Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2556 - @2

Chapter 2556 - @2

Mrs. Singer doesn't flirt with me as much as she once did. I feel a distance between us and wonder if she is ashamed at what she'd done with me. Maybe she is trying to fix her marriage and doesn't think it's a good idea to be fooling around with a teenage boy. Mr. Singer has been around much more than usual and I continue to resent him. Still, I try and be nice and help her with the dishes and cooking if I can and she still tells me I'm a "good boy."

In the meantime, I'd gone out with a girl in school who had given me a hand job at the end of our date, but it wasn't as good as the one Mrs. Singer had given me. I miss her and feel depressed about it.

A few weeks go by and I'm over at their house again; I'm still Tommy's best friend after all. Mrs. Singer is there and for the first time in ages and Mr. Singer is nowhere to be seen. She is doing yoga and she looks fabulous. She is super friendly and seems pleased to see me. I watch her for a while and get really turned on looking at her lovely figure. I think I'll try for our first flirt in a while.

"Mrs. Singer, you look..."

"How do I look, Nick?"

"Well, you look, um..."

"Old? Fat?"


"You heard me, Nick. I've been feeling old and ugly."

"Mrs. Singer, you're not serious!"

"I am, Nick. I haven't had any boys tell me I look pretty in so long." She stretches herself out and pushes out her bust. I can see her nipples poking through the fabric and I feel a tingle in my cock. Perhaps she is feeling neglected again and misses my attention.

"Well, I was going to say that I thought you looked...very sexy. Can't you tell?" Mrs. Singer looks down, sees the lump in my pants and does that smile that she used to do all the time. It has been too long since we had flirted this way. She looks at me with a girlish grin and makes a little wriggly move. Then, she bends over forward, showing off how flexible she is.

"What would happen if I did this, Nick?" she whispers and opens her mouth seductively. She is clearly in the mood.

"Well, Mrs. Singer, I would probably have to immediately go to the bathroom and jerk off."

"Nicholas! Hmm. I can see you haven't lost your cheek. Am I really that sexy, sweetie?" She lowers her voice.

"Mrs. Singer, you're the hottest lady I know. I still dream about you all the time. And I would love to touch you in those nice silvery pants."

"Oh, Nick, you know, you really do have a way of making me feel young and attractive. Thank you. Come and give me a hug, honey." Even though I feel somewhat manipulated, I go in for a hug. My raging hard boner presses up against her and my pulse races. "Oh, Nick. Hi, big boy. Hmmm," she wriggles in closer, and then whispers in my ear. "Go on, Nick. As a reward, you can feel up my ass. Go on, baby."

She doesn't have to ask twice. I move my hand down and give her a squeeze. She feels amazing in her close fitting pants. She spreads her legs a little and my fingers drift into her crack. I'm close to her pussy with my hand as her chest brushes against mine. She says "Mmmmmm" and holds me tight. With my other hand, I go to touch her breast, but she slaps it away. "Now, now, Nicholas. Don't be a greedy boy. And anyway, I need to do my yoga and you've gone and made me all wet," she chuckles.

I don't know how to respond. I stand there stupidly and she winks at me and whispers "You know, my pussy. My pussy is wet." She pulls away and says, "Go on, be off with you." I'm thrilled but frustrated. I've missed these moments together and want more, but I left wondering if she just enjoys leading me on and being a tease.

But that doesn't stop me from still hanging out with Tommy, and before too long I'm back at their house again. We're into playing World Of Warcraft online these days and are absorbed in an epic game for the ages. A few hours in, however, Tommy needs to go and run and errand and I decide to stay at their place for the afternoon and keep playing. I hear a noise in the living room and hoping it's his Mom, I go and investigate.

I see her. She's wearing workout clothes, holding a basketball. My mind goes back to the last wonderful occasion when she is doing the same thing. I go over and talk to her.

"Oh, hey Mrs. Singer. Playing basketball again?" She seems pleasantly surprised to see me.

"Phew, yes. I just got back. I'm all smelly and sweaty," she laughs. "How are you, Nick?"

"Oh, I'm OK. Want to try another wager?"

"Mmmmmaybe, Nick. What do you have in mind?" she says with a twinkle in her eye.

I haven't seen her husband around in a while and after our last encounter, I'm hoping she might be into slipping back to our old ways again. I'm feeling bold. "Let's see. If I can get that ball off you in one minute, I get to spend another minute touching you wherever I like, and you just have to let me." She pulls a face, then looks at me as if she's in thought.

"You really think that's a good idea?" she says at last.

"It's nothing we haven't done before, Mrs. Singer."

She looks at me for a while as if weighing the options, then cracks a little smile. "OK, Nick. You're on. I don't see the harm in that. And what if you lose?"

"You can touch me?" I say and we both laugh.

"That sounds like a win-win for you, Nick. No, how have to wash my car."

"Fine," I say. "Got a timer?" She sets the timer on her phone. She gets into a defense position and we wrestle a little bit. She is giggling and clearly having fun. I have the ball in under 30 seconds and it doesn't seem like she tried too hard. "OK, Mrs. Singer," I say, grinning like a fool. "You want to do this now?" She doesn't say anything but slowly puts her arms up, and her hands behind her head in surrender. Her face is cold as ice and it turns me on even more. I move in.

I start by touching her hair, neck, cheek and ears. I move down her arms to her breasts. I have both hands caressing her and she lets out a tiny moan and opens her mouth. I move my hands down her tummy to her shorts. They're flexible elastic and I put my hand down the front, but not inside her panties. She makes a little surprised gasp. I massage her pussy lips and she feels moist and soft. Our eyes are locked and our breathing quickens. She opens her legs a little.

I continue gently touching her with my left hand, and with my right, return to her breast. Our faces are touching, our noses brushing and our lips an inch apart, but I don't kiss her. We can feel each other's hot breath as I continue fondling her. She moans a little more and I can feel her bush through her panties. It is a perfect, magical moment.

"I'm glad I let you win, Nick," she whispers.

"You know it's been well over a minute, Mrs. Singer," I reply.

"I know, Nick". She still has her arms poised in surrender. "I'm giving you extra time for good behavior." I continue to massage her pussy and hold her close to me with my other arm. She arches her body and her breasts press against me. She makes little "Uh uh uh" sounds as I pleasure her with my fingers.

"You're nice and wet, Mrs. Singer," I tell her softly.

"That's because you're touching my pussy, Nick. And you're...doing a...good job," she says breathlessly. Our lips meet and my fingers slip underneath her panties. I can feel her wetness.

"I've missed you," I whisper as I run my fingers through he pubic hair. She relaxes into me completely.

"I've missed you too, Nicholas," she replies.

Just then, a car pulls up in the driveway and Tommy comes jogging towards the front door. I remove my hands, and Mrs. Singer straightens out her clothes and hair. We move apart.

"You know, I would have let you finger me, Nick," she tells me as I'm returning to Tommy's room in a hurry. I wash her car anyway.

Part 15.

Tommy and I are hanging out at his place again, watching a movie in the main room. I haven't seen his dad around for a long time, and I'm thinking that their marriage might be on the rocks again. Luckily, Mrs. Singer is there, pottering around and she looks fantastic as usual. Today, she's wearing this green jumpsuit which is tight fitting, accentuating everything in all the right way. As soon as I see her, I'm instantly aroused.

Tommy tells me he needs to go and meet his dad for a few hours but suggests I stay and watch the rest of the film, so I do. A few minutes later, his Mom enters the room. "Mrs. Singer, you look amazing! Your tits look fantastic! Can I give them a squeeze?" I blurt out without thinking.

"Nicholas! No you may not. Cheeky boy," she replies sternly, but with a smile. I know she likes me touching her but she enjoys controlling me even more.

"OK, fine," I say, feeling a little hurt. She stands there, apparently lost in thought, then turns to me.

"Listen, Nick, I know it's your birthday tomorrow and I won't see you, you want me to give you my gift now?" I nod furiously and suddenly get very excited. No one else is home. Is this it? Am I going to get to fuck her finally? "Now, Nick. Give me about 5 minutes. You wait here. When I come back you need to close your eyes and you can't open them until I say so, OK? Deal?"

"Deal, Mrs. Singer," I say and wait on the couch. She runs off and I hear her fiddling about in her bathroom. What is she doing? Some time passes. Then I hear her call, "OK, Nick baby. I'm coming in. Close your eyes. Are they closed?"

I pause the film and close my eyes. "Yes they are." I hear her walk in.

"OK, Nick. Happy birthday sweetie. Open your eyes now."

I open my eyes. And there she is. Standing ten feet from me, completely naked except for stiletto heels and a bow in her hair. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart," she whispers like Marilyn Monroe. I start to speak, but can't. I start to get up, but she tells me to "sit back down." She moves closer. "This is a visual gift only, Nick. No touching. But I'll stand here in front of you for as long as you like. No one will disturb us for a while. I made sure of it. Now, you sit back and relax and enjoy the view."

I'm amazed. She is the most incredible woman I have ever known, not just because of her amazing body and beautiful nature, but because she has the confidence to do this. She looks beyond belief. She must have groomed herself just for me, because her pussy hair looks immaculate. Her breasts aren't large, but they are lovely and surprisingly perky for a middle-aged woman.

