Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1631 - 5

Chapter 1631 - 5

Is that something we want to do again?"

She looked at me and nodded. "Yes, definitely. It'll just have to be occasional, though. Tell me first and make sure we're in the shower or a pool or something. Pretty sure I'd just die if we did it dry. Oh, God, that was so intense. Only downside, I think, is now it's gonna be a little bit before I can actually cum."

I nodded. "Note to self, fuck hot aunt to orgasm before peeing in her."

Alexa began giggling almost uncontrollably, a feeling I loved since her body was squished to mine in the shower. "You are so silly and wonderful. Whatever girl lands you is going to to have her hands full."

I shrugged. "It may be a while, now that I've been thoroughly spoiled by a real woman."

She was silent for several seconds at my response before smiling and kissing me deeply and lovingly. We then cleaned one another off and stepped out of the shower. We dried ourselves and went back to her room, where she put her hair in a braid and began planning her clothes for the day, making sure to walk around naked for me. Once she had her outfit picked, she led me by the hand, both of us still naked and walked downstairs through the house and back to my cave in the basement. She looked at me quizzically as I laughed suddenly.

"We left the computer webcam and cellphones recording all night," I remarked, pointing to them. They probably got everything from last night and then many hours of darkness, at least until the cellphones ran out of memory."

She made a wry face and checked on her phone and computer. She shrugged finally. "Computer's still running, so's the phone's camera. Good thing it was on the charger. How about yours?"

I checked my phone. "Alive but stopped recording ages ago."

She thought about something and sighed. "I don't want all that darkness for hours on end. It would be nice to keep your dad waking us up, though."

I waved it off. "I'll just edit the video later, cut out the sleeping and fade back in to the wake-up call. Easy enough. It'll look great once I'm done and be fun."

"Mmmm, love that idea. Let's get you dressed before Karen and Mike start asking where we are. Any idea why they want us there?"

I shrugged. "Damned if I know why my mom does most things she does. Guess we'll see soon enough."

She found my outfit and dressed me, something she genuinely seemed pleased to do. She then allowed me to slip on her panties and help her into her bra before she finished dressing herself. We agreed to grab something to eat while we were driving and headed out.

We headed to the university and parked next to dad's vehicle before heading inside the sciences building. Mom had left me a message saying that we should just head to office and wait for her there, she was going to be about half an hour later than she anticipated, being stuck in a meeting.

"A half hour..." Alexa mused as we walked through the corridors of the building. "That's enough time to get in some trouble, wouldn't you say?"

"I would think so," I agreed. "Got an idea in mind?"

She turned to smile wickedly at me. "How about her office?"

My eyes widened in shock. "Are... you serious?"

She shrugged. "Why not? She told me Michael fucks her in there all the time."

I was still stunned by her suggestion. "Yeah, but that's them, I never even remotely thought of anything like that."

"Oh, sounds like it's time for someone to step out of their comfort zone..." she said teasingly.

"Strange thing to say to a guy fucking his aunt." I pointed out.

"Okay, that's fair," she giggled. "But let me put it to you this way... are you, or are you not going to fuck me in your mother's office this morning? Because at this rate, it's there or nowhere."

"And if they come in?" I asked, trying to sound sensible.

"You said we had a half hour." Alexa replied. "While we could no doubt last a whole half hour, maybe a quickie is enough."

"Dad isn't in the meeting, what if he shows?"

"Oh, no, you didn't answer my question," she chided. "You tell me your answer first. Time's running out, stud."

I sighed. "Fuck you in mom's office or just wish later that I had, hm? Guess that makes it pretty academic..."

She smiled naughtily. "Good. We'll make it quick and dirty. You can even step out afterwards to get us food and make it seem like I waited alone while you filled that pit of yours."

I got us to the office and she simply swished in and looked around. Mom's office was spacious but didn't seem that way because the walls were lined with old-wood bookshelves cluttered with endless books. A huge old wooden desk dominated and there were some stuffed chairs in the corner.

"Yes, I can see this being Karen's office," Alexa mused as she looked around. "Looks stuffy and totally professional."

"That's mom for you." I muttered as I closed the door.

"I think you'd be surprised," my aunt replied, smirking at me. "They might do a good job for the most part concealing it from you, but I'm pretty damned sure my sister has a naughty side to her. I heard her and your dad talking the other day in their room a little too loudly. I think they'd been drinking."

I raised an eyebrow. "They're married. Getting freaky with dad doesn't make her a wild child."

"True, it was the subject matter of their conversation I was referring to," she said, examining an old plant. "I heard her talking about some sexy young student she'd had her eye on and your father suggested that perhaps they could share her."

I froze. I admit it, my hard drive completely crashed. Did Alexa really just say what I think she said? I stared at her in disbelief. She giggled. "If I'd known they were going to talk that way, I'd have recorded it on my phone for proof."

"Are you trying to tell me that my mom is bi and my parents fuck their students?" I asked incredulously.

She shrugged. "I leave this information to your discretion. They didn't know I could hear them, so why would they say it if they didn't mean it? Unless they were doing some really kinky roleplay, which makes my sister of a perv anyway."

I leaned against the desk, trying to process what they were saying. Alexa giggled and sauntered over to me. "Aw, did I break your brain, big boy? Well maybe these will help reboot you..."

She smiled wickedly as she pulled up her shirt and revealed her breasts. That was all it took and I leaned forward instantly, putting them in my mouth and sucking on them ardently. She shivered and sighed, clasping my head. In spite of, or just perhaps because of, our location, I found myself getting a raging erection very quickly once she placed her hand on my crotch and began rubbing.

"Do you want to take me here on the desk?" she whispered as she rubbed her breasts in my face. "Or over by her window?"

I picked her up and carried her to the window, where we hastily pulled down one another's pants and undergarments. I whirled her around and pressed her against the windowsill, which she leaned forward on and presented her ass to me, her eyes flashing with need.

"Give it to me, Alex," she said, her voice betraying her need. "Fuck me hard and fast and give me your cum..."

I pressed the knob of my cock against her already wet pussy and slid in, neither of us willing to wait. She moaned as I entered her and arched her back. I gripped her ass cheeks as I began pumping back and forth inside her, the two of us looking to cum as quickly as possible together. Thank God the drapes to her window were closed. Our panting breath echoed around the dim office.

She pressed back against me hard, grinding her ass in circles while she gripped the ledge. She squeezed my cock with that practiced expertise I'd come to expect from her now, a shameless and thrilling devotion to mutual pleasure for both her and her partner. I slid in slow at first but then strongly at the end of my thrusts deep inside her, a technique I'd heard about and always wanted to try and Alexa seemed like the perfect lover to try it with.

Without warning, Alexa now threw open the drapes and then resumed clenching the window ledge, allowing the bright daylight in and displaying the open campus beyond. My eyes went wide at her reckless audacity, but I was too far gone to react to it either- I simply kept fucking her, needing to cum with her.

