Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1085 - @-8

Chapter 1085 - @-8

Eric was the first one up and it was still dark as he made coffee and ate cereal. If it wasn't that early on the clock, it was still one of the shortest days of the year and it was remarkable how low the sun rode across the horizon around the solstice. It was like the world went almost immediately from early morning to late afternoon at some unnoticed point and Eric always had the sense that he had somehow missed the middle part of the day, focused on something else.

After they'd cleaned up the living room the night before, they'd all had a few drinks, smoked a little and joked about the surprise visit to the 'strip club' the girls had put on for Eric. The fact that they could laugh about it, and tease each other playfully about how it had descended into an orgy of cum-drenched foreplay, would hopefully make facing one another much less awkward when the girls came downstairs later that morning.

Eric grinned as images and memories floated back up while he drank his coffee. It was only when he chuckled about the fact that he had originally planned to spend the evening playing video games that he remembered leaving the game paused in the den at the moment the music had started up the night before.

Logging in, Eric could see that the game console and then TV must have shut down eventually from lack of activity and he had a moment of dread, once the game loaded, when he saw the list of messages that popped up from Lisa's user. They had started out happy and excited when she had first logged in. He scrolled through the list of messages, logged roughly 15-20 minutes apart, first letting him now she was online, then asking where he was, checking to see if he was okay, wondering if everything was all right, etc. The last message was logged coming in just after 2 AM and simply said "Seriously. WTF?"

Eric winced to look at the record of how Lisa's feelings must have evolved over the roughly five hours that she had been regularly checking in to see if he was online. He quickly tapped out a message to apologize and tell her that a hose in their dishwasher had broken and he had to help his sisters clean up the mess and find a way to patch it up. He explained that he had forgotten he was logged in during all the excitement and had gone to bed after they had eventually gotten everything cleaned up. He hoped that logging in this early in the day lent some credibility to his story, but he still felt like shit as he made his way back out to the kitchen.

Cassie was up fixing tea when he walked in and she smiled shyly and said good morning before realizing that something was wrong. Eric stood next to her at the counter and told Cassie what had happened and how bad he had felt totally blowing Lisa off like he had. When Cassie tried to reassure him that it really wasn't that bad, as he hadn't intentionally left her hanging, he explained how generous she'd been and how the tone of her messages had changed through the course of the night.

Cassie turned and wrapped Eric in a hug, her cheek nuzzling against his neck. She rubbed his back and assured him that any girl would be lucky to have a guy like him and if Lisa was someone worth feeling bad about, then she would understand that he didn't mean to hurt or upset her. Eric sighed, feeling the comfort of Cassie's body pressed up against him, warm, soft and reassuring. Her hair smelled so fresh, and felt so soft, against the side of his face. He rubbed her back and couldn't help that his cock stirred against her warm, flat belly as her body molded to fit up against his own.

"Thank you," he murmured. "I just feel bad that I totally forgot about her last night."

Cassie's eyes opened as she rested her head on his shoulder as she replayed the night's events in her head. "Well, it was kind of understandable...given the distractions and all." She giggled.

"Yeah, I'm sure she'd totally understand if I explained it to her," Eric chuckled back.

"Don't you even think about it!" Cassie smacked his butt playfully. "You promised to protect my reputation with your life, remember?"

"I did, and I will," he assured her. He paused for a long moment as he felt Cassie breathing in his arms. "So can I ask you something?"

"Like what?" Cassie tensed up a little but didn't pull away from embracing him.

"Last night." He tried to find the right way to ask. "Was that Cali...or Catwoman...or..."

Cassie left it hanging for a moment. "It was me." She took a breath. "It's always been just me, Eric." She sighed against him. "I just needed...something, I guess. To me get past..."

"So, no more Cali?" Eric tried to understand.

"No." Cassie said softly. "No more Cali."

"And what about our bet?" Eric wondered. "The week and everything?"

"Yeah, I'd kind of lost track of that...with everything." Cassie admitted.

"Me too." Eric chuckled. "It feels like stuff is just kind of happening on its own."

"I was kind of hoping that we could make our deal...sort of...permanent, if you know what I mean." Cassie was too embarrassed to look up to see his reaction, but her heart slowed and her breathing stopped as she waited for his answer.

"You really want to?" Eric felt jittery with excitement.

"I do. I like this," she admitted softly. "Being like...the the movie." Cassie blushed and she fought the grin that tugged at her mouth, her head still resting on his shoulder, grateful that she didn't have to face him as she admitted that.

"I liked that too," Eric's voice came out as a husky croak. His cock was so hard against his sister's warm stomach.

"If we can always be like this...the rest of the time," her voice fell to a whisper. "Then, I'd love to be able to do that some more."

"I'd love that too Cassie," He squeezed her more tightly. "I guess I have to delete the picture then."

"Just the one of me topless...or both of them?" Cassie said teasingly.

"Whatever you want," Eric grinned. "I'll do whatever you say."

"Really?" Cassie felt a tingle go through her and goosebumps rise up on her skin as he said it. "What if I wanted keep them?" she felt like her breath had run out for a moment. "What if I wanted you to keep them...secret...and maybe know...some more?"

"Really?" Eric couldn't believe it. "You'd let me do that?"

"I like you having them," Cassie admitted. "It's like you own a part of me now. Like no matter how we act the rest of the time," she paused. "It's like you can always see me I really am." Her pussy got wetter as she admitted it.

"What other kind of pictures do you want me to take?" Eric's voice cracked and his cock twitched as he could feel the precum starting to flow.

"I'll do whatever you say," savoring each word as she said it, the circle now complete. She lifted her cheek from his shoulder and brought her lips to his ear. "You just have to protect me so no one else finds out."

"What about Ellie?" Eric asked.

"After last night, I don't think we have to hide a whole lot, Eric. Even if she doesn't have to know exactly how we got here, I think going forward, we can do what we want around her, even if we still keep some things private."

"That sounds awesome." Eric hugged her more tightly and watching the sun coming up behind Cassie through the kitchen window, he started thinking that they might have some time to play around before Ellie woke up, when Cassie's phone suddenly rang on the counter beside them.

Cassie saw it was her advisor calling and felt a wave of anxiety as she slipped from Eric's arms and reached to pick up the call. "Hello?"

"Cassie! Sorry to bother you so early but I just got a chance to read your e-mail last night and...well, I didn't want to call you late at night, but..."

"Is everything okay?" Cassie walked out to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Everything's fine, Cassie," he stammered. "I mean everything's great. I...I...I'm just blown away. I can't believe no one else saw this! It''s phenomenal."

"So you don't think it's too late to change my thesis?" Cassie began to feel hopeful.

"No, don't change your thesis!" Her professor blurted. "Let's just wrap that up before Winter break is over. I think its fine." The words felt like they were tumbling out as Cassie listened, confused. "I just think we need to get that out of the way and start focusing on a grant proposal and a research plan to submit as soon as possible."

"Grant...?" Cassie was lost. She stood up and started pacing in front of the window facing the back of the house.

"I know, I know, I'm being presumptuous...that you'd like to work with me on this, but Cassie...I hope you know I've always championed your work and supported you..." Cassie couldn't read the emotion he was expressing. She'd never heard him like this. "I mean, I'm hoping you'll let me work with you on this."

"I'm sorry, Professor. But you've lost me." Cassie admitted.

"Cassie, I think you can get funding for this. I mean, I'm sure you can. A lot of it." He paused. "I'm not sure you recognize the potential...all the applications...this...this...this is big."

"I'm not sure I do." Cassie felt worried again. She couldn't decide if she should sit or stand.

"Cassie, I think we should try to restructure your grad work around setting up a lab to validate what you found and start developing trials for applications." He paused. "I'd love to help you with it and I'd promise to make sure you got all the credit you deserve for finding it. I'll support you all the way through the grant process, weighing the funding options, setting up the lab...everything. But I'd...I'd always let you take the lead. Give you the final say on everything." He paused again. "Look, I know there are a lot bigger names in the department and trust me, they are all going to want a piece of this. It's a game changer. I wouldn't blame you for going with one of them, but...but I'm hoping you'll realize that I'm content to partner with you on something this big and I won't let anybody try to screw you out of authorship on this. You belong right at the front. All the way through, Cassie. No matter who else we bring in, I'll make sure of it."

"I...I'm...overwhelmed." Cassie truly was. "She was hoping for a little more notice for her thesis, but what her advisor was suggesting was the chance to help lead a major research program and perhaps even the chance to get published as a lead author as a grad student. It was something she might have hoped for after paying her dues and earning her doctorate, but she felt like she was being kicked off of a city bus and strapped into a space shuttle. Her head was spinning.

"Look," he assured her. "You don't have to decide anything right this minute. I haven't shared this with anybody yet, and I promise I won't, until you tell me it's okay." She could hear him let out a huge breath through the phone. "Because I'll be honest. It's going to get crazy once we take this to the rest of the department." He took a moment to breathe again. "I'm just saying, let me send you a couple things I put together last night. It's just a rough proposal and a separate authorship agreement. Take some time to think about it and talk to somebody you trust if you need to." His speech sped up. "Just whatever you do, don't mention what you specifically found. Please." He paused again. "And whoever you decide to work with, get the authorship agreement in writing...up front. Don't let them steam roll you Cassie. They'll try to tell you that it was a promising start and of course you'll get credit, but there are a million ways to kick someone off the front once the thing gets rolling and you could easily end up somewhere in the footnotes."

"I'll be honest." Cassie sighed. "I'm not ready navigate what you're describing right now. I...I..."