I go bright red. I'm out of breath, rock hard, sweating. I'm nervous. She can see my reaction and she's enjoying it. She knows she is a star and I'm in awe. She stands there for what seems like half an hour, just making little movements, occasionally turning, bending over, touching herself a little or putting her hair back and stretching out. She doesn't need to perform, she knows this is a dream come true for me. My eyes cover every inch of her curves.

"Do you like your birthday gift, Nick?" she whispers seductively. I nod like an idiot, desperately wanting to take my dick out and jerk off. I still can't really find the words to adequately express myself.

"Thank you, Mrs. Singer,"

"I know, Nick. You're a good boy and you deserve this gift."

"Can I take a picture of you, Mrs. Singer?" She puts her hands on her hips and looks at me crossly.

"Why? so you can post it on the internet? I may be a naughty, bored housewife, Nicholas, but I'm not an idiot," she says.

"Mrs. Singer, I would never..."

"Actually, no, I don't think you would. I tell you what, would you like me to sit on your knee for 2 minutes and kiss you, or would you like a picture? Chose wisely, Nick." It's a no brainer, so I tap my knee.

"Wise choice, Nick baby." She walks over to me and sits down on my knee. her legs are crossed, but she put her tits against me, then her arms around my neck and kisses me. Full on french, soft, slow and delicious. She takes one of my hands and puts it on her breast. As we're kissing, she drops one hand down and draws little lines with her fingertips over the lump in my pants. I spread my legs and she gives me little cock and ball tickles as we make out. My hands wander all over her and she caresses my hair with her free hand.

I sense she wants me to fuck her there and then, but as usual, I'm too scared to make a move. She is in control. After a few minutes, she stops kissing me. "That was lovely, Nick. You're such a sweet boy. Thank you. Now, I'm going to get dressed. I'm sorry for the blue balls, but I hope that was a nice birthday present anyway." She gets up and walks away, giving me a little smile and a wave as she goes. I look down and she's left a stain on my pant leg.

As she's getting dressed, I just sit there, amazed and in shock. After a few minutes, she comes back with the same amazing green outfit on as before. It makes her body look magnificent and I just want to get my hands all over her again. I've never been so turned on in my life and I know that she's hot for me as well. I stand up, my hard dick pushing against my pants.

"Hi Nick baby" she purrs. As I walk over to her she put her arms above her head provocatively. I don't care about asking or about respect, I just have to have more. I move straight over to her and grab her firmly, but not violently of course. I kiss her and put my hands all over her, again firmly, but not aggressively.

She responds in kind, with beautiful, full kisses and her hands all over my body. As I probe between her legs, she does the same. Despite the fact that she has actually jerked me off before, I feel that this is the furthest we have ever gone together. It's our most intimate connection so far. "Mrs. Singer, I want an early Christmas present," I say in between kisses.

"Tell me what you want, baby," she says while squeezing the lump in my pants.

"I want to make love, Mrs. Singer. To eat your pussy. To fuck. I want to fuck you. I want it all, I must have you," I reply feverishly.

"I know you do, Nick. I want you to fuck me as well." She stops kissing me and just holds on in a tender embrace. "I've thought about it a lot. Every day for a year, Nick. I've thought about your cock in me. But today is the first time I actually want it to happen. I don't care about the consequences." So much for her saying "Visual gift only."

"Mrs. Singer, do we have time? I don't want to rush."

"I don't know...I..."

We fall back into kissing and touching each other. She unzips my fly and finds my cock. Just then, just as she is about to get down on her knees, as if the gods themselves intervene to thwart our plans, a car pulls up in the driveway. Tommy and his dad have just come home.

"Fuck. Shit. Nick. I'm sorry. sweetie, you shouldn't be here. They're home early. Baby, I'm sorry. You should slip out the back. Come back soon and we'll see, OK? I'm sorry. But I hope you had a nice birthday. I wanted to give you more." Mrs. Singer is in a panic, so leads me to the back door and gives me another sweet kiss.

"You're a lovely boy, Nick. You walk home now, OK? Will you be OK?" I can see she feels bad and that she is freaking out. My presence would have been easy to explain, if I'd just sat down and continued with the film, but I can see she's a mess so I zip up my pants and obey her.

"It's fine, Mrs. Singer. Thank you for everything. It was...amazing." I hear keys in the front door and slip out the back unseen. I walk home in a daze of euphoria, hardly being able to contain my joy and excitement at our seemingly deepening relationship. My entire body is tingling from her touch.

Part 16.

I'm over at the Singer house the next day and everyone is there, including Tommy's asshole dad who I wish would just fucking leave. But as usual, with Tommy off playing video games and being oblivious to reality all the time, and Mr. Singer passed out in front of the TV, I have plenty of time to devote to the lady of the house.

She's in her office and when I see that she is alone, I knock and go in. She looks amazing in little short shorts and a tight t-shirt and I feel drawn to her. I don't know where we stand exactly, if she had said those things yesterday in the heat of the moment, so I don't just leap in. "Nick. Hold it right there for a second," she says.

She turns around and bends over, sticks her ass in the air and picks up a pencil. It's an amazing view and she just stays there. She turns her face towards me and says, "Ooops. I dropped this pencil. How clumsy of me," then she puts her hand over her mouth, in mock surprise. She's so cute.

", um...looks like you did," I say, checking out her beautiful behind. I can see the shape of her pussy through her tight shorts.

"And how do I look, Sir?"

"You are the most gorgeous and sexy woman in the world, Mrs. Singer," I manage to say.

"Thank you, Nick baby. Now come over here and show me how sexy you think I am." She stays in that position. I move towards her and put my hand between her legs and the other on her tits. She isn't wearing a bra and she feels wonderful. "Oh yes, baby. Perfect," she says. I massage tits and pussy her for a while, and she just makes little "Mmmmmm Nick" type noises. She spreads her legs and I continue rubbing her.

After a minute or so, she stands up straight and turns around. We kiss. "Nick, I'm going to want you to have me soon, OK? But the time needs to be right. Can you wait?"

"Yes I can Mrs. Singer, as long as you want." I'm trying to keep my cool. I'm wondering what's going on with her marriage now.

"OK, Nick, thank you. Now, I have two questions. First of all, are you still a virgin and secondly, don't you think you should call me Laura now, at least when we're together?"

"Well, I'm slightly embarrassed to say, but yes, I am a virgin, though I have, y'know, um...with girls. Will you be my first, Mrs. Singer?"

"I want to pop your cherry, Nick, OK? I think it will be very special for you. Is that alright?" I nod, shyly. "Now, let's go about our day, OK?"

"Yes, Mrs. Singer, thank you."


"Yes, Mrs. Singer." We both laugh.

I'm over at the Singer house pretty often after that. I tell Tommy that my parents aren't getting along, and that I would prefer to be at his place most of the time. He doesn't care. In fact, he had mentioned that his parents were also not getting along and that he'd heard them arguing often. That would certainly explain Mrs. Singer's behavior towards me and why she seems to have decided to actually have an little fling with me. Mrs. Singer is playing the piano and Mr. Singer is nowhere to be seen.

During dinner that night, however, she doesn't flirt with me at all and seems distracted. After dinner, we all sit down and watch a movie and again, there isn't much flirting. In fact, she had flirted with me way more in the past. Maybe she is nervous about being discovered now, or maybe has changed her mind. I get a little paranoid.

During the movie, Tommy gets up to microwave some popcorn, and she takes that 5 minutes as an opportunity to mess with me. I'm sitting opposite her, and she suddenly opens her legs to reveal her pussy. I get hard instantly and make a little hand gesture to communicate that to her. She smiles sexily, and sits there like that until Tommy comes back with the popcorn. Later, she kisses me and says that I should go home, that it is a bad time for her. I go home and jerk off thinking about her as usual.

Part 17.

These days I mostly come over to see Tommy's Mom, though that makes me feel bad. I'm partly outgrowing Tommy's video games, but I still enjoy hang out. Only, I like hanging out with his Mom more. I have been reading another book on art history and hope I can talk to her about it and maybe impress her with my new knowledge. I want her to see me as an equal.

As soon as I walk into their place, I see her. "Hi Nick sweetie," she says softly. She is wearing that sheer black dress that I'd seen her in before and it is one of her most overtly sexy outfits."Mrs. Singer, you look amazing. That dress..."

"Thank you, honey. You're always so attentive," she says somewhat dismissively and carries on doing what she is doing.

"You do look very dressed up, are you going out?"

"Yes, I am, Nick. I'm sorry."

"Do you have a date, Mrs. Singer?"

"Yes. No, not exactly. I'm having dinner with a friend and her husband, but his brother is coming too."

"Oh, so it's a kind of double date, then?" I'm trying to not appear jealous, but I am. I'm also disappointed that I wouldn't get the chance to discuss this book with her.

"No, I don't know. I'm still married you know. Although you have probably heard that Tommy's father moved out. We're getting a divorce. He's been fucking around on me." She looks angry and upset, although she's been doing the same thing. I keep that thought to myself.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Singer, I..."

"It's OK, Nick, but y'know, you shouldn't get hung up on me, you know that, right?" I don't reply. I'm definitely feeling hurt and disappointed. She apparently has mixed feelings about this whole thing with me and is trying to put me off, or that's how it feels. "Listen, Nick. I have to go. Will you stay over, please? I'd like to talk to you later if possible."

"Sure," I say, somewhat curtly. I feel manipulated and not in a good way. "Have a nice dinner and I'll see you later," I say, then go to hang out with Tommy without giving her a hug, like I normally would. I'm not feeling too good but I do stay, because she asked me to and I'm a fool for her.

