Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1949 - INSECURE MOM TURNS HORNY AT LAST


Life was going along fine throughout High School in California. I was semi popular, had a sexy girlfriend and excelled in baseball. I enjoyed it all, especially my girlfriends blowjobs. She also loved the 69 position whenever we could find a bed and no parents home. I got better at holding my load which was not easy at first. Just seeing my girlfriend suck my hard cock with her sexy lips was too much to handle at first. I got better at sex with time.

I was an only child and was the apple of my Mom's eye. My Dad on the other hand was a pain in the ass, which balanced things out. Then a few weeks after my High School graduation my Mom told me they were divorcing. My Dad waited for me to graduate before asking my Mom for a divorce. My Dad lost interest in my Mom and started an affair with some woman he met at the gym over a year ago.

My girlfriend was accepted to Berkley and our relationship began to fizzle out. I was going to attend the local community college to figure out what I wanted to major in. The summer was starting out sad and the future looked dim. My didn't even see my best friends much because they were busy with their girlfriends or work all summer.

I tried to keep a positive attitude and got a part time job in a supermarket. I was well liked by the store manager and things were looking up. My Mom on the other hand hated her secretarial job and seemed lost after my Dad left. He did leave her the house and took care of us financially. She didn't have to work to support us so she quit her job to chill out.

Without my Dad or Beth around we became closer than ever. I was content hanging out with my Mom most nights watching movies or talking. She admitted she had let herself go a little bit and wanted lose some weight. I told her she was beautiful and Dad will come crawling back in a few months. She said after his cheating for so long that she was out of love for him and didn't want him back regardless.

My Mom signed up for a yoga class and went every other day. On opposite days she began to ride her bike that was collecting dust for years. After a few weeks of exercise and a strict diet she was looking hot again. She also started to take more care in her appearance. She started getting her hair done and bought a bunch of new make up. What really got me going was her new outfits to enhance her hotter body. She started wearing black skin tight stretch pants and bright tank tops.

Now she had my full attention and I spent most of my free time watching her blossom. By the end of July she was smoking hot and guys began to notice her everywhere we went. She was still shy and insecure and was oblivious to the drooling eyes that followed her. I was always excited to come home to see what she was wearing and what she was doing. She loved the attention and became more affectionate without knowing how I really felt about her.

I had not been to the beach with my Mom for years and suggested we go someday soon. She loved the idea and we planned on going in a few days. I couldn't wait to see her in a bathing suit with her new trim figure. We left for the beach and had a fun ride down, playing her favorite songs and telling funny stories. I drove her BMW which she suggested I more often.

When we arrived and made our way to the beach it was absolutely beautiful. We found a nice spot to set up for the afternoon and l laid down and pulled off my shirt. I was in good shape and felt confident with myself. I'm 6'2" dark hair and keep my body in good shape all year round. I've always been told I'm handsome and the females of all ages usually smile when I make eye contact with them.

Mom removed her cover up and I was disappointed to see her in a old one piece swimsuit. She still looked great but I wanted to see more of her new body. It was dark blue and plain but at least it was tight. I could see her body features pretty good and got a semi in no time. It looked like she trimmed her bush and I could make out her nipples on top of her perfect B size breasts. Her ass looked fucking amazing and when she bent down I could see her cute little camel toe from behind.

"Danny this is a just what I needed, a day at the beach with my wonderful son."

"I love it down here Mom, we should do this more often."

"Next time you want to go just let me know."

"For sure Mom, hey you wanna take a walk along the shore?"

OK, that would be nice."

I got up and reached out to her, she gave me a nice cleavage shot as I helped her up. She say me look g down her bathing suit and smiled like it was no big deal.

"You think it's time for a new suit?"

"You look hot Mom, it's up to you."

"Thank you son, I'm glad you said that!"


"Well all these girls are 1/2 naked and you didn't seem to notice them, just me."

"I'm need a break from girls, there hard to understand."

"Yes they are!"

