Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2121 - MOM'S SECOND CHANCE

Chapter 2121 - MOM'S SECOND CHANCE

I rolled out of bed fairly early, even though there was no real reason to. I wouldn't be starting college until the fall, so I could have slept in if I wanted to. The view out the window when I opened it was still strange to me. Born and raised in Iowa, the sight of the ocean off in the distance on a summer morning in Florida was a far cry from what I was used to.

Mom had told me the story several times about her and my Dad — whom I'm named for — scheming a move to Florida as their ultimate goal. Even though he died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver when I was eight, she'd followed through as soon as her investments and the tanked housing market had made it possible.

I'd been the man of the house ever since Dad died, and I took the job seriously. It meant that I didn't have a lot of time for friends or being a kid, but Mom eventually gave up on changing my mind. The steadily increasing load of chores I took on let her concentrate on working and building on the money from Dad's life insurance policy. Despite the recession, Mom had been able to leave her office behind two years ago.

I stretched and went to the dresser to grab some clean clothes. As I thought about it, I changed my mind and grabbed my new swimsuit instead. A few laps in the pool sounded like a good start to the morning, and the newness of having one in the back yard — along with a hot tub — hadn't quite worn off on me.

"Morning, Mom," I said as I came down the stairs to find her sitting on the couch doing something on her smartphone.

"Morning? I've already had breakfast, a workout, and a shower. Where have you been?" Her stern expression, which I already knew was fake, faded. "Just kidding. You should get all the sleep you can before college. It will be a precious commodity then. Going for a swim?"

"You think?"

"If you're going to sass me, at least come here and give me a kiss."

Chuckling, I walked over and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"I was just wondering if maybe you were going to go to the beach. We've been here for months, and you've barely left the house."

"Just trying to get settled. I'm still not completely unpacked."

"Excuses, excuses," she said, and then gave me a swat on the butt.

"Have you skimmed the pool yet this morning?" I asked as I backed toward the hallway.

She shook her head.

"I'll get it and check the filters and stuff."

"You don't have to do all that. You know, I'm going to have to get used to taking care of myself again eventually."

"Who says? I'm only going to be like ten minutes away this fall." With that I turned and headed down the hallway to the sliding glass doors at the back of the house.

I grabbed the skimmer and took care of that first, even though there were only a few odd bugs and a lonely leaf floating on the surface. It didn't take long to do the rest of the pool maintenance, but I was already dripping with sweat when I finished.

A dive into the blissfully cool waters took care of that.

I swam laps for a while, and then climbed out, headed for the diving board. Curiosity had me wondering if I could hit the second floor windows with a can-opener splash. About the time I climbed up, I heard the sliding door open.

"Well, what do you think?"

I couldn't think at first, let alone answer. I'd never seen Mom in anything but a one-piece swimsuit, so the sight of her in a white bikini with large black polka dots just locked my brain up.

She'd always worked out a little, but since moving to Florida and having the space to set up a room for it in the house, she'd really picked up her workouts — and it showed. Though never really fat, she'd dropped a couple of dress sizes over the winter and spring. I'd already noticed, but there was no way to miss it with so much of her body on display.

A breeze stirred her short blonde hair as she stood with her hands held out to the side in a modeling gesture. The top strained to contain her boobs, which looked even bigger now that she had toned the rest of her figure. Though her tummy wasn't flat, she had trimmed it a lot, and there were only a few faint stretch marks. The bottoms hugged her hips, though they were relatively conservative as bikinis go, leaving her long, smooth, gorgeous legs bare.

Right here is where I have to admit that this wasn't the first time I'd looked at her and thought things a guy really shouldn't think about his mother. It's probably because I had a thing for Milf porn.

Or, maybe it was the other way around.

Anyway, back home, my friends had constantly teased me about how hot she was. It embarrassed the hell out of me, because I always felt a bit of jealousy every time they talked about her. They were trying to rile me up when they talked about how big her boobs were, or how hot her butt looked in jeans, but the truth was that I'd noticed the same thing.

Over the last couple of years, I'd been noticing it a lot more. At various times, I'd felt so dirty and disrespectful that I could barely talk to her. Dealing with it day in and day out had taken some of the edge off, but never completely eliminated either my attraction to her, or the feelings that caused in turn.

While I stood there stunned with a million thoughts racing through my head, she let her hands fall to her side, sighed, and said, "I knew it. I look ridiculous, don't I?"

I managed to find my voice upon hearing the disappointment in hers. That absolutely cut to the bone. "No, you look great, Mom."

"Don't just say what you think I want to hear, Chance."

"I'm not. You look great."

A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Really? I'm not too flabby?" She laid a hand over her tummy. "Or saggy?" Her hand moved to her left breast.

"No, it looks great on you. Can really tell you've been working out. I just wasn't expecting it."

"I almost believe you." She walked over toward me. "Mind if I join you?"

Realizing to my shame that I was about half hard and my dripping swim trunks weren't going to do much to hide it, I quickly said, "I was just going to take one more dive and head back in. See if anybody is online looking for a game."

"I swear, you live on that computer." She shook her head and laughed. "So much like your father. Go on then. It's hot."

I dived in and made absolutely sure I was facing away from her when I popped up on the other side. As soon as she dived, I hurried to the door to grab a towel from the shelf inside, letting it fall in front of me for cover. I glanced back to see her slicking the water out of her hair. Streams of water cascaded down her body and into her cleavage, plainly visible at the surface.

I passed the halfway mark at that point.

Trying — unsuccessfully — to shake the image out of my mind's eye, I dried off and hightailed it to the safety of my room, and the online world.


I'd been online for a couple of hours when I heard a knock on the door. "Yeah?"

Mom opened the door and peeked in. "You didn't have any breakfast. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, actually," I admitted, as I had just been thinking about going downstairs and nuking a hot pocket or something.

"I'm craving pizza."


