Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1335 - AMOROUS FAMILY CAMPING TRIP


Sam did a last check of his bag to make sure he had everything before loading it into the car. He yawned as he stepped outside into the cool predawn air. He hated being up this early, but it was more than worth it for their annual camping trip. He started loading up their camping gear when he realized how quiet it was. Sam grumbled that he wasn't going to do all the work as he went back into his family home and walked towards his little sister's room. Ever since she turned eighteen and graduated high school, she stayed up increasingly late, so he shouldn't have been surprised that she slept in.

Sam knocked on the door, and when no one answered, he opened it up. His little sister and their older cousin were cuddled up, the blankets twisted around their ankles. Sam's annoyance simmered as he took in the sight of the two beauties sleeping together. Lilly, his little sister, was pale and bookish, sleeping in a modest nightie. Her long honey brown hair obscured most of her face, leaving only a hint of her cute button nose and her pink lips. Val had blue hair cut short in a way that framed her beautiful face and reminded Sam of Ramona from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Val had a plethora of piercings in her ears and a stud in her nose. Val had her arms and legs wrapped around Lilly. She was wearing an oversized black band T-shirt. The shirt had ridden up, exposing her toned thighs and just a peek at her panty-clad ass. Val was slightly darker than Lilly, and she was hard at work getting as many tattoos as possible.

Sam told himself that he shouldn't be checking out his older cousin, but he couldn't help himself, and he didn't know when he might get a chance at this view again. Val had been one of his first crushes, and ever since she had started changing how she looked, he found himself even more attracted to her. The fact that she looked like Ramona, one of his biggest movie character crushes, added even more to his infatuation with his older cousin. Sam knew nothing would ever come from his crush on Val, but even after dating a few girls, he just couldn't shake the hold that she had over him.

"It's time to wake up," Sam said when he finally snapped out of checking Val out.

Val started to stir, but Lilly was still asleep. Sam grabbed her by the shoulder and started to shake her to wake her up.

"Ok, ok, I am awake," Val groaned. She extracted herself from Lilly and sat up against the headboard. She stretched and yawned deeply. As she stretched, her shirt lifted up, exposing her midriff. Sam was surprised to see that she had a belly button piercing and his cock twitched at seeing Val did another thing to make her even sexier. Sam managed to look away a moment before Val finished yawning and opened her eyes.

"Please tell me there is coffee," Lilly said as she climbed out of bed.

"It's already ready, unlike you two," Sam said.

"Hey, give us a break. We were up late catching up," Val said.

"Please tell me you are at least packed up," Sam said.

Val gestured to a duffle bag that was overflowing. Sam shook his head as he walked back towards the kitchen. He could smell and hear the sizzling of bacon cooking. When he stepped into the kitchen, he saw that his mom was at the stove cooking.

"What are you doing up so early? It's your day off," Sam asked.

"I just wanted to make sure you kids had a good breakfast. It's probably going to be the last decent meal you have over the next few days," Sam's mom said.

"Hey, that's not fair. I know how to cook some things on the grill and skillet," Sam said defensively.

Sam's mom scoffed, "Overcooked hot dogs and undercooked burgers hardly sound nutritious. Since this is your first time in charge of the trip, I just wanted to make sure you got a good send-off." The playfulness between mother and son disappeared as they were reminded of why this would be Sam's first time in charge of the trip. His father had always taken them all camping, but he had passed away six months ago after a long fight with cancer. The family was still trying to pick up the pieces and fill the void that the loss of Sam's father had left. Thanks to Val asking him about it, Sam decided to organize the camping trip to keep the tradition alive.

Sam hugged his mother from behind. Lilly got her petite body from their mom, while Sam had their father's height. She relaxed in his arms and rested her head on his arm for some time, but when the bacon started crackling, she had to pull away.

Sam sat in the dining room eating his breakfast when the girls finally emerged from Lilly's room. Growing up, Val had always spent a lot of time with them, so she was almost like an older sister to Sam. She had issues with her parents, so she lived with them when she wasn't away for school.

Once everyone was done eating breakfast, and the truck was packed up, they got ready to leave for their trip. With a final goodbye to their mom, they started on their trip, later than Sam had planned.

The truck had belonged to Sam's father; it was one of the last gifts he could give to his son before his passing. The truck was only a few years old and had a decent-sized cabin, but it was still cramped.

Val and Lilly controlled the music. Sam didn't love many of the songs they played, but he did love seeing how animated they were as they sang and danced along. At first, it was just Val, but she very quickly pulled Lilly out of her shell and got her to join in. Sam smiled. As annoying as Val could sometimes be when she teased him, this was one of the things he loved most about her. For one of the first times in months, Sam found himself smiling and laughing without having to hold back. He didn't feel guilty for enjoying this time with his family like he had found himself feeling any of the other times he felt himself starting to come out of his depression.

As they left the city behind them and passed through the desert that soon gave in from the artificial flatness of the metropolitan areas to the mountainous ranges, Sam felt the tension leaving him as he drove. They pulled over at a rest stop halfway to their campsite, and while the girls were in the bathroom together, he took in the scenic view spread out before him. The land dropped abruptly at the edge of the rest stop. The desert landscape stretched out before him until it gave way to one of the many mountain ranges in the distance. The sun was rising over those mountains, bathing all of the land in its warm lighting. Sam smiled, remembering the times he had taken in this very sight with his father.

The girls came out of the bathroom giggling at something and walked up to Sam. They got quiet as they were awed by the view as well. As badly as Sam had wanted to get back on the road, he didn't mind taking some extra time to enjoy the view. Sam didn't blame Val and Lilly for wanting to take pictures of the beautiful vista, but he only wished the fake shutter sound of the cameras on their iPhones weren't so loud. The constant clicking sounds pulled him out of his thoughts, and he sighed as he started to lead the way back to the truck.

The rest of the drive somehow passed by in a blur. It wasn't long before they made it to the section of the drive, where the narrow road wound its way up and down the mountains. It was here where the desert scrub started to give way to the greens of the forest. Sam had seen these sights countless times, but that had always been as a passenger. The scenery seemed to be so much stronger now that he was the one who was in charge of navigating through it.

The trees, mostly pine, became increasingly dense as they entered the last third of the drive. They passed through several small towns as they neared their destination. The last strip of the drive was spent on narrow dirt roads as they entered deeper into the woods. Sam usually needed his GPS to drive, but this time he knew exactly how to get there even though this would be his first time driving to the campsite.

They pulled into the campsite later than Sam had wanted. It was the same spot at the far end of the campgrounds that they had always used. Sam was surprised to see that there wasn't anyone else staying in the campgrounds. They still had half the day to set up camp, but he knew how quickly time passed and how quicker darkness came out in the woods.

With some help from the girls, Sam started to unload the truck. While they were unloading, the camp attendant appeared and asked how long they would be staying. After Sam told him how they would be staying for the weekend, he mentioned how it didn't look like anyone else was at the campgrounds. "You are the first people to arrive. It's looking like you might be the only people staying here this weekend." Sam thanked the camp attendant and went back to setting up camp. He couldn't believe that the same old man was still working at this campsite. It wouldn't be odd if that was the only time they saw him this weekend. He rarely walked around the grounds.

It was getting dark by the time they finished setting up camp. Luckily for them, whoever had stayed before them left a decent stack of firewood.

Sam smiled as he set up the fire, remembering how his father had taught him how important it was to leave the campsite in better condition than when you found it. "You never know how bad off those who come after you might be, so not only do you clean up after yourself, but you try to make it hospitable for those who come after you."

Lilly offered to make them dinner since Sam had done so much of the work, and after some prodding, she was able to talk Val into helping her too. They didn't make anything too complicated, but Sam was ravenous after the day's work, so he easily ate seconds and was tempted to get thirds, but his stomach calmed down when he finished up his second plate.

While setting up camp, Sam kept on sneaking glances at his older cousin and younger sister. Both of them were wearing tight cut-off denim shorts. Val's were cut so high that the bottom swell of her ass was sometimes just barely visible. Sam was surprised when he saw Lilly bending over and noticed how nice of an ass she had. Lilly was petite in height and waist up, but she had thick thighs and a nice plump but firm ass. Sam scolded himself. The last thing he needed was to be having inappropriate thoughts about his sister too.

No matter how much he scolded himself not to look, he couldn't help but sneaking glances at them. Sam had a couple of close calls about being caught by them, but he managed to always look away in time. As the day went on and he tried harder to fight his urges, it almost seemed like they were intentionally teasing him. They were constantly bending over in front of him, and several times Val accidentally brushed against him as she was passing even though there was plenty of room around them. They would whisper and giggle conspiratorially while looking at him, so Sam started to wonder if they really were teasing him. He wouldn't put it past Val to do so but doubted that Lilly would go along with it. Sam hadn't had much interest in girls since he had been dealing with his grief, so it came as a surprise to him just how much the two girls were turning him on.

