Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 636 - IT'S NO BIG DEAL CH. 02

Chapter 636 - IT'S NO BIG DEAL CH. 02

Tina awoke from her sleep still curled in a ball and half remembering a dream. Light was beginning to fill her room and she could hear movement downstairs. She felt funny as she got up and looked at herself in her vanity. The air seemed still and her muscles felt like they needed to warm up before they'd be any real use to her.

Slowly she descended the stairs and sat at the table watching her family eat breakfast. Her slightly overweight father was reading the news on his phone while he ate. Her mom greeted Tina with a good morning while still wearing her jogging outfit that looked like it was designed more for showing off the sexiness of the wearer instead of aiding in the activity and then turned again to discuss details of something with Daniel.


The memory was coming to her and as she looked at him use his toast to soak up the yellow from his sunny side up eggs, Tina felt herself have to swallow. Was it getting hot already? She wanted to fan herself. She looked at him and if she could see herself in the mirror at that exact moment she'd see her pupils dilate. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly and started to get light headed.

"Good morning, pumpkin." said her father and Tina was pulled out of her daze.

"Morning, daddy."

Tina's mom was putting a plate of pancakes in front of her just as Daniel was getting up and grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair.

"See you later." his mom said to him as he went for the door to the garage.

Automatically Tina got up and followed him without paying much notice to anything else. She stood at the door frame for a moment as she watched Daniel put on his jacket, zip it up, and get on his motorcycle. She tried to walk over to him in a nonchalant manner and realized she was barefoot and was still only wearing her skirt from the night before.

"Hey, Danny."

"Hey." he answered as he was putting on his gloves.

Tina felt awkward. She felt uncomfortable in her body. She felt like she wanted to fidget. What was she doing? What was her plan?

"I think we need to talk."

"Ok." he answered but then added, "Can you pass me my helmet?"

"I mean it. I think we need to sit down and have a proper serious talk."

"Ok. As soon as I get home."

She wanted to delay him. It was suddenly dawning on her just how dangerous this motorcycle was. She had never really seemed to care before but now she did.

"Don't you think it's getting a little hot for this?" she said as she grabbed at the zipper of his jacket.

"Not when the wind hits you at 45 miles per hour."

"Oh. Right. ... Anyway. Um."

"You want to have a talk. Cool. I'll be home later."

"Sure. It's not urgent or anything." Tina was lying. It was urgent. It was very urgent.

He waited and just looked at her. She saw his eyes trace the outline of her body. She knew what he was thinking. If she had seen him do that the day before then she might have felt differently but in her mind she discovered that she wanted him to think that. It was a thought that was becoming less and less of a shock to her.

He looked up at her eyes again. "My helmet?"

She smiled and let out an embarrassed laugh. She grabbed it and handed it to him. It was a boring helmet. Just white with no other interesting colors. His motorcycle wasn't fancy either. It wasn't one of those big bikes you see mean looking bikers ride. Daniel's license only let him ride up to 125cc so it had to be one of those.

He put on his helmet and started up the bike but before he pulled out she felt the need to fasten the strap on his glove and give him a once over to see if anything was out of place. Daniel tilted his head as if to ask why she had done that. Tina waved and he waved back and then rode off.

As Tina watched him leave she found herself biting her nails. She'd never done that before.

Tina returned to her pancakes but as she ate she found the corner of her eye looking up at Daniel's plate still on the table. Why was she staring at it? She was loosing her mind. Yet she couldn't look away. Even when her mom picked it up and brought it into the kitchen, she couldn't look away.


Historic downtown was lame. The town was only founded back in the 1970's. How 'historic' could it possibly be? The city council had decreed that all the buildings downtown had to have an old-timey look to them to attract tourists but as of yet that industry was still very much not happening.

Talk. Tina wanted to talk. That was something that Daniel couldn't let happen. Not yet. Talking would lead to analyzing and that could lead to an emotional explosion. It was best to let it all cool a while. The ball was back in his court and for now he wanted to maintain control of the clock.

Daniel met up with Kate after parking his bike. She was the girl he had been trying really hard to convince himself that he liked. She was pretty. She was polite. She was intelligent. She was ... Boring. Still, it wasn't as if he had absolutely zero feelings for her. She was a good friend and an excellent conversationalist. She seemed to really like Daniel and he appreciated that. Now that he thought of it, she had a vague resemblance to Tina. They had the same kind of hair and were about the same height. Tina.

"I haven't seen that in a while." she said.


"That." she pointed at his face.


"You, smiling."

"Oh. Why wouldn't I be smiling? I have you."

"Uh huh. You mailed off your acceptance letter didn't you?"


"I knew it. I knew you were just getting moody about having to make a decision."

That's not what was really going on in Daniel's mind but he usually just let Kate think as she liked.

"Well, I'm all smiles for you today. So what do you want to do?"

"Oh, I have a list." she said as she tried to be cute.

This felt good. It was easier to be with Kate than it ever had been. Maybe Daniel could kiss her today. He still wasn't completely feeling that way about her but on a day like today he felt he could do anything.