My mother's office window faced a swathe of campus that was seemingly empty at the moment, so for now we seemed to be in no danger of being spotted, but the intense thrill remained. If anyone did look up, what would they see? I've no doubt they'd see Alexa, an insanely hot young blonde getting fucked in the window, but by whom? Could I be seen? If questions were asked, could Alexa simply say that she found a hot boy she liked and dragged him into my mom's office to fuck him?

And where was I during all this insanity?

The question became moot as Alexa jammed herself back against me suddenly, grinding as hard as she could and groaning, her pussy muscles clenching me like a vise. I shuddered and pushed into her, reaching under and squeezing her breasts as I came, filling her hungry tunnel with my cream. We pumped against one another wildly for several seconds before relaxing and standing still. She leaned on the window ledge and sighed deeply several times before looking back at me and smiling.

"There, was that so bad?" she asked, winking.

"Not at all," I replied, wiping my brow. "I hate to interrupt the moment, but I'd better go get us some drinks to cool down with. Don't want to explain why we're all sweaty and smell of sex."

"Good point," she agreed as I pulled out of her and we both pulled our underwear and pants back up. "Go find us something cold and I'll air this place out and try to look industrious."

I nodded and trotted out the door, leaving it open to avoid arousing any further suspicion. I bought two fruit smoothies from a cafeteria a few halls down and then returned to find Alexa had opened the drapes fully and also the window, allowing the fresh air and sunshine to pour in. She was also watering the plants with water from a cup. She smiled cheerfully and took her drink before shooing me away to sit in one of the large stuffed chairs in the corner.


Maybe twenty minutes later, mom walks in, accompanied by dad and another professor. Mom smiled at seeing her sister hustling around the room and then looked pointedly at me.

"So you left my little sister to do all the work while you just sat on your throne and looked on, your majesty?" she asked, clearly unimpressed with my lack of chivalry. "If your father ever did that, I'd have him stuffed and mounted in the old taxidermy hall."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, but you're married. I didn't ask Alexa to start reorganizing your office."

Alexa smiled brightly. "I just figured that you were working so hard on grading papers that maybe you could use some help tidying up. And to be fair, I did tell Alex to sit down and stay out of my way."

Dad laughed. "Allie, he's never gonna be in trouble as long as you're around, you're like a walking 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card for him. He's the only nephew you've got, there's no need to play favourites. That and Karen's head may explode at this rate if he doesn't get in trouble about something soon."

"Don't worry, dad," I quipped. "If anyone can find a reason to get me in Dutch, it's mom. She's resourceful."

Mom shot me a look.

"And at least we now know where Alex gets his love of caves from," Alexa added, looking around. "Honestly, Karen, when was the last time you opened those curtains?"

Dad laughed loudly while mom blushed before coughing and introducing the person accompanying them. "Allie, this is Professor Jan Marais from the liguistics department. Alex, you remember Professor Marais, right?"

I nodded. "I've took his Indo-European Root Languages class, it was great."

"Thank you, Alex," he said in flawless English but with a hint of an accent I had come to recognize as Afrikaans. "Miss Blackwell, your sister has intimated to me that you share your nephew's talent for linguistics and speak several languages aside from English."

"Yes, professor," Alexa said, nodding. "I've been told I have some skill in language and I do enjoy it, along with history and general anthropology."

The professor smiled, seemingly pleased. "The genetic capacity in your family is obvious, then, since you have such similar talents and interests. That being said, and with your imminent acceptance to our institution, I was hoping I could make a proposal to the two of you."

"Get up, Alex," mom said, trying to not make it sound like too terse a command. "Listen to what he has to say."

I nodded and went to stand with Alexa, actually intrigued by what the professor was suggesting.

"It may came as no surprise to either of you that the Linguistics Department, while held in esteem for its contributions, is one of the smaller ones and can be a little... disorganized. We have four professors and three part-time professors. We saw a surprising influx of students this past year and they generated an immense amount of paperwork. We are still busy grading papers and are falling behind rapidly."

We said nothing yet, waiting for him to get to the point, something Language professors are notoriously bad at.

"We need help organizing and getting ready for the new semester. There are more senior students we could ask, but many are gone or are otherwise engaged in other projects. We could give you both honourariums for assisting us and I could also pull some strings to make sure you both get into all the courses you want..."

I could feel Alexa almost bursting with excitement next to me and I had to admit, I was rather pleased as well. True, it would eat up my summer, but they'd pay me and I'd be doing something I love alongside Alexa.

"I think I'll accept on both of our behalfs before my aunt explodes, professor." I said, nodding. "We'd be happy to help."

"I'm grateful," he said, nodding his head. "My only question is, and please take it seriously, because we've had issues in the past... can you two work together in spite of being family? We have attempted to allow siblings or other family units to do this sort of thing before and there end up being squabbles and drama issues that compromised the quality of work they did."

I shook my head. "No issue here, sir. It's hard to remember she's my aunt at all, given how close we are in age. We make a decent tag-team."

"Excellent," he declared, smiling. "I'll keep Karen and Michael informed and then contact you when we are ready, it should not be more than a week. Good day to you all."

Once he had left, mom and dad both seemed delighted. Mom hugged her sister while dad ruffled my hair. "I know we said you could have the summer off, but it looks like you'll get to be useful after all," he said cheerfully. "And to be honest, this is a big deal, you two will have your hands full. The department will really appreciate it and go to some lengths for you."

"So that's why you had us drop by," I mused. "Who cooked up this scheme with Professor Marais?"

"We'd recently heard him talking about how behind the department was and how much he wanted some fresh help to get things back in order," mom said, still holding her sister. "I mentioned that Allie was likely to be getting a full scholarship from the university and studying in his department anyway, so she might be willing. I also said you were doing nothing of note this summer and had a good head for organizing. Saying he jumped on the suggestion would be a mild understatement. His seniors were making outrageous demands for doing what was needed. I told him Alex had been known to work for chicken parmesan."

Alexa giggled at the thought. "Why am I not surprised that he'll work for food?"

"Well, Alex, you have basically one week of freedom left before you become slave to the Linguistics department," mom pointed out. "Do your best to make the least of the time left to you. As for Little Miss Industrious here, I think I'll keep employing her services for a while today. She can prettify my office while I grade papers. Mike, take your son and make him useful."

Dad and I exited the office and head to his, which was in another wing of the building. Dad's office, not surprisingly, was far more dynamic than mom's, although it still looked like the office of a tenured scholar. He sat down in his chair and grinned.

"Not much for you to do here, champ, my office is a lot more well-kept than your mother's," he said as he pushed and rolled himself across the foor to a reference guide. "My students do a lot of the cleaning for me, probably hoping that I'll reward them with better grades."

"And you just exploit their help?" I asked, making a wry face as I sat down in a chair nearby. His office was a lot of black and chrome, having a high-tech geek feel to it. One wall was dominated by a bank of computers, something he called a 'Beowulf Cluster' and batches of cables ran around the walls, giving the office some weird Borg feel. I have no idea if the Beowulf Clusters were functional or if dad was just fucking with everyone's heads, but no one questioned the Rhodes Scholar about it either way.

