Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1663 - MILF'S FIND YOUNG COCKS CLOSE TO HOME!


It was the summer before college, and I only worked part-time evenings a couple of days a week but mowed lawns as well. I was both excited and reluctant about starting school. I had been 18 for 6 months and felt like I should have had more sexual activity than I had. Yes, I am disappointed that my romances were limited to making out, I had some girls pretty worked up but I never had the nerve to try to push them all the way to actual intercourse.

My friend Ted who also turned 18 earlier that year, was a virgin too. We did not talk about it specifically, but neither one of us ever bragged about bagging a girl. He lived next door and I think my sister had a crush on him, he didn't know it, and I was not going to tell him. I love my sister but she is older, and let's just use the term, sexually advanced compared to him and I. She thought he was cute, but I never told him, and chance it being me that was the last of the two of us to get laid. He liked my mother as well, at first I thought it was because of my sister, and he was trying to get advice on how to approach her.

My sister and I are very close, we spent a lot of time together even before our parents got married and were just dating. Her and I have been sister and brother for over 6 years, we rarely even use the word (step). When we were young, her being a girl and a little older, she would pretend we were husband and wife. I mean really innocent stuff, 11-year-old girls like to pretend things, and 9 year old's like myself were willing to have tea parties and pretend with them. Now we do all the things older siblings do, pulling gags on each other, but also defending each other when needed. My sister has the upper hand as she knows how to take advantage of her younger brother's gullibility.

Back to my buddy Ted, I eventually realized he sometimes seemed to have a bigger interest in my mother than my sister, or other girls our age. I guess you call that a crush, but he was too old for that, now that I know the depth of it, I know it was more of a sexual attraction. Yes, she is a couple of years older than his mother and it seems odd, but I admit his mom has gotten me aroused before.

There is something about an attractive mother figure that is not your mother. I guess seeing my mom seeming to be returning his affection bothered me. I was not too worried about her being his first, even though she liked flirting with him the most, she seemed to flirt with some of my other friends as well, moms just do that I guess I have noticed that several of my friend's moms started to treat me different as I became older.

She did seem to like him in a special way, and he and I were legal now, and that may be the reason that sometimes her flirting seemed to cross the line to teasing him with low-cut tops that she never used to wear. I can understand her wanting to feel attractive to someone younger, and he did seem to return some affection for her in his own shy way. I think he liked it enough it caused him to deliberately stop over at my house to see if I was there, when he knew damn well I wasn't. I would get home and there Ted would be with my mom, usually just talking, laughing while having coffee in the kitchen.

It seemed like since Ted and I have gotten older she has started dressing more provocatively when he was there, often in a low-cut blouse and shorts that were sometimes, well, just plain too short for a mom to wear in front of her son's friends. I noticed one day he too may have been dressing special, always wearing thin shorts and no apparent underwear, and seemed to put on too much cologne, I don't even use the stuff.

Who understands parents' actions? They claim we are the ones who act stupid.

Then there were times I even felt like I interrupted something, and one time were both next to each other on the same side of the table. One day I came home unexpectedly and surprised them enough to discover they had more than crossed a line. Things escalated, and teasing had become foreplay. I came home and Mom and Ted were the only ones in the house, in their regular meeting place, the kitchen. I witnessed for myself how serious things had become, as they were doing a whole lot more than just sitting next to each other drinking coffee, there were no coffee cups in sight.

The two of them had no warning when I walked in the mudroom and looked into the kitchen, I was not trying to be quiet but I guess I was not loud enough to alert two people in the middle of an oral sex session. I was about to be shocked beyond belief, I guess the shock of my young life, seeing my mother naked and by herself would have been enough to have to deal with. Seeing her and my friend in the buff, and sucking his cock, that was a lot to handle. I wanted to yell Stop! But at the same time, I could not help running a hand in my shorts as I was getting hard watching my mom suck my friends cock, and it stopped me in my tracks for a few moments.

I could see what was going on pretty clearly, but why was I so turned on seeing this? My best friend was leaning back with his boney boy ass about half on the table as he was leaning back in pretty much nothing but a smile, and right where I eat 3 meals a day! My mom was sitting in a kitchen chair with a hand between her legs. She seemed as excited as he was so I had to assume she had fingers in herself. His hands were busy, they were on my mom's head as he thrusted his cock in and out of her mouth, basically face fucking her!

I was not sure why she needed to shed her bikini that was laying on the floor with his shirt just to give him a blow job, but losing clothes was probably part of her seduction, that evolved into foreplay. I finally decided that even though I was so turned on and hard, the possibility of seeing my mom take a facial, or mouth shot from anyone might have been too much for a son to bear. So I decided instead to back off and let them know I was home before coming in. I wanted to give them a chance to stop and dress.

Not knowing what else to do, I quietly backed out of the room, reopened, and then let the outside door slam a little to make a noise loud enough that they would hear it over their passion. I paused before I proceeded, and then it was slowly, I wanted to give them time to stop what they were doing.

I walked slowly into the kitchen from the mudroom they were both standing now. My mom was in the process of getting her skimpy top on to cover her breasts as I walked in. That top under normal conditions barely covered up her world-class breasts. The two of them were just plain caught, he was standing close to my topless mom, he had managed to pull his shorts up, but seemed to be in a hurry to sit at the table to hide something. I figured there is not much you can do with a hardon in thin shorts without it standing out and that was why he was seeking cover.

Mom was still with her top not under control but was managing to keep at least one tit covered while grabbing a bottle of sun lotion off the table. I would have preferred her securing her top before giving me her explanation for it falling off, but then again I had just seen almost all of her body, and with a cock in her mouth. Her explanation was lengthy and weak, to say the least, based on what I had just witnessed.

But no, she stood there in front of us both, one tit in, one still out as she made a real effort selling it to me, "Oh, Hi son, I was getting ready to lay out, and Ted stopped to see if you were here. I asked him to put this tanning lotion on my back, well, I guess my top was not tied well, and it fell off before I could catch it. Since he would be behind me I told him just try not to look, and don't worry about picking up my top yet, just put the lotion on first. Then I could put it back on, and let him help me tie it better this time. I would have done the same if it was you, I was not that exposed to him."

I tried to trip her up asking quick questions without waiting for an answer to get her reaction like she always did with me. I asked her, "So Ted was only doing your back, right? "Why is his shirt laying on the floor too, did it fall off with your top, as he rubbed that lotion on your back? What happened to your bottoms, they look like they were tied hastily?"

"Oh don't be such a smart ass, I told him he better take that nice Nike tee shirt off. I know those logo shirts are expensive I have bought them for you and did not want him to get this greasy lotion all over it and get in trouble. It must have fallen off the back of his chair."

"Well I wasn't trying to be a smart ass, it just looks like a lot of clothes fell or were falling off during what should have been a routine lotion application, and you're showing one whole tit to both him and me right now."

She just shut up and gave me a dirty look, and I did not feel a need to take it any further. I actually felt a little bad about my friend Ted, I am sure he did not have to ask for a blow job, I don't think he had the courage to, or turn one down if he did not want it. He sure looked like he wanted out of there when I walked in, and when he did get up I saw a fair-sized wet spot in the front of his shorts. Her bottoms ties were tied very poorly, and her bottoms were just not on right and tied neatly like they usually are. She would have been showing her bush if she had one, but it was apparent she at least trims it very well.

I did not press things any further, I made my point, I knew something was going on. I learned a little about my mom that day. Mom was no different than most women her age, she was a middle-aged woman, and likely going through a period of her life that caused her to sneak some sexual excitement, well I think it is safe to say activity from a younger man to make herself feel younger, men do it too, even more than women. This just seemed to be extreme, but his mom has flirted with me, and I guess I have to admit has given me boners. But I don't think I would ever have the nerve to make a move on her, or not likely to respond to hers unless she just plain pulled my shorts down. That is probably why I am still a virgin.

I am not claiming to be Sherlock Holmes, that said, one of them had to have started all this. It had to have been her, he was shyer than me with a woman. I am guessing she suggested or even assisted her top in falling off, then after a little titty play, she got hot and went for his cock. When they heard me let the door slam, I am sure he jumped up to pull up his shorts. She had both a top and bottoms to get on in too short of time and only managed half the task and did that poorly.

The scene was over though, and he put his shirt on at this point, trying to pull it down as far as he could, but it was not even close to being long enough to cover the spot I had seen.

Trying to act normal, he said he had just stopped to see if I wanted to do something later, so I went with it and we set a time to hang out, and he was out the door in a flash. I am not stupid, even at my age I know that all moms are like anyone else, and horny at times. Mom, she was out of there in a hurry too, sunning was no longer a high priority, and she went to her room like a guilty child might have.

I was left still trying to work out in my head everything I saw, mostly to figure out how the wet spot got there. Oh, and I did thinking in my room, and as I jerked off a load of my own, it was the only way I was going to get rid of the boner I had from seeing my mom with her mouth full of my buddy's cock.

I settled on my mom spitting out my best friend's cock, and the two of them getting on what clothing they could. The wet spot, well I attributed it to him releasing his jizz during or after his shorts were coming up.