I hang out all night, playing video games and eating pizza with Tommy. It's fun, but I'm anxious for his Mom to get back and worried she is going to bring home that guy, or go back to his place. It's getting pretty late, but finally, I hear her come home. She goes straight into her room, just calling out "I'm going to bed, night night boys."

I'm left disappointed once again and feel sick that she might not be alone. But, about 10 minutes later, I receive a text. I'd never received a text from Mrs. Singer before, although I've had her number in my phone. The text just says "Come and see me." I make my excuses to Tommy and walk quickly to her room. I knock, hear a quiet invitation, and go in.

Mrs. Singer is lying on the bed, wearing only stockings, bra and panties. She looks incredible, and I'm instantly aroused though taken aback.

"Close the door behind you, Nick. And lock it," she orders and I do as she asks. "I didn't like that guy. I much prefer you, Nick. Do you want to get your cock sucked before bed, honey?" I nod vigorously, though I can tell that she's had a little bit to drink. "Have you ever had a blowjob before, Nick?" By now I have, from 2 different girls in my class in school. But I don't know if I should answer, so I shrug stupidly.

"I'm sure you have, Nick. It's fine. But why don't I show you how a real woman sucks cock?"

"Yes, please, Mrs. Singer."

"Nick, baby. You don't need to speak or thank me, or anything. Just take your pants off and walk over towards me." I undo my belt and pull down my pants. Stepping out, I then remove my boxer shorts. I'm at full mast. She sits on the edge of the bed. "Now, stand right in front of me, honey." I do exactly as she says.

My cock is about 6 inches from her face. "Your cock is twice the size of my asshole husband, Nick. You are a very impressive male specimen," she says, studying it. She grabs my balls and then licks the entire length of my shaft.

"Mrs. Sing-"

"Shhhhh, Nick. Just enjoy it, OK?" she interrupts. I nod. "Good, now let me show you how it's done." She's right. When she takes my cock in her mouth and deep throats me, it's obvious that the teenage girls at my school have no idea what they are doing and I hadn't really has a proper blowjob before. I've never felt anything like this, and I think I'm going to come immediately.

"Stop, please. Mrs. Singer." She stops and looks up at me.

"Why, Nick?"

"Because I don't want to come yet," I tell her. She giggles.

"It's OK, Nick baby. You can come whenever you want. Come in my mouth, OK?" She goes back to work on me, but more slowly this time and then with intervals where she just kisses the end, or fondles my balls, in order to prolong the ecstasy. After a few minutes, she gets me all the way in her mouth again and it's obvious she wants me to explode in her.

She looks up at me and I grab her hair. I fill her mouth with my hot cum and she emits a lovely long groan. She makes sure I'm completely sucked dry and then stops. She swallows my cum and smiles up at me. She stands up slowly and wipes her mouth, still holding onto my dick. I'm on fire. "Now, Nick. You put your clothes back on and go back to Tommy, OK? We'll talk tomorrow," she says, tickling my cock and balls. I'm so turned on by her authoritative manner.

"Thank you, Mrs. Singer," I mutter, standing like a dear in the headlights. We stand there for a minute without speaking and she continues playing with me. Even though I've just come, it still feels incredible. She looks away, takes her hand off me and I grab my pants and put them back on.

"I told you not to thank me," she says, and opens the door to let me out. I'm caught off guard by her lack of affection, but in a way it's more of a turn on this way. I sense that part of her gets off on dominating and controlling me, but I can't get my head round her.

I sleep like a baby and it is past noon when I finally get out of bed. Mrs. Singer is in the kitchen and Tommy is nowhere to be seen. She looks incredible and I move closer to give her a hug. When I get to about a foot from her, she grabs my balls through my pants, effectively stopping me in my tracks.

She starts playing with me hard and it's almost painful, but exhilarating. She gets right up against my face, whispering, "Hey, boy. Did you enjoy your first real blowjob? Did you enjoy seeing your cock go all the way in my mouth? Did that feel good? Was it as good as you has imagined, when you jerked off thinking about it all those times?"

By this time, she has unzipped my fly. "Did you enjoy coming in my mouth, baby? Did you enjoy fucking an older lady's face?" I can't really speak. I'm just completely in awe of her. "I enjoyed it too, baby," she says, pulling my dick out of my pants. "I'm going to suck you off again," she says, and she's not asking.

"Yes," Mrs. Singer smiles to herself in that cute way, enjoying her power. Now on her knees, she yanks down my pants and gives me another magnificent blowjob with full deep throat all the while massaging my balls and ass. I thrust my full length down her throat and give her my load. She swallows, just like last time.

She then gets up and drinks a glass of water. "Phew, Nick. thanks. I love your dick. You didn't mind did you?" she says in a completely new manner, like she's a different person.

"No, I...I...of course..." I can't really form a sentence and she just smiles sweetly.

"You really are too adorable, Nick. Now, put that big dick away," she says, pointing at it. She laughs and gives me a warm hug. "You busy tonight, Nick? How about I teach you how to eat pussy? I know you've wanted to since you met me."

I simply nod, as no words would form. I have plans, but they are getting cancelled immediately. "OK, honey. I'm going to go shopping. You go home and wait for my text later, OK?" This is shaping up to be a very good day.

Later that day, I get a message from Mrs. Singer. I have been waiting all day for the promise of further adventures and it looks like it's on. The text says "Tommy out, back door open." I'm over there in a flash. I let myself in the back door and call out to her. "In here," I hear her voice coming from the living room.

When I get there, she is sitting in a chair, nude, looking fabulous, with only some red stockings on. "Hi," she says softly.

"Hi," I reply.

"Have you eaten, Nick honey? Are you hungry? I have something for you to eat," she says, and looking in my eyes, spreads her legs wide, hanging one over the arm of the chair.

"Will you teach me, Mrs. Singer? I've never..."

"Yes, I will, my boy. I'll guide you," she says. Everything I know about this is from watching movies online. "First of all, get on your knees and crawl over to me. That's it. Now, softly kiss my thighs, kiss my tummy, kiss my nipples. Thank you, sweetie. You're doing very well. Now, you want to try my pussy? Have you ever licked an ice cream, Nick?"

I look up and nod, my eyes wide. "Good. Now, you see my clit, honey?" She points to it. "This is where you really get a girl off, Nick baby. Now, lick me like I'm an ice cream, sweetie. That's it. Nice and soft and slow to start, OK? Yes, keep going. Now, don't forget to use your hands, touch me all over, my calves, thighs, ass, tummy, tits, neck, back, ears, mouth. Explore, honey. Oh yes, that...feels...yes. Now, when you hear a girl respond, then..."

She breaks off as I continue to do what she told me. I could taste her juices and although it isn't what I had expected, it is incredible. My first taste of pussy is with this goddess.

She goes on, "Then, oh yes, baby, right there...then, you can go faster and a little harder. That's it. Keep, as you go faster, flick your tongue." I try my best and she seems to like it. She stops talking and just starts moaning, groaning, panting and then making sweet sounds of pleasure. This is obviously working. She is very wet, and the juices are flowing.

"Nick, yes, yes, that's it. I'm nearly there. Honey, finger me. Two fingers, yes, oh, fuck, yes, yes, yes," She starts almost screaming and closes her legs around my head. She grabs my hair and buries my face in her pussy. I feel her body shake and she continues just saying "fuck" over and over again. I don't stop until she tells me to.

"Phew, Nick. Yes. That's it. You ever make a girl come before?"

"No, Mrs. Singer. Is that what just happened? Should I keep going or stop?"

"Baby, you can make me come again if you like. If you're not tired."

"Mmmmmm no," I say and get back to it. She starts coming to a climax, grabbing the back of my head and pushing me into her pussy again. This is one of the greatest experiences of my life, giving pleasure to this magnificent lady. She taps me on the shoulder. "OK, baby. You can stop now. Kiss me, hug me, hold me." I do as she asks. After a minute, she asks me if I enjoyed it, and I tell her it was even better than the blowjob. She giggles.

"Well, in that case, next time, we'll try a 69, OK?" I nod, in awe. "Now, Nick sweetheart. You have earned a reward. Something special. Let's go for a drive and I'll suck your dick in the car and we'll get ice cream, OK? Sound like fun? OK. Let me get dressed and you go and wash your face and brush your teeth."

We go out for a drive and she instructs me to pull over behind the grocery store, the one by my house. She looks around, then unzips my fly and pulls out my cock. I'm already hard. She bends down and starts toying with it with her tongue, not taking me in her mouth yet. It feels amazing and I tell her so. She looks up at me. "Nick, while I suck you off, talk dirty to me," she orders. I feel shy but do my best.

She starts licking my cock again. "Yeah...Mrs. Singer. Suck my dick. Suck it," I say, a little pathetically.

She stops and looks up at me. "Dirtier. Called me a slut. A whore. A bitch. Anything you like."

"Really?" I ask, kinda shocked.

"Yes. Dirtier the better. Get on with it," she tells me and then puts my whole cock down her throat. OK, fine, she's asking for it.

"Suck my dick you bitch. That's all you're good for. Suck it." She gets more into it and start groaning, bringing her mouth up and down on my thick shaft. "You're nothing but a whore. Now suck my cock like the whore that you are..." I just let it all out and then come in her mouth without warning. It's incredible. She gives out a long moan and sucks me dry.