"My parents always talk me to accept help completely and graciously," he said, rolling back. "And I never agree to any desires they might have about their grades in exchange for said help, inferred or otherwise. Japanese high school students clean their own schools."

"Well, you got me there, sensei," I sighed, "So what do you want me to do?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. Pick up a book and pretend you know something about physics, I guess."

He began working on grading papers while I sighed and started leafing through various books. I finally found one that basically amounted to 'Physics For Complete Idiots' and began reading. Maybe ten minutes later, there was a knock at his door and it opened.

"Hey, prof!" said a young woman brightly as she skipped in. She was in her early twenties, with curly brown hair that fell past her shoulders and a slim figure. She was pretty enough, I suppose, although it suddenly occured to me that I was instantly judging her against Alexa.

"Jeanie, hey," dad said, looking up and smiling. "This is my son, Alex. He just finished his first semester over in Linguisitics and History."

"Oh, hi," she said, turning and waving at me. "Wow, you two look alike."

"Thanks, I think." I replied, waving back from my seat.

"What can I do for you?" dad asked, pausing in his work to look at her.

"Any work to be done for you or Mrs de Bourne?" the girl named Jeanie asked. "All my classes are done but I don't leave dorm for another week soe I'm looking for something to do, y'know?"

Dad nodded. "Right this second I have nothing, but that might change, I'll email you if anything comes up, okay?"

She smiled and winked at him before waving to me and then turning and swishing out the door. My father just sighed and went back to grading.

"Nice girl," he mentioned. "Well-meaning, but if she were any dumber she'd have to be watered twice a week."

"Cute, though." I mused, causing him to look up at me, his eyebrow raised. It made me wonder if Alexa was right and if my father and mother were fucking that girl.

"Trust me, Alex," he said in a level tone. "As someone who has listened to her blather for an entire semester, you don't want to do that to yourself. No amount of getting laid could be worth that kind of intellectual pain. There were times I was certain that sticking a garden weasel up my nose and into my brain would hurt less."

"Ouch." I said, frowning at the imagery. Still, dad probably knew best and had no reason to deter me. I stopped thinking about it and went back to my book. True, most of what I was staring at was bafflegab to me, but I diligently took in everything I could. Never miss a chance to learn something. Probably an hour passed before dad stretched and cricked his neck before looking at me.

"Gonna take Allie up on her offer to buy a belly-dancing outfit and dance for us all while we do hookah?" he asked.

I shrugged without looking up from my tome. "Sounds fun. When would we do that?"

"Tonight or tomorrow," dad replied, musing. "You know your mom, she'll want to do the whole Moroccan lounge thing in the living room with big beanbag chairs and plush pillows everywhere and then invite her friends. They'll all get to meet her sister while she gyrates and grinds around the room to Arabic music."

"Can't tell who's more eager for this, you or mom." I mentioned.

Dad laughed cheerfully. "Make no mistake, Alex, your aunt's a pretty girl, and watching her dance will be fun, but I'm not slavering at the notion or wanting to strip her naked and throw her in the pillows. Your mom is more than enough for me."

It was weird, but I felt a slight jealous or territorial twitch at his words. I wouldn't blame my dad for finding Alexa stupidly hot and wanting to bang her, but he just said he didn't. And he wasn't aware of my relationship with her, so clearly he was just affirming his dedication to my mother.

Who apparently was something of a freak.

I wonder if dad pee'd in her.

I closed the book suddenly, my face contorting at the horrid notion I'd just considered. Standing up, I told dad I was going to take a walk and stretch my legs. He waved absently as he continued grading and I left the office to wander around. I didn't spend much time here in the Sciences buildings, because they weren't my field and also because there was always the risk of people knowing who I was and asking me for tips about how to deal with my parents.

I spotted mom in the cafeteria and walked over to her. She beamed brightly upon seeing me.

"So, did you help your father in his office?" she asked as she took the juices she'd purchased and began strolling toward her office.

"Nothing to help him with," I said, shrugging. "You know his office, it's all weird and geeky, but incredibly well-organized and hermetically sealed. I think dust is afraid of that space."

"Wish I had that problem," she muttered. "One of our mutual students came by and offered to help me."

"Lemme guess, Jeanie." I said somewhat flatly.

"Yes," mom said, smiling at me. "I take it she came by his office first, looking to curry favour?"

"Yep, and oozing her dumb all over the room," I confirmed. "Dad looked like he was ready to scratch his brain out with a cheese-grater just because she was there."

Mom sighed and nodded. "Her parents are very rich and make a lot of contributions to the university, so putting up with her lack of intellect is a necessary evil, I'm afraid. Still, I'm glad she showed, she met Allie and the two of them seemed to hit it off. I'm glad she's able to make friends."

"That is good," I agreed, pleased for my aunt. I didn't want to be the only person she knew. That would just be selfish. "Damned if I know what they would have to talk about though, if Jeanie is so dumb."

"It sort of went by too quickly for me, but Alexa complimented Jeanie on a piece of jewelry she was wearing and it turned out to be some icon or logo for a band they both liked and the conversation went off from there. Jeanie may not know a quark from a tricycle, but she knows her music, seemingly."

"Eh, better your sister than me," I mused. "Most bands I would listen to don't have icons or logos that would look good on jewelry. Jeanie said I looked like dad."

"You do," mom said, nodding. "You've got my serious nature, except for that abominable sense of humour, but you take after your father physically. If you ever get into bodybuilding the way he is, we're going to need to move to a bigger house."

I chuckled. "Might be a few years yet before I commit to that. So do you want me to take your sister to find-"

"Alex," mom said, interrupting me and stopping to turn and look at me. "Could you please start referring to her by her name? Allie or Alexa or something? Calling her 'your sister' or things like that sounds so impersonal and like she's a burden somehow."

"Sure," I said, nodding and secretly pleased that she had insisted, since it would no longer look like I was being fond or too informal if I used her name. This whole ruse was working out well. "As I was saying, would like me to take Alexa to find her belly-dancing outfit while you and dad are here or should we wait for you?"

She considered. "That's up to you, I guess, but it might be fun to go along. Where would you even find an outfit like that?"

I shrugged. "I know a lot of cosplayers and people in the SCA, I'm sure they can point me in the right direction. Give me a little while to contact them and then we'll all go."

"Excellent," mom said, almost smiling cheerfully as she resumed walking. "I'll tell your father we're knocking off early and we'll make up the time another day. You talk to your nerks and I'll go tell Allie what we're doing."

I nodded. "Uh, okay, I'll see you back at the cars, then."

I guess part of me was disappointed that I wouldn't have Alexa to myself, but at the same time it did help to keep our cover if mom and dad were along for this expedition. Sure enough, some friends knew exactly where to point me and I had the information we needed. God bless the geeks.

I meandered about for an hour and then went to the cars when I got a text from my mother saying they were ready. I was the first to arrive, my mom, dad and Alexa showing up a few minutes later. Alexa seemed excited about what we were planning. Mom asked her to ride in her vehicle so they could talk about the outfit and what she had planned. Dad would take his vehicle and I'd lead our little convoy to the place where she could make her purchases.

