Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 601 - Incest: It's Big

Chapter 601 - Incest: It's Big

Ryan Backman had always been close to his mother Ali. Their relationship grew as a matter of necessity over the previous year. It had been a difficult year. 10 months ago Roger Backman, Ali's husband - Ryan's father, had died in a horrific car crash. But now it was Ryan's 18th birthday. And while the memories lasted Ali and Ryan supported each other as they moved on. In the lead up to his 18th birthday the relationship grew almost daily between Ryan and his mother Ali. They laughed, joked and played together. Ryan was fond of hugging his mother and she enjoyed, if not needed, the intimacy that had developed between them. It was important, especially to her as the psychological wounds were still deep. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a place she didn't want to look too hard at, she was increasingly aware that his hugs and kisses were becoming more frequent, intimate and she was sure that the occasional slip when his arms pushed up against her boobs were not entirely by accident. But it was nothing that she wanted to raise as an issue. 'Boys being boys,' she thought to herself.

Ali Backman was every man's dream woman; an uncanny Elle Macpherson look alike. Tall, blonde, an angel face with a wide smile and a killer body, slim, smooth lines with large breasts she was the envy of all. Her son shared good looks and at six foot two was tall and athletic. He had no trouble attracting women.

Sunday Evening

The party was going well and Ali was both pleased and proud as she watched the celebration of Ryan becoming a man. She sipped her wine, not the first of the night, and chatted with her friends from the mother's group. They watched as his mates went through the rituals as only boys can do - especially after a few beers. Everyone at the party gathered round as Ryan cut his birthday cake and they joined a rousing rendition of happy birthday. Ali took a moment to acknowledge a wave of sadness that her husband was missing but gathered herself, marvelling at her beloved son as he basked in the spotlight; sophisticated and confident. She looked on him with unrequited love and pride.

Ryan put the knife down and grabbed his mother, pulling her to him. The crowd laughed. 'Ok boys, get your cameras ready because I want a picture of this. I want everyone to know how much I appreciate the efforts mom put in, not only for tonight but every day of my life. I have the most amazing mother in the world. I want everyone to know and I want a picture guys,' and with that he held her tight and kissed her passionately on the lips, her breasts crushed against him and their bodies plastered against each other. Flushed and taken by surprise she opened her mouth in mild protest then was shocked as she felt his tongue push insistently between her lips. She could feel herself blushing as his tongue probed provocatively deeper into her mouth as he chased her tongue. He held her in the embrace as the cameras flashed and flashed and flashed and the party crowd whooped, clapped and cheered.

The embrace seemed to last forever but finally Ali felt his grip loosen. She was flustered, her face hot and flushed as their lips slowly parted. As they separated she could see the excitement in his eyes as he lapped up the cheers from his mates surrounding them.

'To mom, with love,' he said to his mates as he raised a beer in toast before letting her go. In front of everyone he gave her a playful pat on the ass as she hastened out of the limelight.

Ali hurried into the kitchen. She leaned back against the wall as she tried to gather her emotions. She struggled to control her breathing which was quick and shallow, but as her memory went to his kiss her heart started racing as she relived the memory. He had no fear, no uncertainty, she felt the eagerness with which he thrust his tongue into her mouth, the intimacy of the act carried out in front of their friends. Her hand went to her ass where he gave her a pat. She knew that the pat on her ass, was a public message seen by everyone. She was dismayed that her ass was burning where he slapped her. She knew that she should respond in some way but didn't know how without upsetting their relationship. She rationalised that it was all done in fun.

The party was a roaring success. Eventually all the guests left. Ali dressed into her PJs and sank into the lounge. She sighed contentedly as she sat back, happy that Ryan's party had gone off so well. Ryan brought her a glass of wine and flopped next to her.

'Thanks mom, I'm lucky, you are the best mom in the world,' he said and she was mildly surprised as he gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. The cheek kiss seemed to be forgotten for the night.

Ali had a warm feeling in her stomach as she took a sip of wine. 'Thank you baby,' she said and reached out a hand to rub his cheek affectionately. 'And I'm sure I have the best and most loving son too.'

She was happy, tired but happy. She was surprised as Ryan took her feet and put them in his lap. 'Relax,' he said as he started massaging her feet and calf muscles. His touch was heavenly. She finished her wine, then, as so often happened, drifted off to sleep.

Ryan watched her slowly close her eyes.

'Mom, mom?' he quietly quizzed. Sure she was asleep he slowly pushed her knees apart. As her robe fell open he could glimpse her briefs. His cock was hard as he gently massaged the inside of her thighs, marvelling at how smooth the skin was, gradually letting his fingers get closer and closer until with a soft moan he let the tips of his fingers ever so gently stroke her path of paradise. If she woke... well, he was ready. His touch was soft and brief. He was pleased when he heard her breathing change; deeper, longer breaths.

'She's not awake but she can feel it,' he thought.

Enough, carefully he eased out of his seat. Her long legs were slightly apart and he left her robe partially open. His stomach was churning with excitement and his cock hard with desire as he slowly walked behind the lounge. Gently, ever so gently he reached over Ali's shoulder. His hands were shaking as he eased open her robe and the top button of her PJs. Carefully he pulled the lapel back to expose her breast to his gaze.

For a moment he was dumb struck. His cock was throbbing so hard he thought he would cum. He was drooling as he gently cupped a breast, fondled it lovingly before rubbing a finger over her nipple. He almost wet himself as she gave an almost inaudible moan and her head turned to one side. He waited for her to settle then gently fondled her breast again and after a brief period of time was rewarded as the nipple hardened to a tight little bud. He was excited but didn't want to push his luck at the moment, but at the same time he wanted to leave some evidence; wanted her to know, maybe not know but create some uncertainty. So he left her PJs open to the rim of her areola then went back to his chair.

A short while later he made a pretence of getting up and going to bed. Ali woke groggily as Ryan rose.

'Yeah, I'm going to bed too,' she mumbled as she hurriedly pulled her robe and PJ's together, embarrassed that somehow her robe and PJs had come undone, exposing a liberal amount of leg and breast. She was flustered as she realised her nipple was sensitive and puckered.

