Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1151 - LOST LOVE

Chapter 1151 - LOST LOVE

Mic was beginning to forgive his parents for making him chaperone his sister, Lila. She had been dying to attend the Chambers' big party and their parents had refused to let her go alone.

It was well known that when the Chambers parents were away, as they were now, their kids would play. Often the police had been called in to breakup their parties when they got too wild, and it was suspected that at least four girls from the high school had gotten pregnant at Chambers parties.

Although Lila had been 18 for two months; this was her first time invited to her first such party and her father had flat out refused to let her go unless her big brother went along.

Mic was home on a six week furlough from the Navy and his dad was sure that none of the local high school punks would mess with his little girl if her brother was there to keep things under control. Only the Chambers parents seemed to be unaware of what happened when they left town.

But right now Mic had other things on his mind. Jordan Chambers was just a little bit overweight, but she was pretty, was such a fun girl to be with, and such an easy lay that she was very popular. Tonight she had set her sights on Mic. She had lured him into her large walk-in closet and now as she ran her tongue into his mouth, Mic was holding her fat, heavy titty in one hand while the other was trying to find its way under the legband of her panties.

"Oh, Mic," she whispered, "I've wanted to do this with you since I was a freshman and you were a senior. I hope you're as good in bed as I've heard."

Mic grinned at her. "I've never had any complaints. But will you respect me in the morning?"

"Probably not," Jordan answered, "but I will give you a blow job that you'll never forget."

"I'll come back just as soon as I dump little sis at home," Mic said, worming his fingers into Jordan's pussy.

"Why don't you both stay the night?" she said.

"I could, but if I don't get Lila home by eleven our dad will be over here with shotguns. I was sent here to make sure she doesn't get in to trouble, you know."

Jordan giggled. "You are probably too late for that. My brother Paul got the games started early tonight."

Mic looked at her in confusion. "Games? What games?"

"You gotta have games at a party," Jordan said. "The kind of games that teens like to play like, spin the bottle, and strip poker, but the deference is what happens to the loser. Let's go see how far they've gotten."

When Mic and Jordan had returned to the livingroom and they saw that the games had indeed begun. There were twenty or so teenagers broken up into groups of five or six, sitting on the floor playing cards. From the piles of discarded clothing it was obvious that the game they playing now was strip poker. Mic quickly searched out Lila's group and saw at once that his sister was a lousy card player. She had already removed her shoes, blouse, and pants, and as he peered over her shoulder he saw that she was holding garbage. He felt sorry for her bad luck when it suddenly hit him. Unless some kind of poker miracle occurred in the next few seconds his sister was going to lose either her bra or her panties. He and every other male in the room would soon see his sister's tits or pussy.

Remembering that he was there to protect his sister, Mic moved around so she could see him. He decided that he wasn't going to interfere unless she asked him too, but she had to know that he was there for her if she needed help. "Uh, Lila," he said, "if you don't want to go through with this I'll take you home now."

"That's okay," Lila said. "We're just having fun. Nothing going to happen unless I want it to. Why don't you join us?"

"No fair!" yelled someone in the group. "He's got all his clothes on and we're all half naked already."

"Their right," Mic said. Then he gulped, "I'll just stay over here and watch."

He settled down in an easy chair and waited as the teens in front of him showed their cards. As he had expected Lila had the worst hand.

While the girls taunted and laughed at her, the guys in her group just got quiet and stared intently at her, as she straightened up and reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. Mic stopped breathing as she slowly removed it and let her arms drop to her side to display her naked breasts.

Mic looked at sister. Her breasts were not the largest in the room, but he thought they had the best shape; firm little cones that would nicely fit in a palm or a mouth. And her nipples, which were hardening as he watched, were magnificent. Mic looked quickly around the room and saw that there were several other topless girls in the room. None of them could hold a candle to his little sister.

Lila sat back down and got ready for the next hand. She hadn't minded taking her bra off in front of a room full of her schoolmates, but when she saw that Mic was watching her; everything changed she like it. She suddenly felt excited and her nipples had grown erect. She wondered if he would keep staring at her when she lost her panties.

Mic was trying not to stare at Lila, because this ws is sister and he not right for him to look it her. But, he could feel his cock getting hard again and was sure that soon everyone would notice. He was just hoping that if he looked at enough at the other naked girls, so they wouldn't know it was his sister who got him excited. So, he kept his eyes moving while he hoped she would quickly loose another hand. He wanted to see her pussy just as soon as possible.

But, Lila's luck was improving. Finaly, after ten more hands, she was one of only two in her group still wearing anything. Mic was silently praying that she would loose soon. He would hate it if she won the game and kept her pussy hidden. Evil thoughts ran through his mind. Was she very hairy, or did she keep a neatly trimmed bush? Once she was naked, would she sit with her knees together, or let them flop open so everyone could see her lips? Would he be able to see her clit? Would she let him see her naked again sometime, when there weren't so many people around? He tried to get thoughts out of is brain, but at this time he was only listening to one head, and it wasn't the one on top of his body.

Mic couldn't stand it the wait was killing him. So, making the excuse that he wanted to get a beer. So, as his got up he had to pass behind Lila. Glancing down he saw that she was going to loose again. She had nothing; just five useless cards, none higher than a 10. Rushing back to his seat to make sure he was there to see her lose. A guy named Thad had a full house. Lila said nothing, she just stood up and then pulled her panties down and tossed them away.

Everyone just stared it Lila, as she stood there naked like the day she was born. The only thing different now was that she was 18 and a grow woman. Her pussy mound was covered with fine lite brown hair, neatly trimmed into a heart shape. The girls giggled, but the guys shouted that they wanted to be Lila's valentine, but Mic did nothing, but he wanted to get up and kick every guys ass there, but all he good do was to look at the glorious sight, and memorizing every detail.

After the game, Lila went to the sofa across from Mic. As she walk, Mic had the best field of view of her lovely ass. Then just as she turned and sat down he cheered as she sat with her legs well apart. Sadly, as she settled on the cushion the front rose just enough to spoil the view and Mic could barely contain his groan.