We walked along the shore and the waves splashed at our feet. It felt good and we were having a great time. I kept stealing glances at her body which was 39 years but now looked 10 years younger to me. The fabric of her bathing suit rode up her ass a little and she didn't seem to mind. A big wave splashed us good and I grabbed her hand but I decided not to let go for a while.

"Your such a good son, looking out for your Mom."

I decided to butter her up a little but also telling the truth.

"Your so much more fun to be with these days Mom."

"I'm getting over your Dad and you've been a big help with that task."

I kept holding her hand and she held on to mine. I was feeling a bulge in my shorts at this point, lusting for my Mom. We walked an talked and laughed a lot. After about 10 minutes she let go of my hand and I was fine with that. At least she held on to me for awhile. As we walked back to our towels she was caught of guard and was almost knocked off her feet by a big wave. She fell into me and I reached out and grabbed the side of her ass by mistake and the other hand was on the side of her boob. She bumped into me and my hard on hit her hip and she grabbed me around the waste.

"Oops sorry Mom, are you OK?"

I'm fine, thanks for saving me." She said with a nice smile.

I grabbed her hand and she held on tight, this was going fantastic. As we got close to our towels we let go of each other and dried off. I could see now that the ocean water had her soaked from the waist down. Her camel toe was clear as day and looked unbelievable for a Mom. I was going to be thinking of that tonight when I shoot my big load in the shower.

My Mom sat down after drying off and got out some sunblock, being a little bold I asked her for some help.

"Mom can you put some on me, that way we can stay down here longer?"

"Sure Honey, I'd be glad to."

I laid down on my stomach and my Mom began to put sun block on my back. I didn't even want sun block on me but I wanted my Mom more than ever. She took her time and rubbed it into my shoulders and lower back. Not knowing my hard on was drilling for oil in china. She finished with me and applied some to her arms and legs. Then she laid face down like me and we kept up our conversation. She talked about my Dad and how he deeply hurt her. She got more personal than ever and really opened up to me. It made me feel like a man, possibly her man someday.

"I knew something was wrong with our marriage. Your father had not wanted to make love to me for almost a year before he asked for a divorce."

"It's a good thing Mom, He could have picked up a sexually transmitted from his new babe and gave it to you!"

"I guess, It was just strange. I had never been rejected like that for so long."

"Well it takes time and you seem to be adjusting well."

"I am, how are you doing since you broke up with Beth?"

"She dumped me Mom, out of the blue. I guess she out grew me, I'm doing better now. You have no idea how much you've helped me through my break up. It's never easy but the last few weeks have been fun hanging out with you."

"I'm glad honey, you deserve a solid woman. Not a selfish rich girl."

I was wanting her so bad I had to at least touch her, so I gave it a try.

"Mom you missed a spot on you back, where's the sunblock?"

She reached in her bag and handed it to me. I applied a small amount to my hand and rubbed it into her upper back and neck. I took a little extra time to rub her and massage her skin. My boner was hard and lightly touched her side as I did this. There wasn't much more skin exposed so that was as far as I could go.

" Thank you honey that felt good.

"Sure Mom, that should keep you safe."

I layed on my back for a while and my Mom rolled on to her back also. Her nips were sticking out a bit more than before and looked delicious. I was thinking of all the things I could do to her if she only would let me. Getting her home, pulling off her swimsuit. Kissing her passionately, teasing her tit's, squeezing her ass and eating her out like man possessed. Then giving her the best sex of her life.

"I think I might look better in a new swimsuit, wanna go to help me pick one out?"

"Sure Mom, I'd love to. Although it's not necessary, you are the hottest female on the beach today."

"Oh stop, your going to make me blush."

"If Dad saw you now, he'd be blown away."

"Your sweet honey. I don't care to see him anytime soon."

"That's good Mom, that's how I feel about Beth."

I enjoyed the casual flirting with my Mom and felt things were progressing slow but on the right path. She was naturally insecure and shy but seemed to be regaining her self confidence. We played Frisbee for a while and I loved watching her body bounce around and bending over. I wanted to grab her hot little ass so bad and make crazy love to her. We had a great time all afternoon and It was soon time to get going. I always enjoy seafood after a day at the beach and suggested we pick up some shrimp or fish at the market on the way home. She loved the idea so we did.