They sat around the fire after they were done eating. Sam stared into the fire, feeling content for the first time in months. "So, who is ready to have some fun?" Val asked as she pulled out a baggie of pre-rolled joints. Lilly and Sam both just stared at her. "Don't jump at each other to answer," Val grumbled when neither one of them answered.

"You know I don't smoke," Sam said.

"Come on, we are alone together out in the woods, and you have no responsibilities. Lilly will smoke with me, right?" Val asked.

Lilly looked between Val and Sam and said, "Yeah, a little."

"Great!" Val said excitedly as she pulled out a joint and lit it. Val took a deep hit, and then after holding it in, she slowly exhaled a large plume of smoke that joined with the smoke from the fire. Sam didn't know why, but for some reason, he thought it was hot when she did that.

Val handed Lilly the joint, and she took a small hit, almost immediately letting out the smoke. "Come on, you can do a bigger one than that," Val said. Lilly hit it again, this time drawing in deeply and holding it in longer. When she exhaled, the smoke came out in a sputtering as she coughed. "Much better," Val said.

Lilly handed the joint back to Val. "Do you want to hit it?" Val asked Sam and held it out to him.

Sam thought about it for a moment. He hadn't ever smoked before. He had been to a few parties when he was underage and drank, but he had always said no when pot was offered to him. He wasn't against others smoking; it just wasn't for him. He thought about saying no, like always, but then he hesitated. He had his first sip of beer and, years later, his first beer on camping trips when his by the rules father became laxer.

Without any reason to say no, Sam took the joint from Val.

Sam felt awkward as he held it to his lips. The fact that Lilly and Val were staring at him so attentively didn't help either. Sam's lungs quickly filled with smoke as he hit it too hard for the first time. He started to cough hard, and his eyes watered. He tried to hand it back to Val as he was coughing, but she wouldn't take it back. "You have to hit it twice," Val said.

When Sam recovered from his coughing, he hit it again, this time with a little more respect for what he was holding. After a few seconds of inhaling, Sam held in the smoke. It seemed to roll around in his lungs, desperate for a way to get out, but this time he hadn't taken in more than he could handle. It wasn't as smooth as when Lilly or Val did it, but he could exhale the smoke without coughing this time.

"Not too bad for your first time," Val said as she took the joint back from him. While Val and Lilly took their turns, Sam could already feel his entire body starting to buzz pleasantly. It was a similar but different feeling to when he would drink. Sam immediately began to relax and feel even more at ease.

As he received the joint from Lilly and passed it back to Val, his fingers pressed against theirs. That small amount of contact was enough to send a jolt of pleasure through him each time. That, along with how beautiful his little sister and older cousin looked in the firelight, was enough to start to make him hard.

As they smoked, their conversation became more filled with laughter. Sam usually was hyper-aware of everything he said, constantly weighing his words so that he didn't say the wrong thing and embarrass himself, but he found himself letting go of those worries.

Val went over to their food storage box and pulled out the supplies they had to make smores. Sam was enthralled in the process of making smores. He had never been more attentive in creating them. When he took his first bite, he couldn't believe how amazing it tasted. He hadn't let the marshmallow cool down enough, so he burned his tongue a little in the process, but it was worth it. When they were done smoking, the buzz he was experiencing had increased in magnitude, and he couldn't stop smiling.

They talked and hung out around the fire until it was late into the night. It was Lilly who first started to drift off to sleep. When they were making smores, she moved over to sit next to Sam, so as she began to get tired, she leaned against him. The buzzing inside his body from being high seemed to reverberate from where he and Lilly were touching. He never fully lost his erection that first night, and at the contact, he could feel himself getting harder. Sam scolded himself for being turned on by his innocent little sister. She shivered as the fire started to die down, so Sam wrapped his arm around her.

"What about me? I'm cold too," Val said. Sam held his free arm out. Val smiled and joined them on the log that they were sitting on. "Much better," Val said as she snuggled up against Sam. He felt himself become fully erect at holding both of the beautiful girls. He stared into the embers as he enjoyed having their bodies pressed against him.

No one said anything for a time, so when Val spoke, it startled Sam out of his thoughts. "Thank you for this camping trip. I think we all needed this," Val said.

"You're welcome, and yeah, I know I did," Sam said. Val must have been able to tell that something was on Sam's mind because she started to rub his back. Sam relaxed even further at that touch. He hadn't been intimate with anyone in so long that the contact seemed to revitalize something inside of him.

Val yawned deeply, "I think it is time for bed."

"Agreed," said Sam as he struggled through a yawn of his own. He gently woke up Lilly, but she was too deep of a sleeper. Sam sighed as he carefully picked Lilly up and started to carry her towards the girls' tent. Val unzipped the tent, and Sam tucked Lilly into her sleeping bag.

When Sam stepped back out of the tent, Val gave him a tight hug. Sam held her tightly as the hug lingered. "Good night," Val said and kissed him on the cheek so close to his lips that he felt the corner of their lips touch.

"Good night," Sam said in stunned silence as he watched Val climb into the tent. Once she finished zipping it up, the spell on him was weakened, and he was able to head to his tent.

Sam was exhausted and thought sleep would come easy, but he was wrong. He kept on thinking about his day spent with Lilly and Val. Sam started to get hard as he remembered how good it had felt to have Val's body pressed against his and how her soft lips felt almost pressed against his lips.

Sam slipped his hand inside his shorts and started to stroke himself while replaying the kiss, hug, and times he got to check them out throughout the day. It didn't take long for Sam to build to his climax. He moaned out Val's name as he came.

Sam woke up early in the morning. When he climbed out of his tent, he was surprised to see Val at the gas stovetop cooking. She was wearing a pair of tight cotton shorts that clung to her toned ass. She was listening to music and was dancing along to it while she cooked. Sam smiled as he enjoyed the sight for both sexual and non-sexual reasons. Val looked back and smiled when she saw Sam. "Good morning sleepy head."

"Good morning," Sam said as he worked the kinks out of his back from sleeping on the ground.

"You're up early," Sam said in surprise.

"I can never sleep in when we are up here. I think there's just something about the air that helps me wake up early."

"I know what you mean," Sam said.

"That and sleeping on the ground doesn't exactly lead to the deepest of sleep. Unless you're Lilly of course."

Sam laughed as he rubbed at the small of his back. Val had already made some coffee, so he grabbed a cup while waiting for her to finish cooking breakfast. Val started to serve the plates, and Lilly still hadn't woken up, so he offered to wake her up.

"Lilly," Sam called out as he started to unzip her tent. He had the tent about halfway open when he peeked his head in, and his eyes went wide. Lilly's sleeping bag was unzipped and was mostly open, and she was sleeping naked. Lilly's breasts were perfect. They couldn't have been more than a B cup and were perky. Her little pink nipples were tiny and cute. Lilly started to stir, and when she realized that Sam saw her, she quickly covered up.

"Sam!" She screamed.

"Sorry, I didn't know," Sam said as he ducked back out of the tent. He felt so embarrassed as he walked back to Val.

"I take it that you managed to wake her up?" Val said.

"Why didn't you tell me she was sleeping naked?" Sam asked. His face felt flush.

"You didn't ask me," Val said with a false innocent tone. "Here," Val handed him his plate of food.Lilly emerged from the tent a few minutes later. Val gave her a plate of food, and then they joined Sam at the small picnic table in their campsite. Breakfast was awkward for Sam and Lilly, but Val was unfazed by the chaos she had caused.

"Do you guys want to go on a hike in a little bit?" Val asked. No one answered for a time, and Val huffed in annoyance. "Come on, it was just one accidental flashing. It's not like you accidentally fell into the tent and landed mouth first on one of her titties."

Sam and Lilly both spit out their food at that. "So things could have been worse is all I am trying to say." Reluctantly Sam and Lilly agreed to go on a hike with her.

They left for their hike about an hour after finishing their breakfast. Sam still felt embarrassed, but as they followed one of their usual trails, he could feel himself calming down. Lilly wasn't really speaking to him, but he figured it was just because she was embarrassed too.

Slowly the awkwardness of what happened that morning burned away as they enjoyed walking down the familiar trials. Sam was surprised how the woods still looked the same when so much had changed in his life. It was comforting knowing that he could always come back to this oasis of his childhood.

They hiked for over an hour, heading deeper into the woods. Sam was surprised that they didn't run into any other hikers along the way. While rarely crowded, they could usually expect to see other people. Val took the lead on the hike, deciding which paths to lead them on. Sam didn't mind. He was just happy to be in the woods again and was lost in his thoughts. Val led them off the path. A few minutes later, Sam heard the sound of the water. They made it to the stream and started walking upstream. The water flow increased as they approached the source of the water. Sam had an idea of where they were, and when they stepped into a clearing, Sam saw that he was right.

At the bottom of a hill was a pool of runoff water from snow melting on the mountains. The water built up here before continuing on its way to join one of the larger streams. The pool was about fifteen feet across. They had found this pool a few years ago and went to it as much as they could.