Mic had forgotten that Jordan was there so he was startled to hear her voice in his ear. "Scuse me, lover, but I gotta go give Thad his prize. Watch the show so you'll know what you're in for later."

Mic had wondered what Thad had won for wining the game. That became clear when Jordan knelt before the winner and suddenly pulled his shorts down to his ankles and started sucking his cock. As Thad moaned and ran his fingers through her hair, Jordan did her best to make him come quickly. She sucked and tongued his cock while her hands played with his balls and asshole. It took her only a few minutes to make the guy erupt in her mouth.

Mic was wondering what a winning girl would have gotten when a high pitched giggle made him look across the room. A girl had won the game in her group and now Kevin Chambers was on his knees before her licking her pussy. Mic was suddenly very happy that Lila hadn't won her game. If he had seen Kevin doing that to her he would have beaten the younger man to death, and he actually liked Kevin.

As he watched, Mic had to admit that Kevin had a good technique and the girl before him was certainly not complaining. Still, he didn't want Kevin or any of the other guy or person doing that to his sister.

It took another twenty minutes for all the games to be finished and for each winner to be rewarded by Jordan, only one girl had won that night, and Mic was getting ready to go. He figured that some sort of orgy was next on the agenda and he had to get Lila away soon as he could. Just then Kevin came up to him.

"The next game requires an equal number of guys and girls in each group. I've put Jordan in with Bret's group, but we need an extra guy in Thad's group. You wanna play?"

"What's the game?" Mic asked.

"It's a variation on 'Spin-the-Bottle' that Jordan and I cooked up," Kevin replied. " But, you will have to strip if you want to play."

Listening to them Lila had to stifle a gasp. Now it was her turn to be thrilled at the idea of seeing forbidden flesh. She had enjoyed showing her tits and pussy to her brother, now she wanted to see his body, especially his cock. And she had the feeling that if he agreed to play the Chambers' version of the kissing game, she might be doing a lot more than looking at him.

Mic started to take his clothes off. "Yeah, I'll play," he said. "Aren't you going to strip?"

"Naw," Kevin said. "I like to watch. And I'm going to be paying particular attention to your group. It's the first time I've had a brother and sister in the same game. It presents some possibilities. And I will like to see what happens."

Mic knew that Kevin was hinting at incest, and he wanted to smash the Son-of-Bitch's teeth down his throat. But, he also knew he wanted to play this game with his sister. He just had to figure out how he was going to stop it before it got out of hand.

Mic joined the others on the floor and as the oldest he was the first to spin. The bottle pointed to a lovely redhead on his left and he glanced up at Kevin.

"So now I kiss her?"

Kevin grinned. "Not really. You get to suck her tit. When the girls spin, they do kiss the guy. They also play with his cock. That's the first round. Second round, when you point the bottle at a girl she has to suck your cock. If she points the bottle at you, you have to eat her pussy. Third round, you fuck."

Mic leaned over and took the redhead in his arms. "What's your name?"

"Katherine," she replied.

"Hi, Katherine I'm Mic," Mic said as he bent down and took her firm right breast into his mouth. He teased and nipped at her nipple for a few moments and then it was her turn to spin.

The first round was tame if that what you can call it.. Katherine got picked twice and a pretty brunette named Kelly once. Mike got kissed and fondled by Katherine and Kelly. When it came time for Lila to spin the bottle wound up pointing at a skinny kid named Eddie, and Mic had to clench his fists to keep from strangling him when Lila put her hand on his cock. He had almost decided to take her home when he got a bright idea. He was fairly sure that he could control spin of the bottle and pick his girl for the second round. If he could point it at Lila he was sure she would freak out and demand to be taken home. And if she didn't freak...just maybe...

Mic swung the bottle carefully a couple of times to make sure that the spin would be right, then he gave it a twist and hoped. The bottle must have spun for a half second or so, but to Mic it seemed like an eternity.

Finally it came to rest, the neck pointing straight at Lila's pussy. Mic took a deep breath and just waited for his sister to react. He knew that she would want to leave.

Lila stared at the bottle for a moment. She had seen Mic test the spin of the bottle and she knew this was no accident. She was seized with a desire to lean across the circle and take her brother into her mouth, but she was terrified of doing it in front of so many people. The story would be all over town by lunch. But, on the other hand, she had come to this party to get a reputation.

Mic's breathing stopped as Lila moved to him and took his cock in her hand. She looked into his eyes for a moment and he knew she had figured out what he had done. Then she lowered her head and opened her mouth. In a mere fraction of a second he knew he would feel her soft lips on the head of his cock. But, then someone come in the door.


The bellow from the front door was followed closely by a lady screaming. Everyone's eyes turned to the doorway where Mr. and Mrs. Chambers were standing in shock. Suddenly the room was full of people grabbing clothes and struggling to get dressed. In the mad scramble Mic found himself trying to pull some unknown girls panties on, while he saw some other kid run out wearing his shirt. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers were running around shouting out the names of the people that they recognized while threatening Kevin and Jordan. When Mic heard Mr. Chambers yell his name he decided to forgo dressing and grabbing his pants in one hand and Lila, now wearing one of Jordan's sweaters and pair of panties, in the other he rushed for his car. As he and Lila piled into the car; Mic could see Mr. Chambers talking on the phone. Somehow he knew that his parents were on the other end of the phone.

Mic didn't know what the hell he was going to do. One thing he knew, if he was going to try and convince his folks that the Chambers were crazy, or at least exaggerating, he and Lila couldn't go home half dressed. Pulling the car into the far corner of a mall parking lot he got out and searched around in the trunk until he found his fatigue jacket and a pair of tennis shoes. Then he checked to see how Lila was making out.

Lila had produced a pair of jeans from somewhere and was squeezing herself into them, but she had no shoes. He just hoped that he could distract his folks long enough for Lila to make it to her room before they saw she was unshod.