When we got home she went to take a shower first. When I heard the water running I went to see if I could find her swimsuit I found it in her hamper right on top. I inhaled the scent of her beauty through the material. Then I went for the crotch, it was very wet with her sweet juices. The sent was very mild, a lot better than Beth's pussy juice. I swear I could eat her all day and still want more. My cock was jumping around in my shorts at the realization maybe I made her this wet. I went to my room, grabbed some lotion and pounded my cock with only the thought of my Mom in my mind. Her curves, her camel toe, her ass and now a wet spot for me to think about. I blew my load all over my dresser and the cum kept spitting out after I let go. I never came that hard masturbating before but I never had this kind of kinky lust before. Plus I never checked my Mom's panties like some guys do. If my Dad ever caught me doing something like that, it would ruin my life.

I heard the shower shut off and cleaned up the cum meant for my Mom's pussy. I got in my shower soon after and left the bathroom door slightly ajar. The shower felt great and I was relaxed after blowing my biggest load and rinsing off the beach salt. After showering and changing into loose shorts and tee shirt I head down to the kitchen. Mom was just getting started with the cooking. She was wearing tight black stretch pants and a tight red tank top. I offered my help in the kitchen and she put me to work. As we were working in the kitchen we joked and laughed and playfully bumped into each other hip to hip.

We shared a great seafood dinner and I cleaned up the kitchen after we were done. Mom was so thankful and came up and gave me a big wet kiss on the cheek.

"Honey you didn't have to do that, your so sweet."

"I'm going to take care of the dishes from now on Mom. You deserve it for being so nice lately. I'd be bummed out if Dad was here and I was freshly dumped."

"Thank you son, your really maturing a lot through all this."

I wanted to make some kind of move on her or get things going tonight, so I made my move.

"Mom you know what?"

"What honey?"

"I feel like making your night, why don't you put on a movie and get comfortable on the couch."

She put on a beach movie and layed down on the sofa.

"Mom, will you lay on your stomach for a minute?"

"Uh, Sure." She said with a surprise in her voice.

I sat on her back and started to rub her shoulders with my cock grazing her ass. She was putty in my hands and I went to work. I rubbed down her back to the top of her ass, then back up to her shoulders again. I lightly touched her ass as I went for her legs. I started right below her ass and massaged her legs up and down, many times. Always slowing down when I got close to her pussy and back down to her ankles. She didn't object at all, in fact she spread her legs a little giving me better access to her body.

I became a little more ballsy and massaged the sides of her buns. She began to breath a little bit harder now and I was rock hard. She didn't say a word. so I kept going up and down one leg with both hands. When I got to the top of her leg, I let my fingers gently touch her spandex covered pussy. I did this over and over, then I started the other leg. Only this time I not only grazed her pussy but I made total contact with her sweet pussy and massaged the top of her legs for a long time.

"Honey, what are you doing?"

Uh ooh, this could be the end. I was scared that I went to far.

"Sorry Mom, did I do something wrong?"

"Well not exactly, but be careful. Mom is sensitive and your getting to close to my..."

"Sorry Mom, I just got carried away."

"Mom is very sensitive down there, your Dad never did that to me before and it's not right for a son to touch his Mom like that."

"OK, I will be more careful."

"It's OK honey, just remember I'm not just your mother I am a woman too."

You didn't like it?"

"I cant say I didn't like it, I just feel awkward that's all."

"I will be more careful, please let me finish. I'm almost done."

"OK but be careful of Mom's private parts."

"Sure Mom, I was just trying to make you feel better."

"I Know."

I went back to her legs and did a great job but now that she was hot and horny I figured a new plan. I would massage her legs and come very close to her sex without touching. Maybe making her want me to touch her there. Then I moved back up and sat on her ass to finish her off. She was cool with this and began to get into it again. Now I began to rub the sides of her ribs and began to massage the sides of her perfect tits. I was surprised she let me do this but she did. I finished by touching the sides of her breasts and kissed the back of her neck when I finished.