"I know, Cassie." He sounded calm for the first time all morning. "I mean, I know you don't think you are. But I've worked with a lot of students over the years and you are more ready for something like this than you realize. I watch how you handle everything you do." He paused. "I'm just pretty sure that you just found a winning lottery ticket. All I'm saying is don't let anyone tell you it's not. Or that you aren't allowed to cash it in for yourself." She could hear him smiling through the phone and picture the look he got sometimes when they'd banter after a meeting. "I just don't want you to wake up in five years and realize you should have jumped at this when you had the chance. Or that you let it slip away." He sighed. "I'm just saying don't let them pat you on the head and kick you out in the hallway. You deserve a lot better than that. You've got time to figure this out before you have to tell anybody else what you found. It's your lottery ticket. I'm just asking for a chance to go along for the ride and watch your back." He chuckled. "I can understand if you pick someone else, Cassie. If I never do anything else for you, I just hope I can help you get all the credit you deserve for this. I'll email you some stuff in the next few minutes and take all the time you need to figure out what you want to do."

"Okay..." Cassie felt lost.

"Look, there's no rush. I'm sorry. I'm...I'm just excited. I've been up all night thinking about it and I'm probably not making much sense." He sounded flustered.

"No, it's just...not what I expected?" Cassie felt like a little kid.

"You and me both, Cassie." He laughed. "Look, if nobody else has found this yet, they probably aren't going to for a while, if ever, if neither of us say anything." He slowed down. "Let's just wrap up your thesis, take some time over Christmas and plan to do something in January. You can decide then who you want to work with and I'll even help you draft an authorship agreement to have them sign before you tell anybody what you found. We can go as fast or as slow as you want to on this. Deal?"

"Deal," Cassie sighed. She just really wanted to end the call and have some time to think.

"Okay. Perfect." He sounded better. "Look for my e-mail and call me if you need anything."

Cassie walked back into the kitchen after they'd ended the call watched Eric rinsing his breakfast dishes. Through the haze of everything she was trying to process, she surprised herself by thinking that Ellie was absolutely right. Looking at her brother, standing at the sink in his flannel pajamas, it was true that Eric had the cutest butt of any guy she'd ever seen. She walked over to stand behind him and hugged him from behind as he placed his cup on the rack beside the sink to dry.

"Hey," he half turned his head. "What was that all about?"

"I don't know," Cassie said vacantly. "School stuff." She felt his chest expand and contract as he breathed. "Are you busy today?"

"Not very," he shrugged. "I've got a couple things to knock out for school, but I'll be done before lunch. Why?"

"I think I'm going to need to spend some time on the beach today," she mused softly.

"Give me a couple of hours and I'll be ready to join you." He smiled and reached up to place his hand on her forearm.

Eric sent a chat message to Lisa from his laptop and took breaks from studying to log onto the game a couple more times that morning, but he didn't see a reply from Lisa. It surprised him, that her being upset, troubled him as much as it did. A week or so ago he barely knew that she existed and now he was checking his messages and logging onto the game repeatedly because she wasn't replying. For all she knew, he really did have an emergency at home, but he couldn't help feeling guilty that she had been waiting for him for hours while he had been living out multiple fantasies with his sisters. He shook his head and smiled ruefully at the absurdity of it. If she was this upset over the fact that she believed he had simply bailed on her, he couldn't imagine what her reaction would be if she knew the real reason he didn't make it.

After he'd finished and submitted the work he had to turn in online, Eric headed upstairs to get dressed and go start up the generator at the beach. He was taking out some clothes when Ellie stumbled through the door from the bathroom and crawled onto his bed. She looked like she had just woken up and lying on her stomach with her eyes closed, her hair disheveled, she looked like she might go right back to sleep.

"Hey sleeping beauty," Eric leaned over and planted a small kiss on her cheek.

"Mmmm...where 'r you going?" she mumbled, squinting up at him as he got dressed.

"I'm going to fire up the generator for the beach," Eric looked over at her. "Why don't you get dressed and join us."

"Is Cassie going too?" Ellie blinked her eyes several times trying to adjust to the light.

"Yeah, she said she needed a beach day," Eric shrugged as he pulled his jeans over his swim trunks. Ellie looked at the way the muscles in his arms rippled and shifted beneath his skin as he pulled at his pants and closed the button at his waist.

"You're not going naked?" Ellie tried to sound casual as she rolled onto her side and rested her head on her raised hand.

"What?...oh." Eric looked down and blushed slightly. "I guess I'll bring my trunks anyway." He shrugged.

"You've got nothing to hide now... from either of us," Ellie smirked.

"Yeah, but I guess I kind of wanted to leave it up to you guys." He shrugged again. "You know? What you were comfortable with."

"Then if we're comfortable with't bother you?..." Ellie looked down at her fingers, grabbing at the covers on Eric's bed. "You know...what we're doing?" It surprised Ellie how much she wanted to know the answer, once she'd asked.

"I guess it should, maybe." Eric searched his feelings. "I think it would bother me if other people found out, but..."

"But what?" Ellie looked up quickly.

"But part of me is happier than I've been since...well...never?" He thought he sounded foolish. "I kept thinking I'd finally meet some girls once I went away to college, but it was only when I came back home..." He shook his head. "I guess I always saw you two like, weren't really girls before, or something...," he was getting visibly frustrated. "I don't know. Forget it." He reached for his shirt.

"No, I get it." Ellie said softly. "Cassie was always trying to be our second mom and I really wasn't very nice to you growing up."

"Well...yeah, basically." He seemed a little surprised that she got it. "I mean, you were pretty much the hottest girl in this town, and every guy we went to school with was in love with you, but you were just somebody who, like, tortured me growing up. I couldn't see you like they did."

"And how do you see me now?" She couldn't look at him as she waited for his answer.

"Like you're the hottest girl in this town," he grinned sheepishly as her eyes rose to meet his.

"So you think I'm prettier than Cassie?" She pretended like she was teasing him.

Eric rolled his eyes, "C'mon it's not like that. You guys are so different. It's like picking between a Lamborghini and a Ferrari. You're both so...perfect."

"You think I'm perfect?" She started to enjoy teasing him as she watched him grow more flustered.

"C'mon stop. You know you are." He shook his head and pulled his sweater on over his shirt.

"Okay, but you have to admit I'm better at sucking your dick than she is." She grinned devilishly.

"Seriously," he blushed deeply. "Yesterday was probably like the first time she ever did it, so yeah, you are like the undisputed queen of sucking my dick." He rolled his eyes and couldn't help that his dick was now fully hard again, picturing Cassie and Ellie both sucking his dick.

"So," Ellie sat up and started ticking points off on her fingers. "You think I'm the hottest girl in town. I'm perfect. I'm the Queen of Spring Break and like...sucking your dick," she winked at him. "You like me better than any girl you met at college..." She brought her finger up to her lips and rolled her eyes, exaggerating a thoughtful air. "So I guess you're basically saying you love me and you want to stay with me forever and marry me!" She hopped up off the bed and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him lightly on the lips, before bouncing happily to the door, saying, "I guess I can live with that!" as she disappeared into the bathroom.

Cassie was laying out drinks and sandwiches at the kitchen table when Eric got downstairs. "Hey," she looked up as Eric walked in. "You go ahead and get things started. Ellie just texted me that she's coming and asked me to wait for her while she got dressed." She smiled at him. "We'll bring refreshments."

Eric walked through the snow and watched the plume of his breath in the cold, dry air as he made his way to pick up a can a fuel for the generator. Topping it off, Eric started the generator and let the beach warm up while he took the can to the ski lift to empty it into the tractor tank before returning it to the shed. He bent to turn on the water pump once he got back to the beach, now that the lights had heated the coil, and the warmth in the canopy would have had time to thaw any ice that had formed in the lines.

Once inside, he stripped down to his trunks and had a seat on one of the beach chairs as he thought through how complicated his life had become over the last few weeks. On top of the unsettling reaction from Lisa to the fact that he'd ghosted her, Ellie's teasing about loving and wanting to marry her kept itching at the back of his mind. While in the beginning he had been overwhelmed by the desire that he felt whenever things escalated with Ellie and Cassie sexually, he was now struggling to understand how much his feelings toward them had shifted in the last few weeks.

Eric pulled out and lit up his pipe, holding in the smoke for a long time before slowly exhaling. While it wouldn't make his conflicted emotions any clearer, he was hoping that the weed would help him to set them aside for a few hours to enjoy the time on the beach with the girls. He reloaded the pipe and set it on their makeshift table between the chairs as he tried to understand how he felt about Ellie. He had certainly felt relieved that she had stopped looking for every opportunity to torment him and thought that his growing affection for her was just a natural reaction to the fact that she was now going out of her way to make him happy instead. He had never seen the playful, flirting, funny side of Ellie that way before and it shouldn't have been a shock that it made her seem much more alluring and attractive to him.

At the same time, there were moments when they were just cuddling, or whispering in bed, where his heart felt like his chest was too small for his heart. He would pull her close to him and it didn't seem like quite enough to be simply pressed up against her. It felt like he wanted to push all of himself inside of her, in a way that was hard to explain. Her joke about getting married sounded silly and childish, but he couldn't help imagine getting to spend every day waking up next to her tousled hair, the way her face looked, so young and puffy and cute after she'd just woken up and how big her blue eyes were when she opened them up wide, just a few inches from his. It was like she could see all the way through him and there wasn't anything mean, or teasing, or fake that he could find in her eyes when she did.

