Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2573 - HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW?


Brian Eggert sped up the driveway in his mother's black Jetta. She had sent him to a nearby garden supply shop to buy her a bag of peat moss so she could transplant some flowers she had bought the day before. Why anyone could enjoy gardening, let alone on a sweltering August afternoon, was more than Brian could fathom. Still, his mother, Lynn, seemed to enjoy it and he was more than happy to oblige her by running the errand.

Brian lifted the twenty-pound bag from the back seat of the car and carried it towards the house. To his left running along the cement walkway leading to the steps of the house was a strip of ground about eight feet long and two feet wide that his mother had torn up where she planned to plant the flowers.

"Where do you want this, mom?" Brian asked, setting the bag down at his feet.

"There is fine. Thanks, honey." Lynn replied, not looking up from the ground.

Lynn was kneeling on the edge of the grass, busy cultivating the soil and removing any clumps of sod and rocks left behind. She was wearing a burgundy tank top and navy blue shorts. Her light brown hair was in a pony tail and it hung down about six inches past her shoulders. Atop her head was a grey baseball cap. To her right were five trays filled with small plants of assorted varieties and colors.

Brian stood beside his mother, watching her prepare the soil. Her firm ass filled out her tight shorts and Brian admired it's curves as his cock hardened. She was tanned from the time she had been spending outside that summer and Brian tried to imagine how her skin would feel if he were to run his hand up her bare thighs. His cock was pushing out from his tight shorts and he was glad that she had her back to him.

"Can I give you a hand, mom?"

"No, but I'd love a glass of water." Lynn replied.

Brian went inside and poured his mother a glass of water from a container she kept in the fridge. Stepping back out on the porch Brian paused and watched his mother. She seemed quite happy toiling in her garden but Brian wondered just how happy she honestly was.

Just over two years ago Brian's father, Gary, had died. Murdered, actually. He had gone out one night to rent a DVD at a store downtown and was the victim of a car jacking. Instead of complying with the stranger's demand and handing him the keys Gary fought with him. The man had pulled a knife and stabbed Gary twice before speeding off in his car. Gary died on the way to the hospital.

Losing his father at the age of seventeen was traumatic for Brian but it was only later that he realized just how hard it was on his mother as well to be a widow at thirty-nine. She went into a depression that lasted nearly a year -- unable to be consoled by anyone.

Life seemed better now from Brian's perspective. He had enrolled in college the previous fall and was doing well. His mother worked as a librarian at the high school in town and was content with her job, or so she seemed. She especially liked having two months or more off during the summer, as well as breaks during Christmas and spring. Still Brian wondered if there was not something lacking in his mother's life. Although it took him a long time to accept it, he thought that eventually his mother would begin dating again, perhaps even get married. Yet she had not been on even one date since she lost her husband.

"Here's your water, mom." Brian said as he handed his mother the glass.

"Oh, thanks, honey." Lynn said. Her hands were dirty with soil but Brian noticed how delicate they were as her slender fingers curled around the glass.

Lynn gulped down the water as Brian stood there. Once the glass was empty she handed it back to her son. "Thanks, I really needed that!"

"Want some more?" he asked.

"No, thanks, that was enough." she told him with a warm smile as her brown eyes met his.

Lynn returned to her work. She began making small holes in the soil, then one by one placed the plants in them before covering the roots. Brian noticed how her loose tank top rippled as her breasts swayed and jiggled in response to her movements. Her left nipple pushed out at her top and Brian appraised it's size as he stared. It looked thick and long, perfect for sucking on, he thought.

"You could open that bag for me if you want." Lynn said, gesturing to her left with her head.

Brian placed the empty glass on the cement walk then knelt down on the grass. He tore open the bag of peat moss then dragged it a few feet to his right so it was closer to his mother. Lynn began scooping some out with a small shovel and spreading it over the soil. As Lynn leaned over the bag Brian realized that he could see down the front of her tank top. Just as he had guessed, she was not wearing a bra. Her breasts were round and jiggled about inside her loose top. Brian's heart was pounding and his cock twitched with his pulse. His mother turned back to him and pushed her shovel deep into the bag to scoop up more of it's contents. This time Brian could see her right nipple. It was thick and brown, with a lighter ring surrounding it.

Lynn felt her son's green eyes on her and looked up. She instantly realized where his attention was focused and a rush of emotions surged in her.