"Thank you Danny, that was nice."

She sat up and her face was glowing. She had to be wet, I was hard as steel and horny as ever. I sat down with her and snuggled up to her. I layed on my side and pulled her up to me with her butt touching my hard cock. I put my arms around her and held her close. I began to kiss her cheek a little and my hands were right under her breasts.

She seemed fine with this and I was loving it. After a while she drifted off to sleep in my arms. I couldn't resist anymore, so I moved my hands up to her boobs and held on that way. I didn't want to wake her up or go anywhere. I also put my hand on her sweet spandex covered pussy, it felt warm and possibly very wet. So I just held onto her till I fell asleep holding her with my hard on between her ass cheeks.

A few hours later I woke up to find her trying to free herself and get up. I woke up and acted like nothing happened. The TV was still on and she shut it off.

"Honey I'm going to bed, thanks or a great day and nice evening."

"I was so comfortable I could have slept like that all night."

"That was nice honey, see you in the morning."

"OK Mom."

I followed her upstairs and with my face inches from her hot ass. I swear I could smell her pussy juice a tiny bit from behind.

"Night Mom;"

"Night honey."

I went to my room and layed down, I was going to be up for a while

unless I emptied my load. I didn't want to get caught so I waited till I thought she was asleep. Then I thought, I don't want to jack off. I want to be with Mom. So after about 20 minutes and went to her bedroom. The door was slightly open and she was in bed. I slipped off my clothes and quietly climbed into bed with her. She seemed to be asleep and I didn't wake her when I got in her bed. I snuggled up to her nude body and held her boobs again. I placed my throbbing cock up to her exposed pussy and touched the opening of her pussy. It was wet and inviting. I pushed up closer to her and had the base of my cock under het wet cunt lips. I could feel her wetness on my cock.

I think she might have been having a wet dream because she started to pull me closer and grind on me ever so slightly. My cock was sliding along her wet cunt and it was throbbing. I couldn't take much more and had to get out of there before I shot a load all over that I couldn't clean up without waking her. She made little breathing noises which made it hard for me not to cum. as she was enjoying this . I held on to her like this for about 10 minutes before she went limp. She soaked my cock with her love nectar and I slid out of her bed and went to my room.

I jacked my hard on and licked her cum off my hand. It was fresh and delicious and I came again to a massive orgasm in no time. I wanted to go back to her bed and eat her from head to toe but decided to give her a break. I was tired and used my shirt to wipe our cum off my horny cock. I laid down in my bed and went to sleep fully spent and pleased with the days events.

The next morning I woke up and it was quiet, Mom must still be sleeping. I went to her

bedroom door and saw she was still sleeping. I walked in nude and kissed her on the cheek and tucked her in a little bit better. I went to my room, put on some tight underwear and went down to make a big breakfast for us. A few minutes later I heard her shower running upstairs as I prepared a nice surprise for her.

She finally came down about 20 minutes later in her thin robe, looking very sexy. I could see her nipples were hard and she seemed very happy.

"Good morning Daniel, this smells great. What a nice surprise."

"Hi Mom, did you sleep OK?"

"Yes I did but I had some wild dreams."

"Well sit down and let me get you a fresh cup of coffee just the way you like it. Tell me all about your dreams, I'd love to hear."

"You know how dreams are honey, once you wake up you forget them."

She was being coy and I didn't pry for more. I got her some coffee and then finished our breakfast burritos. In the reflection of the kitchen window I was sure she was checking me out. I was semi hard and didn't try to hide my bulge. When I put her plate on the table I swear she stole a quick glance at my under wear which was looking more like a mini tent.

She sipped her coffee and took a bite of her breakfast. I sat down across from her and took a bite of my burrito and smiled into her sexy eyes.

"This is delicious Daniel, you must of paid attention in cooking class."

"Thanks Mom, I just wanted to surprise you and start your day off right."

"What are your plans for today honey?"

"No plans, I was thinking we could go for bike ride if your up for it."

"That sounds like fun, lets take a ride after breakfast."