In the same way, everything with Cassie had shifted into something that was hard to get his head around. He had never imagined her as being this vulnerable, the way she seemed now, when they spoke alone. He felt like he had been let inside some secret place that no one else had ever been allowed to go before. For all the thrill it gave him to have the illusion of controlling her in those moments of intense sexuality, it actually left him feeling more protective of her, more concerned with what she was feeling and trying to anticipate what she was wanting at every moment. It felt like she had given him the keys to a new car and all the reckless joy he'd imagined he'd get from driving it was now being tempered, by a desire not to do anything that might ruin it.

Through the growing fog of the weed, Eric wondered if the attention he was paying to Cassie and Ellie was part of what was also making him feel a deeper concern about Lisa's feelings. He hadn't meant to hurt her, but it still bothered him how much it obviously had. He felt like something was squirming around inside him as he leaned forward and ran his hands through his hair, stopping to hold his bowed head in his hands as he leaned his elbows on his knees. As unequipped as he felt to understand what even one of the three women now in his life were feeling at any given moment, he felt overwhelmed by the sense that he didn't stand a chance at making all three of them happy, even as he realized that making them happy was what he really wanted most.

As much as Eric had enjoyed all of the things, that each of them had done, to make him feel good, it was the fact that those things seemed to come from their own happiness that made them special. He hadn't noticed the point that this new appreciation had grown inside him, but as he looked up at the crudely painted backdrop of a tropical sea stretching away to the horizon, he realized that he didn't quite know the way back to the old Eric, now that it had.

"So did Eric say anything about last night?" Ellie was carrying a tote with the drinks and beach bag with towels, and trying to watch out where they were stepping in the crusty snow, as they followed Eric's steps through the snow.

"No, not really," Cassie tried to remember their conversation. "He seemed more preoccupied with the fact that he left that girl hanging in the video game. I guess she hung around for hours waiting for him and got pissed."

"That Lisa girl?" Ellie glanced over at Cassie quickly, hoping she hadn't sounded too bitchy as she said it.

"Yeah, I guess they've been hanging out in some game." Cassie shrugged. "Otherwise, he seemed pretty okay with last night."

"How about you?" Ellie tried to sound nonchalant.

"I'm trying not to overthink it, El." Cassie sighed. "I know it's weird, and wrong, and kind of crazy, but it feels like everything is right now." She looked over at her little sister. "I mean, look at us."

Ellie couldn't help the small laugh that burst from her mouth. "Yeah, I guess you're right." They walked in silence for a minute. "I guess I just appreciate you having my back and all."

"What do you mean?" Cassie was genuinely unsure.

"Well, like catching me sucking Eric's dick in his room and...then again last night." Ellie pushed her lower lip out to blow away a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes as both her hands were full. "You could have left me hanging and I would have felt really bad if you hadn't done it too."

"It's okay," Cassie rolled her eyes. "I probably would've gotten around to it eventually. Seeing you go first just kind of...gave me an extra push." Even as she said it, Cassie knew that deep down, it was true.

"Really?" Ellie sounded earnest. "Or are you just saying that, so I don't feel like a total slut?"

"No," Cassie admitted. "I guess I want...all this...just as bad as you do, maybe more." She turned to smile at Ellie. "I guess we're both kind of slutty."

"I know, right?," Ellie giggled. "I still can't get over it. I mean...Eric of all people." She shook her head. "And us? Who would have thought?"

"Is it okay if we keep some of this stuff between us private?" Cassie felt embarrassed.

"Oh, like not telling Eric if we do stuff...just the two of us?" Ellie teased her.

"Well, yeah," Cassie considered whether the agreement also covered things she did with just her and Eric. "I mean if something happens in front of each other, then...I guess, it just is what it is, but..."

"I totally get it, Cass," Ellie let her off the hook. "There's what we do together all three of us, but it doesn't mean we can't have some privacy to do other stuff on the side?" Ellie couldn't help but smile as she thought about everything Cassie didn't know about her and Eric.

"Exactly," Cassie let out a huge sigh of relief.

Eric looked up as he heard the sound of the girl's voices over the hum of the generator. He settled back into his chair and took a drink of water as he waited for them to get to the flap and open it. Looking over as they entered, he popped up to come and take one of the bags from each of their hands, walking them over to the bar.

"Awesome," Eric eyed the food in one of the bags. "I was getting kind of hungry."

Ellie pointedly sniffed the air, "Hmmm...I wonder why?" She smiled at Eric teasingly as she took off her coat and unwrapped the scarf from around her neck.

Eric smiled, "Over there on the table," he tilted his head toward the beach chairs. He grabbed a sandwich, poured a drink from one of the water bottles the girls had brought and took it over to the sand to sit down facing the chairs.

The girls stripped down to their bikinis and Cassie undid her top only after seeing Ellie look at her with a lascivious grin and remove her own. Once Cassie was topless, Ellie raised her eyebrows and tugged lightly at the hips of her bikini bottom as if to ask Cassie if she would remove her bottoms too. Cassie threw a nervous glance in Eric's direction before tilting her head and opening her eyes in a pleading way toward Ellie, who shrugged smiling, left her own bottoms on and turned to get some food and a drink from the bar.

The girls walked over to sit in the beach chairs and began eating. Eric smiled to see them both topless and was in the process of thinking how lucky he was when Cassie looked over at Ellie and back at Eric before asking, "Eric, how come you always sit on the ground and let us have the chairs?" She took a bite of her sandwich while she waited for Eric to come up with an answer.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't seem right is all." He shrugged.

"How so?" Cassie wondered.

"Well, you two are queens, I guess." He smiled sheepishly. "It wouldn't be right to make one of you sit on the ground." He shrugged and glanced quickly at Ellie, who couldn't help smile, her eyes twinkling, remembering their conversation earlier.

"Awww, how frickin' sweet is that, Cass", Ellie's face crumpled into a pout as if she was about to cry.

"So sweet," Cassie looked thoughtfully from Ellie to Eric. "Hey, I think maybe we should play 'King for a Day' then sometime," Cassie suggested as she took another bite of her sandwich.

"I thought that's what we did last night," Ellie giggled as Eric blushed. "Anyway, Eric is already my king...every day." She winked at him.

"Well then, that means that I am lagging in my duties, and so I am going to officially declare tomorrow 'King Eric Day' and I will be his loyal and obedient subject, all day long," Cassie stated formally. "Do with me what you will, Sire, for tomorrow, your every wish is my command." She smiled at him, loving that he blushed and couldn't hold her gaze.

Ellie had finished eating and reached for the pipe on the table. She passed it to Cassie once she'd had a lungful of smoke. Letting it out in a thin plume, she turned to Cassie, "So am I still a queen on 'King Eric Day'?"

Cassie exhaled the smoke she was holding after considering her answer. "I was kind of hoping that you'd be part of the harem with me?" She raised her eyebrows and smiled sweetly at Ellie.

Ellie looked over at Eric who had taken the pipe and was watching Ellie's reaction with amused intensity. "Harem, huh?" She winked at Eric. "Sounds kinda hot." She stood up from her beach chair and fanned herself with her hand briefly. "Speaking of which...think I'll go for a dip." She looked down at her bikini bottoms. "No sense dragging home a wet swimsuit anymore." She reached down to the top edge of her swimsuit at each hip and scooted each side down a little bit, while wiggling her hips, before allowing them to slide down to her ankles, where she delicately stepped out of them, stark naked in the middle of the day. "Who else is up for a dip?" Ellie leaned down to take a drink from her cup, her full breasts dangling, luscious and bobbling as she downed the rest of her drink. Eric stared up as her smooth, firm butt extended outward, spreading deliciously from her lovely hips. As she turned back toward him, Eric couldn't help but stare, at the place where her thighs met, and the neatly trimmed patch of soft blond hair, that tapered into the soft pink lips of her pussy.

Eric stood up to join her and Ellie paused to tug his waistband away from the obvious boner that was holding the front of them up into an awkward tent and made a show of peeking over the waistband. "I don't think you'll be needing those either." She looked up at his face and winked before she walked playfully down to the water, naked as the day she was born.

Eric pulled down his trunks and stepped out of them on the sand, looking over at Cassie as he stood naked, his erection pointing almost straight up. He shrugged and smiled as if to say, 'what can you do?', before turning to join Ellie in the water. Cassie watched them splash around playfully as Ellie began acting as if she was scandalized that Eric would join her when she was naked in the water and squirmed around, playing that she was trying to stay out of his reach. Of course, Eric chased her around the lagoon, grabbing at her body, naked and slippery as their pink, flushed bodies slid in and through the water, made blue by the color of the plastic liner.

Cassie took another drink as she watched them, unable to deny that her pussy had grown wet as she watched their naked bodies sliding around in the bright light. She stood to join them and briefly contemplated pulling off her own bottoms before deciding that a few secrets, and a little mystery, had a power of their own as she walked down to join them.

Eric had managed to finally catch Ellie and had her pinned down on the gentle slope leading up to the beach. He straddled her stomach, his hard straining dick standing at attention over her glorious boobs, her puffy areolas looking particularly swollen in her excitement, as they jiggled around, half submerged, while Ellie struggled ineffectively against his strong hands that were holding her wrists pinned against the liner on either side of her face.

"Well...," she stopped struggling. "Whatcha gonna that ya caught me?" Ellie looked up at him saucily.

Eric looked over to see Cassie sit down in the water on the slope beside them. "Well Queen Cassie, what do you supposeI should do with my prisoner?"

