Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1696 - @2

Chapter 1696 - @2

"No way!" Mary gasped when she saw the room.

It was a small, single room with a naked lightbulb hanging from a wire in the middle of the room. There was a single twin bed and no other furniture of any kind. The toilet/shower was where a closet would normally have been situated and had no door.

"You want to go down and complain?" John asked, totally deflated.

"This just sucks!" Mary said, stamping her foot. "Damnation!"

"Well, it's only for one night," John said.

"Damn!" Mary said.

"I have to take pictures of this," John said as he shook his head. "Nobody would believe us otherwise."

"You want to get some food and then take a shower or the other way around?" John asked after taking a few quick shots.

"If I take a shower, I'll never go down those stairs," Mary said. "I'm so numb right now that I could probably do it. And I am really hungry."

"Food it is," John said.

The market across from their hotel was an open-air market with hundreds of vendors offering a whole range of goods, mostly foodstuffs. They found one vendor who was grilling some sort of meat and then cooking it in a large, wok-like iron pan with a variety of vegetables and spices. It turned out to be incredibly delicious and incredibly spicy. Their mouths were on fire by the time they finished eating.

Desperate for something to drink, they found a vendor that had a couple of rickety tables with plastic chairs. There were a couple of local men squatting nearby, passing a pint bottle of some clear liquid back and forth.

They ordered two local versions of coke, ice being non-existent, and gulped half of the warm liquid down, each of them making a face when they lowered their glass.

The two men passing the bottle laughed, smiling and pointing to them, then holding up their bottle. After a minute, the man holding the bottle at that moment staggered to his feet and came over to their table, then held out the bottle to John with a big smile on his face.

Smiling back and nodding, John accepted the bottle and sniffed at the opening, his eyes widening as he realized that this was some serious white lightning. Steeling himself, he brought the bottle to his mouth and took a sip. It was the foulest-tasting anything he had ever had in his mouth and it must have shown in his expression, because the man exploded in laughter, as did his friend.

Gulping down the fiery liquid, John shook his head, then smiled, feeling a tingling all the way down to his toes.

"That bad?" Mary asked, smiling.

"Worse than you can imagine," John replied.

"That bad?" Mary said, cocking her head. "Should I try it?"

"It's awful, Mary," John said. "And it's toe-tingling strong."

"Just what I need," Mary said, turning to smile at the man.

His eyes widened and he half proffered the bottle, smiling broadly when Mary reached out to accept it. Not heeding her brother's warning, she brought the bottle to her mouth and took a healthy gulp. Immediately her face turned red, her nostrils flaring as she gulped down the foul-tasting, fiery liquid, coughing, her eyes flooding with tears as the two Africans rolled on the ground laughing.

"Are you okay?" John finally asked when she stopped coughing, unable to restrain his smile.

"That was awful!" Mary said, wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands.

"I tried to tell you," John said.

"I mean, that was really awful!" Mary said, reaching for her cola. "It would be better in the coke."

Looking over at the counter area, John saw several bottles of the same liquor they had just tasted. A bottle was only $1.50, so he bought one. Returning to the table, he opened it and offered it to the two Africans. With big smiles of thanks, they took healthy gulps from the bottle, returning it to him ¼ drained. John then poured a good measure into their colas.

"It's still awful, but it's better," Mary said.

"I agree," John said after tasting his, the two Africans moving back to where they had been squatting after exchanging big smiles of friendship.

"I don't feel nearly so bad now," Mary said with a sigh, "just tired."

"I know what you mean," John said. "We'll probably sleep like the dead."

"Just make sure your watch is set to wake us in time," Mary admonished.

"Ready to go back?" John asked.

"Might as well," Mary said, draining her drink and making a face. "Ugh!"

"This will be a great story," John said as he drained his, unable to refrain from making a face as he put the remainder of the bottle in his back pocket for future use.

Several times John had to put out a hand to steady Mary as they made their way back to their hotel. Mary made liberal use of the walls as they staggered up the stairs to the 5th floor and their room.

"This is not a Hilton," Mary stated breathlessly when they finally shut the door behind them.

"You first for the shower," John said, falling onto the bed.

"John!" Mary cried out some minutes later, waking him. "The hot water isn't working."

"Maybe there isn't any," John suggested.

"But the controls have hot and cold," Mary said.

"What do you want me to do about it?" John asked, rolling onto his side so that he was looking directly into the bathroom, his eyes widening as they focused and he saw his sister reaching up to the shower controls, her dark-ruby nipples hard knots on the ends of her full C-cup breasts.

"Isn't there anything you can do?" she asked, turning towards him, her arm going up reflexively to ineffectively cover her naked breasts when she saw that he was looking into the bathroom.

"I can fiddle with the controls as well as you," John said, trying not to stare at her shaved pussy with its vermillion slit, her clit just visible peeking out.

"Would you, please?" she asked. "Of course this place doesn't have any towels," she said as he got to his feet and entered the bathroom, trying not to look at her.

"I don't think there is any hot water," John said after a minute or so of fiddling with the controls. "I guess it's cold showers."

"Damn!" Mary said, stamping her foot and clenching her fists, forgetting to cover herself. "What a day!"

John had just fallen asleep again when Mary shook his shoulder.

"Your turn, John," she said. "You get used to the cold water."

"Yeah," John said as he got to his feet, just getting a glimpse of her naked ass as her t-shirt settled.

John didn't find the water that cold and enjoyed just standing beneath it, his head thrown back, letting the dirt and grime of the day slowly wash away.

"John, I need to pee," Mary said from the doorway, her hand between her legs.

There was barely room for two people with the toilet against the far wall and the shower mounted above it. The room was only 4' wide; a closet. Despite wanting to keep her eyes closed, Mary was unable to, getting a good eyeful of John's cock.

"Thanks," she said as she finished, quickly rinsing her hands as she scuttled out.

Mary wasn't a virgin. She had been with several different boys, one for an extended period of time. She enjoyed sex, finding everything about it to her liking. She had been worried about what she was going to do for a whole year in Malawi. The past week or so she had actually been looking over some of the young Africans that she encountered, speculatively wondering before discarding the idea as improper.

But now she was shocked by the sight of her brother's cock, even though he was trying to hide it behind his hands. He was definitely bigger than any of her boyfriends. She tried not to think about it as she lay on one side of the bed, her back to the middle, her hands clenched between her thighs.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As small as the bed was, they both slept the sleep of the innocent, shocked awake in the morning when John's watch buzzed. They fumbled into their clothes and staggered down the stairs and made their way to the bus station.

They found seats together on the right side, which was going to be the scenic side as they drove 122 miles up the west side of Lake Malawi to Karonga, stopping along the way at each and every town, no matter the size, for 30 minutes up to an hour. Once again, after the first couple of stops there just didn't seem to be any point in taking any photos. They had adequate time to totally walk Khondowe, Kliwawa, Matete, Nchewere, Nyungwe, Ngara, and Mlali before they arrived at Karonga, 8 hot, tired hours later.

The remaining 61 miles west through the foothills of the mountains pushed up by the spreading of the Rift Valley were absolutely tortuous, the road winding, narrow, rutted, potholed, and just simply nightmarish. The only stop before Chipita was Lufita, a frustrating and tantalizing 7 miles from Chipita, which they could just make out as they wasted another 30 minutes.

John and Mary were absolutely relieved when they saw Greg, Susan, and Charlene Nance waiting as they disembarked the bus.

"It's quite the trip, isn't it?" Greg asked as he shook John's hand and then kissed Mary on the cheek, Susan having already hugged her.

"I never imagined it would be so brutal," John said, smiling when he saw Charlene and Mary hugging, Charlene seeming huge and Mary child-like due to the 10" difference in their height.

"Oh, I'm so glad you came, both of you," Charlene said, turning to kiss John on the cheek then impetuously quickly hugging him. "Those few days in Nkopola were such a treat, to see people, a new place. I would have loved to have spent more time with you."

"Well, it seems like we've seen every town there is between here and there," Mary said. "We had plenty of time to walk them all and get intimately familiar."

"Did you find anything memorable?" Susan asked.

"Not really," Mary replied with a laugh. "We even stopped taking pictures."

"Well, I'm sure you're going to have some memorable experiences while you're here," Greg said as he led them to their car, an old Land Rover, "and plenty of wonderful pictures to take."

"This is great!" John said when he saw the small farmhouse set amongst the trees on the northeast side of town.

"Yes, we were lucky to be able to get it," Susan said. "One of our biggest supporters left it to his family when he died with the provision that we be allowed to buy it if we wished. We were able to get the Mission back home to come up with the money and we've been here for 6 years now."

"Did you get to grow up here?" Mary asked.

"Yes and no," Charlene replied. "I'd go to school back home and stay with my grandparents, but always come here for vacations. I wasn't sure what I wanted to study after high school and came here. I still don't know what or if I want to study, but I know I love living here."

"Mary, if you don't mind, you'll be sharing Charlene's room," Susan said.

"Oh, this looks like heaven compared to last night," Mary cried out when she saw the perfect bed with proper bedding and pillows, explaining what they had been through.