"OK, sure that sounds great. I'll clean up and you can go get ready for our ride Catherine."

"Catherine, you've never called me that before."

"Well it is your name and I've always loved it. Plus you seem to have blossomed a lot over the past few weeks Catherine."

"You are growing up so fast son, I am so glad it's just you and me around here these days."

"Go get ready Mom, I'll clean this up and be ready in a few minutes."Mom finished her breakfast and took her coffee with her. I made a mad scramble to clean up and get ready for out bike ride. I finished cleaning up and bolted upstairs to change. I changed into some loose basketball shorts and a tee shirt. I went to Mom's room and the door was cracked open. As I peeked in she was pulling her black stretch pants up and I saw the top of her ass for a split second. I could tell she had on a pink thong and tight pink tank top. She gave me another hard on as I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Hey Mom, Ill be in the garage." Was all I could say. The picture of her perfect ass was stuck in my mind.

"OK honey, I'll be right there."

I went to the garage and checked our tires. Mom's were a little low and one of mine was flat. I pumped them up and then Mom walked in. My eyes widened at the sight of her sexy outfit.

"You look nice Mom, I hope none of my friends see you looking so hot!"

"You think I look hot? Thank you, you look great yourself young man."

"No seriously Mom you do look very hot. Way hotter than any High School chick!"

She blushed and thanked me again. We took off on our bikes and let the wind fly through our hair. I let her lead the way so I could stare at her ass without her knowing.

Her ass looked so sexy, I was in awe. The stretch pants were riding up her ass so much it was as if she was covered in shiny black paint. This was going to be a great day.

"Mom how far do you usually go?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but I usually go for about 45 minutes or so. Maybe about 5 miles."

"Well it's paid off you look like your in great shape."

"I have been able to go lot further than when I started this earlier in the summer."

We had a great time riding and complementing each other. I was falling for my Mom in a big way. Not only did I want to have wild insane sex all night with her, I was falling in love with her in a new way. I loved the way she insecure and shy at times. I loved the way she smelled and she had no idea I loved the taste of her nectar. I had to have her someday soon, I was never so attracted to anyone like this before. I don't know if was the naughty aspect of a sexual relationship with her or if I was just out of my mind. She seemed to be opening up and maybe starting to feel the same way about me. She had to be horny too, she claims to not of had sex in a year. Hell I was getting laid just a few weeks back, she was way over due.

We got home, put the bikes away and went towards the front door for a cold drink. I followed her and when she fiddled with the key I purposely bumped my cock into her ass.

"Oh, sorry Mom. You need help with that?"

"I got it."

She unlocked the door and we went to the kitchen for some water. She was perspiring a bit more than normal and the outfit clung to her sexy body. She opened the fridge and handed me a water. I sat down at the kitchen table and she came around and rubbed my hard shoulders. She worked my shoulders for about 5 minutes and began to talk.

"Daniel, you are tense. God your shoulders are hard."

"That feels great Mom, I needed that."

She was standing behind me and I spun around in my chair and kissed her abs before she finished. I startled her a bit and she jumped back. I could see her camel toe up close and it looked like it might be wet in there. I didn't take my eyes off her pussy for a

few seconds longer than a son normally would.

"Honey go get cleaned up, were going shopping."

"I'm fine Mom, I don't need anything."

"Well I do, I want you to help me pick out a new swimsuit. Do you have time to go to the mall with me?"

"Sure! I'd love to go. I've got all day."

I got up, gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She hugged me back and I pressed my semi into her briefly and went to go take a shower. After a long shower I changed into some nice shorts and polo shirt. I also put on my gold chain and best watch. When I exited my room I called out to my Mom.

"In here honey." She called from her room.

I walked in to see her trying to zip up her red hot dress.

"Mom can I help you With that?'

Before she could reply I walked over to her and slowly, carefully zipped it up. She smelled great. Her perfume was intoxicating and her dress was very short and sexy.

"Thank you Daniel, wow you look nice."

"Thanks Mom, you look adorable!"

She blushed and gave me another kiss on the cheek.