She wipes her mouth and then sits up. She opens the car door and spits it out onto the sidewalk, letting out a long sigh. She looks over and smiles. "That was awesome. You did great," she tells me. I'm relieved. I'm afraid I had done it wrong. We both laugh as I wipe my hand across the back of my forehead.


"OK, now let's go and get ice cream. My treat," she says. This day just can't get better.

We go to the ice cream place and I see a friend of mine from school, so I stand away from her. "Hey Jimmy," I say, loud enough so Mrs. Singer picks up on it.

"Yo, Nick. What's up. You here with Tommy's Mom?"

"Um, no, we just arrived at the same time. I didn't even notice her," I lie.

"Hey...Tommy's Mom," Jimmy calls out.

"Oh, hey boys. How are you?" she looks around with a sparkle in her eye. She looks so hot. She's got small jean shorts on and a tight t-shirt and she stretches out her body to accentuate her curves. She smiles at us both and notices Jimmy checking her out.

I can't really speak, but Jimmy leans in to me and whispers, "Damn, she's fine. Can you imagine tapping that ass?" I murmur something in agreement and Mrs. Singer pulls that face when I know she's trying not to laugh. I end up having to buy my own ice cream and then sit outside with Jimmy.

Mrs. Singer walks by, licks her ice cream provocatively, waves at us and says, "Bye now, boys," and walks off in a sexy stroll. Her ass looks sensational and I'm rock hard again.

"Dang, man. You see that? She totally wants my dick," Jimmy says. I just nod. "She is so hot. I'm gonna have to spend more time over at Tommy's place. I'm gonna fuck that bitch," he says. If only he knew, but I didn't want to bust her, plus Jimmy was kind of a creep. I got slightly paranoid that he might succeed though, that Mrs. Singer was a slut for any young guy. In the corner of my eye, I can see her waiting for me by the car.

As I'm lying in my bed at home later that night, thoughts race through my head. I'm sure Mrs. Singer doesn't have actual feelings for me, she just likes the attention of a young man with a big cock, but I can't help having more and more feelings for her. I assume we won't ever be together properly, even if I do get to fuck her, so I'm prepared to put my guard up. I'm on cloud nine, but try not to think about her too much and fight the urge to text her all night.

A few days go by and I bump into her at the local public swimming pool. She looks so cute wrapped up in her towel. She is happy to see me and I think I made the right move by not being too clingy with her that week. She is going through a divorce, after all, and maybe I'm not the only guy she is fooling around with.

"Hi Nick, honey. Thank you for the other day. Would you be surprised if I told you that is the first time in about 3 years that a guy has made me come? I've been pleasuring myself all this time," she whispers in my ear and giggles. I'm thrilled that I could do that for her, it makes me feel like a man.

"Thank you too, Mrs. Singer. know...when you..." -

"Sucked your cock, Nick?"

"Yes, that was amazing. I've never experienced anything like that."

"You're welcome, sweetie. You deserve it."

"Y'know, Mrs. Singer. My friend Jimmy was into you," I tell her. I wanted to gauge her reaction.

"I think one young man is all I can handle, Nick," she says with a laugh. I'm not entirely convinced, but it's all I'm getting from her today. "Now, you want to come over tomorrow night? Tommy will be home, so we can all have dinner, but maybe after, we could try something new, what do you think?"

"That sounds wonderful, Mrs. Singer. I'll be there."

"And from now on, it's Laura, OK?" She gives me a hug and I go off to swim.

So, the next day I show up at the Singer house as planned. I go into the kitchen and Mrs. Singer is there, looking wonderful, perhaps better than I've ever seen her. She is dolled up and glamorous with a cute, sexy dress on, her hair is up and she's wearing hoop earrings. She is also wearing glasses which I'd never seen on her before. They make her look even hotter.

"Mrs. Singer, you look..."

"Amazing, I know," she laughs. "Seriously, though, Nicholas. Call me Laura, OK?"

"I didn't know you wore glasses, Mrs. Singer." I change the subject.


"Mrs. Singer, glasses," I say, pointing. She pretends to get mad, grabs me and gives me a little wrestle. I get an erection and press against her.

"You're always hard for me, boy. I love it," she says giving my cock a little squeeze. I point to her glasses again. "Yes, I was just reading a recipe. You like?"

"Yes, Mrs. Singer. You look...incredible. You're so beautiful. You're the best looking girl I've ever seen." I could see her blush.

"Oh, Nick. Thank you sweetheart. You really do make me feel good. You'll get an extra special reward tonight, OK?" I nod furiously and feel like a puppy. "Now, go and hang out with Tommy while I cook." She turns and lifts up her dress for me a little. I'm gonna be hard all night.

Dinner is nice. Mrs. Singer is a good cook and conversation is lively. After, Tommy wants to play video games and though I enjoy hanging out with him, I really want to get my reward from his mom. An hour goes by, then another. There is a knock at the door and Mrs. Singer pops her head through the door. She looks tired and distracted. "Boys, I'm going to sleep. I'm tired. Night night, now," she says and closes the door.

Tommy grunts and I tell him I need to pee. Mrs. Singer stops me in the hallway with an exasperated look. "Nick, not tonight, OK? I promised you something nice, but it's late now and I need to be up early. You hang out with Tommy, yeah? Now, say goodnight." I give her a hug but she resists a little and seems irritated. I try to kiss her but she turns her head away. "You're being a bad boy, Nicholas," she says, puts her hand down the front of my pants and grabs my balls hard.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Sin..." I begin to say, through the intense sensation.

"Shut your mouth," she says and continues squeezing my balls. She looks me in the eye coldly and vigorously starts jerking me off, a little too hard. My cock is still inside my pants and she leaves me no choice and I ejaculate. My spunk goes all over my boxer shorts and it's a warm, sticky mess. She takes her hand away and says, "there you go, there's your reward, boy."

I can't think of anything to say. Although I wasn't sure if I enjoyed her jerking me off just now or not, it was obvious she had got off on humiliating me. I had been a bad boy and was being punished accordingly.

"Tomorrow after school is out, Tommy has soccer for 2 hours so we'll have some time. Come then," she says, and it's not a request but an order. I nod, then go home to clean myself up.

Part 18.

The next day, I go straight over to see Mrs. Singer after school as planned and let myself in the back door like before. "Hello?" I call out.

"Come in!" I hear her call back. I walk in and she is sitting in her chair wearing a tight little nightie with stockings and garters. She's not looking at me, but is aware that I'm there. I just stand there, taking her in. After a few seconds, she says, "Come here," very softly, but she doesn't look up.

"Massage my feet," she gently commands. I do as she asks immediately. Is this further punishment for misbehaving or just a little dominance? I can't help myself and love her confidence and power. I'm on my knees, massaging her feet. She has obviously had a bath and smells lovely. "Kiss my feet," she whispers and I comply. "Now, move up to my calves," again she commands very calmly and softly. I do as she says.

She still hasn't looked at me, but she spreads her legs and I can see everything. She isn't wearing any panties. "Thighs now," she says quietly, still not looking at me. My god, this is incredible. She has total power over me. She's playing a game with me. It's totally exhilarating, totally unexpected and unknown territory for me."Mrs. Singer, do you want me to..."

"Did I say you could speak?" she interrupts, very calmly, not looking at me. I continue to kiss and massage her thighs. This goes on for a few minutes, until she says "stop". I stop. "Lie on the floor, face up." I do as she commands. I feel quite vulnerable, but I trust her and love being in her power. It's like a magic spell. I'd never even dreamed of something like this. She's showing me a whole new world.

She gets up and walks over to me. She doesn't look at me or speak, but simply puts one foot on either side of my face, so I can see right up her nightie. She is facing towards my feet. She crouches down over my face, and her pussy is inches away from my nose and mouth. She lowers herself a little further until she is almost sitting on me.

"Lick," she says very quietly, without emotion. Of course, I immediately comply, doing as she taught me the other day. This is breathtaking, truly. I have never even imagined a scenario like this in all my fantasies about this woman. "Faster." Her juices start flowing and I can taste her. She shifts position so that her knees are now on the floor and while I continue to lick her sweet pussy, she leans forward, starts undoing my belt, then the buttons on my pants, finally taking my dick out of my shorts.

"Tap me on the shoulder if you feel like you're going to come," she tells me. I don't answer, just keep pleasuring her pussy. "Good boy. Don't stop." She starts giving me head and it is the best so far. So, this is a 69. No girls in my school were treating their boyfriends like this, I was confident. I feel the cum rising in my cock and tap her on the shoulder.

She takes my cock out of my mouth and the feeling dies down for a moment. "Mrs. Singer, I..."

"Did I say you could stop licking my pussy?" she snaps. Oh my god, I love this. I've never been so thrilled. I continue to lick her, but she sits down on my face properly now, which makes it harder to breathe and it is mind blowing. I tap her on the shoulder again, as I feel the cum rising. She takes my cock out of her mouth then sits up and puts more pressure on me. She wriggles around, spreading her pussy juice all over my face, barely allowing me space to breathe.

She stays there for a minute, then stands up. "Get up and take your clothes off," she says in an offhand way, looking at her hand. I strip. She's dominating me, but I'm being rewarded as well. If she'd wanted to humiliate me further, she could have peed on my face, but she didn't. That thought goes through my head and I consider if I would have let her or not. "Undress me," she commands in a soft voice and I snap out of my thoughts. She runs her finger down the length of my cock.