"I guess you should have started by interrogating her to make sure she didn't have any allies, waiting to jump out and come to her rescue," at which point Cassie jumped up and used all of her weight to push the surprised Eric off onto his side in the water as the girls scrambled over his naked body, struggling to each grab an arm and pin him to the bottom as he had just held Ellie down. Finally each of them had a hold of his wrists and they faced each other breathing heavy and dripping wet from their efforts, their tits rising and falling, nipples hard and allowing drops of water to fall from them as the water ran down their bodies. Each drop seemingly held in slow motion as Eric looked from one to the other. He knew that he was strong enough to free himself, even outnumbered as he was, but part of him was fascinated by what would happen next if he allowed his sisters to take control of the situation.

"Well, my Queen," Cassie gasped huskily between breaths. "What did you have in mind?"

"I think he should be tortured for the indignity of his actions, Queen Cassie." She glanced naughtily at Eric. "He must endure the trial of the kissing sisters," Ellie declared.

"But what if he tries to resist?" Cassie teased.

"He will be helpless of we begin by delivering the kiss of enchantment that leaves him unable to resist. " Ellie leaned forward and kissed Eric full on the mouth, feeling their tongues connect and a throb of desire go through her as they did. She lifted her mouth off of his reluctantly, her eyelids fluttering unexpectedly as she straightened up. "Quickly sister! The enchantment won't be complete unless you have kissed him as well!"

Cassie leaned over as Ellie had and placed her warm mouth against Eric's, feeling his tongue slip into her mouth and the muscles in her stomach tighten as she sucked at it, more desperately than she had intended. She shifted her mouth to kiss him more deeply and regretted that she couldn't continue like this indefinitely. As she lifted her lips away from his, it felt like she was the one who had been enchanted.

Ellie released Eric's arm first and Cassie followed suit. Leaning over Eric, Ellie waited for Cassie to accept her kiss before moving her knees down toward Eric's thighs and bringing Cassie along. Lowering her lips away from Cassie's mouth, Ellie laid her body down in the water alongside Eric's leg and draped one arm over his thigh, looking up at Cassie as she waited for her to do the same. Their mouths met a few inches over the base of Eric's hard cock as it lay almost flat against his stomach. As their kiss intensified, Ellie's hand reached up to lift Eric's dick from the base until it reached their kissing mouths, at which point, the girls broke their kiss just enough to allow their brother's swollen cock head to come between their open mouths as their lips and tongues began caressing and sucking at it from both sides, while Eric stared wide-eyed at them, while reclining on his elbows.

Ellie's eyes met Cassie's and they couldn't help smiling as their lips and tongues brushed against the other's while their brother's dick slid in and out of their mouths between them. Ellie began kissing down Eric's thick shaft while Cassie quickly glanced to the side to glimpse Eric watching her intently. She blushed and closed her eyes as she took the first few inches of his cock into her mouth, unsure if she was more embarrassed to have Eric watching her suck his dick in broad daylight, without the benefit of a mask, or the fact that he had just watched his sisters kissing openly, right in front of him.

Ellie reached the base of Eric's cock and took one of his balls into her mouth. It was the first time she'd ever done that for anyone, always thinking that there really was no cute way to have a mouthful of a guy's balls, no matter how good it might make them feel. But like everything else, she found she didn't care how it looked, and that there wasn't anything she wouldn't do to please Eric. As he emitted a deep groan feeling his balls encased in Ellie's warm, soft mouth, Ellie reached the tip of her tongue out to tickle the area just under his balls to be rewarded with his balls tightening and his cock twitching rapidly.

Cassie could taste the precum as Eric's cock started twitching and her eyes opened wide for a moment thinking he was about to surprise her with a mouthful of cum, just as he had the night before, but the pulsing emissions tapered off as Ellie slid her mouth back up the shaft of his cock and nudged Cassie's mouth gently aside to accept his swollen dick into her own mouth.

Cassie began kissing and sucking at the sides of Eric's thick, swollen cock as Ellie bobbed rhythmically up and down on Eric's cock. Milking his dick with her mouth, as Eric watched his meaty dick sliding in and out of Ellie's full, pink lips, amazed that such a beautiful girl would take his dick into her mouth like that, let alone suck it with such eagerness as she coaxed him toward an orgasm with her mouth. Eric couldn't stand the combination of seeing his sisters simultaneously sucking at his dick, as Ellie did the things she knew he couldn't resist for very long. Ellie worked his thick cock as deeply into her mouth as she could at the bottom of each stroke and then pinched the tip of his cock lightly between her lips as they enclosed his head when she reached the tip.

Ellie felt Eric tense up and shifted her body to look up into his eyes as the first load of his cum shot into her mouth. Her eyes blinked as she swallowed, and kept swallowing, the release of his thick hot load, gulping down his cum as quickly as it shot into her mouth. It was only after the first few spurts had subsided and the smaller ones came less frequently that she could fully open her eyes to watch Eric staring at her, his mouth working mutely as he watch in amazement while the waves of pleasure washed through his body and he stared at Ellie's eyes and mouth as she took the last few drops of cum that were being squeezed from the tip of his dick.Ellie released his dick gently from her swollen pink lips and gazed up at Eric as he twitched against the spasms of sensation that were still wracking his body. His eyes unclenched and he saw Ellie staring up at him expectantly, eager to capture every moment of his reaction when she blushed, and her eyes dropped shyly, to see the look of awestruck devotion that washed over her brother's face. Ellie slid her body up, to rest her head on Eric's heaving chest, while his breathing gradually slowed and his arm wrapped around her.

Cassie sat up on her heels, as she watched her sister nuzzle Eric's bare chest with her cheek, while a look of sheer contentment suffused Ellie's face and Cassie felt like neither of them knew that she was even there in that moment. Eric rolled gently onto his side, to lower Ellie's face from his body, before kissing her lips gently and sliding down between her legs to take her pussy into his mouth.

Cassie watched her sister's body arch in pleasure as Eric's lips and tongue began working through the folds of her pink, throbbing pussy. Cassie bent to suck at Ellie's swollen tits and achingly hard nipples, as she saw her brother slide his long tongue up through the top of his sister's vagina, even as he looked up at her with a mouthful of Ellie's tit. His eyes danced in delight as they met Cassie's and they remained locked for a moment before Cassie felt her sister pull her mouth from her tit to her own mouth, and a deep searching kiss. Cassie could taste Eric's cum in her sister's mouth, remembering the taste of it from the night before. As disgusting as she might have found the idea just a few weeks ago, there was something so intimate and erotic about them sharing that taste in their kiss, that it made Cassie moan against her sister's mouth as they did.

Ellie pulled Cassie's face a few inches off of her mouth and whispered, "Take your bottoms off. I want your pussy in my mouth while Eric makes me cum." Her eyes looked so wide and blue and filled with yearning as she asked that Cassie couldn't refuse. Rising to her knees Cassie slid her bikini bottoms off her hips before sliding them under each knee and slipping them off onto the sand. Straddling her sister's face, she wondered for an instant whether Eric was staring at her bare ass as he licked Ellie, but then forgot about everything else in the world as she lowered her pussy onto Ellie's mouth. Ellie whimpered as she felt her sister's tongue plow through the folds of skin to end with a brief swirling motion at the end as the tip of her tongue danced around the straining tip of her clit. Cassie gave a moaning gasp as her thigh muscles trembled from the wave of each new sensation that her sister's mouth had unleashed in her.

Eric looked up at Ellie's chin working up under the barely visible lips of Cassie's pussy, and the beautiful shape of her ass as it trembled, as Cassie's body reacted to her sister's mouth. Eric stared fascinated, as his own tongue pushed deep into Ellie's pussy, before curling up to flick at her clit. Ellie's hands reached up to grab Cassie's ass cheeks and goad her into riding her mouth more urgently. Cassie bent forward to brace herself against the sand as she rested most of her weight on her outstretched hands and tilted her head to watch Ellie looking up at her as the lower part of her face disappeared into the cleft below the dark, trimmed patch of hair above Cassie's pussy. Cassie spread her knees wider to allow her to more easily rock her hips and fuck Ellie's mouth as her sister's hands encouraged her.

Eric looked up as he was eating Ellie's pussy to watch Cassie's pink vagina partially revealed with each thrust backward, just as he watched Ellie's finger curl around the smooth fair skin of her shapely ass, to begin wiggling on the tight pink bud of her ass.

Eric stared in amazement as she watched Cassie's ass clench and pucker in response to Ellie's finger and he slid his own hand up between Ellie's ass cheeks, just under the water, and inserted his way gently up into them, before the tip of his own finger found the same sensitive spot on Ellie's own, now twitching, ass. Ellie's stomach rolled as her body was gripped with the sensation of Eric's mouth on her pussy even as his finger probed her ass. Ellie worked her mouth more urgently in Cassie's pussy, as the tip of her own finger pushed into and out of Cassie's ass, and Eric began to mimic the intensity of his sister's efforts. He was vibrating the tip of his tongue, in and around Ellie's clit, in an irregular pattern that kept her gasping and whimpering as the angle and intensity of each touch of his warm tongue surprised her and the tip of his finger slid deeper and deeper each time it slid in and out of her ass in the warm water.

When Ellie could no longer hold off the cascade of ecstasy that enveloped her, she whimpered as her lips closed firmly on the nub of Cassie's clit, her thumb slid up into her sister's vagina and her finger slid another inch into her sister's ass. Ellie felt Cassie's hips give one final grind against her tightly bunched lips holding her clit and then Cassie was shuddering along the length of her body as her head hung limply and her arms braced extended against the sand as if she was trying not to be swept away by a hurricane. Within moments, Cassie was forced to roll off of her sister's mouth and finger as she trembled with a the uncontrollable spasms of her own orgasm, that eventually left her twitching on her side, as she gazed through half closed eyes, and the curtain of her damp hair in strands across her face, at Ellie, still breathing deeply, eyes closed, as she lay on the sand.