"Oh come on honey, I'm nothing special."

"No Mom, seriously you look amazing. Any guy would love you more than you know."

"Your too kind honey, I wish. Let's get going, you drive my car OK?"


That's not the only thing I wanted to drive. I wanted to drive my aching cock right up her pussy till she screamed like a wild woman.

When we got outside I opened her car door and helped her in. I closed her door and got in the drivers seat. I fired up the BMW and took off for the mall. Her red dress was showing a lot of thigh and looked way to hot for a mom.

"Once again Mom, you look smoking hot. I can't believe the sexy change in you. You've done a great job toning your body."

She grabbed my hand as we drove and thanked me again for the compliment. I was checking her legs out hoping to see the top of her panties but that never happened. I parked the car and we ventured in to the mall. We walked close together and I put my arm around her a few times briefly. She leaned into me when I did this and we acted like we were on a date or something. We walked past Victoria Secrets entrance and I looked in as we walked past. Mom noticed my glance and bumped her hip into mine, then I put my arm around her squeezed her hard.

"You could make a guy crazy with underwear like that."

"I never been in there, it's not my style."

"Ok but I think you'd love to see yourself wearing something that sexy with your new hot body. Where do you want to go?"

"One of the big stores, they have a large selection of swimsuits."

"OK, lead the way."

We went to Macys and hit up the swimsuits. There was all types of styles of swimwear. Hot bikini's and one piece swimsuits too. I just watched her looking through the assortment of swimsuits, admiring her looks. She grabbed a few one piece suits and said she'd be back in a few. I felt weird being in the woman's section alone but nobody seemed to care or notice me. I began to look at some of the bikinis and selected a few for her. I went back to the changing room area and there was no customer service lady around. I heard the sounds of someone changing in one of the stalls.

"Catherine, I called out."

"Yes Honey, what's up?"

"I think you should try these on to see if you like them."

I handed them over the stall door and she took them from my hand.

"These are bikinis, I can't wear these."

"Mom, please at least try on the pink one?"

She stepped out of the door and was wearing a black hot one piece. It looked much better than the one she wore at the beach. She twirled around shyly and I was pleasantly surprised. It showed a lot of ass, and looked hot.

"Wow Mom, very nice. You look like unbelievable!"

"You like this one?"

"Very much, looks way better than your old one."

"You think I should get this one honey?"

"For sure, go for it."

"Can you try on one of those bikinis I grabbed off the rack?"

"I'll try one on but don't expect me to model it for you."

"What ever Mom, don't be so shy."

"Sorry I just feel funny wearing a tiny little bikini in public."

"Just try one on and see what you think."

She smiled with a cute innocent look on her face and closed the door. I looked under the door to see the one piece hit the floor and she pulled up the tiny bikini bottoms. My heart was racing and I had to see her wear it for me. She must of gotten the top on and said she liked it.

"Can I see Mom, please?"

The door opened slowly and she stepped out in the pink bikini I picked out for her. I was in awe!

"Mom, that is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. OMG, you look adorable!"

She spun around showing me her hot fucking ass. She looked like a million bucks.

"Mom you have to get it, I'll even buy it for you."

"You like it that much?"

"Oh yeah, you look years younger I swear."

The back didn't cover much of her sexy buns and her nipples were hard. God she was too hot now. I had to make a move soon. She finished changing and purchased the new suits. We had lunch in the busy food court but I didn't see anyone but my Mom. She seemed to lighten up and was acting more flirty with me. Her confidence was definitely growing stronger by the minute. She tried to point out a few cute girls walking around the mall but I stopped her.

"Mom they are girls and I'm with a gorgeous woman, please don't try to pawn me off to some stupid immature bimbo. I love spending time with you and only you."

"Daniel, you sure have changed since graduation. I can't believe the words coming out of your mouth today."

"Well I never seen my Mom look so good. I've never seen you in a bikini either. It really is impressive."

"Thank you honey, you ready to go?"

"Sure, lets get out of here."