It's not like something similar never happened to me. I had been getting head in a dark theater by a girl, the movie ended, and the lights started to come up right when I was ready to go off. She pulled her head up and away, as I stood up quickly to try to get my shorts up before people's eyes adjusted to the light. I was too late as well, too fucking excited too, and jizzed uncontrollably in my shorts, I had to walk out of the lit theater, then into broad daylight with a load in my shorts.

After having some time to think about it, I figured if this act gave my mom a thrill, and some sexual satisfaction, I should not be so upset about it. All told it was harmless, it was not likely the beginning of an affair, not with the age difference. It did bother me that it kind of turned me on thinking about seeing my naked mom sucking a friend like I just did, but seeing any woman sucking any guy's cock turns me on at my age.

She apparently had needs that were not being fulfilled by dad, and just decided to go for it to see if he would let her please him. It was not my place to interfere with either of my parents' lives. I have not been sure of my stepdad's fidelity for quite a while, his business travel seems to have picked up. Parents think we don't notice things.

His mom has been flirty with me sometimes as well, sometimes I thought it was more attention than what I got from other friends' moms. She seemed to be showing me more of her than when I was younger, and enough of her breasts to make me want to see all of them.

Not much more than a week later I got that opportunity, from his mom Vivian, who deliberately displayed all of her breasts to me for the first time. It made me wonder about how many other horny MILFs were on our block, and if I would have the nerve to do anything with them?

I mow Viv's lawn once or twice a week since I have a riding mower, and she is outsides sometimes but she usually got up and went in the house when I was mowing. So it was no accident she was topless laying on her back getting sun as I did. It had to be for my viewing, she would have heard me mowing and getting closer.

The tractor just happened to stall out when I was fairly close to her and their pool. She was pretty bold, not even trying to cover up with her hands or arms. She just sat up tits a swinging, as I tried to pretend not to look at her breasts. She put on her top and tied it as she stood up to ask if she could help. I was still cranking the motor to no avail trying not to be obvious I was checking her out, when I finally looked in the tank, I found out I was just out of gas.

It was clear she was intentionally teasing me, just like Ted was to my mom. To both of them, we were 18-year-olds, part boy, part man, pretty fit from both of our years on the swimming team, and probably looking buff, especially to someone her age. My upper body was likely glistening in the sun, as I was soaked with sweat already. My shorts were soaked in sweat as well, it was hot out. I guess that look would have been sexy to an older woman, one of hers and my mom's age.

Instead of excusing myself right away to go get my gas can, I looked her over some more. Then I let her talk me into coming in for a cold drink first. She was very bold, and I am still shocked that I gave in and followed her in, as it was my shyness that was keeping me a virgin. But she was very nice to me, and she was hot in a bikini, hers was briefer than moms and she had the shape for it. Her bottoms were mostly just string, but she is a couple of years younger. So in the interest of checking her out even more, I let her talk me into going in for some ice-cold lemonade. I was unsure if she had a motive more than being nice, and I can't say I didn't check her body out for possible future masturbation material.

I was not in her kitchen but a few minutes, when she stood in front of me, her bikini barely covering her breasts and pussy as I drank my lemonade as she told me, "You're just soaked in sweat Ricky, and I am afraid you are too overheated and that is dangerous even for a fit young man like you, come with me and let's fix that."

Well, I did not question her or ask her where, I was then under her spell as I looked at her big breasts just short of the size of my moms, and her ass that was well, just plain exposed in that bikini, and a nice ass for a mom. It was definitely a bikini she just wore to layout like my mom's but even briefer, it was not much more than a fabric "V" that covered her pussy, the rest was pretty much just strings holding it in place.

I thought her bedroom was a weird place to take a neighbor boy, a friend of her son's. I have spent time, at their house, but never with just her, and never anywhere close to her bedroom. Her son and I always used the guest bath/shower off the kitchen, just a small one which also serves as the pool shower so that made me suspicious.

The seduction was on, I am not so dumb to not figure that as she walked over to open the pocket doors to the en suite, and then said, "Just drop those sweaty shorts Rick, and underwear if you have any on. Then you can hand them to me and jump in the shower as I take them down and put them in the wash rinse them on a short cycle, then put them in the dryer. The shower and dry shorts will make you feel so much better, then you can finish mowing. There are towels here," and she reached up to the shelf to get some down, her top barely stayed on, then she hung one on a hook for me. "You can wrap this one around you when you are done, you do need to cool off."

I was frozen in place, was she really waiting for me to shed them in front of her, not even offering to turn around? I was pretty sure I did not want to be naked in front of my friend's mom even though mine had got naked for her son. But yet the thought of it, and the flashback of him and my mom was hot enough to get things going down below. I still had no clue how far, and what she was willing to do to escalate things.

She stood her ground, and I continued to get hard just thinking about being naked for her. Then she went in for the kill as a cougar would with her prey, "Come on now Rick, there is no reason for you to be shy with me, I have seen penises before, drop the shorts."

It was kind of a standoff until she pulled the string on her top and said, "There, now we will be even, a longer look at my tits for your penis exposure. I saw you looking at these when you were mowing, it's natural for a young man of your age. I admit, I like having my breasts starred at by young men. I also like seeing a man's penis, and you are a man now. I have seen quite a few in my years, I am sure yours is nothing new for me."

I was trapped there and had no choice but to pull them down, so I did, and by that time I had something to show her. I stepped out of them, and I was then naked with my friend's mom who was in nothing much more than a cloth "V" over her pussy, not many clothes for two people.

Despite what I witnessed my mom doing with Ted not that long before that, I could not believe I was standing naked in front of his mom. I was, well, nervous, scared, and aroused, and still too scared to make a move. But she did not try anything physical with me at that point, but she did have to comment on what she saw saying, "I have to correct myself, at least partly. I have seen the cocks of many men, but few of those men are as gifted as you are in the penis area. I am sorry I am staring, but it is a real treat for me to see serious wood on a neighbor boy, excuse me, you are definitely a man now."

I was speechless, and she added, "I have to add, standing here topless with my son's hot friend, who has such a fit body, and is now naked and hard in front of me. Well, it is just too much, I better head down to the laundry to rinse these shorts while you shower. But the thought that this old body of mine may have caused the excitement you are showing in any way, well, that makes me feel young."She then left with my shorts and I was both happy and disappointed when she did, maybe mostly disappointed in myself for not at least saying something, several things came to mind that would have escalated things, but she was already gone by then. I mean she is a fine-looking MILF I would be happy to have her suck my cock like mine did her son's, she seemed impressed with it, but that could have been a come on.

After she left the bedroom I got in the shower she did not close the pocket doors. I only used up a few minutes that she was gone, and wondered if I had time to jerk one off? Before I could make that decision, she was back and not with my shorts that quick of course, but why was she there? Was she hoping to see, or better yet to help me dry my cock when I got out?

The clear glass shower door was starting to steam up, but I could see her pretty clearly in the bedroom. I was not going to get to yank one off, but I did get some courage to stand there and try to tease her back by pretending to still be washing my cock. I figured she may have even a better view of me and gave her a profile as I washed my still stiff penis.

She seemed to be frozen there like I was earlier, but looking my way, liking the view I hoped. Maybe trying to gather up the courage for what she did next. I watched as she walked toward me in the shower, and opened the door. I stood there in suspense as she then pulled the strings on all that was left of her bikini, and let it drop to show me the little bit of her I had not seen yet. That little cloth "V" was hiding a bald pussy that was the first one I have seen on a woman that much older than me. It aroused me just as much as a younger one would have. She then boldly joined me, already pressing her body against me and my cock as she entered. She just took over for me and was washing my cock.

What a difference it always makes having it be a woman's hands on my sex, and not mine. She seemed to enjoy making sure it was nice and clean and hard as well. I did not want her to stop, but she moved on. Then she was running her hands over my ass and seemed to enjoy that almost as much. When she lathered up and rubbed my chest she got on her toes, and let my cock press up against her pussy, I could feel it part her lips. It was more than clear by then that she wanted to do more than help me wash.

Nothing was spoken, it was just like watching a porn clip, but I was in it. I guess it was my porn education that made me at least think I knew how to react. When she was done washing me, I reached out for the washcloth. I did all of her as well, spending a lot of time on her breasts, and that got her nipples at full attention like my cock. I even gathered the courage to work up her legs to her bald pussy. I stuck with the exterior of it, and took my time, I knew where a clit is located and made sure to make contact with it. I have almost a foot on her height-wise, so after I rinsed her I looked down into her eyes put my hand on her pussy, and pushed two fingers in her slit. Seeing the look of pleasure on her face gave me some relief that I made the right decision to show her I was interested in doing more.

She wanted to kiss me and was on her toes to try to reach, so I bent at my knees and wrapped my arms around her, putting one hand on her ass cheek, the other still working her pussy as we kissed. I was so proud of myself for not backing down from this opportunity, and once I made that move I was more confident.

We left the shower, and dried each other off, she purposely left out my groin area, especially my cock and balls. She took my hands and in a sexy voice said, come with me I know a better way to dry that area for you.

She turned down the bed and told me it was easier to do laying down, so I did. She crawled up between my legs and proceeded to dry me with her tongue making me so hard my cock was standing straight up.