"You had to share a bed?" Charlene asked, her eyes wide.

"Yes, and not much bigger than that one," Mary replied. "If we hadn't been totally exhausted, I'm sure neither of us would have gotten any sleep."

"This is small, but you should be comfortable, John," Greg said, showing him a very small bedroom across the hall from Charlene's. It was just big enough for a bed, a chair, and a small dresser.

"This is fine," John said. "It only a place to sleep."

"We figured that you'd be hungry, so we've got a meal ready for you," Susan said. "Unless you want to freshen up first."

"Actually, I'm starved," Mary said. "If it wouldn't offend you..."

"Goodness, no," Susan said, shepherding everyone to the large kitchen table.

"As you can see, this is an old farmhouse," Greg explained. "The kitchen was the center of everything. That's why it's the largest room in the house."

"I love the way this place feels," Mary said with a sigh.

"When I get done showing it to you, you won't want to leave," Charlene said.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oh, I cannot wait to get into that bed," Mary sighed.

"I'm sure you're exhausted," Charlene said as she undressed for bed, Mary in her usual t-shirt and panties after her shower. "I'm just dying to talk, but it will wait until tomorrow."

"Me, too," Mary said. "It really does feel nice to be here."

"Sleep well," Charlene said as she climbed into bed totally nude.

Mary couldn't help noticing Charlene's heavy, C-cup breasts with large pale nipples. She didn't see any hair on her pussy and thought she caught a glint of pink as she swung her legs onto the bed. Once again, she fell asleep on her side with her hands clenched between her thighs.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Man, I slept so good!" John declared the next morning when he entered the kitchen. "Great food, great bed. Just what I needed."

"I'm glad to hear it," Susan said with a smile. "I usually cook, but it's definitely a do-it-yourself, help-yourself kind of a house. If you're hungry, don't be shy. If I'm not here or there's nothing prepared, you're on your own."

"That works for me," John said.

"You'll regret that," Mary said as she appeared, looking totally refreshed. "He eats like a horse."

"Well, it's worked, because he's as big as one," Charlene said with a smile, John's 6'5" making her 5'10" seem small, something that she wasn't used to.

"We have to go to the mission," Susan explained as Greg appeared. "We're going to leave you in Charlene's capable hands."

"What do you have in mind for today, Charlene?" Greg asked.

"I'll show them the overlooks, get them oriented," Charlene replied. "As much history as they care for. If the weather stays like this, maybe end up at the swimming hole for sunset."

"Well, have a good time," Greg said after exchanging glances with Susan.

"Do we need to dress in any special way?" Mary asked.

"Shorts, t-shirts, good walking shoes if you have them," Charlene replied.It seems pretty amazing to be here," John said as Charlene drove away from town up into the foothills.

"I often feel like I live in a movie," Charlene said.

"Oh, what a view!" Mary exclaimed when Charlene turned the car onto a deeply rutted lane for 100m and then pulled out into a small field with some boulders scattered around.

"You can see the whole city from here and down into the valley until it disappears in haze," Charlene explained. "We're at the bottom of the Rift Valley, one of the oldest places on the planet, where they think all humans originated."

"This is really great," Mary said as she sat down next to Charlene on a large boulder near the edge.

"Yeah, I could spend time here," John agreed as he joined them after having taken a bunch of photos. "I should have brought my real cameras."

"This is my favorite lookout," Charlene explained. "I have two more, each different in its own way. There's seldom anyone here, so I sunbathe."

"Has anyone ever shown up when you were sunbathing?" Mary asked.

"Oh, sure," Charlene laughed. "It's always a toss-up as to who is more surprised. I usually just cover up and it's no big deal. Malawians in general aren't all that hung up about nudity. You'll see it all the time, everywhere."

They sat in silence, just looking out over the valley to the mountains beyond.

"What is that?" Mary asked when she smelled the smoke and looked over to see Charlene smoking.

"Some of Malawi's best," Charlene said, taking a deep drag on the joint and holding her breath. "Do you indulge?" she asked after finally expelling her breath, offering the joint in their direction.

"I never have tried it," Mary replied.

"I used to," John said, reaching for the joint. "I had to stop when they started drug testing at university in the sports programs."

"I never knew you smoked pot," Mary said, watching with surprise as her brother took a big pull on it.

"Wow, it's been a while," John said, coughing as he exhaled. "That tastes great."

"It'll knock you on your ass if you're not careful," Charlene warned with a laugh. "You should take it easy if you're not used to it."

"Do your parents know that you smoke it?" Mary asked.

"Sure," Charlene replied. "Everyone smokes it. I don't know anyone that doesn't."

"Is it legal?" Mary asked.

"I don't think they bother about it," Charlene replied. "Everyone smokes it and always has. People smoke in restaurants and bars. I've never seen anyone have a problem."

"Is that all of Malawi?" John asked, reaching for the joint again and taking another pull on it.

"I'm not sure," Charlene replied. "I know north of Mzuzu it's like that. That's the part of the country that I'm most familiar with. This is Tumbuka country. Ganja's been a part of their culture forever. They're basically an agricultural people."

"I can feel that," John commented, handing the joint to Charlene. "Feels good."

"Shall we go to the next overlook?" Charlene asked. "We can stop for drinks on the way at a place I know."

"Yes, let's," Mary said.

They drove for about 20 minutes before pulling over to a broken-down, ramshackle type of a place. There was an old, toothless woman sitting in the shade smoking a big hand-rolled cigarette, the unmistakable aroma of ganja coming from it.

Charlene ordered 3 bottles of beer and a bottle of the firewater they had bought the previous day at Mzuzu while John took photos.

"What is that stuff?" Mary asked, pointing at the bottle.

"Ktang," Charlene replied. "Vile stuff, but effective. Beer's a good chaser to wash the taste away."

"We bought some in Mzuzu," John explained. "Didn't take much to knock us out after a day on the bus."

"It's good for that, easing all sorts of aches," Charlene said, taking a pull from the bottle and then reaching for her beer. "Ah!" she said, smacking her lips. "Now I'm awake."

John and Mary imitated her, gulping the beer afterwards, then piling back into the car.

"This place always has the best sun," Charlene explained after 10 minutes of bouncing down a terrible, rutted path which ended abruptly at a huge wall of boulders. "Come on," she said as she got out of the car, grabbing the bottle of ktang and her beer.

John and Mary followed, scrambling over some boulders to find a semi-circular ledge of rock about 20' deep with a curving overhang of rock making a partial ceiling. The entire ledge ran for almost 100', surrounded by the mound of boulders and a line of trees.

"This is great," Mary said, hands on hips as she surveyed the view.

"You can be in the sun or shade, in the breeze or not," Charlene explained, taking a pull on the bottle of ktang, then chugging her beer. "Ahhhh!" she cried out, shaking her head.

"I really like this place," John said after taking several photos, picking up the bottle of ktang and taking a swig, then washing it down with his beer. "I think I'm getting used to the taste of that ktang," he said as he sat down and leaned back against a boulder, closing his eyes as the sun beat down on them.

Charlene was sitting with her back to a boulder, her face lifted to the sun, and Mary found one for herself. She started awake at some point, surprised that she had fallen asleep, and looked over, surprised to see that Charlene had removed her t-shirt and was sitting back topless, her large C-cup breasts with the large pale nipples basking in the sun. There were no tan lines, so it was clear that this was something that she regularly did.

Seeing that John was asleep, his head back against the boulder, Mary quietly got to her feet and made her way over to where Charlene was sitting.

"Mind if I join you?" Mary asked.

"Of course not," Charlene replied, smiling down at the smaller woman as she sat down next to her.

"I hope he doesn't wake up," Mary said, taking a deep breath and pulling her t-shirt off over her head, her dark, ruby nipples knurling into knots.

"You've got great nipples," Charlene said as she appraised Mary. "I wish I had nipples like that."

"Sometimes they get so hard, they hurt," Mary said, cupping her breasts.

"Mine only hurt when someone bites them too hard," Charlene said with a sigh.

Mary watched Charlene take a slug from the bottle of ktang, then finish her beer before she leaned back and closed her eyes. Mary reached for the bottle and took a swallow, struggling not to cough as she swallowed the vile liquid, then finished her beer trying to ameliorate the taste of the ktang in her mouth.

"See something interesting?" Mary heard Charlene's voice as though from a distance, opening her eyes to see John sitting with his back to the boulder, his shirt off, facing them.

"I'd have to say yes," John replied, nodding.

Mary blushed when she felt her brother's eyes on her naked breasts.

"Good," Charlene said, leaning back and closing her eyes.

It took all of Mary's self-control to just lean back and close her eyes, knowing that John was looking at her.

"This pale skin of yours will burn quickly if you're not careful," Charlene said a while later, Mary gasping when she felt her hand slide across her stomach, then up and over her breasts. "We should go to the last overlook."

They all dressed and climbed back into the car for the ride to the next overlook, about a 30-minute drive. This time the overlook didn't view the town and valley, but the Rift Valley to the north. They could easily see the convolutions of the ground where the movement of the earth spitting apart when the tectonic plates moved had pushed up foothills and then small mountains.

