Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1173 - LOVE HANDLES

Chapter 1173 - LOVE HANDLES

My sister Chloe sat on my bed wearing a simple V-neck t-shirt and shorts, her round face bore an expression caught somewhere between pouting and annoyance.

"Everyone always says that to me... 'you are beautiful just the way you are.' Sure, I don't think I'm ugly, but does anyone want to date me?" accompanied by an exaggerated gesture of looking around the room before continuing "...look at all the guys just lining up! Guys my age don't want chubby girls...they want fucking skinny girls!"

"Not all guys are looking for that-"

My attempts to placate her were cut short, impatience flaring on her face. "-Right, because boys are looking for beauty on the inside right? A real connection? Yeah right! Guys just want to fuck, everyone knows that."

I knew better to point out that some guys really are looking for a real connection. Someone they can be themselves with. It's the reason my last girlfriend and I broke up...she didn't like the fact that I was a goofy dork.

Of course, if I said that, she would just claim I was only saying it to make her feel better.

Instead, I relied on a truth...or as close to the truth as I could admit to her. "Chloe, you are beautiful. Just because you are single doesn't mean you aren't."

I could tell she didn't fully believe me, but her face softened as she sniffled, " you really mean that?"

"Of course, I do! Trust me, you look really good!" I tried not to stare at her chest and hips as I said it.

"...But you still wouldn't date me..."

A lump caught in my throat. I so desperately wanted to say how wrong she was...but I couldn't tell her that.

I hesitated for a second, thinking of what to say. I was aware that she was watching me out of the corner of her eyes as she stared at the floor. I decided to stick with my good old safety vest, ", but only because I'm your brother."

We had talked about this numerous times, like a well-rehearsed script, which is exactly why she caught me off guard when she followed up with a question she had never asked before, "And...if you weren't?"

The words were out before I could stop them, "I'd date you in a heartbeat."

...She had no idea how much I meant that. I have been attracted to chubby girls all my life. Don't get me wrong, it's not that petite girls aren't attractive...but something about the extra body fat drives me wild. Chubby girls make me want to grab their sides and slam my dick into them as deep as it will go...driven by an animalistic need to fill breed and claim them.

But my perverted mind went deeper than that. I had been attracted to my little sister for the past two or three years now. The amount of times I've gotten off to thinking of her would stagger you...not exactly appropriate big brother behavior.

She dabbed a stray tear off her cheeks, "'re just saying that..."

I leaned over from my computer chair to hold her hand. "I'm not though...and for what it's worth, it isn't your looks that are the problem."

Not a lie. My sister had a bit of extra fat on her, but that same fat also gave her an amazing set of curves to look at. No, my guess is that guys didn't approach her because she was a sweetheart. She is always caring about others. My sister turned 19 a few months back and recently graduated high school. I'm 21, 2 years older than her...which I only brought up as trump card when we engaged in the usual sibling fight.

My sister's sweetheart personality gave off the impression that she was a wait-till-marriage type. Reality is, she is the type of girl most guys could only dream of settling down with. Down to earth, caring, and smart. But most guys fresh out of high school aren't exactly thinking about the long term.

She continued after a long pause. "I just sucks. Like, seriously, girls get fucking horny too! Just because I tend to put the needs of others before mine doesn't mean I don't have needs too!"

I moved over to the bed to give her a hug and leaned on my shoulder for a bit. I tried to distract myself from her cleavage by focusing on her hair, which wasn't much better. Her long black hair always smelled so nice, and it made me want to run my fingers through it. Instead I settled for tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

Eventually she calmed down, wiping a stray tear from her eye. She hugged me tightly saying, "If all guys were like you, I wouldn't be single."

"You mean a super dork who does silly voices..." I changed my voice into a horrendous fake French accent, "like do you say? idiot?"

She chuckled at me, "Something like that!"

She left my room, and I tried not to watch that delicious, juicy ass walk away as she did, but couldn't help it.

"Thanks for always being there for me..."

"I'll always be here for you!"

We smiled at each other as she closed my door.

This was a pretty common occurrence with her. She was super self-conscious about her belly and was always trying weird diets and exercise routines. Our father didn't help much. Our dad is a successful lawyer, so we were well off, but he also wasn't around much. He didn't exactly have the time to cook green healthy food, and mostly ordered out or ate quick, crap-for-you meals.

Not to mention the fact that we were both pretty chunky growing up. Difference is, when puberty hit, I sprang up until I was just shy of 6'. My younger sister on the other hand...she's 5'3"...pretty short. Nowhere for the extra body fat to go.

It's had a pretty nasty effect on her self-esteem, but god, if only she knew the things she did to me...without even trying. Maybe then she would realize just how fucking gorgeous she was.

I sighed in relief when I heard her bedroom door close. Now able to adjust my semi-hard erection. I had tucked it in my waistband so she wouldn't see it in case this happened...which it often did around her. I had become quite adept at hiding my erection around her over the years.

Still, I was able to avoid saying or doing anything too stupid and was able to comfort my little sister without telling her how bad I have it for her. So, another job well done I guess.