I walked her to the car holding her hand and bag of goodies. I opened the car door for her and placed her new stuff in the back seat. On the way home she let her skirt ride up a little more than before. I could see her pink panties now and I squeezed her hand hard. She held on tight and finally we got home. I gathered her stuff and we went inside.

"That was fun honey, did you enjoy the show?"

"Did I ever, I can't wait to go to the beach again. Which suit will you wear next time?"

"I'll never tell, you'll just have to wait. Daniel I want to run a few errands, I'll be back soon."

"Would you like me to drive you?"

"No honey, I won't be long. I just need to do a few things, see you in a while."

"OK Mom, I'm going to mow the lawn and do some chores around the house. Take your time."

"Thank you big man, I won't be long.

Off she went to do whatever. I got another wild idea, I went to her room and check her bra and panty size. 36 B bra and medium panties, that was all I needed. I looked at her panty drawer and it was full of plain, unflattering undergarments. I took off in my car to Victoria Secrets to purchase some sexy stuff for her. I was planning on buying some sexy stuff for her, then lay them on her bed before she got home. Then I would do the yardwork as I planned.

I was nervous as I walked into the mall to but sexy clothes for my hot mom. I walked into Victoria Secrets and tried to blend in. Then I saw my mom inside Victoria's checking out panties and bra's. My heart jumped and I got out of there before she saw me. I bolted home and started doing the yardwork like I promised. I worked fast and finished before she got back. Then I went up took a shower and shaved my self clean, cock and all. I put on some jeans and tank top and started vacuuming. She arrived while I was finishing up the house work.

"Oh Honey, you didn't have to do the house cleaning for me."

"No problem Catherine, I wanted to. Plus it gives us more time to hang out."

"I won't argue with that. I need to take a shower and to do some laundry before dinner. I have a big, big surprise for you tonight."

I knew what she was up too, or at least I think I did. I heard the shower going and ran up to her room. Her wet panties and bra were on the floor next to her sexy dress. Once again I sucked in the mild aroma of my mom's sweet pussy juice. It was intoxicating and intense to say the least. I think this was going to be our night. I noticed the Victoria Secrets bag on her dresser but I didn't want to spoil her surprise and see the contents. I went to my room with major wood. I had to release my load before I went crazy and attacked her in the shower. I started pounding my big thick rock hard cock with a fury. In no time I blasted a huge load into my shirt thinking of my Mom's panties in the car. I tossed my cum soaked shirt into my hamper and head down stairs before she finished her shower. What a relief, If we were going to have sex later, I didn't want to cum too fast.I really needed that release and knew in no I would be horny soon.

I put a bottle of my moms favorite wine in the fridge. Then I whipped up a big salad and got ready for my Mom's entrance. She was taking her time and I was lusting with anticipation. I sat down and flipped on the TV. It seemed like forever before she came downstairs to hang out. She had on tight white stretch pants and a white workout top. I had never seen her wearing white stretch pants before, they had to be new. They clung so tight to her camel toe and ass.

"Wow Mom, all that exercise has really paid off. You look incredible!"

"You like my new outfit? It seems a little too revealing."

"Maybe out in public but it's nice to see you looking so hot. Can I touch the fabric?"

"Uh sure, I guess so." She said nervously.

I stood up and pulled her down on my lap. She sat on my hard on and kind of smiled at me. I started to feel the sides of her ass through the slick material.

"This fabric feels so nice, does it feel good on your body Mom?"

"It does Daniel, it feels amazing like you!"

"Oh Mom, if you only knew."

"Knew what?"

"How much I love you, how much I really love you!" I put my hand on the side of her breast and started to massage her through the thin material.

"I love you to son, your so good to your mom."

"You have no idea Mom how hot you make me."

"I'm getting the idea now."

I moved my hand down to her thigh and massaged right below her pussy. I planted a kiss on her lips and she kissed me back. We started to make out slowly and gently at first. Then she pulled back and tried to get off my lap. I was bummed at first till she put her hand on my raging hard cock as she got up.

"Daniel, don't spoil my surprise. I have more to show you. I'll be down in a few minutes."

