was a gentleman."

"Sorry," he whispered.


"I've had a really stupid idea," Dan said after a minute or two of silence.

"Now what dear brother?"

"Well if he knocks tomorrow, while we're naked. We tell him he can only come in if he gets naked too! What do you reckon?"

I could think of a million reasons why that was a stupid idea. I said nothing for a couple of minutes.

"Well he won't will he?" I finally countered.

"Can always ask," pleaded Dan.

"You can ask."

We finally finished our wine and went to our beds.


Sunday morning arrived. Another beautiful hot sunny morning.

We both emerged from our rooms in the nude, as was our sunday tradition. Breakfast and a read through the newspaper followed.

Carl, our neighbor's son, knocked, to clean my car. I answered, but the previous day had been so busy I had not got the keys ready. With the door propped closed I went to the kitchen to fetch the car key.

He must have pushed it open and got a good view of me. I handed him the key and shut the door.

I told Dan and mentioned that it sort of turned me on, to be seen by people.

"You're a bit perverted really, aren't you?" he laughed.

Within moments we were jacking each other off on the living room floor.

We had lunch after then sat on the balcony. At about three pm there was a knock on the door.

"Go on Dan. You know who that is," I smiled.

I remained on the balcony. I could hear a conversation going on by the front door. About five minutes later I was shocked to see Uncle Steve appear naked on the balcony, my brother right behind him.

"Hi Sara," Steve smiled.

"Oh god! I never thought you would agree to this," I laughed, wanting to disguise how awkward I felt.

Dan brought some beers out and we sat down and chatted. All three of us naked as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Steve explained that he could only stay an hour or so as he was going out with a friend later.

As we talked it was fine but once the conversation ended my mind began to wander. I thought about being sat here with my uncle and my brother and I began to get weird ideas about fucking them both. I was starting to feel very horny.

There was a phone call which Dan went to answer. It turned out to be our mother. I looked at Steve and laughed.

"Good thing it's not a video phone," he joked.

I looked at Dan, who was pacing the living room talking on the phone. I got up and sat next to my uncle, and began to stroke his cock.

"What about Dan?" he asked as his cock stiffened.

"I really want to fuck you right now," I answered, totally ignoring his question.

"Me too, but we can't," he protested.

I looked back at Dan, who was looking out at me and Steve, now sitting on the same chair. I wondered what he was thinking. I waved at him and he did the same, raising his eyebrows and pointing at the phone. Obviously mum was ranting about something.

I was now stroking my uncle's cock quite firmly, and he started to play with my breasts. He moved to suck my titties when Dan appeared on the balcony.

"She wants to talk to you now," he said, ignoring the fact that me and Steve were playing with each other.

I sighed as I stood up.

"What now?" I complained.

I went to the phone. We had one of those old fashioned cord phones, which means you couldn't walk around that much. A bad thing usually, but it had been a good thing a few moments ago.

Mum talked about nothing in particular for ages it seemed. Dan went past me to the toilet and I looked at Steve on the balcony. He smiled at me.

Dan went to sit down again as I came off the phone.

"More beer anyone?" I called.

"Just one more, then I really have to go," said Steve.

I carried out three bottles of beer then sat down with Steve again. I looked across at my brother who was reading a book, but he looked up at me as I smiled to him.

I took hold of my uncle's now soft cock, and began to resurrect it. Once again he sucked on my tits as Dan tried his best to act as if nothing was happening.

We were just finding some rhythm when there was a knock on the door.

"For fucks sake! What now?" shouted Dan.

He stormed towards the front door and in his irritation must have forgotten his nudity as he opened it wide without thinking.

Our sister Louise must have been amazed to see her brother standing there completely naked. A moment later she appeared in the living room. I was still sitting with uncle Steve and had just enough time to push his and my heads down before she saw us.

"I left my purse her. I must have done," I heard Louise say as she looked around the room.

Dan was trying his best to stop her coming out onto the balcony.

"Maybe in the bedrooms, or the bathroom. Try the kitchen. There's nothing on the balcony," he pleaded.

"Here it is!" she exclaimed. It must have been behind the couch.

"Thank god for that," she exclaimed with relief.

"That's good," said Dan, still in shock.

"Why ARE you naked Dan?" I heard Louise ask.