"Do you know what you want to major in?" Kate asked as they walked.


"You better think about it."

"I have plenty of time for that. You don't even have to decide until second year."

"I'd start early though if I were you. They say college is the time you finally have to decide who you want to be and you don't want to waste time taking classes that in the end won't help you."

"I don't know about that. There's something to be said for setting goals and all but what if you want to be an astronaut and find out you're scared of heights?"

"Well, that's why you have to think hard about it."

"But it isn't all your choice." Daniel countered. "College is also about finding out who you really are. You may choose this or that for yourself but then one morning you wake up and discover you are a certain way and there's nothing you can do about it."

Kate stopped and Daniel turned to look at her. She seemed to look at him as if some big revelation was hitting her.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." she said. "Do you want to tell me something?"

Why was she asking this? Was Daniel letting something on? She couldn't possibly suspect the truth. He couldn't tell her either. Even if he neglected to mention that it was his sister, she'd probably think going down on another girl was cheating. If he did say it was his sister she'd think he was a monster. The more he thought about it the more he realized he was probably starting to look guilty.

"What do you mean? I'm just speculating here."

Her mood seemed to change. There was a new look on her face that Daniel didn't recognize.

"So, what are you going to major in?" he countered to get the mood back to where it was.

She paused for a moment and then gave in to his question. "Engineering. The starting salaries are huge."

"Good to know. Maybe I'll do that too then."

There were lots of other things Daniel thought to say. If they had the same major at the same college they could date all through college. They'd stay friends and stay a couple. But he didn't say them. Somehow the idea that he'd be able to kiss her that day had been soured. He could do it if put on the spot of course but he wasn't feeling it. Maybe he'd feel better later.


"How did it go?" asked Amanda.

"How did what go?" Tina responded as she tried on different hats in the store to see how they went with her sunglasses.

"Your date with Sir licks a lot."

"It wasn't a date."

"Well? What happened?"


"Don't give me that. You've been acting funny all day. Who is he?"

"You ... You don't know him."

"Did you get yours?"

"Stop. I don't want to tell right now."

"Come on. I'd tell you. Did you go to his place or yours?"

"Right, like I could do something like that at my parents' house."

"So he lives in town."

"Drop it."

"You had to put out, didn't you? He fooled you and now you're embarrassed."


"Yes. I can see it all over your face."

"No, that's not what happened."

"Then what?"

"He did exactly as he said he would. He didn't ask for anything more and he just left. Ok. Nothing more happened. He was completely honest."

"Are you going to see him again?"


"Why not? Is he ugly?"

"I think he has a girlfriend."


"Maybe, not a girlfriend but I thought he was seeing some girl."

"I knew it was too good to be true."

"Look, he was a perfect gentleman if you must know."

"Then why won't you see him again?"

"It's complicated."

"How big is his thing?"

"What? I don't know. I didn't see it."

"He didn't try to take it out at all?"


"But you must have gotten a feel or two. How big do you suppose..."

"No. I didn't get a feel. He didn't take it out. I didn't see it."

"And he didn't try to do anything more than just go down on you?"

"No. I told you. He was completely honest."

"Or maybe he wasn't a he."

"What? What are you on about?"

"Maybe he only went down on you because that's all 'he' could do." said Amanda making quotation marks in the air with her fingers when she said the word "he".

"You're wrong. No."

"I've heard it could happen. A girl meets a guy, or what she thinks..."

"It absolutely wasn't like that."

"Meets him on the internet and then they do it and it turns out it was a woman."

"Fine, now that I think about it, I did see his thing. I remember now. I didn't see it last night but I have seen it before."

"So mysterious. Who is he? Ex-boyfriend?"

"I can't tell you. I promised."

"Come on. If he's giving out tongue lashings then I want mine."

"I don't think it works that way. Anyway, that's enough for now. Drop it. Please."

"Ok, But are you going to see him again? Just answer that."

"I told you. No. I may see him around town but what happened was a one time thing. That's it. It's over."

"You're going to see him again." Amanda taunted and Tina threw a hat at her.


Breaking the law was so simple. Daniel was supposed to wait four more months before he'd officially be allowed to carry passengers on his bike but there was no way for a cop to know that if they just saw him riding with one. Unless Daniel ran a stop sign or went too fast there would be no reason for a cop to stop him and without that even if the cop did somehow just know Daniel wasn't supposed to have a passenger yet, there was nothing they could do about it. Of course, they didn't know, which made it easier. No harm, no foul.

Kate held on for dear life in her pink helmet as Daniel went a good five miles under the speed limit just to be safe. She really didn't need a jacket since she was behind him but he let her wear his since her helmet had eaten up his pocket money. As long as he had his gloves to keep his hands from getting too cold he would be ok.

Daniel had gotten increasingly frustrated with the passenger law the longer he owned his bike. It was much more practical than a car for a lot of reasons but when it came to doing things with Kate it was a problem.