She got up and went back upstairs. I couldn't take anymore teasing. I went up to her room and opened the door. She stood there in the sexiest bright blue bra and thong it.

"OMG Mom, you are sexiest woman I've ever seen." It was the most erotic thing my eyes ever saw in my life.

I walked up to her and pulled her in close, grinding my rock hard cock into her thong. We began to kiss again, this time with a lot more passion. My hands went down to grab her sexy ass, it was out of this world.

"Honey I don't know if we should keep this up."

I didn't respond, I just continued to maker out with her ignoring her remarks. She let go of her inhibitions at this point and started trembling. She grinded me back and kissed me harder. I pulled her back with me and fell on the bed with her on top. I undid her bra and tossed it aside. She kept hugging me but I wanted to see her breasts for the first time. I pushed her back and marveled at her perfect sexy tits. Her camel toe was resting on my cock. I pushed my jeans down as fast as I could and now we were down to our underwear. We grinded more and then I rolled her on her back. I put my hand on her thong and felt the heat and wetness escaping from her pussy. This was hotter than I imagined.

"Mom, I need you so bad. Your driving me crazy with lust."

"Daniel, I couldn't stop now if I wanted to. I've been wanting you for weeks now too. I just wanted to make sure it was for real. Real love not raunchy sex."

"Don't worry Mom, I'm your man now and forever."

"OH son, I love you more than you know."

I reached for her thong and very slowly pulled it down her legs. Her pussy lips were open and wet as hell. She pushed my underwear down and my cock sprang free. I quickly put my cock on her tiny slit and worked her cunt juices onto my pole. I slowly slid up and down, relishing her moans and wetness. She started getting louder and breathing hard. I pushed her legs up in the air giving me full access to her treasure. I began to lick around her shaved cunt, teasing her making her beg for me to lick her pussy. I gave in and began to eat her slowly at first. Licking up and down her slit and tasting her fresh love juice for the first time.

"OMG Daniel you are making me so hot, don't' stop. Please don't stop."

I was eating her like a man possessed. Her taste made me insane with lust. I began to hum a little as I ate her and she lost it. She came in my face, her sweet cum was intense.

She pushed me back but I had other plans.

"Mom are you ready to give me all your love forever?"

"Oh yes son, Yes! Take me to heaven please!"

I let her legs drop to the bed and lined up my cock to her love canal. She was very tight, like a teen girl. I got the head of my cock in and she shrieked with joy.

"Oh Honey, Oh Honey, Oh Honey you are so fucking great!"

I began to push in more and more. It took a while for her to adjust to my size and she enjoyed every inch to the max. Finally I was all the way inside her sexy little pussy. I tried to concentrate to give her best loving I could. She was sweating and out of control. I began to take her more and more. Faster and faster. She was beating her hand into the bed and coming like crazy. I kept pounding her relentlessly with my huge cock. I wanted to satisfy her every need sexually so she this wouldn't be a one time thing. She was now rolling in orgasms after 10 minutes of this and I couldn't last much longer.

I started pounding her as fast as I could, her screaming was intense. I soon flooded her cunt with all the cum in my body. I kept going till I emptied my balls in her. I was dripping sweat on her chest and fell down on top of her. My cock slid out her tight wet cunt and we kissed like horny teenagers. Laughing giggling and cuddling.

"Mom you are amazing, that was the best sex of my life! I knew it would be wild and crazy, but it was even more intense than I imagined."

"Oh Honey I love you so much. I want you like no other before. This can't be a one time thing. You really brought me out of my shell today. That was the best sex of my life, nobody has ever given me multiple orgasms before."

"Mom, I was hoping you'd say that. I want to be yours forever. I never want this day to end."

We kissed and played with each others bodies all night. We were on our honeymoon and we tried all kinds of sex positions. She loved to dress up for me and tease the hell out of me everyday. We had sex in every room in the house. We always slept in her bed and nobody could stop the passionate love we created. I basically became her lover and her mine. I never wanted anybody but my Mom again, she became one horny girl.

Life did get better, thanks to my new sexy Mom!