Once she had me dry, she proceeded to suck my cock better than any girl my age ever did. I was looking down at her as she was looking up, and was so fucking hard I was in fear of cumming prematurely. Being experienced I am sure she could sense that but continued anyway and was the first woman to take my cock in her throat. It was too much too soon, and I came as it was coming back out, she did not even choke, she just held her mouth over my knob and then work it while it was still sensitive.

We laid there afterward and I was waiting for instructions, she was naked and sprawled out in front of me. She just lifted her hands as to motion, "come to me." I did, I knew how to make out of course, and did for the first time with someone about my mom's age, and for the first time as one half of a naked couple. It was the first time I made out with a woman that had already got me off.

I was not sure how well I was doing with her big breasts, but I enjoyed playing with them, but she had something else on her mind. She used that sexy voice to say, "Don't be afraid to visit that place down below, we woman like men's tongue down there just like you enjoy our lips and mouth on yours. She spread her legs even more as an invitation.

I don't think I was doing that well, but I licked and stuck my tongue in her like I had seen in porn but it seemed like a more complicated job than a woman has sucking a cock. I did enjoy it, and my cock did as well, as it was ready to go again. I think she realized it when it hit her leg and lifted my head and said, "It's ready for you if you are ready for it, and by the feeling of your cock I think you are."

That was a good way to say it was time to fuck her without using the word, I am not stupid just inexperienced. I had dry-humped girlfriends a lot, but this was the first time I had a chance to enter a woman with my penis. It was awkward when I decided to make that move on her even though she said she was ready, and she did her best to help. She made sure her legs were spread enough to make it easier, and I just could not believe I was that close to penetrating her. I moved up in between them, and I pressed my knob against her pussy.

I was so nervous still, she had to reach and help me guide it to her opening. Then my knob was pressing against the money spot and could tell she had already released some natural lube. So I pushed it in, while trying to not make a noise that would give my virginity away. It's really hard, well, impossible to describe the feeling you get the first time your penis is inside of a woman, I was in fear of cumming on the first stroke before I could even go deep. I didn't, but only because I had already done it not much more than 5 minutes before. I still did not last as long as either of us would have liked. I was just so overstimulated by it being my first fuck, much like Ted was with my mom's hand job.

I did my best, and managed to stroke her long enough to get her moaning and say, "Oh My, Rick, you feel so good in me, I can't believe a friend of my son is willing, and fucking a woman of my age."

I could hear her breathing getting a little more labored. She had her hands on my shoulders and was looking me straight in my eyes as she seemed to really get into it. I was fucking a woman and could feel it in every part of my body, especially the parts that were touching. Like her breasts against my chest, and her legs when she wrapped them around my ass. It was just the best feeling I ever had when I got that familiar feeling way too soon I thought, the one I get telling me I can not hold back any longer.

I made a noise I never heard in a porn, maybe a noise a virgin might make as he shoots his first load inside a woman, it was a response to a feeling that I will always remember.

I rolled back on my back but then turned and we looked at each other, that is when we kissed and she spoke.

"That was your first time, wasn't it? It's OK, I think my Ted is still a virgin too. I feel so honored though to have been your first sex partner. You are a natural and have a lot to work with, fucking come pretty much naturally, and you will learn to hone your oral skills."

"I have to say this though, I have been a lonely woman the last couple of years as I have been left alone so much as Roger travels. But I hope I did not push you to something you did not want to do. But I sure needed it, and hope you enjoyed this old body. Roger does not jump my bones anymore when he gets home like he did when we were younger, I think he has something else going. I want you to know that if you want to learn more about sex from this old gal, maybe I can teach you how to please women of any age."

I was smart enough that as I told her I was more than ready to learn, I added she was not that old, and that it did not make her any less sexy. I do have a sister and a mother and know a little about how to talk to a woman.

I was pretty happy that my first fuck was not just an experienced MILF, but a bareback fuck as well. I felt good to be ahead of Ted as far as I knew, and not that guilty it was his mom that took my virginity. I had a feeling mine would have taken his already, if I would not have caught them working up to it. I figured she would eventually take his anyway, they tried not to show it, but it was clear to me that she was trying to temper her flirting with him when in front of me.

None of this had any effect on Ted or I's friendship and we still hung out. I don't know if he knew anything about me with his mom, but I suspect if he did know, he would no more likely have brought it up than I would his episode with mine. It was not my only trip over to his house, and I left one of my favorite shirts there one time. He brought it to me, and I could tell my lack of an excuse did not fly, I was in a spot and did not want to say anything conflicting, as I did not know if she had already come up with one. I was hooked on the sex part and wanted more lessons of course. She did say she was lonely, or horny is the proper word when we fucked, so she wanted me too.

She followed through on her offer, but she had her own way of telling me when she was available. She would text me and tell me that she needed my help. Her text always said it was because Ted and her husband were not there to fix or reach something. I think she had a burnt-out light bulb she just kept moving around the house for me to change.

If I would get back to her and say I could come, She would be all ready for me and smelling good. I had enough courage by then to make moves on her. She must have spent time getting ready for me, especially when she wanted oral, sometimes she had her pussy tasting like strawberries, that meant she wanted extra attention down there. She taught me a lot, and quickly, like how to properly eat a pussy, nibble on titties, and not bite down too hard as you do. Viv also set the standards for what I was to expect from a woman, as far as blowjobs went. She would hold my balls as she did, something new. Sometimes she started with my balls and worked her way up. She gave me some training in fucking as well, and taught me several positions.

Ted was still dropping by my place when I was not there, but not as often, and I guess I did not care as much either. I think they were messing around, but so was I with his mom. Maybe just being more careful about not doing it when my sister or I might come home. My mom did seem to be showing more interest in my comings and goings.

Not a month later, I started to notice my sister seemed to suddenly have more privileges. Even though she was 18 months older than me and old enough to move out on her own, she was always told as long as she lived with us, she was not allowed to have boys in her room with her door closed. Suddenly that rule and some of the others our parents set for her were dropped by mom. I questioned her about her new freedoms from mom, and girls are not good at keeping secrets, she seemed to be glad I asked, and she said that something happened with mom, and she just had to tell someone.

I found out from my sister that as I suspected things were not done with Ted and my mom, that close call did not deter them, and they got careless again. Sue came home from work unexpectedly and caught her in a compromising position, but that is putting it lightly this time. She described the scene to me, it made me glad it was her that walked in on them this time, and not me.

She described it in more detail than necessary, "I came in the front door, heard some strange noises in the kitchen. I went to check it out and peered through the door, and there was who I found out later was our neighbor, your good friend Ted. It was then apparent to me why he was always hanging around with our mom, often when you or I were not home."

"My first view was his naked tight boy ass, as his workout shorts were his only piece of clothing, but were down around his ankles. His cock and balls were somewhat visible when he was not on an in-stroke. Yep, he was using his manhood to pound our mom from behind as she leaned over the kitchen sink, both their clothes were scattered on the floor. Mom and the neighbor boy were both naked and to put it bluntly, just plain fucking. I was close enough to hear his balls flapping against her as he pounded her, and by the sounds of her, she was loving every stroke he was giving her. I had not heard those sounds from our folk's bedroom in a while, so she must not have been getting enough from my dad if any.

I was frozen a few moments as I watched him fuck her right there in front of me, for some reason when he took his last stroke while making his version of a cumming noise. He pulled out, and my brain determined for me it was the proper time for me to scream, "Mom!" They turned around, they were both beet red, so it was too quick to be from embarrassment, he must have been pounding her long enough for them to be overheating. Ted's cock was sticking straight out still hard, and dripping cum. That was about all I remember seeing other than the fact that he is not lacking as far as cock size that is. I kind of wished I would have pushed things and fucked him first, but he never made a move on me. But it's not likely I would now that he did our mom!"

"He wanted out of there, he almost fell as he scrambled to pull up his shorts. I ran to my room. I was upset at first, but then it became kind of funny to me, the look on their faces. I mean it was just two adults that should not have been fucking, getting caught in the act. I decided I was not going to tell dad, and maybe not even you. I think my dad may be messing around too.

I did not discuss the incident with her, how would I even bring it up, or would she. It was not like there was an explanation other than she was horny and decided to fuck the neighbor boy. She knew I saw it with my own eyes, and there was nothing that needed explaining. I love mom, she has always been good to me, but tries to be too strict. Suddenly I had more freedom though, and less nagging from the horny old gal."

Why did hearing about my friend no longer just fingering my mom, but now fucking her turn me on? What's wrong with us guys in our late teens, it's not like I was jealous and wanted her, it just plain turned me on thinking about one of my friends and her fucking. I decided that my parents never passed too much judgment on me, so I shouldn't on either of them. I too knew my stepdad was no angel, but he is good to me, and always treated mom well.

Sue walked over and closed the door and said, "Well I guess we should take this our first opportunity to exercise our right to privacy as we, well, do whatever we want to behind closed doors. I don't know if she ever said anything to you, but you were not exempt from the list of boys I was not allowed to be alone with when the door was closed. Sometimes I think your mom thinks I am a horny slut. Standing here and looking at Ricky my hot little brother makes me think she was right for including you.