A lot of days, he would actually use the fact that he couldn't take her along as a reason to cut dates short. Today, however, he felt like he had said too much and maybe he was feeling just a little guilty about going behind her back. He made the decision to try to make it work with Kate. He could do that. He could choose to do that. It wasn't like Tina was going to let him do any more. Maybe she would but he couldn't depend on that. Besides, he had been wondering if he hurt her. For now, he needed to choose Kate.

"I don't know how they make that look cool." said Kate when the bike finally came to a stop in front of Daniel's house.

"What's wrong?"

"I really think you should buy a car."

"I thought you wanted to ride."

Kate's legs wobbled as she tried to walk. "How do you stand it?"

"You get used to it." Daniel opened the door for her and then she paused and looked around.

"Where are your parents?"

"I don't know. They must be out." he answered as he was trying to get her into the house.

"Is this ok?" Daniel had almost predicted the question. Kate came from a religious family and he sometimes had to ease her into things that everyone else just accepted as ok.

"Yeah. We're adults. Why wouldn't it be ok?"

"It's just. ... I don't know. Are your parents ok with this?"

"If they're not I can always move out."

"Yeah, but I don't want to make them mad."

"Don't worry. You've been in my house before. They know who you are and I told them a long time ago that I might invite you over from time to time."

"But even when they're not here?"

"Even when they're not here. They trust you and they trust me."

"Ok." she said and went in. "It's just so strange to see such a new side of you."

"You ain't seen nothing yet."


Tina was in her room trying on her selections. Her father had taken her car to the mechanic just for a check up so she was without a way to get around for the rest of the day. It was a hard fight but she had finally gotten her mind on something normal. She had made plans for the rest of the week and she did have a mountain of homework to do after all. There really wasn't any more time for foolishness. Break would be over before she knew it and then it would be the last stretch to finals.

She was about to change into a little summer dress she thought might look nice at the beach that summer when she heard Daniel come in and it sounded like he had a girl with him.

What was that feeling? She couldn't be mad. It was her brother and she knew very well that he dated girls. She didn't know just how much he was doing with girls but she figured he was doing all the things that any other guy his age was doing with girls. She wasn't jealous. That would be ridiculous. He was her brother. She had no claim to him. There was nothing more to be said about it. Let it go.

She found herself, once properly covered, peeking out her door and she got a glimpse of Kate going into Daniel's room.

So what? It's his life. She's a nice girl. Tina didn't know her all that well but the couple of times she had met her Tina liked her well enough. Good for her. She was lucky to have a guy like Daniel. Any girl would be lucky to have a guy like Daniel.

Tina sat on her bed and found her knee going up and down. She stopped herself.

Maybe if Daniel can do what he needs to do with a proper girlfriend then there wouldn't be any repeats of ... She didn't want to think about it. But she couldn't not think about it. It was eating at her.

She needed something to calm her nerves. One part of her mind immediately knew what it would like to have calm her but the other part of her mind told her to not even think it. That couldn't happen again. It was over.

Tina was very quiet about it as not to tip off Daniel and company that there was someone else in the house. She went to the kitchen and made herself a glass of wine. She usually didn't like alcohol that much but it was growing on her.

The glass was empty and now Tina had a choice. She could make another glass and then be drunk off her ass when her parents finally came home or she could try to act like a decent human being and go be friendly with her brother, who was only just her brother and nothing more, and his girlfriend who Tina was positive she was not jealous of.

A text came to her phone. It was Amanda. "I know who your knight with the golden tongue is."

Tina looked at the message as she leaned against the fridge. "Impossible. Who?"

Amanda texted back a link to a news story about a woman who pretended to be a man on dating sites in order to seduce women.

"Wrong" answered Tina.

"You have to tell me." pleaded Amanda.

"Not today."

"You're with him now?"

Tina didn't answer. No matter what she said, this was a conversation that would only end badly. New messages were coming in but Tina didn't look at them. She set her phone to mute, and then got back to the matter at hand.

What was Daniel doing up there with her? None of your business she answered herself.

She settled on a plan. She would go say hi, welcome the girl to her home, not slap her or call her names, and that would let them know that someone else was in the house.

Then an idea struck her.


Daniel had Tina ... no she wasn't Tina. She was Kate. Daniel had Kate sitting on his bed and they were talking. It was very light chat about innocuous subjects of no importance. The talking wasn't really what was important. He was trying to build up to kissing her. He had started to formulate this idea in his head that if he could just kiss Tina ... No, if he could just kiss Kate. KATE. She was Kate. He was going to kiss Kate. Kate.

He liked her. He really did. He wanted to choose her. If maybe he could just break through and kiss her then maybe everything would be ok. He could go back to normal. He could go back to before he knew he wanted to fuck his sister.

Tina. Her name was on his mind and her image filled his sight every time he closed his eyes.

I can do this he said to himself.

Kate looked ready. She looked welcoming. He had his best shot with her. Tina would never let him kiss her. Tina. He hoped she wasn't mad at him.

