Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1404 - FOOLED AGAIN

Chapter 1404 - FOOLED AGAIN

I didn't think anything of having my sister over at the time. April, my little sister, and Charlotte, my wife, got along quite well. It was nice being able to have April come and hang out basically whenever, though at times they almost got on too well for my own good.

That evening was one of those times. The two of them were all giggles and conspiracy all night. I might have blamed it on the bottles of wine we demolished, except that tomorrow was April first.

April had long ago decided that April fools was a day that was especially hers, for fairly obvious reasons. She'd never missed a year to get me somehow, and on average her pranks had only become more involved and intense.

I knew why April had shown up to spend the night on March thirty-first, but I also knew I couldn't stop whatever was going to happen from being attempted. If necessary, she'd just have waited until the wee hours of the morning and broken in somehow. Hopefully without actually breaking anything. It was just easier this way.

Plus, honestly, I kind of looked forward to it, in a terrified kind of way. It was a cute sort of tradition for us, even if I nearly always got the worse end of things.

"Do you know what she's planning?" I asked Charlotte when we'd both stepped into the kitchen.

Charlotte fixed me with big doe eyes. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Feigning innocence are we?"

"I don't know what-"

"You two have been scheming all night. Don't think I don't know you're in on it. Whatever it is."

Charlotte scoffed with an expression of offense being taken. "I would never! I'm on your side. We're a team against April's wacky hijinks and tomfoolery."

"Are we though? She's never played tricks on you."

"Yes. That's the teamwork part."

"Teamwork doesn't mean I get to be a lightning rod for my sister's antics."

"It does when you're her brother and I'm not related."


"Not blood related."

"Still, though." I sighed. "You won't tell me, will you?"

"Nothing to tell," Charlotte said, batting her eyes in a way that would have immediately set off a lie detector, in spite of that not being how they worked.

"Ah ha!"

Charlotte and I both turned. April stood in the doorway, pointing accusingly at us, in a slightly tipsy manner.

"Conspirators!" April declared.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't do April fools. You know that."

"That's just what you'd say if you were doing them!"

"And, what, I've spent my entire child and adult life lulling you into a false sense of security?"

April stroked her chin. "Perhaps. Time will tell."

I turned to Charlotte pleadingly. "Please protect me from her."

Charlotte hugged me close. "Of course, baby," she cooed soothingly. "I won't let her hurt you."

Even as she held me, I could sense her mouthing something to April, who in turn giggled and scampered off. Somehow, I didn't feel all that protected.


I woke up the next morning to Charlotte riding me. She was slow and gentle about it, but I was fully hard and buried in her, and one couldn't possibly argue that she hadn't fucked me awake. I loved when she did that.

I'd had just a tad too much to drink the night before. I didn't have a hangover, but I was slow to wake up properly. My last wisps of dream merged into reality at their own pace. I knew Charlotte was riding my cock, but I didn't quite know that it wasn't imaginary, too.

Gradually, it became more and more clear. The feel of her pussy wrapped around me, the way she rocked back and forth, trying not to disturb me for as long as possible. It was all so decadent and lovely for the both of us. She probably loved doing it more than I did, from what I'd been able to glean over the years.

"Morning, sleepy," Charlotte said in a soft bedroom voice. "I was starting to think you weren't going to wake up."

"Mmm, just a little slow this morning."

"Part of you wasn't."

"I'm sure. You have a way of getting the sort of reaction you want."

"I should hope so."

Charlotte's pace increased, and she started bouncing a little along with rocking, sliding me in and out as she wiggled back and forth. She was so tight and wet around me, almost dreamily good.

"Not that I don't love this," I murmured sleepily, "but there's no chance this is to lull me into forgetting that April's going to be up to something this morning?"

"Absolutely not."

"Oh good."

I didn't truly believe my wife, shocking as that was, but I didn't much mind that a trap was undoubtedly being set. Wake up sex was a delightful way to be distracted, which presumably was the impetus behind it. And at least I was almost totally safe while it was happening. April wasn't about to burst through the door and poor cereal all over me while Charlotte was nakedly riding me.