Once Brian had entered his teenage years Lynn had waited for him to get a girlfriend. She had hoped he would find happiness after losing his father. Once he reached seventeen she wondered if maybe he was gay. At first the thought bothered her, then she told herself that he was her son and she would love him no matter what, as long as he was happy. Then she began to suspect something she found troubling.

It had began about one year ago. At first Lynn thought she was over-reacting or imagining things that were not there, but soon it became undeniable. It started with a few quick glances at her by Brian but soon his staring became more prolonged and obvious. Lynn realized that boys his age are preoccupied with sex, having grown up with a younger brother, but she had never expected to be the focus of her son's wanton desires. She wondered if she was to blame. Perhaps the clothes she wore enticed him she thought. Lynn began wearing looser tops and skirts in hopes her son would notice her less. One evening before going to bed Brian gave her a hug. She felt his right hand glide up her waist and brush the side of her left breast. Her clit immediately swelled and she found herself getting wet. It was at that moment that Lynn finally accepted two things: her son was growing bolder at acting on his sexual thoughts for her and she was enjoying it.

That night as she tried to fall asleep in her bedroom Lynn tried to think of other things. Work. Bills that were due. World politics. Nothing seemed to take her mind off of Brian. She could picture how he looked in his tight jeans and his strong arms as he hugged her. She recalled the feeling of his broad back as they embraced, how his sandy blond hair felt as he brushed her fingers over it and finally the touch of his fingers on her breast. As her hand slid inside her damp panties towards her wet pussy she wondered if Brian was indulging his lust for her down the hall as he lay in his bed.

Lynn bit the inside of her cheek as she continued planting the flowers, trying to tear her mind away from her forbidden thoughts about her son. He had moved closer to her and she pretended to not notice. A length of hair had worked loose from under her cap and hung down over her eyes. Lynn straightened her back and attempted to blow it away with a strong breath from the corner of her mouth.

Brian reached his hand out to his mother and pinched her loose hair between his fingers and tucked it over her ear. His touch was gentle, almost tentative, and she felt his fingers graze her left cheek. It felt electric.

"Thanks." she said, her voice very quiet.

Brian smiled as he knelt beside her. Lynn's brown eyes drifted to her son's thighs. They were muscled, with coarse hairs. Further up she saw the shape of his stiff cock outlined in his tan shorts. She had not seen that part of him since he was a boy and wondered how much he had grown since then. A lot, she thought to herself, judging from what she saw. She recalled how well-built Brian's father was down there and assumed he must be as well. Lynn's pussy was wet and ready to accept his manhood, as if it was trying to over-ride her reluctance to cross that line between her and Brian.

"You should take a break. You look hot." he told her.

Lynn let out a nervous laugh as she wondered if her son's double entendre was intentional. "I'm okay." she assured him.

"More water?" he offered.

"That's okay, thanks," she said, then paused a moment as the corners of her mouth curled up to her flushed cheeks "you take good care of me. Thanks." She reached out and gave her son's hand a tender squeeze.

"Someone has to. I don't know if you always do." he told her.

"I do. Don't worry. This is fun for me."

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too." she replied as her eyes moved over his body.

Brian leaned closer to his mother. He placed his right hand on her back and placed a soft kiss on her left cheek. His hand was rubbing her sore back and it felt good. She wished he would continue.

"Maybe I will quit for today," she decided "I can always finish this tomorrow."

Brian gave his mother a pleased smile and stood up. He offered his hand to her. She reached out and Brian tugged her to her feet with a quick pull. Lynn was caught off-balance and nearly collided with him. Brian caught her by her hips and held her, their faces inches apart.

"I guess I'm getting clumsy in my old age." she joked.

"You're not old, mom," he asserted, his strong hands still gripping her curved hips.

"Sometimes I feel old." she lamented.

Brian gave her hips a hard squeeze, his fingertips straying onto her ass. "You don't feel old to me." he quipped.

"Oh stop it!" she laughed, giving his left arm a playful slap.

"OUCH!" Brian squealed, then shot his mother a devious grin.

Brian let go of Lynn's left hip and gave her ass a slap on the left cheek. It was firm and Lynn heard the sound her son's palm made as it made contact.

"Hey...!" Lynn cried out as her hand went to where her son had hit her. Her mouth was open wide in shock as she saw the bemused look on his face.