"Well that could have been a lot worse," Mic said.

"How?" Lila asked.

"It could have been our folks in that door."

Lila giggled and Mic relaxed a bit. Then he took a deep breath.

"Uh, Lila, about what you and I were about to do. I am just sorry I let things get out of control. I knew I should have taken you home as soon as the strip poker game started, but I didn't want to embarrass you. I don't know what got into me, making you touch me like that."

"You didn't make me do anything," Lila said. "I knew you pointed that bottle at me on purpose. I knew I could have made you take me home then. But I knew you wanted to keep playing - and so did I."

"You did? With me!?" asked Mic.

"You were the best looking guy there." she answered. Then she whispered, "Would you have done it again? The third round?"

" Hell yes. No one there looked good as you do."

"Oh." Lila waited for a moment and then said, "I think we better go home. I don't know if the Chambers saw us like that, but if they did we can't let Mom and Dad think we ran off someplace to finish the job. Although I would like to."

Glancing at his watch Mic realized that it had almost a half an hour since they had run from the Chambers' house. By the time they got home their parents would probably have the worst possible idea of what Mic and Lila had been doing.

"Yeah," he said, "it's time to face the music."

When they finally got home they were surprised to find only their father waiting for them. Perhaps they had been wrong and the Mr. Chambers hadn't called. But with their father's first words they knew he had.

"Lila, go to your room. We'll talk in the morning. Mic, I've packed your duffle. I'll take you the bus station now."

Mic looked around the room. "Where's Mom?"

"I gave her a sedative," his father replied. "She was getting hysterical and violent. If she were here right now, you'd probably be dead."

Mic gulped and nodded. "I gotta hit the head. Okay if I do that first?"

"No you can wait until we get to the bus station. I promised your mother that I'd keep you two apart."

So, Mic and his father got to the bus station. Finally he turned to his father and said.

"Can we talk about this, Dad?"

"I don't see why not. There aren't any buses this time of night. I figured we'd thrash it out over a few beers in the lounge."

"Thanks, Dad. I was beginning to think I'd been banished from the family," Mic said.

"You have been," his father replied. " Not by me, but by your mother anyway, and frankly I can't see how I can change her mind on this, so probably we won't be seeing each other again."


Mr. Turner just look at his and asked. "Would something have happened if the Chambers hadn't come home early? Frankly, Mic, I'm very disappointed in you. I sent you to that party to take care of your sister and make sure she didn't have sex; not to fuck her yourself!"

Mic gave a nervous laugh, "Don't be silly, Dad. I was going to stop it before Judy did anything serious. I didn't think letting her have a little fun would hurt anything."

"And you weren't thinking of doing her yourself?" his father asked.

"Never Dad. Shit, a guy doesn't get horny for his own little sister."

Mr. Turner laughed harshly. "Don't bullshit me, boy. I know just how a guy reacts to a piece like Lila, sister or not. Hell, when I was your age I would have given my right arm for the chance to put it your Aunt Salma. And Lila is even hotter than Salma was at that age."

"Uh, Dad, if you think that, you seem to be taking this pretty calmly."

"Like I said, I understand. And I know that you didn't fuck your little sister tonight. I'm willing to put all this down to stupidity, booze, and not getting enough while you were in boot camp. But your Mother wants you kept far away from Lila, forever. I'm sorry Mic, but that's the way it has to be."

Mic shook his head. "I don't get it, Dad. I can see Mom being pissed, but you're telling me that I can't ever see her, you, or Lila again. Damn, that just not right."

"She doesn't want you to call or write either," his father said calmly.

"GODDAMNIT, DAD! What gives?"

"I suppose you ought to know the truth. What happened tonight, well your mom has 'issues' from when she was a kid. You see, while you wanted to screw Judy tonight but didn't, and while I wanted to do my sister but didn't, your uncle did scored with your mother when they were teenagers."

Mike sat in stunned silence. "You mean Mom was raped by her brother!?"

"Did I say anything about rape?" his father said. "I said he scored with your mom; he wooed her, make her love him, took her virginity and gave her three years of great sex. The problem is your mother feels guilty about how much she enjoyed it. And she is determined to make sure that Lila never has sex with you."

Mike looked at him. "Dad, how can you know all that?"

His father shook his head resignedly. "Well, a therapist has no right treating his own family, but your mother was getting very depressed last year and she refused to see anyone else. Finally, we agreed that I'd try to help her and if she told me something I couldn't handle, we'd bring in outside help. It took her three months to tell me about her bother; about how she loved it then but regrets it now. I think I surprised her when I didn't flip out, but like I said, I understand those sort of feelings. "I was actually making progress in convincing her that she had nothing to be ashamed of. Nobody was forced to do anything, and nobody got hurt. That it might have been good for her. Then that dickhead Chambers called and told her how he found you and Lila. Now she's convinced that a tendency to incest is inherited and she's sure that if she leaves you and Lila alone for a second...."Wow! Dad I swear that I wasn't going to try and force Lila to do anything I love her to much, and Mom has to know that," Mike said.

"So you admit that if she didn't try to stop you something might have happened." his father replied. "And that's the problem. Your mother isn't afraid you're going to rape Lila. She's afraid that Lila will fall in love with you and give herself to you willingly, like she did with her bother. So she wants to keep you apart. And I want my wife to be happy, so I'm going along with her.

"Besides, don't take my calmness and understanding for approval. In the first place, I'm doped up too. I didn't take as much as I gave your mother, but trust me, without it I'd be furious. Are you insane? Even to think of fucking your little sister in front of twenty other people; all of them talkative! Your sister would be known as the incest slut for the rest of her life! Shit, boy, if you ever get another chance with her, use a little discretion."

The older man looked at his son sadly, "But I don't think you'll ever get that chance. I'll bet you're thinking that in a couple of years Lila will be eighteen and can do whatever she wants. Well, if your mother ever hears anything that makes her think that you and Lila have gotten together behind her back, she'll call the cops. I think you need that warning."