She rolled her eyes. "Okay, I'll order it and call you when it gets here."

About ten minutes later, I heard someone pull up and looked out the window. A guy walked around to the back of a delivery truck and emerged with a large, skinny box. He pushed it toward the house on a cart, and I wondered what it was as I turned back to the computer. When the pizza arrived, I went downstairs and saw the box propped up near the front door.

"What's that?"

"My new deck chair," Mom answered as she sat the pizza box down on the coffee table.

"Cool." I plopped down on the couch and reached for a slice as soon as Mom opened the box.

She sat down next to me and took her own slice. A chill ran up my spine when she moaned with the first bite. "Oh, I'm so going to regret this, but it's so good."

Still trying to shake off how sexy that moan sounded, I stood up and asked, "Do you want a Coke?"

"Yes, but get me a glass of tea instead. At least then I'll only have this going straight to my hips," she answered, gesturing with the pizza before taking another bite.

I brought back our drinks, then I polished off most of the pizza, since Mom only had two slices.

"Don't get too used to that metabolism," she teased as I finished. "Before you know it, you'll be old like me and have to run for half the day just to keep from turning into a blimp."

"You're not old, Mom."

"You're sweet," she said, and flashed me a brilliant smile before kissing me on the cheek.

"Uhm, you want me to take that box out back by the pool?"

"Could you, please? There's no way I can lift it."

"No problem," I answered, and popped up from the couch. As it turned out, it was a bit of a problem. The box was big, awkward, and none too light.

"Don't hurt yourself, Chance," Mom said as I struggled to find the right grip.

"I've got it," I said, my pride taking a bit of a hit. I finally got it picked up, and did my best not to show how much I was struggling with it as I carried it to the back door.

Once I finally got the thing outside and leaned it up against the house, I sighed in relief and leaned right next to it. Knowing that Mom wasn't exactly the handiest with tools, I decided to put it together for her. My friends back in Iowa had said they were headed to the lake and wouldn't be online, so I didn't really have anything better to do.

I grabbed the toolbox from the house and went straight to work. I pulled off my shirt because it was boiling hot, and I was sweating like crazy in only a few minutes. Fortunately, the chair had good instructions, and came together without much trouble. I'd just finished checking to make sure the reclining back worked right when the back door opened.

Mom tapped something on her phone and said, "I wondered what you were doing. Thank you."

I gestured at the chair in full gameshow fashion and said, "Ta da."

Mom gasped, and immediately lifted her phone. She snapped a picture and laughed when she looked at it.

"What?" I asked.

"Come in and I'll show you."

Puzzled, I followed her into the house. She walked into her bedroom and waved for me to follow when I paused at the doorway. She tossed her phone down on the bed, and then headed over to the walk-in closet. When she emerged, she was carrying a box, which she sat down on the bed and opened. Right on top was a photo album.

Mom opened the album and flipped through it, finally saying, "There it is." She put her thumb on the page and closed the album, picking up her phone again. After a couple of taps, she sat the album down and put the phone right next to a picture.

The picture was of my dad in almost the exact same pose, also shirtless and wearing a pair of shorts, but presenting my crib. The resemblance was uncanny.

"I swear you're the spitting image of your father at your age. I have to look twice sometimes to be sure you're not him. So handsome, and such a geek," she said, and then let out a sad-sounding sigh.

"I've never seen any of these before," I said as I looked at the rest of the pictures on the page.

"They're mostly from when we were dating. I didn't think you'd want to see them."

It was all I could do to contain myself as I looked at the images of my mother at probably eighteen, guessing by the crib photo. I knew she'd gotten pregnant with me right out of high school. She was incredibly hot, and dressed like she absolutely knew it.

"Your dad was just like you — all wrapped up in his computers and nerdy things. I was only flirting with him for fun at first, but when he didn't really seem to notice, I took it as a personal challenge. The next thing I knew, I was falling in love with him. And I still had to all but throw myself at him before he realized it."

"I miss him too," I said when I looked up to see that her eyes were misty. I held out my arms, and she accepted the hug, sniffling once or twice.

"I just had to show you those two pictures," she said as she cupped my cheek with one hand and wiped her eyes with the other. Then she slid a finger down my still bare chest. "You're all sweaty from being out in the sun. You should go take another swim and cool off."

"Yeah, maybe."

"I love you, Chance," she said as she smiled at me.

"Love you too, Mom."

"Go on then, and thank you for putting the chair together for me."

"You're welcome."

I walked out of the room, but glanced back over my shoulder for a second as I crossed the threshold. Mom had sat down on the bed to flip through the album, wearing a wistful smile.

I knew the feeling — in more ways than one.


I had just finished whipping a buddy from back home in a fighting game that night when Mom knocked on my open door.

Trying to ignore how good she looked in her rather clingy, satiny nightgown, I said, "Yeah, Mom?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to do some shopping and take my car in to have a few things done tomorrow. I probably won't be here when you wake up."


"I probably won't be home until afternoon, actually."

"I can find something to eat. No problem."

"Just wanted to let you know. Good night, honey."

"Night, Mom."

My friends steadily vanished from online, until I was eventually all alone in cyberspace. I walked over to the door and listened carefully. It had been a couple of hours since Mom had gone to bed, and the house was quiet other than the air-conditioning running full blast. I closed and locked the door, then returned to the computer.

I clicked through the pages of one of the many porn video sites I visited, until one of the preview images caught my eye. I moved my cursor over it and the flash of images made the decision for me. The woman in the video was older, with short blonde hair and large breasts, and she was going at it with a young guy. It was exactly the sort of video that got me off hard. I pulled out a box of tissues and plugged in my headphones, then clicked on the video.

It started with a point of view from the guy, showing him jerking off while looking at a porn magazine. Only a few seconds in, a door on the other side of the room opened, and the woman walked in, wearing a barely-there negligee.