I let my erection go down since I needed to get going to work soon. I worked on campus at a library, which was awesome since I usually got my homework done while getting paid for it.


Personally, I thought I was handling my taboo desires rather well, and as far as I could tell, Chloe had no idea how bad I had it for her. I just had to deal with it until I could move out of the house. I told myself that maybe then I'd be free of my crush on her, plus I wouldn't have to be on guard all the time.

A wrench got thrown into our routine however when our grandparents came over to visit unexpectedly. Apparently, a pipe had unexpectedly burst in their kitchen, flooding their home. The repairs would take at least a few days. Our dad likely made arrangements for them to stay with our cousin tomorrow, but for tonight, they needed to stay in one of our rooms. The guest room had been converted into a home office, and the bed had been sold ages ago, so that option was out.

Chloe volunteered her room, since the bed would be easier for them to get on since it didn't have as high a bedframe as mine did. This meant Chloe would be spending the night in my room since no one in their right mind would sleep on our couch. It was super comfortable to sit on, sure...but sleeping on it left a nasty crink in your back the next day.

We spent an hour or so hearing my grandpa tell his usual extravagant stories and asking grandma for more embarrassing stories about our dad, much to his dismay. Our dad, Richard, was kind of serious, so it was fun listening to stories of a time when he would chase lizards and such.

It was already getting late when the pipe had burst, and our grandparents usually went to bed early since they were getting up there in years. We made sure gram and gran were taken care of before getting ready for bed ourselves.

As I was brushing my teeth, I took a deep breath, attempting to calm my steadily growing nerves as I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. My brown eyes stared back at me as I thought "Just be cool. She's your sister...she's not going to beg you fuck her or anything like that...That stuff only happens in porn." I finished up and headed back to my room.

Chloe went and grabbed her favorite pillow from her room, and when she returned it almost seemed like she was a little nervous. Odd, considering how she and I have spent countless hours in my room hanging out and playing games.

She didn't quite meet my gaze as she said, "Thanks for letting me stay in here. It sure beats our couch."

"It's no problem. It's not like you've never been in here before!"

She laughed before she moved to set her pillow down on the sleeping bag we had set on the floor, but I stopped her. "Actually...I think you should take my bed."

Hazel eyes stared back into mine, her cheeks reddening slightly with embarrassment, "I couldn't do that!"

"Sure you can!"

I wasn't going to back down from this. I had already formulated a plan to protect myself from any embarrassing mishaps. Plus, it seemed rude to make a woman sleep on the floor.

I changed my voice into a ridiculous aristocratic British accent, "Besides it wouldn't be very gentlemanly for me to make a woman sleep on the floor! Uncooth, I say! Why, I'd be the talk of the market square!"

My sister burst out giggling at me before she threw her pillow at me. "You dork!..."

I knew she would feel guilty about inconveniencing me, but she wouldn't be able to put up as much of fight if I made her laugh. As if on cue she asked, "Won't you be uncomfortable on the floor?"

I already knew it wasn't going to be a great night's sleep, but I wouldn't tell her that. "It's fine! Besides, I'm a heavier sleeper than you, so like whatevs."

She chewed her lip thoughtfully, as if debating saying something, but she didn't.

We weren't ready to go to sleep, so we hung out watching Netflix and talking.

Finally, we turned on a lamp and turned off the overhead lights, and started getting settled in. We spend some time chilling on our phones for a bit, sending each other stupid memes and such. About 30 minutes later we said good night and went to "sleep".

...or at least I tried to. I had much more difficulty getting comfortable than I thought I would. I rolled every few minutes, trying to evade the pins-and-needles sensation of the hard floor pressing into me.

My room wasn't pitch dark at night, as a pale light usually flooded in through my window by my bed. I stared at my ceiling as I lay there.

After a while I heard Chloe whisper " awake?"


"I can't sleep."

"Same here..."

"Is it the floor? That can't be comfortable..."

"I'm fine." I was lying, but I knew I'd fall asleep eventually.

"...I can't sleep like this."

"What do you mean?"

She stayed quite for a bit before answering, "This is dumb..."

"What is?"

"I can hear you rolling around. Sleeping on the are going to sleep like crap...and your back is going to be a mess tomorrow. Just..." I saw her silhouette sit up before continuing, "...Just come sleep on your bed."

"I'm fine, really. If I need to I'll get another blanket to sleep on or something. I'm not gonna make you sleep on the floor."

"Then just come sleep with me you goof. I may be fat, but I don't take up the whole bed!"

My voice came out a bit louder than a whisper, my irritation flaring, "You aren't fat! Stop being mean to yourself."

"Sorry...I know you don't like when I say things like that. If I take it back, will you come sleep on the bed? It's not like you are going to get a hard-on sleeping next"

Fuck. Without realizing it, she had trapped me. If I said no, I ran the risk of harming her self-esteem further. But if I said yes...

She continued, oblivious to my dilemma, "Please? I won't be able to sleep if I'm worried about you not getting any sleep...."

