Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1135 - LOSING IT TO MOM

Chapter 1135 - LOSING IT TO MOM

There are some things you need to know before you begin reading this story, things of how life was in deep South Georgia in the seventies. First, if you wished to make a call, all you needed to dial was the last four numbers for the call to go through. Second, as we liked to put it, "They (meaning city officials) roll up the sidewalks at five o'clock," which meant that no businesses remained open with exception to gas stations and fast-food restaurants, of which there was only one, a Hardees. Third, we were still under the Blue Law, which meant that no businesses save for gas stations and Hardees could legally operate on a Sunday. Fourth, Wednesdays were half-days for businesses (again, except for gas stations and Hardees), which meant that all businesses closed at noon. This was to ensure that no one worked so late as to miss church because Wednesday night service was deemed just as important as Sunday night service. Finally, as an extension to the Wednesday rule, schools did not give out homework on Wednesdays so that kids could concentrate on church lessons. As you read, you will see how all these things work as I tell my tale.

It was four p.m. on a Monday afternoon. I was sitting at the kitchen table trying my damnedest to figure out the algebra problems—all cube routes—and wondering why the hell it mattered anyway. I could see it now: I walk into a bank to cash my check and the teller asks me for ID, which I have, and then she tells me that I have to identify the cube route in a particular problem. I can't, therefore she refuses to deposit my check. I lose my mortgage, my new car, my wife leaves me, my children ridicule me ... It was enough to make me scream, and I did. Afterwards, I set it to the side so my younger sister Bella could help me with it later this evening. She was five years younger than me, but she and math had a special relationship that I sometimes thought was a bit too improper.

I penned two original poems for English class. Now all that was left was for me to study for a History test about the Louisiana Purchase. History was my thing. I already knew the material, so it would just be a bit of review. I decided to get my shower since I had no plans on going out tonight. Once finished, I was right back at the kitchen table, studying in silence. Mom walked in at five-fifteen. She kissed me on the forehead, then made her way to the kitchen. She called out, "What's new today?"

"I've decided that I'm going to let you be the one to take my virginity," I called back. It was two seconds. Just two seconds before her favorite CorningWare casserole dish left her hands and hit the floor, but each of those seconds could be counted by eternity. The crash was immediate. I imagined shards of it flying all around the kitchen and two weeks from now we would still manage to get one in our feet no matter how well we all swept and mopped. For the moment, though, Mom walked into the dining room.

"What did you just say?"

"I said—"

"I heard what you said," she snapped. "Why would you say such a thing?"

"I have reached this decision through pure logic," I told her. "You know me like no other woman does, Mom, and I know you, so the comfort level would be as it should. Second, we'd have to sneak to do it, yes, but it could be done. Third, I think you're beautiful, Mom. You are always wearing the current trend, you keep yourself in peak physical condition, but for who? How many dates have you been on since the divorce? Three? Three dates in three years? Finally, I love you, and for all the reasons listed above, I'm in love with you as well."

She seemed to be going over my argument, then she looked up and near-shouted, "Where are your brother and sister?"

"They're both next door." Bella and Gabby Chase were friends while my brother Paul and Gabby's brother Mark were.

"Heaven forbid they should hear this."

"I would never speak of this in their presence, Mom."

"You will never speak of it again. Understand?"

"I do understand, but may I ask just one question?"

She sighed deeply. "What?"

"If you find the notion of this abominable, then why are your nipples hard?"

She looked down and saw what I did, her nipples poking through her bra and through her blouse; there was just enough firmness that one could barely make out her areola. She embarrassingly placed her cupped hands in front of her breasts and stood with a "Harrumph!" as she made her way back into the kitchen.

"Want me to sweep up the glass?" I asked.

"I got it," she hollered.

I remained at the table and read over the Louisiana Purchase. Bella and Paul came home, asked when dinner would be ready, and when Mom told them thirty minutes, I had Bella remain behind while my brother got his shower. She helped me with the math, called me a moron, and used Mom's shower to bathe.

I set the table, stealing glances at Mom's rear every time I entered the kitchen. She caught me and gave me a severely cross look. I finished by pouring Bella and Paul a glass of milk each while Mom and I had iced tea. Once the table was set, I helped her bring the food out. She said the blessing, then we took turns filling our plates with the impromptu Hamburger Helper and broccoli she had thrown together in lieu of the lasagna we would have had if not for the broken casserole dish, of which she told me I was responsible and would have to replace.