And yes, April had indeed poured cereal all over me in bed as one of her very first pranks. She'd improved since then.

Charlotte leaned forward on me, her rhythm changing slightly with her posture. Her hair brushed my face, tickling it, then a soft kiss just on the tip of my nose. I grinned and lifted my head, but she was already coyly pulling back.

Her fingers ran over my chest, her pussy tightened and flexed around my cock. She was doing some different things this morning, almost like she was trying to tease me into opening my eyes. I didn't want to. I was basking in the early morning safety, the softness of my loving wife, the pleasure of her vaginal embrace.

"You're really having a lazy morning, aren't you?" Charlotte said.

"The longer this lasts, the longer I get to enjoy you first thing in the morning."


"And the longer before April pounces on me."

Charlotte snorted, again picking up the pace. Her hips moved in more energetic strokes, her pussy squelching slightly as she fucked me. She weirdly felt even wetter than usual. Like truly soaked. And her movements weren't quite right.

I frowned for a moment as a thought almost formed in my head, but it was gone again before I could catch it.

I lazily reached for Charlotte's legs, placing my hands flat on her thighs, running back and forth on them as she rode me. I felt her muscles moving, and just a faint sheen of sweat on her as she put more and more energy into her surprise morning sex.

She was about to cum, I judged. Getting there. Her breathing was just audible to me, panting slightly. Her movements were losing some of their smoothness.

For that matter, I was getting close too. I wanted it to last, but I wasn't about to fight too hard to hold on longer. So long as Charlotte came first, I was happy to cum anytime after her. And if I was first, then I'd probably have to wake up for real and make it up to her. I couldn't repay wake up sex with a denied orgasm. That just wouldn't do. Even if Charlotte was, in fact, being a distraction rather than simply a horny wifey.

"You gonna cum?" Charlotte asked. "You look like you're gonna cum."

Her movements got even faster, somehow. She was riding me frantically, as though she needed to get off immediately.

I nodded. "Gonna cum."

Charlotte purred in a sort of intensely interested way that didn't sit quite right. My mind once again struggled to focus on something that I couldn't quite figure out.

"Well I wasn't expecting this," Charlotte murmured thoughtfully.

I was about to ask her what she possibly meant by that, but then I didn't need to. It clicked. Partly because she was somehow both talking to me in a casual voice and panting helplessly at the same time, but also all the rest of it came crashing down.

My eyes snapped open far too late to do any real good, but at least confirmed the scene for me. Charlotte was not, in face, riding my cock. She was sitting next to me, very still so as not to give away her true position, and with a wide bemused grin on her face.

April was the one moaning and bouncing on my cock, bringing herself to orgasm atop me. She was naked, slightly sweaty with exertion, her eyes glazed and unfocused.

She was cumming. My own little sister was cumming on my cock, getting herself off on me while I'd sleepily assumed she was my wife, though in hindsight it all seemed so obvious that she wasn't.

In the moment, I was helpless. I didn't want her to stop. I really, truly didn't. She felt so damn good. And I was close to cumming. I couldn't be held responsible when I was so close. Not that I could be held responsible anyway. Her and Charlotte, still grinning like an imp at me. Those two...

I groaned and came hard into April. My orgasm caught the tail end of hers, and for a moment we were cumming with each other, both getting off, experiencing massive, intense pleasure.

She started to recover her senses a little while I was still pumping cum into her pussy. She seemed slightly unsure for a moment, but then accepted it.

"April fools," April declared, her tone trying to be smug, but too satisfied and worn out to really make it there. She swiped at a lock of hair that had plastered itself to her forehead, further destroying her attempt at detached victory.

I, being that much slower to recover, could only stare at her for a moment. Her and Charlotte, the Cheshire Cat in this play.

"April fools?" Charlotte echoed, clearly awaiting my reaction.