Damn my fucking caring sister...always a damn sweetheart. I sighed before getting up and moving to the bed. I was so screwed...

I hesitated on the edge of the bed, "You sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable..."

She grabbed the covers and pulled them back so I could join her, "Zack, if I can't be comfortable around you then there is no hope for anyone. Now get over here, you are letting all the cold air in!"

When I got in the bed and got comfortable, her arm rubbed against mine. She felt so warm compared to me.

She must've felt it too because she said, "Why are you so cold? Was it from the floor?"

"I didn't really notice until now. Why are you so warm?"

She didn't answer me at first. Instead she moved closer to hug my arm before she answered, "I'm usually warm, so this feels...nice."

I became all too aware of the way her breasts clung to my arm as she laid next to me and felt familiar arousal signals traveling downward. Shit. I tried to think of less sexy things, but it didn't help. Her silky black hair was still slightly damp from her shower earlier, and the floral scent around her was more than a little distracting.

She let out a contented sigh, "This isn't good Zack..."

I tried and failed to keep my nervous chuckle out of my voice, "W-what's not?"

She snuggled even closer to me, resting her leg partially on my thigh, "I...I might get used to this. This is really comfy smell nice..."

Her shift had put my hand close enough to grab her inner thigh...If I rested my hand on her thigh, she likely wouldn't say anything...but I wouldn't be able to stop myself from squeezing. Thick thighs save lives, but these thighs would doom mine.

"Are you comfy?" She asked as she nuzzled her face into my arm.

Fuck, she was so cute...

"Y-Yeah..." I saw only one way out of this, so I tried to make it sound like I was falling asleep.

"Let me know if I'm...too heavy."

I wanted to chastise her for that...but instead I wisely chose to keep the façade going and said "Mmmkay" as groggily as I could.

She giggled quietly and said "Good night..."

I closed my eyes and pretended to have passed out.

Several moments passed by like that, but she didn't move. Eventually, she moved my arm behind her so she could rest her head on my chest. I felt her move the rest of her body too, so she was pressed up against me. I could feel her breasts resting on my torso, and those gorgeous legs were resting on my thigh. We lay like this for several moments as I tried to focus on my breathing. Her thigh was dangerously close to my erection.

Thankfully it hadn't sprang free from my boxers. Damn...I should have changed into shorts.

She lay there for a while before she adjusted again, moving her thigh right into my rising erection...we both froze.

"Zack...Hey awake?"

I tried once again to focus on my breathing. If I could convince her I was asleep, I could feign ignorance in the morning. She knew I was a heavy sleeper, so she would likely believe that.

She called for me a few more times before I felt her hand lift up my shirt slightly and begin slowly trailing her fingers downward. I knew she might be able to see if I opened my eyes, so I kept them closed.

What the fuck was she doing?

Any pretenses of her simply adjusting ended when she slowly unbuttoned my boxers, and I felt my erection spring free. She swore under her breath as she dragged her fingers across my length.

I felt her hesitate for just a bit, before moving her other hand down. Her soft moan told me exactly where it had gone to. I opened one eye slightly and was able to watch as she wrapped a hand around my base while she toyed with herself inside her shorts.

The way she softly moaned my name unraveled me as she began slowly moving her hand up and down my shaft. It was getting really difficult to feign sleep...but I hoped she would be too distracted to notice.

She groaned softly as she kept stroking me, rocking her hips lightly. I opened my eyes slowly and was relieved to see that she wasn't looking at me. I watched as her hands slid up and down my shaft.

She began to shift, and I shut my eyes again. She removed her hand from my erection, made a spit sound, and her now lubricated hand stroked me. I couldn't stifle my groan at the unexpected pleasure, causing her to freeze.

After a few more strokes, she said "You're awake, aren't you?"

I didn't answer...maybe she was testing me. Seeing if I was awake. So I didn't move.

I felt her adjust again, and I felt her grab my hand and place it on her upper thigh.


I have always loved thighs, and hers were perfect. The kind of thighs you want to have wrapped around your head. I tried to fight the impulse to start squeezing them, but I wasn't really thinking straight with her stroking me. My hand squeezed her thighs and began, of its own volition, slowly drifting toward her mound.

"Zack...if you are awake...I'll keep going." She stopped stroking me.

I lay there for a bit to see if she would continue, but she didn't.

"I won't be mad..."

Well shit..."Yeah...I'm awake..."

I wasn't expecting the sigh of...was that relief? Joy? "Tell me the truth...please don't lie to me." She placed her hand back on my cock but didn't move it, a silent reminder of what the punishment, or reward, could be.


"Did you force yourself to think about sex to get a hard on just to make me feel better about myself?"

I blinked at her, shock and confusion easily readable on my face if the lights were on. "That's what you think?!"

She gave me a quick stroke, "Please Zack...tell me the truth." There was a desperation in her voice that was undeniably sexy.