It kind of bothered me when she first walked over and closed the door, and I did not know what to say after that. We have always got along well, and I admit even though I loved her as a sister, I had boners that she inspired. This was not something totally out of the blue for her, I got a hint she wanted my attention when she would walk to the shower in only a towel. She kept most of her private parts covered, but sometimes I got to see some titty or pussy, but usually just a flash. I always thought she was just fucking with me, but confess that I had jerked off thinking about her and me before, just hormones I thought. I should have made an excuse to leave but I just did not want to.

We continued to talk after the story she told me, she asked me if I was still a virgin. I said no of course, but I didn't think she believed me. So in return for her story, I told her about Ted's mom and me. I used a lot of detail hoping to sell her that it was true that Vivian offered herself, and I took the offer and fucked her.

She was really into the story, thinking about it, it was pretty hot the way it happened. I figured I must have been succeeding when I noticed that her nipples were hard and showing through the thin summer top she had on with no bra, I think she wanted to touch herself. Just telling her gave me a stiffie. I knew it was showing too but did not care at that point.

I was excited, and she was excited too, so I decided to press her a little on her personal life. I did not ask her if she was a virgin, word was around that she wasn't. Nothing real specific, I did overhear a guy saying that she was a good fuck, but guys lie about stuff like that. I told her, "Well that was hot, I told you about me and Ted's mom getting it on, so I figure you owe me a more personal story."

She did, but she told me she needed to get ready to go out and that she would tell me as she changed her clothes if I did not mind seeing more of her than usual. She started to tell me about her and a teacher we both had, her the year before I did.

She was unbuttoning her top as she told me about her first encounter with him. She said, "I deliberately flunked a test after one of the other girls told me that when she did, he had her come to his house to tutor her so she would not be behind. I wanted to go to his house too and be alone with him, I thought he was hot like all the girls at school did and wanted to be with a man instead of a boy."

She was not leading me on when she said I was going to see more of her, she was standing in front of her closet with her blouse all the way open. I wondered if this was just another attempt to fuck with me, as I was seeing her breasts and hard nipples clearly, and not just the usual flash as she was going through her tops. She found one, and then took her blouse all the way off being sure to turn my way as she tried the first one on. I was in shock that she wanted me to see her that way, but I was loving it. She continued to try some on, one after another as she talked, always taking one-off making sure to give me a view, before looking for the next one she wanted to try. All this as she told her story.

She would get off-topic as she was trying them on while asking me what I thought of each of them. I would tell her, and then she would take it off before turning away to find another. She does have great breasts, and I was careful not to make her think any of the tops was the right one, so she would keep treating me to the view as she tried others. I soon started to realize that even if she started this just to fuck with me, she was now getting worked up too as she teased me.

Once she went through most of her nicer tops, she stopped the story again and said, "I guess I am kind of stupid for trying these on when my top needs to go with my shorts, and the ones I have on, I would never wear out of the house."

She did have some men's workout shorts on, she wears them a lot in the house, and they are sexy on her. Then she put me into the second stage of arousal. She just pulled them off in front of me and was now standing there totally naked for me. Now I was really shocked, she is my sister and she wanted me to see all of her, if it was a gag she was taking it right to the edge. still thought she just wanted to see my reaction to her sexy body and little else. She just stood with her hands on her hips and said, "Back to the story, then I will look for some shorts to match the top I pick." Then she just flat out told me, "Don't be embarrassed, I'm not. You can go ahead and check me out without any guilt, I have seen you eyeing me up before in my bikini. I know guys like seeing a woman's naked body, even if it's their sister's."

Then she took a few moments to poll me on what I thought of her body so far. She put her hands around her breasts making them stand out even more as she ask me what I thought of them. I replied awesome of course. Then she turned to show me her ass and bent over far enough that I saw both it and her vagina. I want to use a different word and said, "Your ass is just plain sexy." Then she spread her legs more, and ran a hand down each thigh, then stopped to feature her pussy, and spread her labia open to give me just a glimpse of her pink hole saying, "Be honest, what do you think of my pussy, you are the only boy I feel close enough with to get an opinion?"

I had to say, "Your pussy, well, it's fabulous, I guess just the icing on the cake, your whole body is perfect and you are turning me on, but should we be doing this?"

There was no answer she just moved on with the story as I observed her body some more.

I was not lying to her, I was just mesmerized by her figure, her breasts were just perfectly matched, her waist so tapered, and her hips were as perfect as her breasts. Viv can get me going, but there is nothing like the extra beauty that youth provides. Then I just settled on mostly looking just at her pussy as I thought it might be my only chance. She then resumed, I wondered if mom or her dad for that matter knew she had a piercing down there?

Sue resumed the story and was now getting to the hot part, she already told me she went to Mr. Handig's house with her textbook, and in a sexy white button-down blouse with several of the top ones undone. She described it as one of the blouses the school tried out for a school uniform but abandoned the program, it backfired on them, the schoolgirl look just stirred up us guys including the male teachers.

She picked it back up from there and said I wore a skirt that would have passed inspection, "Everyone knows the schoolgirl look turns men on, especially older men. I had no bra or panties I was commando, what you are seeing of my pussy, he could see up my skirt and I made sure he did. I asked him if I could call him Roy at the house, and he said only if I promised not to slip and do it at school."

He had to be suspicious of me dressed that way, so I proceeded to let him know when my last birthday was, and I turned 18 so that he knew I was legal. He seemed to be less interested in just tutoring me then, I could see that in his pants. He was beside me at first, but I found a way to sit in front of him. I spread my knees for him to make sure there was no mistaking what I wanted. He pulled his cock out so proudly like he thought he was hung. I was not that impressed but I took my top off to show him my breasts as I got on my knees and started to suck his cock."

She stopped talking and said, "Are you sure you want to hear how your sister got naked for him just like I am now, then let him enter and fuck me?"

"You look like you are enjoying it, and about to bust out of those shorts of yours. Do you want me to stop and/or put some clothes on, or would you rather just join me this way, wouldn't mom be pissed. We are kind of in an I am showing you my all of me moment, and I am dying to see your cock? Be honest with me now, don't you want to be naked with your big sister?"

"Well Sue it is this way, I think I heard enough to put a pretty good picture in my mind of the perv teacher taking advantage of you, I don't need more details, but I just love seeing you naked like this, I always thought I would. I would have never thought I would get this chance to see every part of you so up close. So I guess I don't want to lose the view, but we have been raised as a brother and sister for over 6 years since your dad married my mom and this is wrong by most people's standards. I would like you to see me naked and get your opinion on my cock, but if I joined in, wouldn't it just make take things further over the line?"

"But I want you to know that you are just so beautiful, in fact, the sexiest sight I ever have seen. I am not lying when I say much more sexy than anyone I ever dated, and just having to fight putting my hands down my shorts and on my swelling cock. I can tell you that thinking about what you would look like naked has caused me to jerk off before, when you would walk around in only a towel. I think of you as a sister, so it probably would be a bad idea for us to see all of each other at the same time, not sure I can control myself, can you?"

Sue, "I really don't want to control myself little bro, I have gotten myself so worked up and wet with this show and tell. You don't sound that convinced it is a bad idea, or that you want to control yourself either, do you? I think I am just going to lock my door, then let's just see if you will let your big sister help you out of those shorts, so we can get an answer to those questions and more."

She locked the door then and she found out she was right, I gave her no resistance, in fact, assisted her as she pulled off my jersey.

We stood there facing each other, her naked and me in only nylon workout shorts, but she did not go for them right away. She started to tell me how hot my upper body was as she rubbed my chest, and felt me up in the same areas I wanted so badly to feel on her body. She took her time and worked her way down to my abs, then closed in on my waistband before putting her hands down my shorts to make contact with my hard cock. She said, "I like what I am feeling down here, it's only fair that since I have my bald pussy exposed to you, that I pull these down so I can check out my grown-up little brother's penis, and what seeing his big sister's pussy might have done to it."

She then pulled my shorts down and seemed surprised when she saw my cock pop up and pretty much erect, she made it that way what did she expect?

I was not totally comfortable showing it even though all of a sudden I wanted to. I had only shown it hard completely uncovered to Viv, Ted's mom, and she told me it was bigger than her husband's. So I was anxious to see if my big sister was impressed too, or if Viv just told me that as part of her cougar seduction.

Sue, got on her knees to put her head on the same level and I thought, is she just going to suck my cock? But no, she just wanted to make a statement, "Well now bro, this cock of yours is quite substantial," As she was holding its shaft near the end, and even that gave me a chill. She asked, "How long is it? Now I know you have to have measured it some time, all guys do, what are we packing here?"

"Well I don't know for sure sis, but I am glad you like it, your opinion means a lot to me. I do know about how long it is, I did measure it a couple of years ago, when I turned 16, still a dumb kid I guess because I did not know where to measure it from. I went with underneath, and measured from my balls out. I found out it was not the right way later. My measurement back then was just a little over 7 inches, looking it up on the internet, it said that median size was around 6" measuring from the top side, from the groin to the tip. I did not bother to measure it again after finding that out, I figured it was at least 7 and a half inches back then so it was at the high end of normal for a grown man, do you think it looks Big?"