Brian let out a chuckle. "You started it."

"Well, that's enough. My back is already sore, no need to make my ass that way too." his mother said, sounding good-natured.

Lynn broke their embrace and began picking up the remaining trays of flowers to bring them onto the porch. Brian was standing behind her, his eyes glued to her backside as she bent over. Lynn raised her head and looked back to him, a tray in each hand.

"Are you going to stare at me or help me bring this stuff onto the porch?" she teased.

"How about both." he retorted as he picked up a tray of flowers and her garden tools.

"I'm going to take a shower. I'm filthy." Lynn announced later as they stood in the kitchen.


Lynn went to the fridge and brought out a bottle of wine that was three-quarters full. She poured herself a large glass then went upstairs.

The hot water was soothing as Lynn sat in the tub. She took a drink of wine then leaned back, closing her eyes and resting the glass on the side of the tub. She drew in a deep breath as she thought over what had happened earlier with her and Brian. They were definitely flirting she conceded to herself, then soon assuaged her guilt by convincing herself it was still harmless. Her right hand slid down her stomach into the water until her fingertips moved over her clit. It was hard and she pressed down on it, clenching her jaw so a moan didn't escape her mouth. She recalled the feeling of her son's hands on her and how his hard cock looked in his shorts. As she pushed a finger deep in her pussy she imagined it was her son's thick cock.

Brian poured himself a glass of soda then sat out on the porch drinking it as he fantasized about his mother. He cupped his balls through his shorts and ran his fingers over the outline of his hard cock. He wished he could take it out there and stroke it.

When Brian brought his empty glass back into the kitchen he noticed the bottle of wine his mother had left on the counter. There was still some left in it and he grinned as he picked it up and dashed upstairs.

Brian rapping at the bathroom door jolted Lynn and she snatched her fingers from inside her pussy.

"You left your wine on the counter, mom."

"Just put it back in the fridge." she called to him from inside the bathroom.

"I have it with me. I thought you might want some more."

Her son's boldness thrilled Lynn. "I'm in the tub, Brian." she told him, hoping that would be enough to deter him.

"I know," he said "I'll just bring it in. I won't look."

Lynn knew better than to believe Brian, but the combination of the wine and her horniness made her want to continue the charade.

"Okay, just a second." she replied.

Lynn let go of the empty glass in her hand and pulled her knees up to her chest. She leaned over until she felt her breasts pressing on her thighs and gripped her calves.

"Okay... you can come in."

Lynn watched as her son pushed open the bathroom door and walked in. In his left hand was the bottle of wine. Next to that she saw the bulge in his shorts. He approached the tub and poured some wine into her glass. She looked up at him with a grin.

"If you weren't my son I'd think you were trying to get me drunk." she joked, although the thought still seemed plausible to her regardless of that fact.

"If you weren't my mother I would be." he retorted.

Brian looked down at his mother sitting in the tub. Her hair was shiny and wet. Beads of water ran down her tanned skin. Her curved back was narrow and appeared soft. Brian's eyes moved down her arms until they encountered the side of her left breast pressed to her thigh. If only she would move slightly he could see her nipple he thought. Through the opaque water he could detect the shape of her round ass and thighs. His cock throbbed and he was sure that for a moment he detected her looking at it, or at least he hoped so.

"Not going to have any?" he asked, growing impatient for her to reach for the glass and uncover her body.

"Well, I can't with you here..." she explained, knowing he was taking advantage of her predicament.

Brian sat down on the edge of the tub. He picked the glass up and brought it to his mother's mouth. She looked up at him with a tentative expression then chuckled before parting her full lips. Brian tilted the glass for his mother to drink from it. He poured faster than she could drink and she snatched her head back as she struggled to swallow. Some wine dribbled from her mouth and down her chin leaving a red trail as it moved. Brian watched as it dripped onto her upper chest, running down towards her breasts. He placed the glass down on the tub next to him, then with his thumb he wiped his mother's chin.

"Thanks." she said with a smile as her eyes met his. Her voice was soft and low with arousal.

Brian looked down at his mother's upper chest and saw several beads of wine trickling down towards her cleavage. He reached down and placed the length of his index finger on her chest six inches or more below her collar bones and slowly ran it up over her smooth wet skin, wiping the wine from her. Lynn leaned back a bit and looked down, watching her son's finger move up her bare chest. She wanted to let go of her legs and lay back to show herself to him but fought the urge.