"Chloe...." I shifted so I could look at her in the dim light, not able to make out much more than her eyes. I sighed, knowing my fate was sealed. "...I wanted to avoid sleeping with you because I knew I would get hard...because I'm always kind of hard around you. I have gotten good at hiding it...but I can't help it around you."

She moved her face slightly closer to me, stoking me again, very slowly. Her breathing was shaky and her voice was husky, "Why are you...always hard around me?"


She let out a breath of anticipation that killed any resistance I had left.

"'re so goddamn sexy. I want you so bad...I have wanted you for years..."

She kissed me, and I was so stunned I didn't move for several seconds before I kissed her back, moaning into her mouth as she did.

She pulled off to remove her hand from inside her shorts. Soon I felt her reach down and slide them down to her ankle. She grabbed my hand and moved it between her legs, and my dick twitched when I felt her freshly shaven mound.

"Fuck..." I groaned out.

"Zack...I'm so horny...but you don't have-"

I cut her off with a kiss as I traced my fingers along her wet slit, groaning as she began jerking me again. I responded in kind by rubbing her clit. She twitched slightly the first time my fingers met her clit...and the way she swore at the contract was such a turn on.

I broke off to adjust myself so I could work her better. As I did, she threw off her shirt to reveal that she wasn't wearing a bra. I kissed my way down her neck toward my mouthwatering prize.

She groaned as I kissed her breast, "Oh...that feels so good..."

When I gently bit down on her nipple, the whimper that erupted from her caused my hips to buck and a groan to escape my lips.I began working her clit faster, wetting my fingers so I could circle them around her clit. I kept teasing her nipples as I did, and her moans fueled my desire more. I had dreamed of hearing the soft sounds she was making at my touch, and I craved more.

I slid a finger into her, causing her to grab my hair with her free hand.

"Fuck...that's so good!"

I groaned into her as I began nibbling and sucking those luscious tits more forcefully and was delighted when she began bucking her hips. Her stroking of my cock had become irregular, but I was too focused on getting her off to care.

"Zack...why are you..."

I knew what she was trying to ask, and answered for her, my voice coming out as a low growl, "Because I want to get you off first. I want to make my fucking sexy sister cum!"

Her hips arched and her eyes shot open, "Zack!"

She erupted on my fingers, shaking and moaning as I worked her. I took her nipple into my mouth again and bit it, causing her to spasm more with pleasure. Her hand had stopped jerking me entirely, unable to function as those amazing legs shook under me.

When she stopped spasming, she stared into my eyes in the dim light. She pulled me in and kissed me deeply. Tenderly.

Her eyes still held awe in them as she swore, "Holy shit...Zack...that was so good!"

I groaned out a "fuck..." as she resumed her stroking. I felt her smirk as she removed her hand from me. I exhaled in disappointment as she did.

"Wait just a sec."

She brushed my hand away and began fingering herself. Coating her fingers in her juices before returning it to my cock. Knowing she used her own juices to lubricate me was so hot, and I felt my balls begin to tighten.

"Oh shit..."

"Are you getting close for me?"

"If you keep doing that...I will be...fuck..."

I was indeed getting close. I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

She threw off the blankets to stroke me more vigorously, and before long I said "Shit...I'm getting close...but it's gonna make a mess though."

She slowed her stroking a bit, "Do you have tissues nearby? Or a towel?"


She stroked me for a moment, before I felt her climbing over my legs to get off the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"I have an idea."

I opened my mouth to speak, but the next moment my breath was sucked away when I felt her lips on the tip of my cock.

"Oh god...Chloe!"

She wrapped her hand around the base of my shaft and pumped me into her mouth, teasing the head with her tongue. It felt way too good.

"Shit, I'm gonna cum!"

Seconds later my orgasm hit, and I began pumping stream after stream of cum into my sister's mouth. She pulled off once to swallow my load but went right back to sucking me. I just shook and groaned under her incredible tongue, running my hands through her hair as the last of my load drained into her.

When she released my spent dick, she cleaned her face on something, probably one of my t-shirts. I heard her lock my door before returning to the bed.

"Holy shit..." I said as she laid beside me.

"Seriously..." she kissed my cheek as she pulled me in close, making no move to put on her clothes.

Our breathing returned to normal, and I was starting to feel drowsy. Even so, I needed to express my unsaid feelings for her, so I pulled her in close, snuggling her.

"Zack...If we cuddle now...I won't want to sleep alone anymore."

Already half-asleep, I said "...too bad."

Her content sigh is the last thing I remember before passing out.


I awoke the next day to the sensation of fingers lightly caressing my torso. I blinked rapidly, my eyes adjusting to daylight to find Chloe smiling at me. "Good morning"

I smiled back sleepily, thinking I was still dreaming, and muttered something about "Best thing to wake up to".

It wasn't until I heard her giggle that I realized I wasn't dreaming. My eyes opened as I remembered last night. Did that really happen?

I blinked a few times, wiping sleep from my eyes before turning to look at her. Those beautiful hazel eyes shone with such adoration as she looked at me.

"I...really liked sleeping with you..."

Guilt panged at me. "Even though know."