"Let' go swimming," Val said as they approached the water.

"We didn't bring our swimwear," Sam said.

"That's fine. We can just swim in our underwear," Val said. Sam and Lilly both hesitated at that. "Come on, it's not like we are going to be naked, and also, it's not like you didn't see more this morning." Both Sam and Lilly got embarrassed at that. "Don't be such prudes," Val teased them.

Lilly crossed her arms as she thought about it. "I am ok with it as long as Sam is."

"Sure," said Sam, trying not to sound too eager at the thought of seeing them in their underwear.

"Great," Val said as she started to pull her shirt over her head. Sam was shocked at how eager she seemed to be to strip. As she pulled her shirt up, she revealed her tight stomach and a belly button piercing. Her hips tapered inward, which drew Sam's attention to the swell of her ample breasts that had to be close to a D cup. Her black bra was lacy and pushed up her breasts and looked like it could barely contain them. She threw her shirt on a nearby branch and then started to unbutton her denim shorts. Sam felt his cock twitch as she shimmied out of her shorts. She had a thigh tattoo that was black and floral. She wore a matching pair of black lace panties that barely covered her pussy. The top of it was sheer, and Sam realized that she didn't have any pubic hair.

Val put her hand on her hip. "Are both of you just going to stare at me?" Sam looked away and saw that Lilly had been just as transfixed by Val's beauty as he was. "Well?" Val asked while waiting.

Lilly started to strip, and so did Sam. He tried to watch Lilly undress without openly staring at her. Val, on the other hand, was openly watching her. Lilly stripped out of her clothes, revealing her beautiful pale body. She was wearing a light blue matching bra and panties. It was modest compared to Val's, but she looked terrific in it. Sam finished stripping out of his clothes and stood up straight. Lilly kept her arms crossed.

"Not bad Lilly," Val said. Lilly uncrossed her arms at that and smiled. Val looked over to Sam. "You too. Looks like you have been working out."

"Thanks, I have been," Sam said. He noticed Lilly was checking him out, too, and he felt glad for all of the hard work he had put in. The three of them stood checking each other out, not knowing what to do next.

"Last one in is it for Marco Polo," Lilly said as she was already starting to run to jump into the water. Sam responded quickly and started for the water, but Val grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back. They struggled to make it to the water first. Val got the upper hand and was able to slip free and jump into the water just a few seconds ahead of Sam.

The water was freezing, and Sam surfaced quickly, gasping for air.

"Looks like you're it," Val said smugly.

"You play dirty," Sam said and resigned himself to being it first. It had been a long time since the three of them played around together in a pool.

Sam closed his eyes and started to swim around the small pool calling out Marko Pollo. The swimming hole was just big enough to where they weren't very far away from him, but they had just enough room to be able to dodge out of the way before he could get to them. Sam started to get frustrated that he was stuck being it, so he began to try even harder. Sam called out, and he heard one of them was right next to him. Sam kicked off the wall to propel himself forward. With his outstretched hand, he grasped something soft. He heard a gasp and opened his eyes to see that he had one of Lilly's breasts in his hand.

"Shit! Sorry," Sam said as he pulled his hand back.

"It's ok, it was an accident," Lilly said quickly. She sounded weird to Sam, but he wasn't sure why.

"Way to feel your little sister up," Val joked.

"Shut up," Sam said, his face feeling flush.

Lilly swam to the middle of the pool, closed her eyes while counting to ten, and then the game was on again. Sam had forgotten how thrilling it was to be playing this game again. He had a lot of close calls as Lilly almost got him. As the game went on, those close calls happened more frequently because Val liked to play dirty. She would swim near him and splash loudly to draw Lilly's attention. When that didn't work, she started to get in Sam's way and try to hold him back so that he would get tagged. It quickly became more of a game of fighting against each other than just trying to avoid Lilly. Sam and Val were grappling with Lilly coming right at them. Sam managed to just barely duck out of the way but then grab onto Val's arm so that she couldn't get out of the way.

"Got you!" Lilly cried out triumphantly as she opened her eyes.

When Val was it, she seemed to always be able to home in on Sam, even when he was perfectly quiet but Lilly made a noise. It didn't take her long to get him.

"It's pretty strange that you were able to always know where I was," Sam said.

"Are you trying to say that I was cheating?"

"No, just that it is strange."

"Fine, you big baby," Val said and reached down under the water. Sam was about to ask what she was doing when she held up her pair of panties. "We have to make sure no one cheats," Val said when she noticed the shocked looks on their faces.

"You mean you want us to wear your panties as a blindfold?" Sam asked.

"They're just panties, Sam," Val said.

"You're almost fully naked," Lilly said in shock.

"It is not like you can see anything. Are you going to wear them or not?" Val asked.

"Fine," Sam said. He held out his hand to take them, but instead, Val did the honors herself as she tied the panties around Sam's face. They clung tightly to his face, and Sam's cock twitched at wearing them across his face.

It was hard for Sam to focus on trying to tag one of the girls. Val's aroma faintly clung to the fabric, even after being washed out, but since he was wearing it right up against his face, he couldn't help but keep on breathing it in. Also, the fact that Val was swimming around him naked made it even harder to focus.

Luckily for Sam, Val went right back to her usual tactics, and the sound of the two girls fighting in the water helped Sam close in on them. Sam lunged forward and touched one of their asses as they tried to swim away underwater.

"Got you!" Sam said as he pulled the panties off his face to look at who he touched.

"Did you have to get me by touching my ass?" Lilly said as she surfaced.

"Maybe if your ass wasn't so fat, then Sam wouldn't have been able to get it," Val said.

"Sam is my ass fat?" Lilly asked as she stood up out of the water at one of the edges.

Sam hesitated for a moment and then said, "I think you have a perfect ass." Lilly smiled at that.

"What about me?" Val asked as she stood next to Lilly. There was an awkward moment of silence as Sam's jaw dropped at seeing Val's bare ass.

"Val!" Lilly yelled in shock as she looked down.

"Oh, oops," Val said, poorly feigning that she had forgotten that she wasn't wearing her panties. Sam thought that she would go back underwater or try to cover up, but she didn't. "While?" Val asked.

"While what?" Sam asked, still in shock. Val looked back towards her ass.

"You have an amazing ass, too," Sam said.

"Thank you cuz," Val said. Sam tried to hand Lilly the panties. "Why don't you put it on for her," Val said. Lilly nodded, it was fine, so Sam put the panties over Lilly's face. Sam's cock twitched at the sight of Lilly being blindfolded with Val's panties. He lingered for a moment, using the excuse that he had to get the blindfold just right before swimming away so they could start their game.

Val seemed even more aggressive now that she had her panties off. Sam could feel the warmth of her pussy when she pressed against his side as they tried to shove past each other. If Sam didn't know any better, it seemed she was trying to grind up against him. Sam was getting so turned on. He didn't know if Val was doing this on purpose just to distract him, but he wasn't complaining.

While they were busy wrestling, they couldn't break apart, and Lilly swam right into them. In a frantic struggle, Sam managed to push Val forward so that Lilly tagged her.

Val cursed but stood still while Lilly handed Sam the blindfold so that he could cover up her eyes. While Sam swam behind her to blindfold her, Val's ass kept on brushing against his cock. Sam wrote it off as an accident, but it kept on happening. "Make sure it's on nice and tight," Val pressed back even more into Sam, "we wouldn't want me to cheat." Once it was on to Val's satisfaction, Sam swam away so that they could start the game.

Sam and Lilly did their best to keep away from each other and stay as quiet as possible. Val would hone in on one of them when she would call out Marco, but they could swim out of her reach before she could get them after they responded. The round lasted for five minutes, easily twice as long as the previous ones.

Val started to get desperate the longer she was it, calling out Marco constantly so that they had to keep on announcing their position. She managed to chase Lilly towards Sam. Sam and Lilly started to wrestle as Val approached them. Sam got a handful of one of Lilly's perky breasts through her bikini top. Lilly let out a shocked cry, and Sam pulled his hand away. Lilly used that moment to shove him towards Val, but she could not get away before Val reached them.

Val swam into both of them, and they went into the water with loud splashes and cries.

"Yes! Finally, I got one of you! Who was it?" Val asked as she pulled her panties off her face.

Sam and Lilly looked at each other, neither one wanting to say they got tagged first. In the confusion, it was hard to tell who got tagged first, and neither one of them wanted to volunteer to be it. They both shrugged at Val.

"Fine, I was getting bored of this anyways, but you two owe me since neither one of you want to come forward and be it."

Sam and Lilly both agreed. Now that the game was over, they went back to idly swimming around the pool for a bit. Val got out of the pool first to go and sun dry. She climbed out of the edge of the pool, revealing her tight ass. Just for a second, Sam caught a flash of her exposed pussy lips from behind.

"Val!" Lilly screamed as she took in the same sight as Sam.