She did not speak right away, she was clearly more fixated on it than I was on her pussy, she still had it in her fingers and surprised me by kissing it on my knob before she moved over to sit on the futon facing me. She sat there with her legs partly spread, and said, "It's that big, and likely closer if not longer than 8 inches bro, I can't believe you haven't measured it again. She got up, walked across the room, I watched her bare breasts and ass cheeks move as she did.

Sue got a ruler from her desk and came back and sit back down. She measured it from the top and said, "You didn't measure it right, and you have likely grown since you were16, and it has too, it's a little over 8 1/2, and I am not sure it is all the way hard." I can't measure its girth with this hard ruler but it is plenty thick too, it is a shame it is connected to my little brother. We are not blood-related though, something we have to take into consideration since we are messing around like this. We don't have to fuck, but there is no reason we can't do some things in front of each other for the thrill of it. Wow, look what just talking has done to it!"

She measured it again this time she put one hand under it, just that contact from a sister had it throbbing. She measured it again, and I looked down and pretty much confirmed that I had over 8 1/2" to the tip. She looked at me all excited and said, my god, if word gets out about this, you will get all the pussy you can handle, we girls think bigger is better and a challenge."

She added, "Well now that you know you're a genuine stud, that should help your self-esteem. I have to say as well that it looks so good on someone as fit as you. I have often been disappointed with fit guys with little to offer down below. I admit you have shown up in my dreams, or a masturbation session now and then, probably will more often now, as at the time I had no idea you were hung that well."

She said, "Moving on stud, since you were satisfied with as far as I went with my confession about mom, Do you have any more stories to tell while we check each other out, it's your turn, and I don't mind if you touch yourself in front of me, I am willing to reciprocate in that kind of action."

"Well, I guess I can tell you about what I now know was likely the prelude to you catching mom fucking my friend Ted?"

"Do tell, having some time to think about it has made me think seeing mom fucking your friend was kind of a turn-on as well as a shock."

"Well, it was similar to what you saw, mom and Ted both naked, as far as I could tell." Then I told her about her being naked with her mouth full of his cock, while I watched quietly from the mud-room, I tried to make it sound even hotter than it was, I added that I had first watched Ted rub oil over her back, and then her tits before she pulled down his shorts to suck his cock until he lost his load, I did not tell her when or where.

My embellished story caused my sister to fondle her breasts, making her nipples hard. I had my hand on my sex then too, and was wanting to stroke it. I loved this game but was afraid we were going to go too far.

I told her about making the door slam, then walking in while they were trying to act innocent, I did not bother telling her mom's explanation, I just told her how weak her denial was. What I said so far had already set my sister off, she now was sitting there legs spread with a hand on her bald pussy, and it was not long before she had fingers inside herself. I was already turned on beyond belief, and could not believe what I was seeing. My sister was naked for me, and could not seem to resist fingering herself right there in front of me.

As much as I could not believe it, I was even more surprised at what I was about to do. She had told me earlier it was OK if I had contact with my sex, and I had one hand on my cock most of the story. The view and the story had it pretty hard, so I started to jerk off for her then, and she looked me in the eyes as she, well, was then masturbating too, while I just sat on the side of the bed. I got more comfortable doing it then, and I cupped my balls with one hand, and the other I used to jerk and stimulate my knob, it was still sticking straight out in front of me. I never masturbated in front of someone and did not know if there was a way to make it look sexier. But it was on, we were doing it, and admit I felt so proud knowing how much my sister liked my cock, and seeing me play with it!

She responded with, "Oh little bro, that is so fucking hot doing this with you. Especially me getting to see any guy doing that, is that the way you get off while alone? I have seen some porn, but never had a boyfriend willing to do that for me. You must really love your big sister to be willing to do it just for her. She loves you too, if you promise me you will just continue to masturbate as you would normally, I will masturbate and show you what I do to get off, just doing that can't be that wrong?"

But it was wrong, and we both knew it, but that made it hotter. She added more fingers, she went right from one, to three and was now using them to open up and show me her hole.

Little was said after that, it was like we were on autopilot. I stood up moved a little closer to her at her request, so proud of my erection, no longer embarrassed as I stood there showing my sis my hard grown-up cock. It was still sticking straight out as I stroked it for her, and I was the one being bold by having it directly in front of her face, she could have leaned forward to put it in her mouth, and I imagined just that. She leaned back and dug behind a cushion, apparently where she hides her toys, and said, "This is my favorite toy, and it is about the same size as your penis, and I have gotten myself off with it. I am going to pretend this is yours for now and fuck myself with it."

It was a pretty good size fake cock in her hand and she proceeded to do just what she promised. Seeing my sis pushing that fake penis in and out of that beautiful pussy of hers was so hot, but it also made me want it to be my cock. I did not know how to process all this and where it might lead, and like all men I guess, I wanted some kind of contact from her.

I watched a little longer but was so turned on I got even bolder and told her, "Since you like having a penis the size of mine in your pussy, I know this would be crossing another line, but would you like to have your little brother's real cock in your mouth while you are fucking yourself with that toy one?

She just responded with a look I would not expect from anyone but a girlfriend and just one word, "Please!"

I moved even closer to her and then just let my cock slide into her inviting mouth. Feeling the warmth of her tongue and her mouth engulf the sensitive knob. I just gave her that much as I enjoyed the feeling of it going in and out of my sweet sister's mouth. Her lips would pass over my sensitive knob on every stroke, it felt different than any blow job I ever had. Her pleasing herself became no longer a priority for her, I know because she then had her arms around me concentrating completely on my pleasure. I found out then that your lover holding your ass cheeks as she continues to work your cock is the most loving hug a woman could ever give a man.

She was not quite as good as Viv with a cock, but she had 20 more years of experience, but the taboo part of her being my step-sister more than made up for the difference. She know was taking a good bit of my shaft and I was afraid to let her go too long and backed up to pull out when I thought I was close to possibly cumming.

Then I took her by her hands and stood her up. This was so strange but enjoyable doing this with her, and I was so pumped up I wanted to show her I really was a man now. We stood there a moment, and I just picked her up to show her my strength. I held her tenderly, my hand under her naked ass feeling the wetness of her pussy as she surrendered herself to me, she was no longer in charge. She is so much smaller than me, and she felt so tiny in my arms with one arm around my neck. My other arm reached all the way around her back and to her breast. We just looked into each other's eyes as I moved in for our first lover's kiss, then I gently laid her down on her bed. She looked excited and sexy laying there waiting for me to join her.

I crawled up next to her and we faced each other as we started kissing seriously, and I mean deep kissing with plenty of tongue, and all while the tip of my hard member was touching her pussy lips, and her breasts and hard nipples were against my chest.

I was pretty sure some kind of insertion was inevitable, and moved a hand down to insert some fingers to simulate what she had been doing to herself earlier, only to find that she was just dripping wet down there. Her hand then ended up on my hard cock as well. I was so thankful for what Viv had taught me, and the confidence it gave me.

We eventually ended up with our faces in front of each other's sex. She took my cock in her mouth and started sucking it again. I in turn went directly to her clit, it was so excited it was already poking out from its hood from the foreplay. I was a little more comfortable working down there since Viv had tutored me on what girls generally like. We both were definitely in a place we never dreamed we would ever be, nor could we stop or go back from. I continued to eat my big sister out as she took most of my cock in her mouth and throat. There are no words to describe the feeling of having your dick into up to then was just my loving sister's mouth and throat and your tongue in her beautiful pussy for the first time.

It was just so hard for me to believe I was in a 69 with my sister and was so into it, and that I was enjoying it guilt-free at that point. I think the overwhelming euphoria of I worked hard at it and I managed to get her to cum. Then she stopped moaning long enough to speak, "Oh Fuck bro, this is so bad, but feels so good, your so good at this bro, I can't believe you are the first boy to make me cum while eating me out. I loved you just as little Ricky my brother until today, but now we are making love, and I am thinking of you differently, as a lover."

I had a moment of clarity, and said, "But maybe we should stop now since you got off?"

"That would not be fair to you, and I am enjoying your huge cock, and want to get you off too, I want to feel your cum shooting inside my mouth, and taste my little brother's cum as I swallow it."

She kept going until I thought I could not stand it anymore. She had most of it in her mouth and throat. I was back to eating her but was not far behind her in cumming, and finally did, I tried to pull back and out to maybe let her open her mouth or take a facial as I was not sure she was serious, I never had a girl swallow my load, only Viv and only a couple of times. But she was not lying, and must have already made that decision, and had a tight hold on my bare ass cheeks and held me there to take the shot and swallow it. She was holding it firmly with her lips, and I could feel my cum leaving my cock in big spurts, as what felt like a lot of cum ropes interred her mouth.

That was it I thought, laying there naked with my sister, still not believing the whole event really happened. I looked at her loving face and saw some of my cum that had leaked out the sides of her mouth. She used her tongue to try to fetch it. She said, "Oh Ricky, I have always loved you, now I know I love your cock, your tongue work, and I never had such a pleasant feeling taking your cum, I even liked the taste of it. I love you so much, are you still willing to kiss me after shooting your spunk in my mouth?"