"Said the sweetest things and made me cum harder than I've ever cum before?"

I opened my mouth to say something, registered what she said, and closed it. She wasn't mad? Or felt guilty?

She giggled as she saw my confusion and kissed me on the cheek. Snuggling closer to me. I wanted her to be even closer, but I knew she was intentionally putting as little weight on me as possible...considerate of her...except for the fact that I wanted to feel her weight on me.

I shook my head slightly, those thoughts were not helpful in the morning, especially since I already had morning wood but needed to pee. The worst kind of morning wood.

She started to ask what was wrong when I gave her a squeeze, to which she said "No...don't do that...I have to pee but I don't want to get up..."

I said in another of my ridiculous voices "Hmmm, quite ze predicament!"

She giggled as she got up, but said "Don't look while I get dressed..."

I raised a brow in silent question.

She answered by throwing her pillow at me, "I don't want you to see my don't look or I won't jerk you off again."

I obeyed and looked away, but my mind reeled as it replayed the last word over and over...did she just say...again?

I heard the door open, and once she left I took a peek. Most of her clothes lay on the floor, so she must have taken one of my shirts instead. I don't know what it is about a girl wearing one of your shirts, but it's so satisfying.

I got lazily dressed. I didn't have class or work today thankfully. When she came back I took my turn to use the bathroom and brush my teeth. When I emerged from the bathroom, the smell of bacon caught my attention.

I heard Grandpa call up the stairs, "That you Zack? Tell your sister to come on down, Grandma made a feast."

I grinned and called back before heading back to my room. Inside I was stunned to see that Chloe was still laying on my bed, clothed, but just laying there. Her grin as she saw me made me feel like I was the most handsome guy on earth.

"Uh...I guess grandma made a feast. Guess we should go down soon..."

She pulled me onto the bed. "Soon doesn't have to mean right now..."

"No...I guess not." I couldn't take my eyes away from hers. There was so many unsaid things in her gaze. Without speaking, we kissed each other. Slow, passionate.

"Zack...did you mean everything you said last night?"

"You don't know the half of it."

Her brow rose in adorable confusion.

" want to know why I only wear certain shorts when I'm hanging out with you? Or always place a pillow in my lap?"

Comprehension dawned on her face, "To hide your hard on?...All this time?"

"Yeah...because I didn't want you to think I was a freak."

"Why are you always hard around me?"

I thought about telling her the same thing I had said last night, but I decided to test the waters and told her "If granny and gramps weren't here, I'd ask to show you right now."

My gamble was rewarded as her eyes widened. She softly exhaled as I crawled over her to kiss her again. "But I'm-"

"-Fucking hot? Trust me, I've noticed." My voice came out deeper than I meant it to, causing her hands to start trailing down my back.

Her reply was interrupted by Grandpa calling for us again.

She looked at me breathlessly, staring into my eyes, as if scanning for a sense that I was lying.

I got off of her and adusted my semi so I could go downstairs.

She just watched me. "I really do that to you...all the time?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

I still remember the way she smirked at that before we headed downstairs.

There are many mysteries in the universe, but I'm happy to say that I can lay two of them to rest. Does food really taste better in the morning after getting off with your crush? Yes. Does everything grandmas cook really taste better? Also yes.

Gran went all out, making biscuits, gravy, bacon, eggs, and potatoes. I shudder to think what she would make if one of us told her we were hungry. I noticed that my sister was hesitant, likely because of her dieting, but opted for a smaller portion.

We ate and chatted at the table as a family, which was incredibly rare...and kind of nice. Dad told his work he wouldn't be able to make in for work until later.

Of course I was more distracted by the way Chloe kept smiling at me. The sun could take lessons from that radiant smile.

After breakfast my dad went with our grandparents to their place place to check the damage and such. Giving us the house to ourselves.

We put away the food and cleaned the dishes as we chatted.

"Zack, you don't work today right?"

"Nope, do you?"

"Nah, but I do have a yogalates class in like an hour. Do you have any plans?" There was a hint of suggestion in her voice.

"Not really...I don't have any errands to run or anything."

"So, you'll be here when I get back?"

"I should be. Why?"

I waited for her answer, but she just smirked at me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before bounding up to her room to get changed for class.

All she said before leaving was "Try not to be too busy for when I when get back!"

Did that mean what I think I did?

I did a few chores before hopping in the shower. I couldn't help analyzing and replaying the previous night in my head. She made the first move. She had never shown any interest in me like that before...was it a heat of the moment thing?

Then again, I was so distracted around her...was it possible I just didn't notice?

The line I kept going back to was when she said "Don't look or I won't jerk you off again".

She planned on doing...more with me? The thought had my engines ready to rev.

I shook my head. I was acting like a horny teen again. Get it together man, be cool.

I decided to boot up a game on my PC while I waited for her to get back. Living from home had its perks, since my dad had pretty good internet for when he had to work from home.

About 20 minutes later I heard my sister's voice ring out with "I'm home!" before long, and I answered back.