"I'm on my own. Hot day. Why not?" he replied.

"Where's Sara?" asked Louise.

"Out. Like I said I'm on my own."

"Would you like me to stay? Or do you want to be on your own?" Louise was teasing him now.

"On my own please. You know sundays."

"Did you like seeing me topless yesterday?" she asked.

Steve looked at me in confusion. My hand was still gripping his still erect cock. And until that moment his tongue had still been toying with my right nipple. We sat up slightly to peek into the living room.

"You looked lovely. Anyway I want you to go now," said Dan as firmly as he could.

"Awwww...can't I stay a little bit? Please? Pretty please?" she whined in a really annoying childish voice.

"Please Lou. I'm tired and I just want to chill."

"We can just chill together, out on the balcony."

"No Lou. Now go."

She held the bottom of the t shirt she was wearing and pulled it over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra.

"Lou! Please. Cover up."

"You said I looked lovely."

"Yes you do. You're beautiful but not now...please."

"Don't you love your baby sister?" she whined some more, really teasing him.

"Of course, but..." Dan was struggling.

I looked at Steve. We had moved up the recliner slightly when Louise had found her purse, and could just see the events unfolding in the living room.

"Your cock looks good," purred Louise.

"Thanks but..."

Louise moved forward suddenly in an attempt to touch it. Dan moved back a bit, just quick enough to avoid her touch.

"Can't I just feel it, just quickly?. I'll let you feel these," she said, rubbing her hands over her breasts.

"Lou, it's not right," begged Dan.

I could see his cock was thickening slightly. If his head was still determined to refuse her, his body was giving in.

"Come on. You and Sara must have seen each other naked before. You must have..."

"Lou! Stop!" he was getting desperate. I was beginning to feel sorry for him and wanted to help, but how?

She reached forward again and this time his resistance failed him. She took a firm grip of his penis which was by now semi erect.

She stood there stroking it as if it was some kind of pet, while Dan looked in shock.

She let go and pulled down the dark green, knee length skirt she was wearing, and then pulled off her black panties.

"Well? Do you like?" she asked as she stood naked before her brother.

"Oh god Lou. I do but you must get dressed now. Sara might come back at any time."

"So. She was naked yesterday, when she came out before her shower. You didn't tell her to get dressed. Or is she your favorite sister?"

"No it's not like that. It's just that you're..."

"The little sister? Or what? I've seen you look at me before. We've always been close. Just a bit of fun. Please?"

She touched his penis again. Holding it tight. Then she knelt down and moved her head towards him. Slowly and carefully she touched his shaft with the tip of her tongue, like a child trying out a strange piece of food.

He didn't stop her. He looked over to Steve and me and frowned. I smiled and Steve gave a thumbs up sign. Dan smiled weakly back.

She became brave and began to take him further into her mouth, her lips sliding around his length. I guessed this was her first blow job as she seemed unsure and looked up to her brother for encouragement.

Then she stopped.

"Are you ok?" Dan asked.

She nodded.

"Are you?" she asked nervously.

"Fine baby," he replied.

He led her over to the couch where they sat down. Dan then felt his younger sister's tits, like a surgeon examining a body he's about to operate on.

"Do you like them?" she asked quietly.

"They're beautiful."


"Yes. Don't worry. Your nipples are amazing. So pointy. Like bullets!"

She laughed at that. Steve nodded his head alongside me on the balcony.

"They are the most pointy nipples I've ever seen," he whispered to me.

"I know," I whispered back, rubbing his cock more firmly.

"I'd love to have them in my mouth!" he joked, still very quietly.

"More than mine?" I laughed, faking jealousy.

"Both of you together. Now there's a fantasy."

"And it'll remain a fantasy. You're her least favorite person."

We continued to watch.

Louise swung her legs onto the couch and bent over Dan again. She took his cock back in to her mouth and began sucking, harder this time.

Dan held her head and began to moan softly. I knew him well enough now to know he was getting close.

"I'm cumming. Lou. I'm cumming."

She carried on working his shaft. Not bad for a beginner, I thought.

"Oh. Oh no!.."

And with that Dan shot his cum. My thoughts were confirmed about Louise being a beginner. As the first drop of cum entered her mouth her head jerked back.