"Don't look at my face," she tells me. I avert my eyes and undo her stockings. When I'm done, she lifts her arms in the air and I lift her nightie over her head. She's nude, except for her stockings. I move to take them off but she slaps my hand, cruelly. "Suck on my nipples gently. Don't touch me." I do as she asks and she inhales sharply. After a minute she says "stop," and walks away towards her bedroom.

"Pick up all the clothes and follow me." I obey. When I get into her room, she is lying face up on the bed, her head leaning back over the end, her legs spread. "Stand over me so that your cock is in my face, lean over and lick my pussy." I lean over her and start licking. She is tickling my balls as I do this and I'm feeling a desperate need to come, but she doesn't give me head.

"Faster," she directs me. I speed up. "Harder." I go hard and fast. I can feel her body tense up and she starts thrusting and writhing, although she is obviously trying not to make any sound. This is a control exercise and she has all the power. I think she's coming. Her body is in spasm and her muffled cries are clear evidence of her ecstasy. "Don't stop," she says breathlessly, reaching a climax.

"Now, I'm going to open my mouth and I want you to fuck my face. Fuck my face hard, fast and deep. Don't hold back. If you hold back, I'll punish you later. Now, do it. Fuck my face." She's forcing me to dominate her now. She puts my hard dick in her mouth and I start moving in and out, thrusting all the way down her throat and out, moving harder and faster as I go.

"Harder, faster," I hear her say, though muffled with my cock in her mouth. I really start giving it to her, sticking my dick all the way down her throat. I can hear her gag, but don't stop. I continue to lick her pussy and I think she comes again, her juices flowing. What a woman. Now, I know I'm gonna cum. I tap her on the shoulder again and she grabs my balls to help me along. I push my full length into her face and deliver the load. It's the most intense orgasm of my life so far.

She continues to gently suck, and then takes me out of her mouth with a gasp of breath when she knows I'm spent. "Get on the bed and lie down," she says, panting. I do as she tells me, and she comes and lies down next me and collapses in my arms, our limbs intertwined. After a few minutes, she looks me in the eye and says "Nick sweet baby, thank you. You were wonderful, that was incredible. You were perfect."

She kisses me tenderly on the mouth and I hold on to her, unable to really process what has happened. "Did you like the game, Nick?" she asks me gently.

"Yes. Yes. It was..." I can't find the words.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was afraid it might be too much. But I wanted to try something different with you."

"You did that," I say and just cuddle up to her, feeling sleepy and dazed. I didn't realize sex could be like that.

We stay together for about ten minutes and finally she says. "Nick, my darling. You should get dressed and get out of here. Go home and take a bath. Can you come back later for dinner?" I nod, get dressed and give her one last hug.

"No matter what happens, Mrs. Singer, I will never, ever forget you," I tell her.

"Laura," she says with a smile and I leave.

A few hours later, after I've showered and changed, I head back over to the Singer house. Tommy is there and his Mother too of course. She's wearing a nice black dress and looks gorgeous as always. Though taking care not to expose our affair to her son, she is very loving, flirty and sweet to me, more so than usual. I can never predict her mood swings.

When Tommy leaves the room, she runs up to me and gives me a lovely, intimate hug and a romantic kiss. "My god, Nick. This afternoon. It was so exciting. You know, I might come across as very experienced to you, but I've never done anything like that before. I've been married for 18 years and my husband, ex-husband, was totally fucking boring. Thank you allowing me to explore. I'm so thrilled by you. You are exactly what I need right now, Nick."

She kisses me again sweetly, pressing her titties against me. "Nick, did you enjoy it, were you uncomfortable?"

"Mrs. Singer..."


"'s hard to know what to say. You took me on a wild journey.'re the most amazing person I've ever met." I nearly tell her I love her, but I know that's not what she wants or needs right now. She needs fun, she needs release. I'm glad that I can be that person for her, but she leaves me confused with her unpredictable behavior.

"Thank you, Nick. Thank you for making me feel free and young and sexy. I'm happy for the first time in years." She gives me a lovely smile.

We all sit down for dinner and it's great. Tommy is chatty and blissfully unaware that I have been fooling around with his mom and we all play cards. Mrs. Singer occasionally makes a sexual gesture when her son isn't looking, licking her finger like she wants to suck my cock, or flashing me her panties. After dinner, Mrs. Singer takes me aside.

"Nick baby, could you come again? I feel so close to you. I want to fuck, but that can't be tonight. I want to do it when we have the house to ourselves, so we don't have to hold back. But, if you want, I can suck your cock, so you don't get blue balls. Is that OK, my sweet boy?"

"Mrs. Singer, are you asking me if it's OK if you suck my cock?"

"Only if you call me Laura," she answers. We both giggle. Tommy has gone off to play video games, so it seems safe enough. She grabs me by the belt and pulls me into her room.

"Lock the door and get your cock out, honey", she says, getting on her knees. "Now, soon, Nick baby, I want to make love. Are you ready to lose your virginity?"

"Yes, as long as it's with you," I tell her. She smiles and starts sucking my dick. This time, instead of having me come in her mouth, she pulls my cock out at the last second and I spray her face. My cum is in her hair, in her eyes, on her cheeks, on her chin and dripping from her lips. She sits there for a minute without speaking just looking up at me.

"Never forget this moment," she says to me.

Part 19.

I'm over at the Singer house almost every day now. I continue with this story that my parents are fighting and Tommy doesn't mind. We still have a great time together. Mrs. Singer doesn't seem to mind either. I come over for dinner and she gives me a wonderful hug and a kiss as soon as we're alone. We're kissing and she whispers "Touch my tits, Nick." I'm happy to oblige. She always feel amazing.

"Now, listen, Nick. This weekend, Tommy is going to be staying with his dad. I'll be here, on my own. No one else will be here. I'm actually quite nervous about this too, but how would you feel about me taking your virginity on Saturday? We could spend as much time as we like together and not worry about noise or distractions. I don't want to pressure you. Do you feel ready?" She sounds unusually vulnerable.

"Well, I did have plans this weekend, Mrs. Singer," I say, but am unable to conceal the joke, and we both giggle.

"Bad boy," she says, stroking my face.

"No, really. I am ready. I want to. I've wanted to ever since I met you, and you're the only woman who I ever think about that way." It was true. Now that we were back on, there were no other girls.

"That means a lot, thank you, Nick. I really do think you're lovely, and..." giving my cock an extended squeeze, "...very impressive. I want to feel you inside me. It will be hard to wait till then, Nick. It's 5 days."

"I've waited over a year for this, Mrs. Singer. I have barely thought about anything else this entire time."

"I'm glad I can give you what you want." We hug and she rests her head on my chest. I want to tell her I love her, but I'm not sure if it's even true, or if that might make her not want to be with me, in case I'm taking it too seriously. Despite this closeness and her apparent sincerity, there continues to be uncertainty.

"Mrs. Singer, I want to see you before Saturday."

"You will, Nick. How about tonight after dinner? Unless you have plans."

"Nothing I can't cancel," I say, jokingly.

Later that night, I'm hanging out with Tommy when I receive one of those infrequent texts from his mother. It just says "Office." Mrs. Singer has a room on the other side of the house where she does the accounts and web stuff for her business, and I know that's where she'll be. I get hard instantly, thinking about what she might have in store for me. I leave Tommy to his tunnel vision game and walk over to see her.

I go in and close the door behind me. She is standing by her desk, completely nude except for some fantastic looking panties. I feel like the luckiest boy the world. "Lock the door," she whispers. I do as she asks, then approach her. She turns and gets up on the table, on all fours like a lioness on the prowl. "Over here, boy," she commands me.

Is Mistress Laura back? No, not quite. This time she is looking at me, deeply and intensely. I get close and we kiss. She starts undoing my belt and pants as I explore her body. My pants fall on the floor and my cock stands straight up. She starts fellating me as I fiddle with the elastic in her panties. "You're a dream come true, Mrs. Singer", I say quietly. She carries on sucking my dick and makes a "Uh-huh" sound.

I want to fuck her here and now and I tell her as much. She takes my cock out of her mouth and says "Saturday, Nicholas. You can be a good boy and wait."

"At least let me eat your pussy, Mrs. Singer."

"If you call me Laura," she replies.


"I mean it."

"Laura, can I please eat your pussy now?" I ask and she smiles.

"Come on, take my panties off." She steps down onto the floor and I peel off her panties, very slowly. I'm still not accustomed to having this extraordinary woman be naked in front of me. "Where do you want me, Nick?" She wants me to be assertive.

"Sit back on the table, with one leg raised." She does exactly as I suggest and she looks like a whore straight from heaven. As she has instructed me, I lick her pussy like an ice cream cone, soft and slow at first, building in intensity as she responds. Like the last time I did this, she is keeping her voice muffled, but this time it is so her son won't hear her. She starts to tremble and grabs my hair, and I know she's coming to a furious climax.

"Oh Nick, Nick, Nick, yes, yes, yessssss..." she says very quietly but with great intensity. Her juices are all over my face and I love it.

"Please let me fuck you, Mrs. Singer" I ask, and she smiles naughtily at me.

"If you ask again before Saturday, I shall never let you fuck me. Got it? Plus, you called me Mrs. Singer again." I makes a zipped-up mouth gesture.

"Now, let me suck your dick, but this time I want you to come on my tits, OK baby?"