I knew she would want to shower after her class, so I resumed playing my game...or at least pretending to be. Truth is, I was getting nervous. I had always been comfortable around Chloe...but now I was in totally unknown territory.

Do I act like nothing happened? Do I bring up last night?

I ultimately decided to just wing it and see what she did.

I felt my heartbeat hasten when she stepped out of the bathroom. I figured she would spend a long time drying her hair, but she came right into my room.

She knocked even though my door was wide open, so I gestured her inside. All girls look sexier after a shower...but fuck she looked good. She had opted for a simple tank-top and some tight shorts. I also noticed she wasn't wearing a bra.

Her smile was infectious.

Trying to play it cool, I asked, "Feel better?" referring to her shower.

Her smile faded slightly, and her only response was to close my door and lock it.

I raised a brow, tilting my head slightly.

" I interrupting your game?" She asked as she walked toward my bed.

"Nah...I was mostly just killing time. You know...waitin' for you." It took effort not to steal glances at her breasts, which bobbed slightly as she sat on my bed.

"I..." she began, but I noticed her face flush a bit. "I was in class...and this whole morning..."

She wasn't the only one, but I let her continue.

"Zack...are you...I mean..."

There was some comfort knowing she was as nervous as I felt.

She didn't continue speaking, she just stood up and began cupping her sizable chest through her tank top, drawing my focal point there.

I could see her nipples poking through the thin material, and I felt my erection rising. My mouth hung slightly open as I tried to process what she was doing.

Her cheeks reddened as she asked "Are you...getting hard from this?"

I looked into her eyes, hazel pools of turbulent emotion. I let out a small breath before asking a question of my own, "Would you be mad if I was?"

Her lips twitched up into a shy smile as she shook her head. She held out her hand, a silent request for me to stand up. I took it and she helped me up. As I stood, I allowed my rising bulge to stick out, so it was visible.

She let out a breath as she saw it. " that? To you?...But I'm...I'm your sister!"

I felt myself harden at that. God I was fucked up. "I know..."

"And I'm-"

I cut her off before she could say the rest, finishing her sentence with "-gorgeous? Yeah, trust me I know."

She blushed heavily, unable to look at me for a moment, but she kept glancing at my bulge. She chewed her lip for a moment before sliding the straps of her top down, until they revealed the top curve of her breasts.

I let out a breath, admiring her smooth skin.

She looked at me, still blushing when she asked, "Have you ever...thought of me as you...jerk it?"

It was tempting to lie here, but I didn't want to lie to her. "All the that weird?"

She moved closer to me. "Maybe I'm just really horny right now...but I think it's hot."

I decided to step closer to her, putting my face inches from hers. If she made the first move, I wouldn't feel guilty.

She glanced at my lips before asking, "What if....what if we helped each night?"

"I'd like that...a lo-"

But before I could finish, she pulled me in for a kiss. The floral scent of her hair killed whatever pitiful resistance I may have had. It was clear that I was the more experienced kisser, but her raw enthusiasm more than compensated. Our lips danced, and when my tongue met hers, she groaned into me, pulling me closer.

I broke off to begin kissing and nibbling on her neck, and she loosed a shaky breath as I did.


I gave her a gentle push, and she fell back onto the bed. I crawled over her, my bulge landing right between her legs. She moaned and began grinding on me through our clothes.

She must have been really horny, because within seconds she was fumbling for my gym shorts, trying to pull them down. They slid to the ground and I kicked them off.

"Whoa...I thought he felt big...but..." Her mouth watered slightly.

"This is what you do to me...without even trying..." I told her before kissing her again.

She gave me a push to roll over, and when my back met the bed, she took my cock in her hand. "How did you hide *this* from me?"

"I uh...used pillows, or tucked him in my waistband..."

"Wasn't that uncomfortable??"

"Kind of...yeah..."

I heard her mutter, "That's not good...poor thing."

I groaned as she began pumping my shaft, causing her to smirk. Lust was now apparent in her eyes as she grinned at me. "It's my fault you had to suffer like this. But now I can fix it."

She readjusted until she was kneeling on the bed, straddling my legs. She licked her palms before stroking me again, and I tilted my head back at her touch.

"Oh fuck..."

It didn't take her long to realize it felt better with lubrication, and she readjusted herself before she said "I haven't done this tell me if I'm...not doing it right."

The next moment I groaned as her mouth wrapped around my head. "Holy shit..."

Her moans vibrated my shaft as he began bobbing her head up and down. She wasn't very experienced, but the fact that it was my sister doing it made everything feel so

She kept stroking my base as she took her mouth off to ask, "Does that feel good?"

"That feels...amazing!"

She grinned at me before lowering her mouth on me again. I noticed her hair getting in her way, so I reached down to pull it out of the way, holding it above her head as I pushed her head down gently. God the sight of her taking my dick in her mouth was so sexy...way better than my fantasies.

Soon she started moving faster, gaining confidence, and I began to lightly buck my hips.

"Could you...take off your top?"

She pulled off of me, visibly nervous. "But...My stomach...."