What if Tina wasn't hurt? What if she wanted more? What if he was hurting her by bringing Kate into the house? But Tina wasn't here. And she could hardly say anything. She sneaked out to see guys before. What he did with her last night was just that. They never agreed to anything more. He remembered well.

Daniel had to try. He had to try. He moved in close to Kate. They held each other in embrace. Her lips were right there. If nothing else, he could pretend they were Tina's and he could get through it. This would be an important step for him.

Daniel's lips were at the very cusp of coming into contact with Kate's. He was going to be soft and gentle about it. There was no need for them to overpower each other. Soft, slow, and gentle; that was the way to do it. That's how he could get it done.

He closed his eyes, saw Tina in his mind and started to press his lips to Kate's.

And then his door seemed to open with the force of an explosion.

Kate pulled away and blushed with shyness. Daniel felt the typical rage of being cock blocked and it only subsided when he saw who was at the door.

"I'm surprised at you, Daniel." said Tina.

"What's the problem?" he asked.

"After all your talk yesterday about reading up on how to be a good host, you invite someone into the house and didn't even offer her anything to eat."

"I'm fine." said Kate.

"Well, come on. I made some refreshments downstairs."

Kate tried to decline but Tina insisted. "You two can get right back to whatever it was you were doing just as soon as all the proper decorum has been satisfied."

There was no getting out of it so Daniel relented for now and he led Kate downstairs.


Tina felt a rush of confidence and purpose come over her, even though she wasn't sure what her end game was. What was she trying to accomplish?

Nothing. She wasn't trying to accomplish anything other than to be a good host and make sure Daniel treated Kate right.

Liar, she said to herself.


Daniel sat next to Kate at the table as Kate nervously took a cookie from the plate prepared and grabbed the glass that was set out for her.

Daniel looked at Kate and then looked at Tina who had followed them and his thoughts were going places he knew he could never share with them. Tina looked amazing and then he looked at Kate and somehow the thought of Tina and Kate together in the same room made him feel like he could do anything.

"Daniel was just telling me about his anthropology research." said Tina.

"What's anthropology?" asked Kate.

"You know, the study of different cultures and peoples. What was the name of the tribe you were telling me about?"

Daniel looked up from looking at Kate's breasts and let his brain process the question. "I doubt I could pronounce it correctly. They live in central Asia."

"They have some of the most peculiar hospitality customs." Tina continued. "You simply must have Daniel tell you all about it when you get a chance."

"I'll be sure to remind him." said Kate.

"Be sure that you do." said Tina and she let her eyes go over to Daniel who was looking at her. "Anyway. Eat up and get your fill. If you need anything else, I'll just be upstairs."

Tina retreated and Daniel would swear she gave him just a second or two of a sexy pose on the steps as she went up.

He waited until he heard her door close. With Tina in the house he felt alive. He felt powerful. He looked at Kate and felt like it would all be easy.

"I better go." Kate said and it caught Daniel off guard.


"Thanks for having me over. We'll have to do it again."

"Wait. It's ok. She's cool."

"No she's not. She picked that moment..."

"She's cool. I'm telling you. Don't worry about her. She just wanted to say hi. That's all."

"I don't feel ..."

"Listen, she's my sister. I know her. She's cool. She just wanted you to feel welcome."

"Ok, But I think we better just talk. I don't know about anything else as long as she's here."

"She wouldn't care. Honest."

"How do you know?"

"She's not going to tell my parents and even if she did, what could they do?"

"I don't want to disrespect anyone."

"You're not. If Tina wanted you to leave she wouldn't have made all this. She wants you to stay."


Tina watched in secret as Daniel led Kate to the sofa in front of the TV. They talked quietly for a bit and then Daniel kissed her. He kissed her.

Tina was feeling something. She didn't want to admit what it was but she was feeling something.

She watched as the kiss went on and on and things started stirring insider her. It was so strange to be seeing this. She wanted him to stop. But she also wanted them to keep going so she could watch. She wanted to see how far they would go but she didn't want them to go very far. She couldn't interrupt them again but they were in the living room not the privacy of the bedroom so how far could they really go.

She was holding herself steady with her left hand. She brought her left hand to the front of her mind and she made a point of feeling everything her left hand was feeling. The texture of the wall, the pressure of her weight, the bit of sweat that was building up. Where was her right hand? She knew where it was but she wasn't going to let herself think about that. She couldn't let herself think about that. She wouldn't think about how her pubic hair felt under her palm or how the elastic of her panties rubbed the back of her wrist.

Her phone.

She just remembered that her phone was in the kitchen. That would be a perfectly legitimate reason to go downstairs. For whatever reason now she really wanted to know what all those other text messages said.

The moisture was building up. Smooth. Slick.

Daniel looked like he might be getting to second base. Was that allowed? In the living room? She wanted to cheer him on and at the same time she wanted to go down there and scream at him.

The logical answer was cheer him on. She was supposed to be cheering him on.

Wet. All the way wet.

Her left hand was starting to slip and she almost lost her balance. She had to use her left hand for balance. Why? She knew why.