Exotic stores are easy enough to come by, if you know where to look. Our sojourn took us to the edge of downtown, not quite the burbs but a good jaunt nonetheless. The store we were going to was a pan-Middle Eastern place, covering clothing, furniture and decore from Afghanistan to Morocco. The attendants were very helpful once we'd explained what we'd wanted and I was not overly surprised to find out that Alexa spoke more than a little Arabic. I could say hello, thank you and you're welcome, that was about it, not including any loan words that had crept into the English language.

The girls shoo'd us away while they began their quest to find her ensemble. Dad and I wandered about for some time aimlessly, simply looking at the curios and other things of interest. Finally, though, dad grunted and declared he was buying two more hookahs, in case my mom's invitation list of large. He found two very exotic and classy Syrian hookahs, each of which had multiple hoses and stood well over three feet tall. Not one to stop there, he also bought two Turkish coffee sets, complete with trays. He never did anything half-assed, I'll give him that. We then went to inspect the available beanbag chairs.

Alexa clearly had something in mind, because she and mom were very busy, putting together an outfit that was best described as 'modular'- it was a base outfit that could be added to or taken away from as the wearer saw fit, complete with chains, bangles and diaphanous silks, gauzes and veils. I caught glimpses of the items, but if we ever got too close, mom made us go away again. I guess I'd be waiting to see it, which was fine, because I'd be enjoying it later in a way no one else would.

We met mom and Alexa at the front of the store, with dad and I having purchased the hookahs and four more full-sized beanbag chairs, one of which was big enough for two people. Mom made us wait outside before they purchased anything, so we couldn't see it. She then came out with Alexa and instructed us to meet them at home, they'd be following shortly.

"Mom's been a lot more chipper since Alexa got here." I mentioned as I stuffed squishy chairs into the back of my car, along with one of the hookahs.

"It's a good thing as far as I'm concerned," dad replied casually, putting the other chairs and hookah in his vehicle. "Although this party she seemingly has in mind is going to be a larger one."

"Define large." I requested warily.

He shrugged. "Large for her, maybe ten invitees along with the four of us."

"That's livable," I sighed as I shut my trunk. "I was having paranoid visions of a weird rave run by my mom and me being everyone's bitch for the night."

Dad laughed. "I wouldn't let her do that to you, Alex. That and she's loosening up, wouldn't you say?"

"Well, I guess. Any idea where they went?"

"Probably to buy fresh shisha and some ultrafine ground coffee, since I purchased those two sets," he mused. "Using regular coffee and fudging on the details woudn't do, of course."

"I'm still trying to picture anyone outside our family enjoying it," I laughed. "Gotta at least try, right?"

"It's the principle of the thing, you're right," he said easily as he closed his hatch and got into his vehicle. "See you back at the homestead..."


Dad and I sat and waited at home for some time, drinking beer and watching some retro hockey games before they finally arrived. Sure enough, mom had a bag full of coffee and another containing several types of shisha. Her eyes were glinting with excitement.

"So the party is tonight, you two have your work cut out for you, rearranging the living room to Moroccan Lounge Theme Bravo. Step to it!"

Dad and I looked at one another and sighed. Yes, mom really did have distinct designations for different room themes. There were seven hookah party lounge arrangements and she wanted 'Moroccan Lounge Bravo'. Dad wasn't kidding about more guests. I just wish I'd had more notice about when this party was or my opinion asked.

So dad and I spent the next two hours moving everything around or to the study off the living room and brought in the new beanbag chairs, along with the ones we already owned and the plush throw pillows and rugs. We took down the WASP-y decor from the walls and tables and replaced them with elements that sung of a Middle Eastern concept. Then we hung fabric from the ceiling, draping and billowing low enough to made a Berber exile feel at home.Since there was not enough time to cook, mom was ordering in Moroccan again, not that any of us objected. Alexa offered to make fresh mint tea and other beverages, along with prepping for the coffee. I think as much as we'd been enjoying ourselves these past few days, she was looking forward to meeting more people.

And it made me smile.


We sat around in the living room, laughing and talking while we ate dessert. Eight guests had attended, including mom and dad's friends and associates, Mr and Mrs Stevenson. Some neighbours from down the street had joined us, along with a local alderman and his wife. We'd served almond pastries and perfumed oranges along with the mint tea. Alexa and mom excused themselves to begin heating the water for coffee.

I entertained everyone for several minutes by recalling an incident in the Linguistics department when dad suddenly pressed a button on the stereo remote and turned on our Arabic synth music. Everyone went quiet for a moment before mom came in with the Turkish coffee tray, serving piping hot and muddy coffee all around.

No sooner had she done this than Alexa swished and wiggled into the room, wearing her new belly dancing outfit.

I was really hoping my jaw didn't hit the floor.

She looked stunning. Her golden hair spilled down her back in lush waves and curls. The little headpiece she wore held a veil over her lower face, leaving her blue eyes shining. The top of the outfit deserved an award for containing her bust, accented by the see-thru fabrics I watched them buying. Her midriff and upper hips were bare, the only decoration being a thin golden chain around her waist and a large red jewel in her navel. The underwear was covered by more diaphanous material and her legs were encased in billowing layers of the same. Her feet were bare. Little bangles that jingled adorned her ankles, biceps and wrists.

She slinked and shimmied around the room to excited applause. We hadn't told anyone about the entertainment and they reacted with delight. I had to fight not to stare stupidly, barely noticing mom pouring coffee into my ornate cup. Hopefully no one else heard my heart pounding.

I couldn't believe how much her eyes danced with joy as she entertained us. Her movements were enchanting, with a seductive serpentine grace. I was thankful she didn't spend much time looking at me, because I'm fairly certain my expression would have given us away. She removed various gauze wraps from her body, garnering catcalls from the women as she snaked one around Mr Stevenson's neck and he blushed furiously while his wife laughed.

She seemed to give everyone a personal show for a few moments, dancing in front of them and thankfully mine wasn't special- she gyrated her hips and undulated her belly in front of me but that was all. I did my best to seem entertained without looking too rapt in the display. Alexa danced for several minutes and through at least three songs before bowing to much applause and sitting down to have coffee before it cooled off.

She was sitting beside mom and I had to look past dad and mom to see her as we sat around the circle. As much as I wanted to gawk at her, perhaps it was for the best that I had other things to look up. Dad had also been dutifully heating up the coals for hookah and we now brought these out, teaming people up to share them. Alexa got paired with me since everyone else had a spouse with them. She switched places with dad and settled down next to me, giving me an impish grin.

I let Alexa choose the flavour and she went with a papaya-mango-mint shisha from one of my favourite brands. Dad put the shisha in our bowl and then a coal on top. We waited expectantly and I took the initial draws to make sure it was ready. It was excellent and I passed her the hose.