'Mom,' Ryan said softly as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. 'Mom, thank you again for tonight and everything else you have done for me throughout my life. I love you. You are the most wonderful mother in the world.' And with that he gently pressed his lips to hers, his tongue flicking repeatedly over her lips as he held the kiss for a few heartbeats more than the right amount of time before releasing her and with a wicked smile gave her ass a gentle squeeze and a playful pat before taking off for his room.

Ali was stunned and too slow to react. By the time she realised what he had done he was gone. She knew she would have to address the matter with Ryan soon, not now... but... soon. It's just that she felt good.

Monday morning she was making breakfast when he came in. He wrapped her gently in his arms. They held the embrace, neither wanting to break the spell until he leaned in and kissed her. His lips were soft, gentle, demanding and his tongue gradually encouraged her to part her lips giving him access to her mouth as he chased her tongue around her mouth.

'Mmmm, can't start a day better than that,' he said, his smile and manner so innocent, full of love and humour as he let her go.

She was on the verge of raising his tongue kissing when his phone went. By the time he came back he was telling her about another matter. The moment lost she rationalised that it wasn't such a critical issue and she would deal with it at a more appropriate time.

Anyway; he had school to get ready for and it was her mother's day get together so she had to get ready as well.

Later that morning Ali was having coffee with the mother's group when Sharon Drysdale burst into the room, threw her bag down and slumped into a chair. 'Fucking men,' she growled and the ladies looked at her questioningly. 'Jesus fucking Christ, I'm married to a man who would rather go to work than get active between my legs and a son who has a fucking mommy crush,' she muttered.

'Mummy crush?' questioned Janice.

'Oh Christ, every time I turn around my son Mario is there. He hugs me but does it in a way that crushes my boobs against him, he kisses my neck, rubs against me, accidently touches my ass. I don't know what to do, if I call him out he will deny it anyway. I'm sure that if he had the chance he would fuck me... can you believe that? I don't know what to do. I'm sure he is over sexed. He needs a girlfriend.'

'Ah it's not so unusual,' Geraldine Ho said quietly but firmly and all the ladies turned to face her. Geraldine was a psychologist specialising in teen issues. 'Most boys have a mommy crush of some sort as they grow up. Most get over it pretty quickly, especially if they have a girlfriend, but not all. For some it becomes an obsession, and that's where it gets dangerous. When he starts seeing you as his property... well if you call him out at the wrong time there is a high risk of violence. If you don't get on top of that really early then you might find that it's too late.'

'Ok, and what if you don't call him out?'

'Well my dears. Think back to when you were a teenager. Remember how all boys wanted was sex. How their passion was almost overwhelming. You would spend the night defending yourself and no matter how many times you said 'no' - well how many times did that work? Well that's where your sons are at now. And the problem is that it's you they want. You need to understand that in their sexually agitated mind your refusal to do anything to stop their initial advances means that you condone their actions, that you really want them between your legs. For them it's now just a game, a matter of time. The more they take liberties with you the more they will take liberties with you; the more they own you. This is not going to drag on for months, things will escalate quickly and suddenly you will find it's too late; they will not stop. '

'Times are changing, a lot of things that were taboo are now common. Have you heard the expression MILF?' A few nodded, a few shook their heads. 'Mothers I would like to fuck. That's you ladies! Single families, that's what boys, all boys are discussing these days. So if you think they are discussing fucking their friend's mothers how much of a leap is it to think they might be thinking about fucking their own mothers? Other kids are. In my office I get it every day. Think about it, every day and not from just one or two kids. And, dare I say it, they are all pretty excited about the prospect. And it's not just boys, girls are into incest as well but for them it's easier. They all find it easy to seduce their fathers or brothers.'

'Five years ago the word gay meant happiness, anal sex was for the Greeks and oral sex... well that was strictly for porn movies. Porn is now a staple for teens, they all watch it and nothing is out of bounds, nothing is taboo. In fact, taboo is the most exciting part for them. Now, as one girl told me last week 'if you are still a virgin when you turn 13 you are a loser. 13! Think of it, being a virgin is a stigma. That's the new world order and the new standard and as the girls tell me, forget women's lib and equality, it is all about pleasing the male. The worst thing that can happen to a girl is to have the boy label her a lousy lay, her reputation is trashed. So ladies get used to the fact that cock is king! How do you like the fact that you might have to kneel and kiss the king?'

'Look, don't think you are in a unique situation, incest is big. Very big; a lot bigger than you think. 'As one young boy, and I mean young, said to me "what's the big deal. The old man has pissed off. I want it, she wants it, she is available when I want it so I fuck her every day. I'm the boss, she knows it, she does anything I want. We both enjoy it. As long as she doesn't get pregnant I can't see a problem?' That's today's logic for the young people, that's how they think, that's how your son thinks. There are so many single parent families and many of those women are vibrant, beautiful women. You would be surprised if I told you who and where they live. But I can assure you, you already know a few, probably more than a few, you just don't know who. But let me say, most of those women love it. As one said, he is ready all the time and it's been years since she had a hard, throbbing cock pounding her pussy as she screamed in orgasm. Now she has it day and night.'

Geraldine looked at the stunned faces and smiled to herself, she had them in the palm of her hand. No one moved.

'Now tell me,' she said looking at the ladies 'have any of you found a pair of your panties, especially new panties, in his bed or under the pillow?'

One by one the ladies all shook their head although it seemed that most went red in the face and looked anywhere but at Geraldine. Sharon looked at the floor, embarrassed.

'I wouldn't know,' muttered Ali. 'He makes his own bed and keeps his room spotless I might add.' But she could feel a hard knot of uncertainty form in her stomach as they spoke. There were other thoughts in her mind.

Geraldine could see that Ali was uncomfortable, as a psych she knew the signs so she homed in on Ali whilst speaking to the group. 'Oh, but you would notice if your new panties disappeared wouldn't you?' Geraldine said knowingly, the hint of a smile playing on her face as she looked directly at Ali. Ali nodded but the hard knot was now burning in her stomach. She felt hot, unable to hold eye contact with Geraldine. 'If you ever find your panties in his bed you will probably see signs of him having jacked off into them. Now THAT my dears is a sure sign that you are in trouble, that he is thinking of incest with you. He's marking you, virtual mating if you like it's a sign of ownership. In his mind he owns you. There are other signs, some you might expect others perhaps not.

