Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2203 - MOM, MY SISTER, AND ME

Chapter 2203 - MOM, MY SISTER, AND ME

Aren't we a pathetic trio," my sister said with a laugh, "I mean, my fiancée leaves me four months before our wedding. Your wife," she continued, looking at me, "runs out on you, and Dad," she said, looking at mom, "Dad runs away with a woman half his age."

Mom smiled and raised her glass. "Here's a toast," she said, "to all those who've been dumped on by the one's they love."

I saluted her back. "And here's to the strength of our family. The strength that will help us all get through."


When my sister Brenda had called several weeks earlier and told me she and mom would be coming to the West coast for a trade show, they had initially planned to stay in a hotel.

"Why don't you guys stay with me?" I asked her.

"No, no," Brenda said, "We don't want to impose on you."

Their plans changed, however, when they discovered they couldn't find a hotel room within five miles of the convention center. Brenda called me back a few days later and sheepishly asked if they could, after all, stay with me.

Initially, I'd had mixed feelings about their visit. Sure, it would be nice to see them again, but I wasn't sure how comfortable the three of us would be sharing my tiny one-bedroom apartment for four days.

We were sitting in the living room, mom and I on the sofa, and Brenda, my sister, on the easy chair across from us. I got up to open another bottle of wine. With the rest of the family in New York and me in Seattle, it was hard to get together, and I realized I hadn't seen either of them for almost a year. As they discussed their plans for the next day, I had a chance to study them.

Mom was forty-seven, but looking at her, you'd think she was at least ten years younger. Ever since I could remember, she'd been a fitness freak, always watching what she ate and spending at least two mornings a week at one health club or another. Her waist was trim, and her legs looked firm and well-toned. It was a source of pride with her that she could wear the same clothes she'd worn in college.

She had her blonde hair pulled back behind her head, giving her a formal, sophisticated look. As always, she was dressed stylishly, with a tan skirt and a matching tan jacket over a frilly white blouse. Never a believer in using much makeup, her face still showed no signs of wrinkles.

Brenda was twenty-two. After college, she'd gone back home to help in mom's business. Being five years older than Brenda, I realized a knew little about her. She was thirteen when I'd gone off to college, and we'd never had the mutual the experiences most siblings had. Like mom, her hair was blonde. Brenda was a couple of inches shorter than mom, and maybe a tiny bit heavier. Not overweight, by any means, but perhaps a little wider in the waist and hips. Looking back and forth between mom and Brenda, I smiled to myself, realizing large breasts was one mutually inherited characteristic.

We'd gone out to dinner earlier, and now, relaxing with wine in my apartment, they'd spent the last hour getting me caught up with what was going on with the family back East.

"I really want to apologize again for this dinky apartment," I told them, "but when Sallie and I...split up, she got the house."

"Don't be silly," mom said, "we'll be perfectly comfortable here, and besides, how many apartments have a fireplace?"

"That's there because I think this place was built before central heating was invented," I said with a laugh. In reality, I loved the apartment. Before, living in the suburbs, I'd had a half-hour commute to the city. Now, I could walk to work.

"Do you use it?" Brenda asked.

"The fireplace? Yeah, but it's a chore going out every morning and chopping wood."

"Very funny," mom said.

"O.K. If you want the truth, I buy those fake logs at the grocery store."

"Can we have a fire tonight, Tom?" Brenda asked, "It would be like when we all used to go to that cabin in the mountains with daddy...."

Her voice drifted off and she looked guiltily at mom.

"Brenda," mom said, "don't be silly. It's perfectly alright to make references to your father. I mean, he's still your father, even if he is an asshole." She laughed and took another sip of wine.

"Well, mom," I said, "seems like you've gotten over his departure. I wish I could say the same about Sallie and me."

"It takes time," mom said, her voice now sounding serious, "It'll be a year this week for me, and it took me that long to realize life goes on without him. How long's it been for you? About four months?"

I nodded my head.

"Hey," Brenda interrupted, "if you guys are going to spend all evening feeling sorry for yourselves, I'm leaving. I mean, I'm the one who's fiancée left me at the alter, and you don't see me crying in my wine."

She raised her glass.

"I propose another toast - to the survivors. The survivor's of love lost."

"Here! Here!" mom said, raising her glass in return.

I went to the fireplace.

"The urban pioneer protects his women from the cold of winter," I said as I lit the paper wrapping on a log.

"Could the urban pioneer get us some more wine?" mom asked with a laugh.

As I uncorked another bottle of wine, Brenda stood and turned off the overhead light. The room was thrust into darkness, save for the flickering glow of the supermarket log.

"A fire glowing in the fireplace," she said, "How romantic."

"Hah! Romance. Who needs it," mom exclaimed.

"We all do," Brenda answered.

"Not when you're my age."

"Come on mom," I said as I refilled everyone's glass, "you're still young and attractive, and you've always been the hopeless romantic of the family."

"Me? Never."

"How about when you and dad used to drag me along to that awful restaurant that was like a big barn and you guys would dance and dance, and I'd fall asleep at the table and you'd have to carry me home, sound asleep."

"I'm surprised you remember that," mom said, " that was a lifetime ago."

"And sometimes," I continued, "dad would pull me up from my chair and make me dance with you. I would protest and when I was on the dance floor with all the grownups, I was always a little embarrassed."

"You were probably only thirteen or fourteen then," mom said.

I looked at her face, glowing in the flickering light from the fireplace. I thought I saw a little tear form in the corner of her eye. With the back of my finger, I wiped it away and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

"Hey, there's a rule here on the West coast," I said, "no melancholy feelings allowed. Only happy feelings."

Mom smiled and returned my kiss.

"You're right," she said, "I'm ready to feel happy now."

"Music!" Brenda called out as she took another gulp of wine, "We need some music to get you two out of this maudlin mood."

I stood and flipped through the CD's on the bookshelf, barely able to make the titles out in the faint light coming from the fireplace. Slow ballads from the forties and fifties, that would fit the mood tonight, I thought to myself as I slipped the CD into the player.

As the soft music filled the room, I stood in front of mom and put my hand out.

"Would you care to dance with me, madam?"

"I think I can fit you on my dance card," mom answered with a smile.

She placed her hand in mine and stood. I took her right hand in my left and placed my other hand lightly on her waist and we began to slowly sway to the music.

"You two make a great couple," Brenda said, "I'm jealous. I wish I had someone to dance with."

"There's only one of me to go around," I said with a chuckle, "but I promise I'll fit you in somehow."

"There's only one fair solution," Brenda said, "How about we take turns?"

"Sounds good to me," I replied.

We were in front of the fireplace now, and mom's face was illuminated by the soft light. Her eyes were closed, and she let out a short, almost imperceptible sigh as I led her slowly around the room. The song came to an end and mom opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"Thanks, Tom," she said softly, "That was nice."

"Hey," Brenda interrupted, "now my turn for a dance, big boy."

I let my hands slip away from mom. She sat down on the couch and picked up her glass of wine. I turned toward Brenda.

"What? Are you trying to steal me from my true love?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Look, it's every man, I mean every woman for herself out here," she said as she stood.

Brenda put her arm on my shoulder and I took her hand. As we danced, I could feel her breasts gently brushing against me. I drew her closer and she nestled her head against my shoulder.

"This is so nice," she whispered, "I could do this all night."

The song ended and we stepped apart. I looked at mom, and she raised her arm and smiled, as if to indicate she wanted another dance.