"You two..." I shook my head. "You two are actually insane."

"Ouch," Charlotte said, clearly not actually bothered by the accusation.

"Got you, didn't we?" April grinned. "You never saw it coming." She glanced down at where we were still joined. "So to speak."

"No, you're right," I admitted. "I failed to predict that you'd... make me cum in you. I didn't quite guess that one."

"To be fair," Charlotte said, "we very much assumed you'd figure it out well before you actually came in your sister. You just... didn't."

"I think it's a better fool that you didn't," April said.

"True," Charlotte said. "He's definitely more fooled."

"Are you two both serious right now?" I asked. "I mean, for real. I just came in April. Like... what the fuck?"

April looked at Charlotte, who looked at April.

"I mean, it was just for the prank, obviously, but I kinda really enjoyed that," April said. "Didn't you? You seemed like you did."

"I mean... kinda."

"Not too much, I hope," Charlotte said. "If you both liked it too much... it's not really an April fool anymore, is it?"

April grinned, glancing sidelong at Charlotte, then leaned in close to me. "Wanna get her back?"

"Her?" I hissed back. "Both of you, more like."

"Yeah, well, you can have her or no one, right at the moment."

I only had to briefly consider my options. "How?"

April grinned wider, fully in evil little sister mode, though apparently not directed at me. "Just follow my lead."

April's pussy squeezed around me again. My eyes widened. I hadn't quite softened all the way, and all of a sudden it didn't seem likely that I would.

"I really liked it," April said louder, huskily. "Way more than I thought I would actually. You know what would make this April even foolier than you cumming in me?"

"Er, whoa now," Charlotte said.

"What?" I asked, playing my part.

"Cumming in me twice."

"Oh," I said.

"Hang on," Charlotte tried again, still being ignored.

April leaned down and kissed me, full on the mouth. She didn't try and do anything with her tongue or anything, but it was a very solid kiss. Not sisterly at all, really. Which shouldn't have been a concern of mine, considering just how deep I'd been in her pussy that morning, and how much of my cum was in her, and how she apparently was just going to fuck me some more, and I was most of the way to going along with it.

In fact, the kiss probably helped convince me.

"That's not funny, guys," Charlotte said.

My hands slipped around April, one over her naked back, the other into her hair. Quite a bit of her hair was falling on and around my face as she stayed down kissing me. I played with it a bit, trying to adjust it, but not really getting anywhere, and settling for just running my fingers through.

I was coming alive for real again inside April. Her pussy nursed me back to full hardness. She was slicker than ever with the addition of all my cum.

She'd been seriously turned on. She had to have been. I'd felt how damn wet she was while riding me initially. Trick or not, there was something real there.

Not that that was any great revelation. Not after she'd cummed all over my cock like that. No one was passing that off as purely part of the prank.

Still, I felt like I had my subtle revenge on her right there. I wasn't a trickster like April, I rarely if ever got back at her for her fools, but on this occasion she'd played herself. She'd actually really enjoyed fucking me. And, presumably, was enjoying herself again now.

I smiled to myself, making our lips meet weirdly for our next kiss and causing April to give me a funny look before shrugging it off.

"Seriously!" Charlotte said, getting a bit agitated now. "Cut it out! I mean yes, ha ha, you got me. Very funny. But really, though."

My hands went to April's butt as she rocked it gently around on me, massaging my hard cock. I was so incredibly deep in her when she bottomed out on me. So deep in my little sister. And all for her fools.

Well, not all.

"Give us a minute, babe," I mumbled around April's lips.

"What?! Oh hell no!"

"Jus' a minute," April agreed, rocking harder and harder on me. "I want to cum again."

"Ok, look," Charlotte said, "I get it. It was kind of hot. Fine. We can all deal with that. But this is... this is... argh. For fuck's sake!"

April kissed me harder, though I wasn't sure Charlotte would appreciate the details of our embrace through the curtain of April's hair. I squeezed her butt, rubbing it, tracing a finger down across her asshole, up and down, encouraging her.