I did, it did not bother me, like any guy I had at least tasted my own cum before just from curioustity. I was not going to deny her anything after what she had just done for me. But after a couple of kisses, I figured it was time for the awkward exit to my room, not knowing what to say. But instead, we just laid there beside each other for a while, taking turns kissing the other, but we did not talk. I don't think either of us knew what to say to each other. Things eventually escalated into us hugging like a boyfriend/girlfriend that was convinced they were in love after their first sex together.I felt no feeling of what I would call remorse, but maybe a little regret it went that far and told her, "I better leave before things go any further and we regret it, and besides, you have somewhere to go."

Sue pulled me close and planted another long kiss with lots of tongue that left me completely under her spell again when she said, "I have nowhere I have to be, I never did, I just said that earlier as a lead-in to my undressing. The only thing planned was I wanted to get naked for my Ricky, don't ask me to explain why, I just wanted you to see me that way. I love you so much as my brother, and just had to try to take things further with us. They say there is true love out there for everyone, I have had some sleepless nights wondering if our parents getting together had ruined any chance for us to find out if we were each other's once in a life time love."

"Once I saw your hot naked body and handled your big cock I knew that I had to at least make love to you without any limits one time. I still am confused about what I am feeling, but I am wanting some more love from my Ricky to try to find out.

Sue added, "The feeling I had when you got me off I have never felt before. I have only accomplished any kind of an orgasm with one of my toys, and never with a boy. Not even a grown man like Mr. Handig got me off, he just wanted to get his cock sucked and fuck another student to add to his list. You wouldn't stop until you gave my first real orgasm, there was almost nothing in it for you at that point."

"Maybe I am being selfish Ricky, but I hope you don't want to stop now. After the warm feeling of taking your cumshot in my mouth and throat, I don't think I will be able to sleep ever again until I get to feel my little brother's cock deep inside my vagina. I just know it will be a feeling we will carry with us forever."

She climbed up on me, then sat on my legs, my beautiful and naked big sister, again looking so small to me sitting there below my flaccid cock. There was nothing on the bed but our naked bodies, we had kicked off the blanket pillows and cover sheet. My cock was now laying on its side. She wanted it back to the way it was when she sucked it. She sat there and played with my cock like a kid would with a new toy, then backed up so she could put it in her mouth again, and soon had it up and ready again, and at that point us both wanting it inside her.

I wanted her so bad, but the truth was we had already gone way too far, I was not sure I could actually fuck my sister? Even though we are not blood, we have always felt and acted like we were. But soon it was my hard cock doing most of the thinking for me. It was just as anxious to be inside her as her vagina was to welcome it and am not sure we could have kept from fucking even if we did have the same birth parents.

She was ready and had no second thoughts apparently when she moved back up and was squatting over my groin. I was looking at her wet excited pussy as it hovered right over my cock, and her wonderful breasts, so beautiful, and just slightly in motion they are so firm, we were again caught up in the heat of the moment. She just lowered herself enough then to touch rub her clit on my knob to tease herself, then move to touch her wet opening to the tip of my cock to tease it too. All this as she gave as seductive of a smile as I have ever seen on a woman.

Despite all we had already done, I can not describe what the wetness of her pussy felt like on the tip of my knob, looking up at my sister I knew that very moment, that us fucking would be like the orgasms we already gave each other, and would never be rivaled.

But I did pause and grabbed her by her tiny waist to hold her there keeping her suspended over my cock and teasing her in the process. I was feeling like such a man with her in my control as I said, "Sue, I have fought it, but I have to be in you too, but let me go get a condom from my room just to be safe, we may not be blood-related but we don't want to chance a pregnancy."

Sue replied, "I am up to date and confident with the pill, and I have some condoms in the drawer right over there too. I have fucked in this room with the door open and mom home just for the daring of it. But I never risk getting an STD from some guy I don't know that well. But they say there is nothing like fucking bareback for a guy, I want my sweet little Ricky's cock to have the total experience of being in my vagina. It will feel better for both of us. I just can't wait to feel your big knob penetrate me, and then the rest of your cock fill my void. You can pull out before you cum if you want, but I would rather have the whole experience with you, including feeling my sweet-tasting brother's semen shooting inside me. What we are doing little bro is going to be so special, so let's do it right, as could be a one-time-only event."

It was special to me too, but I felt it would be better to cum on than in her. I was looking into her pleading eyes as I held her suspended over me. Then I let her down slowly, first my cock pushing against her pussy lips. Then she reached down to help guide it inside her vagina. Once I let enough of her weight on me for my knob to penetrate her opening, I was experiencing a whole new high. There was no going back, I was fucking my sister's perfect pussy on her perfect body. Up until then I had only made out and had some blow jobs from anyone as hot as her. My favorite movie star could not have turned me on anymore. Her being my sister seemed to make me even more consumed with my feelings of lust and love for her.

She rode me as I watched her sizable but firm breasts now starting to bounce to her motions, they were just so perfect, her whole body is. Her pussy felt so good as it seemed to tightly hold on to my cock and I could feel the suction as she made it go in and out of her precious pussy. Then I was again captured by her blue eyes, they quickly became my favored place to focus as we continued to make love. She leaned over enough for me to kiss her breasts, nibble on her nipples, and I know I am repeating myself, but her body was just so fucking perfect! I hoped I did not cum too soon again, and I did my best not to. It probably helped that I had already came once, so I took over after a while, then we fucked in missionary position, or a better description was that we made love, as we kissed and exchanged tongues as I stroked her.

My God, just kissing my sister with so much tongue like I do my girlfriends was such a thrill, having both my tongue in her mouth and my cock feeling harder than it ever had felt before, and deep inside her vagina took it over the top. With my sis, kissing was always like with my mom, just a peck on each other's cheek. I only loved her as family until then, fucking her changed everything.

Sue felt the same way, "Oh my dear little Bro, your cock feels so much better than any I have had inside me, it scares me that I will never find one that feels even nearly as good. I feel like I can fuck you all afternoon, and this just can't be the only time I feel this way with my Ricky."

After we made love, and it was longer than I have ever fucked Viv, she pulled back her legs almost all the way next to her head and said, "You made love to me Ricky, and it was so intimate and special, now fuck me with all of that big cock bro. I never had one this big, and now my pussy is accessible enough for you to be able to go in deep, I know it will fit, just take it slow at first until my pussy adjusts, and then just Fuck Me, and Fuck Me Hard Bro!"

I did, I gave it my all, and I went slow at first, but went in deeper every stroke, she was again moaning and speaking out once I got to speed, "Oh God Ricky, now I can feel your balls hitting my ass, I like the way they feel when they hit me, I wish I would have sucked on them more, I can't wait to have oral with you again."

I love you Ricky, and I love doing this with you, all brothers and sisters should be able to fuck each other, fuck your sister hard I think I am about to cum again. Oh God, I don't believe this is happening, Oh God I am."

Then her voice just stopped her eyes rolled to the back of her head she was cumming, hard and it seemed like it lasted longer than the oral one I gave her."

I had already started to go for it, our naked bodies pressed together tightly, and her legs wrapped around my naked ass, and I remember saying, "Oh Fuck Sue, I'm about to, I'm...I'm... Cumming.." I finished that statement with action and not words as I pumped her full of the brotherly seed she seemed to seek, and that I really didn't think I should deliver inside of my sister."

We were spent, and laid there a while before I kissed her, I felt what at that moment was deeply in love with her as we laid there. I never felt that with Viv, but I never had that good of sex with her, it was just sex with us.

It was different with Sue, we were so close we never fought much, she was always the most loving sister a brother could have, even when we would pull gags on each other they always ended with us in a brother-sister type hug and laughing it off.

We laid there in each other's arms after sex, I remember falling asleep with my cock between her cheeks and my hand on her one breast. In fact, we were almost the next fuckers to be caught at our house, but luckily I heard Mom's car, I woke up and pulled my cock that was stuck to her off, gathered my shirt and shorts, and ran down the hall to my room just in time.

I did my best to avoid my sister when mom was there for a while, I did not want to have to act normal with her after what we did, and the new feelings we had. I did not want to have any more sex with her either, I was terrified of those feelings I had during it. But she was not having it, and I could not stop thinking about it how good I felt during that love-making session. I had to give in because I did not want it to stop either. I just did not want to get careless and be caught though.

We started with just some more oral when we knew it was safe. Sue did not care as much, she had something on mom she could use with dad if she ever needed to. She kept her promise about my balls, she just loved sucking on them and taking them into her mouth to start a blowjob. I even woke up one morning when mom went off early, and she crawled under my cover to wake me up by taking care of my wood. Being able to fuck in her room door locked just in case mom came home was too hard to resist, and we were soon fucking at every opportunity it seemed. but like most you lovers, fucking in a locked bedroom was not enough after a while, eventually we had to turn it up a notch.