Daniel and Kate were getting into it. Daniel might score. Her little brother might just score with a girl and she had a front row ... ok, not really a front row seat but it wasn't the nose bleed section.

This was good. This was what she wanted. Right? It had to be. This would be very good. This was right. This meant that she never had to worry about that other thing ever again. This is how the world was supposed to work. Boys brought girls home and then they do it. That's how it was all supposed to work.

Where was her right hand?

Lights. The headlights of a car could be seen pulling up to the house through the curtains of the window. For the second time Kate and Daniel jumped apart from each other.

Tina jumped too in delayed reaction and pulled her hand out of her panties. The smell of her lubricant hung in the air.


"I KNOW who it is." said Amanda in a text from over an hour ago. Attached to the text was a picture of Tina's car at the shop. "Admit it." Amanda went on. "It's Jerry." "Hey" "Are you there?" "He's licking you right now isn't he?" "Don't be stingy. You have to introduce me." "Tell him I know and I'm game." "Hey, answer." "Wow, he must really be good for you to ignore your phone." "Is he just licking you or are you two fucking now?" "Details please."

Tina rolled her eyes. She'd have to set her friend right later. For now, mom and dad were home and she was going to help mom get dinner ready. That was her plan but after Kate left to go home she saw Daniel go upstairs to be alone and she just felt like she had to follow him. But she couldn't just go in there dressed all casual like this. She didn't want to give the little bugger any room to have ideas. She sprinted to her own room to put on something more presentable to help keep distance between her and him. She didn't spend that much time changing though as she knew time was limited. When she was ready she headed for his door. She held her head up high in confidence ready to take him down.

"You promised me a talk. It's a little over due." she said at his doorway.

Daniel had thrown himself down on his bed face down but rolled to his side to look at her.

"Fine. But close the door."

There were two very important things that Tina wanted to say but even with everything that was going on she figured that reason should win the day.

She started even though now that the conversation was happening she knew she was technically under a time limit and she really wasn't prepared to have the kind of talk she envisioned.

"You know about yesterday."

He just listened. She was expecting him to interrupt her but he just listened. As he listened he was looking at her and not the way a brother looks at a sister. It was doing something to her.

"Yesterday, that whole thing. I thought you were joking. Honest. I never expected you to go through with it. If I had known what you would do for real I wouldn't have allowed it."

"I'm sorry." he said as he sat up. "I misunderstood you. I apologize. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

"I guess, a lot of it was my fault too. Don't blame yourself. You wouldn't have done it unless I told you it was ok and I did so don't worry."

She was expecting him to say something but he didn't. She was expecting him to ask questions like, was he good, or where would they go from there. She had answers for those. But he just sat there. He looked like she had struck a blow.

She was going to leave the room but then stopped at the door and turned back to him and his look of grief seemed to have intensified. She felt obligated to say something to smooth things over.

"I won't tell Kate. Don't worry. She's a nice girl."

He just nodded and put his hand up to his forehead.

"Hey, don't feel bad." She felt drawn to him. "You didn't do anything wrong. We just can't do it again."

He only nodded. He didn't look up.

"Please, just don't worry about it. I'm on your side. Whatever happens, I'm on your side. Ok. Believe me."

"I do." he got out but just barely.

Tina sat down next to him. They were finally on terms again. Everything had been set right. All the crazy feelings of last night and this day could eventually be put behind them. She put her arm around her little brother and let him know she cared about him.

He wasn't crying. He wasn't weeping. He was emotional certainly but he could handle it. Tina just held him. Her little brother.

"And I mean what I said. Kate's going to be very lucky. I know. You have some mad skills. You could open a shop."

He let out a laugh. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." he said as he seemed to be feeling better.

"One of my friends is looking for a good licker and keeps asking me to find one for her." As she said that the memory of just how good her brother had been was coming back to her.

"Is that so."

"Should I give her your number?" Now she was getting the mental image of Daniel licking Amanda and it was not at all unpleasing.

"Maybe I better clear that with my girlfriend." he said.

"Yes. Your girlfriend. Because you do have a girlfriend." she said.

"And not my sister." She looked at his lips as he spoke.

"No. You don't need to clear anything with me. I'll just give you a glowing anonymous recommendation."


"But if you can clear it with your girlfriend then Amanda has been begging me to find her someone to go down on her."

There was a moment of silence as the two siblings looked at each other.

"We're going to be ok, right? I'm going to be ok?" he asked.

"Of course you are. If you have any trouble just ask your big sister and I'll be there for you."

"With anything?" he asked playfully.

Yes. Wait. "I supposed I should say yes but knowing you I guess I have to add a qualifier."

He looked away and then looked back with acceptance.

Without knowing it, her hands had grabbed fist fulls of his clothes. His arms were around her waist. Tina took a deep breath and felt the tip of her tongue lick the back side of her lips.

"But, hey. Um. I guess fair is fair." she added. "After what you did, I guess I could help with anything you wanted at least once."

What? What had made her say that? Even she was shocked and she was the one who said it.