Mic looked at his father and said, "Well, I guess that covers everything, except what Mom would do if she thought I was jacking-off thinking about Lila. Would she have someone to come and cut off my dick"

His father laughed. "She'd probably do that to me first. In a way you're lucky, Son. You are going away; I'll be around your mother every day for the rest of my life." Then he got serious, "I'll miss you Mic, and I'll always love you. If I can find any way to make your mom change her mind about you, I promise I'll do it."

As Mic was getting on the bus with tears in his eyes. "I love you too, Dad. And tell Mom I'm sorry, and that I still love her. And promise her that I would never do anything to hurt Lila."

Mr. Turner was also weeping now, "Any message for Lila?"

"No, Dad. I don't want to cause you any more problems, and besides, she knows how I fell for her. But, most of all she knows that I love her"

That was just over eight months ago. Then out of the blue he recived a letter from his family's attorney.

"Dear Senior Chief Turner: It is my sad duty to inform you of the death of your parents. It happen as they where going on a tour of the Gand Cannon four months ago. I regret the delay in so informing you but it was necessary due to certain elements of your parents' will. I can tell that your sister was not hurt in the accident. I can't tell you where she is, but I have to inform you that she was listed as sole heir in your parents' will. I am directed to further inform you that if I learn you have contacted your sister, or are attempting to locate her I am to open a sealed envelope left by your mother and to take the appropriate action. She as also had her name changed If you attempt to contest the will, I am again instructed to consult the sealed envelope.

I don't understand all this too well, Senior Chief, but I have my suspicions. The only bit of hope I can hold out is that your father left instructions that I was to destroy the mystery envelope when Lila turns twenty-one. You'll just have to wait until then.


Jay Stone, Attorney-at-Law"

Mic realized that his eyes were filled with tears and that he was weeping as much for his mother as his father. He understood her fears and he had forgiven her. Now he would never get the chance to tell her that. Lila would be twenty-one in a little over three years. He would begin his search then.

The three years had passed very slow for Mic. He took small chances over these years to see if he could find Lila. At first, he had just wanted to be sure that she was okay, but with time that had changed. He was sure the attorney, Mr. Stone, was taking care of her and that he didn't have to worry. But he did have a worry; what did Lila think of him for leaving her.

Slowly he had become obsessed with finding his sister and telling her that he had been forced to leave, that loved her and that he wanted in some way to marry her. He had never forgotten that micro-second brush of her lips and tongue on his cock and for four years he had measured every woman he fucked against Lila and they all came up short.

Will Mic didn't know what to do, so he stay in the Navy and became Master Chief, the highest rank an enlisted person can get. Now he was assigned to Pensacola Naval Air Base in Florida. He entered the company office and found his commanding officer studying the calendar behind his desk.

" Hey Master Chief what's with the red circle on the calendar? You late?"

Mic looked over to his CO. "No, Sir. It's just my sister's birthday. She'll be twenty-one."

"I didn't know you had a sister." said the Lt Commander.

Mic was suddenly dry-mouthed. He didn't want to discuss his family history with LCDR. Green, but if he didn't the man would never let the subject drop. The man was a bulldog. He and Mic had know each other for years and they were friends, as far as their ranks allowed. Plus the LCDR. would wonder why he didn't know about Lila.

"Uh, I haven't seen her in almost three to four years. Last time I saw my folks there was a big family row and I was told to leave and not come back. Before I could patch things up, Mom and Dad were dead and Lila, that's my sister, had been packed off to a boarding school somewhere. I never had the chance to look her up til now."

"So you gonna see her on your furlough?"

"Yes Sir, Well I hope so, Sir. I don't know where she is exactly. That's why I taking my furlough then. So I can look for her."

That last remark was a mistake. LCDR. Green was no longer just making small talk. Now he was intrigued.

"You don't know where you own sister is? That's a little weird, Master Chief."

Mic held his breath. He had been afraid of this, and he made up a story he thought the LCDR would buy. It involved slandering his dead parents, but it should work.

"Mom and Dad were old fashioned. You, know peace over war, make love not war they where from the '60. They about shit when I joined up, and when they heard I was making a career out of The Navy, well they went ape. Swore they would never tolerate their "warmonger" son in the house again. They even arranged to make sure I couldn't see Lila again. I guess they were afraid I'd try to enlist her.

"That's too bad, man. Well I hope you find her."

"Thanks, Commander," Mic said, and then as he started to walk away the LCDR spoke again.

"I kinda need a favor, Mic. You doing anything this weekend?" "Nothing planned so for. Sir. How can I help?"

The Lieutenant Commander smiled, "You can drop the rank stuff for a couple minutes, Mic its not like the Navy will court marshal you. Because this is personal. And it's nothing bad; at least I hope not."

Mic grinned, "Okay, Mac, what is it?"

"My girlfriend, Shawnee, just started taking courses at U of F. I'm want to see her, but she wants me to bring a friend for her roommate."

"Oh shit, Mac, not a blind date! I suppose next you're gonna tell me she has a terrific personality, which means glasses, buck teeth, overweight, looks like she been ran over by one of our boats, and smells bad!"

"So you'll do it then?" said the Commander.

"Sure," said Mic, "if you provide the weekend pass and the transportation."

And so it was that late the next Friday night the two men were standing in front of an apartment in Gainsville. When the door opened Mic had to suppress a whistle. The LCDR girl was a knock out. Tall and slender with a light red hair, lovely of face and figure. Mic knew why his CO was so eager to see her again. The dazzling red-head pulled them both into the apartment and called over her shoulder,

"Deana, they're here. Come see the hunk that my man brought for you to play with." Then she turned to Mic, "This is my roommate, Deana Stone."

When the woman came into the room Mic made a strangling sound and she gasped. There was a look of confusion and terror in her eyes and Mic could tell she was about to scream. He quickly crossed the room and took her hand.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Stone , I'm Master Chief Mic Turner."