"Woops," Val said in mock shock, "I forgot that I wasn't wearing my panties again." She grabbed them from the edge of the pool as she finished climbing up and put them on while facing away from them, allowing Sam to check out her ass for a few glorious seconds longer before she pulled her panties up.

Sam was still in shock at Val showing off so much of her body by the time Lilly climbed out of the pool to join Val in sunbathing. Sam was dying for release after that sight and all of the touching that happened. He thought about trying to relieve himself in the water but doubted that he would do that without the girls noticing. Sam had to keep his eyes from his little sister and older cousin sunbathing to let his erection die down enough for him to climb out of the pool without them noticing it.

Sam lay down next to the girls on the lush grass to sunbathe with them. After all of the swimming, work, and warmth from the sun, Sam was quickly lulled into sleep. Sam slipped quickly into dreamland. What he had experienced with the girls in the pool merged with his sexual fantasies of them, granting his dreams a life-like quality that they never had before. The girls called out his name while he had sex with them in every way possible. He called out their names as the bliss in his dream became too much as he let himself give in to the temptations that he tried his best to not think about. The sound of them calling his name started to sound out of place in his dream as they no longer sounded like they were in the throes of passion. He woke up to the girls calling his name and shaking him awake.

To his disappointment, the girls were now wearing their clothes. "Come on, sleepyhead, we gotta get back to camp," Lilly said.

"I don't know why we have to go back to camp when he is already pitching a tent here," Val said.

"What?" Sam asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. When he looked down, he saw that he was fully erect and was straining against his boxers. Sam jumped up, embarrassed that they had seen him like that, and he quickly got dressed.

The sun was starting to set when they made it back to camp. After a whole day of being constantly turned on, all Sam wanted to do was to run back to his tent and finally be able to jerk off and relieve himself, but he doubted he would have the privacy he would need to be able to do that. He was tempted to try and relieve himself in the bathrooms at the campsite, but those were just concrete outhouses, and that was the last place he wanted to masturbate.

They finished organizing their camp, and then they went about making dinner. Lilly helped Sam cook on the gas stove while Val got their fire set up. They ate dinner around the fire and then sat staring into it as darkness enveloped the woods. It got cold, and once again, the girls sat on either side of him for warmth. Since No one brought up all that had happened while they were at the swimming hole together. Sam definitely thought that lines had been crossed, but if the girls could go about laughing and hanging out with him like nothing happened, then he figured everything was ok between all of them.

Val brought out her baggy of joints again, and they all smoked together. After the first joint was done, Val lit up a second one, and no one protested. It was late again when they decided to call it a night. Sam took care of putting out the fire while the girls went off to use the restroom together. They were gone for a while but came back just as Sam finished up putting the embers out. They said their goodnights, and then the girls climbed into their tent.

Sam went back to his tent and waited for a bit, hoping that the girls would be asleep. When he couldn't wait any longer, Sam started to jerk off, replaying all of the times they had touched each other and the sight of his little sister in her bra and panties. He especially thought about how amazing it had been to see Val's ass and bare pussy. At the thought of Val, Sam picked up what he was doing. He started to build towards his orgasm when he heard a tapping on his tent, and then Lilly called out his name. It startled him, and he quickly put his dick away. "Yes?" Sam asked, trying to hide the frustration from his voice and mask it with tiredness.

The tent started to unzip, and Lilly peeked her head in. "We heard a noise out in the woods."

"It was probably just an owl or something," Sam said.

"I know, but can you come sleep with us, please?" Lilly asked.

The tent unzipped a little further, and Val's face appeared. "Please?" She asked as well.

Sam wanted to tell them how they were ridiculous and how there was nothing out in the woods, but when they said please, and he saw the pleading look in their eyes, Sam couldn't refuse them. "Ok," Sam said with a sigh, resolving to take care of his horniness tomorrow no matter what, even if he had to sneak out into the woods to get some privacy.

Sam planned to lay against the edge of the tent, giving the girls as much space as possible, which wouldn't have been much. As soon as he climbed into the tent, Val grabbed his pillow and put it right in the middle of the girls' pillows. Sam was too tired to argue and lay down. Lilly and Val lay beside him, so close that he could feel the heat radiating off them. Lilly grabbed the large comforter that she and Val were sharing and pulled it over the three of them.

Sam wasn't used to not being able to masturbate before sleeping, and being so close to the beautiful girls was driving him crazy for release.

The girls constantly shifted beside him, often leading them to briefly press against him, which only made things worse. It was a loud sigh from Val that made Sam ask her what was wrong.

"Nothing, it's just I can't sleep," Val said.

"Same here," Lilly said.

"Why not? Is it because I'm here? I could go back to my tent."

"It's not that," Lilly said.

"In case you don't remember from this morning, we don't exactly sleep with clothes on," Val added.

"Oh," Sam said, getting what they were leaning towards but not able to believe it. "If you can't sleep with your clothes on...." before Sam could even finish, both of the girls were sitting up with the comforter bunched around their waists. Sam watched as the girls pulled their shirts over their heads in the low light of the electric lantern. Val had her shirt off first, and Sam admired the way her breasts bounced free for a couple of seconds before looking over as Lilly revealed her perky pale nipples. Sam's erection twitched at the sights before him. He had no idea how he was going to get through this night without relieving himself.

Once topless, both girls climbed back under the blankets and then moved around as they pulled off their bottoms. Sam tried to control his breathing and arousal as he saw them throw their shorts to the side of the tent, leaving them fully nude.

The girls continued to toss and turn, every now and then pressing against him. Sam tried not to think about how it was their nude bodies touching him. He tried to force himself to sleep so that he could stop thinking about how close their naked bodies were to him, but their constant movement wouldn't let him. Val shifted from lying on her back to on her side facing towards Sam. As she moved, her hand accidentally brushed across Sam's erection. Sam froze up, waiting for Val to say something, but she didn't."What is it now?" Sam said when he realized that neither of the girls seemed like they would fall asleep anytime soon.

"While usually before I sleep...," Lilly started to say, but she got too embarrassed and looked away from Sam.

"Usually, before she goes to sleep, your little sister and I like to masturbate," Val said when Lilly couldn't finish.

"Val!" Lilly said, shocked that Val said that.

"What? It's the truth. And it's not like I said how you like to finger yourself raw while you rub your clit. I tried to be clinical with my word choice."

"You do it together?" Sam asked, images of them in bed together making him even harder.

"No," Lilly said.

"We don't touch each other. Just when we are horny, we take care of ourselves together," Val said.

Sam could almost hear the question in her voice, and he thought about it, so when she said the next thing, he wasn't taken aback by it. "From what I accidentally brushed up against, it seems like you need to take care of yourself too."

Sam looked at Val and Lilly. This was the answer to his problems. The thought of them all doing this together turned him on even further. He knew that he wanted this, and they seemed to want to do it too, but he wasn't sure. The last thing he wanted to do was something that could put a strain on their relationship. Sam was never a risk-taker, and with the passing of his father, he had become even more cautious. He couldn't think of the last time he had broken from his routine and done something different, let alone risky.

"Ok," Sam said, still not believing this was happening.

"I think you might be overdressed then," Val said.

Sam sat up and pulled his shirt up over his head. He could feel the girls watching him as he revealed his toned body. Next, he pulled his shorts and boxers off simultaneously, kicking them to the edge of where they were lying. They were all naked now.

The girls laid on their backs. At first, Sam didn't want to stare at them, but he wasn't sure if they had started or not. He certainly didn't want to be the first to start, especially since he was so horny. He knew that he probably wouldn't last very long.

He saw movement under the blankets as the girls touched themselves. Sam started to gently stroke himself as he wished that he could see what they were doing. Beside him, Lilly let out a small moan, and it made his cock twitch in his hand. She sounded so cute and sexy.

He watched as she closed her eyes, and her mouth parted with her small sighs as she picked up the pace. From the other side, he heard Val's breathing start to get more uneven. The look of pleasure on her face turned Sam on even further. The air in the tent began to become sexually charged. Even without being able to fully see what the girls were doing, Sam was becoming overstimulated. He could see their hands moving faster, occasionally hearing the sounds of their wetness.

Sam couldn't believe that this was happening and that he had been reluctant for this to happen. It all felt so right, even if Sam knew that it was wrong.

The tent started to heat up with them being so close together, slowly from their movements, the blanket began to lower, revealing more of what was happening on either side of him. The blanket bunched up around their feet, but no one seemed willing to stop what they were doing to pull it back up.

Val's breasts were revealed first. She had one hand kneading them while she fingered herself. Her light brown nipples were hard. Sam looked over to Lilly just as the blanket pulled down to expose her breasts. She was pulling on her puffy pink nipples with both hands. Sam was torn on whose breasts he wished to suck on first.

The girls spread their legs out, putting them on top of his. It was such an innocent contact, but it made him break out in goosebumps. They were breaking the no-touching rule, but he wasn't going to say anything.

Sam was overwhelmed by all that was happening, and he could feel himself approaching his climax. He had a second to think if he should let himself finish now or try and hold back. He didn't know if this would be a one-time thing, and if it was, he didn't want to be the first to come.