She was back to riding me nearly as hard as at her most frantic, her most desperate to cum. I wondered who'd get there first this time. In theory I could probably last a while, having just cummed in April such a short time ago. But then again, I didn't have much experience fucking my sister. The normal rules didn't necessarily apply.

"Can you please just stop fucking each other for a second?" Charlotte pleaded. "Let's just talk about this, yeah? Like adults?"

I was starting to feel bad. Pranks truly weren't my thing. Not from this side of them.

Fortunately. April was on top of things. Not just me, even. She had far more practice at shenanigans and japery. Mostly directed at me, sure, but even still it was valuable for occasions such as this.

Even as I formed the words to ask if maybe we should stop, April started whispering a countdown to me.

"Three... two... one."

I wasn't sure exactly what to do when she reached one, but I correctly guessed the gist of where she was headed. April sat up abruptly and turned to Charlotte with the biggest, most self-satisfied grin.

"April fools!" she declared smugly.

Charlotte looked at her, then at me.

I shrugged. "What she said."

"You... argh!"

April hunched over giggling, sheltering from the furious battering Charlotte directed at both of us with the nearest pillow to hand. It was an impressive barrage, and the pillow was quite the worse for wear afterward. April and I somehow came out intact.

"That wasn't funny," Charlotte said firmly.

I was smiling almost as broadly as April. "I dunno," I said. "I think I might finally get the appeal."

"You're on thin ice as it is, buddy."

"That's ok," April said casually. "If you kick him out of bed, he can always-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," Charlotte said, pointing a warning finger.

April nodded and patted my shoulder as she levered herself off my cock for the first time that morning. "You better fuck your wife, dear brother. Or we're both gonna be in big trouble."

"Who even says I'm in the mood now?" Charlotte asked.

"Oh? Well if you're not going to-"

April squealed sharply as Charlotte pushed her off the bed in a rather undignified flurry of limbs.

Charlotte didn't actually climb atop me immediately. I was first made to pay penance by licking her pussy for a while, which was fair enough, and only after I'd made her cum a few times was she mollified enough to progress to fucking.

April climbed back into bed and stretched out languidly for most of the cunnilinguing, just observing, casually playing with her pussy. It occurred to me how odd it was having my little sister watching and masturbating while I ate out my wife, but once again, given the way the morning had started, there wasn't much I could properly consider to be weird in comparison.

Presumably Charlotte must have forgiven April around the same time as me, even though arguably April had more to answer for. Her forgiveness was demonstrated rather unequivocally when she ate April out, licking my cum back out of her.

Charlotte didn't even wait for me to finish. She ate April out while I was still pounding her. Her licks were a little sloppy as a result, but April didn't seem bothered.

I watched with utter fascination, then came in Charlotte probably sooner than she expected, but that was entirely her fault for eating my cum out of my sister in front of me.


Breakfast was a bit awkward afterward. We were all rather haphazardly dressed, but that didn't really have much to do with the atmosphere.

"I probably should tell you both that April fools need to stop," Charlotte said over a mug of coffee.

April and I looked at each other, disappointment as clear in her eyes as in my chest, but it made sense. I couldn't argue with the assertion.

"But then again," Charlotte said, taking a long sip for the sake of a dramatic pause, "who am I to get in the way of family tradition?"

Again, I looked at April. Relief filled her face.

"Tradition is important," April said cautiously. "Right?"

"Um, yeah, absolutely," I said. "Tradition."

Charlotte nodded like something had been decided. And maybe something had.

"I had an idea for next year," April piped up.

Charlotte and I groaned, and it was unclear which of us beaned her with a bread based projectile first. Charlotte and her half a muffin, or me and my slice of toast.

"Quit while you're ahead," I said.


April went quiet, but even as she sipped her coffee I could see the wheels turning, the plans being made. Even more so than usual, I was terrified and excited for what she might be planning.