"It's been so long since I've danced," she said as I took her hand, "and the way things are going, I better get my fill tonight because I don't know when I'll have another chance."

"I hope you're starting to get out some," I said as I put my hand around her waist.

We came together, her breasts just barely making contact with my chest.

"I've had a couple of dates recently," she said, "but it's hard getting back into it. I mean, dating. I've been out of practice for thirty years."

"I'd think you'd have guys lined up at the front door begging to go out with you," I said, "You're smart, you're good looking, and you've got the sexiest body around."

Mom laughed and pulled me closer.

"Hey, with compliments like that, I'd be glad to go out with you anytime," she said with a little giggle. I felt her arm tighten slightly around my shoulder and instinctively, I drew her closer to me. Now, I could feel the soft warmth of her breasts as the pressed against me. As we danced, our lower bodies occasionally brushed against each other, her thighs making gentle contact with mine. Mom rested her head on my shoulder and I could feel the warmth of her breath on my neck.

"Well, I'm glad you're my date tonight," I whispered.

"Lucky guy," she said, "you've got two girls tonight."

"No, Brenda's our chaperone, to make sure we don't do anything outlandish."

"Don't worry, I haven't done anything outlandish in years. And besides, I'm not sure I'd trust her as a chaperone," mom said with a giggle, "the way she's been putting away the wine."

"I think we've all had more than our fair share tonight," I said.

The music slowly died away, and mom gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thank, Tom, that was nice," she whispered as she stepped back and turned toward the couch.

"Me next!" Brenda exclaimed. Apparently, the pattern had been set, I thought to myself, it was to be alternating dances between the two of them. I put out my hand as Brenda approached, but instead of taking it, she put both her arms around my shoulders, leaving me no option but to put both my arms around her waist.

As I led her around the room, our bodies were in tight contact, and sister or not, the friction of her body against mine caused a reaction, and I could feel my cock slowly coming to attention. Maybe she could feel it pressing against her, I thought to myself, or maybe not, but one way or the other, I realized I didn't really care. She was a woman. Mom was a woman. I was a man, and no one could blame me for having a natural reaction to such close contact.

The artificial log was making its final flicker as the song came to an end. The only illumination in the room came from the moon, high in the sky, shining through the window. Brenda's arms dropped from my shoulders.

"Brenda, maybe we'd better call it a night," mom said, "before we wear Tom out."

"Please, wear me out," I said, "What more could a man ask for?"

"Sleep, maybe?" mom laughed.

"Alright," I said with a sigh, "if it has to be that way. Stand up, mom, and I'll get the sofa bed ready."

She stood and I lifted the front of the sofa and unfolded the mattress.

"You know where the bathroom is," I said as I turned toward my bedroom, "I'll let you guys get changed."

In my bedroom, I changed into a pair of cotton shorts and pulled on a t-shirt. I was ready to crawl into bed when I heard mom calling out my name from the living room. I opened the door and in the darkness, I could barely see her, sitting in the chair. As my eyes became adjusted to the darkness, I saw that she had changed into a white nightgown. Brenda, apparently, was still in the bathroom.

"Tom," mom said, "would you be a sweetie and open one more bottle of wine for me?"

I uncorked another bottle and refilled mom's glass as she held it up in front of her. She raised it to her lips and took a big sip.

Suddenly, she leaned forward in the chair and turned her head toward the speakers against the wall.

"Oh, no. I don't believe it!" she exclaimed.


"Nothing...nothing," she said, her voice sounding strained, "it's just that this was special for... for us...."

I hadn't even noticed, but the music was still was still playing softly. I wasn't sure how to react.

"Do you want me to turn it off?" I asked.

"No, I want to hear it," mom responded in a halting voice, "it brings back so many memories."

There was a pause, then mom looked up at me.

"Would you do me a favor, Tom?" she asked softly, "one last dance?"

She put her wine glass down and stood in front of me. In the dim light, I could see her breasts, now braless, swaying under the fabric of her nightgown.

I took her in my arms and we danced, slowly, her breasts brushing against my chest, my arm around her waist. Unconsciously, I felt my arm tighten around her and I drew her closer to me, her breasts now pushed hard against my chest, our bodies united, moving as one. Mom rested her head softly on my shoulder as we slowly moved around the room.

"Thank you," she whispered as the song ended. I lowered my head to kiss her on the cheek, and mom's head turned toward mine and our lips inadvertently brushed against each other's. Now, our mouths were just inches apart and I could feel her breath against my face. The moonlight coming through the window reflected off mom's eyes as she looked up at me.

There was a pause, then slowly, I felt my head moving down until my lips again brushed against hers. A second passed, then two seconds, then mom's head moved ever so slightly toward mine until our lips touched again, and then slowly, our mouths came together, and I felt the warmth of mom's lips against mine and our mouths opened wider and I felt my tongue meeting hers as our bodies pressed against each other in the darkened room.

A little whimper sounded in the back of mom's throat and I pulled her even tighter against me, until I could feel her breasts flatten against my chest. We held the kiss for a minute, maybe two, until suddenly the room was flooded with light

"Hey, no fair dancing without me," Brenda said as she stood in the bathroom doorway, its bright light glowing behind her.

I slowly lowered my hands from around mom's back, our lips parted, and we stepped away from each other. I looked at Brenda, silhouetted in the light. She had changed into a nightie; a light blue top with matching blue panties. The nightie was made of a silky, semi-transparent material, and with the light beaming out of the bathroom behind her, the outline of her large breasts was clearly visible through the material. Lower, her panties clung loosely to the contours of her full hips,

Suddenly, I remembered what I was wearing - a pair of loose cotton gym shorts. I glanced down and as I'd feared, with no underwear underneath, there was a large bulge where my erect cock pushed against the front of my shorts. Thankfully, Brenda reached up at that moment and flicked off the bathroom light.

"Did you save a dance for me?" she asked as she slowly stepped toward me in the darkness, "after all, we agreed. Every other dance, right?"

Her body bumped against mine and I put my arms around her. As my eyes became accustomed to the darkness again, I saw that mom had moved to the chair. She sat, her legs crossed, watching us.

Brenda and I moved around the room to the slow beat of the music. She felt so warm and soft against me, and as we danced, my hands slowly moved down to the small of her back, and then gradually lower, and lower still, until my hands were cupped over her asscheeks, pulling them tightly toward me. She let out a soft little moan as I caressed her ass, my hands molding and squeezing her asscheeks, pulling her hard against me until my cock was pushed tightly against her, her body swaying against mine.

The music slowly died down, and the track ended. Brenda gave me a lingering kiss on the cheek. "Now mom's turn," she said in a husky voice.

I took both of mom's hands and led her to the center of the room. We put our arms around each other and began our slow dance steps. Feeling her body move against mine, I realized I'd lost all sense of proportion, all sense of reality. As if in a dream, I felt my hands slowly raising the back of her nightgown, until it was balled up around her waist, and then my hands, as if they had minds of their own, slipped under the top of her panties and slowly reached down until they were cupped against the soft, smooth, warm skin of her ass.

And we danced like that, slowly, my hands caressing her ass, her arms around my shoulders, her breasts pushed tightly against my chest, my hard cock pushing against her. I looked down into mom's face, and her eyes, reflecting the moonlight, looked up into mine. Our lips came together again and our mouths pressed against each other and our tongues met as we swayed to the slow rhythm of the music. And then the song slowly came to an end, and our lips parted.