"More?" he asked, holding the glass up and wagging it. The wine sloshed about inside.

Lynn was too horny to speak. All she could do was nod, eager to continue their erotic game.

Brian made sure he poured faster than his mother could drink, hoping to repeat what had happened. When her mouth was full Lynn grunted and pulled back, allowing some wine to run from her ruby lips. She and Brian both looked down as the wine ran down her chin and dripped on her chest. He waited longer before wiping it this time, allowing it to reach the top of her left breast.

Brian eased his right hand down until he could feel the backs of his fingers press into his mother's breast. It was firm, yet her skin was silky. Her breast moved as he pressed on it. He paused for a moment before running his hand back up towards her neck. He brought it to his mouth and licked his fingers while she watched, astonished.

"You touched my boob..." Her voice was gentle, sexy, and she sounded as shocked as she was. She looked at her son who had a pleased look on his face.

The glass was empty and Brian put it down beside him. His mother had relaxed some and he could see a bit more of her cleavage, although not as much as he had down her tank top.

"I bet it's not the first time." he told her.

"What?" His question confused her.

"When I was a baby -- didn't I touch them when you fed me?"

Lynn giggled as his question brought back memories. "Yes. Even when I wasn't you were always reaching out to them," then she paused a moment "but they were a lot bigger then, so I guess they were in your way when I held you."

"How much bigger?" he asked.

"They ended up growing to a D-cup."

"Wow..." he hissed.

Lynn laughed at her son's reaction. "You might think that, but I'm glad they never stayed that big."

"What are they now -- a C?"

Lynn jerked her head back and her eyes grew wide. "How'd you know that?"

"Just a guess."

"A good one." she told him.

More of the side of Lynn's left breast was exposed now. Brian looked at it, captivated by it's shape and size. With his right hand he reached out and ran his fingertips up it, stroking it and pressing in to it. His mother's breast yielded to his touch and moved about some. It felt heavy as he slipped his fingers under it and pushed it up.

Lynn bit her bottom lip as her son stroked her tender skin. He should not be touching her there she knew, but was too overcome by arousal to stop him. She pressed her thighs tighter together, enjoying the pressure on her clit it caused. When she felt his finger graze her hard nipple she knew that if she didn't stop him then that the situation would soon escalate far beyond what she was ready for.

"Okay... that's enough, Brian." her eyes narrowed as they met his.

Brian eased his hand away from his mother's body and rested it on his thigh.

"Okay. Time for you to leave. I have to finish my bath and get dressed." his mother told him.

Brian did not want to leave but knew he had better not try to pursue things with her further than he had already -- at least not now. He picked up the empty glass and wine bottle then stood up, looking down into her eyes. She was inspecting the tent in his shorts with a dreamy smile. Brian paused for a moment, making sure she got a good look at his package, then turned to leave.

Lynn waited for the sound of the door clicking shut before she let go of her legs and leaned back in the tub. Her left hand immediately went to her breast where her son's had been earlier and she tugged at her nipple. She rubbed her clit until she came in a series of waves that washed over her then got out of the tub.

The terrycloth robe Lynn wore felt good on her skin as she looked through her closet for something to wear. She was still horny and wanted to lie on her bed and play with herself but she feared that if she took too long Brian would come looking for her. She slipped on a fresh pair of panties, pulling them tight against her wet lips and ran her fingers down over her mound. She brought a knee-length dress out of her closet and held it up. It was white with tiny yellow and pink flowers and a row of buttons down the front. As she put it on she decided to forgo wearing a bra, wondering how long it would take for her son to notice, or if he would comment. She left the top two buttons undone, knowing it showed enough cleavage to get Brian's attention.

As Lynn descended the stairs she felt her breasts bouncing. She stopped at the landing and cupped them through her dress, rubbing her nipples with her thumbs until they swelled to their full size.

Brian was at the table with a sandwich and a glass of milk when she entered the kitchen. He looked up towards her, his eyes meeting her chest.

"What are you having?" she asked.

"Some ham I found in the fridge." he answered.

"That sounds good," she said "it's too hot to eat much."

Brian took another bite of his sandwich and glanced at his mother as she searched through the fridge. Her breasts swayed as she reached inside for some mustard and her dress clung to her ass. The sun shining from the door behind her streamed in, making her dress translucent. Brian could see the silhouette of most of her body through it.