I told Mom to get her bath while I cleaned the kitchen. She cited that it was Paul's night, but I told her that I would do it because I wanted to pull out the appliances and sweep well to ensure no glass remained. She commended me for such thinking. Paul thought this gave him an opportunity to watch a little TV, but, "No way, little bro. You still have homework."

"Aw, man," he said as he sat at the table. He remained there for the better part of ninety minutes, most of which was spent goofing off. As a side note, it took Bella next to no time to complete hers. Most of it was math, but she did have some English and Georgia History as well.

Bella and Paul were able to watch a couple of their favorite shows before bedtime. Mom came in and kissed them both goodnight, then prayed with each. As she passed me on her way back to her room, she said, "I'm going to pray especially hard for you tonight."

It was going on eleven. I made my way to the bathroom to use it before going to bed, but I stopped short as I heard noises coming from Mom's room. It sounded as if she were moaning. The door was cracked, so I peeked inside to find her masturbating. Oh, I really couldn't see anything, but there was just enough light for me to discern her hands between her legs. I felt my cock harden. I pulled it out and began jerking it as I watched. I lasted no time at all. When I came, I made sure to point my cock toward the crack in her door so as to cum inside. I then entered the bathroom, peed, washed my hands, and went to bed.

The following morning, after Paul and Bella left to catch the bus, I was gathering my books to place in my bookbag. Mom came out of her room and said, "Were you at my door last night?"

I could have lied and saved us both some embarrassment, but why should I? "Yes," I answered. "Were you masturbating?"

"What?!?" she screamed. "Why would you even suggest such a thing?"

"It just seemed like you were, which made me do the same."

"You masturbated at the thought of me masturbating?" she asked in total disbelief.

"It wasn't the first time," I told her. "Besides, it was hot, Mom."

She shook her head at me. "Get to school."

I kept a hard-on all day thinking about her touching herself, and soon the reality gave way to me fantasizing about walking in and her accepting me as her lover. I had to excuse myself from Spanish class so I could go to the restroom and jerk off. It helped, but not much.

Homework was light today, so I decided I would do the cooking; it would save Mom the trouble once she got home. I put my limited skills to work, but I was able to recreate her baked pork chops over rice. I opened a few cans of sweet peas and boiled them for our vegetable. Mom got in at her usual five-fifteen and I announced that dinner would be ready in twenty minutes, at which point I called next door and had Mrs. Chase send Bella and Paul home. They both raved to Mom about how good dinner was, but when she told them I had made it, Bella made like she was going to throw up while Paul died on the spot from food poisoning. It was pretty funny. It was nice to see Mom smile. She had a beautiful smile. I told her as much.

I offered to do the dishes. She said she would help while Paul and Bella got their respective showers, so I washed while she dried. She kept stealing glances at me, then finally asked, "Do you really think I have a beautiful smile, Adam?"

"Mom, I think everything about you is beautiful," I answered.

"Thank you," she said as she kissed me on the cheek. "It's nice to know someone does." I turned from her immediately, for my cock had gotten hard from the feel of her warm lips on my face. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, Mom."

"Then why are you all hunched over like that?"

"Mom, please. It's nothing."

"Turn around, Adam. Right now." I did, and her eyes immediately went to my crotch, like she knew what to expect. She didn't comment on my erection, though. All she said was, "The rest of those dishes aren't going to wash themselves." I finished washing, she finished drying, and my erection finally died somewhere in between.

A few nights later, Mom entered the living room after Paul and Bella went to bed. She stood directly in front of the TV and looked this way and that—I could tell by her silhouette that she wasn't wearing panties—and said, "Have you seen—? Oh, there it is." She then walked toward me, bent slowly (I did look down her night gown as her breasts became exposed), and retrieved her crossword puzzle book. She returned to her room seemingly without a second thought while I sat there with a thousand different thoughts racing through my head.

As I made my way to my room after my program ended, I stopped by Mom's room and lightly tapped on the door. "Yes, come in," she whispered.