I'm not kidding, watching her smoke hookah in that wonderful outfit, exhaling slowly and wreathing herself in tendrils of greyish-wish smoke was utterly transfixing. The light from the Moroccan lamps played over her divine body, sheathed in the silks and gauzes, glinting off her silvery bangles.

We continued talking with the music playing in the background. The room was thick with a myriad of flavoured clouds and contests began to see who could blow the biggest, thickets clouds. Alexa and I were beating everyone by a long shot until my father took a very deep inhale, filling that enormous chest of his and expelled an not a cloud but an entire weather front. I was amazed it didn't begin raining in the living room.

Mom and dad received their accolades gracefully for the victory while everyone laughed gaily. I shivered as Alexa leaned in against me while laughing at my father's antics. I felt her hand on my thigh, giving it a gentle caress and squeeze. I was thrilled we'd found a moment for some intimate contact.

Dad eventually replaced the coals and gave everyone new flavours as they'd requested. Mom then made everyone laugh and whistle when she took dad's face in her hands and shotgunned him, blowing smoke into his mouth. Mr and Mrs Stevenson followed suit, as did the alderman and his wife. Eventually everyone else had doen it and they all turned to look at Alexa and I.

Saying we blushed under the scrutiny would be a minor understatement. We both fidgeted, not knowing what to do. Finally she turned to look at me, her eyes betraying desire and fear.

"Alex, just... trust me, okay?" she said quietly.

I nodded.

"Okay, close your eyes," she instructed. "This'll be easier if you have your eyes closed."

I closed my eyes and waited patiently. She seemed to be working up her nerve.

"Open your mouth a little..." she said and I complied.

Oh God, she's going to shotgun me in front of all these people. In front of mom and dad! Holy shit...

I waited with my heart pounding in my chest as I heard her inhaling on the hose, the water in the hookah bubbling. I could sense her leaning in...

I felt something hard and round encase my lips and then there was an exhale and smoke blew into my mouth. The sensation of the hard object disrupted my concentration and I winced, coughing and sputtering uncontrollably. People around me were whooping with laughter.

I forced my eyes open even while I coughed and saw Alexa leaning in next to me, trying not to smirk as she held the cardboard toilet paper tube in her hand. People were still roaring with laughter as I fought to control the spasms in my thorax.

"You okay?" she asked innocently.

"Sort of," I hacked, expelling more smoke from my lungs. "That was unexpected."

"Funny, though," dad quipped, grinning. "You should have seen your face, sport."

"Harrrr," I grumped, taking the roll from Alexa and tossing it into the darkness. "Glad I amuse all of you."

We smoked more hookah and Alexa danced some more, keeping us entertained. She even gave me the neck scarf treatment, by way of an apology for my earlier discomfiture. It was well past 2 am when the guests finally left. We cleaned up the dessert and coffee debris and hookahs, but dad told me we could leave the rearranging of the living room for the following day. I was definitely thankful for this. Mom and Alexa said they were tired and going to bed. Dad followed mom shortly thereafter, leaving me to do some final straightening before heading downstairs.

Half an hour passed and I was lying on my bed thinking when my phone bipped at me. A message from Alexa asked me to activate Skype. I opened my laptop and smiled warmly when I saw her lovely face. She was still wearing her belly dancing outfit, as if she was reluctant to take it off.

"Hey," she said almost sheepishly. "You're not miffed at me, are you?"

"No, why would I be?" I replied, shrugging.

"Oh, because of the cardboard tube thing," she said, seeming relieved that I was not anonyed with her. "I was worried you were thinking that I'd done that to make you look silly or something."

"You kidding? I was terrified you were gonna have to shotgun me like everyone else. I'm glad you thought of that." I said. "Why the hell did you have a toilet paper tube handy, anyway?"

"Something my sister said in the car," she answered. "She mentioned she loves shotgunning Michael when they do hookah, and since we were having visitors, I thought it might set up a chain reaction."

"And since you and I were the only ones there without significant others, we'd get paired by default," I concluded. "Quick thinking on your part."

"Thanks," she said, smiling now. "But I'm wide awake and horny as hell because of the hookah and coffee and dancing for people. Any ideas what I can do about that?"

"I might have some ideas," I replied, smiling slyly. "How adventurous are you feeling?"

She raised and eyebrow. "I'm listening..."


"You sure this is safe?" she whispered to me as we snuck hand-in-hand through the backyard. It was pitch black out, the moon having been obscured by clouds. The only illumination was provided by the distant night lights that surrounded our fence.

"Not at all, that's the point," I replied quietly, pulling her along. "We wanted to do something risky, something even more dangerous than fucking in mom's office, I'd say this is it. Never let it be said you're the only one with a sense of daring-do."

"Fair enough," she agreed. "So what's the plan?"

"Simple, I take you on the grass and fuck you until we cum." I said.

"With your parents' right there, staring at us." Alexa said flatly, even as I brought her to the spot I'd chosen.

"Oh, you're just unhappy because I thought of it first," I sniffed. "Admit it."

"Well, maybe a little," she conceded. "But it's a big risk."

"Isn't that what we wanted? The thrill of living dangerous and expressing our taboo desires while on the razor's edge of discovery?"

"Yes, but... Alex, what happens if we get caught?" she asked hesitantly.

I was silent for a moment as I stopped and stared at her. "Well... I hope I can run faster than my mom."

She smirked and giggled. "I guess we do need to be faster than your parents."

"Oh, no," I said, correcting her. "I just need to be faster than you. If they come after us with cleavers, I'm tripping your sexy ass."

She fell against me, trying to contain her laughter. I held her tight, marvelling in how she felt against me, still clad in her belly dancer garb. Was I really going to get to make love to this goddess in this outfit?

I pulled her to me and our lips met, kissing hungrily. I could already feel my ardour building while we made out, tongues tangling and snaking inside one another's mouths. My hands wandered and caressed, loving the feel of her body within the layers of silk and gauze. Alexa slowly undressed me, leaning in and whispering in my ear.

"You know what the best part of this outfit is?" she asked quietly. "The material of the underwear part is very elastic, I can just pull it aside to let you into me and fuck me. I can keep the outfit on, my darling."

The notion sent a thrill through my body and she moaned in response. We grappled onto one another eagerly and she began to kiss her way down my naked body, nibbling and nipping at my skin. She finally arrived at my cock and took it into her mouth, bobbing slowly back and forth, determined to defy the danger of our surroundings and take her time. She hummed around my shaft, making me shudder at the exquisite vibrations.

"So..." she said, taking her mouth off my johnson and looking up at my but continuing to stroke her hand up and down its length with a gentle twisting motion. "When we do this, Alex, when we fuck... should we face your parents' windows or face away from them?"

I thought about that for a moment. "Away," I said finally. "That way if they wake up and look out their window, I won't see the assassin's bullet coming."

"You're too funny..." she giggled before going back to sucking on my cock.

In spite of our surroundings, which included not only my parents' room facing us but also a university dorm facility next door, I was getting incredibly excited. Or maybe it was because of those surroundings, although it was hard to imagine Alexa not arousing me just about anywhere we might have chosen to fuck.

