Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2617 - MY WIFE, HER MOM, AND I

Chapter 2617 - MY WIFE, HER MOM, AND I

am a single mother. My husband left me for his secretary when Aparna was six months old. He is somewhere in the U.S. I know not where. I was seventeen when Aparna was born; my daughter and I have been very close to each other as I suppose single mothers and their daughters usually are. We were more like sisters who are friends. We discussed matters concerning sex very freely, but this was a different.

Aparna is a very open type of girl; and rarely did she shock me with her questions about sex. But once I was close to embarrassment when she came home earlier from college than expected and found my boss in the office having tea with me. Aparna of course knew Viswam well and gave no indication that she was suspecting anything unusual in our relationship. But the conversation we had after he left is green in my memory.

"Did you have sexual intercourse with uncle Mom?" The question was so abrupt that I was dumbstruck for a while. But I welcomed it for I had been wanting to tell her about my occasional affairs, but was never able to get an opening so far.

"Yes," I said. I was tense but her next question was so unexpected and so funny that the rest of the discussion was not only easy but also enjoyable.

"Did you do it in the missionary position or the lotus position Mom?"

I laughed. "Where did you get to know of these positions?"

"Shamu stole the book from her brother's box and we read it a whole afternoon. A big volume Ma, and full of photographs of people indulging in sex, Ma, real photographs and big pictures and close-ups and all that mostly in colour. It was marvellous. There are five positions Ma for sexual intercourse. It seems missionaries working in the South Sea Islands told their converts that the man on top with woman on her back position is the only position that is holy. Did you two do it in the missionary position Ma?

"Yes. A holy posture, and hence free of sin I suppose," I said and laughed.

"Did you have orgasms?"

"I did not."

"According to the book women do not have orgasms every time they have intercourse. You must have proper foreplay Mom, then only you will get orgasms."

"We were in a hurry. I was worried that you might be knocking at the door anytime," I said in a desperate attempt to guide Aparna away from the subject of foreplay.

"What if, Mom?"

"Open the door for you when partly dressed and dishevelled with Viswam lying half naked on the sofa? Unthinkable"

"Did you do it on the sofa Mom?"

I nodded.

"I wish I had come earlier. Mom, please do not bother about me. You can ask uncle to come anytime you want him and you can have it even when I am in the house. I promise to keep myself in the background."

"Reading your lessons?"

"No lessons, Mom. You think I can concentrate on my studies with all the exciting things going on in the house? No, Ma, I'll be keeping guard with my eye on the keyhole." She rolled on the sofa and laughed. Aparna then got up and looked at me with peculiar intensity.

"So you fucked this afternoon, Ma," she said and giggled. Aparna's eyes glittered with mischief. She got full juice out of the four-letter word. She sucked in her lower lip and shot it out. She read disapproval in my body language and apologised. "I promise I will use that word only to you and not even to my friends in school," she said. Then she hugged me and kissed me and said something that made that afternoon memorable.

"Mom your affairs are a secret I'd share with no one. I promise Ma with no one, and that is absolute."


"Why no answer, Mom? Any objection?"

"None at all."

"You don't need to worry. Sunil has a condom." Condom indeed. A planned session apparently.

"Why not the bed room. More privacy there."

"We like this place." That was reason enough for my daughter. "As for privacy, " she continued, "you are the only one, and you are welcome to peek." She burst out laughing. I went to the front door and noisily did the bolts. I was excited at the thought of my daughter having sex. I could feel my wetness already. I am thirty-six, a juicy age in sexual terms. I have had affairs with many men. I did not want a stable relationship for I did not want marriage again, and the status of kept women was abhorrent to me.

I was seated hardly eight feet from where Aparna and Sunil were making love.

"I lovely pair you have." It was Sunil. My daughter did have a wonderful pair of breasts—large with the classical mango shape as depicted in temple sculptures. She was on the short side, like me, and her face, which she has inherited from her father, let her down somewhat. She had blob nose and large sensuous lips. Her eyes were large, round and lovely. Where she got those from I know not. She had a bubbly infectious charm to cancel out the less desirable features in her make up.

"You can do better than rub your cheeks on that," said Aparna. Men do not take kindly to criticism of their sexual expertise, but Sunil did not seem to mind.

"How do you know?"

"Roopa told me."

"Who Roopa, the married senior who is your friend?"

"Friend and mentor in matters concerning sex."

"What did Roopa say one should do?"

"Suck my tits."

"Here goes." I heard slurping sounds.