Mom stepped back and turned away. She took a step toward the chair, then looked back at me.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Meanwhile, Brenda had moved in front of me.

"My turn now," she said softly.

I took her in my arms, and we started to dance. As her body pressed against mine, I could feel my cock, hard and throbbing, pushing against her as if ready to explode. Holding her tight against me with one hand, my other hand slowly moved to her front and slid down across her stomach, and then lower, until I held my hand against the front of her panties, her pussy directly underneath. Her panties were wet under my hand as I massaged her pussy through the silky material.

A little whimpering moan escaped from my sister's mouth, and my hand slowly moved up, then slid under the hem of her panties. I a ran my fingers through her soft pubic hair, then my hand slid lower, until my fingers made contact with her pussy, stroking up and down against the wet lips on either side of her opening.

I slowly pushed one finger, then two, into her cunt, and Brenda let out a long, low moan. As my fingers moved in little circles around her clitoris, her breathing turned into little high pitched gasps. I gently pinched her clitoris between my thumb and forefinger and suddenly I felt a slight tremor go through my sister's body. The tremor became stronger, and her head fell back and a long, low moan came out of her mouth as her entire body stiffened and shook against me.

Gradually, her body relaxed and she fell limply into my arms. I held her tight as her breathing slowly returned to normal. Her arms slid off my shoulders, and she took a step back and collapsed onto the bed.

I turned toward mom. She was sitting in the chair looking up at me, her nightgown resting high on her thighs, her white panties exposed. She stood. I stepped toward her and we silently faced each other. I reached down and took the bottom of her nightgown in my hands, then slowly inched it upward, up over her thighs, then to her waist, then higher, across her stomach, and she raised her arms, allowing me to pull the nightgown completely off.And now, my mother stood facing me wearing only her panties. The moonlight illuminated her breasts, huge and full and inviting, with large, reddish-brown aureoles, and at the center of each aureole, an erect nipple poking out at me.

I had to feel her breasts bare against my body, I thought to myself. I pulled off my t-shirt and took her in my arms, her breasts pushing warm and soft against my chest. I looked into her face and our lips met, her open mouth against mine. And then we danced, slowly moving around the room, our bodies locked together my hard cock pushing against her.

My hands explored her body, caressing her back, then lower, kneading and massaging her soft, smooth ass. Then, keeping one hand on her ass, my other hand moved slowly upward, caressing each of her breasts in turn, gently massaging her nipples between my fingers, causing little, moaning whimpers to come from the back of mom's throat.

I gradually led her across the room, until the back of her legs touched the bed. Supporting her with my arm, I lowered her onto the mattress. Brenda, lying on the far side of the bed, watched us intently.

I leaned down and grasped mom's panties, then slowly lowered them down her hips and off her legs. The soft glow of the moonlight shining through the window illuminated mom as she looked up from the bed, her body now fully exposed to me. In the dim light, her blonde pubic hair was barely visible. Lower, I could barely make out the shadowy mounds of her pussy and the secret valley in between.

I slipped my shorts down and kicked them off, releasing my cock, hard and throbbing, its head pointing toward the ceiling. Mom let out a little gasp and a visible shiver went through her body. I crawled on the bed and knelt between her outspread legs. Grasping the base of my cock with my hand, I pushed it down until its head lightly touched mom's pussy. Another little shiver shook through her body as I gently stroked the head of my cock up and down against the wet, swollen lips of her cunt. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Brenda, lying on her side, staring at us, her eyes open wide.

Now, I put my hands on either side of mom's body, and supporting myself on my arms, I let the head of my cock gently part mom's cuntlips, then slowly, I slid it deeper into her. Her cunt was warm and tight against my cock as I pushed it deeper into her wet passage.

Suddenly, mom's hips thrust upward off the bed until our pubic bones pounded against each other, driving my cock fully inside her.

"Oh, God, yes!" she cried out, "Yes!"

I raised my hips, withdrawing my cock, almost pulling it out entirely, then slowly, I slid it back inside. In a slow steady rhythm, I began moving in and out of her cunt. With each inward thrust, mom let out a soft, whimpering moan

Gradually, the pace of my strokes increased, until my cock was thrusting fast and hard into her, our bodies pounding against each other. Suddenly, mom's legs flew up and she locked her ankles behind me. Now, with each of my downward thrusts, her legs flexed, and her body flew up against mine.

Mom's breathing was now coming in short, deep gasps and I could see a sheen of sweat forming on her face and across her chest as she met each of my thrusts with an upward thrust of her own. Her head began to roll from side to side, her blonde hair sticking to her wet face, stringing across her eyes and nose and falling into her open mouth.

And then suddenly, it was as if she'd lost control completely, and her whimpers changed into words, words that seemed to fly uncontrollably out of her mouth.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, God yes!" she moaned, her words keeping cadence with the strokes of my cock. She raised her arms and I lowered my upper body toward her, until our sweaty bodies were tight against each other, all the while my cock continuing to pound into her cunt. Now, her mouth was just inches from my ear.

"Yes! Yes! Fuck me!" she said in a soft, hissing whisper, "Fuck your mother, baby."

I felt a burning pressure forming in my balls, and let out a low, uncontrollable groan.

"I'm...I'm going to cum!" I moaned into mom's ear.

"Yes, baby, yes! Cum for me, baby! Cum in your mother's pussy!"

A little shiver went through mom's body. I felt an intense throbbing in my cock as the first blast of cum spurted out, deep into mom's cunt.

"Yes, baby," she cried out, "Cum in me, baby! Fill me with your sperm!"

Suddenly, a heavy tremor shook through mom's body. Her head snapped back and her mouth opened wide as a long, trembling, high pitched scream came from deep in her throat. I continued to pump my cock hard into her cunt as her body shook violently beneath me. I let out another low moan as the last wave of cum left my cock, my balls finally emptied of their load.

Gradually, the tremors in mom's body subsided and her breathing returned to normal. My strokes slowed, and then stopped completely, my cock still buried deep in her cunt. We remained like that, motionless, for what seemed a long time, maybe a minute, maybe two minutes, until I slowly slid my cock out and collapsed on the bed beside her.

Too exhausted to move, my body seemed to melt into the mattress, and lying there naked between my mother and my sister, my cock covered with a white mixture of my own cum and my mother's juices, I felt my eyes get heavy and I realized I couldn't prevent myself from falling asleep.

When I opened my eyes, it took me a moment to remember where I was. I turned my head to the side. Mom was still asleep. She was on her side, facing me, her breasts gently moving up and down with each breath she took.

I sensed a movement at the foot of the bed and turning my head, I was startled to see Brenda standing there, staring down at me. Her blonde hair hung limply from her head, glistening with moisture. Evidently, she had just stepped out of the shower. She was wearing my bathrobe, a gray, terrycloth robe that reached down to her knees. She held the front of the bathrobe together with her hands, one at the top of the robe, the other at her waist.

Returning Brenda's gaze, I realized I was naked, my legs spread apart and my flaccid cock resting on my stomach. My first thought was to grab the sheet to cover myself, but for some reason I didn't. I continued to stare into her eyes, wondering how long she'd been standing there, watching me.

A full minute seemed to pass with neither one of us moving, neither one of us saying a word. Then, I saw a slight motion in one of Brenda's hands. She released her hand from the top of the bathrobe, and the two sides of it parted slightly, exposing a narrow strip of skin; from her neck, down the valley between her breasts, all the way to her stomach.