The girl calmed down, and looked him in the eye. "Hello, Mic," she sighed. "I'm Lila Deana Stone. Most of my friends call me Deana, but I think I'd really love it if you called me Lila."

Mic looked at his sister carefully and said, "I'd like that too."

Mic spent most of the rest of that evening in a sort of daze. His long lost sister was here besides him and nobody knew they were related! He could do anything he wanted with her! Only Lila was seemed to be distant. Lila was in turmoil. Her first reaction to seeing her brother was unbridled joy. But then she had remembered how he had abandoned her and she was furious. And she was also afraid of what might happen next.

After they took the girls to dinner and a show Lt. Cdr. Green whispered to Mic that he and Shawnee wanted to be alone for a while and he hoped that the other couple could make themselves scarce. Mic winked, thrilled that he would have an excuse to get Lila alone and talk to her. He turned to his sister and said, "Are you also going to the university, Ms. Stone?" When she nodded, he said, "Perhaps you could show me around the campus?"

Lila agreed and soon the were approaching the quad. There were others there as well, some students going to or from late classes and labs, some couples also enjoying each other's company. But it was quiet and nobody paid any attention to them as Mic led Lila to a bench and sat beside her.

"Stone, huh? I don't get it."

She looked at him, "When Mom and Dad were killed I was adopted by Mr. Stone. It was Mom's idea. She thought that you would come looking for me and if I was using either Turner, or her maiden name, well she was sure you would find me."

"And Deana?" he asked.

"Mr. Stones' daughter. She died when she was a little girl and he asked me if he could call me Deana. He was really very nice and I could tell he missed his baby girl very much so I said it would be okay."

There was a moment of awkward silence and Lila spoke again, softly but angrily. "God damn it, Mic! Why didn't you look for me? How could you just abandon me like that? Don't you know how much I love you?"

Lila's shoulders started to shake as she wept quietly and he took her into his arms to comfort her. He stroked her hair and kissed her cheek softly.

"I wanted to," he said, "but Mom and Dad had set it up so I couldn't."

When Lila looked at him in confusion he told her of the letter he received. He told her of his plans to search for her when she turned twent-one and they were no longer threatened by the sealed envelope left by their parents.

"Oh, that damn thing!" she said. "I destroyed that last year when daddy, that is when Mr. Stone died."

"How was I supposed to know that, and what did the letter tell him to do." Mic asked. "You've been using a different name since you were 18, and if you want to know the truth, I probably wouldn't have found you. I was going to hire a private eye to look for you, but I would never have thought to look for anybody named Stone! But you could have found me. I've been Mic Turner all the time; you could have found me easily enough. There aren't that many Mic Turners in The Navy."

Lila laid her head in her brother's lap and said, " Well the mom had some pictures of you made up. Making it like you where buying drugs. And she told him if you try to get in touch with me to mail the to the Navy in D.C., so you would be put in jail.

"Damn she was really mad it me. That wouldn't just got me in jail, but I would been in their long because the Navy doesn't play with people on drugs.

So, what do we do now?" Lila asked

"I guess that's up to you, I know what I want, but I just don't know how you fell" he answered.

"What do you mean?" Lila looked up at him. "What do you want, Mic?"

"I want to finish what we started a long time ago. I want to make love you. I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you."

Lila sat up and kissed him. "You'll have me, Mic," she said. "I was angry with you and sometimes I even hated you. But, I always loved you."

Now it was Mike who was weeping as he hugged her close and kissed her. "Oh, Lila," he said, "I love you so much! I promise I'll find some way to make up these last four years. So much wasted time. So much useless pain. I'll make it up to you. I swear it!"

Lila put a finger to his lips to silence him and she smiled and said, "I hate to tell you this, Mic. But, we're going to have to wait a little bit longer. I don't want to do it in a shared apartment with Shaween's ear to the wall. And I don't want our first time to be in some dingy motel. I want it to be perfect and right, so it won't be happening tonight."

Mic surprised her. He didn't act hurt or disappointed, in fact he almost looked glad. "Lila, I've got a furlough coming up in a about a month. I was going to spend it looking for you, but now I was thinking about spending it on a honeymoon! You have a different last name now! As far as anybody knows you're the daughter of Jay Stone, Attorney-at-Law, who is deceased. We can get married! For real! Will you marry me?"

"Of course I'll marry you," she answered. "I love you."

Mic waited almost three weeks to inform the Lt.Cdr. Green that he would using his furlough for a honeymoon. He had needed the extra time. He knew that there would be questions about his not searching for his sister, so he had Lila faked a letter. He showed it to him and then announced that he would be visiting her, accompanied by his new bride.

Lt.Cdr. Green was surprised to say the least. "You're sure this is a good idea, Mic? You've known this woman only for less than a month."

"I was sure the first time I laid eyes on her, Commander. It was love at first sight. And I'll never be able to thank you enough for making it happen."

"Don't thank me, Mic. All I did was drive the car. So, when's the big day?"

"In two weeks, sir. First day of my furlough. I was kinda hoping you'd agree to be my best man. And Lila, that is Deana, want's Shanwee for her bridesmaid. How about it?"

The LCDR laughed. "I don't know, Mic. You may be putting ideas in Shanwee's head and I am not ready for that.. Oh, what the hell. I can't let one of my men go into that kind of danger without me. Of course I'll be there for you."

And so two weeks later Mic carried his sister, and lawful wife, across the door way of the finest honeymoon suite in Las Vegas. As soon as the door closed behind them he carried her straight to the bed and carefully placed her on it. "Don't worry," he said. "I'm not going to rush you. We can wait until you're ready."

Lila put her hand on his arm and said, "I have always been ready for you . You could have had me that night in Gainsville if you had asked. I think I would have fucked you the night of the party, in front of all those kids if you had gotten the chance to point that bottle at me. I don't want to wait anymore. But I do want you to go slow. Take your time. I want to do everything and I want to savor every second of our first time."