"Sunil, if a baby does what you are doing it will soon die of starvation."

"I am sucking am I not? Sucking till my cheeks ache."

"You must bite, like babies do."

"Silly, babies can't bite for they have no teeth"

"That's why they have no teeth, so that they can bite without hurting. Suck in your lips to cover your teeth and then bite as hard as you can. Nature has designed nipples to stand biting. Your lips will give up before my tits complain."

"Roopa told you this also."

"This and many more."

"You mean you talk of these things?"

"Why not? One wants to learn. That's why we go to college." Aparna found it funny. She giggled. "You men won't talk of these things. That's what Roopa says. She says that you all think or want everyone else to think that you are masters in the art of sex."

"Its lovely Sunil. Now take in a few deep breaths and work on the other one. You don't have to twist you neck to reach it Sunil. I'll hold it up as I would to my baby."

"Why don't you remove that blouse and bra and throw them away. They are rubbing my face."

"Let them be."

"I wish your Roopa advises you on that also."

"Hmm," said Aparna.

"Why, has she?"

"She has. She says that women should do the little things that men want like removing the clothes, and having the lights on etc. She says it will go a long way in assuring amity in their relationship."

"Why don't you?"

"I'm feeling funny Sunil. This is the first time, later, most certainly. Disappointed?"

"Yes, Apar. When I heard you use the four letter word to your Mom I thought you had no inhibitions."

"That word I use in a matter of fact way. Mom doesn't."

"Now back to your friend Roopa. If ever you friend Roopa writes a book on sex please ask her to reserve a copy for me," said Sunil, taking time out from his task to make the reservation of a future bestseller.

I was glad that Aparna has taken my advice and talks openly and even aggressively about sex to her man. False modesty in women comes first in causes for messing up the sex life of couples. Running close second is pigheaded arrogance in men about their sexual knowledge. Aparna has no inhibitions and Sunil has already shown indication of willingness to learn. I was happy that my daughter's sex life was going to be a happy one.

I heard some moans, more hissing than moaning. My legs became weak and I felt moisture between my thighs. The tension was becoming unbearable.

"Bite just a bit more firmly. It's divine, Sunil. Ahhh." And a while later, "What are you doing with my skirt."

"Removing it of course, what else."

"Please, Sunil, not today. Next time, I promise. This time just lift my skirt." There was silence for a while.

"Its as smooth as marble."

"No Sunil. Don't touch, Sunil."

"Do you shave, Apar?"


"Every day?"

"Not every day silly. Today I did. It is such an important day. Mom says it is hygienic to do so."

"I also like it that way."

"Some men like it natural."

"Roopa says so?"

"No, Mom."

"Please Apar. I won't touch. You spread it out and show me the clit. I'm burning to see it. I hear so many good reports about it."

"No Sunil, not this time."

"No Aparna, I must, and now."

"OK. Just once."

"This one at the top?"


"It stares back at me, Apar, like a worm from its hole."

"Nice imagery, Sunil. Now get going."

There was silence for a while and I thought action had commenced. I could stand it no more. I pressed my thighs together in a vain attempt to get relief.


"Yes Aparna."

"Sunil wants to know if the condom is to be worn with foreskin down or up."

"Up is better."

"Thank you Mom." There was silence for almost five minutes.

"Mom, Sunil is not able to penetrate."

"Is he using lubricated condom?"

"Yes, Mom, and I am flowing like the Ganges." I wish I could have told my daughter that I was flowing like the Amazon.

"Mom, come up quickly and help us. Sunil is not able to penetrate," said Aparna again." I knew that where sex is concerned anything is possible, but for me this was just too much.

"Don't be silly, Aparna. I simply can't. It is so ridiculous even to contemplate such a thing. Just relax and help Sunil."

"I have done all the relaxing I can do. This is not the time to argue, Mom. Come at once, please, before it is too late. Sunil will spill any moment now."

I was once again going to refuse when Sunil spoke.

"Mummy, come, Mummy, please Mummy." He sounded desperate.

I ran hampered by all that wetness between the thighs, trembling with excitement. There was nothing wrong about the way Aparna was laying. She was on her back with legs drawn up and spread as far as they would go. Sunil was on her on all fours trying to manoeuvre his flapping penis into her. Suddenly I did not find my position funny. I had a job to do, and I focussed on getting it done.

"You must hold it and guide it in Aparna," I said.

"He won't allow me to touch the tip region. He says he will spill immediately. I can't reach the base. You hold the base and guide it in. Won't you Mom darling." I held the base at first gingerly, and then I took a good grip, and with Sunil sliding forward I got the tip to the opening of the vagina. Aparna was wet all over.