My eyes widened and I sucked in a hard, fast breath through my nose when the guy in the video covered up and said, "Mom, you're supposed to knock."

The woman apologized, and then sauntered over to the bed. They bantered back and forth with some really bad dialogue about how it was bigger than Daddy's, until the woman moved the guy's hands and said, "Why don't you let Mommy help?"

I knew that one of the reasons I'd picked the video was because the woman looked a little like my mom. Having her play that role had me as hard as a rock. I wrapped my hand around my cock and started stroking.

I kept it slow as the woman jerked him, eventually pulling off her negligee to show off her body. Then, she started sucking, taking him all the way into her throat. All the while, they called each other mother and son almost to the point of distraction with how forced it was.


The woman had a hairy pussy, and that really turned me on. I stroked a little faster as she straddled the guy's hips, playing with herself, and then sat down on his dick.

She rode him hard, telling him how good it felt. Her tits bounced all over the place, and as the video neared the end, she cried out, "Mommy's coming for you, Son."

"Oh, Mom. I'm about to come too," the guy groaned.

"Do it. Come in Mommy's pussy."

At the same time as he grunted on screen, I exploded into the tissues held over the head of my cock. I just kept coming and coming so hard that it made my head swim as the woman on screen said, "That's it, Son. Give Mommy all your hot cum."

I was panting for breath when she lifted up off his cock to rub the cum dripping from her into her hairy pussy. The video ended with a still screen of her licking cum off her fingers.

My body was as limp as a noodle, but my cock was still mostly hard and hyper-sensitive. My fingers were covered in cum just like the woman on screen, because the tissues hadn't been enough to hold it back. Wearily, I pulled out more tissue to clean up, cleared the browser history, shut down the computer, and then shuffled off to bed, where I dropped off almost instantly.


I was glad when Mom wasn't home the next morning. I'd woke up as hard as a rock from a dream that had expanded on the video. The only difference was that in my dream, the woman didn't just look like my mom, she was my mom.

I grabbed a sock out of the drawer and gave in to the inevitable. I didn't have as much cum this time, but I still got off just as hard. Once I recovered, I took the sock and its mate down to wash them in a load of whites before Mom got home.

I felt guilty, but something had broken loose inside me. Somewhere between Mom's bikini, the sexy pictures of her, and that video, I had finally — completely — admitted to myself that I was hot for her. It was cold comfort knowing that I'd only have a harder time not thinking about it when I was around her. I turned on the washer, tossed in the socks, and then opened the whites hamper to finish out a load.

Right on top were a pair of Mom's panties.

I just stared at them for a few seconds, and felt a little twinge between my legs, even though it hadn't been anywhere near long enough since I'd got off for me to get hard again. I bent down, picked them up, and saw a single, curly blonde hair resting inside the crotch.

It was faint, but I could smell a musky, hot scent as I lifted them to my nose. It was strangely off-putting, but at the same time, incredibly exciting. I breathed deep of my first scent of pussy, my cock tingling, but still unable to do more than swell slightly.

I don't know how long I held them to my nose before I finally dropped them in the washer, although I know it had completely filled. I pulled everything else out of the hamper and closed the lid on the washer, still a little spaced from sniffing Mom's panties.

I needed a major distraction.

Fortunately for me, if not for him, I found out that one of my friends had run afoul of a hacker who had brute-forced into his website. That was exactly what I needed as I cleaned up the hacked pages, updated, and secured all the code for him. It took most of the day, and thankfully kept my mind off dirtier thoughts when Mom called me down to eat.

Once she'd gone to bed for the night, though, it was a different story.

I loaded up the same video from the night before, but before I started it, I crept down to the laundry room. Sure enough, a pair of Mom's panties were in the hamper. They felt slightly damp as I ran my fingers over the crotch, and smelled far more deeply of her.

I went off like a volcano watching the video and breathing in the scent of Mom's pussy that night.


That was pretty much the pattern for the next few weeks. For the first few days, I was always nervous around her. She added more fuel to the fire by laying out in her bikini every day, right below my window.

Eventually, I was able to get a grip when I was around her, mostly because she said she was worried about me. She'd noticed I was acting weird, and that wasn't going to help me hide what I was thinking. It was the incentive for me to bring our relationship back to where it had always been — though any time she asked for a hug or a kiss, I couldn't resist lingering a little longer than usual.

I was able to sit and watch movies with her, and even swim when she was laying out or in the pool with me. Honestly, I was pretty proud of myself that I wasn't popping wood every time she walked in the room, considering what I was doing at night.

I knew she was trying to get me to venture out of the house when she suggested going with her to the new comic book movie, but I wanted to see it anyway, so I went. It almost felt like a date, sitting in the theater sharing popcorn, and in my head, I guess I sort of turned it into that. I really enjoyed it, and it made me feel a little less dirty, as if it wasn't all about sex.

Because that had worked, she decided to take me to Disney World. That was even more of a blast, though I felt like I was going to burst when we were driving home three days later, because we had shared a hotel room, and there was no way I was going to jerk off with her in the same room.

"I'm glad that you're finally getting out, but you know, you should really try doing it on your own instead of keeping me company," Mom suggested as we drove home.

"I like hanging out with you, Mom."

"Well, I'm glad, but still..." After a few seconds, she said, "You know, I saw a couple of girls looking at you yesterday. They were cute." She twitched her eyebrows behind her sunglasses.


"Well, I don't care if it embarrasses you. You were looking right at them, and didn't even notice. I swear, you're as frustrating as your father was." She let out a laugh.

"Probably just..."

"Imagining it?" she said at the same time as me. "You're so much like him that I can finish your sentences."

"I just don't..." I sighed.

"You're never going to get over that fear if you don't try, Chance."

"I know."

"I'll leave it be. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, a little."

"After all the walking we've done the last couple of days, I think I can afford to relax on my diet a little. There's a steakhouse up ahead."

"That works."

"Steak it is, then."