Five minutes later her body is splattered with my cum and it's a most thrilling and beautiful sight. She stretches her arms in the air and stares at me without speaking. Then, she stands up, grabs a bathrobe and tells me to get on back to her son. I kiss her and we say goodnight.

Part 20.

Two days later, I go over and watch a movie with Tommy and his Mom, who I suppose is my secret girlfriend now, not that we'd actually ever been on a real date. She looks gorgeous in a small, tight dress and is wearing glasses again, which really accentuates the age difference between us and makes it hotter. Not that it really could get any hotter than it already is.

She and I purposely sit next to each other on the couch and Tommy is off to the side in a chair. About 30 minutes into the film, Tommy falls asleep. There is a big blanket on the couch, and Mrs. Singer picks it up and puts it over the two of us. We cuddle up. A few minutes later, she unzips my fly and starts fondling my dick as we watch the film.

"I'm gonna come, Mrs. Singer", I whisper to her.

"Oh no, you don't big boy. You're not coming on this couch," she says with a quiet giggle.

She folds back the blanket, leans down and takes my cock in her mouth, ensuring that my explosive orgasm has a controlled release. She carries on sucking me for a full minute after I've come, to make sure I'm completely taken care of. She picks up her head and out of breath, whispers "I'll never get tired of having that big, beautiful schoolboy cock in my mouth, baby."

I look over at Tommy. He is fully passed out, snoring. "Mrs. Singer, can I make you come too?" I say, hopefully.

"You're so thoughtful, honey. But, no, not tonight," she says rather cryptically. I put my dick away and we continue with the film. Eventually, Tommy wakes up.

Hey, what's up, y'all?" he says, sleepily.

Part 21.

The next night, I'm having dinner with Tommy and his Mom, and we're eating out for a change. She's celebrating because her gallery has sold some major pieces and is doing well. She doesn't say, but I gather that she is celebrating her new found freedom as well. She certainly seems like a new woman. Tommy is in a great mood and his tongue starts wagging.

"So, Mom. Nick is totally in love with some chick," he says. I go bright red.

"Oh, really?" Mrs. Singer says, looking at me with raised eyebrows. I just shake my head.

"Yeah. I can totally tell. He's all distracted and keeps saying weird stuff."

"Like what, Tommy?" his Mother asks with a smirk on her face.

"Well, we were watching, er..."


"I probably shouldn't say," he goes on.

"We were watching a porno," I mumble. Mrs. Singer looks shocked.

"Boys!" she gasps.

"Whatever, Mom. OK, so anyway, Nick is totally like, 'that's not how that works' or whatever, so I know that he's been doing it with a girl, though he denies it. He says this chick wants to wait or whatever and I say he should just fuck her, y'know, but he's says it's not like that, so I figure he's in love."

Tommy rambles on and on and I just put my head in my hands. Mrs. Singer goes from being shocked to amused and then joins in with teasing me.

"Is this true, Nick? Have you been seeing someone?" she asks me. I wonder if she's asking because she thinks I might have another girl on the side or because she just wants to have fun at my expense.

"Yeah, kinda, I don't know," I say awkwardly.

"And do you love her?" Tommy interjects sarcastically. Mrs. Singer makes a funny face at me. I'm feeling emotional and just let it all out.

"Yes, I think I'm in love. But it's one way. She still wants to have fun with me though, so I guess I'll just be her little bit of fun for awhile." As I'm saying this I start to feel sad. It's the truth though. Tommy doesn't pick up on any of that and just carries on ribbing me, so I turn it around. "What about you, Tommy? Any girls on the horizon?"

He blushes as well and mumbles under his breath, "Maybe." I'm actually really surprised, pleasantly so.

"We should go on a double date sometime," I suggest jokingly. Tommy laughs and his mother looks bored and tries to change the subject. "What about you, Mrs. Singer?" I ask. "Now you're free again, any fellas circling?"

Tommy punches my arm and says, "Shut up, dude," then gets up to go to the bathroom. After he's gone, she looks at me.

"Actually, there is a fella circling," she says. "He's a little younger than me but he's totally gorgeous and presses all my buttons. He drives me wild with his giant dick and gets me hotter than I've been in years with his sweet kisses. I'm hoping he's gonna fuck my brains out pretty soon," she goes on. I'm speechless. "And even though I don't know where it's going, I really do care about him. I'm just not that good at showing it," she says, then takes a drink.

We stare at each other and I'm not sure what to feel or think. Tommy comes back and I'm just sitting there bright red. Mrs. Singer pays the bill for dinner and we leave. We drive off and they drop me at my place. That's the end of the night and I'm left with a lot to think about.

Part 22.

The next 2 days are torture. Mrs. Singer and I text a few times and every hour seems like a day. After what feels like weeks, the big day rolls around and I have never been so excited in my whole life. If all goes to plan, I will lose my virginity to Mrs. Singer today. I can barely sleep or eat, but eventually, after a long and fretful day, the appointed hour arrives and I head over to her house.

Tommy is gone all weekend with his dad, so we have the place to ourselves. As arranged, I let myself in the back door, and Mrs. Singer is in the living room. She looks wonderful and all my fears that something would go wrong vanish completely. She is wearing a tight blue top with sheer lace that reveals parts of her skin and a mini skirt. Her midriff is exposed and she is wearing heels. She is walking the line between classy and slutty beautifully.

She is perfect and I tell her so. We embrace and our lips brush together as she speaks to me. "You know, Nick, you have been the sweetest boy this last year or so. You have been so kind and loving to me and you have helped me get my confidence back. And, you have been so fun to play around with too. I wasn't expecting it, to be honest."I'm overwhelmed just to be in her presence and start to feel very nervous, like I used to. I'm not forming good sentences. "Nick, honey. Are you nervous? It's quite charming. Here, let's sit down on the couch together." She has some gentle music playing and there are two glasses and a bottle of champagne on the table.

"Now, you're not 21, so I shouldn't really let you drink, but seeing as I plan on letting you fuck me pretty soon, I don't see the harm in it." She smiles lovingly and touches my cheek. "But you can't drink too much, because then you won't function properly," she laughs, but I'm too nervous. "One glass, OK, sweetie? That will help you relax."

We sit down and Mrs. Singer toasts to me becoming a man. She kisses me sweetly, we clink glasses and have a sip. I feel better.

"Mrs. Singer, can you take control tonight? Is that OK?"

"Yes, of course honey. Although I haven't done this in a while, I have done it before. I'll take care of you. You really are too adorable."

She leans in, kisses me gently and leaves her lips sitting on mine as she strokes my hair. She presses her tits against me and puts her hand on the lump in my pants. I have been hard since I got there. We make out for a while and explore each other's bodies slowly and softly.

"So, Mrs. Singer..."

"Now, Nick." she interrupts me. "Tonight, I'm going to insist that you call me Laura, OK? I mean it. Can you handle that?"

"Yes, I can. Laura. I wanted to ask, do we do all the other stuff first, and then...y'know, or do we just get straight down to it?" She giggles and then moves over and sits on my knee.

"Don't you think we should take our time and do everything, Nick?"

"Yes, please Mrs...Laura," I reply and we continue kissing. Then, she gets up and stands in front of me. I take her in.

"First of all, why don't I strip for you, Nick? What I want you to do is take your cock out and masturbate while I strip. Just don't come. Are you comfortable doing that?" It feels a little strange and I'm shy, but I do as she asks. I unzip my fly and pull my dick out. She looks at me and chews on her lip a little.

"Oh Nick, I love how big you are. Let me tell you a secret, tonight, you'll be the biggest boy I've ever has inside me. And the youngest. The guy I lost my virginity to in high school was older than you, baby. I can't wait," she says as she starts to strip.

She peels off her clothing one item at a time and it seems like she chose some complicated items on purpose to elongate the process. She unclips her stockings and pulls them off, throwing them at me. She peels off her panties and flicks them at my head with a giggle. Her bra is next and all that is left on her silky white skin is a necklace. She looks so great and I have to be careful not to make myself come as I stroke my cock.

She stands in front of me, leans over and licks the length of my shaft. She gets down on her knees and starts undoing my belt while giving me head, then pulls my pants off. "Take your shirt off, boy," she says, then sits astride me on the sofa, with her feet up by my hips, leaning back while holding on to my shoulders. She starts rubbing herself along the length of my cock, using me as a toy, as I sit there, taking it all in.

She is getting excited. She's a wild woman, seemingly free of inhibitions tonight. Beyond the physical bliss, it feels amazing to be able to excite this magnificent woman. The tip of my cock is edging into her, and she is playing with me, putting it right up against her, letting it go in half a inch, then pulling out. I still haven't penetrated her. I'm still a virgin.

"Not yet, lover. Why don't you carry me into the bedroom?" she suggests, so I stand and pick her up. She doesn't weigh much and it's no problem. I walk her to her room and she is smiling at me with a cheeky grin the whole time. I place her down on the bed gently and go in to kiss her pussy. Remembering all the lessons she taught me, I circle her yummy clit with my tongue like I'm savoring an ice cream.

The effect is instant, and she is much more vocal than she has been before. Now that we were truly alone, she can be free and lets herself go. "Oh, yes, Nick, keeping going. You're so good at that. Yesssss," she cries out.

"I love your pussy, Mrs...Laura" I manage to say while bringing her to a climax. She is actually screaming in ecstasy and it's amazing. She presses my face into her and I don't stop until she tells me to. She lays there exhausted, and I'm hoping this would mean I could finally fuck her.