As Lynn made herself a sandwich Brian finished eating, not wanting to be too obvious or drive her away with his lusty advances.

Lynn was hungry and quickly devoured her sandwich and glass of milk. She deposited her plate and glass in the sink then went and sat on the porch. The air was cooling off as evening approached and she was glad. She was pleased with how her flower bed looked and contemplated what else to do with it the next day. About ten minutes later the door opened and Brian came out and sat beside her.

"The flowers look nice." he told her.

"Yeah, they do, but I thought you didn't care about that sort of stuff."

"Not really." he said.

"Just like your dad." she said with a bittersweet laugh.

It seemed to Brian that his mother seldom mentioned his father anymore and he was surprised by her comparison. He looked at the sad look on her face as she stared straight ahead.

"I miss him too," Brian said, his voice shaky "I always will."

Lynn nodded, fighting back tears welling in her eyes.

Brian wanted to give his mother a hug to try to console her, but after what had happened in the bathroom he was afraid she would misconstrue his intentions. Instead he watched her, feeling helpless.

Lynn wiped her eyes and looked at her son. She saw the pained expression on his face and slid closer to him then leaned on his shoulder. Following her lead Brian put his left arm around her shoulder and held her to him. She placed her hand on his leg just above his knee and rubbed her thumb over his skin. A few tears ran down her cheeks and Brian brushed them away with his right thumb. His mother smiled at him and sighed.

"This time it's not wine." he said, hoping to lighten the mood.

"And it's not on my boob." said with a nervous laugh.

"I'm sorry about that," he said "I got carried away."

"So did I," she replied "but it's okay."

Brian's eyes fell into the opening of his mother's dress. Her breasts rose and fell with her breathing. Lynn felt arousal build in her once more as her son peered down the front of her dress. She put her right arm around his shoulder as her way of letting him know his attention was wanted. His back felt firm and she ran her hand up and down it.

"You know what?" she said.

"What?" Brian asked, finally looking up to her face.

"You're the first guy to touch me there since your father."

Brian let his mother's revelation sink in for a moment, then he smiled. "I bet a lot of guys want to though."

Lynn's laugh rang out. "I'm not so sure about that."

"I know I shouldn't say this," he began "but I guess we can be more honest now. You've got really nice ones, mom."

"Thanks... I guess." she replied.

"You guess?"

"Well,how should a mother respond to a compliment like that from her own son anyway?"

Brian shrugged and the corner of his mouth turned up. "I don't know, but you do. You're a babe!"

Lynn smiled, amused by her son's choice of words. "Having nice boobs makes me a babe, does it?"

"No, it's more than that," he elaborated "all of you looks great -- head to toe. You don't see me staring at your butt because you don't have eyes in the back of your head."

"You gave it a hard smack this afternoon..."


"It's okay. The hot bath made it feel better." she joked.

Brian slid his hand down his mother's back over her left hip to her ass. He gave her cheek a hard squeeze, feeling her flesh mould to his hand. "It does feel nice." he told her.

Lynn smirked but did not tell him to move his hand from where it was. His caress had caused her dress to move up so more of her thighs were uncovered. Brian looked down at them, wondering if she would let him feel them too, but afraid to try.

"Your legs are so smooth." he said, sounding amazed.

"I shaved when I had my bath." she explained.

"Just your legs?" he prodded.

Lynn let out a shy giggle. "No." she whispered, avoiding his eyes.

"Mmmm..." Brian moaned as he gave a blatant stare down towards her lap.

"Oh, be good." she exhorted, giving his shoulders a gentle shake.

Brian and his mother lost track of time as they discussed a variety of things, avoiding any sexual topics as they sat on the porch arm in arm the rest of the evening. Eventually the sky grew darker, telling them night was approaching. It was becoming cool and Brian noticed how hard his mother's nipples were but was unsure if it was from the night air or arousal.

"Are you cold?" he asked.

"A little."

"I thought so. You look it." he said.

Lynn looked down at the front of her dress. She smiled then her eyes moved up to her son's.

"Let's go in then." he told his mother.

Brian let go of his mother and stood up. He extended his hand to her and she gripped it for him to help her to her feet. Brian tugged her inside and closed the door behind them.

"It was getting chilly." Lynn said as she crossed her arms and rubbed her hands over them.