I entered to find Mom working her crosswords. She was sitting up on her bed. Her nightgown was pulled up to her thighs, dangerously close to exposing her crotch. I saw that immediately upon entering, then I noticed the darker shade of her nipples through her flimsy nightgown. I finally settled upon her face, completely uncaring of the bulge in my pajamas as I said, "I just wanted to see if you needed anything before I go to bed."

"That's very thoughtful of you, Adam," she said with a warm smile. She looked between my legs. "You know, I had a hard day at work today. Would you mind massaging my feet?"

"Not at all," I said as I made my way toward her. I sat on the bed and gently picked up her left foot, then I repositioned myself and brought it down to rest on my hard cock. She said nothing as I began rubbing. She allowed her right leg—her free leg—to open just a bit wider. I know she must have been aware that even though my head was cast downward toward her foot, I kept stealing glances between her thighs, and she was allowing me better access to what lie between them. I saw her pubic hair sticking out, and my cock pulsed with a life of its own.

"You're doing a fine job," she said. She just now lay down her puzzle book and closed her eyes; a small smile still played at her lips.

"You're the most beautiful woman I know," I said to her. She opened her eyes, smiled brightly at me, then made to scratch her hip, in reality raising the fabric of her nightgown even more.

Just as I was about to divvy out another compliment, Mom moved her right foot into my lap and said, "Okay, now this one," thus depriving me of any further glances between her legs.

Reluctantly, I began massaging her right foot. Oh, I did a good job at it, I thought; just as good as I had done with her left. Mom had closed her eyes again and that same soft smile was back on her lips. I wanted so desperately to kiss her, but I thought she should make the first move, Or has she already by opening her legs to me? I didn't want to take the chance, so I just continued to massage her foot until she told me that was enough. I held them in my lap for a few seconds, flexing my rabid cock to let her know I was up to any other tasks she might have, but she simply told me I had done a good job and bid me good-night.

Once in my room, I jerked off twice in a row before going to sleep.

It was Wednesday. As was the way with the rest of the businesses in town, the community college I attended closed up shop at twelve noon. When I arrived home, I made myself a sandwich and had just finished it when Mom walked in. "Hi, dear," she said as she gave me a peck. This one wasn't on the cheek, though; it was more like on the corner of my mouth. "I'm about to go get a shower," Mom said as she separated herself from me. "I sure could use another foot massage, if you're up for it?"

"Yeah, Mom. Sure. Anything for you," I said. She entered her room, and once the door was closed, I made my way to the hall bathroom where I got a shower of my own. I was going to do something drastic—what, I still hadn't figured out—but it was with the hope that I could expedite what I believed was building between me and my mother.

I had just dried off and pulled up my white briefs when Mom called out, "Adam, are you ready?"

"Just a second, Mom," I hollered back. "All I have on are my underwear."

"That's okay," she said, and no sooner had the words come from her mouth than my cock had gained full hardness. I walked into her room, though, and she said nothing once again when she saw my erection trying in vain to escape its white cottony prison.

Mom looked gorgeous! She was wearing a teal negligee that ended just below the crotch, and the straps hung from her shoulders, allowing me the first real unencumbered view of her cleavage I had ever seen, sans her night gown from the other night. As before, I took her left foot and placed it on my dick. She moved it around, causing uncontrollable spasming. I thought I saw a small smirk. I began slowly massaging her left foot. Mom, like the last time, lay her head back while a small smile came to her lips. I was still wondering what I could do to show my increasing desire for her, then it struck me. I lifted her foot about six inches and lowered my head, taking her big toe into my mouth. I really didn't know anything about sucking toes, so I just did to it what I had been imagining her doing to my cock, and it seemed to be working.

Mom let out a soft moan as she slid down a bit more on the bed, revealing her full bush to me. I thought I was going to cum right there. I looked at it while I continued to suck her toe. I then slowly dragged my tongue between all her toes, stopping to briefly suck each one, then I placed my tongue on her heel and ran it straight up the middle of her foot. Mom writhed in ecstasy. She moved down a little more, allowing her left leg to bend, then, using her right foot, she placed it on my hard dick and began to rub it gently. "Oh, Mom," I said as I thrust my hips outward just a little, then I returned to her big toe to show her what I really wanted at this moment.

"Let my foot go," Mom said, and when I did, she hooked her right heel around my neck and pulled my face close to her pussy. She stopped when I was about a foot away, then said, "If I give you directions, do you think you can make Mommy cum?"