Eric stood up to survey his naked sisters, looking like they had been flung up onto the sand, like the last two survivor's of shipwreck, where not even a stitch of their clothes had survived, but these two had endured. He walked over to take a drink from the bottle and sat back in one of the beach chairs, satisfied, spent and simply content to watch his two naked sisters sprawled on the warm sand under the bright, warm light of the paradise that they'd made together.Eric sat drinking coffee and staring out at the first change in light in the sky, barely contrasting with the silhouette of the hill, through the kitchen window. His mind kept flipping back and forth, between his desire to check his laptop and gaming console to see if Lisa had responded, to reliving the memories of the beach yesterday afternoon and his bedroom last night.

After dinner, Eric had gamed for a few hours. Throwing caution to the wind, he had entered the new fortress and swept through it room to room looking for any sign that anyone had been inside it since had helped Lisa modify its defenses. The only change he could see was a small pile of floating possessions outside of one of the walls where one of the booby traps he had placed with Lisa must have been triggered by someone looking for a place to make entry. Eric went outside the walls to pick up the items and life experience so the original owner couldn't retrieve them for themselves.

There was no way to tell if these possessions had belonged to one of the fort-builders or just some random player who had happened along. Eric kind of wished it had been one of the original owners, as the relatively low grade armor and weapons they'd lost might reflect the quality of what they had stored at their spawn points and mean that they would need a long time to upgrade to a point where they might become a serious threat again. He went back into the fortress and made some modifications as he waited to see if Lisa was going to log back in. When Lisa didn't show up after a couple of hours, Eric had logged out, feeling a sense of how empty the game now seemed without her.

Eric had checked his laptop one last time and then headed up to his room. He'd changed into his pajamas and flopped onto his bed, feeling drained and listless. He wasn't sure how long he'd laid like that, but he looked up when he heard his door to the bathroom open quietly. Ellie tiptoed through and flashed him a dazzling smile as she shut and locked both his bathroom and hall doors before tiptoeing over to his bed. She crawled up onto the covers and then laid atop Eric as he rolled over onto his back.

"Hey!" she whispered, smiling. "I was hoping you were still up."

"Yeah," Eric gave her a half-hearted smile. "I was just about to go to sleep."

"Still moping about you warrior-princess?" Ellie teased him.

"C'mon," Eric sighed. "I just want to know that everything's okay with her. You know?"

Ellie didn't like the way Eric kept looking away. As much as she could admit to herself that part of her just wanted to kick the little gamer-girl's ass because she was taking away Eric's attention, the thing that she really hated most was that this girl had messed with Eric's, and by extension, her own, happiness. She tried to think of something to say in the awkward silence that hung in the room.

"Well, hey," she rubbed her hand on his chest. "I know you're going to be kind of busy being King Eric tomorrow, so there was something I was kind of hoping to show you tonight." She watched Eric's face carefully. "But if you're not in the mood..." She grinned when his eyes locked into hers.

Eric couldn't fight the smile that was forming in response to her impishness. "Okay...what is it?" he asked, his growing smile belying his grudging tone.

"Just something every King should probably know how to do..." She cocked her head teasingly. "But if you're too busy moping...?" She raised her eyebrows.

Eric sat up. "Okay, okay!" he relented. "You got me. What is it?" His cock was stirring in his pajamas.

Ellie bounced up off the bed and started to strip. By the time Eric had gotten up and started taking off his clothes, Ellie had taken her place on her knees in the middle of the carpet. She took an elastic band from around her wrist and began wrapping it around her hair, forming a high, tight ponytail at the back of her head. Ellie looked up expectantly as Eric stepped in front of her, his cock now fully hard as he looked down at his curvy sister, naked, on her knees and smiling at him eagerly as her eyes flashed between his own eyes and the impressive length of his hard dick, now hovering just a few inches in front of her face.

"Okay," she blushed and her eyes couldn't hold his, no matter how much she had intended them to. "This is called mouth-fucking." She placed her hands on his hips, before looking up at him again. "You're gonna want to put your hands on the back of my head..." She grinned sheepishly before offering him her mouth.

Eric was lost in the memory of how incredibly good it felt to slide his cock in and out of Ellie's willing mouth and was rubbing his rigid dick absentmindedly through the soft flannel of his pajama pants when the soft ping from his laptop snapped his attention back into the present. Standing up, he stepped to the counter and saw the message window pop up once he had entered his password into the login screen.

"Hey," it read. "Can you call me when you get this? I really need to talk to you. Thanks, Lisa." A phone number was listed after her name and the message was time stamped a minute ago.

Eric pulled his cell phone from the charger cable on the counter and punched in the number from her message. She picked up the call almost immediately.

"Hello...?" Her voice sounded soft and tentative.

"Hi Lisa?'s Eric." He said softly, mimicking her tone.

"Wow, I guess I didn't expect you to call this soon...," she sounded flustered.

"You said to call when I got your message and I figured you were up, so...," Eric rolled his eyes, thinking how lame he must sound.

"No, I'm glad you called. I couldn't sleep anyway..." He heard her breathing for a moment. "Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I..."

"No, Lisa, I'm sorry." Eric interrupted her. "I shouldn't have left you hanging like that all night."

Lisa was silent for a long moment. "You don't think it's weird that I waited all night for you?", she sounded so soft and vulnerable that Eric felt like he could see her hunched over her phone in the semi-darkness of her room.

"No, I get it," Eric assured her. "You were excited to work on the fortress like we planned and I messed it up." He shrugged even though she wasn't there to see it. "I just got so caught up, I forgot. I'm sorry."

"Eric," she sighed. "It's not about the fortress." He heard her take a deep breath. "I could have played for a while and logged out when you didn't show up. It shouldn't have been a big deal."

"Then I'm kind of lost," Eric admitted.

"I guess I was just disappointed because I wanted to spend time with you, that's all." She sounded so resigned. "I guess I should have been more up front with you."

"About what?" Eric hadn't expected the call to go this way.

"I've kind of been wanting to talk to you for a while," Lisa admitted. "Since before Thanksgiving." He heard her take a cleansing breath. "Sorry, this is hard for me."

"It's okay," Eric assured her, trying to understand.

"Eric, I don't usually like the handsome jock type, but I've kind of been thinking about you since school began."

"Lisa, I wrestled a little in high school, but I'm not a jock..." Eric tried to reassure her.

"Do you even own a mirror, Eric?" She sounded like she was getting frustrated. "Have you looked at the other guys in our program? You make them all look like Steve Rogers, but before they turn him into Captain America." She sighed. "Except for the fat guys. They just still look fat."

Eric smiled, thinking that was how Lisa saw him. "Yeah, but I'm not like that, Lisa..."

"Exactly," Lisa cut him off. "If you were like that, I guess...I wouldn't have cared," she explained. "But watching you during class and study't. You were smart, and funny, and...nice." She paused for a moment. "I kept hoping that at some point, we'd start going to classes in person and...I had some crazy idea that I could find a way to talk to you."

"I'm sorry, Lisa." Eric felt at a loss. "I didn't know any of that."

"I know that," Lisa sighed again. "How could you? When we all got sent home, I figured I never have the chance...but then when you started study group up again, I felt like...I don't sounds so crazy saying it out loud."

"No it doesn't, Lisa. I just...didn't expect, it I guess?" He tried to think of anything that might make things less awkward.

"I know. I just don't know how to do any of this very well." Lisa exhaled. "I'm from the middle of nowhere and I've gone to school with, like, the same 10 guys since we were in kindergarten together and I just hoped..."

"That you'd get to college and finally have a chance to meet somebody?" Eric smiled.

"Exactly!" Lisa brightened. "Somebody who didn't remember my braces, my dorky glasses or the fact that I had never even kissed a guy, because everybody in this whole freaking town would have known if I had." She sighed. "I know somebody like you wouldn't understand that, but..."

"No, I understand completely," Eric told her about his home town. "I was thinking the same thing."

"Wow, you do get it." Lisa seemed amazed. " that's why I freaked out and got so upset the other night. I just wanted to spend time with you and...kind of hoped...that maybe you liked me back a little?"

"Lisa, I like you a lot, but..." Eric tried to find anything to say that would make sense.

"But you're already seeing somebody, right?" She sounded resigned.

"I kinda am." Eric knew it was true as he said it. "It doesn't mean we can't still be friends and everything, but, it's complicated."

"Is it Samantha from Calc?" Lisa sounded curious. "It was pretty obvious that she has a thing for you."

"Weirdly enough, They're from right here in town." Eric laughed a little as he said it, even as he tried to remember who Samantha was. "I've kind of known them my whole life, but coming back, they just seemed...different."

"Well, she's a very lucky girl and I guess I can't blame her...or you." She sighed. "I should have said something weeks ago."

"So, we're good?" Eric sounded hopeful.

"Yeah," Lisa seemed relieved. "Have I made it so weird that we can't game together anymore?"

"Of course not," Eric laughed. "After seeing the way you built the hidden stream fortress, I'm kind of dying to see what your main fortress looks like."

Lisa laughed. "Eric, I really like you, but I'm not letting any guy get so much as a peek inside my main vault until they put a ring on it."

"Seriously!?! After taking down that fortress together and everything?" Eric tried to act offended, but the tone of his voice belied how much fun he was having, now that they were okay.