Once again, treating it all like a friendly date — as much as I knew about one from television, anyway — kept me relaxed. We chatted about the trip, talks with people back home, me going to college, and all sorts of things while we ate, then stayed for quite a while after we finished.

Finally, I said, "I need to run to the bathroom before we go."

"I probably should too. Go ahead, and I'll meet you by the front door."

I walked to the bathroom, and another guy fell into step behind me. After finishing our business, we were both washing our hands when he asked out of the blue, "So, you tapping that yet?"

I looked over and asked, "Huh?"

"That cougar you're with. Talk about some tits on her. She looked like she was about to eat you up when you were walking over here." He headed over to the hand dryer. "If you're not hitting it yet, you'd better get on it. She looks cock-hungry as hell, and she's probably not going to wait around much longer."

"Okay," I said, taken aback.

"Hooked up with a Milf like her once. Fucking awesome. They can't get enough, and no head games. Too bad she was married and her old man caught us. Fuck her raw, dude."

He walked out after giving me a thumbs-up, leaving me more than a little stunned and confused. I shook it off, dried my hands, and headed back out. Mom had left the table, so I went and waited for her at the front door as she'd asked. Still wondering what had set the guy off, I walked out with Mom to the car a couple of minutes later for the short drive the rest of the way home.

We ended up just sitting around together and watching movies for the rest of the day. I took care of making dinner and doing the dishes, because her feet were aching. Then, I gave her a nice long foot rub that left me conflicted between being glad that I was easing the pain and arousal from the sound of her moaning as I did it.

After three days of holding it in, I must have blasted off a gallon of cum that night, finally imagining having sex with her in the hotel room — something I had purposely kept out of my thoughts when we were actually there.


There was a note on the fridge the next morning saying that Mom had gone to the beauty salon, and that she probably wouldn't be home until after lunch. I grabbed a quick bite to eat, and then decided that the hallways needed vacuuming. It was just one of a hundred little things I did without thinking to help her out around the house.

As I was finishing up by Mom's room, I looked in and noticed that the box where she kept the picture album was on the bed. Curiosity got the better of me after I put the vacuum away, and I headed in to check out the rest of the pictures in the album.

There were a lot of kissing pictures, and a lot of Mom in bikinis and skimpy outfits. Naturally, most kids wouldn't want to see pictures like that, so it made sense that Mom had kept them to herself.

Mom had always been hot. She was different now, but no less sexy as far as I was concerned. Once I'd flipped through the album, I looked into the box and noticed that there were manilla envelopes there. I picked up one of them, undid the string that held it closed, and looked inside.

My ears burned when I saw Polaroid pictures of my dad — naked. It made even more sense that she'd kept those hidden. I wound the string back around the circular closure tabs, then picked up the second envelope. I was a little apprehensive as I opened that one.

That ended as I pulled out the first naked picture of my Mom.

I groaned as I looked at the picture of her lying naked on her old bed. Her boobs were a little firmer back then, but they were still big and pendulous, even when she was young. She had big nipples, and they were surrounded by large, oval shaped rings with lots of little bumps.

Between her legs, she had a nest of curls just slightly darker than the hair on her head, which had been longer back then. I had never seen anything so sexy in my life, and it had me throbbing so hard that I felt like I was going to bust through my zipper.

The next picture was similar, but shot from the side, showing her boobs hanging down and giving a great look at her butt. In another, she was sucking on her own nipple. In yet another, she had parted the curls between her legs to show the pink hidden beneath.

There were twenty pictures in all, and I had stood up to carry the envelope to my room almost before I formed the thought. I scanned each and every one into my computer, hiding them in a password protected folder. I couldn't resist flipping through them once before sealing up the envelope to return it to Mom's room.

Just as I was about to put the envelopes and the album back, I noticed a video tape amongst a few other things in the box. Considering what else I'd found inside, I had to know.

Back to my room I went. I had to dig into one of the boxes I hadn't unpacked yet to find my VCR. I had transferred all the old tapes I liked over to computer files or DVDs, so there had been no reason to unpack it yet. I hooked it up to the television I used as a computer monitor, plugged it in, and slid in the tape.

The scene was a little dark and grainy, but I could tell it was Mom and Dad's bed in their old bedroom back home. A second later, my Mom walked in front of the camera and climbed onto the bed. She was wearing an extra short pair of shorts and a tight top that really showed off her tits.

"Hi, honey," she said, waving to the camera. "Since I'm going to be gone for two whole weeks, I thought I'd give you something to keep you company."

After that, she started humming a tune that sounded distinctly like old porn music. My eyes bugged out and my mouth dropped open when she reached for the tail of her shirt and started to lift.

I watched in awe as my mom slowly, sensually stripped for the camera, and then danced a little, shaking her boobs and her butt. After that she lay down on the bed, and parted her legs wide. I couldn't believe my eyes as she started playing with herself.

"Oh, Chance. It feels so good. Mmm... I'm going to be so horny for you while I'm gone. I already am."

I knew that she was talking to my dad on the tape, but hearing her say my name when she talked like that made me forget the truth. She said it over and over again while she talked dirty, alternating between rubbing her pussy and plunging her fingers deep inside.

Before long, her boobs were jiggling from how fast she was fingering herself. Her voice got higher, and I could actually hear her fingers plunging in and out of her on the tape. She writhed on the bed, pinching her nipples and squeezing her breasts. It was nothing like all the porn I watched. There was something more real about it. I squeezed my hard-on through my pants, knowing that I was leaking pre-cum into my underwear.

"Oh, Chance. Oh, baby. I'm gonna come. Gonna come," she cried out, and then lurched.

Her back arched up from the bed, thrusting her tits up into the air, and she let out a loud, high-pitched scream of release. She had three fingers buried inside her, and her hips started to bump up into the air when she rubbed her pussy with jerky motions of her other hand.