"I want to, Mom," I told her.

She reached down with both hands and showed me where her clit was, then said, "I want you to softly lick and suck it, okay? If you do it softly, you will make me cum."

Without a word, I immersed my face into her soft, fragrant pubic area and began doing as she bade. She would give me cues, which I quickly followed, and five minutes later Mom was having the mother of all orgasms. Her legs trembled as she squealed in pleasure, and as her breathing began to regulate itself, my tongue was pushed as deeply inside her as it would go.

"Oh, you did a fine job, Adam," Mom said as she looked down at me.

"I want to make you cum again, Mom," I responded. "Please?"

"Of course," she said, then lay her head back down and closed her eyes. I didn't need instructions this time as my crash course into eating Mom's pussy taught me everything I needed to know. I took her clit into my mouth and gently sucked on it before bathing it with my tongue. I flicked at it some, then I started making circular motions around it. Mom continued to moan in ecstasy as I treated her clit to all the attention it had been lacking these past three years. Finally, Mom raised her hips and began to fuck my mouth as she said, "Take this orgasm, Adam!" then I could feel her sticky sweetness flow into my mouth.

I held Mom up by her ass as I licked inside of her, and once done I allowed her hips to rest on the bed once again. Mom said, "Do you love me, Adam?"

"Of course, I do, Mom. Why would you ask me a question like that?"

"It's just ... I want you to lick my ... my asshole."

"What?" I asked, surprised at her request.

"Please, Adam?" she asked as she pulled her ass cheek aside.

I looked at Mom's anus and marveled at how pink and beautiful it was. It looked so soft and inviting. I inched my mouth toward it, then began running my tongue all around it, finally sucking on her bunghole. Mom began to masturbate ferociously, and a few minutes later she had cum again. I continued to suck her anus until she finally called me off.

She had me lay at the head of the bed, then she began kissing me. "You did such a wonderful job for me, Adam, and now I'm going to do something wonderful for you." Her hand snaked down my body and through my underwear. She grabbed my cock and freed it instantly. "Tell Mommy what you want her to do to it."

"Suck it for me Mom. I want you to suck it for me."

Mom kissed me again, then she moved down and took my cock into her mouth. I came instantly. "I'm sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry."

Mom came off my dick, looked at me, swallowed, then asked, "Can you stay hard?"

"I can for you, Mom," I told her.

Mom began sucking my cock once again. She would come off it at ten-second intervals and say things like, "So young and hard," "So long and thick," and "I've missed having a nice cock to play with."

She finally stopped and crawled on top of me. She centered herself above me, then she eased her dripping wet pussy onto my hard-as-a-rock dick. I came again. "Oh, Mom. Oh, God. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know—"

Mom smiled at me again, that same warm smile she had been giving me all day. "Do you think you can control yourself long enough for Mommy to fuck you properly?"

I was amazed that she wasn't angry for me coming so quickly, much less that I had actually come inside of her. I thought that she must be on the pill, even though I couldn't understand why if she wasn't seeing anyone. Still, I answered, "I can stay hard for you all day and night if you want me to, Mom." She began to slowly gyrate her hips, and her pussy felt wonderful as it went up and down on my dick. "Pull your negligee off," I said to her, and when she did, I began sucking her beige nipples. I couldn't believe how hard they were; her breasts were soft and warm in my hands.

"Put your hands on my hips and drive yourself into me," Mom whispered. I did, and I could feel her getting wetter and wetter. She closed her eyes. Her face tensed up. She yelped as another orgasm washed over her. I came again as well. Mom bent down and kissed me for several minutes. I held her close as she did so. "Can you give me this every night, Adam?" she asked me. "Can you give me the fucking I so desperately crave?"

"You took my virginity, Mom. Of course, I'll continue to make love to you."

She kissed me a few more times, then she eased herself off me and said, "The kids will be home soon. Go get showered up."

I did, then I returned to my room. I was surprised to find that I had another erection. Just the thought of having sex with my mother was enough to electrify my hormones. I wanted to go give her a quickie, but there probably wasn't enough time. There was tonight, though, once Bella and Paul had gone to sleep.

"You kids go ahead and shower, then get ready for church," Mom said when Bella and Paul walked through the door."

"I want to go next door and play with Gabby," Bella said.