Still holding the robe closed at her waist, she used her other hand to slowly draw apart the two sides of the bathrobe. She slid each side of the robe off her shoulders, and with a shrug, the top of the loose robe slid down her arms, fully exposing her large breasts. Despite their size, they stood out firm and full from her body, and the nipples at the center of each large, round areole seemed to point slightly upward.

As Brenda moved her hand to one breast and slowly ran her finger in little circles around its nipple, I could feel a twitching sensation in my cock. And when she began to pinch and twist her nipple lightly between her fingers, I could feel my cock slowly begin to harden. Brenda continued to watch me, staring into my eyes, and then lower, as she watched my cock come to life.

There was a slight motion on the bed beside me, and with a quick glance to my side, I suddenly realized mom's eyes were wide open, her gaze alternating back and forth between Brenda and me. Maybe my sister didn't notice mom watching, or maybe she didn't care, I'm not sure which, but she now moved her hand to her other breast, and taking her nipple between her thumb and forefinger, she let out a little moan as she pulled her nipple away from her body, distorting her breast into a long, distended cone.

My cock was now hard, pointing up from my crotch at a forty-five degree angle. I watched as Brenda's hand left her breast and moved slowly to her stomach, where it made large, caressing, circular strokes over her stomach and abdomen. Brenda released her other hand, and the bottom of the gown fell open, and with a wiggle of her upper body, the gown slid to the floor.

Now, my sister stood in front of me, her legs slightly parted, her entire body naked and exposed to my view. My eyes left her stomach and traveled lower. Below her waist, her hips swelled out, round and firm and full. Her inner thighs were white, and looked soft and inviting. And at the upper juncture of her thighs, I could see the mounds of her pussy and the little valley in the middle. Higher, her little tuft hair of pubic hair was so light and golden blonde it was barely visible

As Brenda's hand slowly moved to her pussy, I glanced at mom again. She continued to stare, unblinking, at her daughter.

Suddenly, Brenda bent over and put her hands on my inner thighs, spreading my legs far apart. Lowering her head, she extended her tongue and starting at my balls, ran her tongue over the entire length of my cock, and then back down again until I could feel her warm breath on my balls. With her lips, she nibbled at my hairy ball sack, sucking the loose skin into her mouth, tickling it with her tongue. Opening her mouth wide, she took one of my balls fully into her mouth and gently sucked on it, massaging it with her tongue. Then alternating from one of my balls to the other, she took them between her lips and moved her head from side to side, pulling and twisting as she held my balls firmly in her mouth. I let out a loud, uncontrollable moan, partly a moan of pain, and partly a moan of pleasure.

Brenda released my balls from her mouth and stepped to the side of the bed. She crawled beside me, and kneeling, slowly moved her face toward my crotch until I felt her wet, warm mouth engulf the head of my cock. And then, her head slowly began to bob up and down, causing my throbbing cock to push deep in and out of her mouth.

Facing away from me, Brenda's full, round ass loomed in front of my face. I cupped her asscheeks with my hands and ran my fingers across their smooth, firm surface. Then I gently caressed her inner thighs, the skin there as soft as silk. As Brenda continued to suck my cock deep into her mouth, the warm, musky smell of her sex filled my nostrils with each breath I took, and uncontrollably, I put my hand on her inner thigh and pulled her leg across my body until she straddled me, her legs on either side of my body.

And there, just inches from my face, was my sister's pussy. I put my hands on her ass cheeks and spreading them apart, began to caress them gently. Her pinkish-brown anus stared down at me like a little puckered eye. Lower, the red lips of her pussy folded out from either side of her opening, as if guarding the passage there. As her pussy lips curved delicately upward and met at the top, I could see her clitoris trying to poke its head out from between the puffy folds of skin. And still higher was her tuft of pubic hair, as golden blonde as the hair on her head.

I doubled up the pillow under my head, and extended my tongue until it brushed against one side of her pussy, then with a gently sucking motion, brought the protruding fold of skin into my mouth. I nibbled at it with my lips, and caressed it with my tongue as I sucked it gently into my mouth. Brenda's head abruptly jerked up, and my cock slipped out of her mouth.

"Oh, my God!" she gasped, "Oh, my God! No! Tom, no! You don't have to!"

My only reply was to extend my tongue further, to push it into her cunt as deep as I possibly could. By now, her pussy was soaking wet, and I could feel a drop of her juices running down my cheek. She let out a small moaning sound and took my cock back in her mouth. I continued probing deep into her pussy, massaging the lips on either side with my tongue, sucking them into my mouth.

Meanwhile, I felt a slight movement beside me. With my face pushed hard against Brenda's cunt, it was impossible for me to see mom, but suddenly, I felt her hands grasping my right arm. Pulling on my wrist, she brought my hand toward her, until I felt it brush against her pubic hair. She guided it lower, and let out a little whimper as she brought my fingers into contact with her wet pussy. As if she was holding some inanimate object, she pressed my hand flat against her pussy and holding tight on my wrist, she guided my hand up and down against her wet opening.

Meanwhile, I used the tip of my tongue to spread apart the folds of Brenda's pussy lips until I could move my tongue in little circles around her clitoris. Again, her head flew off my cock and she let out a loud, deep moan. Unable to keep her mouth on my cock, Brenda grasped it in her fist and began slow up and down strokes.

Beside me, mom took three of my fingers in her fist and guided them into her opening, then she placed her hand on the back of mine and pushed, causing my fingers to slip deep and hard into her cunt. A soft whimper came out of her mouth as I felt her hips moving up and down against my hand. With her hand still on top of mine, holding my fingers inside her, her other hand was in constant motion, her fingers furiously stroking her clitoris.

Now, I began moving my head up and down against Brenda, causing my tongue and my open mouth to stroke the full length of her pussy. I felt a motion in her hips, and suddenly, Brenda was pushing back against me, and her hips began a slow, steady, back and forth motion against my face. A wet mixture of my saliva and her juices covered my face and dripped down my cheeks and now, Brenda was grinding herself hard into my face, her hips rocking slowly back and forth.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!" she screamed out, her hand still tight around my cock.

She pressed her clitoris against my outstretched tongue and ground herself against me, then, rotating her hips, she slid her open cunt across my face, and further, until my mouth pushed hard against her perineum, then further, until my tongue was pressed against her ass. I thrust my tongue out until it pushed its way into her tight anal opening.

"Oh, my God!" she screamed, "Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

She held her ass against my face as I drove my tongue in and out of her asshole. Little whimpering moans came out of her mouth as I spread her anus open with my tongue. Then, she threw her hips back until her clitoris was pressed hard against my face. I slid my free hand across her ass and pressed my finger against the entrance to her asshole, tracing small circles around it.

Meanwhile, beside me, mom was using my hand like it was some kind of dildo, forcing my fingers in and out of her cunt as her hips bucked up and down and the fingers of her other hand continued to stroke her clitoris.

Brenda's hand still held hard onto my cock, pumping up and down. Her head flew from side to side as little whimpering sounds came out of her throat, and her breathing was now nothing more than short, sharp gasps.

I slowly pushed the tip of my finger into her ass and Brenda screamed. Now, her hips began rocking faster, causing her soaking cunt to ride up and down against my face. I tried to keep my tongue extended, but my now, Brenda was simply fucking my face, pushing herself hard against me, sliding her open cunt up and down against my face.