Her butt dropped hard to the bed after a few seconds, and she gasped, but she just kept coming and yelping the word, "Yes." After long, wonderful seconds, she let out a moan and let her hands fall to the bed.

She lay there moaning for a while, occasionally touching herself, and then finally sat up. She shivered and smiled at the camera before blowing a kiss and saying, "I love you, Chance. I want you."

My head fell back and I let out a moan of my own when she walked on weak legs to turn off the camera. The video went to static and I hit stop, in disbelief of what I'd just witnessed.

I knew what I had to do.

I still had all the transfer stuff I needed, and it was in the same box where I'd put the VCR. With my cock throbbing, I dragged out everything and hooked it up to transfer the video to my computer.

I had just hit stop after finishing when I heard the car pull up in the driveway. "Oh fuck," I said as I panicked, punching the eject button on the VCR. I swear the tape took forever to come out, and I snatched it up as soon as I could get hold of it.

I glanced out a window as I passed, thanking my lucky stars that Mom was busy getting things out of the back seat of the car. I ran into her room, putting the tape, envelopes, and album back into the box just in time. I cleared out of her room and heard the front door open just as I reached mine to breathe a sigh of desperate relief.

"Chance? Honey? Can you come down and help me get things out of the car?"

I'm amazed my voice didn't crack when I said, "Okay, Mom. Coming."


Needless to say, I was pretty anxious for Mom to go to bed that night. I told her I was going to bed early, and turned out all the lights, though I was wide awake. Much to my frustration, I heard her still awake for a couple of hours afterward.

On the verge of dozing off, I saw the curtains light up a little on the back yard side of the house. I got up and tiptoed to the window. When I peeked out, I saw that the small lights around the hot tub were lit up. Then, I saw Mom walking toward them, wearing her bikini.

I got a good look at her butt as she climbed up the steps, and then sank into the tub. She looked incredibly gorgeous — and sexy. That was enough to keep me at the window as she luxuriated in the steaming, roiling water.

About five minutes later, I had an even better reason.

A croak escaped me as Mom started running her hands over her breasts, and then tugged her top above them to free them to the night air. As she had in the video, she squeezed them and teased her nipples, except this time, it was actually happening — if far too distant for my hungry gaze.

Then, one of her hands slipped beneath the surface of the water, and she arched her back. I pulled down the front of my boxers, freeing my raging hard-on, and wrapped my hand around it.

From the way she was moving, there was no doubt she was playing with herself. Even though I couldn't see anything below her tits, I could easily fill in the blanks of what was happening beneath the water, and hear her voice in my head.

I stroked my cock harder and faster as I watched her wriggle in the water below. When I saw her jerk, sloshing water out of the hot tub, I knew she was coming, and I was right behind her.

Cum shot onto the curtains, the wall, the carpet — everywhere. I had been too wrapped up in the sight to even think about the mess I was going to make. I grunted and growled, keeping it as quiet as possible, but unable to hold it back as the pent up load blasted out of me.

Mom slowly caressed her body as I panted for breath with my head leaning against the window sill. Just as I was thinking about grabbing the tissue to clean up, I thought I saw her looking up toward me, and darted back out of the window, falling hard on my butt in the process.

That spurred me into action. I jerked up my boxers and grabbed the tissues, doing my best to wipe up the cum splattered all over the place while staying out from in front of the window. Finally, tired from coming, I decided it was good enough and collapsed into bed.

I was still replaying it in my head when I drifted off to sleep.


"Morning, Chance," Mom said when I came downstairs the next morning. She was wearing her bikini, and between the video and watching her the night before, I couldn't fight off my cock stiffening.

Fortunately, I'd had the good sense to put on a baggy pair of shorts that did a good job of hiding it.

She turned her head and pointed at her cheek.

"Morning, Mom," I said as I kissed her cheek, finding that I wanted nothing more than to kiss her lips instead.

"Could you do me a favor?"

"Sure, Mom."

"Go skim the pool for me. The wind was up last night, and there are things floating all over it."

"No problem."

I headed out to grab the skimmer and had to fight to keep my eyes off Mom as she followed me out and rubbed sunscreen all over her body. Her skin glistened in the sunlight, and when she bent over to do her legs, I had a direct line of sight into her cleavage.

It was when she rubbed the lotion onto her chest and the upper part of her boobs that I nearly lost it, though.

I finished up as Mom was laying out the back of the deck chair flat. I hung up the skimmer and walked toward the door. "All done."

"Chance," she said before I could make it inside.


She paused for a second or two, and then said, "Could you rub some lotion on my back?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I said. Secretly, I was tweaking from the thought of rubbing my hands over her body, and panicking for the same reason. She held out the bottle of sunscreen to me, and then lay down on the chair on her tummy.

Heart pounding, I squirted some of the lotion onto her back about midway between her top and bottom, and my brain instantly alerted me to how much it looked like cum. Shaking off that thought, I leaned over and started to spread it out.

"Hold on a second," she said, and then reached behind her back. I stared, dumbfounded, as she untied her bikini top and let the string fall to her sides. "Okay."

I rubbed the lotion into her back, keenly aware that at times, my fingers were less than an inch away from her butt, or her bare breasts. I ended up putting on another squirt of lotion, because I didn't want to stop. While I was rubbing the extra lotion into her shoulders, she let out a moan.

"That feels good, honey. Do you think you could rub them for me a little?"

I'd given her shoulder and neck massages before, and I'd actually gotten pretty good at it over the years. I went to work, though the sensation was far different on her bare, slippery skin than it ever had been before.

Mom moaned and sighed from the squeezes of my hands, making my cock throb like mad. It was driving me crazy, but I wasn't about to stop, and there was no way I was giving in to touch it while I was standing over the top of her.

She turned her head toward me as I moved up to work on her neck, and I not only heard, but felt her suck in a sharp breath.

"Was that too hard?" I asked as I moved my hands.