And she continued to look at Ali. 'If he kisses you.'

Ali was trembling, she wished Geraldine would look away but she didn't. 'Oh come on now. I've given Ryan a peck on the cheek most days before he goes to school. I've done that since he started school. Surely you're not telling me that's a prelude to incest?' Ali blurted out, her emotions getting on top of her.

'No, no, not at all,' cooed Geraldine leaning slightly closer to Ali. 'What I mean is the full on kiss; and,' she said raising her eyebrows, 'especially if he gets his tongue into your mouth.'

Ali was sweating, all the mothers had been at Ryan's party. They saw the kiss, knew he must have had his tongue in her mouth, saw the pat on her ass. Her eyes flicked nervously to the other members of the group and just as quickly flicked away. They were all staring at her, some with a smirk on their face. Ali could hardly breathe, the room was closing in on her.

Geraldine continued as if stalking Ali. Her voice soft, enticing if not seductive. 'In his mind that only leads to one conclusion, that you are making love with him. Look, prostitutes generally don't allow their patrons to kiss them... so from his point of view you're condoning his advances. If he progresses to doing it in public... well... he's made a statement of intent to his mates and he can't back down.'

'You have three private places; your ass, your breasts and your pussy. More often than not he will start touching your ass; you get one chance to stop him, if you don't react strongly the first time then he owns first base. It's his! He's now in a scoring position. Within a short period of time he's out to steal second... and he's sure as hell got his mind set on getting to home base. So ladies, if you feel him touching your ass, your nipples, or god help you, tickling your pussy, generally when you are asleep. At that stage he is planning to fuck you and depending on the circumstances... you may not be able to stop him, probably can't. Ladies, you have to stop thinking of your sons as your babies and start thinking of them as strong, aggressive, oversexed men intent on getting into YOUR pants by any method they can. In short, they are dreaming of fucking YOU every night... every night girls.'

Ali was hot from blushing as they listened to Geraldine. Mentally she was ticking the list off one by one. She knew how and why her PJs were open and her nipples aroused.

'Now, here's the disturbing part. If he makes move on you he has to succeed. You have to make sure he succeeds.'

'WHAT! What do you mean, he has to succeed? The fuck he does,' spluttered Jenny somewhat taken aback.

'He's a boy making a move on his mother. He probably has told his mates, that's how they do it these days. He knows it's taboo even though he has a different set of values. If you are too strong and he fails how do you think he feels: humiliated, weak, embarrassed, a loser, hopeless, a boy not a man... he's a nothing, a failure. There is no way he can go back and front his mates. In the circumstances he is going to do one of three things: withdraw in himself until he can get away from home forever; leave home straight away and never return or, every parent's worst nightmare...'

'Jesus, suicide,' said Ali filling in the silence for the group. The fear evident in her voice. At that moment she was thankful that she hadn't raised the tongue kiss issue. And Geraldine nodded.

There was a stunned silence before Amber spoke. 'Oh my god, I feel ill just thinking about it. I don't want to think about it,' she said putting her hands up in surrender. 'If I thought... if I rejected his advances and he committed suicide... if I had done something... if I could have stopped it. I couldn't cope, he's my baby, he's everything in my life. My god, if he ever makes a move... he can have it, I won't stop him. I will spread myself and he can fuck me as often as he likes. I'm not going to bury my son,' she muttered and all the other women were looking stonily faced, their heads nodding slowly in agreement. The mood was worse than sombre as they were alone with their thoughts.

Then Angela Baillif leaned forward. 'You have a contract that covers the school so you would speak to our boys. Is that right?'

'I can't comment one way or other, it's confidential,' Geraldine replied.

'No, that's not good enough,' Angela retorted angrily, banging the table. 'These are our boys we are talking about and if you think any of them might be suicidal... If you don't tell us and something happens... ' Her fury was evident in her tone and body language.

'Whoa girls,' Ali said as the meeting looked like getting out of hand. 'Geraldine isn't responsible for what actions our boys take or what we do in response. Let's not kill the messenger here. She is only giving us advice,' she said.

Yeah, some advice, let your son fuck you or bury him,' growled Angela as she broke down crying.

'I don't think it's quite that clear cut but we each have to think about how to deal with it.'

It was the afternoon. Ali could feel the tension growing as she drove home. She rushed in the door and headed straight for Ryan's bedroom. As she entered his room she looked at the bed and paused. Suddenly the bed seemed to have a sinister life of its own mocking her. She was afraid, not wanting to look but knowing what she would see as she slowly peeled back his pillow. She gasped when she saw her new G string. With shaking hands she picked it up. 'Oh god,' she groaned as she felt the crusty dried sperm inside the gusset. 'Oh god,' she repeated as she placed it back in its original position.

Then her eyes were drawn to three pictures from his birthday on his dressing table. The first a close up of Ryan and Ali locked in a lover's embrace, lips and bodies crushed together as they held each other tight. The second, sometimes the picture and timing is perfect, the photo was a classic: loving but highly erotic. They had just finished the kiss, eyes closed in passion, mouths open, their lips barely parted; the picture captured the feeling of love, of lust. The third captured the moment she looked over her shoulder and laughed as he patted her ass; his hand on her ass cheek, her hips shoved forward in surprise, the look of happiness and the laughter in her eyes, her hair flying. They were all classics in their own right. Ali could feel an unwanted arousal growing between her legs.

She was shaking as she dragged her eyes away from the pictures and turned back into his room. All she seemed to see was his bed. 'Fuck, what thoughts has he had laying in that bed. He has jacked off into my underwear dreaming of fucking me. Is this where it's going to happen?' And she stopped, stunned. 'Is this where it's going to happen!' She repeated in her mind as if accepting a degree of inevitability and her mind conjured up an image of herself, naked on her back with her son laying between her spread legs eagerly thrusting himself into her body. She choked a strangled cry as she fled from his room.

Her legs were trembling as she checked out her laundry. One by one she pulled out her items of underwear and was horrified to find evidence of his sperm in all of them.