"It's called the East African Rift Valley," Charlene informed them. "It was formed where the Somalian and Nubian tectonic plates are pulling away from the Arabian plate. The eastern branch of the rift passes through Ethiopia and Kenya, and the western branch forms a giant arc from Uganda down to Malawi. It's really quite amazing."

"How do you know so much about it?" Mary asked.

"I'm addicted to knowledge, among other things," Charlene replied. "Since I live here, I wanted to know as much about it as possible, so I've studied, learned about how it was formed, the history of the peoples, and as much about the different tribes as possible."

"I'm impressed," John said. "We haven't been here long enough, though we've pretty thoroughly explored Nkopola. I see we've got a lot to learn."

"It's impossible to learn it all, but there's enough that you can pick and choose the parts that interest you," Charlene said.

"Have you thought about studying African history?" John asked.

"I have," Charlene replied. "It's about the only thing that interests me academically."

"You could probably teach at a university," Mary said.

"Maybe, one day," Charlene sighed. "Right now I'm just enjoying being alive."

They all sat down with their backs to a rock wall to watch the view, the colors changing as clouds scudded by overhead, the variations in the colors of green dazzling the eyes. John would occasionally take a photo as the lighting changed.

"I think there's enough for each of us to have a bit more," Charlene said, holding up the bottle of ktang.

"I can't believe I'm getting used to this stuff," John said when he drained the bottle after the two girls had each had a mouthful.

"I know," Charlene said with a smile. "It's terrible stuff, but it makes you feel so nice and loosey-goosey."

"Ugh, nothing to wash it down," Mary said, making a face.

"We should go now if we want to be at the swimming hole for sunset," Charlene said a while later. "It's really beautiful to see through the trees as it sets behind the mountains."

"Let's do it," John said, getting to his feet and offering a hand to each of the girls, helping them up.

"Should we stop for some more ktang and beer?" Charlene asked, slowing as they approached one of the ubiquitous road-side stands.

"Why not?" John said.

"We're almost to the swimming hole," Charlene announced. "Let's save it for there."

"Oh, my, this is just beautiful," Mary gasped when the car pulled through a stand of trees after bouncing along a rutted road for 10 minutes.

The river snaked by, leaving a nice swimming hole in the bend that it created. The light was changing to a buttery yellow and the reflections on the slow-flowing water glistened and effervesced as it undulated by.

"There's only water for 3-4 months of the year," Charlene explained as they stood on the embankment enjoying the view, the mountains just visible through and above the trees lining the river. "You're lucky to be visiting now."

"Why aren't there any people here?" Mary asked, taking the ktang from Charlene after she took a slug on the bottle.

"Sometimes there are," Charlene replied after washing the ktang down with a chug on her beer. "There are half a dozen of these swimming hole bends in the river nearby. This one is my personal favorite."

"This is definitely special," John said after taking several photos.

"I'm going swimming," Charlene announced, pulling her t-shirt off over her head to reveal her gorgeous breasts once more, then dropping her shorts to the ground to stand naked before them.

John and Mary could only stare open-mouthed at the blonde Valkyrie, her long blonde hair gently being blown by the slight breeze, her big pale nipples covering the ends of her full breasts, no hair on her pussy to hide her long, furled pussy lips, her clit just peeking through.

"Oh, this is perfect," Charlene sputtered after jumping into the water and then surfacing. "It's the perfect temperature at this time of day. In the mornings, it's sometimes a bit cool until the sun warms it. Aren't you coming in?" she asked, water dripping from her breasts as she faced them with a smile on her face.

John and Mary exchanged glances and John shrugged, pulling his t-shirt off and then dropping his shorts and boxers, quickly jumping into the water before his cock's reaction to seeing Charlene naked became obvious. Taking a deep breath, Mary pulled her t-shirt off and then pushed her shorts and panties to the ground, the bright thatch of fiery red hair above her pussy shining in the waning light of day.

Mary could feel her cheeks flushing as Charlene and John looked at her, so she quickly jumped into the water. John had to squat down as his cock reacted to the sight of his naked sister, whose pussy had split open as she jumped, giving him a quick glance at the pinkness within.

"Here," Charlene said, standing up and leaning over the embankment to grab the bottle of ktang and their beers, her naked ass and pussy pointing right at them.

Mary's face flushed when she caught John's eye when she realized that he had seen her also looking and she sank down into the water to cover herself, her nipples achingly hard.

"Nudity doesn't bother you, does it?" Mary finally asked.

"No, not anymore," Charlene replied. "I forget that you're still new to Malawi," she said. "When I first got here, I was shocked at how much nudity there was. Then I got used to it. Now, it's no big deal. I hardly think about it. In the towns you won't see so much unless it's some bush people who have come to town to trade, but even they often cover up in town. At home, we often don't wear any clothes. It's much more comfortable, depending upon the weather."

"You mean your parents go around naked?" Mary asked, shocked.

"All the time," Charlene replied with a laugh. "Though I'm sure they'll exercise restraint while you're visiting. They wouldn't want to shock you. Does nudity bother you?" she asked.

"I'm not used to it," Mary replied. "Yesterday was the first time John ever saw me naked, and today."

"You've seen him naked before?" Charlene asked, a glint in her eyes.

"Oh, no!" Mary gasped, her eyes wide.

"What about you, John?" Charlene asked.

"Well, I'm not used to it, that's for sure," John replied. "But it doesn't bother me. I guess it's different for guys and girls."

"Most of the Malawians aren't that tall," Charlene said. "I'm usually taller than most of them and my dad is the tallest person around. You're going to raise some eyebrows."

"I've noticed people looking at us in Nkopola when we're wandering around," John said.

"I'm not surprised," Charlene commented. "Between your height and Mary's red hair and pale skin, you look very exotic to the Malawians."

"Now I understand why you're so tanned," Mary said.

"Ah, there it goes," Charlene said, turning to watch the sun as it sank behind the far mountain peaks. "I guess we should get going. Mom and dad will be home getting dinner ready," she said, standing up and turning to face them as they stayed squatted down in the water, her pussy level with their faces and only a couple of feet away.

John felt his cock swell when he saw the water dripping from Charlene's furled pussy lips just before she turned and scrambled up the bank, once again giving them both a show of her ass and pussy. Mary took a deep breath and stood up, following Charlene up the embankment of the river. John's cock got even harder as he unsuccessfully averted his eyes to avoid seeing his sister's ass and pussy as she scrambled up the embankment. He almost groaned out loud when he saw her pussy split apart to reveal her delicate inner lips and the fat button of her clit.

"You coming?" Charlene asked, taking a slug from the bottle of ktang, then smiling at John knowingly.

"John?" Mary asked in a puzzled voice as he stayed in the river, submerged up to his shoulders.

John was beside himself. His cock only got harder as he stared at Charlene and Mary standing naked side by side, the vermillion slit of Mary's pussy and the fiery thatch of red hair above and Charlene's long, furled pussy lips and clit peeking at him.

"I think John's seen something that got him excited," Charlene said, a big smile on her face.

"Oh!" Mary said, blushing as she understood and suddenly feeling self-conscious as she stood naked in front of her brother.

"It's okay, John," Charlene said. "I've seen hard cocks before and they don't offend me. We'll take it as a compliment."

"Oh!" Mary gasped.

"Maybe you could turn around?" John suggested.

"Oh, no, not a chance," Charlene replied with a laugh. "I want to see proof of your appreciation of our beauty and charms."

John's face flushed as Mary turned her back to him.

"Suit yourself," he said, standing up and striding out of the water and up the embankment, 9" of thick, solid hard cock leading the way.

"Nice, very nice," Charlene said, a big smile on her face as John grabbed his shorts and pulled them on. "Now you've seen mine and I've seen yours."

Mary quickly dressed, keeping her back to John, while Charlene took her time and seemed to take delight in making sure that John saw as much of her as possible as she dressed.

"How often do you come here?" Mary asked when they had all got back in the car.

"During the rainy season, pretty much every day," Charlene replied. "I spend the other 8 months waiting for the rain."

"Well, how was your day?" Susan asked when they arrived back at the farmhouse.

"Wonderful!" Mary replied. "It's so beautiful here."

"I understand why you like it here so much," John said. "It's totally different than Nkopola."

"There's an incredible diversity of geography and peoples in such a small area," Greg said. "Lake Malawi takes up about ⅓ of the country's area, the rest is mostly foothills and small mountains with enough flat areas that agriculture can flourish."

"Which overlook did you like the best?" Susan asked. "We each have our favorites."

"I liked the last one, looking up the Rift Valley," Mary said. "The colors were amazing and there was no sign of humanity."

"I liked the second one, the sun ledge," John said. "I think I could easily spend a day up there."

"Did you make it to the swimming hole?" Greg asked.

"Yes, just in time for the sunset," Charlene replied. "The water was great, perfect temperature."

"Well, I'm sure you'll have appetites, then," Susan said. "Dinner's about ready."