"Press Sunil," I said and he pressed. I guided it in. Aparna screamed as the membrane split, and then she subsided.

"OK?" I asked. Sunil nodded uncertainly.

I withdrew noiselessly. I went straight to the bathroom, threw off my clothes and sat in the bath and holding the hand shower attachment I directed the thinnest stream at my clit till I had my release. I dressed, and as I left I turned towards the couple. They were in a tight embrace with love written all over. I breathed a sign of relief that my daughter has not developed rage at men at the way her father had treated her mother. How could she when her man is so innocent that he calls for his Mummy's help when he has difficulties in bed?

2. Mom is the catalyst in daughter's love making

Aparna speaking.

My first fuck was unforgettable. Mom had to come and guide Sunil's penis in. We had several after that, and we did it on our own. Soon after Sunil left for studies abroad. He was away for a year. A month after he returned we were married. We went to Goa for our honeymoon. For the first time I was away from my mother for more than two days. We wanted her to come with us. It was Sunil's suggestion.

"A more certain way of entering the Guinness Book cannot be thought of," my mother said and laughed for five minutes.

"It's our most earnest wish," he said. "What I mean is Apar wants it as much as I do."

"Yes Ma," I said. We were at her for one day and then we stopped. We realised that she would not budge. As I said our honeymoon was short. We did not find it special. We came home on the third day morning. Mother was surprised and concerned. We assured her that we did not quarrel.

"Than why are you back?" she wanted to know.

"To be frank we missed you Ma."

"You might have, but Sunil."

"He also Ma. He more than I. Well it may surprise you as it surprises us, but we find sex dull without you about." Mother laughed. We had it several times during my engagement but always at home and always on the divan. The first time she helped us with it, but later the possibility of surprising her added zest to the action. Twice it did happen. The first time Mom came unannounced, but with an exclamation of surprise ran out, but I called her and she came, said hallo and left. The next time she came in to take something. She just took it and went away. Both times I had orgasms. In fact the only times I had orgasms were those two. That Mom's presence was the essential catalyst we realised only during the honeymoon.

We went in and settled in our room. The train travel was not good. We slept. We got up almost at noon and came down for lunch. We ate and went back, and again slept. Mom called us for tea. We had tea, and then we invited Mom to be with us on the divan. Mom came and we told us about the honeymoon disaster.

Sunil got the ball rolling.

"Ma, without you we got no kick out of it."

"What do you mean without me," said Ma.

"The possibility of your seeing us in the huddle is crucial. I was telling Roopa and she says that anything is possible in matters concerning sex."

"I am of course eager to be of assistance," said Mom.

"Thank you Ma. We start now. Don't go away."

"No, that won't do. I'll go now but I'll come when I judge the time appropriate, say hello, and then leave."

"OK, Ma. That's what we want." And that is what happened on that and on several other occasions. Mother was accustomed to see us coupling in the nude so often that I suspect it ceased to be exciting for her.

Almost six months passed and I did not conceive. I was desperate for a child and so was Sunil. We saw doctors and they said that my uterus shape was abnormal and I cannot bear babies. But the doctor did not close the door to my having babies. My ovum was normal, and so were Sunil's sperms. Doctors said that that they can collect my ovum and combine it with Sunil's sperms outside the body, and the resulting zygote they can implant it in the uterus of a surrogate mother. 'The girl's mother is the best surrogate," said my doctor. He said that as my mother has still not attained menopause it would be easier than if the mother, as often is the case, is in menopause. I was excited to have my own Mom bear my baby. In some ways I thought it was better than my bearing it. It would make my Mom more of my family than if she had been only my Mom. It was at that moment that this bomb burst inside my head. I shivered as I contemplated the enormity of my thoughtlessness towards Mom. In that instant I also knew for certain what I should do to redress the cruelty to my mother.

My mother was as sexually active as a woman whose husband had deserted her can be in Madras, a world centre for prudery. Seeing all the love making her daughter was indulging in was sure to have brought her frustrations to a dangerous level. I bitterly regretted that Sunil and I had given no thought to it. I cornered Sunil and demanded why he had not thought of it. Sunil had, but he said that there was nothing he could do about it.

"If anyone can it is you," I said in severe tones.


"Yes, you."

"I don't get it."