And then I felt the tingle, starting in my balls and running up my cock, and I knew I was about to cum. A moan formed deep in my throat, and made its way out of my mouth only to be muffled in the wetness of Brenda's pussy. I felt a spasm in my cock as the first spurt of cum sprayed out.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck!" she cried out as I felt another blast of cum gush out.

Now, Brenda was grinding her crotch into my face, and for a moment, I couldn't breathe as her wet cunt pressed hard against my mouth and nose.

She screamed again, and I felt my cock spasm once more and then again, as her hand pumped up and down, and my hips flew up off the bed as my cock released its last load of cum. And then, I felt a little tremor run through her body. And the tremor intensified, until I felt her entire body shaking on top of me.

"Oh, my God!" she screamed, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

She ground her cunt hard against my face and one last spasm went through her, and she froze, motionless, until a moment later, her body went limp and she collapsed on top of me. I could feel her head on my now softening cock, and the red, swollen lips of her cunt rested just inches in front of my face.

Finally, she slid off me and knelt at the side of the bed. Her face was covered with my cum. As she turned toward me, a long string of it dripped down from her chin. One of her eyes was hidden under a pool of white liquid. Another strand hung from her nose. She drew the back of her hand across her face to wipe her eye, then she looked down at me. Her face moved closer to mine, until our lips met, our open mouths pushing against each other, our tongues making contact, and I could taste my cum on her wet lips.

Beside me, mom's breathing had become more labored. Each gasp for breath alternated with a little whimpering moan from the back of her throat. Suddenly, she released my hand from her grip, and in one slow, fluid motion, she raised her leg and rolled on top of me, positioning her body so her open cuntlips were pressed against my cum-covered cock. Brenda momentarily pulled her head away from mine, and I looked up at mom as she straddled me. Her eyes were half shut, with a glazed-over look to them.

Reaching down, she took my now flaccid cock in her hand and roughly stuffed it into her gaping cunt. Her other hand went to her clitoris, and I could see the muscles in her thighs and ass contracting as her hips began to buck up and down, pounding her pelvis against my body. Her breasts flew in wild circles against her chest as she continued to grind her cunt against me.

A visible tremor shook through her body and suddenly her head flew back and her mouth opened wide as a long, high-pitched, whimpering moan escaped from deep in the back of her throat. Her entire body was now shaking uncontrollably as her fingers pushed hard against her clit. She moaned again, and then her body gradually became motionless and her breathing returned to normal. She slowly rolled off me, my cock slipping out of her cunt with an audible plopping sound.

Lying on her back beside me, mom took my hand and rested it lightly on her cunt. Meanwhile, on the other side, Brenda slid closer to me until her breasts rested against my shoulder. She reached out and gently held my soft cock in her hand.

Exhausted from our exertions, the three of us fell into a sound sleep until the alarm clock woke us an hour later.


It was almost ten and we were just finishing dinner. I'd agreed to meet mom and Brenda at the hotel where their trade show was being held. They'd been held up at a seminar that hadn't ended until eight o'clock, so we agreed over the phone to eat at the hotel restaurant. There was a young Asian woman with them when they caught up with me in the restaurant bar.

"Tom, this is Trish," mom said, "She's here alone, so we invited her to have dinner with us."

"Glad to meet you, Trish," I said, shaking her hand. Trish was probably about the same age as Brenda, I figured. Maybe twenty-two or twenty-three. But all similarities between the two ended there. She was probably four inches shorter than Brenda. And in sharp contrast to Brenda and mom, with their full hips and large breasts, Trish had a very petite figure. Her waist looked small enough to put my hands around, and the fluffy sweater she wore barely changed its contour as it moved over her breasts.

Trish was a newly hired assistant manager at a store in Texas, mom explained, and the owner had sent her to learn a little more about the business. At first, I'd been a little disappointed they'd invited her, the three of us hadn't said a word about what had happened between us, and I figured dinner would be a good time to discuss it, to make sure no one was upset.

As it turned out, I'm glad they'd asked her along. Trish was a wonderful dinner companion. Her eyes seemed to have a constant sparkle to them as she talked, she had an infectious laugh, and she had a way of looking at you as if everything you said was important to her.

"So, can I ask what your heritage is?" I asked Trish as the waiter cleared the table.

"Oh, darn! So you noticed," Trish said with a giggle, "why don't you guess."

"Well, I'd say you were born in the United States, because you don't have an accent, but beyond that, I'm not sure."

"You have to guess," she said.

"Uh...Let me think..." Then I had an idea. "You're in Texas, right?"


"Were you born there?"


"A coastal town?"

She nodded.

"You're Vietnamese."

"Very good! Better than someone this morning who asked if I was from India!" she said with a laugh, "My parents arrived here shortly after the war and made their living shrimp fishing, like thousands of other Vietnamese. Is that how you figured it?"

I nodded my head.

"Hey guys," Brenda said, "It looks like they're closing down the restaurant. Want to have a nightcap in the bar?"

She looked at Trish.

"That's fine with me," Trish said, "as long as I'm not intruding on your private time together as a family."

Mom glanced at me, an ironic smile on her face.


The bar was nearly empty. Maybe because it was a weeknight, I figured. We sat down around a little glass table in large, padded, wingback chairs that seemed to engulf our bodies. The waiter came to us immediately, as if he was relieved to finally have something to do.

"Merlot? Like at dinner?" I asked.

The ladies nodded.

"A bottle of Merlot, please," I told the waiter.

"A bottle. I don't know," mom said, looking at me, "we already had two bottles at dinner."

"Is anybody driving tonight?" I asked with a smile.

"It's not driving I'm afraid of," mom replied, "I just don't want to lose control. last night."

"I'll keep my eye on you," I said.

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of," mom replied.

"What happened last night?" Trish asked, "Don't tell me a lady as sophisticated as you got drunk." She smiled at mom.

Mom blushed.

"Uh, something like that," she said.

"Wouldn't life be easier, if there weren't so many things that were bad for you? So many rules to obey?" Brenda asked with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean all the limits placed on us. Alcohol, food, sun, even sex."

"But those are self-imposed limitations," mom said, "for our own well-being. There's no law that says you can't sit out in the sun all day."

"Self-imposed limitations can be worse," Brenda continued, "Because they're self-imposed, they cause doubt, and guilt and insecurity."

"I don't understand," Trish said.

"It has to do with personal responsibility and free will. If someone puts a gun to your head and commands you to eat a greasy hamburger," Brenda explained, "you wouldn't think twice, you'd eat the hamburger. It's different though, if eating the hamburger is entirely your choice. You know you really want it, but you think about your waistline, and cholesterol and suddenly you feel guilty about having a desire for the hamburger, and you're insecure about your willpower, and your mind becomes filled with self-doubt."

"Wow, all that over a hamburger," Trish said with a giggle.

"So what you're saying," mom said, "is if someone commands you to do something, even something enjoyable, you won't feel guilty because you didn't choose to do it out of your own free will."

"Exactly," Brenda said.

"Great!" mom exclaimed, "the next time we're in a restaurant, Brenda, I want you to command me to order something especially fattening."

"And Brenda," I added, "command me to order another bottle of wine."

"That's why..." Brenda started to say, but abruptly stopped.

"Why what?" mom asked.

"Nothing," Brenda said, blushing.

"Tell us."

"I was only going to make the observation that's why some women, when they're, you know...fooling around, like to have the man command them. That way, they don't have to feel responsible for their actions. If they do something out of character, they can blame it on their partner."