Gentleman that he was, Mic did as his new wife asked and took it very slowly. And he loved doing it that way. He relished each new delight as they worked themselves up for a night of full blown incest. Mic began by kissing her and moving his hands gently over her body, outside of her clothes. He traced the contours of her body, especially her hips and breasts. He was actually glad that when he squeezed her gently he could tell she was wearing panties and a bra. He was going to love stripping her and the more layers of clothing he got to remove the better he would like it.

He kissed Lila's throat and nibbled at her earlobes as he carefully unbuttoned her blouse. He considered slipping his hand in to fondle her tits right then, but he chose not to. As thought he this was something he had no right to do. But the idea that it was right kept ringing in his brain. She was his wife and they had the right to make love. The state of Nevada had given them its blessing. It wasn't their fault that nobody had thought to ask if they were brother and sister. Mic pulled her blouse off and started kissing her shoulders and then on down to her breasts. He kissed her exposed upper breasts and then slid his tongue into her cleavage, licking as much of her tit flesh as he could reach.

After several minutes of worshipping her upper chest Mic stood and removed his own clothing. Lila watched and purred happily as her new husband exposed his hard muscled body to her. She loved his broad shoulders and strong arms and she could hardly wait for her naked breasts to be pressed into his powerful chest. But when Mic put his fingers into the waistband of his shorts she forgot all about his upper body. This was what she had been waiting for. Ever since that long ago party she had wanted to see his long, thick, cock again. Wanted to taste it and feel it thrusting into her body, tearing away her virginity and finally spilling its load of life giving sperm into her body.

"NO.. NO..Let me do that it has always been my dream," she pleaded.

But Mic only smiled at her and said, "You said we should go slow. There will be plenty of time for you to help me, but I got to get you out of that dress."

He pulled off her pumps and socks, then quickly unsnapped her dress and pulled down the zipper. Next he tugged the skin tight material down her legs, taking care not to remover her panties at the same time. Now he parted her legs and began to kiss his way down to her panty-covered pussy. When he reached her inner thighs he added licks and sucks to the kisses, making Lila squirm with pleasure and to make her want he even more.

Mic could smell the musky aroma of a woman in heat, and when he glanced at the front of her panties he could see it was soaked. He lowered his head until his lips were just above her pussy and then he licked at her damp panties. He knew that soon it would be time to taste her juices directly from the source.

Now Mic moved back up her body and kissed Lila. She eagerly opened her mouth to accept him, tasting her own juices on his lips and tongue. At the same time Mic unsnapped her bra and slid it from her shoulders. While they kissed his hands went to her tits, stroking her mounds and at the same time rubbing his thumbs across her nipples. And when her nipples were as long and hard as he could make them, they wrapped their arms around each other and pressed their chests together with the passion and lust that had grown in all those years apart.

Mic broke their kiss at last and Lila leaned back slightly, then putting her hands under her dangling breasts she held the nipples up to him. Mic accepted the invitation at once, sucking her right breast into his mouth. As he sucked he scraped the flat of his tongue over her tender nipple. Lila hissed when she felt his tongue sliding across her nipple like sandpaper under silk. She hoped desperately that someday he would do the same thing to her clit.

Mic continued to suckle at his sister's breasts for long minutes, delaying the moment when they would merge. He teased her even more by tickling her ribs and, most maddening of all, making swipes at her panties. Never trying to pull them down, just brushing his fingers over her, feeling the moisture trapped in the front, teasing her lips and caressing her mound.

For Lila it was pure torture, combined with extreme pleasure, as her brother worked them both well beyond frenzy. She needed to feel him in her body, but all her babbling pleas seem to fall on deaf ears.

Finally Mic could hold himself back no longer he just had to have her. So, fe reached down to Lila's groin and slid his fingers into her panties, grasped the waistband and dragged them down her legs. Lila went limp with relief, sure that her hungry cunt would be satisfied at last.

"Do it, Mic, pleeeaaaseeee!" she begged. "All of these damn years of foreplay is enough!"

Mic moved between her legs and carefully parted her pussy lips with the tip of his cock. He placed it over her cunt mouth and pushed forward, feeling the muscles of her vaginal sphincter fight him, then give way. Brother and sister, husband and wife, sighed together as he entered her at last. Soon he was touching all the places that he want to and now it was happening.

"This doesn't hurt you," he asked, looking into her eyes.

Lila smiled at him and said, "Oh Hell NO this is great."

Mic bucked his hips forward and felt dick go even deeper into her. At that moment, Lila groaned and he was afraid he was hurting her but in the blinking of an eye her groan of pain had turned into one of pleasure and her hand clutched his ass, trying pull him deeper into her body.

Mic could not believe the tightness of her channel as his cock slid deep into her pussy. The way her cunt walls grabbed at his cock made him feel more pleasure and lust than anything he had ever felt before. It was as if her pussy had been made especially to hold his cock and no other. If she could have spoken Judy would have agreed. As her brother's cock forced her pussy open and sank deeper into her than anyone had ever been able to go she felt a flood of love for him overwhelm her. This was right, she decided. And fuck anybody who ever tried to tell her otherwise.

Finally the most pleasurable seven inch journey either of them had ever known came to an end as Mic's balls touched her ass and the tip of his cock kissed her cervix. Lila pressed her loins up to him, trying to force even more of his body into her. Mic loved the feeling and decided to do something for her as well, so he twisted his groin against hers, massaging her clit and bringing wails of joy from her lips.

Mic slowly withdrew from Lila causing to moan in disappointment as she felt his cock leaving her body. She knew that it would soon return, but she hated to feel him go. When he was about halfway out Mic thrust back into her, a bit faster than he withdrew, and then did it again.

The incestuous lovers soon established a rythym and the pace quickened as her pussy loosened just enough to give him slick and painless access to her core. Sweat was forming on their bodies as they fucked and they were breathing hard through their mouths. Rational thought was banished from their minds and the outside world seemed to disappear as they worked towards the ultimate moment when Mic would cum.