"Have you met any local people in Nkopola yet?" Greg asked.

"Not really," John replied. "Everyone is friendly enough, though."

"It'll happen soon enough," Susan said. "Believe me, they want to meet you, to know you, but they've had experience with white outsiders showing up, then leaving. They want to understand you better before they open themselves to you."

"When that happens, then you'll understand why Malawi is heaven on earth to us," Greg said. "These are the best people I've ever known and I love living amongst them, sharing Christ with them, and learning about their lives and ways of living."

"Mom and dad have just started meeting some of the bush people," Mary said.

"Oh! Which tribe?" Susan asked.

"I think it was the Ngoni," Mary said. "They were gone for three days."

"The Ngoni are very friendly people," Greg said with a smile. "To be invited by the Ngoni is very special, not often done with whites."

"Dad said that they got the tribe to accept Christ," John said.

"You don't say!" Susan said, a surprised look on her face. "That's remarkable!"

"They also became members of the Ngoni tribe," John added.

"Members?" Greg asked, his fork pausing halfway to his mouth. "Actual members, Blessed by the chief and all that?"

"That's what they said," John replied. "They were pretty beat, but they also seemed really happy. I think it was a good experience for them."

"I'll bet it was," Greg said, a grin on his face. "The Ngoni are famous for their hospitality when they choose to extend it. I've seldom heard of whites being made members of the tribe, though. That's quite extraordinary."

"The most populous tribe around here is the Tumbuka," Susan explained. "They are old enemies of the Ngoni. The Ngoni almost exterminated them when they migrated up from South Africa. Many of the Tumbuka were sold into slavery to the Arabs. There are a few hundred thousand of them now, but at one time their existence hung in the balance."

"I was thinking of taking them up to Chinunka tomorrow," Charlene said. "It's only 12 miles, maybe about an hour to drive. That way they could see the deep rift. Maybe hike up to Ifumbo. That's only 6 miles along the river. The river should have plenty of water now."

"That's a beautiful area," Greg said approvingly.

"Would you be back in time for dinner?" Susan asked.

"Probably, but I'll take the tent anyway," Charlene replied. "Maybe we'll camp by the river for the night and come back the next day."

"Well, you know the area well enough," Greg said. "Just be careful. I wouldn't want anything to happen to any of you."

"We'd better turn in, then," Charlene said. "If we get an early start, we can find a place to get set up and have a bit of a hike before the day gets too hot."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"We need to make a stop first to get some supplies," Charlene announced the next morning after they had piled into the Rover.

They stopped at a larger road-side kiosk and purchased a whole case of beer, half a dozen bottles of ktang, a variety of fresh fruits, and a goat's leg, which Charlene assured them would be delicious after grilling it over an open fire.

Sipping ktang and drinking beer, they careened around the mountainous terrain until they arrived at Chinunka a little over an hour later, one bottle of ktang already finished. It only took 15 minutes to walk around Chinunka to see it, a nothing of a town, then they drove along the river road towards Ifumbo, pulling off of the road and splashing across a shallow fording spot to finally bounce to a stop in a small grassy clearing next to a bend in the river, a small stand of trees bordering the river on both sides.

"This is about halfway between Chinunka and Ifumbo," Charlene announced. "We can explore the whole valley from here."

"This place feels old," John observed, noticing the ancient, dark rocks.

"I love that feeling," Charlene said, pulling the tent out of the Rover.

John tried to help, but it was clear that Charlene had set up this tent many times. In just 10 minutes it was set up and Charlene threw some blankets and pillows inside of it.

"It's sort of small, isn't it?" Mary asked.

"Mom, dad, and I use it all the time," Charlene replied. "It's just for sleeping. Sometimes at night there are some wild animals. Nothing dangerous, but they won't bother you in a tent. Outside, they might get curious."

"I like this place," John said, looking around. "It's like we're the only people in the whole world."

"That's an easy feeling to find in Africa," Charlene said. "We should gather up a bunch of branches and things to make a fire later. Better to do it early while we've still got energy. You'll find plenty along the river, beneath the trees."

"Shouldn't we stay together?" Mary asked.

"It's not unsafe, but there's no reason not to," Charlene replied. "Come on."

For the next hour, they foraged along the river, building up a substantial pile of sticks and branches with which to build a fire.

"That's an awful lot," Mary observed.

"What we don't use, we'll leave for the next person," Charlene said. "Better to have too much instead of not enough. I hate eating undercooked meat."

"Oh, yeah," John sighed as he removed his hiking shoes and sat on the bank of the river, letting his feet dangle in the water. "This is great," he said, pulling his t-shirt off to feel the sun.

"It's so peaceful here," Mary said, joining him, spreading her toes in the sandy bottom of the river as it lazily streamed by.

"So many westerners have trouble learning how to relax and smell the roses," Charlene said as she appeared and sat on the other side of John, her hands full with 3 beers and another bottle of ktang, a big, fat joint between her lips and her t-shirt nowhere to be seen, her big, naked breasts with their large, pale nipples bouncing as she sat down.

Opening a beer, Charlene leaned across John, her breasts rubbing against his arm and offered it to Mary, then opened another and handed it to John before opening one for herself.

"If you push it firmly into the sandy bottom, the river water will actually cool it down," Charlene explained, showing by example what she meant, John and Mary following suit.

Lighting the joint, Charlene took a big drag on it before offering it to John, who accepted it, taking a long drag on it, too.

"I've missed this," John observed, looking at the joint in his hand as he exhaled. "It was a great buzz yesterday," he said, taking another hit before passing it back to Charlene.

"It doesn't bother you that I smoke ganja?" Charlene asked Mary before taking another deep hit.

"No, not at all," Mary replied. "I have some friends that smoke, it's just that I never tried it."

"Were you ever curious?" Charlene asked as she exhaled a long plume of pungent smoke?

"Maybe a little from time to time," Mary conceded. "I was always a bit worried about it affecting my studies. One of the guys I dated smoked it. He always told me that it was good that I didn't smoke because it meant more for him."

"At American prices, I can understand that kind of an attitude," Charlene said, taking another hit and handing the joint to John. "But here," she said, turning and draping an arm on John's shoulder, her naked breasts rubbing against his arm, "it's almost free," she said, exhaling, blowing the smoke in Mary's direction. "It's far more fun to share."

"I always liked the smell of it," Mary said as she watched her brother take a long hit on the joint, trying not to obviously stare at Charlene's big breasts rubbing his arm, but noticing the growing bulge in his shorts.

"You're welcome to try it," Charlene said, "but I don't want you to think at all that I'm trying to push you to try it. I'm being polite. Whether you smoke it or not is all about you, nobody else. That's my main rule of life."

"Your main rule of life is about smoking weed?" John asked, handing her the joint, all too aware of the feeling of her breasts on his arm and his growing cock in his shorts.

"Not just weed, everything," Charlene explained as she took a hit on the joint. "Anything I do, I do it because I want to do it, not because it's expected of me by anyone else. That's one of the things that Africa has taught me and it's a great way to live."

"I think I still do some things because of the expectations of others," Mary said.

"Of course you do, living in the USA," Charlene said. "It's almost impossible not to with all of the stupid rules that they have. That's one of the biggest differences to me between Africa and the USA. The USA is all about shame and guilt; Africa is all about pride and joy in living life for the moment. I suppose that's one of the reasons I'm in no hurry to go to university. I'd hate to live in the Western straight jacket of morality. I much prefer the African attitude."

"We're only going to be here for a year," Mary said, trying to control her face when she saw John take the joint from Charlene, his arm slipping around her waist as she snuggled her naked breasts against his side.

"I wouldn't mind absorbing some of that attitude while I'm here," John said as he took a long hit on the joint, glad for once that his cock was slightly trapped beneath his leg. Charlene's breasts were driving him crazy.

"I have no doubts that both of you will get Africanized," Charlene said, sitting up and disengaging herself from John. "It's just a matter of to what degree," she said, suddenly standing up and dropping her shorts to the ground and bounding naked into the river.

The river only had about 2' of water in it and was perhaps 10'-12' across. Charlene sat on the bottom facing into the current, leaning back on her elbows, her long, blonde hair streaming across the top of the river behind her as it flowed by, her large, pale nipples just above the water line.

"This is one of the best sensations in life," Charlene sighed. "Aren't you going to come in?" she asked, looking over at them.

John was too embarrassed to move, certain that his hard cock would be impossible to miss. He was surprised, though, when he heard Mary next to him say yes, then get to her feet, pulling her t-shirt off over her head to reveal her perfect breasts topped with hard, dark-ruby nipples.

"Bring the ktang with you," Charlene said as Mary pushed her shorts to the ground, John's eyes widening as he looked directly at her pussy just a foot in front of him. He managed to avert his eyes when she lifted her foot to step out of the shorts, though not in time to avoid seeing her pussy lips spread apart, a sticky string of pussy juice strung between them as the glistening pink interior was momentarily visible before she disappeared, splashing into the river.

John's cock was harder than ever now and he blushed, realizing that it was because of seeing his own sister's pussy, not because of Charlene, which was certainly reason enough.