"Mmmmmmm..." she moaned around my cock, one hand following her mouth stroking up and down the shaft while the other gently fondled my sac. My hard-on was enormous and throbbing in no time flat and she finally smiled up at me and winked.

"I'm already wetter than Lake Superior, I think you should just fuck me, Alex," she said softly. "I really want you to take me."

I nodded and waited while she turned away from me and got on all fours, pulling the gauze that covered her lower legs above her knees to protect him. She had, thankfully, removed all of her jingling bangles as well. One of these days I'd have to fuck her while she wore them.

"Alright, Alex," she cooed in a quiet voice that belied her eagerness. She looked back at me and wiggled her behind. "Give it to me straight, doctor, I can take it."

"Your wish is my command." I breathed, kneeling behind her. I caressed her ass cheeks gently, causing her to purr and squirm. She reached under and pulled the now-sticky material of the panties or undergarment aside, exposing her moist pussy to me. I took gentle hold of her hips and pressed my throbbing cockhead against the pliant lips.

"Yessssss..." she murmured languidly as I slid inside her in one slow stroke. "Oh, Alex, what you do to me..."

I held her for a few moments, just enjoying the feel of being inside her while I marveled at her lovely form in the dim light. Slowly I began moving back and forth, feeling her squeeze me as she sighed in pleasure. Tracing my fingers over her creamy skin and the silken material of her outfit enthralled me, heightened by the near-darkness we were in.

She pushed back against me as I slid in and squeezed me as I pulled out, the two of us finding an wonderful, slow rhythm to make love at. One of my hands trailed up her back and wrapped in her lustrous golden hair, causing her to bite her lip as she fought off a loud moan.

"Gnnnnn, you cheeky bastard," she breathed. "You trying to get us caught?"

We writhed and ground slowly against one another, lost in a world of sensation no bigger than the two of us. At this point, I'm pretty sure my parents could have been staring right at us and I wouldn't have cared. All that mattered was Alexa and pleasuring her. Nothing else existed.

"May I sit in your lap, Alex?" she asked, almost panting. "I want to look into your eyes when we cum..."

I nodded and paused in fucking her, letting Alexa pull herself off my cock and I sat down on the cool grass, facing her. She clambered into my lap and settled down, pulling aside the panties again and hissing as she sank onto me. I held her tight, still somehow stunned by how good she felt, like nothing I could have imagined.

She put her head on my shoulder and held still for several seconds while she adjusted to our new position. The the moon came out from behind the clouds, casting a silvery light over us. She now looked up and stared deeply into my eyes, her own shining like sapphires. There was something in the way she looked at me that made me want this moment to never end. If this was Heaven, it was more than I could have hoped for.

Slowly she began to move up and down on me, her arms around my shoulders while my hands rested on her lower back and caressed her waist. Our eyes were locked and we never looked away from one another. We said nothing, we just gazed into one another's timeless eyes.

My hands slowly wandered up and began squeezing and playing with her breasts, reaching under the fabric that contained them. She bit her lip and sighed as my fingers pinched her nipples gently. Her own fingers caressed my neck and played with my hair while she squirmed up and down slowly on my pulsing cock.

Our bodies grew warm as we writhed, fingers pressing into skin or squeezing more firmly as the tempo picked up. Our breathing grew heavier but our eyes remained locked. She squeezed me as she rode my cock, her face getting closer to mine with each passing second.

Finally we both shuddered and sighed as loudly as we dared, crushing ourselves together. I remember to keep looking into her eyes as I cum, the two of us looking deep into one another's souls at that singular moment of truth were nothing can be hidden. I could feel her pussy contracting and clenching around my shaft as I pumped my cum inside her, my body trembling in relief. I could feel her sticky juices on my thighs.

We looked at one another for several more seconds as we let the mutual orgasm subside, saying nothing. Then she leaned in and we kissed deeply and lovingly, a perfect denoument to our dangerous clandestine meeting. I don't know how long we kissed or held one another, nor do I exactly remember going back inside the house and parting ways, but later in bed, lying in the dark, all I could think about was how I wished nothing would ever interfere with the bliss my aunt and I shared.


I woke up to my phone buzzing insistently. I flopped my arm around, trying to find it for several seconds before it went silent. I shrugged and began drifting off when the infernal buzzing started up again. Grumbling, I found the device and thunked it against my ear.


"Alex," my dad said in a very even tone. "Are you awake?"

"Sort of, now, I guess..." I mumbled.

"Listen to me," he said, his voice brooking no argument. "Wake up and listen. There's been an accident. Your mom and Allie were in her car when someone t-boned them. Your mom's fine and she's here with me, but Allie's in the hospital. Can you get down to Sunnybrook as quickly as possible?"Driving was difficult. Concentrating on driving was difficult. My mind was going a million miles an hour, my heart thundering in my chest and my head was just full of white noise. All I could do was remind myself to not speed.

Don't speed. If you get pulled over, you'll be delayed.

What if I was too late because I got pulled over?

Alexa, what would I do if I got pulled over?

What if I don't-

Concentrate. Feel nothing for now. Feel ice. Be ice. Be mechanical. You'll get there sooner if you don't lose your head. You can worry when you pull into the parking lot and take the keys out of the ignition. There'll be time.

There's got to be time.

Please let there be time.

Oh God, please...


My hands were almost shaking as I pulled the keys out of the ignition. I'd arrived in good time, pushing the speed limit but never drawing attention to my driving. I flexed my hands several times as I tried to breathe. I felt like I was going to burst. I had to struggle to not hyperventilate.

I clutched the wheel tightly until it shook with my hands and let out a cry of pure terror and frustration.

Get it together! They need you! What will you do when you get up there? Be a part of the problem?

My head thunked back against the chair rest and I took several deep breaths. Deep, deep breaths. I didn't have long to compose myself, but I needed to be composed. I couldn't exactly go rampaging in, pretending she was my lover and beloved, could I?

I was ready a few seconds later, feeling significantly more in control and steeling myself for the worst. I got out of my car and headed in through the Emergency entrance of the hospital. A nurse behind the desk noticed me.

"Are you Alex de Bourne?" she aksed. I nodded.

"Your family's in room 709, straight back, take the elevator to the Seventh floor and then just around the left corner."

I nodded and walked quickly, horrified that they seemed to be waiting for me. I followed the nurse's instructions and took the elevator up. Rounding the corner, I almost ran into a young doctor, who was looking at his charts. He blinked as he saw me and then nodded when I gave him my name.

"I think your father took your mother for some fresh air," he said solemnly. "But you can go in if you like."

I thanked him and approched the door, my heart once again jackhammering in my chest. It was dim in the room, the heavy curtains drawn. There was only one bed and I saw her laying on it...


I couldn't help gazing in wonder. Even in this place, she was completely beautiful. There was a bandage around her head and one on her exposed arm. Her face was tilted to one side, eyes shut. Needles and sensors ran from her arm and her left temple.

One of the machines she was hooked up to beeped slowly.