"Baby, you want head first, or you want to fuck me right now?" she says, out of breath.

"Laura, can I please..."

"You want to have me, don't you?" I nod. "What position do you want to start in?"

"You on top, Mrs...I'm sorry, Laura. Just like you were doing before on the couch, teasing, you know."

"Yes, I know, sweetie. OK, lie down." This is it. I'm going to fuck a woman for the first time.

She sits astride me again and toys with my cock. Holding it in one hand, she rubs her clit and pussy lips, letting it go in an inch, then taking it out. After a few minutes of this divine torture, she asks me, "Are you ready, baby? Are you ready for me to take your virginity?"

"Yes, Laura. Yes, please," I say eagerly. She edges me in an inch, then two, then three. This is it. It feels better than anything I'd ever felt before. She is tight, soft and warm.

"Oh my god, Nick. You're big. Wow. I..."

" feel...amazing..." Neither of us could really speak for a while. She sits down on me and I'm all the way in.

"Oh, that's deep, baby. Oh fuck, this is hot. Fuck, you're...uh, uh." She starts grinding on me and I do my best not to come right away. After a few minutes of her sliding up and down on my shaft, I feel myself start to come, so I grab her around the waist and pull her off me.


"I was about to come, Laura. And I don't want to, not yet."

"Oh, good boy. Having fun so far?" I nod ferociously. "Wanna fuck me from behind?"

"Yes. Get on all fours, Laura."

"Yes, sir!" She likes that I have taken charge. I pull up behind her, but have a little trouble getting in. "Let me guide you in, sweetie," she says kindly. She takes my cock and gets me inside. "OK, fuck me, honey. Just be careful not to fall out." This position is even better than the last, and I think I'm going even deeper inside her. I hold her around the waist and give it to her.

"Oh fuck, fuck, yesssss, holy shit,'s been a long time since I've been fucked like this, my love." I'm taken aback by her calling me that and I want to tell her I love her. But, I just carry on fucking her instead. "Don't come, baby. Pull out if you're gonna come" I manage to hold on for a few minutes of solid ramming and I think I make her come again. She is certainly screaming "Yes" and "Fuck me" a lot.

Before I come, I pull out. "Now what, Laura?"

"Now, you're gonna fuck me on top, face to face and you're gonna come in me. Really give it to me, and you're gonna look me in the eye as you do."

"OK. Are you sure it's OK for me to come in you?"

"Yes, baby, I took precaution."

"And it's OK for me to be hard?"

"Babe, give it to me. I want all your youthful energy. And you can fuck me bareback all weekend, but after that we'll start using rubbers, OK? I wanted this first time to be special." I nearly tell her I love her again, but don't want to blow it. We kiss and I penetrate her again. I start nice and slow and we lock eyes. I go faster and harder and I won't last long. "Fuck me, Nick. Yes, baby, you feel so good," she tells me as I speed up.

I start ramming her as she gives me more and more encouragement. She puts her legs up around me and we're moving and groaning in time without ever breaking eye contact. I manage to fuck her for a solid 3 minutes before I'm beyond the point of no return.

"I'm gonna come, Mrs." I push myself deep inside her and fill her with my hot sticky muck. No orgasm has ever feel like that before. As I go deep inside she lets out a high squeak and it truly feels like I'm no longer a virgin. We collapse together, out of breath, sweaty and giggling. I'm tingling all over and my dick is on fire.

I can't help myself and I let it out. "I love you, Laura, I..."

She puts her finger on my mouth and just says "You sweet boy." We lay there together for a few minutes and then she asks me to pull out. She runs out of the room, then comes back to bed with the glasses of champagne. We cuddle for ages and it's blissful.

"Laura...I...can we do it again?"

Part 23.

We do it again that night, then after cuddling up and having another drink and snack, we go to sleep. Hours later, we wake up together for the first time. The morning light is pouring into the room and it's lovely. "Good morning, lover boy," she says softly with a smile full of sunshine. She gets out of bed and makes us breakfast and coffee, while I follow her around like a loyal puppy.

As usual, she's wearing her silk pink robe, and she looks irresistibly sexy. After breakfast, we make love again, and our fun spills into the afternoon. We drive out to an obscure spot, have lunch and then laze around in a secluded park. We lay on the grass and play little kissing games with our tongues as we hold hands.

We had discussed whether I should go home before Tommy returns or if I should just hang around. But then, she receives a text from her son asking if it is OK if he stays another night with his Dad, that he would come back Monday after school. She misses her son, but we're excited to get another night together on our perfect weekend.

"Would you like dinner in or out tonight, Nick?"

"Would it worry you if we were spotted, Mrs. Singer?"

"Seriously, dude. Call me Laura. But, yeah, this is a little tricky. I'm twice your age and my son is your best friend. I don't think it would be a good idea if people knew, especially Tommy. Don't you agree?"

"I don't mind keeping it a secret, Laura. I don't want to ruin my friendship with Tommy. But it would be nice to have some actual dates with you. You know, you're not the only one who's into movies and music and art."

"Well, why don't we go to the movies tonight, and then come back to my place for sex?" she suggests. We both laugh and I tickle her.

Later that afternoon, we go to the cinema, and make out most of the time. We're in the back row, reserved for lovers and I finger her while we kiss. She fiddles with my dick and even gives me head for a little while. I notice a few people checking us out, but I don't care and apparently neither does she.

I ask her not to make me come because I want to save it for later, though of course I'm frustrated. On the way out, we do get a few funny looks from folks wondering why this 40-something milf babe is with a teenage boy, but luckily no one we know sees us. Back at the house, she cooks dinner for us and we have a little more to drink.

She has her glasses on which makes her extra milfy and it drives me crazy. I can't keep my hands off her as she is cooking and she has to keep slapping my hands away, playfully. After dinner, she says "I want you to fuck me in every room in this house, Nick baby, in every position we can think of."

"All tonight, Laura?" I suggest and we laugh.

"No, but we can start right here right now in the lounge. She stands up, pulls up her skirt and pulls her panties aside. "Eat my pussy, Nick, get me ready for my big boy." I love it when she's dominating. I get on my knees as she stands over me. She puts a leg on the sofa and even though I'd fucked this amazing lady three times now, I still can't believe that I'm doing this to her.

"Want me to leave my clothes on while you fuck me, honey?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"OK, you strip, though, please." She helps me take all my clothes off and then positions herself to be fucked from behind. She is standing, but leaning over, holding on to the back of the couch. "Pull my panties aside and give it to me, Nick baby" I do as she asks. Fucking this woman is the best experience of my life so far.

"" I say, while ramming her sweet pussy from behind.

She is panting heavily, ", uh uh," she says and we both laugh while groaning from the passion of hot sex. After a good five minutes of fucking like this I tell her I'm gonna come.

"OK, stop, my darling. I want you to face me when you come, yes? Give it to me against the wall. But first, undress me, my love." Again, I'm surprised that she called me that, and my heart swells for her. I'm sure that the two of us developing feelings for one another is unhealthy, though the sex certainly isn't. I take off her top, and unzip her dress while we kiss and she strokes my cock.

I begin to feel like no sex I would ever have again would be as good as this. I have trouble with her bra as usual, so she unstraps it. She stands there nude and it's my turn to be assertive. "Get up against the wall," I tell her. She looks at me hotly and licks her lips. Picking up a small step stool, she moves towards the wall, pulling me towards her by the dick.

"We're going to need this." She puts one leg up on the stool and then her arms up above her head in surrender. "Remember the first time you touched me, Nick? When you took away the basketball and landed on top of me? The first time you saw me naked? Our first kiss?"

"Of course, Laura, I'll never forget. I'll never forget any of this."

"I remember it too. That day in the kitchen when you hugged me and I felt your hard cock, that's when I knew we would someday be doing this."

"I have only hoped, Laura." I move up against her and the tip of my cock presses against her pussy.

She takes a sharp intake of breath and then whispers "Fuck me, my sweet boy." I fuck her. "Yes, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me, it...give it to me...I love your big cock. You're the best cock I ever had." Mrs. Singer is great at talking dirty.

"Should I come in you, Mrs. Singer?"

"Yes...yes...Laura...fuck me...come in me Laura..."

I'm gonna come. " it comes...Laura...I love you...I..." I explode inside her and she lets out a scream of ecstasy and joy. We stand there for a minute, sweating and breathing hard in each other's arms. "Laura...I'm sorry I said that..."

"It's OK, Nick, sweetie," she says as we separate and sit back down on the couch. "I know you have feelings for me beyond just wanting to fuck me. I know you care, which is one reason why I want you."

That's nice but she doesn't say how she feels so I don't ask. She hops off and leads me to the bathroom. "Let's have a shower," she says. In the shower we continue making out and touching each other. I guess this feeling of being on fire for each other isn't going away.

"I'm going to want you again before bed, Nick. But maybe you shouldn't sleep over, just in case."

"Laura, I'm sorry, but I do love you," I tell her, hoping for a deeper response.

"That's very sweet, just don't get hung up. We can never be a real couple, you know that, right? I don't want it to end, but at some point you're going to want a girlfriend your age." I look down. "We don't have to think about that now, sweetie. You just enjoy this. It doesn't have to end until we want it to, OK?" I smile at her. I feel a whole whirling mix of emotions, from euphoria and love to guilt and worry, but I try to relax and just be happy. My dream has come true, after all, hasn't it?Tommy and I are close to graduating High School, then will have the summer off. We've been planning on attending a local college together and it looks like that's happening. In the meantime, we both have summer jobs lined up to keep busy. Although I continue to have mixed feelings about the wisdom of pursuing a relationship with his Mom, we seem to be drawn to one another.