"I'll keep ... " he started but then changed his mind about what he wanted to say. "You don't ... "

Neither Tina nor Daniel were quite sure what happened but in that moment they both seemed to give in. They kissed passionately with an explosion of energy. His hands found their way under her shirt so fast she hadn't even noticed when he was able to get the tucking undone. She had one hand in his hair and the other pulling at his shirt to keep him from getting away.

The kiss escalated quickly and his hands were almost to the point of cupping her breasts. She had to stop him. That was the same thought she had the night before. She had to stop him. But this felt different. Last night she had wanted to retreat. She had wanted to run away. Last night the idea that Daniel would do something sexual with her was repulsive. It wasn't anymore.

It was clear now. Daniel really was full of bullshit. All that stupid talk about some stupid people who went down on each other. It was all bullshit. He seduced her. This fucking weirdo seduced his own sister and now she was kissing him and feeling like she wanted to fuck him.

It was hard. It was difficult. It required something painful on her part but she pulled away.

"Stop." she said. He didn't respond at that exact moment but she pinched him on the back and pulled his hair.

"Stop!" she insisted a bit louder.

They were both panting. She got her hands free of him and then backed herself further onto his bed away from him. Why was she still on the bed instead of running for the door? She didn't have a good answer to give herself for that question. Yet even without words being put to it she knew the answer just as some part of her mind knew full well why it really was that she'd changed out of her sweatpants shorts and put on a skirt before coming in here.

It was almost like a repeat of the night before. She was on the bed and he was at the foot slowly coming up to her knees. He had lust in his eyes as he put a hand each on her legs and then effortlessly spread her thighs. Tina didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to say. She knew she wasn't supposed to be doing this but her body was overriding her mind's veto. Something in her wanted this. She closed her eyes and turned her face away as she felt Daniel slide her panties down her legs.

"Is this ok?" he asked.

She didn't answer. She couldn't let herself answer. She couldn't let herself admit that this was ok.

"Hey, sis."

"Just ... Just one more time."

"You sure?"

"Stop asking me stupid questions and just do it."

She waited. She wasn't sure if time was passing at the normal rate or if it was somehow standing still but she felt like he was hesitating. If he didn't hurry up she was going to lose her nerve and not be able to do do this. But then she wanted to slap herself. Of course she shouldn't be doing this. What a stupid suggestion. She felt so wrong. She needed her underwear and she needed to get out of there. She opened her eyes and started to shift her body to reach for where she thought her panties had gone when at that moment she felt his tongue make contact with her.

Ok. Ok. She was right. He was good. He was skilled. She abandoned the leaving idea and relaxed as her body began to anticipate the pleasure he was going to give her. Yes, there. Right there. Why was he so good at this? Just how many girls had her little fucker of the little brother gone down on. He sure wasn't going down on mousy little Kate of all people.

Now that she was letting him do it and willingly giving herself to this she seemed to be getting close to climax a lot faster than the night before. It was almost instantaneous. Had he learned something new to please her that fast or was he just that good? She didn't care. She almost felt like she wanted to hold back. Somehow she just knew a that a quick climax would not be as good as one that took a while to build up. She started pulling at her blouse to get the buttons undone and then she reached in to squeeze one of her breasts.

Just as with the night before she couldn't get her mind to think of anyone else who could be doing this to her but funnily this time she didn't really want to be thinking of anyone else. She was thinking of Daniel. She was thinking of her brother. She was thinking of the fact that her brother was the one doing this to her and somehow that just pushed her over the top and she had her orgasm in record time. It wasn't quite as big as the one she'd had the night before but it was still a lot better than what anyone else had ever been able to do to her.

And then she knew herself to be a liar. Just one more time was bullshit just as much as Daniel's fucking lie about tribal idiots. She was going to want him to do this to her again, she just knew it. It was almost a sad sort of thing, the fact that she almost felt like she had no choice in the matter. She was going to have to apologize to him. And then she was going to have to get him on board to ...

Wait. As she had been enjoying the bliss that her brother had seemed to slip into her cunt via his mouth, he seemed to notice that she was finished. Instead of just leaving like he'd done the night before she sense other movement from him.

He was getting his pants off. ... HUH! HE was getting his PANTS off! NO!

She popped out of her trance and reached for his waistband to prevent his pants from coming down. She didn't know what he was planning but ... Ok, well she did know what he was planning. She knew exactly what this little sister fucker want a be was planning.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"This. This is wrong. We can't do that." She shook her head and tried to get a hold of herself as she held his hands in place.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. I kissed you. I started it. ... I think."

He looked down from her and flopped down to the bed at her side.

"How much more is there?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"How much more? How deep does this go with you?"

"All the way, if that makes any sense."

"You know. You understand, right? We can't do this. We never should have started this."

"Don't you think I'm aware of that?" he defended himself. "I have these feelings. I can't explain them. I don't know where they came from. I've been trying to deal with it."

"When? When did it start?"

"I'm not sure. It all just piled on and then ... Nevermind. I'm sorry I got you into this. I'm sorry I messed you up. I really just wanted to tell you how I felt. Maybe I wanted this to happen too but really, I just wanted to tell you how I felt so someone would know."