Later that afternoon she was preparing their dinner when Ryan arrived home. He strolled into the kitchen and suddenly Ali's emotions boiled over. Her throat was constricted and she felt a pounding in her temples. She started trembling and she couldn't contain the hot tears behind her eyes as they trickled down her cheeks. She put her hands to her face and turned away from him.

Ryan dropped his bag and went to her. 'Mom, mom, what's the matter? What has happened?,' he said, his concern evident. He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her to him, his face lined with worry. She started trembling, unable to speak about her fears. For a while she fought to get control of her emotions and was conscious of his warmth, the masculine smell of him and his hands running gently up and down her spine, comfortable, reassuring, caring.

'Oh... it's just a girl thing,' she said trying to sound convincing. 'The tension of getting everything ready for your birthday party, you turning 18 and becoming a man, and I guess that fact that your father was not here to see it... I just... when you walked into the room it just happened. But I'm ok now,' she said taking a deep breath and rubbing the tears away. But it took a little while longer before she felt him loosen his grip and even then he didn't let go.

She leaned back, her hands on his chest. She quickly tried to wipe away her tears and was stunned as he tilted her head back and placed his lips gently on hers. She was too slow to prevent his tongue pushing its way between her lips and too slow to push him away. Geraldine's words were ringing in her ears as his mouth possessed hers. Then, with her heart pounding she felt him break the kiss. It was all she could do to breath as he said 'I love you mom, you are beautiful. I miss dad too but I will always be here for you.'

She knew that if she tried to speak she would break down crying again so simply stood, nodding her head. Then with a pat on her ass he was gone. And she knew so was her last chance.


The week had been confronting in many ways for all the ladies. They were all consumed about thoughts of incest. Of the twelve ladies ten had found evidence of their sons ejaculating into their underwear while the other two had found photos. They found themselves analysing every move their sons made, afraid it was a prelude to violence and sex. All had concerns.

Ali knew her time was short. Ryan had now determined that tongue kissing was normal behaviour and the kisses became longer, more passionate. His hands roamed over her ass moving from a casual brush to caressing her cheeks.

The Following Monday

When they met the following Monday the ladies were all subdued. Then shocked as Sharon and Geraldine arrived. Sharon was moving slowly and had obvious signs of bruising on her face.

'My god, what happened to you?' asked Ali and they could all see the tears in Sharon's eyes. 'After last week I went home and confronted my son. Not straight away but after a few days Mario seemed to be getting more aggressive. I told him I wasn't going to do any of that crap and he had better change his attitude. And if he didn't like it then too bad, move on. I mean, I'm the mother, the boss of the household aren't I? Well I can tell you I'm not. I could see he was shocked. Then I saw his face change; I saw the anger, I saw the aggression and then I was scared. I'm sure the neighbours must have heard the slap, I staggered but didn't fall. He came after me and gave me a backhander to the other side of my face, you can see the bruising where he hit me. This time I went down. He gave me no respite as he calmly stalked me and when he was ready he sank the boots in. I was terrified. I screamed, tried to get away but my ribs hurt so much and he kept after me. He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me, literally dragged me into my bedroom. He threw me on the bed, took off his leather belt... showed it to me... told me he was going to teach me a lesson about obedience.' Sharon sobbed for a few seconds.

'He pulled my clothes off; all of them, I was stark naked and lay me face down. Then he flogged me... Oh god... how he flogged me. My ass is covered in welts, cuts, bruises.' Sharon put her head in her hands and started sobbing. The other ladies were silent fighting back their own tears. She sniffed. 'This is my son, my baby... and he whipped me like I was nothing. Then he stripped and we got to it. I tell you what, you can learn to deep throat quickly, very quickly. He stuck his cock right down my throat so I had my nose in his pubic hairs. He had me by the hair and simply started fucking my face. I was coughing... spluttering... trying to breathe... I had saliva dribbling out of my mouth... but he just kept a steady rhythm pushing his cock as far as he could down my throat. Yeah... you learn quickly.'

'Then he rolled me over, spread my legs and covered me. I don't know whether it was the saliva on his cock or what but when he pushed his cock into me it went all the way in one smooth, long thrust. And he laughed at me. "You are fucking wet. You are a real bitch. My god you really want it don't you?" he said mocking me as he pounded his cock into my cunt. "Well you are my cunt from now on," he said as he fucked me. I'm ashamed to admit it but if I wasn't wet when he started it didn't take long before I was. He's bigger than Sol, longer and thicker; noticeably so. I could feel the difference. Sol would cum after a few thrusts. Mario just kept pounding away and he knew how to do it. I couldn't help myself. I started to shudder and he laughed again. "Cum bitch, cum for your man coz this is the only cock you are going to have from now on. Cum on my incestuous cock bitch.' 'And I did. In a screaming, writhing mass of hot sexual orgasm.'

'There was no love, it was just about domination and sex. He has cuckolded Sol. When Sol came home we were both naked, Mario was having sex with me. As Sol came through the door Mario was still pumping into me. He slipped his cock out of me and turned to face Sol, his cock hard, wet and erect in front of him. I was terrified, I lay on the bed, my legs spread letting Sol see my dripping pussy where Mario had been.

Mario took his time and I could see Sol was about to burst. 'Well dad, we have made some changes while you were out and you have two choices; accept them or fuck off. Mom is now my slut, you have nothing to do with her again. Touch her and I will beat the shit out of you. You can stay here but virtually as a single man. I move In to this bedroom and sleep with mom and you take the back bedroom. That's the deal, take it or fuck off.'

Mario is bigger and stronger than Sol and he was ready for a fight; Sol wasn't and he simply gave in, just like that. I was embarrassed for him, for me, what a wimp, and so he stayed. Mario was just so casual. He just climbed back onto me, put his cock back in my cunt and started fucking me again as if nothing happened. I think I orgasmed before Sol got to the back of the house. Now Mario sleeps with me and Sol is in the spare room at the back. I don't know how he stands it because Mario taunts him; he is always groping my tits or my ass in front of him. I've lost a lot of respect for Sol.'