As more and more sperm followed I could see she was struggling.

She obviously swallowed quite a bit and then stood up suddenly, coughing and spitting out what she could!

"First time, huh?" said Dan, rubbing her bare back.

She nodded.

"Glass of water?"


He fetched her a glass of water and they sat together on the couch.

"Sorry," she said.

"For what?" he asked.

"Choking, you know."

"That's ok. It's a taste that takes getting used to. So I'm told," he replied.

"How was it?"

"What?" he asked.

"The blow job? Was I ok?"

"Lou, you were great."

"Would you let me do it again? Another time?"

He looked nervously over to the balcony to where Steve and I were. I knew what he was thinking. I gave a subtle smile.

"Sure. Whenever you want," he answered.


Yes, and maybe I can return the favor?"

"Huh?" she seemed worried.

"You know. Maybe I can go down there one day," he explained, pointing between her legs.

They sat together for about ten minutes.

"I really have to go now. I promised to meet a friend in town and go shopping. That's why I needed my purse," she explained.

She stood up, pulled on her panties and skirt, then finally her shirt.

He gave her a kiss then she left.

Dan stretched then came out onto the balcony. Steve and I gave him a sarcastic round of applause.

"I need that beer now," he gasped.

"Whatever you do, don't answer the door again," I joked.

"How was it, Dan?" asked Steve.

"It was amazing. She was so gentle. Beautiful," he answered looking at me.

"Looked good from where I was sitting," laughed Steve.

"It was, believe me," sighed Dan.

"And those nipples, they're unbelievable," said Steve.

Steve's cock had gone soft and as he spoke I began to play with it again. In return he gently kissed my breasts.

"They are fantastic nipples," smiled Dan."How did they feel in your mouth? asked Steve, lifting his face from my chest briefly.

"Awesome. So pointy and firm!" Dan laughed.

"I bet. Mind you these are pretty fantastic too," Steve said, nodding towards my tits.

Dan smiled.

"Or do you already know that?" Steve added with a knowing grin.

"Maybe I do and maybe I don't," remarked Dan, grinning back at his uncle.

"Well done Dan! Give the game away why don't you!" I laughed.

Steve returned to sucking my nipples. After a while I climbed across his legs and lowered my face to his cock and began to suck it.

I was finding my groove and sensing his heightened state of excitement when Dan stood up and moved in behind me. I raised my ass slightly, expecting his cock.

Instead I was shocked to feel his tongue begin working furiously on my pussy lips and into my gaping cunt.

I looked up briefly at Steve who smiled at me. Seconds later he came fully into my mouth. I happily swallowed all his seed, licking every last drop from his penis.

Dan continued to lick my cunt and I guess I was so turned on from what I had seen earlier that I came loads of times.

"Your elder sister is much more adept at sucking cock," laughed our uncle.

"Is she?" smiled Dan with fake innocence as he looked up from licking me.

"But I suppose you already know that don't you?" asked Steve in that knowing way of his again.

"I'm saying nothing," laughed Dan.

"You two. I knew it," Steve exclaimed.

"What?" I said.

"Wait till I tell your mother."

"I'd like to see you do that," I joked.

When I could take no more, we all sat on our own chairs and chilled. For about ten minutes there was no sound from us, just three satisfied bodies regaining our breath and finishing our beers.

Steve was the first to stand up.

"And now I really must go. I'm already running late. Where are my clothes?"

He got dressed in the hall and came back to say his goodbyes.

"Well you two. Thanks. It's been an interesting afternoon," he smiled.

With that he left, leaving Dan and I alone at last.

To our amazement we both fell asleep on the balcony. When I woke up it was after eight in the evening and we hadn't really eaten.

Together, Dan and I made a quick pasta dish. We sat back out on the balcony and ate, still naked.

"You know, I think it is some achievement to go a whole day without wearing a single piece of clothing," said Dan.

"I know. Do you mind that Louise and Uncle Steve joined us today?" I asked.

"I don't know really. I would kind of like to keep Sunday special for just the two of us. You?"

"I know what you mean. I kind of feel that we got invaded today. Does that sound weird?"

"No not at all. You seemed quite comfortable with uncle Steve!" he said, winking at me.