"Alright. That's good. You can tell me with words. You don't have to trick me into having sex with you to tell me."

"I didn't ..."

"You're right. I'm sorry." she took it back. "But you can tell me. I'll listen. I won't use it against you. Maybe if we talk it out we won't feel like we have to act it out."

He seemed to accept this. That was going to have to be the last word on it because word came up that dinner was on the table waiting for them.

Tina looked around for her underwear and got them on. She saw the look on Daniel's face. He still wanted her and she couldn't help but feel like she'd used him just a bit. She'd make it up to him. Not sexually. Some other way. She'd make it up to him.

"Never again. You hear me."

He nodded.

"I mean it. Promise me."

"What? Why?"

"Just please. You know this is wrong. Promise me, never again."

He didn't argue. "I promise."

She hugged him and felt a pinch of regret in her stomach at never getting his tongue again but it was the right thing to do in that moment. She couldn't change the past but she could change the future and their future had to no longer entertain the possibility of him doing that to her ever again.


Daniel had not been ready for that conversation. It was like Tina had pulled his soul out and then put it under a microscope and prodded it. Now she knew. She knew what was going on. In a way it was a relief but in another way he felt more vulnerable than ever.

Daniel was quiet at dinner. Tina seemed to get herself together enough to banter with their parents and talk about college and she even mentioned that she thought Kate was such a nice girl.

He should call Kate. That was a good plan. Maybe he could go pick her up and they could ride out to one of the ponds and be alone.

Daniel excused himself from dinner as soon as he'd finished his first round. He went and got on the phone and tried to call Kate but there was no answer. He never liked leaving messages so when her voice mail came up he just hung up.

He didn't need her to be with him. He was perfectly capable of going out for a ride on his bike by himself. There was no law against that. He could swing by Jimmy's house and see what he and the other guys were doing. He didn't have to stay home. Now that Tina knew his secret, he really didn't want to stay home.


Tina was sharing a glass of wine with her mother when she saw Daniel grab his jacket and head for the garage. Her mother was filling up her glass for a second when she heard the motor start and Daniel zip away.

Space. Good for him. He needed space and so did she. She would hold down the fort and make sure mom and dad were ok with everything and Daniel could go get some fresh air. They both needed a break.

Tina looked at her phone. A very stupid thought came to her. She texted Amanda "I won't tell you my guy but if you really want some of what I've been getting, you should ask my brother."

"Say what? Did he ask you to say that?" came the response.

"He gets girls screaming."

"He's too shy for me."

"I'm telling you. He might be the best in the state. Maybe you can give him a test run and let me know how good he is."

"Shit, now I've heard everything. But Ok. Is he home?"

"He went out. Don't know where. Maybe he's making rounds."

"Call him and tell him to come by. I'll be waiting."


Since when do high school students go on spring break. That was one of the stupidest things he'd ever heard. But Jimmy and the gang were gone. That was when you knew your family had too much money, when high school students could get on a plane and go to Cancun for spring break.

Daniel felt a mosquito buzz near his ear as he looked over the water at the full moon. He had let his rocket ship go a little too high. Now it was time to come back down to Earth. Tina knew and so if he tried anything in the future she would be able to stop him. He was dating Kate and that looked like it was going well. Maybe today was fast for her but he could slow it down and do it right. He was going to graduate, go to college, then get a career and live the rest of his life as a completely normal person.

A message came to his phone. He didn't recognize the address it was sent from. He opened it and saw a photo of some girl's pussy with an emoji of a tongue licking it. Damn spammers.

Delete. Block.


Four bottles of wine were on the table. The back door was open and Tina's parents had the sound from the speaker system going into the back yard. Outside, Tina's parents were slow dancing, both of them having drunk their fill.

Tina wasn't sure how many glasses of wine she'd had but the effect was really starting to get to her. She hoped she wouldn't throw up.

The night wore on and her parents eventually made their way to the master bedroom. Tina was left at the table listening to the smooth music her parents liked as she sipped on the last of the wine. She watched the door. When would Daniel get home? Was he with Amanda? That bitch. Wait, she shouldn't say that. Wait, she should. Daniel had a girlfriend. Kate. That's right. Kate should be angry. Kate should call Amanda a bitch. If they fought, whose side would Tina be on?

It seemed like it was really late and Tina dozed off a couple of times when she finally heard the sound of Daniel's bike. Tina staggered to her feet to go and greet him but that didn't seem to be working out for her. She had to hold herself up with her arms by bracing herself against the back of a chair. This was a good feeling. She bet she was sexy.


Daniel entered the house and tried not to make any noise. The smell of wine was in the air and it was strong. He tried to go right for the stairs but Tina was there and clearly inebriated.

"I've been waiting for you." she said melodically.

"You're drunk."

She smiled and squinted her eyes. Then, with one big nod reminiscent of the genie from that old TV show, she nodded.

Daniel grabbed her by the arm and helped her up the stairs.