'Last night we were all watching TV when Mario wanted me to give him a blow job. Sol could see what was going on and even if he couldn't Mario gave a running description; push your tongue into the slit, suck the head, take it in your throat, suck my balls bitch and don't spill a drop I'm cumming, I'm cumming, oh god yeeesssss. I never gave Sol a blow job and he was too weak to make me do it. When Sol left the room I could see he had a hard on. Dare I say it but I was wet, dripping with arousal. I don't know what is happening to me. I should be horrified but I'm not, I should feel disgusted with myself but I don't, I should feel sorry for Sol but I don't; I feel hot, I feel sexy, I feel like a real woman, I orgasm all the time, I love the feel of his cock stretching me everywhere, I love it when he gropes me and I feel excited when we have sex with Sol looking on, I really try to put on a show. I'm being terrible but I love it. I just wish... I need some love, not to just be treated like a slut.'

'Mario has told me to get in the gym and lose some weight so as soon as the bruising wears off I'm going to join some of the classes like Ali does... if that's alright Ali?'

'Of course it is,' muttered Ali trying to hide the tears in her eyes and she got out of her chair and gave Sharon a warm hug. The other ladies all did the same as the tears flowed. 'I just, well your Mario would have to be the quietest, most polite kid from any of us. I just can't come to grips with his behaviour.'

Then Geraldine took the floor. 'Ladies I tried to explain that your sons are men; strong, energetic, aggressive, hyper sexual beings. Once the blood flows to their penis there's not enough left for them to think rationally. And if you put them in a situation where they have to act on instinct then it's going to be violence and/or sexual. They are sexual predators, not your babies. And once they get in your pants don't think that the thought of putting their bun in your oven hasn't already crossed their mind.'

'So what happened when Mario went to school. In his mind he is already a hero. He is the first of the group to actually fuck his mom, not just talk about it. And to the group he will be treated as a hero: powerful stuff. Now what do you think Mario has been telling his mates, your sons. When he arrived at school he would have been full of sexual energy, his cock hard because he has just had sex before leaving home as he does every day now. He would be pumped. He would brag about what he had done and believe me when I say that he would embellish the violence telling the boys how he whipped Sharon into submission, then deep throated her before fucking her. And, of course, he's going to tell them that she really wanted it, when he stuck his cock in her she was dripping wet with arousal. She loved it, came on his cock. Now Sharon spreads herself whenever he wants, begs him for more.


Earlier that morning Paris had been addressing the boys' group.

'Guys we have a new hero. Mario did the deed, fucked his mom Sharon last night. Had to beat her into submission but she's better for it now. And, if you don't mind, cuckolded his father in the process. Mario, you are a legend, a super stud,' he said putting an arm around him. The other guys shook Mario's hand and clapped him on the back enviously. The problem is it makes the rest of us look like cowards. How long have we been talking about incest? Guys I think the time has come for each of us to stand up and be counted. I think we all now have to do it. As I see it it's all or nothing. This is our bonding session, it will bind us forever. We have talked about it for some time now, it's time for action.'

And he looked each boy in the eye as he said, 'In my opinion you are either in or out. Those who don't do it are out of this group.'

There was some muttering amongst the boys and Sean Markos argued that it should be up to each to decide but Ryan sided with Paris and the opposition died down and the talk started to take a positive theme. They were nervous, excited, sexually heated.

'look, the ladies are at their Monday mother's meeting as we speak. When they find out about Sharon how do you think they will feel?'

'They will be in shock, terrified, shit scared wondering if it could be them,' Ryan chimed in.

'And Mario told Sharon that we were all talking about doing it so their meeting will be an exercise in group terror. Christ they will all be wetting their pants. Ok guys, the time for talk is over. We are going to do this. Each person must agree to the pact.'

Paris put his hand out, Ryan reached in and put his hand over Paris', then one by one each of the boys reached in. They were bound by the pact.

'Ok, I will go next: tonight. I will send each of you a txt message but it will be tonight. Tomorrow I will get my mother to ring each of the other ladies and tell them that I beat her and fucked her. Then she will urge them all to just let you do as you will you bloody motherfuckers,' he said and they all laughed.

So tomorrow night your mothers will all be at their most vulnerable. Never has there been such an easy option, the great thing about it is that after the phone call they know you are coming, they are waiting, primed and ready for some hard cock; your hard cock. She knows you are going to fuck her so, unless the cops are in the house she has already decided to let you put your meat in her cunt boys. It's all yours. Take her tomorrow night and you can take her any time you want.'


Geraldine continued:

'And what do you think your dear boys are thinking about right now? I speak to them in school and I can assure you that they have all been talking about it amongst themselves, and I mean all of them ladies. And now they will treat Mario like a conquering hero. Dare I say, they are not backward when it comes to discussing violence to get what they want, Sharon is proof if you need it. They have an unofficial ranking for who will... as they say, get their end in first. Look girls, they discuss how to get into your pants every day, think about it, every day. And now it's real. They know that Mario has broken Sharon and seen that there are no negative consequences. The pressure now is back on them to be a man. They don't share your moral compass, they have no shame about incest. And you can almost bet that when they break up today Mario has said something like I think I will go home and have a fuck boys. What do you think they will be on their mind when they first see you this afternoon when they get home?'

'Now I suspect you are all sitting here thinking that your loving son wouldn't do anything like that to you but you need to understand that they watch a lot of porn and sex and violence go hand in hand. In fact it is an aphrodisiac; the ultimate male act. For them they see violence as foreplay.'

'Foreplay... foreplay? You think that violence is fucking foreplay?' Angela growled at her angrily as she leaned over the table to glare at Geraldine.

The other girls watched in stunned silence as Geraldine seemingly froze.

"Let me tell you, you fucking psycho bitch, you know jack shit about my son Paris or any of these other sons. He's a good boy, they all are. There is no way Paris would even think about something like that. Christ, anyone would think they are running a sex club. No one is going to fuck me and no one is going to fuck any of the other girls here. We are not putting up with that crap. Take your fucking mumbo jumbo and let us get on with our lives,' she said still invading Geraldine's space. They all stared in a pregnant silence.

Geraldine looked at Angela's face, looked at the fury in her eyes. She knew her nipples were tight with arousal; wondered whether anyone noticed. She almost had an orgasm as she squeezed her legs together, relishing the heat in her sex and the aroused clit; hot and throbbing. Knowledge is power and at that stage Geraldine had all the knowledge and she knew that Angela was going to be on the wrong end of the power equation soon, very soon.