Sam pulled his hand away from his cock just in time to stop himself from coming.

The girls pressed their shoulders against his in the confined space of the tent.

While Sam let himself calm down, he saw that Val was humping her hand while her other rubbed furiously at her clit. On his other side, Lilly was moaning loudly, and he could feel her rocking her hips. Sam looked over at his little sister, loving the look of pure bliss on her face with her eyes closed as she sounded like she was getting close to cumming. Sam couldn't hold back anymore and went back to stroking himself, quickly building back towards his climax. Lilly opened her eyes and held eye contact with Sam. The smolder In her eyes was almost so intense that he nearly looked away. He couldn't believe that what he had always thought of as his cute little sister could be this sexual. Looking into her eyes, he had the overwhelming desire to touch and kiss her. She looked down, watching him masturbate as intently as he was watching her. He got a thrill out of being watched by them.

The sound of Val's moaning broke Sam out of the moment he was having with his little sister. He looked over at Val and was amazed to see her in the throes of her orgasm. Each of her moans turned him on even more. It must have been getting to Lilly because her moans got louder, and she started to writhe in pleasure.

Sam couldn't hold back any longer. Usually, when he came he was silent, but he couldn't help but let out a groan as he started to cum. His first load shot out and across Lilly's thighs. Sam tried to move his dick so that it wouldn't happen again, but he over-corrected, and his next load landed on Val's stomach and hand. Shit, Sam thought of accidentally cumming on them. He hadn't planned on doing it, but seeing his cum on them was just so hot.

The girls came down from their orgasms, and the three of them lay there, recovering from their moments of bliss.

Val leaned up and turned back off the light above them and then pulled the blanket up above them. Sam thought about trying to put back on his clothes, but he was exhausted, and once the blanket was pulled over him, he could already feel himself drifting off to sleep.

Sam woke up in the dark grey light of predawn to the feeling of two soft, warm bodies pressed up against either side of him. He could feel that his cock was fully erect and was nestled against Lilly's plump ass. Val had her arms wrapped around Sam, her plump breasts pressing into his back.

Sam thought that maybe he should try and separate from them, but it felt so good. After a minute of enjoying the warmth of Lilly's ass, Sam decided that he should try and pull back a little, Lilly was asleep, and he didn't want her to wake up and think the wrong thing when she woke up.

Before he could try and adjust his erection, Lilly started to wake up and stir. The movement on his cock felt amazing. It only took a few seconds for her to realize what was poking her, and she froze up. Sam tensed up too, waiting for her to pull away from him or say something. Sam kept on waiting, but nothing happened for a tense minute. Finally, Lilly shifted again, only this time she rocked her hips slightly, pressing against Sam's erection again. Sam had to stifle a moan at the contact.

Lilly kept the pace slow, gently rubbing against him. Without a doubt, she was awake now, and she was the one who was pushing things further. Sam started to rock his hips in time with her, still not enough contact to get him close to cumming, but it still felt amazing. He thrust too hard, and Lilly pressed too far back, and they both let out a moan when his cock slid up against her pussy. The warmth and dampness of her pussy turned Sam on so much.

Lilly reached down between her legs and pressed her hand against his erection, pressing it even more against her pussy as she continued to rock her hips. He could feel his cock parting her lips as it pressed against it.

Sam was so into what he was doing with Lilly that when Val started to stir against his back, he froze up. Lilly didn't stop, and It was feeling too good for Sam to do anything else to avoid being caught.

Val started to rub his chest and said behind Sam's ear so that her breath tickled him, "what are you two doing?" Her hand trailed down his stomach, causing him to break out in goosebumps. Val reached what she was looking for, her fingers brushed against Sam's erection. She ran her finger up along his shaft and touched the side of Lilly's pussy. Lilly Let out a moan when Val started to rub Lilly's clit while Sam continued to thrust up against her pussy lips. Val began to alternate between rubbing Lilly's pussy and stroking Sam's cock. Sometimes Val pressed Sam's cock against Lilly's pussy to go as deep as it could go without actually penetrating Lilly.

Sam could feel Val starting to rub herself while she continued to please both of her cousins. She seemed to be trying to catch up to them because she was rapidly rubbing her clit and fingering herself. Sam could feel her breathing on his neck, making him shiver, especially when she started to moan into his ear.

Val grabbed Sam's arm and guided it back towards her breasts. Val shifted back so that her breasts were no longer pressing against his back, but she was quick to press his hand onto one of her breasts. Sam couldn't believe that he was finally getting to play with his sexy older cousin's breasts. He had spent so long fantasizing about this that it was hard for him to believe it was finally happening.

"You don't have to be so gentle," Val said, pressing his hand against her soft breasts. Sam let go of his hesitancy and started to knead and play with her breasts like he had always wanted. He rolled one of her nipples between his fingers and began to pull on it. Val moaned against his neck, her soft lips pressing against his skin. Sam moaned at the added contact of his cousin's lips pressing against his neck. Hearing how much Sam reacted to the touch, Val started to kiss and suck on Sam's neck. It all felt so good that Sam couldn't help but thrust against his little sister even harder.

Val grabbed Sam's hand and guided it even lower. Sam trembled at the thought of getting to touch Val's pussy as she guided his hand towards it. Sam's fingers slid along the softness of her mons, and then suddenly, he was slipping his fingers against her pussy lips. Sam wanted to take his time, but when he started to try and tease her, Val guided his fingers to her opening and pressed them into her. Sam was overwhelmed at how warm and hot her pussy was. She was so wet that Sam quickly slipped a second finger inside of her.

Val played with her breasts with one hand while using the other to alternate between jerking Sam off and rubbing Lilly's pussy.

The tent started to fog up from all of the warmth they were creating in the cool early morning.

With all of the stimulation that was happening, Sam had to push himself to his limit to hold back. Both of the girls' breathing was getting rougher, and their moans were getting louder, especially Lilly's, but he wasn't sure just how close they were to cumming.With Lilly humping back against him and Val humping into his hand from behind, Sam was getting dangerously close to cumming. Val focused on rubbing Lilly's clit as Lilly's humping started to get more erratic. Lilly began to cum with a loud moan, rapidly rocking her hips so that her pussy slid along Sam's shaft.

As Lilly came, Val kept on rubbing her clit, causing Lilly to moan even louder. Sam started to press up against the top of Val's pussy in a come hither motion. "Oh fuck, right there," Val said as she sucked hard on Sam's neck. Sam kept at it even though the angle was awkward for him, and he was rewarded with making Val cum as Lilly was in the middle of her orgasm. Val started to jerk Sam off. Even with her rhythm being erratic since she was in the middle of her orgasm, his cock was slick with Lilly's juices, and he had been so close to cumming that after just a few strokes, he started to cum while pressed against Lilly's pussy lips. Sam couldn't remember the last time he had come so hard, and even though he couldn't see it, he could feel each load shooting out of him.

When they were all done cumming they lay against one another, catching their breath. Sam had an overwhelming sense of relief at getting to cum again. It seemed like each time he shared an intimate moment with them, even more layers of his stress were melting away.

They caught their breath and lay together as the birds sang louder and the sun slowly brightened up the morning. Sam didn't know what to say. There weren't any words he could think of that would fit this perfect moment, so he stayed quiet. When Lilly finally pulled away from Sam and laid on her back, Sam could see that her petite breasts were coated in his cum. The sight of it made his cock stir.

"Looks like we need to get cleaned up," Val said as she took in the sight of Lilly's cum-coated tits.

Val helped Lilly up to her feet, and then both of them helped Sam up. He hadn't thought that he was included. When Val started to unzip the tent while still naked, Sam began to object if someone saw them. "Relax, there's no one else here," Val said. Sam wanted to point out how the camp attendant might be doing their rounds of the campsites, but he doubted that they would be out that early.

Sam felt incredibly nervous as they walked across the campsite naked, but holding one of each of the girls' hands and getting to take in their beautiful bodies in the glow of the rising sun. He had to admit that the cool air did feel great on his body after working up a sweat with the girls in the tent.

The shower they had was one that they had brought with them. It was a stand that extended out in a ring and had a shower curtain around it. As they walked up to it, Sam doubted that two of them would be able to cram inside of the curtain, let alone all three of them. Val must have thought of that already, but it didn't phase her. She was the first to the shower, and she just pulled the curtain fully open and turned on the showerhead that got its water from a refillable bag.

Val and Lilly cried out at how cold the water was after cooling down all night. Sam tried to mentally prepare himself, but he still let out a cry as his body jolted awake from the cold. Val and Lilly instantly started to scrub each other off with a loofah. Sam took in the fantastic sight of them touching each other all over. It was like they were entirely comfortable doing this with each other. Sam wanted to ask them if they had showered before, but it seemed pretty obvious. After they scrubbed each other off, they pressed against each other to rinse off at the same time. Sam's cock started to twitch at the sight of their beautiful bodies, Val with her tanned skin, slender legs, and large breasts, and Lilly with her petite pale body, thick thighs, and plump ass. With them being pressed together like that, it allowed Sam to check them out without choosing which one to look at. Sam felt a little left out that they hadn't let him in on the action, but he couldn't complain much when they gave him such a fantastic show.