"Yeah sorry about that. Just a new penis. I felt like I had to investigate. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. What was it like?"

"You know. Ok. I suppose. He was just sitting there and when you answered the phone I felt like checking it out," I joked.

"Why not?"

"What did you think when you looked over and saw me sitting with him?"

"Horny!" he laughed.

"How was it with Louise?"

"Weird you know. I didn't really want to but..."'

"I could tell. It's not a problem if you want to do the same shit with her. I don't mind."

"Maybe we can get Steve and Louise and the four of us can play together," suggested Dan.

"Our next challenge? Steve and Louise."

We shook hands and joked how unlikely it was to happen.

"You know what?" Dan whispered.


"I think we've done so well that we should share the cost of a good meal at Watson's. End of the month. What do you say?" he said.

"Great idea. And after we can come home and eat each other!" I suggested.

"Maybe if it's still hot we can do it outside somewhere, by the river."

"Dan! You're a pervert!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you."

We both finished off a bottle of beer each, then crashed out on the couch.

"Do you know what?" Dan said.


"I'm too tired to do anything else. It's been an eventful weekend," he answered.

"I'm glad you said that. I was just thinking the same thing."

We just sat together and watched a bit of tv.

Then the phone rang.

"That's late. Who could it be?" I wondered aloud, getting up to answer it.

"Oh hi Dad," I said, hearing our father at the other end of the line.

"Sara. I forgot to mention yesterday. I've got a business meeting over your side of town tomorrow afternoon. Finishes about six. Is there any chance of a spot of dinner with you and your brother after?" he asked.

"Sure Dad. Just come round. I should be home by then. See you tomorrow."

"Bye. Lots of love," he said, hanging up.


So Dad came round after his meeting. I cooked a lovely salmon meal. Dan and I told him our plan to go to Watsons on Friday evening.

"Lovely restaurant. A favorite of your mother and me. What's the occasion?" he asked.

"Well, we've both been working really hard recently so we just thought we deserved a treat," Dan answered him.

"Good for you. You both do look a bit tired. Tell you what. I'll pay. Let me know how much the bill comes to and I'll send you the money," dad suggested.

"Oh thanks Dad. You're the best," I said, giving him a big hug.

"Thanks Dad," Dan said.

We finished our meal and went outside with a bottle of wine to enjoy the last of the evening sunshine.

"You know, your Uncle Steve did a good job suggesting this place. You're very lucky. I must go and say hello to him on the way out. Do you see much of the old devil these days?" Dad wondered.

"Hardly at all," Dan lied.

Suddenly our conversation was interrupted by a voice calling over from next doors' balcony.


David is our father's name.

"GEORGE! My goodness!" replied Dad.

It was Mr Johnson, our nosey, grumpy and in my opinion, perverted old neighbor.

"You two know each other?" asked Dan, getting worried,

"God yes. George is my old boss. We worked together for twenty odd years. We still play golf together a couple of times a year," answered Dad.

"But not for over a year now. How are you?" asked Mr Johnson.

"Well. You?"

"Oh you know. So what are you doing over here?" asked Mr Johnson. George so we now knew.

"Just had dinner with my son and daughter."

"These two are your son and daughter?"

"That's right. Dan and Sara."

"But I remember them when they were knee high," laughed George.

"Here they are. All grown up. I hope they don't give you any problems," joked Dad.

I was beginning to hope the ground would swallow me up. I knew I was blushing.

"Oh. I had no idea they were your son and daughter. That makes them brother and sister," George was saying. He knew that already.

"What's that George?" asked Dad.

"Oh nothing. Just thinking out loud. Sorry."

Dan and I nervously looked at each other. It was bad enough him seeing me sunbathe in the nude a few times but I knew that he had seen Dan and I performing a sixty nine together. And god knows what else he had seen and heard.

"As I was saying, they're no trouble are they?" Dad asked again.

'Oh no, no. Fairly quiet. Polite. Good kids. They have a few strange habits I suppose, but that's their business!" he joked, but I could feel my face burning.

"Oh yes, like what?" Dad asked, smiling.

"Oh nothing to worry about. How's Jean?"

Jean is our mother.

"Fine thanks. How's Jackie?"

Mrs Johnson.

"Good good. I saw your youngest. What's her name?"