Mic tried to keep telling himself not to cum in Lila. "Cuming...cuming...cuming!" Mike panted as he tried to get out of becausehis balls grew tight, ready to deliever their seed.

"In me!" Lila replied, her head swinging from side to side on the pillows and locking her legs around Mic so he could get out.

Hearing her Mic lost all control. He shoved his cock as far into her cunt as he could and his cock began to spasm, pulsing streams of semen into his sister's pussy. He held his body rigid and grunted and panted as he came.

Beneath him Lila felt him come and as she felt the first rush of his sperm into her she crossed her legs thighter behind him and pulled him even deeper into her. Her fingernails dug into his back as she held him, determined not to let him go until he had put every last drop of his seed in her. And as she screamed in joy and fulfillment, a part of mind mused, 'So this is a climax!'

A few moments later Mic pulled his now limp cock out of her pussy and collapsed besides his sister. He looked at her and said, "I don't think I have ever been happier than I am at this moment. I don't think I will ever be happier either."

Lila smiled and stroked his face, "Not even when I tell you that I'm pregnant? Not even when you first hold our baby in your arms?"

Mic looked at her blankly for a moment. "Pregnant? Baby? We never really talked about that! We can't children.

"Don't you want to have children? Or you just don't want to have children with me" Lila asked crying.

"Of course! I do" Mic said. "A couple at least! And I would be glad if you where the mother of my kids. But, what if something happens to them and they need some kind of surgery, you here all those stories about inbreed kids. They will test our blood and they will find out that we are bother and sister that comited incest. Then both of us will go to jail and the kids would be put up in a home and...",

Lila put a finger to his lips to silence him. "If that all you are worried about I did some research and it is less then 3% that children will have something wrong with them. If something does happen we can just use my blood and say that you have a blood problem. And about us going to jail like you said in Gainesville no one are past because that is what it is the past. We are now Master Chief and Mrs. Mic Turner. That means anything you have to go though than so do I. So, don't worry, I feel wonderful and I want your child. You heard me say I wanted it in me, didn't you?"

She leaned forward and kissed him. "And there is something you need to know. This furlough of yours was timed just right. This is my most fertile time. I think a bride should get pregnant on her honeymoon, and I plan on going back to Gainesville with your baby in my belly."

Mic kissed his sister tenderly. "Did I ever tell you how much I loved you? I know you will be a great mother and I can't wait to see you carrying my baby."

Lila squirmed on the bed and rubbed her body against him. She slowly ran her fngers down until they were stroking his cock. "I'm so glad to hear you say that Mic," she said. "But you know, I'm not sure one time is enough to ensure conception. How long until we can do it again?"

Mic and Lila made love three more times that first night, then finally slept in each other's arms.

After two glorious weeks of fun and fucking it was time for them to return.

Mic back to his duties at Pensacola and Lila to classes at Gainesville. It was another three weeks before Mic could get away to see her in the new apartment she had gotten for them.

When Mic had first seen the place and noted its size, perfect location across from the campus and the furnishings he had worried about the cost, because as sailor Mic doesn't get paid that much, until Lila admitted that the building had belonged to her adoptive father and she had inherited it.

"I was just staying with Shanwee for company I didn't like being all by myself with all these room," she told him. " But, I don't have to worry about that now."

Except that she found out, she did. Not seeing her brother, lover, and husband for three weeks was infuriating and depressing. She dreaded what might happen if he had a assignment that would keep them apart for months. Finally he was able to get away to be with her. And when Mic arrived at the new apartment he was greeted by an extremely naked and horny woman.

Lila pulled him in the door and both of them were soon tugging at his clothing, getting him as naked as his wife.

"Oh God, I've missed you," he said. "I want your pussy so bad I can taste it."

"Hold that thought," she said, handing him an empty wine bottle. She saw the confusion on his face and giggled. "You remember we were playing a game but we got interrupted before it got really interesting. I've always wanted to finish what we started."

Mic's face brightened and he kissed her. "I thought we had finished," he said.

"No, we jumped right to the end and missed a lot of fun," she replied. "Your sweet sister is still hasn't had you in my mouth. Don't you want to correct that?"

Mic put the bottle down on the coffee table and then pointed its neck at her. "You remember what what you're supposed to do now, don't you?" he said.

Lila pushed her brother onto the couch and then knelt between her legs. "I do," she said and started licking his cock which grew rock hard in seconds. And when he was fully erect she slipped her lips over his cock head and slid down the shaft as far as she could.

Mic moaned softly as she took him into her mouth. Her mouth felt so good on his cock, hotter and wetter than her pussy maybe. And when she began to bob her head on his cock, he responded by bucking his hips towards her lips, fucking her face.

Lila worked his cock carefully, keeping as much as possible in her mouth, but not trying to "deep throat" him. She wasn't ready for that yet, wasn't sure she ever would be, and besides she wanted to taste him when he came.

It didn't take long Mic to reach his climax. As he felt it building. Should he tell her? He wanted to come in her mouth desperately, but he didn't want to do anything that would upset her. "Uh... Lila," he panted, "I'm...gonna...cum!"

Lila knew he was telling her so she could pull away if she didn't want him to ejaculate in her mouth and she loved knowing that even as he approached orgasm he was still thinking of her pleasure. But there was no way that she was going to pull away now. Even if she hadn't planned on taking his seed in her mouth to begin with, the flood of joy and love she felt for him would have made her let him do it. So she did not take her mouth away. Instead she bobbed her head faster, trying to make him cum right away.

Mic also knew great joy when he felt her pick up the pace. She wanted him to shoot his cum into her mouth! The joy he felt in her love was even greater than the animal passion that was now building in his loins.

"I LOVE YOU, LILA!!" he screamed as he came.

Lila felt the first throb of cock and then a stream of semen shot into her mouth, splattering on her palette. Then another and another as she carefully sealed her lips around his cock and slid up it until only the head was lodged in her mouth. She savored the slimy, salty goo as it coated her tongue and as his spent cock finally fell from her lips she swirled the cum around in her mouth and then swallowed.