After freezing at the edge of the water for several minutes, the girls finally made room for him to grab his body wash. Val grabbed the body wash from Sam's hand, and Lilly took the scrubber that had come with it. The girls started to wash Sam. His body broke into goosebumps at their touch. At first, they kept it to his shoulders, massaging his back as they scrubbed him.

Sam closed his eyes in rapture, not knowing whose hand was whose as they worked their way down his shoulders, back, and stomach. Sam tensed up as he wondered if they were going to wash him everywhere. He got his answer as whoever had the loofa now ran it down the small of his back with their hand rubbing behind it, and then a second later continued down so that they were rubbing his ass. It felt so good, but the pleasure was nothing compared to when he felt the other pair of hands start to fondle his cock a few seconds later. The girls took their time washing and massaging his cock, balls, and ass. Sam kept on constantly trying to guess whose hands were whose as they seemed to move back and forth. Even with how cold the water was, he could feel himself starting to get harder with their attention. All pretense of cleaning him disappeared as a hand began to stroke his cock back to life. A moment later, Sam felt a smaller hand start to play with his balls.

Sam opened his eyes to see that Val was the one who was expertly jerking him off while his little sister was playing with his balls. Sam winced when Lilly started to get too rough with them.

"Sorry," Lilly said as she pulled her hand away.

"It's ok," Sam exhaled, trying to make sure that Lilly wasn't discouraged.

"Careful, you can jerk him off rougher if it's wet, but you have to be gentler with the balls," Val said. Lilly tentatively put her hand back and started to play with Sam's balls again, this time making Sam groan in pleasure instead of pain.

"Much better," Val said and started to Jerk Sam off again. After a couple of minutes, Val grabbed Lilly's hand and placed it on Sam's rock-hard cock.

"Use long slow strokes," Val said, placing her hand over Lilly's so that she could guide her. "Once you have a rhythm, you can start to use more pressure," Val demonstrated by pressing their hands tighter on the upwards stroke and then relaxing on the downward. "Also, you can start to speed up," Val picked up the pace for them, "Or you can even do both." Sam moaned loudly as Val's quick lesson helped Lilly get used to it. Sam couldn't believe how much of a quick learner she was.

Now that Lilly was getting the hang of things, Val went back to playing with his balls. "See how he is tensing up and how much harder his cock feels," he is getting close," Val said. Sam was right at the edge when Val started to suck on his neck from behind. Lilly leaned forward and started to do the same on the other side of Sam's neck.

It was too much for Sam. As he started to cum he wanted to call out both girls' names, but he held back and settled for a loud groan. As Sam began to cum, Lilly pointed his cock towards Val so that he shot his load all over her large breasts.

"Hey!" Val exclaimed.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see you covered in his cum this time," Lilly said with a smirk.

Now that Val seemed to get out of the way of what she wanted, they all went back to washing up. Again Sam found himself at the edge of the shower as the girls took turns rinsing off. Sam couldn't believe how his day hadn't even started yet, and he had already gotten to cum thanks to Lilly and Val.

After their shower, the girls went into their tent to get dressed. Sam did the same and was back out before them. Sam was sad to see the girls were fully dressed when they emerged from the tent. They cooked breakfast together, burning through most of their last ingredients since this would be their last day at the camp.

The girls went on a little mini hike together while Sam started to clean up. He was a little upset that they hadn't invited him to go with them, but he was also glad for a bit of time alone. He had a lot to think about after all that had happened over the last few days. So much had happened with his sexy older cousin. So many of his daydreams had come true, with the added delight but also dilemma that his little sister had been a part of it. He had checked her out a few times, but he had never fantasized about her like he did Val. When he saw her, he had a hard time seeing her be her usual cute bubbly self and not think about all that he naked and all of the depraved things they had done together. Sam wondered how his father would react if he found out what he was doing with the girls and how his mother would react. Thinking about them or anyone else freaking out once they discovered the weekend events made Sam reconsider what was going on between the three of them.Sam decided to go for a walk to try and clear his head. Sam was about ten minutes out when he heard what he thought was a cry of pain from nearby. It sounded like Lilly. Sam left the trail and started to rush towards the sound, thinking that something might have happened to her. He found another path and saw through a thicket of trees. Lilly sat on a log with her back to a tree. At first, her lower half was concealed by the trees. A few more steps, and Sam saw that Val was on her knees before Lilly, and from the movement and Lilly's next sigh of pleasure, Val was eating her out.

Sam watched as Val ate Lilly out. Lilly must have been getting close to cumming because her cries of pleasure got louder. Sam stepped back so that there was a tree between him and the girls so that they wouldn't see him. Sam thought about going back to camp so that he wouldn't interrupt him, but the draw of what he was seeing kept him in place. Sam started to rub himself through his shorts as he watched his little sister get eaten out by their sexy older cousin.

Sam pulled his cock out and started to jerk off rapidly to get caught up to Lilly. Luckily for him, Val decided to tease Lilly and pulled away and started to kiss her thighs. Lilly grabbed Val by the hair and pulled her back in place. It didn't take long for Lilly to begin approaching her climax again, but Sam was getting close too. Lilly ground her pussy against Val's mouth and started to call out her name as her body shook from her orgasm. Sam realized that he wanted so badly for her to scream his name in cries of pleasure. Sam started to cum. Lilly's face contorted in pleasure as she squeezed her thick thighs around Val's head.

As Lilly came down from her climax, she let out a cute little laugh and smiled as she leaned back against the tree to catch her breath. Val leaned up, and they kissed deeply. As they stood up and started to straighten out their clothes, Sam backed out of the thicket of trees he had been hiding in.

As Sam walked back to camp, he thought about how happy Lilly was while she came and afterward. Since their father had passed away, Lilly was often quiet and sullen. Now that Sam thought of it, the only time she had ever shown any life recently was when Val was visiting them. It was obvious that they had been fooling around for a while now. As Sam thought about Lilly's smile, he remembered how she had been just as happy as she helped make him cum, and also when they fooled around in the tent. Even Val's usually aloof nature had been happier lately.

Sam knew that what the three of them were doing would be called wrong, but after seeing how happy it was making both the girls and how he felt, he didn't think he should try and stop. They had all been so miserable for so long, separately, but now it seemed like they were finding a way to make each other feel better. Sure it wasn't the usual way families grieved. At least that's what Sam thought.

He got to the camp before them and was doing a little more cleaning up when the girls returned. To Sam's surprise, the girls started helping him clean up without him asking. Together they got the rest of the work done quickly. Now they could enjoy their final day together and not have to worry about getting as much done tomorrow morning when they would leave.

They ate a quick lunch when Val suggested they go to the swimming hole one last time, and they all agreed. Sam thought that the girls would duck into their tent to get bathing suits this time, but instead, they started towards the path. Sam smiled, knowing that he was going to be getting to see them naked again soon.

They made it to the swimming hole in record time. Sam thought it would be Val who would strip first, but instead, without a word, Lilly stripped first. Val was quick to stripe too. Sam took in the beautiful sight of both of the girls fully naked before him.

"While?" Val asked, waiting for Sam to strip too. He took his shirt off first, and then after kicking off his shoes and socks, he pulled down his shorts and boxers at the same time. From getting to see both of them naked again, Sam was already semi-hard. "Oh, what do we have here?" Val asked as she walked over and took hold of Sam's cock. As she started to jerk Sam off, Lilly came and caress Sam's cock and balls. They got him fully hard quickly, and Sam knew he wasn't going to be able to last long. He was getting close to cumming and closed his eyes. Just a few more strokes, and Sam knew that he was going to cum.

"Now!" Val said as she pulled her hand away and grabbed his arms. Lilly grabbed Sam's other arm, and together they started to pull him towards the water. Sam struggled against them, but he had let his guard fully down, and they were too close to the water for Sam to fully recover. He dug in his heels and resisted as much as he could as they approached the edge of the water. The girls strained to push him in. Sam waited a little longer, and when it seemed like they were putting their full force against him, he grabbed each of them by the waist and pulled them towards the water. They all launched forward from their combined momentum and splashed into the water in a jumble of limbs.

Val and Lilly had set the name of the game outside of the pool, so Sam decided to give them a taste of their own medicine while they swam. He would constantly touch and grope the girls, doing his best to get them turned on and then swimming away. At first, they resisted his efforts, but the longer it went on, the more success he was having. The girls started to do it back to him, sucking on his neck and stroking his cock for a bit before swimming away.