Brian approached his mother and put his arms around her waist. He drew her to him and ran his hands over her back and down her arms, warming her. Lynn felt herself getting wetter as her son's hands roamed over her. She could feel his hard cock pressing into her stomach as he held her and it sent a surge of excitement from her chest down to her clit. Her hands were on his waist and she eased herself closer so she could feel it better.

"I'm going to have a snack before I go to bed." she said, easing away from her son.

Brian sat down and watched his mother prepare herself a sandwich. Once she was finished she joined him at the table to eat.

"The news will be on soon." Lynn told her son as she checked the wall clock.

Brian followed his mother into the living room and sat next to her on the couch. She pointed the remote at the tv then tossed it on the coffee table before settling back. She crossed her legs, taking a subtle glance down to see how much thigh she was showing. Just enough, she thought to herself, then folded her arms on her lap.

Little was said between Brian and Lynn while they watched the news broadcast, save for the occasional comment about recent politics. Lynn was a staunch Republican and her blood boiled when she heard Democrats criticize the president.

"Nothing seems to change," Lynn commented once the news had finished "same crap every day."

Brian nodded as he twisted his body around to face his mother. He had forced himself to concentrate on the television while the news were on, but just her presence was giving him an erection, although he tried his best to hide it with his arms on his lap.

"I'm going to turn in early. I want to get a start on the garden tomorrow morning before it gets too hot." she told her son.

"Wake me up when you get up and I'll give you a hand." he said.

"That's okay. You don't have to." she told Brian.

"I don't mind though."

Lynn never tried to talk Brian out of his offer. She deduced that his reason for wanting to get up was as much to spend time with her as it was to help her, which excited her.

"Okay, I will." she said.

Brian sat silent as his eyes shifted from his mother's face to the rest of her body. She had turned to him so he could now see the inside of her left thigh up her dress. Her clit distracted her and she was in a hurry to get to the privacy of her bedroom.

"Well, have a good night." she said, feeling awkward because of the sexually charged air.

"Night, mom."

Brian stretched his arms out towards his mother to give her a hug. Lynn leaned closer and put her arms around his upper back, feeling his hands slide down to her ass. Brian brushed her hair from her face and gave her left cheek a soft kiss. His whiskers were rough and she noticed how he smelled. It reminded her of how his father smelled and she liked it.

"See you in the morning." Lynn said as she stood up.

Brian listened to the sounds of his mother getting ready for bed, then waited a half hour until he thought she would be asleep before going upstairs. Standing beside his bed he got undressed in the dark. He tossed his t-shirt aside then undid his shorts. He pulled them and his boxers off, leaving them beside his bed. His hand moved down to his hard cock and he began stroking it as he thought about his mother.

When Lynn woke the next morning her room smelled musky. Her pussy was still wet and tender from her fingers the night before. Sitting naked on the edge of her bed she ran her fingers through her hair, wondering what to wear that day. She wanted clothes that accentuated her body but nothing so obvious that Brian would suspect she was trying to entice him -- not that it would take much effort, she thought.

Lynn searched through a drawer and pulled out a pair of black panties she thought were very sexy. Brian would not see them she knew but it made her feel attractive. The shorts she had worn the day before were on the floor where she had left them before getting into bed. She would only get another pair dirty so she decided to wear the same ones again. She shook them off and pulled them up. Lynn ran her hands over her ass, trying to gauge how it must look in the tight shorts.

After searching for a few minutes Lynn decided on a pale blue tank top with thin straps and a straight neckline that left her upper chest and shoulder blades bare. She pulled the top on then stood before the mirror to see how it looked. It was tighter than she remembered and clung to her breasts, highlighting their shape and size. Lynn leaned over as she looked at her reflection. She was relieved that her nipples could not be seen, but still a good amount of her breasts were visible.

Lynn went to use the bathroom and gave her face a quick rinse before she woke her son. She walked down towards Brian's room and gave a few light raps at the door before opening it and poking her head inside. Brian was still asleep with his back to her. The sheet over him was around his waist and she stared at his bare skin. Lynn stepped over to her son's bed. She saw his boxers on the floor next to his shorts and wondered if he was naked under the sheet.

"Brian... time to wake up, honey."

Brian groaned and rolled over on his back. He looked up at his mother and a smile formed on his face.

"You said to wake you up this morning." she reminded him.