We eventually were fucking everywhere, and sometimes when we knew we might get caught, it made it more thrilling. She knew how to seduce me without words, like one day when it was just the two of us home, she came down from the bedroom and she was making me breakfast in nothing but an apron. I tried not to acknowledge it, but when she brought my eggs to me, leaned in and I saw how hard the nipples were on her firm breasts her seduction was on. After we ate, she stood at the sink washing a pan with her naked girl ass sticking out of the open back, I had to respond. I walked over, to feel her tits first. Then I moved a hand down to her wet pussy. There was no way out then, so I dropped my boxers and entered her from the back, and fucked her right there.

Few pieces of furniture were passed on during that period of us being new sexually, including our parent's bed, and then their dresser once, so we could watch ourselves fuck in the big mirror.

It was getting close to when I had to go to school and I was kind of glad I was going to get away from her and Viv, who was still pursuing me. Being away from sis would allow me to sort out my feelings, Viv was not going to be missed much, I liked her, but she always was just a lay. But what was going on with my sister was scaring me, it felt right especially while we were doing it, yet I knew it was so wrong.

I came home one afternoon when mom was away again and headed to my room to lay down, I had partied the night before with Ted and decided to take a little nap. I heard some giggling in Sue's room, she was there with one of her friends, and I could not help but wonder if they were doing with each other, I had no idea if she had any relationships with other girls, but could not go to sleep just thinking about it. I ended up with my cock out and stroking it. I heard Sue's door open and more giggling in the hall but did not stop what I was doing, she had never come into my room with the door closed, ever, but this turned out to be a first.

My door came open, and there stood Sue and her friend Lori that I did not know very well. She has been at our pool with Sue and I had jerked off to her, and yes my sister once before. She and Sue did not know I was home one day and were swimming and laying out topless. I cracked the drape in my room a little and stood there and jerked one-off imagining what her perfect round ass and pussy looked like. She is just a tiny thing, not much more than 5ft tall, but had a body that was what you would call voluptuous.

I was about to find out, as the two of them walked in with only sexy panties on. At first, they just giggled some more. I think they had got into my mom's wine stash and had false courage. I was surprised that she would bring her into her brother's room topless.

I was so surprised that I could not deny what I was doing. My hard dick was in my hand even though I was frozen a moment, but my sister wasn't.

Sue said, "Look, Lori, he started without us! I told you he was hung, that is a full 9" of little brother cock you are looking at."

Then directed her next comments to me as I just went ahead and resumed what I was doing, "I brought her to see your big cock, and figured we could all masturbate together. But let's just watch for now Lori, he has done this for me before, it's fucking hot, it will make you want to suck his cock before you fuck him."

"But you said he is your brother right? Do you do stuff like this with each other? It's so fucking hot!"

"Rick or Ricky as I call him is just a stepbrother, not blood related, so it's OK that we both see each other naked, we have masturbated together, and just look at that cock, I confess to jerking and sucking it as well, we have both got each other off, what girl could resist at least taking that cock in her mouth?"

I was glad she stopped there with our relationship bio she did not really lie, just did not mention we fucked too. I don't think she cares as much as I do. I don't want our parents to know anything about what we have done, but did not want anyone to know we were fucking.

I was glad I didn't stop jerking off, I liked having someone new watching, and they sat on the bottom of the bed to watch, and it was not long until they joined in. Then Sue kissed Lori on the mouth, then whispered something in her ear.

Lori then took off her panties, crawled up to my cock, and started sucking it, oh what a view it was looking down at her as she did. She was a petite little thing, but she had a big enough mouth to handle a good bit of it. Having my sister watch her friend suck my cock didn't do anything to ruin the moment either. I loved my sister watching me with someone, else as it too was something new.

Sue was like a movie director and told Lori that it was time to present her pussy to me, and I was all for it. First Sue shed her panties, and laid down with her head at the footboard and spread her legs, and Lori just crawled up and started licking my sister's pussy. That put Lori's big ass in the air, and right next to my chest. What a view, her ass and pussy were flawless, I mean not even a stray pimple, and I wanted it. I got behind her and spread her ass cheeks to access her pussy, and got no protest. So after checking it out, the beauty of a young pussy at that short distance was irresistible, so I started eating her out as she was eating out my sister.

I soon had her moaning and testifying to my newfound skills. "Oh God Rick, if I was your sister I would have you doing me every day, you are going to make me cum. Oh Fuck, keep going, you are so good Rick!."

I did keep going, and I got her off, so much so she had to quit eating Sue to get her breath. She became a spectator as Lori and I got even more carnal. It had been quite a summer, full of first, and now I was going to be watched by my sister as I entered the pussy and fucked one of her friends. It made me want to perform and made me feel harder than I ever remembered.

She moved up beside me and spread her legs for me as a good girl would, and I moved over on her and put my hard knob against her hole. I felt like it was a strange dream pushing my cock in someone as my sister watched from below despite all we had done together. I can't say my mind was not on fucking, but it strayed a little. I could not help imagining the view Sue was getting of her friend and little brother. Her friend's legs spread and lifted, as her brother's scrawny boy ass, his hard cock and balls hung below and in her friend's pussy. I hoped seeing me made up for the bad experience she had, when she seen mom being fucked by Ted. Being watched by my big sis just turned me on so much I did not pound her right away. I wanted to stretch it out as long as I could, I was on such a sexual high.

I guess I should not have been surprised when I felt her hands on my ass, and my cheeks spread. She was not going to be left out and found a way to join without her friend seeing, or knowing it. My sister stuck her tongue in my ass as I was stroking her friend, I could not believe it, it was the first time she was near my asshole with her mouth, I could not go too fast, or I would have bucked her off like a bronco. It was becoming quite a session for a guy that until recently hadn't gone all the way. She even managed to get her tongue on my balls a couple of times.

Sis moved to the side then to watch close up and held Lori's beautiful legs up, bringing her ass up in the air even further as I continued to fuck her. Lori was moaning in delight but managed to get some words out in between. She told my sister, "You just have to feel his big cock in you, I know Rick is your brother but you just have to. I would fuck mine if he had a big cock like this, and took regular showers. Come on lay down here beside me and let him take a turn in that perfect pussy of yours next, I want to watch someone fuck their brother."

That was what set me off, and I pumped a load in her without even asking her. Sue licked up my pie, and Lori's pussy was so sensitive she could not hold still. She was back on Sue to fuck me. We had already confessed to oral sex, and it was all I could do not to fuck her in front of Lori. My sis could not then resist taking a mouthful of my cock, as her friend and her took turns on it.

Then Lori and I teamed up to get Sue off, we all ended up spread out on the bed spent, and very hungry at that point.

Mom was to be gone all night at my aunt's, and dad was out on business so we had the whole house and pool to ourselves. I think it was mutual between Sue and me, the urge to fuck we still had. As far as we had gone with our sexual adventures and now in front of her friend, it was too much for me for sure to fuck in front of anyone.

We decided to order a pizza, as we all were hungry. I hated the fact that we had the whole night to party and Sue and I were not going to get to fuck. We already went as far as we could go with the threesome, and it was not like we would tell Lori to go home.

I suddenly had this great idea come upon me, partly from watching too much porn. I decided to pull a prank on the two of them that could possibly get Sue laid. The two of them had enough wine in them I figured I could get them to take a dare. The beauty of the dare was that it was also going to solve our problem of needing another cock there for Sue. called Ted, he was home and I gave him the plan, he was in, I think possibility of getting to fuck Sue sold him. Then I had to convince the girls to pull the prank to make it all come together. Yes, it was a version of the topless or nude for the pizza boy dare that is all over the internet. This was going to be good if it worked, I have not pulled a prank on Sue since, well since I have been fucking her, so this would be unsuspected.

Ted was in, so I came up with what I thought was a sure way to get the girls onboard, and it was going to cost me, and not just paying for the pizza. I put a $20. per girl dare out there first, and that was just for a tit flash, like a topless walk by while I was paying him. Then I upped the ante to $50 apiece to do it nude, I figured they would at least go for the easy $20. It was going to take all of my mowing money from the week if they just took the latter, but I did not think they would go all the way for who they thought was going to be a stranger.

Lori was onboard right away, and for the full monty, but Sue was OK only on the tit flash. It was a hard sell even with Lori on board, it made me wonder if she was on to me. I had calls to make, two calls in this case. I ordered the Pizza, then I went to the bathroom to make the call to Ted to give him the pickup time, a possible script, and direction on what to wear and do. I wanted him in a ball cap, he does not wear them usually, and sunglasses. I told him to keep his head tilted down and talk in a low volume to me.

Lori stripped right away, by the time I came out of the bathroom she was walking around the downstairs naked. I figured a nude girl, and Sue being topless for my friend, one she holds a grudge against would piss Sue off at first. I filled her wine glass and we had 45 minutes until Ted would get there with the pie. As time went by and she went through the wine I gave her, and then another half of glass she had her top off. By the delivery time, she was pretty loaded, naked, and onboard. It was going to cost me a hundred. Lori was game, and a little drunker than Sue ask if there was a bonus if they kissed each other in front of him. Sounded great, but I told her I was tapped money-wise.

The doorbell rang, and they took their places. Surprisingly they decided to go with Lori's idea to be kissing, it was quite a sight the two of them naked standing that close to the front door. I was glad they decided on the kissing thing, it worked better for me her not looking at Ted at the door right away and making him.