"You must fuck her." Sunil stood gaping. I knew it would be a while before he was in a state to speak. I continued. "You admire her body. Please don't shake your head. Your body language is pretty explicit. She admires you too in the same sense. The only obstacle is I. If I want it then there could be no reason why you should not fuck her."

Sunil spluttered. I stopped him by gesture.

"Listen carefully. You don't just fuck her. You get her pregnant. Fill her with our child. Surrogating is big trouble. Doctors will poke me all over my tummy to get my ovum. That is one, and then there is the uncertainty of it all, not to mention the expense.

"Listen Apar."

"Just a few words more and then you can have the floor. My baby instead of having half my genes will have a quarter of it. I would recommend that all barren couples, instead of using the mother as a surrogate, they should get her impregnated with their daughter's husband's sperms by artificial insemination."

"Or by fucking," said Sunil and collapsed in a heap with laughter. Sunil was won over. Now I had to work on Mom.

3. Mummy, the perfect surrogate

Sunil speaking.

My mother-in-law is very attractive. She has a lovely face, a terrific figure, and her movements are utterly feminine. She is young too, in her late thirties. But I have never thought of her as a sex object, and she was never in my fantasies. This was to change soon. What brought this about is so bizarre that one cannot guess it in a million tries.

I am an orphan. I had no home till my marriage, which was at a very early age of twenty-one. I have a home now. I have moved in to my wife's place. Mummy's husband left her when my wife, her daughter, Aparna was six months old. Mummy was just seventeen then. Mother and daughter talk and act as if they are friends.

Apar and I have sex very openly. No closed doors, and often in the open veranda. In the beginning Mummy used to apologise and withdraw. Nowadays she just carries on as if we are not there. At times when the mood is on her she would tweak me on the rear. This openness came about by a queer incident.

Apar and I were engaged then. One afternoon we planned to have sex for the first time. It was a first for both of us. I knew I had to shove my penis into her vagina. But of the finer points I knew just nothing. So when it came to unrolling the condom I did not know if the foreskin was to be drawn down or pulled up. After a brief discussion Apar said that we should consult Mummy. That was no problem as she was seated on the other side of the L shaped veranda a few feet away, but not visible. She said that it was better to pull it up and that is what I did. Apar is uninhibited, but that day she did not allow me to do much. She even refused to remove her dress and created windows to expose the strategic areas. She was excited, and even without much foreplay she became so wet that the moisture spread to her thighs.

I took my penis close to the slit and asked her to guide it in. But Apar could not reach the base of my penis. She is a short girl, or may be we had not positioned ourselves properly, but she could only touch the tip. In my excited state I knew I would spill if she touched my rose. I could not hold my penis and balance at the same time. The final result was that I was on all fours dangling the penis with no possibility of penetration. Apar once again wanted to call mother for help, and I readily agreed. It added a new dimension to the act.

After some persuasion Mummy came and holding my penis by the base she aligned it and asked me to push. I entered royally. I am curious to know how many men have got the assistance of their mothers-in-law to enter their wives. May be I am the lone one in that league. May be not. So many curious things happen in sex that I would not be surprised if there are cultures where the mother-in-law has to perform this function as a ritual. After a start like that one could not expect us to be closing doors before making love.Now I come to the part where my relationship with Mummy changed. Apar and I have sadness in an otherwise perfect married life. Both of us want a baby, but even after six moths of assiduous sex Apar was not conceiving. We went to a doctor who said that her uterus was double and that she can never bear children. But as her ovum was good, and my sperms were good too, they could be united in a test tube and the resulting product implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother. Mummy was eager to be the surrogate.

One day Apar came to me in an agitated state. Apar said that the open way we were indulging in sex was certain to have excited Mummy, who was still, in the sexual sense, in the prime age, and not being able to do satisfy that need after arousal would be a misery. 'We are inflicting cruelty on her,' she Apar.

"I had thought of it," I said, "but as there was nothing we could do I did not broach the topic."

"What do you mean we can't do anything? We can. You can. You can fuck her. After all you are attracted by her, and she by you." Apar was almost screaming. Though I have liberal views of sex I stop short of incest. I told her so.

"Silly," she said. "Incest is sex between blood relations. Mom is not your blood relation. I have one more thing to tell you. I am not going to subject myself to the torture of repeated abdominal puncturing to get my ova out. You fuck mother and we have the baby. " Apar stood back triumphantly. We talked and talked and finally I agreed. Now that the subject had come up I must confess that I was excited by the thought of having sex with Mummy. But how to tackle Mummy was the question. I knew it would not be an easy task. Mothers are very protective towards their daughters and would intensely dislike being their rivals in the love of the husband. We thought it out and came with a plan. Apar found a date between Mummy's menstrual periods when it would be ideal for our purpose. We had to wait a week. We waited and on the afternoon of our chosen date we put our well-rehearsed plan into action.