She rolled onto her side, and my eyes widened as her bikini top remained on the wood. I was mesmerized by the sight of her naked tits. Her tan made the pale skin that had always been covered by her top stand out even more. I know I was looking for way too long before I jerked my head to the side and stared at the house.

"Chance." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her sit up. "Chance, they're just my breasts."

I stammered, not even really knowing what I was trying to say. "Mom... Your..."

She stood up and stepped in front of me. When I tried to turn my head another direction, she cupped my chin and stopped me.

"You can look if you want to."

"What are you talking about, Mom?"

"Honey, you didn't rewind the tape when you put it back. I know you were looking out the window last night, too."

I opened my mouth to protest, keeping my eyes on her face with no small amount of difficulty, but she shook her head.

"Don't lie to me, Chance. Come inside."


"Come inside," she said, leaving her top where it lay as she turned and walked toward the door.

I stood there until she slid open the door and turned back to me. There was no way to avoid looking at her beautiful, naked breasts.

"Chance. Inside," she said in a slightly bemused voice.

She grabbed my hand when I finally made my feet move to reach her at the door. Then she pulled me along, down the hallway and to the couch.

"Sit down," she instructed as she did so, tugging on my hand.

My face was hot as I sat down next to my half-naked mother.

"Now look at me."

Once again, I focused on her face. This time, she was smiling.

"You know, your father was a virgin when we met. He was nervous, just like you. I know you want to look, Chance. I can see that you're hard."

I swear that my face caught on fire at that point. "You knew?" I somehow managed to say.

"Mmm hmm. I wasn't sure until I saw that you were so hard from touching me. I'd convinced myself that I was imagining things." She chuckled. "I'm not, am I?"

I shook my head ever so slightly.

"Then look."

She cupped her heavy breasts and lifted them. I gasped as every ounce of self control I had vanished, and I stared at them.

"You can touch them, Chance. I want you to."

I licked my lips, and then reached up to give the left one a little squeeze. "Oh wow, Mom."

"Mmm, that feels so good, Chance."

"They're so big and soft," I rambled as I reached for the other one.

"Do you know what I was thinking about last night? In the hot tub?"

I shook my head, never taking my eyes off her tits and my hands exploring them.

The next thing I knew, her hand was between my legs.

"Oh my," she whispered as she squeezed through my shorts.

I groaned, "Mom."

She let go long before I was ready, but it was only to pull at the waistband of my shorts. "Take them off, honey."

I was so horny at that point that I didn't even think about it. I lifted my butt up off the couch and pulled my shorts and underwear both down at the same time until they were below my knees, where they fell to my ankles.

"Oh god," I groaned as she wrapped a soft hand around my cock.

"You're so hard, honey. Were you playing with it when you were watching me last night?"

I nodded my head.

"Oh, I knew you were. It made me come so hard." She stroked her hand up and down my cock, and then asked, "How's that?"


"Scoot down a little," she instructed.

I moved closer to the center of the couch, a little disappointed that she let go of my cock while I did so.It didn't last long.

Mom leaned down into my lap, her big tits resting on my legs, and stood my cock up with her hand. Then she kissed the head.

"It's been so long," she said, barely loud enough for me to hear her, and then kissed it again, right on the tip. That kiss turned into a wider parting of her lips, and she sucked the head between them.

I groaned, and she moaned around me. She pumped her hand at the bottom while she sucked the head and swirled her tongue around it.

"God, Mom."

"Mmm hmm," she moaned, and then sucked deeper, taking me all the way down to her hand in her hot mouth.

I put one hand on the back of her head while I fondled her breast with the other. She kept moaning as she sucked up and down my cock, and I could feel it vibrating through me. I was breathing hard and fast, grunting from how good it felt. My balls were tightening, and I knew it wasn't going to be long.

Right when I thought I was going to blow my load, she slurped back to the head and let it pop from between her lips. "Are you about to come?"

"Uh huh," I admitted.

"I want you to, honey. Tell me when you're about to do it."

Her breath from the last couple of words tickled my wet cock, and it jumped in her hand as she slid her lips down over it again.

"Yeah, Mom. Oh, fuck," I groaned, unable to hold it back as her head bobbed over my lap, sucking me hard and fast. In only a few seconds, I was there. "Gonna come," I remembered to say at the last second.

Mom slipped her lips back to the head and stroked my erection fast with her hand. I jerked and let out a loud growl as I went off in her mouth. She squealed as the first squirt shot out, then moaned as more and more pumped into her mouth. She took every single drop, and then let me go just as the intense pleasure turned to mild discomfort.

"Sorry," I said, embarrassed that I'd come so quickly.

"It was your first time, Chance. It's okay. Mmm, you taste so good, honey."

My head was a complete muddle. No matter how hard I'd went off while watching her, it paled in comparison to coming in her mouth. I looked over and smiled as Mom sat up, and then stood. I gasped as she walked in front of me and pushed down her bikini bottom.

Like her tits, the pale skin beneath the cloth stood out and attracted even more attention to her pussy. The nest of curly hairs between her legs was only shaved just enough on the sides not to peek out from under her bikini bottom. It wasn't like a pelt, hiding everything, because I could see hints of her pussy beneath.

She parted her legs, sliding one knee on either side of me until she was kneeling on the couch with her breasts right in my face.

"Please, honey. I've been waiting so long," she said as she gave them a jiggle.

Even as lethargic as I was, I couldn't resist that. I cupped both of the heavy globes in my hands, squeezing them together, and kissed the valley between them.

"That's it, honey. I know you like them."

"Love them," I agreed between kisses.

"Suck on them, honey. They're aching."

I turned my head a little, lifted the right one higher, and sucked the nipple between my lips. I can't even begin to describe how it felt between my lips as I nursed on her nipples and she cradled my head in her hand. The coconut scent of the lotion smeared on her body filled my lungs.

"Yes, honey. Harder."