"It sounds like you're talking from experience," mom said with a chuckle, "Do you like men to command you?"

Brenda blushed again.

"So what if I do?" she said.

I laughed and Brenda glared at me.

"So what? Do you think I'm weird?" she asked with a scowl on her face.

"No, I was just thinking your fantasy and mine are pretty compatible."

"You like to be dominated, too?" Trish asked with a giggle.

"I think it's a common fantasy for men, to want to have control over a woman," I said, "To know she'll do anything he wants."

"Like she was hypnotized?" mom asked.

"No, that would take some of the allure away," I answered, "It's more exciting if the man knows the woman is willingly giving up control to him. Here's the whole thing about it - there's a big difference between a woman waking up and saying to herself, 'I can't believe what I did last night', and 'I can't believe what he made me do last night'. The first sentence allows far more guilt to creep in than the second sentence. And it's the same for the guy, too. 'I only acted that way because it was a game. I was pretending to be in control, and she was pretending to obey me. That's not the way either of us are in real life' See, he's off the hook too because he can blame it on 'the game'."

"Interesting. So Trish, what about you," mom asked, "would it excite you to let a man control you?"

"Maybe it would," Trish answered, "if it was the right guy, and if I was in the right mood."

"Well," mom said with a laugh as she looked at me, "I guess we women are all out of luck tonight because there's only one of you and three of us."

"Hey, that would add a whole new dimension to it," I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, in your dreams," Brenda said, "I bet you'd like to control three women."

"Hmmm, quiet Brenda!" I said with a smile, "I'm considering the possibilities."

Mom took another sip of wine. "So what would you do with us helpless women if we played the game?"

"Ah, but you can't ask that in advance," I said, "that takes all the excitement out of it. You have to have enough trust in the guy to agree, in advance, to do what he says."

"What if he tells you to jump out a window?" mom asked.

"Clearly, in that case, you've put your trust in the wrong guy," I said, smiling at her, "Besides, it's not like he's taking control of your mind. After all, it's just a game you've mutually agreed to play. You can quit the game at any time."

"I guess you can see," Brenda said, looking at Trish, "we're sort of a weird family."

"Not at all," Trish said, "you guys seem perfectly normal to me. Except maybe for Tom, who seems to have a bit of an overactive imagination."

She looked at me and grinned.

Suddenly, mom raised her glass and held it up to me, as if proposing a toast.

"Let's try it," she said.

"Try what?"

"The game," she answered, "let's try the game now. Here. After all, if I can't trust my own son, who can I trust?"

"But you can't do it in a bar," I said.

"Sure you can," mom said, "What about you, Brenda? You're the one who started this all. Do you trust your brother?"

Brenda nodded.

"Then you'll play?"

Brenda blushed and looked at me. I raised my arms, as if to say 'you're on your own here. This is uncharted territory'.

"Sure," she said, "I'll try it."

I looked back and forth between the two of them.

"But I couldn't..."

"I'm calling your bluff," mom said, looking at me.

I felt a little uncomfortable, not exactly sure where this was all going.

"It wouldn't work unless everyone was involved," I said, looking at Trish. I was hoping this might give me a way out.

Trish shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure. I'll play your game," she said, "I mean, how bad could it be, here in public, with your own sister and mother."

Now it was my turn to shrug my shoulders.

"You guys are crazy," I said.

"It's an inherited trait," mom laughed.


"Here are the ground rules," I said, "I'll give the command, and you obey. Right?"

They looked at me and nodded.

"Sort of like Truth or Dare," Brenda said, "only we aren't taking turns."

"What if we don't obey?" Trish asked.

"You're banished from the game and have to leave," I answered.

"Where would we go?" Trish asked with a giggle.

"Uh, you have to go down to the lobby and sit in the most uncomfortable chair you can find there, until the rest of us are done playing."

"That sounds like an appropriate punishment to me," mom said with a smile.

"Hey! This is heavy stuff," I said lightheartedly, "you guys aren't taking this seriously enough."

"No, no," mom said, looking from Brenda to Trish, "we're serious, aren't we?"

Brenda nodded and Trish put her hand over her mouth and giggled again.

"O.K." I said, "We'll start the game. Brenda, I command you to touch your nose with your thumb."

Brenda smiled and held her thumb against her nose.

"How dare you command her to do that!" mom said with a laugh.

"Hah, your time will come," I said in my most menacing voice.

"Now, Trish..."

"Yes, command me, master," she interrupted.

"Trish, I want you to take two peanuts, no more, no less, from the bowl on the table and eat them."

Trish reached into the bowl and brought her hand to her mouth.

"Oh, master, obeying you gives me so much pleasure," she said with a smile as she popped the peanuts into her mouth.

"Now your turn, mom," I said with a grin, "I want you to tell me a four letter word starting with 'F' that means, among other things, to make love."

There was a pause. Mom looked at me, then at Brenda and Trish.

"If you don't answer," I said, "you're banished to the lobby."

She blushed and looked back at me.

"Fuck," she said softly. There was a little smile on her face as she said the word, as if to let me know she wasn't going to give up that easy.

"O.K., very good," I said.

I thought about what I'd do next. Glancing around the room, I saw that two other couples had come in after us. A low, decorative bookcase near our table stood between us and the couple on the far side of the room. Brenda and mom faced away from the couple seated nearer to us.

Maybe I'd had too much to drink, maybe we all had, but I figured I'd end our little game.

"Brenda," I said, "I want you to take off your pantyhose."

Brenda stared at me, a deep scowl on her face.

"Are you crazy?" she asked.

"Yes, probably," I answered with a smile.

Trish covered her mouth with her hand and giggled.

"No one will see you," I said.

"No one except you three," Brenda said, the scowl still on her face.

"But we're all friends and family here," I said, "so it doesn't matter."

"Yeah, right," she muttered.

Mom stared intently at Brenda. She was probably curious how Brenda would react, what she would do. Brenda glanced at mom, then at Trish. After taking another sip of wine, she glanced quickly around the room and kicked off her shoes. After one last look around, she raised her hips off the chair, and reaching under her skirt, pulled her pantyhose down her hips and off her legs.

"Satisfied?" she asked as she balled the pantyhose up in her hand and threw them at me. I caught them in midair and tucked them under her purse lying on the floor.

"Yes, I'm satisfied."

Trish still held her hand over her mouth, as if she couldn't believe Brenda had really done it.

"Mom," I said, "Your turn now."

"My turn for what?"

"Your bra," I said.

"But that would be almost impossible to do here"

"Your bra has to come off," I repeated.

She stared into my eyes. Five seconds went by, then ten, then mom slowly stood. There was a fourth chair at our table, next to the bookcase, and mom went to it. She sat down and swiveled the chair until it faced away from us and toward the bookcase. The high, wide back of the chair hid her completely from our view. A minute later she stood and returned to her original chair, her bra in her hand.

Beside me, I heard Trish whisper, "I can't..."

"You can't what?" I asked, looking at her.

"I can't take off my pantyhose," she said softly.

"You don't want to play anymore?" I asked.

Trish giggled softly.

"No, I can't," she said, "because I'm not wearing pantyhose... or a bra."

Her breasts were small enough she could get away without a bra, I realized, and the fluffy sweater she was wearing made it even less noticeable.

"Panties?" I asked.

Trish nodded.

"Then take them off."