"John, bring the beers, will you?" Charlene asked, turning to flash a bright smile at him. "They should be cold now."

As quickly as he could while Charlene maneuvered Mary to sit next to her, John shed his shorts and slipped into the water, hoping that the coolness of the water would help to dissipate his raging hard-on.

"Ah, there you are, finally" Charlene said, taking a big slug from the ktang and shaking her head violently before passing it over her shoulder to John.

"Here you are," John said, taking the ktang from her and handing her one of the beers, then handing one of them over her shoulder to Mary as he sat behind them, perpendicular to the current, praying for his cock to relax.

Taking a big slug on the ktang, John handed it over her shoulder to Mary, then tried to clear the taste from his mouth with his beer, which to his delight was reasonably cool. They continued passing the ktang and washing it down with beer until the ktang was half empty.

"I feel like my whole body is tingling," Mary said as Charlene flipped the remainder of the ktang up onto the bank.

"Ktang's good that way," Charlene sighed. "It might taste awful, but I've never had any alcohol that affects me the way ktang does. Even the hangovers aren't all that bad."

"Charlene!" Mary squealed, then burst into laughter after Charlene leaned over and whispered into her ear.

"Well?" Charlene asked, arching an eyebrow as she looked at Mary. "Every girl over 3 has done it and you know it. Go on, do it with the river. It's like magic. Much more subtle."

"You are too much!" Mary declared as she laughed.

"John, be a dear and be useful," Charlene said as she joined Mary in laughter. "Will you be our pillow?"

"Your pillow?!" John asked.

"Yes," Charlene replied. "Just stay right there," she said as she lay back, reaching over her head with her hand to find his leg, laying her head on the middle of his thigh. "Like that," she sighed. "Oh, this is so nice. A warm pillow in the cool water. You're so small, you need to use his chest," Charlene said to Mary.

"John?" Mary asked, turning to look over her shoulder at him.

"Why not?" John replied, shrugging. "I've got to be good for something."

Mary leaned back off her elbows until her head and shoulders were resting against John's rib cage. Mary's hard, dark-ruby nipples were clearly visible, as was the fiery red patch of hair above her pussy. Charlene's large breasts floated on the water with their big, pale nipples.

"Go on, do it," Charlene urged Mary, who giggled. "Go on!"

Not understanding, but curious, John saw through the water as his sister spread her legs apart, her left leg pressing against Charlene's right leg, whose left leg was spread wide.

"Well?" Charlene asked after a minute or so.

"I can't believe it," Mary replied, sighing, then laughing. "I'd never have thought of it in a million years. It is really nice," she added with a sigh after a bit.

John didn't understand what they were talking about, but he did understand that his cock was rock hard and laying across his thigh, just above where Charlene's head lay. He couldn't tear his eyes from them, finding Mary's hard, ruby nipples even more exciting to see than Charlene's large breasts with her large, pale nipples. Either way, the view only perpetuated and exacerbated his problem.

"We should probably go for a hike," Charlene said, rolling onto her side towards Mary, her eyes opening wide when she saw the head of John's cock not an inch from her nose. "Or we can just waste the day away here," she said, her eyes locked with John's.

"We can hike first, then come back here and soak, right?" Mary asked.

"Sure, anything is possible," Charlene said, breaking eye contact with John and staring at his cock as she reflexively licked her lips.

"That's probably a good idea," John managed to say, moving just enough that the two girls were forced to sit up, a smile on Charlene's face.

They clambered out of the river, Mary noticing her brother's huge erection as they pulled on their shorts. Mary was about to pull her t-shirt on when she saw that Charlene wasn't going to bother, so she forewent the urge and remained topless.

"Let's take a few beers and the rest of the bottle of ktang," Charlene suggested, putting it into a small rucksack. "Do you have any sunscreen?" she asked Mary, eyeing her pale, freckled skin. "You should put your t-shirt on if you don't."

"I do have some," Mary said, feeling her face flush as attention was drawn to her naked breasts in front of her brother.

"Here, let me," Charlene insisted, taking the sunscreen from Mary when she extracted it from her pack.

John was bent over in front of Mary, tying the laces on his hiking shoes while Charlene applied the sunscreen to her back. He stood up just as Charlene's hands reached around Mary from behind to smear sunscreen onto her breasts, Charlene filling her hands with them and pinching and pulling on her hard, ruby nipples.

Mary gasped, her face suffusing with color both from the sensation of having her breasts grabbed by another woman, as well as the fact that her brother had seen it, was now watching with his mouth hanging open as Charlene continued to apply the sunscreen to her front side from behind, constantly returning to her breasts.

"Mmm, that was nice," Charlene said, then laughed. "You really do have great nipples."

"God, Charlene, are you always" Mary asked, blushing.

"Actually, yes," Charlene replied, "though I'm really trying to be restrained with the two of you."

"Restrained?" Mary gasped.

"Yes," Charlene replied, turning to lead the way. "I mean, think about it. You're the children of missionaries. Normally that's a pretty screwed up thing. Most of the ones I've met have their parents' zeal about religion."

"You don't?" Mary asked as she followed Charlene, John bringing up the rear.

"Not really," Charlene replied. "Oh, maybe there was Christ and all that, but I don't think it matters all that much. Religion, I mean. I'd rather practice respect than religion."

"Wow," Mary gasped.

"That makes a lot of sense, actually," John said from the rear. "Personally, I don't buy into the whole religion thing. I really, really respect mom and dad for their belief and commitment, but it's not for me."

"Well, I'm not at all interested in being a missionary," Mary said, "but I always accepted Christianity and all that. Does your attitude include Christ?"

"Oh, it includes everything," Charlene replied, stopping and turning around, smiling when she saw John take a picture. "That's the beauty of respect; anything is possible as long as you have respect for everyone else and what they think and believe, whether you agree with them or not. There is no one size fits all when it comes to people, I don't think."

"I have to agree with that," Mary said, nodding as they resumed their hike.

"Anyway, as I was saying," Charlene continued. "If you're typical missionary kids, full of religion, then I have to respect that and behave accordingly, with some restraints, as it were. Since I'm realizing that you're not, I can be more myself, which is pretty much unrestrained. I really meant what I said yesterday about loving to do what I want, when I want, without having to have any regard for anything but my own desires."

"But what if what you do hurts someone?" Mary asked.

"Then clearly I've not shown proper respect in some way," Charlene replied. "Have I hurt either of you in any way?" she asked turning to face Mary.

"No, no, not at all," Mary stammered. "You've been great. I love your way of looking at things. It's new to me. It makes me think. I mean, I would never have imagined that I'd be on a hike with my brother topless," she said, laughing.

"Isn't it great?" Charlene asked, putting an arm around Mary's shoulders and holding her close, smiling as John took a photo.

"John!" Mary gasped.

"Some photos will be just for us, some will be for others to see," John replied, shrugging.

"Can you take a picture of the three of us?" Charlene asked.

"I do have a mini-tripod," John replied. "It shouldn't be that hard to set up."

"Would you mind?" Charlene asked.

"Like this?" Mary asked, her eyes wide.

"A photo for us," Charlene said.

"As long as it's only for us!" Mary insisted.

"Of course," Charlene said with a laugh.

"Okay," John said after he had found the shot he wanted with the mountains and the river and trees behind them and a place to set the mini-tripod. "Once I press the shutter, we have 10 seconds."

John pressed the shutter and quickly moved to stand between the two girls. Charlene moved close, an arm around his waist her breast mashing against his side. John put his arms around each of their shoulders and then the shutter tripped.

"I think I might have moved," Charlene said. "Can you take another one for insurance?"

"Sure," John said, moving to the camera. "Here we go," he said, pressing the shutter and quickly getting between the two girls, this time both of their arms going around his waist as he held them close. Just before the shutter tripped, John gasped as Charlene grabbed his cock, then quickly released him.

"I think that was better," she said, smiling at his disbelieving face.

They continued their hike, not getting back to their camping site for another 3 hot, sweaty hours.

"Well, how did you like it?" Charlene asked as she stripped and walked into the river.

"It was great," Mary said as she followed.

John stripped, wanting to join them before his cock reacted to the sight of them.

"John, will you please let me use your camera and bring the ktang and some beers, please?" Charlene asked.

"It's not waterproof," John said as he handed the camera to Charlene, his cock swinging semi-hard already in front of him.

"Charlene!" Mary gasped, then burst out laughing when she saw her take a photo when John turned and bent over to pick up the ktang and the beers, getting a perfect shot of his ass with his cock and balls hanging down.

The three of them stood in the middle of the river naked, drinking ktang and beer, taking turns with the camera.

"I can't believe you took a picture of my ass!" John said, laughing as he flicked through the photos they had taken.

"Here, you can take one of mine," Charlene said, turning around and bending over, her legs wide apart. "I'll even give you a nice, big smile," she said, looking back over her shoulder with a big smile on her face at the same time that she reached back with both hands and grabbed her own ass cheeks and pulled them as far apart as possible, spreading her pussy wide open, her long pussy lips unfurled and gaping open, the pink interior glistening wetly.