"Yeah... what time is it?" he mumbled.

"Just past eight," she informed him "I want to have a quick breakfast so don't rush."

Brian ran his hands through his hair and sat on the edge of the bed. Lynn noticed how he was careful to bunch the sheet on his lap and concluded that she was right about him being naked.

"I have to get up, mom." he said, trying to prompt her to leave.

"I'm not stopping you." she teased.

"But I need to get dressed." he insisted.

Lynn laughed. "So now you know how I felt in the tub yesterday when you were waiting for me to reach for the glass. Revenge is sweet."

Brian nodded. "I guess." he said, sounding irritated.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone." his mother relented. She walked to the door.

"Thanks." he told her, trying to sound more pleasant.

Once his mother had left Brian began getting dressed. His cock was already hard and he knew it probably would be most of that day. He put his boxers and shorts on and chose a t-shirt to wear then went downstairs.

His mother was eating a grapefruit and some toast when Brian entered the kitchen. He poured a glass of juice and sat down adjacent to her.

"It's going to be another hot day." she said.

Brian grunted as he drank his juice.

Lynn placed her dirty plates in the sink, making a mental note that she would have to do dishes later, then waited for her son to finish his juice.

"All ready?" she asked once his glass was empty.

"Yup." he said as he followed her to the door.

Brian picked up the trays of flowers and brought them down to where the others were planted. Lynn dropped her gardening tools on the lawn and knelt down. Brian knelt beside his mother and observed.

There were fewer plants remaining than Lynn had planted the day before so it did not take her long. Brian tried to be helpful but in reality there was little for him to do. He spent most of the time ogling his mother's ass and her breasts under her tight top.

"God, it's hot." Lynn exclaimed once she had planted the last of the flowers.

Lynn stood up and wiped her right forearm across her brow and sighed.

"Okay, here's what you can do," she told her son "go get the hose and water these for me."

Brian walked around to the other side of the porch where the garden hose was. He turned the tap on then drug the house to the flowers by the nozzle. His mother was standing beside her new garden with her hands on her hips, watching him approach. Brian focused on how her full breasts looked as her top clung to them. His cock was throbbing.

As his mother watched Brian gave the flowers a good soaking with the hose. It wasn't until the ground began to turn muddy that she told him to stop. Brian loosened his grip on the nozzle and looked up at his mother. Her nipples pointed towards him through her top. Brian gave her a devious grin and aimed the nozzle at her chest.

"Don't you dare!" Lynn told her son with a smile, but before she got all of the words out water was hitting her.

Lynn squealed as she charged towards her son, trying to shield the stream of water from the hose with her hands. Brian ran backwards, laughing as he watched his mother's top and shorts become soaked. He could tell from her playful expression that she was not angry as she chased him. Soon Lynn's clothes were dripping wet and she knew it was now pointless to resist anymore. She could only get so wet.

"Okay... okay... I give up." she called out, stopping to catch her breath.

Brian dropped the nozzle of the hose and walked over to his mother. Her top looked as though it was painted on her. Lynn looked down at herself, noticing how her soaked top clung to her breasts. She felt vulnerable, as if she were naked before her son. His erection tented the front of his shorts and her clit jumped.

"You should enter a wet t-shirt contest." he teased.

"How do you think I'd do?" she asked.

"I bet you'd win."

"You're biased because you're my son."

"All the more reason why I shouldn't think that then."

Lynn nodded, feeling a pang of guilt.

Brian noticed the change in his mother's expression and realized the cause of it. It made him feel guilty because he was just as culpable. He stepped closer and placed his hands on her hips, smiling at her. He slid his arms around her back and pulled her to him.

"I'm all wet." she reminded him.

"It's my fault," he said "maybe all of this is."

Lynn pulled away and gave him a serious look. "No. Don't you think that."

Brian nodded and mumbled something, then brought his mother to him again. Her stomach pressed against his erection and she moved her hips a bit, enjoying the feeling of his hard cock.

"My little boy's not so little anymore." she whispered into his ear, her warm breath washing over his neck.

Brian took his mother by her right wrist and drew her hand down. He placed it on his cock through his shorts, pressing on the back of her hand. She rubbed it then gave it a squeeze.

"You're thick..." she said in a hushed voice as she rubbed her palm over his shaft.

"Was dad?"

"Yes. You must take after him."