Trish glanced around the room. Mom and Brenda sat across from her, their chairs between Trish and the couple seated behind them.. Apparently satisfied that no one could see her, Trish reached under her skirt, and raising her hips off the chair, quickly pulled down her panties and kicked them off her legs. She picked up her purse and tucked the panties inside. Reaching for her wine, she smiled at me as she brought the glass to her lips.

"That wasn't so difficult," she said.

Mom raised her hand, as if asking for permission to talk.

"I've gotta go to the ladies room," she said, "is peeing permitted in this game?"

"I suppose I'll allow it," I said with a smile.

"I'll join you," Brenda said as they both stood.

"Your family's a little...different," Trish said after mom and Brenda left.

She turned to face me.

"This isn't a silly game that will end with a laugh, is it?" she asked, "You guys are playing this for real, aren't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." She paused and her eyes lowered, like she was embarrassed to continue.

"Tell me," I said.

I guys have done this before, haven't you?" she said softly, "I can tell. The way your mom looks at you. The way your sister smiles when you talk to her. I can tell. You've done it before..."

"Done what?" I asked quietly.

"You know. You know what I mean," Trish said. She looked into my eyes. "I'm right, aren't I?"

I could feel myself blushing as she stared at me. There was a long pause.

"Yes," I whispered, "I guess we have."

"I'm glad you told me," Trish said softly.

She sat back in her chair and took another sip of wine.

"So I need to know," she said, "am I just some pawn in your family fun? Am I like a toy you guys picked up, so I could watch you do your stuff and somehow make it more exciting for all of you?"

Without thinking, I grabbed her hand and held it in mine.

"No, you've got it all wrong," I said, "Last night was the first time...the only time...we've done anything. It just happened. We'd all had too much to drink. We didn't plan it. I'm not sure how they even feel about it."

Trish looked into my eyes and smiled.

"So, you've only done it one time, and you were drunk. I guess that makes everything O.K."

"Of course not. But what happened, happened. We can't turn back time."

"But you want it to happen again," Trish said, "I can tell."

I released her hand and sat back in my chair. There was another pause.

"Yes," I said softly, "I want it to happen again."

"Then I should be going," Trish said, "I'll leave you guys alone. You want to fuck your mother again. You want to fuck your sister again. I can't compete with that. I can't compete with their big tits and their perfect asses and the clever little ways they signal you to make sure you know they want to do it again too."

I looked into Trish's face and saw a little tear forming in the corner of her eye. Instinctively, I reached out my arm and put it behind Trish's head and brought her face to my shoulder. My other arm went behind her back and I gently hugged her against me.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, "I'm so sorry. You're right. Maybe we are a bunch of self-serving shits. Maybe all we can think about is ourselves. But you're a wonderful person and I never intended to hurt you."

I held her close to me for a minute, maybe two, until she tilted her mouth toward my ear and whispered, "Have your fun with them. I don't mind. But I have one question."

"What" I whispered.

"Can I still play the stupid game with you shits?"

"As long as you don't turn into one yourself," I said with a chuckle as I pulled her tighter against me.

"I'm thousands of miles from home," she said softly, "and here I am, stuck with some guy in a bar who just last night fucked his mother and his sister for the first time, and wants to fuck them again tonight, and now he's hugging me. What am I supposed to think?"

"I don't know," I whispered, "Now it's different, Trish. Now...I want you."

Suddenly, she pulled her head away from my shoulder. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and looked into my eyes.

"I'm O.K." she said with a smile, "sometimes I just get too emotional about things."

She picked up her glass and raised it toward me. I clicked my glass against hers. She leaned back in her chair.

"I've always had this fantasy," she said, "about being in a public place and, you know...doing it where other people might be able to see you. I thought about it when you hugged me. I imagined the other couples here watching us hug. Would they be offended? Would they be curious?"

"Would you care?" I said with a laugh.

"I don't know...I've never had it happen," Trish answered.

"Come sit on my lap," I said.

There was a long pause. Trish stared down into her glass. Then she slowly stood, and taking a step toward me, plopped herself down in my lap.

"Uh, oh," I said, "here they come." Brenda and mom where making their way back to our table. They sat down and picked up their glasses.

"Welcome back," I said.

"We just couldn't stay away," mom said with a smile, "I see you two are becoming better acquainted."

Trish chuckled and gave her hips a little wiggle against my lap.

"So Brenda," I said, "earlier you were talking about...control, when you and Larry were together, did you..."

"No," she interrupted, knowing what I was going to ask, "Larry and I were never...compatible that way."

"What do you mean?" mom asked.

"Brenda, wait," I said, "before you continue, I think we all need to see a little more of your legs."

Brenda slowly reached down and slid the hem of her skirt three or four inches higher on her thighs. Now, from where Trish and I sat, we could see the white skin of her inner thighs, high up her legs, until the shadows of her skirt hid the point where her thighs came together.

"Your turn, Mom," I said, "I want you to unbutton your blouse."

She blushed and didn't move.

"Now, mom!"

Her blush deepened. Slowly, she raised her hand, and one by one, unfastened the buttons.

"Pull open the front of your blouse and your jacket," I told her, "so we can all see your breasts."

Mom hesitated, then used both hands to slowly open her front, parting her blouse and jacket until her large breasts were fully exposed.

"Go on, Brenda," I said, "you were telling us about Larry."

"Larry was...I'm not sure how to explain it, but he was sort of conservative," she continued, "I mean, not politically conservative, but socially...He had his set habits and his own way of thinking, and he just couldn't accept any other way of doing things.

As Brenda talked, I put my hands under the back of Trish's sweater and slid them around to her front until they rested flat on her stomach. I moved my hands in large circular motions, caressing the soft, tight skin of her stomach.

"Go on," I said to Brenda.

"I mean, when it came to our relationship, when it came" Brenda's voice trailed off.

"What? Tell us," I said.

"It's sort of embarrassing to talk about," she continued, "but I sort of...I'm sort of willing to try different things. I mean, I needed different things than him."

"Like what?" mom asked.

Meanwhile, my hands, still under Trish's sweater, moved higher, and Trish let out a short gasp as I opened my hands wide and cupped them over her breasts. Her breasts were tiny, like little peaches in my hands. They were hard, and firm, and I could feel her little nipples, stiff and erect, pressing against my palms.

Meanwhile, Brenda took a sip of wine and continued.

"I'm not sure I can explain it, but Larry was like a lovable puppy dog, and I needed...I needed something different."

"Different in what way?" I asked.

"One day," she continued, "Larry said he wanted to know about other guys I'd...been with, before I met him. I tried to laugh off his question, but he pushed and pushed until I told him about a guy I'd gone out with when I was a junior in college. He was an instructor there, about five years older than me. He was the nicest guy in the world, but when we were alone, when we were...having sex, he turned into another person. He was demanding. He told me what he wanted, in the most explicit words. He treated me like I was his slave, and when we made wasn't love at all. He was rough with me and took me whenever and wherever he wanted.

Brenda took another sip of wine.

There was a long pause. None of us said anything, the only sound being the little mewing whimpers coming out of Trish's mouth as I rolled her nipples gently between my thumb and forefinger.

The waiter appeared at the far corner of the room and headed in our direction. I slid my hands out from under Trish's sweater and mom pulled the front of her jacket together. As I ordered another bottle of wine from the waiter, I could see his eyes lingering on Brenda, her skirt still high up on their thighs.