The doorbell rang, and they stood facing each other as I opened the door. I let him step in and waited for Sue to make him, but they were not goofing around, they were wrapped up, arms around each other making out like two lesbians. A hand on each other's big girls' ass, and their breasts against each other, I put my finger up in a shish to tell Ted to forget the suggested script, we were going to have to wing it. They had not even looked our way yet, so I made a lift motion on my shirt to signal him to take his off. Ted might have a scrawny ass by my sister's description, but he has a more ripped upper body than me. He was a swimmer too, we were neighbors but the swim team is where we became friends.

I had to change some of my lines too, I said to Ted (AKA) pizza boy, "I am kind of short on cash, could I offer you the sexual services of one or both of my sluts over here instead? Just because they are lesbians, as you can see, they still suck a good dick, and will fuck you to death," I said this as I unblocked the girls' view. Sue made him right away, she unlocked her lips as she pushed Lori away.

Ted took his hat and sunglasses off and Sue was fucking livid, I thought maybe his fit upper body exposed would temper her feelings, and I kind of felt bad for what I did to her, but proud as well. I guess being lovers does not keep you from doing normal sibling things. Lori did not know exactly why Sue was upset, Lori did not even know Ted, but me calling them sluts, and offering them to him should have upset her too. I think she at least knew it was a gag. Sue tore into me, and I just laughed as she did, it just made her more livid. It was the best gag I ever pulled on her, the best gag I ever pulled on anyone, and I was sure she would realize that and laugh eventually.

Lori did not quite know what was going on, but liked what she saw and told him to lose the pants just saying, "Let's see that dick, I don't mind fucking for a pizza I am hungry."

He did, pulling off both his shorts and boxers at once. Ted is not bad in that department, Sue knows that he was big enough to please our mom, but she just has a grudge from seeing them fuck. I figured the fact that she also said she would have fucked him would mean she would not be a hard sell, she was surely in need of a cock after watching me with her friend. Well, it was pretty hard now from the excitement, and I could see her nipples were hard, that is her giveaway, the first sign of her arousal.

I told them, "Let's get this naked pizza party started," and we headed to the dinette table. I put the pizza down, got out of my shorts, etc., and got more wine for the girls and beer for Ted and me. I think Lori wanted him over me, but I whispered in her ear. Sue gets Ted, it will solve the sister problem, and she stuck with me. Sue and Ted sat facing us as we ate some pizza no one was saying much at first so I figured she would warm up to him. Forgive me? That was going to take time, and maybe some revenge.

Sue was feeling her wine, they both were, they had a head start on Ted and I. Ted got a look on his face I had never seen before. I soon knew why, Sue had apparently got a hold of his balls, squeezing them. I soon found this out, and how hard she squeezed them when he yelled, "Fuck Sue, my Balls! I might want to have kids someday."

Sue, "That's the point, I don't want you raising any mother-fuckers like yourself. Can you imagine how I felt seeing your pants around your ankles, and with your dick in our mom? I am surprised Ted and you are still friends after that."

Ted then announced, "Not sure you know this Sue, nor may Rick for that matter, but I am aware that he has fucked my mom, and more than once, in fact, she took his cherry, and your mom took mine. My mom tells me everything, especially since she filed the divorce papers against my dad, she is a wreck these days and had to tell someone, you know women."

That remark about women got him another hard squeeze, and Sue another cursing out.

Things settled down, poor Lori did not know what to think but had her hand on my cock under the table. I guess she was feeling the wine and was ready to party. This may sound strange, but to me, it was kind of hard for me to think about Ted fucking my sister, just the possibility of watching her getting fucked by someone besides me was bothersome.

We talked and drank some more, once Ted and I had a few beers, we were up for anything, so were the girls. Sue mellowed some, and moved from his balls to his hard cock, the horny little slut. She is one, but I love her and love making love to her. I figured she was buzzed and horny, and was over the grudge and wanted some cock after watching Lori and I fuck earlier in the day.

I was at least partly wrong about my sister's motives. I left to go to the bathroom and when I got back I felt like I interrupted a discussion.

We were all naked, and I guess I know I was stiff. My sister probably had Ted ready for something as well.

Surprisingly it was Ted and her that were the first to be rolling around the floor putting on a show. I know my sister is at least a part-time slut, but the things she was doing to him, and what she got in return was a first for me to see. It bothered me when I first saw her swallow his cock, but it was hot. She kept looking at me like she wanted my reaction, and I tried not to give it to her. The thought went through my mind she got over things and this was her revenge, but regardless they seemed to be enjoying each other, and Lori and I enjoyed watching.

Lori and I just made out, and she kept my cock hard with her hand and mouth as we enjoyed the show.

We were next, I would have really rather had it be Sue, but I was just not going to fuck her in front of anyone, especially Ted, she is my sister.

I won't lie and say that I was not anxious to show off to my friend what I learned from his mom. I also had a newfound sense of pride of my package and was anxious to have Ted see it in action in Lori's little mouth and pussy.

We started with her sucking my cock, it was a sight, seeing her trying to take it all. She managed it a few times but not without gagging a little. We moved into a 69 from there, then to finish I fucked her. Her on top, me on top, me behind, we did just about any position we had in our combined repertoire.

It was my first ever all-naked pizza/fuck party, and it was just plain sick. I joined the other three for some lewd sexual acts around the hot tub and pool. Being in a pool naked in our neighborhood is not something done that often, with a lot of two-story houses around. if anyone was watching they got a show. We kept the lights out, but it is hard to keep four horny young drunks quiet.

We eventually ended up back in the house, the mosquitoes found us and were eating us alive. We really did not know what to do with ourselves, I think we all were still horny because when I tried to find a movie to watch they all wanted one with Nudity and Mature Scenes. Those movies are just soft-core porn and not well made, in fact, I said, "You know if you want porn, let's just watch Porn!"

None of us had an account with any of the porn sites or did not want to admit to. So we ended up watching free clips. After a few arguments over what category next I decided we would just take turns picking clips.

We had a porn site on my pad and were casting it on the TV. We went from homemade amateur to professional role-playing and none of it was any better than we had been treated to live at our party. There was a pretty hot one that was not rough sex, but sex involved blindfolding one participant of a foursome at a time, it was a preview and did not show much detail of what was involved.

I really was thinking maybe we should wrap up the party, but no one could drive Lori home if we did find a kind way to get rid of her. I cornered Ted and he said he can't take her home with him, his mom had company and he was hoping she would get something going with a guy, I thought, me too. She was driving us both crazy in different ways.

Lori's idea was to each take a turn in a blindfold and let the other three pleasure us, she said it was a fantasy of hers.

I just wanted to get on with the sex, we were all naked but I had a perpetual boner going and wanted it to be relieved. I figured I was willing to do the minimum with her, but not fuck her.

Lori went first, Sue got a blindfold, a real one. I wondered where she got it, and why she had it?

Lori got on the floor and we got started. Ted and I started at her feet and worked our way up to paradise. We took turns eating her pussy, as Sue kissed her, and worked down to her nipples. It ended with us two guys fucking her. I let Ted do the most with her, I knew he was looking forward to it, and he finished on her tits and belly, with Sue doing cleanup.

I suggested that Sue went next and just straight out told them I was not going to do anything that involved penetration of my sister.

But I lost that battle, and I ended up taking the next turn. I kind of liked it, they did a lot of touching at first, some kissing, and I was sure that was all from the girls, I did not suspect anything from Ted. Then there was a blow job, it was done as teamwork, the two of them had done that to me before and I loved it, and it felt the same.

I did wonder what Ted was participating in if he did, I don't know why we guys are so weird about that when girls eat each other out, and in front of guys. I got through it, and do admit there was a certain amount of thrill not seeing, and wondering who was doing what to you.

I was suspicious of them pulling something immediately after the blindfold was removed, the two girls were smirking, and looked to be trying not to laugh. I was on to it, and just flat out asked, "OK you guys suckered me into going second, I don't know what I was thinking trusting any of you. Spit it out what went down here."

Sue said, "You did not think your big sister was going to let you get the best of her. We are more than even for getting me naked in front of your friend to start this party. Believe me, it took some promises made to Ted of what he claimed would be his first real threesome with me and Lori.

But I am most proud of him now for his part in this. He gave what very well could be the briefest blow job in history, and I now forgive him for fucking our mom. You should have seen him, such a trouper when he took your big knob in his mouth, and I swished his tongue over it a couple of times, you had a big smile on your face as you had no clue, he was pretty proud of getting it to stand up for me to climb on.

The truth is it was Lori and I that did all the work. He barely had your knob in his mouth, but long enough that I can now say you got blown by a guy, and in front of two girls."

"But the big payback was that this cum running out of my pussy is my yours, my sweet brother. It was me riding you and taking your shot, while Ted and Lori were next to us watching a brother and sister fucking. It was Lori's real moaning, you heard as I did everything I could do to stifle my own. She was willing to do about anything to see a brother and sister fucking, she is kind of a sick fuck I guess."

"I can now say that the only thing feels better than fucking you, is being watched by our friends while I fuck you."