"Boy, that wasn't even first base," Lisa giggled. "You have no idea."

Eric laughed and they enjoyed some playful teasing for a few more minutes before they ended the call. They agreed to look for each other the next time they were in the game.

Eric looked up to see Cassie leaning in the doorway. "Was that Lisa?" She stepped into the kitchen and started making tea.

"Yeah," Eric sat back down at the table and took a sip of his now cold coffee.

"It sounded like things were okay when you ended the call," Cassie asked conversationally as she moved around the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's all good now," Eric grinned, watching his sister move around in her baggy flannel pajamas, while also knowing how amazing she looked, underneath those layers of clothing.

"So, are you guys a thing now?" Her voice lifted slightly as she finished the question.

"Actually, I told her that I was involved with someone," He shrugged. "That it was complicated."

Cassie turned to look at Eric for a moment, trying to read his face. "You really told her that?"

"Yeah," Eric looked right back at her. "I did."

"So how did she take it?" Cassie leaned back against the counter, waiting for the tea kettle to boil. She crossed her arms and tilted her head.

"I think she was okay with it," Eric shrugged. "We're still friends and if something happens later, who knows?"

"And in the meantime?" Cassie raised her eyebrows.

"I think I already have my hands full here," Eric gave her a small smile.

"And that's what you want?" Cassie seemed surprised. "Instead of a real girlfriend?"

"I think so...yeah." Eric nodded. "And speaking of what I want...isn't this 'King Eric' Day?"

Cassie gave him a wrinkled smile and tried not to blush. "Can we wait until after I have some tea?"

Eric picked up his phone and switched to the camera function. "Okay," He lifted his camera. "Show me your tits so I can get a good picture and then you can drink your tea." He smiled expectantly.

Cassie rolled her eyes, but smiled and reached for the bottom edge of her pajama top. "I am so going to regret this, aren't I?" She turned her face to the side as she lifted her top to reveal her bare boobs.

"You know you love it," Eric joked. "Now one more like that, but looking at the camera this time," he held his phone up again.

Cassie blushed and smiled, but she did as she was told. The white light of the flash blinked through the window and sent streaks of light stretching away over the blue shade of the early morning snow in the back yard. The sun hadn't quite yet cleared the hill behind their house.

They needed to go food shopping and with all the stores in their small town closing down for Christmas over the next few days, Eric & Cassie decided that they should go shopping that morning rather than having to risk driving to the next town over the next day, on Christmas Eve, when the trip would likely take almost an hour each way through what promised to be snowy conditions.

Eric had asked Cassie to go braless under her clothing for the trip to the market as only one of them would be allowed in the store at a time. Once the car had warmed up, Eric had Cassie take off her heavy coat and sweater, so that several times during the drive into town, he would have her unbutton her top to expose her boobs while she drove on the country roads. Cassie couldn't believe how much it excited her to do something like that, even though there was little traffic on the road and the high stance of SUV would allow her plenty of time to pull her shirt to cover herself if any traffic came the other way, at the same time it would shield her from view if anyone happened to see their vehicle drive past. Cassie turned her body slightly toward Eric in her seat so that he would have the best possible view of her topless and allowed him to take pictures of her driving like that. As mortified as it would have made her in reality, Cassie felt herself get wetter as she contemplated what it would be like to get caught by a stranger doing something like this as she drove down the road with her top open while Eric took her picture.

When Eric finished shopping and loaded the groceries into the back of their SUV, he asked Cassie if he could drive on the way home. The car was warmed up and Cassie didn't have her coat on so she simply slid over the center console to land in the passenger seat. Once they'd left the town limits and got back onto the rural roads in the unincorporated farmland on the way home, Eric pulled up his phone and switched the camera to video. Holding it up, he pointed it at Cassie and asked her to remove her shirt and lay it across her lap.

"It will be right there to cover yourself if a car comes the other way, but I want to film you taking off your top and riding topless," Eric's voice sounded husky and breathless as he tried to control the jittering in his hand, holding his phone up to record every expression on Cassie's face, as she stripped to the waist in their family SUV, while he drove down the road in broad daylight.

Glancing nervously up the road and into both the side and rear view mirrors, Cassie's eyes flashed nervously toward Eric's camera for a moment before she pulled the bottom of her shirt up from underneath her seat belt and began unbuttoning her top. Her fingers fumbled at the buttons and she couldn't believe how jittery she felt as she complied with Eric's request. Her lower stomach felt hollow and tingly, while her pussy throbbed in time with the heartbeat that thudded in her ears, as she pulled the shirt off her shoulder and then pulled the first arm through the sleeve. Looking ahead up the road and ready to grab her shirt back against her body at any sign of an oncoming car, Cassie pulled the second sleeve along her arm and her shirt was in her hand and then lying across her lap as they drove along the fence of a farm. She looked at the farmhouse of a family she knew in the snowy distance and wondered what they would think if they knew she was riding past their farm, completely topless in the front seat of her parents SUV, while her brother filmed her.

"Cassie?" Eric's eyes flashed over to the image recording on his phone as he tried to maintain focus on the road.

"Mmmhmm?" Cassie stared ahead at the road, ready to lift her shirt at any moment.

"You look beautiful like that," Eric's heart was racing fast and his hand trembled trying to hold the phone steady. Cassie blushed and glanced quickly at the phone and then Eric, her embarrassment and excitement clearly visible in her movement and expression.

Cassie's nipples were achingly hard and puffy pink areolas were covered in goosebumps from her excitement. Eric loved how her natural boobs jiggled slightly with every ripple in the road and their weight shifted slightly as they went around each curve. Cassie looked so pale and vulnerable, completely topless like that. Her embarrassment only made the situation that much more intense and erotic for the both of them.

"C-can I get dressed again?" Cassie squeaked, unable to control how high her voice had gotten, or how tight her throat felt, with the tension and arousal of the situation.

Eric ended the recording on his phone with his thumb before lifting the center console between them up to align with their seatbacks. Reaching into his lap, he unzipped his pants and fished out his now fully erect boner so that it stuck up from his fly, pink and flushed and urgently aroused.

"You can get dressed in a minute, but you have to suck my dick a little bit first," He glanced quickly over to her, trying to gauge her reaction, before looking back to the road.

Cassie stared at her brother's dick, poking obscenely up from his lap, looking somehow not fully real as she glanced at the rest of her brother, fully dressed and looking like he always did, but with this length of hypnotically powerful dick now emanating incongruently up from his body. Except for those few brief moments while he slept the other morning, Cassie had never taken Eric's dick into her mouth without getting at least a little drunk, or high. Now as she prepared to do it for him completely sober, she couldn't help feeling that she was still somehow intoxicated by the moment. On one hand she felt incredibly awkward about the idea of sucking her little brother's dick at his command like that, at the same time she felt incredibly turned on by the idea that she would allow herself to lean over and submit her mouth to him like this, fully topless in a moving vehicle, as they drove down familiar roads in broad daylight.

Cassie glanced briefly at the road ahead, before unbuckling her seatbelt and chiding her brother in as much of a big sister voice as she could muster in the circumstances, "Just don't crash us." She waited until he glanced over at her, nodding, both hands gripped tightly on the wheel, before she lowered her head under his arm and brought her mouth to the tip of his swollen cock. Cassie paused for just a brief instant as she considered how crazy this all was before lowering her head to take her little brother's dick into her mouth.

Cassie had intended to suck Eric's cock for just a few moments before claiming her clothing again, ending the discomfort of being in the compromised position of riding around completely topless with her brother's dick in her mouth. But as she began to slide his thick, warm cock in and out of her mouth, his hand went possessively to the back of her head and began stroking her hair as he gasped and grunted from the intense pleasure that her mouth was giving him."Oh Cassie, that is so fucking sweet," He gasped, barely louder than a whisper, even as they were alone in the quiet car. His handed rested on the back of her neck as she bobbed up and down on his cock, her mouth, lips and tongue, coaxing as much contact and pleasure as she could out of his thick shaft and the yielding flesh of his swollen head. "Oh yeah, suck it just like that for me Cassie."

Hearing Eric say her name as she sucked his dick, his hand on her head and neck and trailing down her bare back, reminding her of how exposed she still was, had an intoxicating effect of its own. As much as she wanted the humiliation of this moment to be successfully over, and the memory of it left to be enjoyed at some later moment, Cassie couldn't help her desire to keep pleasing Eric as she listened to his reaction, and felt his body responding to everything she was doing to please him. As surprised, and mildly disgusted, as she had been to have Eric cum unexpectedly in her mouth the other night, watching Ellie repeatedly swallow his cum had fascinated her, and she had secretly wondered if her brother would also ask her to do it at some point for him. The thought had both horrified and fascinated Cassie, even as she struggled with the idea of whether she could actually go through with it if he did.

When Eric's hand went to the back of her head and began to urge her to take his cock deeper into her mouth each time, she couldn't deny the wave of desire that washed over her body and the release of wet excitement that she felt in her pussy. Nor could she contain the small moan that she emitted each time he pushed his dick more deeply into her mouth. If a part of her was worried that his thick throbbing dick, now slippery with her own saliva, might choke her at some point if she went much deeper, another part of her was overwhelmed with the sensation of feeling so dominated that it had the ability to make her nervous. She didn't even notice that the SUV had rolled to a stop at some point, as her whole world had been consumed with the dick sliding in and out of her mouth, and her brother's strong hand, insistently guiding her head.