"A few nights I could hear you guys... well, you mostly. I thought you were doing it."

Lynn blushed and tilted her head down. She removed her hand from her son's crotch and placed it back on his hip.

"We should go inside in case someone sees us. I need to get changed."

Brian followed his mother inside to the kitchen.

"I'll be right back, as soon as I change." she told him.

"I like what you're wearing now." Brian told her.

Lynn turned her back to her son and pulled her top off one deft motion. She covered her breasts with her left arm as best she could then turned around and tossed him her wet top. Before Brian could react she raced up to her room.

Brian locked the back door to prevent any interruptions then quietly crept up to his mother's bedroom. He pulled his t-shirt off as he walked and dropped it to the floor. His mother's door was ajar and he pushed it open.

Lynn was looking through her closet wearing only her panties when she heard her bedroom door open. She gasped when she saw her son in the door way.

"Brian..." she blurted out, crossing her arms over her chest.

Brian stepped up to her and placed his hands on her waist. Her skin was still damp from her clothes. He slid his right hand over her ass, pulling her to him. Her forearms pressed on his chest and she had a look of shock on her face.

"It's okay, mom. I love you. Just relax."

Brian ran his hands over his mother's back, caressing her. He pushed his thigh between hers and tugged at her hips to him until he felt her damp panties on his leg. Holding her by her ass he began moving her so her pussy rubbed up and down his thigh. He could feel it's wetness through her thin panties and knew she was ready for him, at least physically. Her mind needed to catch up with her body still.

Lynn felt all doubts and worried fade as her son continued to manipulate her body. She relaxed her arms and placed her palms on his shoulders. Her nipples brushed over his chest and his hair made them swell even more.

Soon Lynn was rocking her hips without any help from her son. She gripped his shoulders and rubbed herself over his hairy thigh.

"How much did you shave down there?" Brian asked in a husky voice.

"Not all of it." she breathed.

"Show me."

Lynn stopped moving and gave her son a nervous look. Brian took his mother by her left hand and brought her over to her bed. Sitting on the edge he moved her so she was standing between his parted knees. He tugged at her panties, sliding them down over her hips until they were half-way to her knees. He ran his hands up her thighs and over her ass while he stared at the thin strip of dark hair trailing down to her glistening lips. He bent down and ran his tongue over them.

Lynn moaned when she felt her son's tongue on the most intimate part of her body, pressing and prodding. She gripped his firm shoulders harder.

"You taste good, mom."

Lynn gave her son a relieved smile.

Standing up, Brian undid his shorts and slid them and his boxers down then stepped out of them. The swollen head of his cock brushed over his mother as his cock reached out to her. She looked down, admiring it's shape and girth.

"Touch it." he told her, his hands on his hips.

Lynn's hand trembled as she reached for her son's twitching cock. She placed her palm on the underside then curled her fingers around it, giving it a gentle squeeze. It was hot and she felt it throb in her hand. Brian gave his hips a slow thrust forward, pushing his cock in her fist. Lynn watched with delight as his shaft moved in her slender hand.

"Come here." Brian told his mother as he climbed on her bed. He gave her hand a gentle tug to encourage her.Lynn laid on her bed, looking up at her son kneeling over her. She could feel her juice running down towards her ass. His shaft bounced and his heavy balls swayed as he moved between her open legs. Pressing on the insides of her knees he spread her thighs wider, staring down at her waiting pussy.

As her son entered her Lynn cried out and raised her hips. It had been so long since she had been filled by anything besides her fingers that the feeling of his cock moving in her was almost overwhelming. She clutched his arms and wrapped her legs around him, urging him deeper into her.

"Harder..." she breathed in his ear.

Brian pumped his hips faster at his mother's command, feeling his balls slap against her. Her eyes were closed and she moaned as Brian's cock moved in and out of her. She was gripping his cock tighter as she got closer.

"Oh god... oh god, Brian..." she cried out as her back arched.

Watching his mother orgasm under him was enough to send Brian over the edge. He pulled his cock from her seconds before releasing his first stream of cum. It burst from his cock and splashed over her breasts. Two more followed, spraying up her quivering stomach.

Brian moved off of his mother and lay down beside her. He spread his cum around her nipples then traced his finger over her lips. She sucked it into her mouth, tasting his hot seed.

"Thanks." she said with a smile.

"For what?" Brian asked.

"Taking care of my garden."