"It's okay...I just thought..." Shit. Way to kill the damn mood.

She thought for a moment before pulling her tank top down, revealing her incredible tits, but still covering her belly. "Is...this okay?"

"God yes."

She smirked as she worked me, and within moments of the new stimuli I felt my orgasm starting to build.

"Fuck...Chloe that feels so good!"

She groaned into me as she began bobbing faster, her hand matching her pace.

When she began teasing the tip of my cock with her tongue, my hips began shaking. "Holy shit...I'm gonna..."

My orgasm erupted from me before I could finish, and she tried to swallow all of it. She choked a few times but kept pumping me as my legs trembled against her. She did not stop teasing my head until I was completely drained.

When I came down, she grabbed a towel to clean up with, smiling at me. "Was that...good?"

"You have no idea...was it fun for you?"

Her smile broadened, "I really liked that."

She grabbed a drink of water from my nightstand.

When she finished, I stood up. Moving toward her to kiss along her neck. "Now it's your turn."

She turned to look at me, nerves audible in her voice. "Y-you sure?"

Oh, I was sure alright. I knew what I wanted, and my feral desire was starting to take over. I wanted those lovely thighs wrapped around head and my face buried into her mound. I pushed her on the bed, causing her to squeal adorably. I grabbed the waistband of her shorts, looking at her to see if she had any objections.

She shook her head slightly, and I slid her shorts off. I grinned as I saw she wasn't wearing anything underneath them.

I could tell she was already wet, and her neatly trimmed mound looked like the most inviting treat imaginable. My mouth watered as I stared at it.

"Are you me out?"

"I was hoping to."

"But....what if I end up...smushing you with my legs?!"

"Then I'll be even more turned on. I fucking love these thighs..." I ran my hands along them for emphasis. She squirmed in anticipation as I began kissing her thighs, and she sighed as I gently bit her as I trailed upwards.

I moved slowly, despite my instincts to pull her into me and lick her until she couldn't cum anymore...I didn't want to fuck this up.

When I reached her clit, I gently spread her labia and admired her for a moment. It was so much better than imagining it all this time. I delighted in the shiver that I sent through her as I slowly slid my tongue along her slit. She swore and groaned when I reached her clit, and nothing else mattered except hearing her do it again.

I continued to focus on her clit for a while before I decided to stick a finger into her. She groaned loudly at that. I experimented with a few strokes until I found one that caused her to arch her back.

When I started licking her clit and doing that in tandem, she grabbed my hair and groaned "Oh...Fuck...."

I hastened my pace and groaned when she started wrapping her legs around me. Who cares if it was harder to breathe now? This was heaven.

Moments later she screamed my name as she shuddered under me, rocking her hips as I continued to devour her. I lifted my head to watch those magnificent tits bounce as her thick luscious body trembled around my touch. Her hands gripped my bedsheets as the waves of pleasure flooded through her.

I stopped moving my fingers when she stopped twitching but didn't remove them. I could feel that my cheeks were beaming with smugness, but I didn't care. I fought the urge to keep going, to make her cum over and over.

I watched as my beautiful curvy sister's chest rose and fell as she caught her breath. Admiring her. Wishing she would take that damn tank top off so I could see all of her...But I knew if she did that...I wouldn't be able to control myself.

When she opened her eyes and looked at me, it took my breath away. Her flushed face, her dark hair that was a mess over my bed, and her grin made me lose it. Without thinking I climbed on top of her, needing to kiss her.

She groaned as our lips met, and her fingers fumbled through my hair as our tongues danced. Soon my head was pressed at her entrance, and we both froze.

"You're...hard again?" She asked as she met my gaze.


"From eating me out?"

"Yeah...I could do that all's so hot!"

She ground her hips against my head for a bit, chewing on her lip. "We probably...shouldn't fuck..."

"Probably not..."

"Would...would you want to?"

"Hell yes....but I'm also worried...I don't think I'd be able know...hold back."

She rolled us both onto our sides, grabbing my dick as she did. "What do you mean? Are you holding back right now?"


"What would...what would you do if weren't holding back?"

"Chloe...when I have sex with curvy girls I get...kind of...possessive..."

She started stroking me more intentionally, her breathing becoming a little shaky, "Like how?"

I groaned into her touch, "I become like a...beast or something. I would probably not be able to stop myself from pounding into you...until I..."

"I turn you on that much?"

"You have no idea...You are like a drug to me."

She chewed her lip for several moments, stroking me as she thought about something. Suddenly she stopped and stood up.

"Promise you won't tease me...?"

"When have I ever done that?"

"True..." She took a deep breath before removing her tank top and tossing it to the ground. I growled as I took in the sight of her. She had some chub on her belly sure, and it made me want to dig my fingers into her soft sides. My god those voluptuous curves...

The hunger I felt must've been apparent in my gaze, because she gasped when she looked at me. "God Zack...No one has ever looked at me like that...I can see how bad you want me."

I stood up and grabbed her sides, pulling her into me. "You are the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. I can hardly contain myself around you..."