I still go over to their house two or three times a week and sometimes Mrs. Singer will flirt with me and we'll fool around a little, other times she'll just be sweet and motherly and I'll just hang out with Tommy. Then, on occasion, she will come on to me hard and we'll hook up. It's never predictable and it's rarely safe and boring. Despite her sometimes expressing affection for me, I don't think she's interested in having a steady relationship and a normal sex life after years of marriage.

On those occasions when she wants sex, I either get a text from her or she'll whisper in my ear when I'm over there. It has become clear that Mrs. Singer is into playing games, which I believe is something she has wanted but has never been able to pursue before. With me as her willing and able apprentice, she can explore all kinds of new, fun avenues and express her new freedom when she feels like it.

About a month after I first slept with her, she proposes that it would be fun to try out a prostitute fantasy. She initially suggests that I pick her up on a street corner, but it evolves into the idea of a "happy ending" massage in a motel. She even has the notion that she would put an ad in the paper and work as a masseuse for a whole day, giving much needed relief to all the horny husbands in the area.

She ultimately decides against that, but does book a room and tells me to show up straight after school for my "massage". When I arrive, we pretend we have never met, I pay her $50 and she proceeds to give me a nice back and leg massage. There is a little bit of suggestion of "extra service" when she brushes up against my balls a few times when massaging my thighs. It feels great. She is great at playing the part, with lots of fun banter and easy going questions.

She tells me her name is "Layla," a play on her real name, and that becomes a character she would perform with me from time to time. She tells me to "flip over" and proceeds to massage my chest and legs. "Is there any place on your body that needs special attention?" she asks. Is this how it works in these massage parlors, I wondered? I didn't know how to answer.

"Well, I suppose, yes, I..."

"Well, go ahead and take my hand. Good. Place my hand anywhere on your body that you want me to pay special attention, OK?" I take her hand and move it to my dick. "Fine. Now, if you want a hand job that will be another $30, but I can give you head for another $60. I don't fuck, OK, so don't even ask. Hand or mouth?" Man, she is great at playing this part. I'm a little scared of her but thrilled.

"Hand, please, Layla."

"OK, sugar, go and get your wallet and give me the money, OK?" I grab my wallet and pass her an extra $30. Considering she has probably sucked me off a dozen or so times by now, I don't mind giving her a little money. She's earned it. Laura/Layla then jerks me off. It's hard and fast, not the usual loving and tender service I'm used to from her, but I suppose that is part of the fantasy. She does however, stick a finger up my asshole to enhance the experience, which she has never done before.

It is intense and I come very quickly. "OK, sugar. You can clean up in the bathroom. Let yourself out." She goes into the other room and I get dressed and leave. This is a pretty cold fantasy. Very real, but it feels dangerous and wild. I love it. Soon after I leave the motel, I receive a text from her telling me to come by the house for dinner.

When I arrive at the house, she jumps up and puts her arms and legs around me as I support her ass. "Baby!" she says, "That was amazing! I loved it! Layla is kind of a cold bitch, right?"

"Totally. But hot. I'd like to meet Layla again sometime," I say with a smile.

"So, you enjoyed it?"

"I sure did, although technically, that hand job wasn't up to your usual standard, Laura."

"No, because Layla has jerked off hundreds of dudes and doesn't care about you like I do," she says and we both laugh. She kisses me and holds on to me warmly. It's times like these that make me wonder if we have some kind of future together, but she always keeps me guessing.

After dinner, I go to hang out with Tommy as his Mom seems to have disappeared. I take a break and go to the bathroom and hear her playing the piano. I'm excited because I recognize that it's a Chopin prelude and I go over to her and tell her.

"Very good, Nick. You're such a clever boy," she says and smiles at me, then moves over on the bench and taps the empty space next to her. "It's very simple, let she show you," she tells me. She slowly demonstrates the opening arpeggio and I copy her. My elbow brushes against her breast and she smiles at me. We play around for a while and then I'm feeling bold.

"Can we get together tonight, Laura?" I ask her softly, as our thighs touch.

"Not tonight, Nick sweetie, I'm sorry. And anyway, I thought you'd be all tapped out after Layla took care of you," she says with a naughty grin. I'm disappointed, but I still give her a hug. Despite her mood swings and manipulations, I still can't help but have feelings for her. I kiss her on the cheek and turn in for sleep in the guest room.

I'm pretty wiped out, so after reading for a few minutes, I drop off to sleep. I'm not sure how much time passes, but after what seems like an hour or so, I'm woken up after sensing a presence in the room. In my sleepy state, I'm only half aware that another person has joined me in bed and I recognize the soft touch and sweet smell of Mrs. Singer. "Hey there," I whisper.

"Hi sweetie," she whispers back.

She cuddles up to me and it becomes clear that she's completely nude. Her skin feels divine and it's a heavenly moment. "Are you OK, Laura?" I ask her, as she seems a little more loving and vulnerable than usual. I kiss her forehead and hold her close.

"I'm OK, thanks for asking. Thank you for always being there for me, Nick. It's been a weird time for me. Really uncertain, really emotional. I know you have taken the brunt of a lot my craziness and I appreciate you being a friend. And more. You've really helped me."

I was taken aback by this rare show of transparent emotion and my heart swelled for her. "I care for you so much, Laura, you know that. Even if we're not together or whatever, I'll always be around for you and will always adore you," I say, trying to be grown up and supportive.

"Oh, Nick," she says and holds me tight. After a minute, she looks at me and I can see her pretty face in the moonlight through the curtains. "Nick, you can say no, but can we make love?" Of course I'm excited to have sex with her but I'm also rather touched that she would ask me this way. Given her behavior over the last few months, I wonder if this is another game of hers, but she seems genuine.

"I would love that, Laura," I say and I can see her smile sweetly.

"Thank you, Nick baby. I really need you right now."

She moves her leg across me and then lifts her body so she's completely over me, leaving about an inch or two between us. She drapes her nipples across my chest and softly teases my skin. "How does that feel?" she asks me quietly. It feels electric and erotic and I tell her so. She continues to let her nipples fall upon me gently and I just lie back and enjoy it.

She then moves down my body, slides my boxers off, then takes me in her mouth. She is being uncharacteristically loving and there is no edge or angle or motive to her actions. It feels perfect. After a few minutes she asks me if I'd get her ready, meaning would I reciprocate. It's my favorite thing to do, so she doesn't need to ask me twice.

Because she seems to need warmth and love, I'm extra tender with her and treat her like a queen. As I lick her yummy clit, I hold her around the waist. I can feel her body tense up in waves of pleasure as I stimulate her magic spot. For me, this is the loveliest sex we've ever had. "I'm ready for you, my love," she says, although I don't think she's come, and I move up towards her.

I climb on top of her and kiss her softly. Lately, she's been putting rubbers on me, so I ask her if she has one before I go further. "No, babe. It's fine. You can have me like this," she replies. I wonder why, but don't question her. She spreads her legs around me and I penetrate her. "Please be gentle with me, Nick," she says softly and I make love with her softly and slowly. It's wonderful, and I find myself preferring this to the more outlandish ways we've fucked in the past.

I kiss her lovingly as I move in and out of her. I hold her close to me and she strokes my neck and back. "This is nice, Laura," I tell her and I have feelings of love rising in me again.

"Yes it is, thank you. You're a beautiful boy," she says. "You come whenever you like, sweetheart." I'm quite disarmed by her sweetness and I almost don't want to defile her with my sperm. But, after a minute or two, my cock is on fire for her and I feel it rising in me.

"Here it comes, darling," I say, and begin to come.

"Oh yes, sweet boy. You come inside me now," she says with nice, encouraging words. I hold her tight and let it go. She doesn't express much pleasure, but I can feel her body trembling beneath me and she's holding onto me, wrapping herself around me. "Thank you, Nick. Thank you for loving me," she says with apparent vulnerability.

I wonder if something has happened today and she's in need of some genuine affection, but I don't ask. I just tell her. "Whenever you're in need of someone who loves you, you know you can count on me, Laura." I mean it. Even though this has been a little sad, it was a beautiful, moving experience and I wish it was like this with her more often.

Our bodies separate but she stays with me as we cuddle up. It occurs to me then that this is the first time we've had sex with Tommy in the house, but again, I stay quiet. I begin to fall asleep and she stays with me all night.

In the morning, I'm woken up by banging around in the corridor outside and it's unmistakably Tommy. His Mom is still in my bed and of course she's still naked. I wake her up softly and put my finger up to my lips. I make a gesture to indicate that her son is outside, when I hear the door to the room opening. Mrs. Singer hides under the covers and I do my best to cover her up.

"Yo! What's up, man?" Tommy says rambunctiously, sticking his head around the door. "You seen my Mom?"

"Er...nope," I reply, and I feel her finger stroke the length of my shaft.

"Weird. Her car is here but I can't find her."

"Maybe she went for a run." I start to sweat.

"Yeah. OK, man. If you see her, tell I'm out tonight. Peace," he says and leaves, unaware that she's lying in my bed, playing around with my cock. My heart is racing, but when she brings her head up from under the covers, she has a giant grin on her face.