"Wow!" Mary breathed, her mouth hanging open as John unfroze enough to use the camera, kneeling down to get close as he took photo after photo of Charlene's spread pussy and ass.

"Let's see them," Charlene insisted when she stood up, her face flushed.

Charlene pressed close to him on one side, while Mary was standing next to him on the other side as John flipped through the photos, his cock now at full size and standing out in front of him.

"No wonder your cock is so hard," Charlene said as they looked at the photos of her holding her ass wide apart to expose her rosebud and open pussy. "Those are absolutely pornographic. I love them."

Mary felt her pussy getting very wet as she looked at the photos and also her brother's huge, hard cock standing out in front of him just inches from her hand.

"We should start the fire already," Charlene suddenly said, changing tack completely. "It'll take a couple of hours to cook that leg properly."

Just like that, the mood changed. Nobody bothered to dress as they went about starting the fire and getting things ready for the evening meal, everyone acting completely normal in spite of the fact that they were all naked. Mary actually got used to the sight of John's cock swinging in front of him.

Charlene definitely knew what she was doing when it came to cooking the leg of meat and a couple of hours later they were all sitting around the fire feasting on the juicy shank and munching on the fruit that they had bought.

"Isn't this the best?" Charlene asked, a big smile on her face. "Just like tens of thousands of years ago, naked people around a fire eating the leg of some animal."

"It's really basic, isn't it?" John agreed, now able to stare at either of the girls without feeling any guilt.

They finished eating, then cleaned up any mess that they had made, going down to the river to wash before going up to sit on the large woven blanket that Charlene spread on the ground in front of the tent.

"This blanket is Tonga work," Charlene explained as they all sprawled on the blanket. "They're a tribe that's located near Nkhata Bay."

Charlene produced a joint which she lit, taking a deep drag on it before exhaling, then another before passing it to John who did the same.

"Man, this stuff is so relaxing," John said as he reclined on an elbow on his side, his cock dangling over his thigh to touch the blanket.

"Maybe I'll try it tonight," Mary said.

"You sure you want to?" John asked.

"Any reason why I shouldn't?" Mary asked.

"None at all," John replied. "I'm just making sure you're doing it for the right reasons."

"I just want to try it, see what it's like," Mary replied. "Should I just smoke it?"

"Do you smoke anything?" Charlene asked.

"No," Mary replied.

"Then smoking it directly from the joint will probably irritate your throat, burn it a bit," Charlene said. "You'd cough like crazy and probably not enjoy it so much."

"Well, is there any other way?" Mary asked, perplexed, having made up her mind to try.

"Shotgun might be a good way," Charlene replied.

"Shotgun?" Mary asked.

"It's a technique," Charlene explained, laughing.

"But let's desensitize your throat a bit first," she said, reaching for the bottle of ktang she had brought to the blanket.

"Wait, I want to get the camera," John said, springing to his feet and going for the camera with the mini-tripod still attached. "This thing has a night photo mode that's supposed to be really good. We'll test it."

Charlene tilted the bottle of ktang to her mouth and let it flow, James leaning in close and taking photos. When she passed it to Mary, he continued taking photos.

"Stick your tongue into the bottle," John suggested as Mary tilted the bottle into her mouth.

"Oh, that's great!" Charlene laughed when Mary's sharp, pointed tongue stuck into the end of the ktang bottle as she let the fiery liquor flow into her mouth.

"Ugh!" Mary said, making a face and coughing as the vile liquid went down.

John took a slug from the bottle and passed it back to Charlene. In no time they had finished half the bottle and they were all feeling it, laughing and a bit unsteady on their feet when they tried to stand up.

"I'd say you're feeling no pain," Charlene said.

"Definitely feeling no pain," Mary agreed, laughing. "Lots of tingling, though."

"Ready to try a shotgun?" Charlene asked.

"What the hell," Mary replied.

"There are two ways to do a shotgun," Charlene explained. "The first way, the smoke's still hot, but not as hot as if you were taking it directly from the joint. The second way the smoke is cooled way down before it's passed. I'll show you both ways and use John."

"Sounds good to me," John said with a smile. "Here, you can take pictures," he said, handing the camera to Mary.

Charlene knelt in front of John, her naked breasts almost grazing his chest. Lighting the joint, she reversed it, putting the lit end in her mouth and leaning forward so that the other end was right in front of John's mouth.

"Oh, wow!" Mary gasped, taking pictures as Charlene gently blew on the joint in her mouth, a stream of smoke coming out the other end which John was able to inhale.

"Wow!" John said a minute later when he exhaled. "That was incredible."

"Ready for technique number two?" Charlene asked, a big smile on her face.

"Give me a minute," John said, his head spinning from the shotgun.

Charlene smiled and smoked the joint, sitting on her knees in front of him as he sat cross-legged on the blanket.

"Okay," John said after a couple of minutes. "Go for it."

"This is my favorite way," Charlene explained. "The first way is really for homophobic guys giving shotguns to other guys."

While Mary knelt right next to them with the camera, Charlene took a big, deep hit on the joint then leaned forward and pressed her lips to John's.

"Oh, wow!" Mary gasped as Charlene slowly exhaled into John's mouth, a little smoke coming out of her nose.

Mary was taking pictures as Charlene pressed harder against John's mouth, turning the shotgun into a shotgun kiss. Her arms went around his neck and she crawled onto his lap as her tongue slipped into his mouth as she finished exhaling, finding his tongue as his arms wrapped around her, pressing her naked breasts against his chest as they kissed, Charlene's hips rocking back and forth, rubbing her naked pussy on John's rock-hard cock.

"How was that?" Charlene asked softly as she broke the kiss, not moving from John's lap, feeling his cock throbbing against her pussy.

"Definitely the best kiss ever," John replied as Charlene's tongue flicked out to touch his lips. "Decent hit, too."

"Oh, hahahahaha," Charlene laughed, her arms still around his neck, her head thrown back. "It was, wasn't it?" she agreed, leaning forward and kissing him again, hard, before releasing him and sliding off his lap, his cock now standing straight up in front of him.

"That was really something," Mary said, her eyes wide.

"It definitely was," John agreed.

"I hope you don't mind," Charlene said. "That was a shotgun, just a bit over the top."

"I didn't mind at all," John confessed.

"Me, either," Mary said. "Really. That was pretty steamy."

"Your brother is a good kisser," Charlene said, smiling at Mary.

"I've heard that before," Mary said, smiling at the shocked look on John's face. "And other things, too."

"Hey!" John said, looking pained.

"Ready for a shotgun?" Charlene asked Mary. "I promise to restrain myself a bit."

"Then, yes," Mary said, handing the camera to John. "I'm a bit nervous," she said.

"That's okay," Charlene said with a smile. "It's natural."

John took the camera as Charlene took a hit on the joint, exhaled, then took another hit, a big one. Smiling at Mary, she leaned forward and softly placed her lips against Mary's and gently began to exhale. She felt Mary's lips part and then was surprised to feel the tip of her tongue touching hers.

Continuing to softly exhale, Charlene put her hands on Mary's waist, letting them slide up until she was covering her breasts with their hard, ruby nipples. Charlene could feel Mary moan into her mouth when she found and pulled on her nipples with her fingers. She finished exhaling and slowly disengaged, Mary's tongue slipping back into her own mouth as Charlene let her hands drop to her lap.

Mary sat with her eyes closed, smoke drifting from her mouth as she slowly exhaled, coughing slightly a couple of times.

"What a nice flavor," Mary finally said softly after several minutes. "My head feels light."

"Are you okay?" Charlene asked.

"Mmm, yes," Mary replied. "I never kissed a girl before."

"Did you like it?" Charlene asked.

"Yes," Mary replied. "It's much softer than a man's kiss."

"Do you like the feeling of the ganja?" John asked.

"Mmm, yes," Mary replied, smiling wanly at her brother. "It's different than alcohol. So relaxing. Can I have some more?"

"Maybe you should drink something first, wait and see how much it affects you," John suggested. "It can keep coming on for quite a while."

"Okay," Mary agreed, accepting the beer that Charlene put in her hands.

"You want another shotgun while we're waiting?" Charlene asked John with a smile.

"Definitely," John said, his cock visibly lurching.

"Do you mind, Mary?" Charlene asked.

"No, you two are hot," Mary replied, then giggled.

"You're next," Charlene warned her, leaning over and softly kissing her.

Mary smiled as Charlene sat back and picked up the bottle of ktang.

"This is so much fun," Charlene said, taking a big slug from the bottle. "You have no idea what it means to me to have both of you here."

"We're not having a terrible time, either," John said after taking a slug from the bottle that she handed him.

"Well, it's only going to get better," Charlene said, lighting the joint and taking a big hit on it, then handing it to Mary to hold.

Holding her breath with a big smile on her face, Charlene knelt in front of John and began to softly kiss him, exhaling in the process.

"Something's in the way," she said as she tried to climb up onto his lap again, her breasts mashing into his face. "May I have the joint?" she asked, holding her hand out to Mary who handed it to her.