Eventually, the three of them were standing in the shallower side of the pool next to each other. Both girls were jerking him off, and he was running a finger between each of their pussy lips. With a trembling hand, Sam slipped a finger inside of each girl. Sam rubbed along Lilly and Val's pussy, savoring the softness of their skin and how they felt so similar yet so different. Sam slipped the tip of his finger inside of both of them. The warmth after so long in the coldness of the water felt amazing. Sam couldn't believe that he really had a finger inside of each of them.

Val and Sam locked eyes. The smoldering of lust in her eyes made Sam's erection twitch. She parted her supple lips. Sam couldn't believe that they hadn't kissed yet. It felt like more of an intimate act to Sam, and he found himself yearning to kiss his cousin. Sam kissed Val, the first thing that he had ever fantasized about doing with her all those years ago. Their kiss quickly deepened. Val was an aggressive kisser, sucking hard on Sam's bottom lip and quickly using her tongue. Sam struggled to keep up with what Val wanted, but every moment of it was pure bliss.

Sam felt a hand on his chin start to pull him away from Val's lips. Lilly guided him towards her lips, but once he was free from Val, Lilly stopped pulling him, bit her lip, and looked down. She looked so vulnerable. She had just shown what she wanted but hadn't been able to fully commit to it. Sam kissed her. It was slow, sweet, and passionate. Sam found himself being the one who deepened the kiss. When he sucked on her bottom lip, Lilly let out a cute moan of pleasure, so he did it again. When Sam flicked his tongue across her lips, she responded tentatively with her own.

Val let them make out for a while before cutting in and kissing Lilly. The three of them made out and touched each other. Sometimes Sam would feel both of their hands on his cock. Other times he would feel them rubbing each other's clits while he continued to finger them.

Sam tried to hold back, but after how close they had gotten him before, followed by all of the teasings in the pool, he could feel himself rapidly approaching his orgasm. Sam tensed up, and Val must have picked up on it because she picked up the speed. With a groan, Sam started to cum into the water.

Now that Sam had come, the girls mainly focused on each other, although they still made out with him and occasionally fondled his softening cock. Now Sam got to watch up close as they made love. The girls held each other tight, pressing their breasts together and rubbing a thigh against each other's pussy. Their breathing became more labored, and their moans got louder. Sam wondered which one of them was going to cum first. He got his answer when a moment later, Val threw her head back and started to moan. Sam sucked hard on her slender neck, feeling her moans vibrate through her throat before he got to hear them. Sam roughly played with one of Lilly's nipples, and she caught up to Val, her moans the loudest that Sam had heard yet.

They held each other as they recovered from their orgasms. Once they were partially recovered, they climbed out of the swimming hole and lay on the soft overgrown grass to sun dry. They nestled up on either side of Sam, and he held them. Sam wasn't sure who was the first to fall asleep, but after how early they had woken up, he wasn't surprised that they all took a nap.

They all started to stir around the same time, but no one spoke for a time as they laid there together.

"I have an idea," Val said.

"What is it?" Sam asked. So far, all of Val's ideas had led to events that he never thought would happen.

"How about we spend the rest of the day naked."

"What?" Sam asked.

"It just feels right being in nature like this. It's not like there is anyone around to see us," Val said.

"It would be a way to make our last day memorable," Lilly said.

"I thought you would be all for it so that you could see us naked all day," Val said.

Sam thought about it for a moment. It was a lot more adventurous than Sam would generally be, but so far this weekend, he had done so many unexpected things. After all that had happened, this actually seemed like the least radical idea. "Ok," Sam agreed.

They lay there for a little before standing up. They gathered up their clothes and wondered if they should wear shoes or not on the way back. They knew that the path back wasn't too rough, so they decided to try and walk back barefoot. Sam always wore shoes, so walking barefoot while also being fully nude took a lot for him to get used to. Sam quickly learned the hard way to watch his footing so that he wouldn't step on a sharp branch.

They made it back to camp around five pm, so they gathered up some more firewood and then got the campfire going. The girls volunteered to cook dinner that night, so after laying down on a blanket on one of the logs near the fire, he sat down and rested, staring into the fire and admiring the girls as they prepared dinner in the nude. Besides having to burn through all of their bug spray and repellent, Sam enjoyed all of them hanging out naked.

When the food was ready, Lilly brought a plate to Sam and also a soda. The girls sat next to him on the log, and they ate together. Even though all of them were naked, things seemed to be perfectly normal between them as they ate and reminisced about their pasts. Val particularly liked to bring up any embarrassing moments that the others suffered through.

They talked late into the night until they were starting to get tired. They put out the fire together. Other than all of them being naked, things started to seem so normal that Sam was surprised when Val and Lilly grabbed one of his hands and began to lead him back towards their tent.

The girls entered first, giving him a perfect view of their ass and pussy from behind. When Sam entered the tent and zipped it up, the girls lay down with a space between them for him. Sam took his place between them. His heart was thumping wildly. It seemed like they had something planned.

Without saying anything, the three of them started to make out passionately. Sam couldn't get enough of their kisses. Hands explored each other's bodies. Sam wished he had more hands to touch more of both of the girls at the same time. While stroking his erection, the girls kissed their way down his jaw, licking and sucking hard on his neck before continuing their kisses down his chest. Sam craned his neck to watch as their kisses brought them closer to his erection. He hoped so badly that was their destination. Val must have known how badly he wanted it because the closer she got, the slower she went, and so did Lilly, who was falling Val's lead.

Sam had to spread his legs as the girls lay between his legs. Val held Sam's erection between her and Lilly. "Lilly's never done this before, and she wants you to be her first," Val said. "Watch closely." Val kissed the head of Sam's cock, slowly rubbing it against her moist lips. Slowly she enveloped his cock head, taking it fully into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it and then pulled it out of her mouth with a loud pop. "Your turn."

Lilly grabbed the base of his cock and slowly approached. She looked so focused on what she was about to do. Sam couldn't believe that not only was he about to get his dick sucked by both of them but that this was going to be Lilly's first time doing it. Lilly kissed the tip of his cock, causing it to twitch against her lips, which startled her and made her pull back.

"That's a good sign," Val said. Lilly pressed her lips back against Sam's cock, only when she started to open mouth kiss it. Sam moaned at the softness of her lips. Lilly started to lean forward and, after a moment of hesitation took the entire head of his cock into her mouth.

"Good, now you can suck on it or use your tongue on it. The underside of his head should be extra sensitive," Val said. Lilly did as Val said, sucking hard at first and then tentatively flicking her tongue against his head. She started to do it with more confidence, swirling her tongue around it and focusing on the sensitive underside of his cock, making Sam moan loudly.

While Lilly focused on his head, Val started to lick up and down his shaft. Eventually, their mouths touched, and they started to make out with Sam's cock in between their mouths.

"Now, you can start to try and take more of it into your mouth. Just take your time and only go as far as you are comfortable with," Val said. Lilly took Sam's cock back into her mouth, this time taking in three inches before she stopped. After that, she worked her way slowly down, but she stopped at about the halfway point. Sam couldn't take his eyes away from the sight of his little sister with his hard cock in her mouth. She looked up at him and held his gaze. She looked so innocent, but her eyes showed how much desire she had for him. Sam's cock twitched again into her mouth.

"It's ok if that's all that you can take in. Just work it in and out of your mouth," Val instructed. Lilly did as Val said, getting used to the feeling of a cock in her mouth for the first time.

Val lay beside Sam so that she could watch the show with Sam. She pressed her body against him and nuzzled up against his neck. She licked and sucked her way up to his neck. She nibbled on his earlobe and licked the inside of her ear. "Do you like watching your little sister suck your dick? I know I do," Val asked. Sam nodded his head, not trusting himself to be able to speak when experiencing so much pleasure. "Why don't you tell her that. I shouldn't be the only one giving her encouragement," Val said.

"I love watching you suck my cock Lilly, you are so sexy," Sam said, still uncomfortable with talking dirty. He wasn't sure, but it seemed as if she started to take him into her mouth with more confidence once he said that. Lilly pulled the hair out of her face so that Sam could get a better view and started to take him in her mouth even faster. As Sam's cock became slick, Lilly began to pick up the speed, even more, making up for her lack of experience with her eagerness to please him.

"Don't forget about his balls," Val said and then kissed Sam. Val's kisses were even rougher this time, but Sam was so turned on that he found himself able to match her desire. His concentration was broken when Lilly started to lick and then suck on his balls. As Sam moaned into his kiss with Val, she shoved her tongue into his mouth, and they began to french kiss.

Once Sam's balls were completely coated in her saliva Lilly went back to blowing him while still playing with his balls. Sam leaned away from Val's lips. "I'm getting close," Sam warned as he felt his orgasm approaching. Val sat up and pressed her breasts against Sam's face. Sam reached up and started to knead them and sucked on one of her nipples.

"Yes, harder!" Val said. Sam eagerly did as she said.

Sam was completely smothered by Val's large breasts as Lilly started to jerk him off while blowing him. Sam moaned into Val's breasts as he began to cum into Lilly's mouth. Lilly cried out as he started to shoot his loads into her mouth, but the cry was muffled because of the cock still in her mouth.