When Eric felt himself reaching the point of no return, he released the back of Cassie's head and quietly urged her, " need to stop. I'm gonna cum."

Cassie knew in that moment that she should take Eric's warning as permission to stop. But she had felt something stirring inside her, in that moment he said it, even as she was now so attuned to Eric's body that she had known that he was already approaching orgasm, even before he said something. It was if she had stepped outside of herself, to watch the semi-naked Cassie, bobbing rhythmically up and down on her little brother's engorged cock, and willing that girl to see the act through to its conclusion, by obediently swallowing his cum, as much for her own pleasure as it was for his.

When she felt Eric's body go fully tense, Cassie sealed her lips around the slippery shaft of his cock, just below the flaring curve of the head and readied herself for his release. She felt a brief moment of panic as the first burst of cum shot into her mouth, but began swallowing the thick, slippery emission as quickly as it was released. Her pussy throbbed and tingled in a way that permeated her body, as if her body was mirroring his orgasm, as load after load of his cum spurted into her mouth and she had to keep swallowing to keep up. It was all at the same time, disgusting, degrading and one of the most intensely erotic moments Cassie had ever experienced. She watched in curious detachment, even as she willed herself to keep her mouth locked onto her brother's dick and continue to keep swallowing his release, feeling the cum slide down her throat, as if it was happening to someone else.

Cassie could feel Eric's fingertips, digging firmly into her scalp as she milked the last few spurts of cum from his spasm twitching dick. After enduring what felt like mouthfuls of his cum at the beginning, swallowing these small globs of cum, that oozed out as she sucked the tip of his dick, were almost a relief by comparison. Cassie felt a wave of triumph and a joyful release of anxiety as she lifted her tingling lips from the twitching head of her brother's dick and sat up in her seat. She looked around, surprised by the view through the slightly fogged windows to find that they were parked in front of their own garage.

Cassie looked over at Eric to see him still trying to get his breathing under control, as his hard dick stuck up comically from his lap, while his red face slowly regained his natural color. Cassie looked from his face, breathing with his mouth open and eyes closed, as his head tilted back against the headrest, back down to his bright pink cock and the pearl of thick white cum that had formed right at the very tip. Not wanting to wipe it away with her fingers and get them all sticky, Cassie simply leaned over and closed her mouth over the spongy tip of his dick, to take the glob of cum into her mouth and swallow it. Eric jerked slightly at the contact with his overly sensitive cock.

"Sorry," Cassie smiled sheepishly. "Guess I must have missed a little."

Eric turned to look at her for the first time as she sat there topless, turned toward him, her eyes, a mixture of bashful excitement, as she tried to gauge his own reaction to what had just happened between them. In the afterglow of the intensity of the orgasm, and the difficulty in processing the fact that Cassie had willingly swallowed his cum, Eric felt overwhelmed with affection, amazement and gratitude in that moment.

Eric leaned over and kissed her gently on the mouth. "Oh Cassie," he murmured. "I can't believe that you..." He kissed her again on her swollen lips. He kissed her more deeply as his tongue entered her mouth. He tasted what must be his own cum in her mouth as he did, but wanted her to know that he was grateful, and not at all disgusted by what she had done.

When their lips parted, Cassie murmured back. "Can't believe that you still wanted to kiss me after doing something like that..." She blushed, her eyes looking down.

"I wanted to kiss you because of the fact that you did that Cass," He emphasized. "I loved that. And...I love you...for doing that."

"Just for doing that?" She couldn't help feeling it sounded funny when he had said it.

"Of course not," Eric felt off balance and embarrassed. "I mean I love you. I love that you would do something like that...for me."

"I thought you might like it. That you'd want me to, you know," She looked up into his eyes. "With how Ellie does it...and everything."

"I just can't believe that you did that for me," Eric stammered, still amazed at how unreal it seemed to have Cassie swallow his cum like that.

"I..." She looked down again. "I wanted to Eric." She shook her head slowly side to side, trying to find the words for what she was feeling in that moment. "I just want to fulfill all of your fantasies. The same way that you're making all of mine come true." She bit her lip, feeling as vulnerable as she ever had. "I want to do everything you tell me to, Eric. I love that you make me do stuff like taking my shirt off today. It makes me nervous and embarrassed, but it turns me on so much and I can't do it for myself. I need you to tell me, or I won't go through with it." She looked up to find his eyes locked onto hers in adoration.

"You really liked it?" Eric searched her eyes as his hand cupped the side of her beautiful face.

"I loved it, Eric," she gushed, even as her eyes looked down again. "I love being like that for you, feeling like I would do anything to make you happy, no matter how risky...or dirty it is."

"I just can't believe it all I guess," Eric felt such an overwhelming sense of humbling awe that she would invest him with so much power over her. "That it could be like this between us. I still feel like your goofy little brother most of the time," he shook his head in amazement. "I think you're so smart and beautiful and I'm blown away that you're letting me do stuff like this with you."

"I think it's because I know you're so sweet, and kind, deep down, that I can trust you with stuff like this," Cassie admitted. "It's why I trust myself to give myself over to whatever you want, even when it's embarrassing, or it makes me nervous." She leaned in to kiss his lips softly. "It's like I'm safe to do whatever I want with you and I know you won't think of me badly for going through with it, even if it really turns me on."

"I just couldn't tell that you liked doing stuff like this," Eric's eyes had trouble holding hers. "Like, Ellie and I, we're kind of..."

"Wild and horny?" Cassie suppressed a giggle.

"Well...yeah," Eric blushed. "I just didn't think that you wanted to know..."

"Your cocksucking whore?" Cassie teased him, feeling excited at the opportunity to say something so vulgar and obscene.

"No..." Eric seemed horrified. "I would never say something like that...about you..."

"What if I wanted you to?" Cassie was only half teasing him in that moment. "But just when we're alone, in private. When we're doing stuff like this."

"I don't know, would take some getting used to...," He fidgeted.

"Eric," she waited for him to look up at her. "I just sucked your dick and swallowed your cum. I think that kind of seals a deal between us. It makes me yours, to do with whatever you want, okay? Today might officially be 'King Eric' day, so you can make me do whatever you want in front of Ellie, but between us going forward, every time we're alone, doing stuff like this, it's automatically King Eric day all over again."

"Really?" Eric searched her eyes.

"Yep," she smiled. "I'm your cocksucker now." She shrugged and blushed. "You kind of own me. And once the initial shock of what we've done so far wears off, I'm pretty sure I'm going to want you to make me do a lot dirtier stuff than that, so you're going to have to grow some balls and figure out some more perverted little fantasies for me to fulfill." She laughed a little. "You think you can handle that?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Yeah," Eric blushed, thinking about the possibilities that were flashing through his mind at the moment. He hesitated for a moment. "Um, so can I go down on you...right now...if I want to?"

"Why are you asking me?" She teased him. She raised her eyebrows and waited.

"Okay," He took a deep breath. "Then get in the back seat and take off the rest of your clothes," he commanded her.

Cassie's heart was thumping in her chest as she stepped out of the front seat, topless in the frozen air and opened the back door to hop in, even as she saw Eric fumbling to do the same.

Ellie padded downstairs to find the kitchen and living room empty. She'd thought she heard the car pull in, and car doors shutting as she woke up, but she didn't see any sign of Cassie or Eric in the house. She fixed some coffee and made a bowl of cereal, unaware that Cassie at that moment was lying naked on the back seat of their family SUV, her knees almost touching her shoulders, with Eric's tongue buried in her pussy and his fingertip gently probing into her clenching ass, as she panted and whimpered out her brother's name.

As much as Cassie should have been inclined to yank his hand away in embarrassment, when Eric pulled his slick finger from her throbbing pussy and slid the tip gently into her ass, Cassie was too far gone in the sensation of having already pulled her knees up, and offered the most intimate parts of her body to her brother, while allowing his fingers and tongue to have their way with her. She considered if she would even be able to resist if he had attempted to slide his thick, hard cock into her, finding the thought equally scandalous, and irresistibly tantalizing, all at the same time.

By the time she exploded in the cascading throes of the most intense orgasm she'd ever experienced, she was undeniably his, to do with as he would. Cassie looked up at the hazy sunlight, coming through the fogged glass of the tinted back widow, that framed her brother's face in silhouette, and she wasn't the least bit ashamed that her pussy, still soaked with her own excitement and Eric's saliva, and the spread cheeks of her ass, remained as opened and exposed as they could possibly be in that moment. All of it was offered to Eric now. All of it was surrendered to him, and all of it was his, to do with as he pleased.

When Eric and Cassie came in the front door, laughing and carrying groceries, Ellie leaned over the table to watch them come down the hall.

"Did you guys just get home?" she looked confused. "I thought I heard the car a while ago."

"," Eric seemed flustered.

"I had to give him something before we came inside," Cassie said matter-of-factly as she set her groceries on the counter. "After all, it is 'King Eric' Day." She turned to look at Ellie contentedly. "So he gets whatever he wants, as soon as he wants it." She shrugged, as though the matter was completely out of her hands, and turned to start pulling items from the grocery bags.

Eric set his bags down beside Cassie's and washed his hands at the sink before he started pulling items out of the remaining bags. He wondered if Ellie could smell Cassie's pussy too, or if it was just that the scent of her still clung, to his lips and face, just below his nose.

When Eric went upstairs to wash his face and brush his teeth after the groceries were put away, Ellie popped into the bathroom from her room and laid her hand on his back as he leaned over the sink to rinse his mouth of the remaining toothpaste.

"So what did Cassie have to give you for King Eric Day?" She asked naughtily.