"Well, I thought I would treat everyone to Shakey's Pizza tonight before church," Mom retorted, and that was enough to get the two upstairs. Paul took the hall bathroom while Bella took the one in Mom's room. They came down dressed casually for Wednesday night service, Paul wearing khakis and a blue button-up while Bella wore a green blouse and black skirt. I, of course, was in blue jeans and a white button-up, and Mom wore a simple yet sexy (on her, anyway. Nowadays I thought anything she wore was sexy) black dress.

At the restaurant, Mom kept running her right foot up my leg and into my crotch. My cock hurt terribly as it tried in vain to become engorged but was denied because of the tight fit of my pants.

At church, we all went through the same routines as we always had. Bella and Paul went into the back for Youth service while Mom and I stayed out front. Toward the end of the service, when the benediction was called, Mom was the first to go up. She whispered something in the pastor's ear. Oh, shit! She's telling him what we did today. I knew it had to be true. Maybe being in church broke the spell of horniness that had come over her. All I knew was that whatever we had, was just that: Had. Past tense. Never more.

Mom allowed Bella and Paul to watch TV until nine-thirty, then it was off to bed for them. I never asked her what she told the pastor as we drove home, but in about 30 minutes I'd ask her. I decided to give it an hour to ensure Bella and Paul were asleep, and at ten-thirty, dressed in my pajamas sans underwear, I was in front of Mom's door, lightly tapping as I had done the time before. "Yes, come in," Mom whispered.

I entered and closed the door behind me. I just now became aware that I was sporting a hard-on even though I was worried about what Mom could have possibly told Pastor Thompson. I didn't try to hide it, though, much the way she was hiding her body from me in an ankle-length flannel nightgown. I asked if I could sit and she said yes, so I made my way to her bed and sat as if I were going to massage her feet again, and then it struck me: Why not? I gently took the left and began gently massaging it. "That feels nice." I placed the heel of her foot next to my rigid cock and flexed it a few times as I continued to rub. Mom's toes curled, then she began to massage my cock with her foot. Then she abruptly stopped. "No, Adam. We can't. What happened earlier? It was a fluke, a mistake. It was fornication and incest and lascivious behavior that I should have curtailed before it even began."

I just looked at Mom while she said these things, and once she was done, I slowly spread her legs. She may have been wearing the flannel nightgown, but she certainly wasn't wearing any panties. I removed my pajama pants and placed myself in front of her. "A-Adam? What ... What are you doing?" I lifted Mom's legs, allowing the bend of her knees into the crook of my elbows, then I moved in closer. I felt my cockhead brush against her pubic hair. "Oh, Adam. We really shouldn't ..." I pushed, and her hot, wet pussy damn near sucked my cock into her. She moaned loud enough to wake Bella and Paul; all I could do was hope she hadn't, because I wasn't about to pull out of her and go lock her door. I pushed myself in to the hilt, then just kept myself there. Mom wrapped her arms around my neck, then she nervously nodded her head. "Go ahead, baby. It's okay. Make love to Mommy."

I began to move slowly in and out of her. My movements were graceful, accentuated by the well-timed thrust of her hips into me as I plunged myself into her time and time again. "Oh, Adam. I'm going to cum."

"Cum on my cock, Mom," I said to her. "Cum on it like you did this afternoon." Mom pulled me down and kissed me. She shoved her tongue into my mouth, then screamed inside as her orgasm hit. "That's it, Mom. Let me make you cum. I want to be the only person who ever makes you cum for the rest of your life."

"Yes, Adam," Mom said. "You and your wonderful cock can be the only thing I need from now on, but I want you to cum inside of me now, okay baby? Mommy needs to feel your warm cum shooting inside her pussy. Can you do that for me?"

I began moving just a little bit faster, but not by much as I wanted to relish this experience with her. I kissed her and told her she was the most beautiful woman I knew, then I erupted inside her, bathing her inner walls with a torrent of cum that had been building for the past eight hours. She pulled me close and kissed me as no woman ever had, and I knew right then and there that Mom was going to be true to her word.

I stayed in the home even after Bella and Paul went off to college, and I remain to this day, some thirty years later. Mom and I may have slowed down a bit, but never let it be said that either of us has grown weary of the other. We love each other, and that is all that matters.