"Maybe this will help," she said, toking on the joint, getting it nice and hot before taking as big a hit as she could, then handing it back to Mary.

"Now," she croaked, some smoke leaking from her mouth as she tried to get onto John's lap, "let's get this out of the way," she said as she locked her lips onto John's, softly exhaling as his tongue found hers as she reached beneath herself to wrap her hand around John's rock-hard cock, smiling to herself when she felt him sharply inhale.

"That's much better," Charlene sighed after totally exhaling into John's mouth and lowering herself onto his cock.

"Oh, God!" John gasped when he felt the hot wetness of Charlene's pussy envelope his cock.

"It's about as close as we're going to get," Charlene said before locking her lips on his and kissing him as she rocked her hips back and forth, fucking herself on his cock.

"Oh, wow!" Mary gasped as Charlene pushed John over onto his back, never breaking their kiss, her ass pumping up and down as she fucked him, Mary realizing for the first time that that's what was happening.

"You've got a nice cock," Charlene gasped, nose to nose with John as she continued to fuck him.

"Your pussy feels great," John replied, reaching up to fill his hands with her big breasts.

"Bite them, hard," Charlene said as she increased the tempo of her hips slamming up and down on John's cock. "Oh! Yes!" she gasped as John took a big pale nipple into his mouth, sucking hard on it then chewing, closing his teeth on it slowly until she gasped in pain.

"I'm going to cum," John warned.

"Not yet," Charlene said, slowing her rhythm.

"Remember how much you hate the taste of ktang?" Charlene asked, turning to look at Mary as she continued a leisurely fucking of her brother.

"Yes," Mary replied, her eyes glued to John's cock as it disappeared up into Charlene's pussy.

"Well," Charlene said, picking up the bottle and taking a swig without missing a beat on John's cock, "the only thing that will take the taste of ktang from your mouth is the most delicious thing in the world."

"What?" Mary asked.

"Cum!" Charlene replied, dismounting John's cock and turning around to wrap her hand around the glistening shaft as she ran her tongue up the length of it before taking the head in her mouth and softly sucking on it, tasting herself, then his pre-cum as she darted the tip of her tongue into the slit of his cock.

"Oh, God!" John gasped as Charlene went down on him, taking every bit of his cock into her mouth and down her throat.

"Wow, you two really are hot," Mary gasped as she watched Charlene sucking her brother's cock.

"I can't, can't...oh, God!" John gasped, his balls exploding, cum shooting into Charlene's mouth.

Mary's mouth was hanging open as she leaned forward and watched as Charlene sucked John off. Every time some cum would escape the corner of her mouth, she brought a finger up to push it back in. Finally, Charlene lifted her mouth from his cock and Mary could see that cum was still oozing from the slit.

"Oh, wow!" Mary practically shouted as she watched Charlene swirling her tongue around the head of John's cock, slurping up the cum, sucking on the slit then taking all of him into her mouth.

"Oh, I needed that," Charlene sighed as she lifted her face from John's cock with a big smile. "What a nice cock," she said, still jacking him. "And no taste of ktang, only cum," she said, licking her lips as she smiled at Mary.

"You are totally hot," Mary breathed, staring at Charlene.

"Ready for another shotgun?" Charlene asked.

"Yes," Mary replied without hesitating.

"Here," Charlene said, handing Mary the bottle of ktang.

Mary laughed as she gulped down a mouthful, choking, her eyes watering. Charlene picked up the joint and lit it, puffing it up and then taking a big hit.

"Try this," Charlene croaked, leaning forward to softly kiss Mary, then to exhale when she felt her lips part.

Mary was inhaling, then she felt Charlene's tongue and they began to kiss, Mary freezing when she realized that Charlene's tongue was totally coated with cum, John's cum. Charlene finished exhaling and Mary held her breath, realizing that she no longer tasted the ktang in her mouth. The only thing she could taste was her brother's cum.

"Oh, wow!" Mary said, slowly collapsing onto her back, her arms flung wide as the ganja took its effect, along with the ktang. "I'm floating," she said as Charlene leaned over and licked her lips, then softly kissed her before slipping her tongue into her mouth for a long, sensuous, cummy kiss.

"Are you okay?" Charlene asked softly after breaking the kiss, their noses almost touching.

"Yes," Mary replied in a whisper. "I feel so good, like I'm floating."

"Do you want anything?" John asked as he rolled over to look at her.

"My whole body is tingling," Mary said, smiling up at her brother. "It's wonderful. I just want to lay here and watch the stars."

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Charlene asked when she got off of Mary and settled herself in John's lap, her legs around his waist, his cock sticking up between them, the shaft pressed up against her pussy.

"Immensely," John said, kissing her, his hands filled with her big breasts.

"Here, lay back," Charlene said, gently pushing him back until he was laying shoulder to shoulder with Mary.

Charlene knelt above their heads, her right knee on the blanket next to John's right ear, her left foot next to Mary's left ear. Mary stared open-mouthed as Charlene lowered her pussy down onto John's mouth. Even in the night light, the moon was almost full and the stars shone brightly. Mary could see Charlene's pussy lips hanging down, John's tongue delving up between them, then there was no space between John's face and Charlene's pussy as she sat on his mouth, John's tongue jammed up inside of her.

Mary moaned as she watched her brother eating Charlene's pussy, her own hands clasping her own pussy.

"What...what are you...oh! Oh! Oh!" Mary cried out as Charlene leaned over, pulling Mary over onto her side facing John, her left leg hooking over Charlene's shoulder before she felt Charlene's tongue in her pussy.Mary began to cum immediately as Charlene expertly ate her pussy while John continued to eat hers. John could feel Mary next to him trembling, her hard, ruby nipples pressing into his side as he continued to feast on Charlene's unbelievably delicious pussy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oh, my head," Mary groaned when she woke up the next morning. "Oh, my God! It really happened! It wasn't a dream!" she gasped when she looked to her right and saw Charlene on her back, her legs up over John's shoulders as he pumped his cock in and out of her pussy.

Memories of the previous evening came back to her while she watched her brother fucking Charlene right next to her. She had no memory of getting into the tent. The last thing that she remembered was Charlene eating her pussy while John ate hers.

"That's it, that's it," Charlene panted, lifting her hips to meet John as he slammed his cock into her and groaned, his head thrown back as he came, Charlene's pussy milking his cock until she had drained him of cum.

"God!" John gasped, falling over onto his back between them, his cock glistening with their combined juices as it lay across his thigh.

"Hello, sleepyhead," Charlene said when she pushed up onto her elbow and saw Mary. "Your brother has been the best," she said, leaning over to suck his gooey cock into her mouth. "He fucked me at least half a dozen times," she said after she finished sucking him clean and dry. "I was really ready."

"What happened?" Mary asked, pushing up onto her elbows.

"You passed out when I was eating your pussy," Charlene said with a laugh. "I never made anyone pass out before. That's quite a feather in my cap. And you have such a delicious pussy, so tangy."

"I see," Mary said, her face flushing.

"You're not sorry, are you?" Charlene asked, a stricken look on her face.

"No, no, just confused," Mary replied. "My head."

"That'll clear up quickly," Charlene assured her. "It's one of the quirks of ktang. I can help, though," she said, grinning and crawling over John's body, her big breasts dragging across his cock.

"Oh! Uh, I, I, uh, uh, oh, God!" Mary gasped when Charlene pushed her legs wide apart and lowered her face to stick her tongue into her pussy.

Mary began to cum immediately, arching her hips up to press her pussy against Charlene's mouth. Then Charlene swung a leg across Mary's body and hooked Mary's legs beneath her arms, pivoting her hips up so that her pussy was pointing straight up in the air. As Charlene stuck her tongue back into her pussy, Mary could only watch as Charlene's long pussy lips spread wide apart, John's cum drooling from her gaping hole down onto her chest.

"See how sexy her pussy is?" Charlene said, lifting her face and spreading Mary's delicate pussy lips apart for John to see. "And this clit of hers is hypersensitive," she explained, proving the point by flicking it with her finger and producing an immediate discharge of pussy juices.

Mary could only stare open-mouthed at her brother as he stared at her spread and open pussy.

"See?" Charlene said, pumping three fingers in and out of Mary's sopping pussy, then turning and sticking them into John's mouth before turning and gluing her mouth to Mary's pussy again.

"My God, you are crazy, amazing," Mary finally cried out, her pussy on fire from Charlene's talented tongue.

"Mmm, my favorite breakfast, a mouthful of cum followed by a mouthful of pussy," Charlene said, smacking her lips as she released Mary.

"Well, this is certainly the camping trip of camping trips," John said as he shook his head.

"God, I am covered with and full of cum," Charlene cried out, laughing, crawling out of the tent and heading for the river, Mary right behind her.

"So, how do you feel?" Charlene asked Mary as they washed in the river.

"Pretty crazy," Mary conceded.

"Did I go too far?" Charlene asked.

"No," Mary replied after a moment.

"Would you like me to do it again?" Charlene asked, a big smile on her face.