She yelped as I did what she asked, sucking hard enough to draw some of the bumpy circle around her nipple into my lips as well. She pushed her hips against me, and I could feel the hair between her legs tickling my tummy.

"Just like that. You're making me so wet, honey."

I had no reason to doubt that when I switched nipples. Mom ground her pussy against me, and I could feel the hair getting slippery.

Back and forth I went between her nipples as Mom moaned and whimpered, constantly rubbing her pussy against me. I would have been perfectly content to suck on her tits for hours, but she leaned back and pulled away with a gasp after a while.

"Would you like to touch my pussy, honey?"

"Yeah," I blurted out far more exuberantly than I intended.

A sexy chuckle shook her and she said, "Move down to the other end of the couch for a second."

My legs were still a little wobbly as I lifted up and half slid, half bounced to the other side of the couch. As soon as I'd made room, Mom lay back against the arm of the couch, and spread her legs wide, putting one foot down on the floor, and the other on the back of the couch.

"Come here, and let me show you."

I didn't have any trouble finding the strength to do that. As I moved in next to her, she smoothed back the hair to show me her pussy. I could see wetness glistening from the pink lips.

"These are my lips," she explained, rubbing a finger up and down them. "It feels good if you lick them and suck on them."

I nodded, leaning in closer as she used two fingers to push her nether lips apart.

"Give me a finger," she requested, and when I did, she slid it inside of her. "Down here at the bottom is my vagina. That's where your cock goes."

"It's so hot and wet inside," I said, fascinated by the sensation, and the texture of her walls.

"Come closer. This is the important part," she said as she pulled my finger out of her and spread the lips at the top of her pussy apart again.

I put a hand down on the cushion and bent over until I was only inches away from the V of her legs. The scent of her that had so excited me from her panties was much stronger, to the point that it made me feel lightheaded, and mingled with the coconut from the sunscreen.

"Right here is my hood, and under that is my clit. It's sensitive, just like the head of your cock, and if you rub it or lick it right, you'll make me come."

"Do you want me to lick it?"

She shivered, and I saw her pussy lips contract, pulling away from her fingers. "Yes. Please, Chance."

Mom's hands settled on either side of my head as I slipped between her legs. She tugged gently, guiding me to her, and I pressed my tongue into her folds.

I felt drunk from the very first lick. I could feel her folds slipping beneath my tongue as her hairs tickled my face. Her taste was much like her scent, a little off-putting, but at the same time, so exciting that I couldn't get enough.

"Harder. Wiggle your tongue a little."

I followed that direction, and the silent ones from her hands that tugged me toward her clit. I could feel it beneath my tongue as I lapped her. It was smoother than her lips, which had spongy little bumps everywhere.

"Oh, yes, Chance," she moaned. "Harder. Faster. Make me come, honey."

I didn't have the slightest problem with that, even though my neck and jaw were both starting to ache a little. I lapped her as hard and fast as I could, encouraged by her whimpers growing louder and her legs twitching.

"Uh huh. Uh huh. Mmm. Do you like it?"

"Yeah," is all I was willing to say before diving back in with my tongue.

"Do you want me to come for you, honey?"

"Yeah, I want you to come."

"Oh yes," she cried out, lifting her hips to press her pussy tighter against me.

Her right leg settled on my back, and her fingers twined into my hair. She started to twitch, and I could hear her breathing hard. The flow of her juices increased, and I drank them up eagerly.

"So close, sweetie," she cried out. "Don't stop."

As if.

Suddenly, all the words running together and loud, she said, "Suck it. Suck on my clit."

It took a little sucking and wiggling my head around before I managed to pull it between my lips, but I knew I had it right when she let out a high-pitched, warbling scream.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm going to c-c-c-c... Ohhhh! YES!"

I winced as her fingers pulled at my hair. She shook like she had an earthquake inside her, and I could feel her clit throbbing between my lips. After that first cry, she lurched, nearly bucking me from between her legs, and let out a screech.

I kept sucking, and pressed my tongue against her clit as well when I noticed that caused her to stiffen and scream again. She just kept coming and coming, until I thought she was going to pull all my hair out and break my neck from the way she was thrashing around.

Finally, she sucked in a long, noisy gasp and let it out as a groan. Her fingers relaxed and slipped down the side of my face. Her leg slid off my back as well. I pulled back to catch a deep breath, and then went back for more.

Mom let out a squeaky sound and pushed against my face with a quivering hand. "Oh. Oh lord. W-wait."

"Did it feel good?"

She let out a weak chuckle and cupped her hand between her legs, which caused her back to arch up off the couch. "Wonderful. Oh, and you're only going to get better at it."

That implied that I was going to get to lick her pussy again, and actually caused my cock to twitch.

"Come here and give me a kiss while I catch my breath."

I got up and leaned over her, putting my hands on the arm of the couch beside her head. For the first time, I kissed her lips, and a chill shot through me when her tongue slipped out as well.

"Mmm. So sweet," she whispered when our lips parted. "I love you, Chance."

"I love you too, Mom," I breathed, and it meant something far different this time than it ever had before.

I sat back down and just looked at her. Her face was flushed, and she was still quivering every once in a while. My face was smeared with her juices, and all of her pussy hair was damp. It was hard to believe it was real, in a way.

After a couple of minutes, she let out a groan and sat up. "Mmm. I needed that so much — for so long."

"It was great."

"Mmm hmm," she agreed, and then chuckled. "But I want you inside me, too."

The problem with that was that I wasn't hard. I still hadn't recovered from coming in her mouth.

She obviously knew what I was thinking, because she said, "I think I can fix that."

Mom slipped off the couch and on to her knees in front of me. She pushed my legs apart, and then pulled until I moved right to the edge of the cushion. She looked up at me with the most incredibly sexy expression I'd ever seen in my life, and then ducked her head down to lick my balls.

She only used the tip of her tongue, running it all over my balls, and then up my shaft. When she circled it under the ridge of my cockhead, it twitched, and she moaned.