My whole body trembling, I approached the bottom of the bed. I could see the charts hung on the bottom of her bed and took one up with an unsteady hand, looking at what it said.

Unconscious since arrival. No major injury, internal or otherwise, detected. Minor bruises and scratches. Recommended to keep overnight to watch for concussion or other head trauma. Vitals all strong.

I could feel my hands shaking worse than ever as I replaced the chart, but I knew now it was with relief- Alexa was going to live. I stared at the monitor that read her vitals, indicating a strong pulse and blood pressure. I'd never been so happy to see one of those stupid machines in my life.

I must have exhaled loudly, because she sighed as she laid there, almost as if in response to the audial stimulus. She stirred slowly, as if she was beginning to wake up. I stood still and just watched in wonder. Her head tilted up and slowly, ever so slowly, her eyes began to open. It took everything I had in me to not shout for joy.

Her lovely blue eyes fluttered open, staring at nothing for some time. Finally, though, they began to look around. After some time they settled on me and simply stared.

"Hey," I said softly, smiling warmly as I came around the bed to her left side. "Good to see you..."

She said nothing but her eyes slowly tracked me. Maybe she was really drugged up. I decided to stay patient and just let her hear my voice. Hopefully she would find it soothing.

"You gave us all a scare," I continued, speaking with a calmness I barely felt. "But your charts seem to say you're going to be completely fine."

She turned her head to look at me a little more, her eyes still bleary and red. Her mouth was moving a little but no sound came out.

I leaned in a little closer, trying to hear what she was saying.


I leaned in closer, my ear almost to her lips.

"Who am I?"

My world suddenly spun. I felt my knees almost give out and I reached backward to grip the armrests of the chair that was placed next to the bed. I missed and crashed to the floor, the chair making a terrible racket as it clattered away. I felt my head hit to cold tile floor and then everything sounded rather slow and sluggish.

"Oh my god, Alex!" I heard her exclaim. "I was only joking, you jerk!"

I said nothing. I did nothing. I just laid on the floor, letting the world rotate around me. A doctor rushed in at the noise, turning on the light and just stared dumbly upon seeing me. He was followed half a second later by my parents, who took in the whole situation quietly. Mom simply looked down at me, one eyebrow raised.

"Why are you lying on the floor?" she demanded, clearly not impressed.

"Mom, can we trade her in?" I asked finally, still lying where I'd landed. "I don't like her anymore..."

My mother now glanced at Alexa, while my father had his hands in his pockets and was looking at the ceiling with interest. Since nobody, including the doctor present, seemed inclined to help me up, I slowly rolled onto my hands and knees and pushed myself to my feet, rubbing the back of my head. It really smart.

"I... might've woken up while Alex was here," Alexa began to explain, now lying on her side so she could talk to people. "I pretended I had amnesia and didn't know who I was. Alex reacted unexpectedly poorly and lost his motor control."

My mother looked at me again. "You fall down, go boom? What's it like to be on the receiving end of an evil sense of humour, Grumio?"

"Ooh, good reference." Alexa said.

"And as for you," my mother said, turning toward her younger sister. "Are you trying to make him dumber?"

Alexa snickered. "No, I didn't expect that reaction from him, to be honest. I thought he'd laugh."

"Good God, I'm surrounded by lunatics," my mom muttered. "While you were taking your nap, the doctor was kind enough to tell us that your injuries, as far as they can tell, are completely ephemeral and superficial, much like a Sociology degree. Michael and I were relieved, of course, but they want to keep you for a day or two, make sure you don't have a concussion."

"Fair enough," Alexa agreed. "Is this likely to be covered? I've been here less than a week, even if I'm still a citizen."

"Oh, I doubt the hospital or province is dumb enough to give us grief about it," dad chimed in. "It makes no sense to screw over a brilliant young woman who was just offered a full scholarship to one of the best universities in the country. Besides, you've got bruises and scratches after a really bad accident, nothing for them to complain about."

"Yeah, what happened, anyway?" I asked, my mind now focusing on the hows and whys of my morning so far.

My mother shrugged. "We were just driving, passing through an intersection and some drunk moron ran his red light and t-boned my car. Spun us right out and almost up on the curb. I think he's a couple of rooms over, actually. He'll be charged no doubt."

"And your car?" I asked.

"Ugh, total write-off," mom said, scowling. "He nailed it good, I'm amazed neither of us was killed, to be honest. I was fine, since I could get out on my side and called the cops, while your aunt decided to take an unscheduled nap and scare the hell out of me."

"Sorry about that," Alexa said somewhat sheepishly. "I vaguely remember a crashing impact and spinning, but after that, nothing. Well, not until I nearly gave Alex a heart attack, anyway."

Dad chuckled. "Let's just all be thankful it wasn't worse. A wrecked car and some bruises is nothing to sniff at."

"Could you give us a few minutes while I check her vitals?" the doctor asked, walking up to Alexa, now that we seemed to have figured out everything. Mom, dad and I exited the room and sat on some chairs in the corridor. Dad put his arm around my mother and she sighed deeply, her eyes tearing up. I took her hand and squeezed it.

"She gonna be fine, mom," I said assuringly.

"I know," she said in a voice I could only describe as wet. "I just... sometimes you cry with relief, you know? She's my baby sister and I just got her back in my life, I don't want to lose her."

Dad pulled her to his chest and held her tight while she cried silently for some time. I just waited patiently, struggling with my own feelings. Mom and dad would expect me to be relieved, that was just common sense. But they didn't know about Alexa and I, that we were lovers. They couldn't know how I felt, how terrified I'd been and how relieved I was now. What would I have done if the worst had happened?

Would I ever have been able to tell them?

A horrible chill ran through me. I could have lost my aunt and my mother.

I glared down the hallway, something hot and beyond angry rising inside me.

"Don't worry, Alex," my dad said, noticing my face and deducing what was going on in my head. "He's in pretty bad shape himself and there's a cop at the door of his room. His life is going to be hard enough from now on, show a little mercy."

I sighed. Dad was, of course, right as always. He was what mom referred to as annoyingly melioristic. Not only did he see the good in everything, he had this infuriating way of being right and making you realize you were being selfish, without even trying. I pushed the thought of the other driver from my mind. There'd no doubt be plenty of fallout to deal with later.

The doctor came out a few minutes later and smiled. "We do want to keep her for maybe two nights, just to be absolutely certain, but my opinion is that she has no concussions or other head trauma to worry about. You're very lucky. You may go in and see her again until the nurses say it's time to let her rest."

We thanked him and went back in. Alexa beamed that beautiful smile at us from where she was now sitting in her bed, having raised it to a postion better suited for conversing. Mom sat in the chair while dad and I stood nearby.

"Really sorry about the nap," Alexa said to my mother. "At least Mike got a good laugh out of my prank."

Mom and I both looked at dad, daring him to answer. He shrugged. "Maybe just a little one. And on that note, I'm going to go call the university and let them know what happened before they find out through the grapevine and begin calling in a total panic."

Dad stepped outside, cellphone in hand. Mom sighed and took Alexa's hand in hers. This had clearly terrified her.