"Try and keep all of it in your mouth," Val instructed as she pulled away from Sam and went back to her place beside Lilly. "Show him."

Lilly opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue; it was completely coated in is cum. Val pulled Lilly into a deep kiss and took some of his cum for herself. The girls swallowed together, Val with ease, while Lilly struggled a little bit. Val licked up a little cum that had been left at the corner of Lilly's mouth.

"You have to make sure you lick up every drop," Val said. Lilly looked down and saw that a few beads of cum had cum out as Sam's cock started to soften. She took him back into her mouth and cleaned his cock with her tongue.

"Like that?" Lilly asked.

"Perfect," Val said and kissed Lilly again. They started to make out between Sam's legs, feeling each other up. Val leaned down and took one of Lilly's puffy nipples into her mouth, sucking hard on it. After taking plenty of time to suck on Lilly's breasts, Val pulled away, and Lilly returned the favor.

Val pushed Lilly to lie on her back, and she started to take position between Lilly's legs. Lilly opened up her legs, and they pressed their pussys together and started to grind them against each other.

Sam was mesmerized by the sight of the girls scissoring together. He loved watching their breasts bouncing as they humped each other. They went at it fiercely. Sam could tell from how loud that they were moaning and how flush they were that they were both getting close to cumming. Sam wondered for how long they had been doing this. All this time, he didn't know what they were doing in the room next to him.

"Oh fuck!" Val screamed as she started to cum. Her whole body shook from the pleasure that she was receiving. Lilly wasn't able to get out any words as she began to moan loudly and humped harder against Val. Sam loved watching them cum, the sight of all of this turned him on so much that he could already start to feel his cock recovering. When the girls were done cumming they collapsed, their bodies fully spent. They held each other as they recovered and then retook their spots on either side of Sam, and they held each other.

The three of them lay there, gently kissing and caressing each other. Even Val was sweet as she rubbed Sam's thigh and softly kissed his neck. Lilly ran a hand up and down his other thigh. Both of them slowly worked their way up his thighs, and then they fondled his cock and balls, sensually jerking him off. Sam started to get hard again.

"Lilly wants to tell you something," Val said. Sam looked over at Lilly, and she was looking down with her chin tucked against her chest. Sam caressed her chin, gently nudging her head up so that she would look him in the eyes, and kissed her sweetly. When they broke the kiss, Lilly seemed more relaxed.

"I want you to be my first," Lilly said.

"What?" Sam asked, even though he perfectly heard what she said.

"Growing up, I've always had a crush on you-" Val coughed, "along with Val. I know you are family and how wrong it is, but I can't help but want you to be the one to take my virginity. I don't want it to be just using me for my body, someone just saying they love me. I want it to be someone who I am close to, and who loves me" Lilly had had a few boyfriends in high school, but her relationships had never lasted very long. Sam had wondered about it, but that was something that Lilly would never talk about. The thought of taking his little sister's virginity turned him on so much, but Sam didn't want Lilly to do something that she would regret. Sam was about to protest and say that he couldn't do that, but when he saw how vulnerable she looked and how badly she wanted him, he couldn't say no. He kissed her deeply and then pulled back so that their faces were just a breath apart. "I love you," Sam said.

"I love you too," Lilly said.

Lilly climbed on top of Sam. Val held Sam's cock and lined it up with Lilly's opening. Lilly lowered herself so that Sam's cock was nestled in between her lips, and she froze up.

"Go as slow as you need to," Sam said. Lilly nodded and slowly started to lower herself. Sam and Val watched as his dick disappeared inside of her. When she had half of it inside of her, she began to slow down. Sam couldn't believe how tight she was. If it wasn't for how wet she was, he doubted he would have gotten even this far inside of her. Lilly started to rise and lower herself on Sam's cock, each time taking in more of him. Finally, she took him entirely inside of her and gasped at the same time Sam moaned. He couldn't believe he was fully inside of his little sister. She was breathing heavily.

"Are you ok?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, just give me a moment."

"Take all the time you need," Sam said. He was glad for the respite. Lilly's pussy felt so soft, warm, and tight. He wanted to take his time and be able to appreciate these forbidden sensations.

After a minute, Lilly slowly raised and lowered herself, barely going up before taking him back into her again. Sam stayed still so that she could set the pace herself. He loved watching how as she started to pick up the pace, her face contorted in pleasure, and her breasts would bounce. Finally, after a few minutes, Lilly made it all the way back up so that just the tip of Sam's cock was inside of her. She met Sam's gaze and then plunged back down, taking his entire length in one movement. Sam couldn't help himself, and just before she bottomed out, he raised his hips, driving his cock even deeper. They moaned loudly together.

After that, Lilly started to pick up the pace, taking him in and out of her in long, deliberate movements. Sam began to thrust into her. It took them a few tries, but eventually, they got the rhythm right. Lilly's perky breasts kept on bouncing as she rode Sam.

"I'm feeling left out," Val said. Before Sam could respond, Val mounted Sam's face, leaning down on his chest to keep herself balanced. She pressed her pussy down onto Sam's mouth. Sam eagerly ate Val out. The taste of her pussy driving him to thrust even harder into Lilly. Lilly picked up the pace so that she was fucking him hard. Her moan's got even louder, and she called out Sam's name as she approached her climax.

"Oh, Sam!" Sam could feel Val rubbing furiously at her clit so that she wouldn't be left behind. Sam tried to warn them that he was about to cum and they needed to get off of him, but Val kept on grinding her pussy against his mouth so that he couldn't get a word out. Lilly screamed as she started to cum. He could feel her pussy begin to contract around his cock, and it put him over the edge. Sam started to cum inside of Lilly, and she moaned even louder.

"Keep on licking me," Val commanded, her voice hitching from pleasure. Sam did as she said, and Val started to tremble on top of him as she hit her climax just behind her cousins.

When Val was done cumming, she lay beside Sam, and Lilly fell forward onto Sam's chest. Sam rubbed her back while she caught her breath. Lilly looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you," Sam said.

"I love you too," Lilly said.

"I guess I will just go sleep in the other tent," Val said, interrupting them. Sam pulled her in for a kiss.

"We love you too," Sam said.

Val looked like she wanted to try and say something witty, but she was at a loss for words. "I love both of you."

Val turned off the lantern hanging from the top of the tent, and the three of them held each other as they drifted off to sleep.

Sam's dreams were full of everything he had just done with his little sister and older cousin. It all felt so real. When something started to stir him awake, he realized that the pleasant warmth he was feeling wrapped around his cock wasn't just a dream.

"It's about time you woke up," Val said after taking his cock out of her mouth. He straightened up to get a good look at her, but she pushed him back down and climbed on top of him. "It is my turn," Val said. She lined his cock up with her opening and impaled herself on it in one try.

"Oh fuck," Sam said as he bottomed out inside of her. She wasn't quite as tight as Lilly, but she knew how to ride a dick better and could contract the muscles inside of her pussy. Val picked up the pace quickly, alternating between taking him in and out of her in full strokes or grinding down against him when he was fully inside of her.

"Harder," Val said. Sam grabbed her hips for leverage and started to slam into her. "Yes, fuck me like that," Val cried out. "I've wanted you for so long," Val said, her words coming out erratically as the pleasure of them fucking made it hard for her to speak. That came as news to Sam. He had no idea that his little sister had wanted the same things that he did all this time.

"Me too," Sam said, still not believing his luck that this was happening. Val grabbed at his hands and placed them on her tits. He started to paw at them, kneading her soft breasts and pulling on her nipples. Val arched her back and rode him even harder.

"I want you to cum in me. I want to feel you shoot your load inside of me, Val cried out. Even though it was so wrong, the thought of cumming inside of his cousin turned him on so much. "Sam!" Val cried out his name as she climaxed.

Sam still thought that maybe he could pull out of her in time, but as she came, her pussy gripped him so tightly that he couldn't control himself. Sam called out Val's name as he came fully inside of her.

"Yes," Val moaned. She lay on top of Sam. Sam held her tight. "I love you," Val whispered.

"I love you too," Sam said as he caressed her back.

"I can't believe that didn't wake Lilly up," Val said.

"Looks like she really can sleep through anything," Sam laughed.

Since they were up so late the night before, Sam's plans of leaving early the next day fell through, which he didn't mind. They spent their entire last day fully nude. Now that they had experienced everything together, there were no sexual reservations between them. They rarely left the camp because they were constantly making each other cum. It was only towards the end of the day they got dressed and started to pack up. Sam wanted to spend as much time in their personal Eden as he could, but making all of the drive back in the dark would have made the drive back take that much longer. They left the campsite about an hour before sunset.

The sun was setting again when they stopped at the same rest stop they had on their way to the campsite. They stood again at the edge of the rest stop, where it dropped away into a steep valley with mountains on the other side where the sun was setting. Lilly and Val stood on either side of Sam. Their fingers interlocked with his as they enjoyed the sunset.