"Mom," said Apar. We were on our favourite divan on the veranda, the divan on which most of our lovemaking had taken place. Mummy was on the other limb of the veranda, her favourite spot.

"Yes Aparna."

"Will you please come here Mom."

"Sure, is it once again helping with penetration?" she giggled. Mummy has a subtle sense of humour.

"No, Mom something more important than that."

"More important than penetration? It must be something very extraordinary," she said, and came. She sat in the middle and Apar and I were leaning on her holding her hands.

"Mom," said Apar, "I am frightened by all that the doctors are going to do to get my ovum out. I mean this repeated ultrasound examination, and the many times they might have to puncture my tummy. I don't like it at all."

"So what do you propose? Adoption?"

'No, Mom, not that. I was talking to Roopa about this and she said that you could bear Sunil's child by artificial insemination. Roopa says that if my ovum is used our baby would have 50% of my genes, but if your ovum is used it will still have 25% of the genes that I have. It is just 25% less. I think it is a good idea."

"What does Sunil say?"

"He says it is a wonderful idea. He dislikes doctors prodding me and pricking me more than I do. What do you say Mom."

"I think it is not very different. I am agreeable." Thereupon Apar and I gave ourselves a high five.

"One more thing Mom."

"Yes, go ahead."

"Mom, are you not frightened by all that they would be doing to get the zygote in. Metal dilators, and syringes and all that probing and prodding. I believe success in one try is rare. They have to do that repeatedly."

"Well, I have to, is it not."

"Not quite. Not if it is done by N.T.I."

"What's that? I have never heard of it."

"Natural Therapeutics Insemination."

"Are you sure you are not making it up?"

"Funny Mom. Am I so smart as that? It is introducing the sperms the natural way?"

"Natural way is the four-letter way."

"Not quite Mom. It is the penile method, and not by syringe."

"Don't be funny. Penile method is the F thing. What you say is quite impossible."

"Mom, in the syringe method the semen is subjected to quite a lot of shaking and splashing, and all this takes place outside without the protective warmth of the body. It may harm the baby. In N.T.I. it is not so."

"But Sunil will be doing the penetration."

"What if. It is not sex. Think of it as a surgical procedure. Akin to the pelvic examination doctors are doing all the time. And one more thing Mom, even N.T.I. is not the best. Orgasms are needed too for it is during orgasms that the uterus sucks the semen in."

"So you want Sunil to fuck me," Mom screamed. It was the first time I have heard Mummy use that word. The occasion justified it. Our response was spontaneous and immediate. Apar started kissing her in one cheek and I on the other. Soon I was kissing her on the lips. At first Mom resisted, then she was tense, but soon she was fully relaxed. I took out her breasts and started sucking. She held my head. Then she held her other breast and presenting it to me as she would have done to Apar two decades ago. Apar helpfully removed her sari and I licked her till she moaned with pleasure. Then I penetrated. No, no assistance from Apar. Mummy knew how to guide it in. We had orgasms together. She said 'son, son' when she was in the throes of the orgasm and I said 'mummy, mummy'. After that all three of us cuddled, and then we slept.

I woke up three hours later. Mummy was leaning on Apar. I smiled and Mummy smiled.

"How about again?" suggested Apar. And without more ado we did. We had it two more times that night. We were at assiduously it for a fortnight under the supervision of Apar who hinted that we would have to continue without respite till we show results.

Mummy missed her next period. Soon she was able to announce that she was pregnant. We both were standing when she told us. We suddenly became weak in the legs. We had to sit. And then when the message sank in we jumped up and did a victory dance round Mummy.

"No more sex for me." said Mummy.

"Why do you say that?" I said.

"Now that the purpose had been achieved there is no need for any further Natural Therapeutic Insemination with or without Orgasms," she said and winked, and then smiled wryly. I looked at her with a silly smile on my face. Apar smiled too, and her smile was, if anything, sillier than mine. Mummy looked at me and then at her daughter and then again turned to me. Her smile broadened till her eyes became slits. She came forward and held me by the cheeks and kissed me on the lips.

"Whenever my darling son wants, Mummy is ready," she said, "I know he wants it now." She removed her nightie and threw it away, and lay down and pulled me upon her. I turned towards Apar. She was beaming with pleasure.