Geraldine was composed in the face of Angela's attack. She looked calmly into Angela's eyes, conscious that the rest of the ladies were watching them; worried on a number of fronts. They had every right to be although they didn't know it at that stage. Her mind went back over the last 12 months since she arrived at Paradise school. She left her last job after coming home to find her boyfriend in bed playing mummies and daddies with one of the mother's group. And when she found out that two other mothers had had been fucking her truly beloved she packed her bags and took the first job on offer. Did she like mother's groups? Perhaps not. Did she like the Paradise mother's group? In truth, she didn't allow herself to get that close.

Yes she had a contract with the school but only part time. Her spare time was spent on academic matters. Currently she was engaged in a thesis on the effect of the one parent family on relationships, love and sex. More recently she was in a developing relationship with the quirky Paradise Chief of Police.

When she arrived at school initially she saw 12 male students on a 1/1 basis. She quickly realised that the mothers of those students were all lifelong friends and had regular Monday morning coffee get togethers at their houses. With a little manipulation she soon got invited to join the group. She was immediately taken by the group. They were all attractive and in the case of Ali and Angela stunning. Due to marriage, divorce or in the case of Ali, accident, they were all wealthy. If she was honest with herself she would have admitted that she was jealous, some people had everything and didn't deserve it. Others worked they butt off for nothing. She had seen it all.

If the women were not having sex the same did not apply to their sons. There were some interesting discussions before Paris Baillif let it slip that the boys ran a MILF (mothers I would like to fuck) survey.

'Ali came first, everyone put her first. She is a goddess, a blond goddess. My mother Angela came second,' he said.

'I'm not surprised, your mom is a very attractive woman, gorgeous figure and she has the most amazing, flaming red hair that people find attractive,' Geraldine responded.

Yeah. If they only knew. She is a bitch, a first class bitch. She has to be in charge of everything, no, in charge is not enough, she has to dominate everything, everyone. I'm sick of it. Her time will come.'

At first it was only the germ of an idea but as germs do, it grew and Geraldine could feel a growing sense of excitement in the pit of her stomach. Could she, with her intellect and knowledge use the power of suggestion to manipulate 12 boys and their high and mighty mothers into the seedy world of incest. For some time she had pondered whether people had something in their makeup that led to incest or whether it could be a taught sin. She knew it was highly unethical and initially she had many moments of guilt. But she found time a subtle ally as she convinced herself that the opportunity was a once off chance too good to miss; fuck the ethics, fuck the mother's group, she wanted to do it; wanted it bad.

'Start with the boys and see where it runs, she thought.' While talking with Paris about the MILF poll she casually asked 'So how do you feel about the other boys talking about having sex with your mother?' she asked quietly.

'Haven't really thought much about it at all. Let's face it, I was talking about fucking their mothers too,' he answered.

'So, it was just adolescent bullshitting in the wind as boys and men are want to do, or was there any substance to it?' she said challenging him.

'Well, if I had the chance to fuck Ali then I can assure you she would feel plenty of substance stretching her pussy babe,' he said laughing into her face. 'Does that answer the question?' he said challenging her.

Geraldine could feel a heat building inside her as he took the bait. 'Oh, oh, well when you put it like that then I guess it's not just idle talk is it?' she queried.

'No. No it's not. In all honesty I would fuck her and any of the other mothers if I had a chance.'

'Your mother is gorgeous, she must have boyfriends. How do you feel when she goes out with them, when she has sex with them?'

And Geraldine was taken by the look of sheer hatred that crossed his face.

'She's a slut. Look, guys are intimidated by her beauty. They fall over themselves to do what she wants. That only serves to breed her contempt for them. She brings them home, I can hear them fucking in her room, she knows I'm at home, she doesn't care, I think it's just another way of her trying to put me in my place. Well, she will get hers one day. I will see to it. The bitch. Yeah.'

Geraldine knew she was on the cusp. Her nipples were tight with arousal.

'Ok I believe you. Sooo, how about your own mother. She is gorgeous, sexy most of the other boys would likely pass the same comment about having sex with her. Have you ever thought about having sex with her? Have any of the other boys thought about having sex with their mothers? Have you ever discussed it?'

The elephant was in the room. And it was as if the lights had just come on.

When she passed the comment she could see by his reaction that Paris was immediately interested. Having planted the seed she subtly fed Paris' interest and it wasn't hard. Then one by one started working on the other boys using Paris as an unsuspecting ally. It took some time. Early on she had to work to nurture the seed, taking care not to push too hard and arouse suspicion about her role. But she had struck a chord with Paris and he was running with the thought, pushing the rest. She was genuinely shocked and thrilled when the seed started to grow and then it grew at Jack and the Beanstalk speed. The boys were now openly discussing the topic amongst themselves and Geraldine casually fed their interest. She had hit fertile ground. 'Or perhaps' she reflected 'other fertile places. Now wouldn't that be something?'

Once she knew the boys were hooked she started to subtly work on the mothers. She found it exhilarating to be at meetings with them confident that within a short period of time that some of them would soon be pressured into an incestuous relationship with their loving sons. "oh yeah, they are going to fuck your precious little brains out ladies so enjoy the ride,' she thought happily.


Slowly as she regained control of her emotions Geraldine smiled at Angela. She knew! Knew the order. Knew that Angela was next. Knew that it would be violent and took some perverse pleasure in that knowledge. More importantly, she knew that it would be tonight. Angela's son had confided in her just hours ago.

'Look I'm pissed off that Mario got in first; lucky bastard. Everyone in our group looks in awe at him now. Should have been me.' Then he gave Geraldine a wicked smile. 'My mom is a snob, an arrogant bitch. She is going down - tonight - and you can interpret that in any way you want. Gonna happen babe and I'm telling you because, as you have told us repeatedly, you are bound by professional confidence.'