"We were just fooling around," Eric wiped his face with a hand towel partly to hide his blushing expression.

"Well, obviously," her hand slid down to rub his butt possessively. "Did she make you cum or did you need me to finish you off?" she asked seductively.

", I'm good," he hung the towel carefully on the ring and did his best to avoid meeting Ellie's gaze.

Her other hand slid over the front of his jeans and squeezed the bulge where she knew his cock was resting. "Are you sure he doesn't need some extra attention?" she asked in a low voice.

Eric's hand slid down to cover hers gently. "It's okay, El. It really is." He turned to kiss her, resting his hands on her hips. "Why don't you get dressed and we'll all head down to the beach together for a bit," he suggested. "We can have some fun down there."

Ellie looked up at him, searching her memory to find an instance when Eric had ever turned down an opportunity to mess around with her before, even as she tried not to let the hurt show in her face. "Okay," she put on the best smile she could. "I'll go get dressed and meet you downstairs." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him, more deeply than he expected her to when he leaned down to meet her lips. She turned and did her best to bounce out of the bathroom, shutting her door behind her, before he could see the tears welling up in her eyes.

When Ellie made it downstairs, Eric had already left to start up the generator and Cassie was waiting for her sister at the kitchen table, staring out at the back yard. Cassie had packed some bags of snacks, towels and drinks for them to take over with them that she had lined up neatly on the table in front of her.

"Hey," Cassie looked up as Ellie walked into the kitchen. "You ready to go?" She stood up and grabbed a couple of the bags off the table. "Can you get the other one?" She pointed to the bag with her chin.

"Are you sure you want my help?" Ellie asked coldly. "Seems like you're handling everything else for King Eric pretty well by yourself this morning." Ellie snatched up the bag and headed toward the back door.

"Hey," Cassie started walking after her, but had to pause to shut the back door as Ellie had left it wide open and was already headed off across their back yard by the time Cassie had passed through it. Cassie started following her sister, but Ellie was clearly walking at a fast pace to make it difficult for her to catch up. "Hey Ellie, will you wait for me?"

Ellie didn't look back or make any effort to slow down as Cassie trotted over the rough compacted snow trying to catch up, nearly slipping as she went. "Will you fucking stop and wait for me!" she finally yelled in frustration.

Ellie stopped, but didn't turn around as Cassie walked up behind her. "Seriously, El. What the fuck?" Cassie asked in exasperation as she finally caught up to her. Ellie had the hood up on her coat and had turned her head away as soon as Cassie came up alongside her. Ellie started walking as soon as Cassie had caught up, but still wouldn't face her. "Ellie, talk to me. Seriously. What's the matter?"

Ellie kept walking, saying nothing, her head turned away.

"Ellie, look, whatever I did, I'm sorry." Cassie was short of breath keeping up with Ellie, even with the longer legs of the two. "Will you just please slow down and tell me what I did?"

Ellie stopped and hung her head, the hood of her coat and the drape of her hair blocking Cassie's view of her face. Cassie set down her bags and stood right in front of her, blocking the cold wind that had been pushing against them as they walked.

"Ellie, please tell me what I did wrong and I'll try to fix it, okay?" She reached down to lift Ellie's chin and was shocked to see that Ellie was crying too much to speak. Cassie hadn't seen Ellie cry since they were little kids and immediately wrapped her up in a hug. She could feel Ellie shaking as she sobbed in her arms, her face buried against the front of Cassie's coat.

"I'm sorry, Cass," Ellie's voice was muffled as she spoke into the front of Cassie's coat. "You didn't do anything wrong. It's just me." Cassie felt her start sobbing again.

"Look, let's just go back in the house for a minute okay?" Cassie picked up her bags and Ellie followed her, trudging through the crusty packed snow, looking at her feet the whole way. Cassie took off her coat, after setting down her bags on the kitchen table and took the bag from Ellie who stood just inside the back door.

"Please tell me what's the matter Ellie." Cassie asked her. "Is it because of what happened with Eric this morning? What we did?"

Ellie wiped her eyes. "I don't even know what you did, Cass. Neither one of you would tell me and you both acted like I didn't even matter." She couldn't keep up with the tears that continued to fall from her eyes.

"Of course you matter, El. It was just something private that happened between Eric and I." She tilted her head down to be able to look up at Ellie's face. "You know, like we talked about yesterday?"

"Was it just a King Eric Day thing, or was it something else?" Ellie sniffled and went to grab a paper napkin from the holder on the counter.

"Well, it started out as a King Eric thing, but we talked about doing more stuff like that," Cassie was reluctant to tell Ellie about their agreement.

"Stuff like what?" Ellie dabbed at her nose after blowing it. "Please tell me."

"He made me get topless in the car while we drove and I let him take my picture," Cassie relented with a sigh. "Then I sucked his dick, okay?" She found that she was more embarrassed than she would have imagined to admit what she'd done, or what she'd let Eric do to her. "And let him cum in my mouth. Stuff like that."

"You did?" Ellie looked at her sister. "He asked you to do all that stuff?"

"Yeah, but I kind of wanted him to ask," Cassie shrugged. "If that makes sense." Now she couldn't look at Ellie.

"You liked it?" Ellie wondered.

"Yeah, Ellie. I guess I liked it." Cassie was getting frustrated and anxious that Ellie was making her feel defensive."I guess I thought that you were just kind of going along with all of it," Ellie said softly.

"I guess I was at first, but...I like it too." Cassie looked up at Ellie. "I've never gotten to do anything like this and...I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I do." She looked down at her fidgeting hands.

"Would you be honest with me?" Ellie braced herself for the answer. "Have the two of you had sex?"

"Like 'sex' sex?" Cassie tilted her head and squinted a little, making sure she understood. "No El, nothing like that." Her expression shifted as she looked at Ellie. "Why?...have you guys?"

"No," Ellie shook her head and let out a slow ragged breath.

"Then why are you wondering if we have?" Cassie was trying to understand.

"I don't know," Ellie felt stupid and embarrassed. "I guess I don't understand what's going on between you two and I imagined the worst."

"Look Ellie," Cassie said gently. "It's kind of embarrassing, but...I like it when Eric makes me do things I'm not totally comfortable with. I like it when you do too." Ellie looked up into her eyes as she spoke. "There's something about it that turns me on. The spanking, exposing myself, letting him take pictures...that kind of stuff. You and Eric are the only ones I can really trust to be like that around." She let out the tension in a breath. "Does that make sense?"

"Of course it does," Ellie dabbed at her eyes with the paper napkin. "I like that stuff too. I just don't understand why you guys would leave me out."

"It sucks to be left out, doesn't it?" Cassie smiled.

"Yeah," Ellie held her sister's eyes. "I guess it does." She blew her nose again. "Sorry I'm being such a baby, Cass. It's just that with Eric moping around over this Lisa girl and the two of you acting all mysterious, I guess it just all kind of hit me at once." She went and threw the napkin in the trash can under the sink and rinsed her hands and face in the sink before grabbing a paper towel to dab at her puffy eyes.

Cassie looked at her sister in a whole new way, as realization slowly crept into her eyes and then faded into a warm smile. "Then I guess he didn't tell you the two of them spoke this morning." She said warmly. The fact that Ellie looked over at her as sharply as she did told Cassie everything she needed to know.

"What?" Ellie asked urgently. "What happened?"

"C'mon, I'll tell you on the way to the beach," Cassie smiled and hugged her sister.

By the time they got to the beach, the girls were smiling and laughing again. As Eric met them at the flap to take a bag from each of them, Ellie playfully reached out and pinched his butt through his swim trunks.

"Why are you wearing swim trunks King Eric," Ellie asked in a teasing voice after he flinched and nearly yelped with surprise from the unexpected pinch.

Regaining his composure as he set the bags on the bar, Eric turned to the girls as they laid down their coats and took off their knit caps. "In honor of this historic day, I then declare that this nation shall require complete nudity of all of its subjects." He picked up his phone and smiled. "As its ruler, I am duty bound to record this moment for posterity." He switched his phone to camera and held it up as the girls laid their scarves down over their coats. "So...let's see you strip ladies." He smiled in anticipation.

Ellie and Cassie shared a smile before they began to slowly strip, one article of clothing at a time, in order to allow Eric a chance to document each stage of their bodies being revealed. The girls posed dutifully, allowing Eric to capture every part of their bodies as they were exposed, until they stood fully naked before him. Only then did Eric strip off his own trunks and proudly display his own hard cock to his sisters.

When they headed to the beach chairs, Ellie folded up one of the chairs and Cassie laid the beach mats in front of the remaining chair, so that the girls could sit at Eric's feet as they all got high and had a drink. Eric looked down at his two sisters, each uniquely beautiful in their own way, reclining fully nude at his feet, even as they accepted that his fully erect cock, now displayed openly above them, was a perfectly natural response to their own nakedness. As the effect of the weed kicked in, Eric struggled to process how they had ever gotten to this magical moment, given how their confinement had begun. Ellie caught him staring at her ripe, luscious breasts, their puffy pink areolas as prominent as he had ever seen them, but when their eyes met, it was Ellie who gave a shy, wrinkled smile and lowered her eyes.

Eric pulled up his camera to take a few more pictures of each of them and had them pose together on their knees facing him, both smiling, and then looking down, as if they were humiliated to be photographed in so humbling a pose of sexual servitude. When Eric asked them to rise to their knees and face the lagoon side by side, so he could photograph their lovely asses and admire the smooth lines of their bare backs, along with the irresistible swell of their hips and sensuous thighs, they offered no resistance.