"They say you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone," she murmured. "Let's hope that this was close enough for the lesson gods to leave us alone for a bit."

"No argument there," Alexa agreed. "Not sure what the lesson was, since we weren't at fault, mind you. But I'm going to do my best to never take my time with my family for granted, that's for damned sure."

"Glad to hear it," mom said, nodding. "I want nieces and nephews on day, after all. You'll probably find some nice young guy on campus. God knows you're pretty enough that you'll be beating them off with a stick before long. Alex probably has some friends to introduce you to. It's about time you began dating."

Alexa was silent for a moment as she looked at her lap. "Yeah. I guess it is..."

Mom's phone rang and she answered it. She looked at us and covered the speaker. "It's the insurance company, they have questions," she whispered. "This could be a bit, so I'll take it down to the cafe on the main floor."

She left and then we were alone. Neither of us said anything for sometime, lost in the last words she'd spoken before mom got the call. Alexa stared at her lap. I stared off at a cabinet. The air was heavy, the silence between us maddening. I'd never experienced anything like this with Alexa and wasn't even sure it would've been possible before now. We had no idea what to say.

I looked at her when I heard her sigh softly. She turned to look at me and I saw tears in her eyes.

"Could... could you turn off the light please, Alex?" she asked. "It feels so artificial..."

I nodded and walked to the door, turning off the light.

"And close the door, please?"

I closed it and walked back. She drew a deep breath before looking up at me.

"And please sit down on the bed with me," she said quietly. "I... looking at you is terrifying, but I need to, I owe you that..."

I sat down and she crossed her legs to make room for me. She took my hands in hers and I could see the fear in her eyes when she gazed into mine.

"I'm not frightened about the accident, Alex, not in the conventional sense," she began. "I'm... frightened because of the doors that have suddenly swung open, long before I was prepared for them to open and have to walk through them. I could've been killed and here I am, looking at decisions that I have to make. That... we have to make now."

I nodded, dreading what she was referring to.

"It's horrible," she said softly. "Horrible and unfair. We never discussed where this would take us, what we'd do when we reached a point where choices needed to be made. We were so lost in one another and selfish about it, not that I blame us. Alex, you make me feel like no one ever has before. I can say that with complete honesty."

Her hands squeezed mine now and I could hear the frustration in her voice as it cracked. "And it's so damned unfair that you're my nephew. How did you keep it together when you got here and not break down? Alex, I know how much I mean to you, I see it in your eyes when we're together. And you mean every bit as much to me. But if it'd been you lying here, I don't know if I could have kept up the facade that protects us."

There were tears on her cheeks as she pressed the back of my hands to her lips and kissed them.

"We should have always known, should have been more restrained. Because how the hell could we ever continue this, no matter how much we both want it?"

I pulled her to me and hugged her tight as she cried, her body shuddering against mine. I didn't really notice her breasts squashed to my chest or the softness of her skin or any of the other enthralling things I normally reveled in about her. I stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head, just letting her weep gently after her ordeal.

"I'm so terrified, Alex," she said against my shoulder. "I'm terrified because I knew all along I had to lose you."

Her next words were like thunder in my ears, even though she spoke them with the tiniest voice I'd ever heard her use.

"Because I know I'm in love with you..."


I was sitting in the chair reading when my dad and mom came in, obviously having met up after their calls ended. I put a finger to my lips, indicating that they should be quiet, because Alexa was sound asleep. I walked with them out into the hall.

"Any news?" mom asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing you don't already know. She just got tired and took a nap. She's probably pretty drained."

"Fair enough," mom said, rubbing her eyes. "Been a long day for everyone and it's not even noon yet. So what'll we do?"

Dad sighed. "Well, you and I are already behind on grading papers, maybe we should head to school and do our big people jobs? We know Alexa's fine, Karen. Leave her with Chatterbox McGee here, at least we know she'll get some sleep that way."

"And what if I had plans?" I interjected, trying to sound annoyed.

"Oh, please, Hyrule or whatever can save itself for a day," mom snorted before looking at dad. "Hyrule? Did I get that right?"

Dad shrugged. "I'm a PC gaming god, honey, not a dirty console peasant."

"You're worse than he is," mom muttered. "Fine, we'll come see her after we finish. Link, you stand guard for a while and keep us updated. We'll be done after five."

Then they turned and made their exit, leaving me standing in the hallway outside of Alexa's room, staring dumbly. With a sigh, I went back into the room and sat in the chair, reading stuff on my phone. Maybe an hour later, Alexa woke up and turned her head to look at me.

"Hey..." she said softly.

"Hey, you," I said, smiling. "Mom and dad went back to work since the university was calling like crazy, freaking out."

"I'm sure," she mused, sitting up. "They could've lost one of their senior staffers in the Physics department."

We sat silently for a few moments before she turned her head to look at me.

"Are we stupid for ever having started this, Alex? It could never be what we wanted, civilization wouldn't let us be together."

"I don't know," I answered glumly. "I... would have kept on as long as I could, but this scare sort of put it in perspective, right? Maybe we were fooling ourselves."

She laid back against her pillow, staring at the ceiling. "I've never been in love before, not like this," she murmured. "It feels so right and natural."

"I know," I sighed. "I've... well, Alexa, I'm pretty damned sure I'm in love with you too. Hell, I know I am. You're all I ever think about and I nearly fell apart on the way over here. Thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest."

She smiled sadly and squeezed my hand. "It thrills me to hear you say that, Alex, but it also makes me sad, because now we share the pain. If you didn't love me the way I love you, at least only one of us would be suffering and I'd never wish what I'm feeling on you."

She closed her eyes, still holding my hand. "It feel so right with you. Like it's meant to be. But it's not. And I don't know what to do."

I drew a deep breath. "Do we... do we just see other people and hope it fades in time?"

"I guess," she replied, opening her eyes and looking at the far wall. "But I live with you, I don't know how that will help. I'll be seeing you all the time and just yearning."

"I know," I sighed. "But I'm out of ideas."

We were silent for a while longer when someone came in. Jeanie, the student of my mom and dad's that I had met the previous day, swished into the room, looking quite concerned.

"Alexa!" she exclaimed as she came over and gave my aunt of big hug. I began to understand what my mom and dad meant about her being dumb, because any person with functioning neurons would have known better than to bear hug a person in a hospital bed after they'd been in a car accident and were still hooked up to the machines. Alexa graciously returned the hug and smiled at her.

"Hi, Jeanie," she said pleasantly. "I'm glad you could come down, that's very nice of you."

"Of course I did," Jeanie said, holding Alexa's hand and looking stern. "Had to make sure you weren't trying to get out of our playdate, after all."

"Perish the thought," my aunt said, waving the concern off. "I wouldn't dare miss it. I'm only a little banged up, no broken anything, no head trauma, just badly shaken nerves and maybe my pants need washing."

"Kinky," jeanie said slyly before looking over and finally noticing me. "Oh, hey, I remember you, you're Mr de Bourne's son, right?"