'After Mario broke Sharon in he put us all in a position where we have no choice. We have to follow suit. But how to do it? We have all agreed on a plan. Let's just call it an incentive scheme,' he said laughing. 'Mario beat the crap out his mom last night and I have no doubt that that shocked and frightened the girls. I have volunteered to go next. Tonight it is my turn to take my mom. Word will quickly get around that I beat the crap out of her and fucked her. And if they are frightened now how do you think they will be when they hear that I've beaten the crap out of her. The untouchable Angela. They will all know that it is just a matter of time.

'Everyone is now waiting for me. I couldn't back out now even if I wanted to. Once the deed is done I'm going to message the guys and let them know that she's gone down. Then tomorrow I'm going to make her ring each and every one of the girls and give them a sob story.' And he leaned closer to Geraldine, his face merely inches from hers; intimately so. 'Then the guys can get to work. I reckon that once the other mothers know that my mom has been flogged and fucked they will be so shit scared that they will simply roll over and spread their legs so their horny sons can stick their throbbing meat into their cunts. And I can tell you that they are horny; they are like a pack of dogs around a bitch on heat. Nothing is going to stop them. Anyone who wants a fuck can have it. Now I bet that most, if not all of the mothers will be happy little sexual play things for their sons before the week is out. There will not be an incest virgin next time the mothers group meet on Friday. The guys are all going to txt me after they have done their mothers, tell you what babe, ha, I will send you a copy so you can keep score.'

And Geraldine was flushed with excitement as he challenged her for and answer. 'Am I right babe?' he challenged.

Geraldine was taken back by the directness of his challenge. She knew she was blushing, knew he could see her discomfort, the sweat on her face. Her eyes dropped momentarily. 'I ah, look this is highly immoral,' but she wilted as she slowly nodded her head. 'Yes, I think you are right, I ah, think that if you ah, do the job properly, if you are as brutal, as violent as Mario was then when the word gets around then I suspect that the rest of the mothers would be ripe for the taking.'

But he didn't stop. 'Oh I'm going to do the job properly alright and I'm going to enjoy doing it. And how about you babe? If you were one of the mothers how would you respond?'

Geraldine fought to keep the burning arousal from her eyes. 'I...I don't like violence and as your counsellor I advise against this. I can't condone any action that is violence for violence sake,' she said playing her role to perfection.

'That's not the question babe.'

Geraldine took a deep breath then answered softly. 'In the circumstances If it were my son I would give him everything he wanted,' she said looking at the floor, her body flushed with arousal.

'See. You have answered your own question. It's not violence for violence sake. It's violence designed to turn my sexy mother into my hot, sexy slut. She is going to give me anything, anywhere, anytime.'


Geraldine squeezed her clit again, god it felt wonderful. She simply smiled at Angela and her voice was quiet as she answered. 'Ladies, I can only give you my professional opinion. There are many factors involved and each family has been brought up with different experiences and different values. I can only say in general terms what I see and what I hear. You can take that and use it how you wish. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.' Yet she could feel the small tremors starting as she rubbed her legs together. 'Not yet, not yet,' she thought to herself imagining the carnage that was about to take over Angela and the other mothers. This was going to be such a good night.


When Ryan came home he went straight to Ali and took her in his arms. As was his habit now he pulled her to him and kissed her. She opened her mouth to accept his tongue haven given up the struggle some time ago. But today she had to speak with him. Ali struggled to get Ryan's tongue out of her mouth. Her heart was pounding. 'Ryan, we have to talk.' She said breathlessly.

'About what?' he asked. His hands roaming.

She was nervous, he still held her to him and his closeness was intimidating. 'I was talking to Dr Ho today. We discussed boys sexual urges and emotions. She was quite frank covering such things as incest, boys attitudes towards incest and their reactions to being rejected.'

Ali could feel his body tense. She had to get this right and quickly. 'Geraldine covered the fact that a number of boys attempt suicide. Well let me tell you, I'm not waiting around to be a victim and I'm not going to see you kill yourself. If you so much as think about suicide I will fucking kill you,' she said and they both smiled as her choice of words broke the tension. She was conscious that his hands were roaming possessively over her ass as she continued.

'I'm not prepared to be a victim. I told you last week that I was proud that you had grown to be a man and I am. Well, that's outside for the world to see. Now, I'm giving you the chance to be man of the house. If we are going to have a sexual relationship then it's going to be a loving relationship, not based on violence. When I go to bed tonight it's your choice as to whether you join me. If you do, that comes with all the privileges inside and you can work that out for yourself, but also comes with some heavy responsibilities. You absolutely look after me and my reputation. Do you understand what I'm saying?'

Ryan didn't hesitate. He bent over and scooped her up in his arms. 'Yeah, but fuck waiting until tonight. I'm going to consummate that now. As they entered her bedroom he sat her on the bed. And she knew instantly that she had lost control.

'Let me undress you,' she said reaching for the buttons of his shirt fighting to get back on an even footing with him. She ran her hands nervously over the ridges of his chest then peeled the shirt off him. Moments later his shorts hit the floor and then he was naked his massive cock bouncing up and down before her eyes. 'Oh god that's big,' she gasped as she went on her knees in front of him.

Geraldine's words came to her as she smoothed the pre cum over the head of his cock. So ladies get used to the fact that cock is king! You might have to kneel and kiss the king. 'And here I am on my knees kissing the king she thought.

Taking his throbbing cock in her hands she slowly slipped the head into her mouth. He leaned his head back and groaned as she took the length of his cock before gently bobbing her head up and down. He took a handful of her hair, gradually pushing harder and longer. She knew she was losing control as she felt the head of his cock pushing into her throat. A wave of panic overcame her as she started to gag. He pulled back, gave her a moment to recover then gently started to push again, and again, and again. She was struggling to breathe, on the verge of vomiting when suddenly her throat relaxed and with her mouth wide open his cock slipped deep into her throat. She was impaled, couldn't move until he slowly withdrew as she sucked in air. She knew she had to do this, had to learn to make it good for him. As he slowly worked his cock into her throat again she took his balls in her hand and slowly massaged them. It was with relief that she heard his roar as he came, his sperm spurting down her throat to her belly. He withdrew and she coughed and spittle dribbled down her chin as he kissed her.

'You will get used to it,' he said.

As he shot his sperm down him mother's throat she could literally feel the aggression drain out of him. As he lifted her up to kiss her he was soft, gentle, loving; all the things she hoped for.