Back to my balls she went, this time lapping them with broad strokes a few times, and then teasing with the tip again. Slowly, but surely, I began to swell, much to my amazement. It usually took me about an hour to get hard after coming once, and in less than half that time, Mom had me rising.

As soon as it has straightened to about half-mast, she leaned over me and wiggled while looking up into my eyes. Her tits bounced my cock back and forth while she said, "Make it hard for me, Chance."

As soon as she said that, she squeezed her breasts around me. They were so warm and soft, and felt incredible when she stroked me between them. Soon enough, I was rock hard, though a little numb.

She released me from the warm nest of her breasts, and slowly stood up, dragging her nipples over my chest, and kissed me.

"You're probably not going to last long your first time. Your dad didn't either, but I found a way to make him last longer, so I bet it will work for you, too. Tell me if you're getting too close so I can stop for a little bit. Okay?"

I nodded, unable to summon up a single word as I considered that I was about to have my cock inside a real, live pussy for the first time.

Mom pulled her knees up on the couch again, and centered her bottom over my hips. I swallowed as she stood my cock straight up beneath her and wiggled it between her legs. I groaned from the feeling of her slippery juices coating me, and then held my breath as she sank down.

A loud grunt rumbling from my throat, I lost my virginity deep inside my mother's, tight, hot pussy.

"Ohh, Chance. Oh, it feels so big. It's been so long. It feels so good."

"I love your pussy, Mom," I breathed.

"I love your cock, honey. Tell me if you're getting too close, or if I hurt you," she reminded me, and then pulled my shirt over my head, so we were finally both completely naked.

Mom rocked her hips forward and back, rubbing her clit at the same time. Her breasts made little clapping sounds as they swung with her motion. Grunts and groans tumbled from my lips as I watched her ride me, her pussy caressing me as it stirred in her depths.

Her breathing quickened, and her hips moved farther. It started to pull at the root of my cock, but it couldn't take away from the feeling of her wrapped around me, or the sight of me buried inside her. Her face grew flushed, and she started to move faster.

"Oh. Oh, Chance. You're so deep inside me. Oh, I'm going to come so hard."

"Yeah, come for me," I encouraged her, remembering how she reacted the last time I'd said it.

Her voice jumped an octave. "Going to come on your cock, baby."

After that, I absolutely felt the pull. She slammed her hips back and forth at a relentless pace, her fingers almost a blur as she rubbed her clit. The clap of her breasts turned into smacks. With every stroke, she let out a loud whimper. Then, she froze in place, threw her head back, and wailed to the ceiling above.

Her pussy squeezed even tighter around me as she came, trembling violently atop me. She fell forward after a few seconds, her head thumping into my chest, but she still wasn't done coming. I wrapped my arms around her as she shivered and whimpered through her orgasm.

Her voice sounded more than a little funny because one cheek was pressed against my chest when she said, "Oh, honey. I came so hard."

I had no idea what to say, but I know I had a grin on my face about a mile wide.

Mom took a few panting breaths, and then put her hands on my chest to push back up into a seated position. She groaned and stiffened for a moment from the sensation, but then caught her breath and wiggled into a comfortable position.

"I'm going to ride you again, but this time, just before I come, I'm going to get off, and I want you to fuck me. I want to come with you when you fill me up."

"In your pussy?"

"Ohh, yes. It's okay. Don't worry. I want to feel you come inside me, Chance."


"Mmm. Good boy."

She didn't waste any time, going straight into a strong rocking motion atop my cock. This time, she added a few circles now and then, which always made her moan. It didn't take long for her to start whimpering.

"Oh, I'm already getting close. Are you ready, honey?"

"Yeah. You're so hot when you come."

She rode me hard again after that. I could feel her juices dripping down my balls as she slammed her hips back and forth and rubbed her clit. Her face was bright red as she gasped for breath between yelps and whimpers.

She lifted up with no warning, a ragged gasp escaping her as my cock slapped against me and spattered her juices on my stomach. She slid her knees back off the cushion and instantly turned to bend over with her hands on the arms of the couch.

"Hurry," she begged, and reached back with one hand to rub her clit again.

I rocked up off the couch and moved in behind her. As soon as I was close, she stopped playing with her clit and held an open hand behind her. Once my cock touched her hand, she guided it against her pussy lips, and I pushed it in.

"Ah! Yes, honey. Give it to me."

"Oh my god, Mom," I groaned as I fucked her, and then almost instantly slipped free to poke hard against her butt.

She guided me back in again, and I made sure to take shorter strokes this time. As good as her pussy had felt before, it was a thousand times better sliding in and out of it. Her butt jiggled and a loud smack sounded every time I thrust into her. I could see her tits swinging every which way as I rocked her body with a virgin's enthusiasm.

"Baby, going to c-come," she cried out.

She'd been absolutely right about me not lasting long the first time. "Me too."

"Yes! Give it to m-eee!" The last word turned into an ear-piercing shriek as she came.

I growled as her pussy squeezed me like a vice. Two strokes later, I jammed my cock into her and let out a roar.

"Yes, b-baby," she cried out as I pumped my mother's pussy full of cum.

It was like every ounce of strength I had went straight out of me with my cum. My knees were wobbling, and I hung over her bent back, gasping for breath. Mom let her head sink down to the arm of the couch too, moaning between her own gasps.

I don't even remember pulling out, other than the shock of her tight pussy sliding all along it. The next thing I knew, I was sitting down on the couch, barely able to keep my eyes open.

Mom slid in next to me and snuggled up against me. "Thank you, honey. I didn't think I'd ever feel this good — this happy — again."

When she turned my head toward her, I fell into the long, sweet kiss she gave me. I knew right then and there that I was going to do anything I could to make sure she felt this good all the time.

This was what had always been missing in taking over as man of the house — in becoming my beautiful, sexy mother's Second Chance at happiness.