"Maybe," Mary replied, blushing.

"Well, this has been fun, but there's plenty more fun to be had," Charlene said. "Let's get packed up and head back."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Well, that was nice of Greg and Susan," James said after hanging up the phone. "The kids are having so much fun, they forgot to call. Charlene's taken them up the Rift Valley for an overnight camping trip."

"Oh, I'm so glad that they're having a good time," Harriet sighed as she sipped her morning cup of coffee, still in her house robe. "I was worried."

"Well, it would seem as if there's nothing to worry about," Greg said. "I'm sure that John is taking good care of Mary."

"Oh, hello, Chabwera, Teleza," Harriet said when they entered. "How are you this morning?"

"We are well, thank you," Chabwera replied with a smile. "You slept well?"

"Yes, though we were worried about John and Mary," Harriet replied with a smile. "We just got a call from Chipita and everything is okay."

"That's good," Teleza said. "Shall we share blessings?" she asked, sinking to her knees in front of James'.

"We would be honored," Harriet replied, turning in her seat to face Chabwera who had his ebony cock out.

James' face flushed when he felt Teleza's mouth close on his cock as she parted his house robe, remembering that just 20 minutes ago his cock had been buried deep in Harriet's pussy.

"You enjoy being Blessed," Chabwera said as he watched Harriet sucking his ebony cock, running her tongue all around the head of his cock before probing the slit with the tip of her tongue.

"Yes, I do," Harriet replied, smiling up at him, unaware that her robe had parted and that her breasts were clearly visible. "It is an honor and I enjoy the honor," she said before taking all of his cock back into her mouth once again.

"Ahh," James groaned as his balls began to empty into Teleza's talented mouth.

"Here, let me see your eyes," Chabwera said, tilting Harriet's head back until he could see her green eyes, his ebony cock in her mouth.

James watched as Chabwera wrapped his other hand around the shaft of his cock, jacking it as Harriet opened her mouth, her tongue extended. James' cock lurched when he saw a thick stream of thick cum shoot from the end of Chabwera's cock to land on Harriet's extended tongue, then more and more until her tongue was coated before sliding his cock into her mouth so that she could finish sucking him off.

"My God!" Harriet gasped when she finally sat back, gulping down Chabwera's thick cum, her robe open and her breasts visible, hard ruby nipples with some splashes of cum that had dripped from her tongue.

"There are 3 Ngoni families here in Nkopola that would like to meet you," Teleza said as Chabwera put his thick ebony cock away. "If you'd like."

"We'd love to meet them," Harriet said with a smile, realizing that her robe was open and closing it as she stood up.

"Perhaps you'd allow us to have a welcoming ceremony for you, to welcome you to the Ngoni tribe here in Nkopola," Teleza suggested.

"We don't want you to go to any trouble on our account," Harriet insisted.

"It's no trouble at all," Teleza insisted. "It will be an honor."

"We will send one of the children around 6:00 tomorrow evening to bring you," Chabwera said. "It's only a 10-minute walk down towards the lake."

"We look forward to it," Harriet said. "Now we need to get dressed and get ready for the children. School starts soon."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hey, we haven't checked out the DVD that Chief Bwerani sent us," James reminded Harriet that evening as they were eating dinner.

"That's right," Harriet replied. "Actually, I had totally forgotten all about it."

"Me, too," James said. "I happened to see it under some stuff on my desk."

"Let's check it out after dinner," Harriet suggested.

"Holy Shit!" James exploded as the DVD played.

"I didn't see any cameras," Harriet said, her usually pale face even more so.

"He was big, wasn't he?" James asked as he watched cum pouring from the sides of Harriet's mouth as Chief Bwerani came in her mouth when he received them upon arrival.

"I was totally unprepared for that," Harriet said. "God, that man can cum!" she said as she watched herself finally sit back, her chin streaked with cum as she continued to swallow trying to clear her mouth.

"How did they do that?" Harriet asked in astonishment when the video transitioned to them in a 69 in their hut, then fucking.

"I am beyond surprise already," James replied, smiling as he watched the video.

"Oh, Lord!" Harriet gasped when the video became a shot from just below her when she was on her back on the embroidered cloth for her admission as Ngoni, her legs being held up and apart, her pussy clearly glistening with wetness, then Chief Bwerani's huge cock appearing, seemingly far too large for the tiny, girl-like pussy that he was rubbing it up and down between Harriet's delicate pussy lips.

"Oh, man, that is just too hot," James gasped when Chief Bwerani's cock started pressing into Harriet, slowly but surely completely disappearing.

The video continued, showing Harriet's pussy from just below as Chief Bwerani continued to fuck her. Then there was some whiteness showing around the shaft of Chief Bwerani's cock where it joined with Harriet's pussy. It was obvious that he was now cumming. When he slowly pulled his cock from Harriet's pussy, which now gaped lewdly open, a veritable river of cum flowed out, down over her rosebud to drip onto the embroidered cloth.

"Why did they do this?" Harriet asked in a shaky voice when the video ended.

"I have no idea," James said. "I guess we need to ask Chabwera and Teleza about it. Hopefully, we can take them at their word, that it's a memento of our initiation into the Ngoni."

"But who else is going to see it?" Harriet asked.

"Another question we'll need to ask," James replied.

"Let's watch it one more time," Harriet said.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Harriet was rushing the next morning, hurrying to get the coffee made when Chabwera and Teleza arrived.

"Oh, good morning," she greeted them, her face flushed from rushing, she and James having spent almost the entire night fucking after watching the DVD three times.

"Good morning," Teleza said, her big smile splitting her dark face.

"Good morning," Chabwera replied. "May I share a Blessing with you?"

"Chabwera, Teleza," Harriet said, turning to face them. "I'm trying to learn, understand Ngoni customs. Do Ngoni share Blessings every time they meet and part?"

"It is always offered," Teleza replied. "Even at innocuous times if one has the urge for a Blessing."

"This morning I am very much rushed," Harriet explained. "I overslept and we need to get ready and get to the schoolroom."

"There is never an obligation to accept a Blessing," Teleza said. "It is also never an insult to refuse, for whatever reason."

"Then I'm going to ask if I can please forgo the honor this morning," Harriet said, blushing. "I just don't have the time, though I will miss being Blessed."

"Like Teleza said, that is never a problem," Chabwera said.

"Are you looking forward to this evening?" Teleza asked.

"Oh, very much," Harriet replied, her face brightening. "We have no idea what to expect."

"It's nothing, just a simple celebration," Teleza assured her.

"Oh, good morning, Chabwera and Teleza," James said as he came into the kitchen.

"Good morning," they replied in unison.

"Do you have time to share a Blessing with me?" Teleza asked.

"Well," James started to reply, looking up at the clock.

Quickly, Harriet explained what she had just learned and explained that she needed to rush and get dressed, then left the room.

"I'd be happy to share a Blessing," James said, smiling as Teleza knelt in front of him and extracted his cock.

Once again, Teleza smiled to herself when she tasted Harriet all over James' cock as she sucked him, happily gulping down his cum when he finally filled her mouth.

"It's always great to start the day with a Blessing, isn't it?" Chabwera said when his wife finished sucking James off.

"It most certainly is," James agreed as he tucked his cock back into his trousers. "Now I need to get to the schoolroom."

"His Blessing tastes even better right after he's fucked his wife," Teleza said with a chuckle when he had gone. "She's a tasty one."

"You are the most Blessing-hungry woman that I've ever met," Chabwera said with a laugh.

"This one might end up showing me a thing or two," Teleza said, licking her lips.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Should we take something for their home?" Harriet asked as she settled her dress down over her thighs, a soft green material that perfectly complimented her eyes, the top cut to show her freckled upper chest, stopping just before the swell of her breasts.

"I don't see why not," James said, wearing long trousers and a short-sleeved shirt with buttons. "Whether it's their custom or not, it is ours and we want to share our ways with them so that they will know us better."

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and a young boy with a broad smile greeted them. A short 10-minute walk later, they arrived at a single-story, bright blue home. All of the homes in the neighborhood were painted some bright color. The entire effect was mesmerizing.

"Welcome," Teleza said as she greeted them at the door. "You honor our house with your presence."

"And you honor us by having us," Harriet said, smiling, thinking for just a flash of a moment that this is the woman who is sucking my husband's cock every morning while I suck her husband's. She felt her pussy moisten at the thought.

"Our custom is to bring a gift when we visit," James said. "We hope you will accept this," he said as he offered a small, wrapped package.

"Thank you," Teleza said as she accepted the gift. "Please, come in."

Though small, the home was airy and very clean. Teleza led them through the house and out the back to a small courtyard that had several other houses abutting, enclosing it. The courtyard was approximately 30' on each size. A bright, crushed stone covered the area. In the center was a low, square, carved stone table, surrounded by carved stone benches. The entire area around the benches and the table was covered with hand-made carpets that could be seen in many shops in the market.

The table was covered with an embroidered cloth, on top of which was an assortment of dishes with various foodstuffs. Chabwera stood by the table with 6 other people.