Mic watched her as she swallowed and his cock twitched. Seeing the woman he loved literally eating his semen was possibly the most erotic sight he had ever seen.

Lila stood up and said, "My turn.", then she reached over and pointed the bottle at her brother. "You do remember what I get from you don't you?"

Lila stood up and said, "Absolutely!" Then he picked her up and said, "But to tell you the truth, that couch is a little scratchy on a bare behind. Let's go to bed and I'll do it there."

When they got to bed Mic laid his sister down. He surveyed her beauty once more and marveled that he could be so lucky. Finally, he knelt between her thighs, placed his hand on her legs just above her cunt and pulled her pussy lips apart with his thumbs. As the thick outer lips parted he was greeted with a waft of her womanly odor. He inhaled the musky scent and growled like a dog sniffing a bitch in heat. Then he stuck his tongue deep into her hole.

Lila hissed when she felt him enter her pussy channel. It was nothing like a cock of course, but it gave her new and wonderful sensations as it wiggled in her. She imagined it was like being fucked with a live eel, only warmer.

Mic savored the taste of her cunt walls for a moment, then withdrew and started teasing her inner lips, tasting them as well. Then he moved right in for her clit.

Lila squirmed as she felt the wet, sandpapery texture of the flat of his tongue moving up towards her waiting button. She had been looking forward to this for more than a month, ever since she had first felt his tongue on her tits. And when he reached it at last she exploded. "AIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!" she shrieked as he gave her her first tongue orgasm. At the same time her back arched and her hips lurched towards him as she tried to fit her whole pussy into his mouth.

When she had gotten her breath back she reached down and stroked her brother's face. "That was fantastic," she said. "I want you to teach me all the ways there are to make love before you have to go back."

"We don't have time I have to go back Tuesday" Mic said, a little sadly. "There are dozens of ways of positions."

"Well, concentrate on the high spots," she said.

"Okay," Mic said. "Pick a number between 68 and 70."

Lila giggled and said, "69!"

"Don't mind if I do," Mic said as he got on the bed and swung his cock up to her lips as he plunged his face into her pussy.

The next morning as they sat at breakfast Lila dropped a bombshell. "Mic, I can't stand being apart from you. We lost all them years, then after we found each other again and became lovers, got married and then you were gone again for three weeks. I know that doesn't sound like a long time, but it was hell for me. And what if you get assigned shipboard duty? You could be gone for six months or more! Mic, I want you to leave The Navy."

Mic had feared that this moment would come. Fortunately he had already made his decision "You know you're asking a lot, Honey" he said. "I had planned on making a career of the military." Then he put his hand on hers. "But I love you more than anything in the world and I'll do it for you. My current enlistment is up in four months. I won't re-up."

Lila knew that she had hurt him. "I'm sorry, Mic," she said. "I wish I could have been stronger for you."

"Let's talk about something else," Mic said, wanting to drop the subject. "You sure got into oral sex last night. I hope you haven't sworn off fucking for good! I sure do enjoy sliding my prick into your pussy."

"Don't worry," Lila replied. "I plan on having your pole in me a lot. And pretty soon I'm going to want you to put it in my ass. I want you to have all of me."

"Sheessh woman!" Mic exclaimed. "I suppose you expect me to try fucking your ears, nose, your elbows, and maybe even your eyes . But I must confess I'd kinda like to get my cock between your tits sometime this weekend."

"That all sounds like fun," Lila giggled, "but I think we should forget the ears, nose, elbows and eyes, and just work on my titty fuck. Maybe even tonight!"

Mic smiled. "Fine," he said. "But isn't all this non-pussy sex going to interfere with a certain family planning project you had in mind or did you forget that?"

"I don't think so," Lila said. "I don't think you can get knocked-up if your already pregnant."

Mic looked at like a deer caught in the headlights. "You mean...."

Lila smiled, "I told you I planned on coming back from our honeymoon with your child already in me. And I did."

Mic ran to her and pick her up and huged and swinged her around. "Why didn't you mention this when you asked me to leave The Navy?" Mic asked. . "I didn't think it would be fair," she replied. "That would have been like the two of us ganging up on you. And also, I'm a little bit selfish. If you did it, I wanted it to be for me."

This was one of those moments when Mic knew that he truly loved his sister. When she asked him to give up his military career she had not used their baby as an argument. She had to know it would have been her trump card, but she hadn't mentioned her pregnancy, leaving the decision solely up to him.

"I love you, Lila," Mic said. "And you know, you were right when you said that our first fuck wasn't going to be the happiest moment of my life. I'm so happy now I don't know if I can survive the joy, but I'm sure I'll feel even more joy when I hold our baby in my arms."

Mic sighed with pleasure as her swollen pussy engulfed him, then reached up to run his fingers over her bulging belly. It was still a great wonder to him that it was his child that was filling his sister's womb. As he moved his hands up to her breasts and took her dark, distended nipples between his fingers he said, "I love what being pregnant does to your tits."

Lila hissed as he pressed her nipples. "Me, too," she said, "but we still have to decide on a name."

"Well if it is a boy I want to name after Dad. And If is a girl I would like to name it after Mom. I did get to tell that I loved her and goodbye although she made me go I still loved you." Mic said.

"Mic the week before they died. Me and Mom talked. It was like she knew that she would be here long and she knew that I would try some how to find you. And she told that she forgave you because she saw that it was diffrent between you and me. The only reason she had all those things done when they died was because she want to make sure that I didn't change my mind and want to be with something other you. But do you think that we should tell our kids about them, or should we tell about."

"No. We well tell about both of them. They have a right to know about their grandparents. Mom just did what she thought was right at the time. And I have forgive her. We just tell the good things, and not what she did to us.

Nine months later Lila and Mic had twins. A boy and a girl that they both named after their mom and dad.

On twins first birthday, Lila, Mic, and the twins, went to the place where their parents where laid to rest. Mic finaly got to tell his mother that he loved her and goodbye.