"How was Amanda?"


"She wanted you so bad. She kept asking, and asking. I didn't want to share but then I thought, what the hell. I have to share you with Kate. I bet Kate's going to be pissed. Don't tell her. You can't tell her."

"What are you talking about?"

"I love you. Danny. O Danny. Did you know? I love you."

"I love you too, sis." He said it and felt very normal about it. That was a good sign he hoped.

"Hey, I thought of a name for your shop. It was ..." She seemed to be trying to remember it when he got her to her room. Just a little further to the bed.

She had stuff all over her floor that Daniel couldn't see. There was no use but to just step on stuff. He got her to the bed and laid her down.

"Good night, Tina."

"Wait. Do you take American Express? You're going to have to take that if you open a shop."

He didn't know what she was going on about so he just tucked her in. As he reached over her to get the covers in the right place she reached up, put her arms around his neck and kissed him.

He wanted to kiss her back. He really did. But she was drunk. It wouldn't be right. It wouldn't be fair. She'd be angry in the morning.

He let the kiss linger for just a moment but then pulled away and she seemed satisfied with that anyway. She might not even remember.

"Good night, Tina. I love you."

"Night, night." she said.

Daniel retreated from her room and got his bike gear put up. He washed his face and his hands and wondered if he should put lotion on the mosquito bites.

Riding a machine with a motor between your legs that converts gasoline into heat and energy has a way of keeping you awake. Daniel wasn't tired yet. On a normal night he'd probably have been asleep already after looking at porn but this wasn't a normal night. Tomorrow the rest of his life would begin. It was a lot to take in and think about.

The image of what was on the table downstairs crossed his mind. At any rate the lights were still on down there and that was a waste. He headed down and cleaned up. From the looks of things, mom and dad had another dance session. He didn't want to wake them up but he knew his mom would appreciate not seeing all that when she woke up. Very quietly he got the dishes off the table and the bottles into the recycle bin. He didn't do as good a job as mom might but she'd be happy with what little he could do without running the water.

Daniel got the lights off and bounced up the steps to his room. He was starting to feel his body wind down. Sleep would come and he'd be able to greet the next morning. He had plans with Kate. Kate. Not Tina. Kate. As it should be.

He went into his room and changed into just an undershirt and some boxers. He was starting to get into bed when he noticed a presence behind him.

He turned around and Tina was in his room. She had gotten some of her senses back but she was still drunk. She was only wearing her underwear and she was striking a sexy pose.

"It's my turn."

"What?" he asked.

She approached him and he actually did try to hold her off. It was a war in his head. On the one hand, this was sort of a dream come true. He could cum just imagining this. On the other hand, she was drunk. He couldn't allow this. Plus, they had that talk today about not letting it go any further and not doing it again.

He wanted to do the right thing. Her hands touched his body. He wanted to do the right thing. He scooted back from her on the bed and tried to protest quietly. She wasn't listening. He tried to grab at her hands to keep them off.

In retrospect he could have physically dominated her if he wanted to. He was already naturally stronger than her and she was under the influence. But there was a very powerful part of his mind that wanted to let this happen. Whatever was going to happen he wanted to let this happen. He was putting up token resistance at best.

She got his cock out from his boxers. "I see you."

"Wait." he said. "Think about what we're doing."

"I am." Then she said no more. Her mouth descended onto the head of his cock and any protesting Daniel might have put up was silenced. This was happening. He wasn't going to stop it. If he did stop it he'd be kicking himself later. He was letting it happen.

This was blowing his mind. Sure, on some level he could probably point out to himself that he'd had better blow jobs. Drunk girl head was not the best it could be. But this was Tina. This was his fantasy come to life. She could probably make him cum by just describing a blow job to him.

He wanted this to last forever. He wanted this. There was a kind of joy building up inside him to think that his sister had come to him. He wanted to believe she wanted it too. For tonight he'd have to just think that. She had made it clear that this was all just on him and that she didn't really feel the same way but for tonight he could imagine she did because she came to him. He'd apologize in the morning.

Sledgehammer. That's what it felt like. He felt like his entire body had become a sledgehammer as blast after blast of cum erupted from his cock. The quake shook his entire body from his pelvis all the way up through his head and arms.

Why, Tina? Why? He asked in his mind. It was followed with, thank you Tina. Thank you.

Daniel closed his eyes and could not keep himself from falling asleep even if he wanted to.


That was fun, thought Tina. What's the big deal. His cum tasted good. There sure was a lot of it. She looked at him. He was sleeping. Aw. She felt a giggle bubble up and she smiled. She put her body next to his. This was nice. No sharing tonight. Kate would just have to get in line. Hell, the bed was big enough for her.

Tina was thinking about that news story about the woman who pretended to be a man to seduce other women. Maybe she could do that to Kate and then they'd all just be happy with each other.

Tina was letting herself drift off to sleep and the last thought that came to her was that she hoped her parents didn't catch them like that. She was nearly naked next to her brother. She couldn't say why but there was almost no more shock to it at this point. She loved her little brother.