Her words came out as barely a whisper. "Show me...stop holding back..."

I looked into her eyes. "A-are you sure? I...I don't want to do anything you don't want me to."

Running her hands down my spine, she told me the sexiest sentence I could ever have imagined on her lips. "Do whatever you want to me, Zack."

Logic and reason were gone now. Only my pure lust and desire remained.

I grabbed those delicious sides and pulled her in for a forceful kiss, causing her to go limp in my arms. I pulled off to begin biting her neck, marking her before pushing her onto the bed. She giggled and squirmed as I nibbled down to her breasts, and she groaned when I bit her nipples. God, I loved my sister's tits. Part of me wanted to stay suckling them, savoring this moment, but I needed more of her.

She giggled as I pushed her onto the bed, climbing over her for more passionate, forceful kisses. She kissed me back just as fiercely, our tongues danced with feel more of each other. Her hands roamed over my body hungrily. My cock prodded the head of her entrance, and I could feel her trembling slightly as I rocked my hips against her.

She whimpered "God...yes...please!"

Part of me wanted to work my way down to eat her out again, to keep hearing her moan like earlier. I swore to myself that next time, I'd spend a lot longer down here. As long as I wanted.

But for right now? I wanted more. Needed more.

When I broke the kiss off, I stood up and pulled her upwards. She assumed I was requesting her mouth on my dick, and I obliged her for a moment...but that was not my goal.

Soon I pulled out of her mouth, "I want you to present that gorgeous ass for your brother"

She squealed at my forceful tone, and happily flipped over on the edge of the bed, presenting the hottest ass I had ever seen.

I positioned my head at her wet entrance when reason made its final stand against my desires. I hesitated for a second. Did I really want to do this?

Yes. Fuck yes, I did.

But did she?

"Chloe...I want to fuck you so bad...but...not if-"

She cut me off, "-Zack, please! I don't care if it's wrong or whatever...I want you!" Hazel eyes with defiance in her eyes looked over her shoulder at me, "Don't hold back anymore..."

She gasped as I plunged inside of her, not stopping until I bottomed out. A groan was forced out of me as the sensation overwhelmed me. She trembled as her walls gripped me.

She felt so tight, so wet...and she was all mine.

Grabbing her love handles, I began pulling my cock out of her, marveling at how incredible it felt. I pushed all the way back in, watching that curvaceous ass ripple as I did.

I heard her breathe out, "O-oh...holy fuck..."

I grunted as I felt myself bottom out again. I tightened my grip on her sides.

No more of this slow bullshit.

This gorgeous ass needed to be FUCKED.

I began thrusting in a hard, steady rhythm, using her sides to pull her as far into me as possible.

She began to shake almost immediately. "Oh! That feels so good!" She started pressing her ass further back, making it easier to thrust deeper. "Don't stop!" She pleaded between moans.

As if I could. I kept up my merciless pace.

Soon she cried, "Fuck! I'm so fucking close!"

I registered that she was cumming as she shuddered and writhed under me, but I did not stop. I watched as she screamed into the mattress as I kept fucking her, her amazing ass rippling each time I bottomed out. Despite having just cum moments earlier, my balls began to tighten again, eager for release.

God she was so fucking hot! The way her tight walls gripped me, the sight of her gorgeous ass, and the screams of pleasure were getting to be too much. Knowing I was fucking my sister, the ultimate taboo and personal fantasy only added to my pleasure.

My pace was intense, and she pulled her face into the mattress to muffle her screams. It wasn't long before she began trembling under me again, and I grunted as my hips began to buck frantically. I needed to fill her. Needed to claim her.

Her screams got louder, pushing me to the brink, "Fuck! Chloe, I'm gonna cum!"


She screamed once more as I impaled her with my throbbing cock. Our orgasms danced together as I shot streams of cum deep into my sister. She screamed and twitched along with me as the waves of taboo-enhanced pleasure coursed through us. My legs shook as bolts of pleasure fired through me, and I felt her legs quivering as she leaned back into me, taking me as deep as possible.

My orgasm died away first, allowing me to watch as she continued to tremble and shake onto me. A sense of pride flooded me knowing I did this to her.

We stayed there for a while, her kneeling on the bed, and me standing on the edge, my dick still twitching inside her. I felt her squeezing me with her vaginal muscles...milking me.

I had the fleeting thought of "Was she even on birth control?" But I brushed it aside. Id worry about that later...I wanted to savor this.

We let our breathing return to normal before I pulled out of her. I smiled as I watched our combined juices leak out of her as I did.

"Holy...shit..." she said as she rolled onto her back. She reached for my hand and, when I gave it, pulled me onto the bed beside her.

"That was...incredible..."

"No kidding..."

She kissed me on the cheek as she pulled me into her. Her body was a bit too warm for comfort currently, but after what she just let me do, I wasn't going to complain.



Her mischievous smirk sent a shiver down my spine, "I love you...but you know what?"

"Love you too...and what's that?"

"I don't think I like it when you hold back. Promise you won't next time?"

My grin told her everything she needed to know.