"Louise," Dad answered.

"That's right, Louise. She was here on Saturday, sunbathing. She's growing isn't she?" George continued.

Shit, I thought. She was topless I remembered.

"Yes, quite a handful, that one. Difficult age, you know?" Dad replied.

"I can imagine. A handful. Pointy, too," George said, looking at me and smirking. I knew what he was thinking.

"Pointy? What?" asked Dad, looking confused.

"Oh nothing, sorry my mind wandered. Still at school is she?"

"Yes, leaving soon though," Dad said, not picking up any double meanings.

"Wow, three grown up kids. You must be so proud."

"We are," continued Dad.

"And they all get on so well, the three of them. Very close. Very very close," George winked at me.

"Yes we're lucky," Dad said smiling.

The conversation thankfully changed to old work gossip for a while before Mr Johnson brought it back round again.

"Oh I also saw your wife's brother, Steve, yesterday."

"Well yes, I'm not surprised. He lives in this block. In fact it was he who found this apartment for these two," Dad informed him.

"Yes I knew he lived downstairs. He was out on that balcony with your Sara, yesterday afternoon," George helpfully said.

Fuck off and die now, George. I thought. Now.

"Oh? I thought you said you rarely see him," Dad mumbled, looking at me.

I couldn't think of anything quick to say. Dan wasn't helping at all.

"Oh yes, I think they see quite a lot of him," replied George.

"Really?" Dad was confused.

"And he sees a lot of them. I think your little Sara there obviously likes the taste of him," George laughed.

"Huh?" asked Dad.

"Oh just a saying, forgive me and my old fashioned talk."

"Well I'd be surprised. Steve is a bit of a bad boy as far as this family is concerned. I don't think these two would have anything to do with him," Dad continued.

"Oh I don't know. They were looking very friendly together yesterday afternoon. Isn't that right Dan?" George carried on baiting us.

"Dad, I think Mr Johnson here is a bit confused. Maybe it's his age. Come on inside. Coffee?" said Dan.

With that, Dan almost pushed Dad indoors, and I closed the door to the balcony.

"That was a bit rude," protested Dad.

"Well he can be a bit rude. None of the neighbors like him," I said.

"I think he is a bit confused now. A lot of people say he's losing his mind. Don't listen to him," Dan contributed to our conversation.

"Well he seemed quite bright just then," said Dad.

"No, a bit mad, I think," said Dan.

"Oh well, I'll give him a ring to arrange a game of golf. I can talk to him then. Judge for myself."

Dan and I looked at each other.

After Dad had gone home Dan sat down next to me on the couch. He was a bit dejected.

"That wasn't in the plan," he said.

"Don't worry about that old goat next door. Don't let him spoil our fun," I tried to be upbeat.

"But if he tells Dad what he saw."

"He won't. You heard him. Talking in riddles. If he wanted to tell on us he would have done so," I suggested, slipping out of my skirt.

"What if Dad asks Louise what he was talking about?" asked Dan, as I unzipped his trousers.

"Oh don't worry about Louise. She's not the cleverest kid," I answered, removing the rest of my clothes.

"Don't be nasty. She's our sister," he protested.

"Don't be nasty," I mimicked him. "What is it with you two?"

"Nothing. I just mean don't be cruel about family."

"You know I used to wonder if you and Lou had something special going on," I said as my fingers wrapped around his soft penis.

"Lou? Me? Why?"

"You just seem so close. I wondered if maybe you and her had maybe done stuff."

"Like you and me you mean?" he said trying to gain an advantage.

"Yes, but before you and me started all this, you know," I said, helping him take off his clothes.

"No, not until yesterday," he laughed.

"Come on, " I said, leading him towards the balcony.

"Huh?" he seemed worried.

"Let's show old George there we won't be frightened of him.

I sat my brother on one of the chairs and straddled him.

"No," he tried to protest.

"Yes. Just go along with me here."

I lowered myself onto his erect shaft, this time taking his length inside me fully.

He responded, pumping his cock inside my cunt. I deliberately made more noise than normal when having sex. I was hoping George would hear us.

As I shuddered to my third orgasm, and as my brother shot his cum right inside me, I screamed.


Sure enough, a face appeared across the balcony wall.

I winked at George. This is just the beginning.