Standing in front of him he took his turn to slowly strip her until they both stood naked. Gently he coaxed her onto her back on the bed. He started at her feet tweaking and pulling her toes, massaging her feet, her calves and thighs taking plenty of time to make sure she was relaxed. Then he rolled her over and massaged her butt and back, trailing his fingers enticingly up and down her spine. Small moans of pleasure escaped her lips as he stroked her body.

When she rolled on her back she was ready for him. But he wasn't. He nibbled on her ear lobes, then kissed his was down her neck. 'Oh god take me,' she muttered as he fastened his teeth on an aroused nipple while he fondled her other breast. Then he kissed down further.

Her legs were spread for him, her pussy open and wet with arousal. He breathed in her heady aroma as he slowly licked the length of her slit; again and again. She was in a different world where only pleasure exists as is tongue parted her lips and sought out her throbbing little bud. Acting on instinct she reached down and took his head in her hands pushing her pussy into his face. As he thrust his tongue deep into her she felt the first wave of pleasure explode inside her and she lost all control. Was it a second? Was it a minute? Was it an hour? She had no idea as wave after wave of pleasure surged through her body.

It was all she could do to hold him in her arms as he mounted her. 'Ryan, I'm not on the pill,' she whispered as he fumbled to position his cock at the entrance to her cunt. For a few seconds he stopped. As quickly as he stopped he started pushing again. There was a moment as her cunt stretched to accommodate his girth and again his size as he worked his cock into her and started a long, steady rhythmic thrusting which some minutes later had her gasping with arousal as she begged him for release.

He stopped for a moment and she could feel his cock throbbing inside her. Then he started thrusting again. In moments she could feel his arousal as he thrust deep into her. The bed was bouncing and he was making grunting noises as he approached his climax. She felt him slow down, his thrusts deep as he savoured the intense feeling as his glans burned with arousal. Then he gave a couple of quick, deep thrusts as he lost control and came inside her.

'Oh god... Ryan... Ryan, you've cum inside me, I'm fertile, I can get pregnant, oh my god,' she cried as a woman's inherent fear settled on her.

'You said we were going to have a relationship based on love. Well, I've just made a statement, it's now up to you what happens. You can go to the chemist today and get a morning after pill,' and he chuckled as he looked her in the eye, 'although if you do I would suggest you might need quite a few. You can then go on the pill and I will let you make that decision. Or, you can let nature take its course, although I do suggest that your womb will have a constant supply of little sperm swimming around looking for a fertile egg.'

'Oh god, Ryan, how can you... you can't put me in that position... I mean people would notice... shit... if I got pregnant they sure as hell would notice. How would I explain? What a thought, Jesus how nice would it be to carry your child, to nurse our child, to have him or her suckling on my breasts, what a thought.'

'Your choice babe. I'll be right here when you need me.'

'The sex, It's never been like that,' she sighed as he lay on top of her, their sweat making their bodies slick. 'You are just bigger; I mean noticeably thicker and longer. I've cum before but nothing like that.'

'You will get used to it,' he said again and they both laughed.

'Oh I don't think I could ever get used to it, it's just too good baby,' she said as she pulled him to her and thrust her tongue into his mouth in a long passionate kiss. 'Much too good.'


'Well Geraldine, things didn't go as planned, they went better. I came home and mom was in bed reading as is pretty much always the case on training night. I dropped my gear and went straight into her room. She looked at me questioningly as I went around her bed then you should have seen her eyes open when I pulled out some handcuffs. It was beautiful. She started screaming and swearing and trying to get out of bed but I jumped her.'

'She was a screaming banshee so I slapped her a couple of times to quieten her. She stopped for a moment which gave me time to cuff and quickly fasten one wrist to the bed. Her other hand presented no problems, I put a cuff on her wrist and spread her arms chaining them to the bed posts. She was cursing and swearing so I shoved a ball gag in her mouth to shut her up. She looked so sexy, her arms spread wide and her mouth gagged. I leaned over her and literally ripped her nighty apart. Her tits jiggled a bit and were open for me, just me so I gave them a bit of a rough grope. She goes to bed commando so she was naked in front of me. Mario flogged his mom's ass, I went for her feet, they are more sensitive. I spread her legs, tying her ankles to the bed posts then applied a few practice slashes across the soles of her feet. God she was bopping and then it all changed.'

'She went right off. And by that I mean sexually. Harder, harder she mumbled so I took the gag off. She was drooling, her cunt dripping. More, more she muttered and the more I whipped her the more she loved it.'

'Talk about BDSM, who would have thought my fucking mother? When we got around to sex she was almost raping me. She was fucking wild. I was riding her but she was fucking bucking against me all the way.

'Fuck me, harder, oh yeah ride me baby, make me your whore.' She said she always needed a man who had the balls to dominate her. Now she worships the ground I walk on. She can't get enough and she loves the rough trade. We've got cuffs, spreaders, whips, gags you name it. I think you will find a happier, more docile and friendly slut in future,' he said laughing. 'And after she sobbed her way through telling all the other ladies how I whipped her mercilessly... I sent you the confirmation texts so you know that all of the mothers got fucked. I think we can agree that there's a lot of incestuous sex going on in Paradise at the moment.'

Paris laughed. 'Looks like you are the only one missing out babe.'


'Hi Jesse. I'm horny, really horny.'

'Hmm, is that good?'

'Well it could be good for you. How about I pick you up at 6, we have a quiet dinner then finish off with a night of hot sex?'

'Kinda like share the love you mean?'

'Share the love has a nice sound.'

'But what if there's crime in Paradise?'

'Trust me, I have it on good authority that there will be no crime in Paradise tonight.'

'Like a night when everyone is sharing the love?'

'Yeah, I think that's it exactly. I think there will be a lot of sharing the love tonight.'


Her phone whistled, a text message from Paris. She smiled as she saw the confirmation from Ryan, Ali was down. Then again for Angela. And as her mobile started whistling to alert her that the fucking had started she started to hum, 'Another one bites the dust, and another one's down, and another one's down, another one fucks her son. Ohhh yeeaahh, open up your legs and share the love ladies,' she hummed happily to herself.