The waiter left and I slowly tugged the back of Trish's skirt out from under her and slid my hand underneath, feeling it make contact with the bare skin of her hip. I slid my hand around to her front and down, until I felt my fingers graze against her pubic hair. Trish let out another little gasp as my fingers glided across her clitoris. Moving lower, I cupped my hand over her pussy. It was warm and wet, and I slid my finger between her pussy lips and stroked gently up and down.

"But there's more to your story, isn't there, Brenda?" I asked.

Brenda nodded and continued in a soft voice.

"I discovered to my horror...I discovered...I liked it. I liked it when he did it...when he did it rough with me. I liked it when he treated me like I was some sort of slave. I liked it when he put me over his lap and slapped my ass until it was red. I liked it when he called me his slut and after we'd been out drinking, we'd leave the bar and he'd make me kneel down in the parking lot and service him before he drove me home.

Brenda looked up at us.

"Sorry," she said, "you guys must think I'm some sort of sicko."

"Not at all," I said. Mom nodded in agreement.

"Anyway," Brenda continued, "when I told all that to Larry, he sort of rolled his eyes and looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe that was the beginning of the end of our relationship.

The waiter was returning with our wine and I withdrew my hand from under Trish's skirt. As he uncorked the bottle, his eyes remained fixed on Brenda, her skirt bunched up almost to her waist. He filled our glasses and slowly walked away, as if he was reluctant to leave.

With the waiter gone, I motioned to mom. She understood my hand signal and pulled her jacket open, once again exposing her breasts to us.

Now, I looked at Brenda, and without prompting, her legs parted slightly until Trish and I were looking directly at her pussy. Her lips were red and seemed swollen, and even from six feet away, I could see she was wet, her pussy lips glistening with her juices.

I slid Trish forward on my legs, giving me room to undo my zipper. I reached in my pants and awkwardly pulled out my now hard cock. I put my hands on Trish's hips and pulled her back toward me until I felt her pussy slide warm and wet against my erection. She sighed as I again ran my hand under her skirt and began slowly stroking her pussylips with my fingers.

"Now your turn mom," I said.

"My turn?"

"Your turn to tell us your fantasy," I said.

She opened her mouth to say something, then hesitated, a slight blush crossing her face.

"I'm not sure I..." her voice faded away and her blush deepened.

"Tell us," I said.

As I played with Trish's pussy, she began rocking her hips back and forth in tiny, slow strokes, so that her pussy, pushed tight against me, slid slowly up and down against my cock.

"Alright, let me tell you a story," mom said softly, "about something I've long since put out of my memory."

As she took a sip of her wine, I felt Trish's thighs flex, and her body rose slightly off mine, allowing my cock to spring up. She reached down between us, and I felt her hand on my cock. She guided it to her opening, and I felt her thighs flex again, and in one, long continuous motion, she lowered herself onto me, until my cock was fully inside her, her ass resting on my groin. A small whimper came from the back of her throat, and I let out a low groan. Her cunt squeezed tightly against my cock, tighter than I've ever felt.

Mom watched us intently as she continued her story.

"As you know," she said, "I dropped out of college. The following year, I shared a one-bedroom apartment with another girl. I had some occasional dates then, but my roommate, her name was Jennifer, seemed to have a new boyfriend every week."

As mom talked, Trish continued a slow, gentle rocking motion with her hips, her cunt grabbing hard against my cock as she made her tiny back and forth motions.

"And after they'd been out," mom continued, "she and her boyfriend would show up at the apartment, and most of the time I'd yawn, and say I was ready for bed, and in the bedroom, I'd lie there in the dark as she and her date made love in the living room. And I'd listen to their giggles and their laughs and their moans and groans."

We were all looking intently at mom as she told her story. As Trish increased the speed of her little rocking motions, I put two fingers against her clitoris and made little circular motions around it. With each breath she took, a soft, mewing whimper came out of her mouth.

"And then I'd hear the front door close when her date left," mom continued, "and a minute later, Jennifer would come to the bedroom. I always pretended to be asleep, because I didn't want her to know I'd been listening. Sometimes, she'd already be naked, and if she wasn't she'd take off her clothes and hang them neatly on the chair."

"We had a little dressing table in the bedroom, and she'd turn the light on above it and sit there, staring into the mirror as she removed her makeup. And I'd watch her, in profile, as she used little cotton pads to rub the lipstick off her face and the mascara from her eyes. And with each motion of her arm, I'd watch her breasts swaying gently and I remember thinking how beautiful she was.

I glanced at Brenda. Her hand had moved between her legs, and I could see her fingers slowly moving in and out of her pussy.

"And for some reason," mom continued, "I'd always think about what she'd been doing fifteen minutes earlier. I'd think about the sounds I'd heard coming from the living room, and I'd think about his cock deep inside her and how he must have spurted his cum into her, and now, sitting at the dressing table removing her makeup, his cum was probably still deep in her pussy, maybe slowly dripping out.

"Then Jennifer would turn off the light and crawl into her bed, still naked. And in the darkness, I'd hear her breathing become heavier, and she'd make these little whimpering sounds and I knew what she was doing. And sometimes when the moon was bright, I could make out her figure as she played with herself, her hand hard against her pussy. And she would quietly moan one last time, and I'd see her body quivering as she held her other hand over her mouth to keep from crying out.

I glanced again at Brenda. Now, her fingers were moving in quick little circles around her clit. With her other hand, she'd reached inside her blouse, and I could see the shape of her hand under the fabric as it moved against her breast.

As Trish ground herself against me, I felt a burning feeling in my balls and I knew I was about to cum. I placed my hands under her ass and lifted her, her cunt holding its tight grip on my cock. I lowered her and her hips fell back against me, my cock driving deep inside her. Her breathing was now no more than short gasps for air as I continued to lift her body up and down against mine.

Meanwhile, mom went on with her story.

"I didn't understand why, but every time I heard her, every time I watched her on her bed, I felt a certain tingling in my pussy and I, too, had to reach down and satisfy myself with my fingers."

I felt a slight quiver go through Trish's body, then another quiver, this one stronger, until her entire body was shaking against mine. She turned her head, and I could see she was biting her lower lip to keep from crying out as the orgasm swept over her. As Trish's body pounded against mine, I watched Brenda as her fingers furiously moved against her pussy, until her head rolled back and a long, low, whimpering moan came out of her mouth. Suddenly, I felt the first burst of cum gushing out of my cock and as our bodies pounded against each other, I groaned uncontrollably as wave after wave of cum spurted deep into Trish's cunt. Gradually, her motions slowed, and as the last of my cum spewed out, I released my hold on her ass, allowing her body to fall limply against mine, my cock still deep inside her.

Still staring at us, mom went on with her story.

"One night," she continued, "I couldn't take it anymore. Jennifer turned off the light above the dressing table and went to her bed. A minute later, I heard a soft whimper and I called out her name in the darkness."

"Oh, my God!" she whispered back to me, "Are you awake?"

"I'm awake," I told her, "Jennifer?"

"Yes," she whispered.

"Jennifer, can I come to your bed?"

"There was a long pause, and I remember I could feel a tremble go through my body as I waited for her answer."

Then, I heard her whisper softly.

"Yes," she said.

"I stood, and slipping my nightgown off, I went to her in the darkness, naked."

Brenda, Trish and I sat motionless, staring at mom, waiting for her to continue her story.

"Hey, guys," Trish suddenly interrupted, "how about we all go up to my room and we can listen to the rest of the story there?"

We all nodded our approval, and one by one, stood to leave.