Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 536 - Family of Incest

Chapter 536 - Family of Incest

Our story starts with Rachel; a young red headed girl at the age of 22, lying on her bed masturbating to a fantasy of her twin brother but Rachel was tired of having to do this to get herself off she wanted the real thing. Rachel lay their slowly working her pussy whilst she came up with a plan.

That night when it was around the time her twin brother Luke usually came in to go too bed, Rachel went into their bathroom but purposely left the bathroom door open whilst she went in the shower.

Luke a young man at the age of 22 with red hair, came in five minutes later. He headed for the bathroom to do what everyone does before they go to bed, brush their teeth, wash their face, have a pee etc... He got to the door and started to open it more than it already was but then his brain registered the noise of the shower. Luke peeked in and saw his twin sister in all her naked glory! Well maybe not completely due to the steam fogging up the glass slightly but this was the most of it he had ever seen!

Rachel saw movement at the door out of the corner of her eye. Not wanting Luke to catch on she knew he was there she pretended to not register this and continued to stand their with the water cascading down her naked form. After thirty seconds and Luke was still standing there Rachel knew he was interested in her and her pussy began to drip with excitement. Rachel then decides to put on a show for her twin brother to make him want her all the more. Rachel picked up the soap and lathered it in her hands, once she was satisfied she had enough soap on her hands, she started to rub her hands all over her body making sure to show her assets off to her brothers eyes.

Luke watched all this and couldn't take it any longer. He pulled his dick from out of his shorts and boxers and started to jack off right there in the doorway whilst watching his twin sister having a shower. Luke couldn't believe his luck when Rachel started to 'wash' her B cup sized breasts which he thought were perfect(though Rachel was actually squeezing and twisting her nipples for her 'audience'). But Luke's luck just grew as Rachel turned to face away from him and he saw those perfect globes of hers, oh how he'd love to sink his cock right in between them

Rachel then decided to give her brother one last little show. She lathered her hands with soap one more time and then started to 'wash' her pussy. Rachel began by just stroking her outer lips then as her excitement grew she moved onto rubbing her clit.

Luke couldn't believe his eyes. Here was the object of many of his dreams masturbating right in front of him completely unaware that he was there also masturbating. When Rachel started to fuck herself with her fingers this was to much for Luke and he came all over the door and tiled floor. Luke quickly backed out of the doorway afraid Rachel might of heard him moan out loud when he came and be mad at him for spying on her. He flopped on their bed and relived the images of Rachel.

Rachel saw her twin brother cum and at the site of his dick spewing out all that cum she can't wait to taste. She came herself moaning all the time as her juices poured out of her and joined the water from the shower. Rachel was all smiles after she had the biggest orgasm of her life.

Luke quickly had a new hard on and thought he'd have enough time before Rachel came out, completely forgetting that it wouldn't really matter as he had left his cum all over the door and floor. He pulled his shorts and boxers down to his knees and began to stroke his cock to images of Rachel in the shower.

Rachel decided to get out of the shower and see what her brother was doing. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it round her head, grabbed another one and wrapped it round her body. Rachel then went to the door and saw all her brothers cum, resisting the urge to eat it Rachel went into their bedroom and stopped dead in her tracks. There in front of her on their bed was her twin brother with his shorts and boxers around his knees whilst he pumped his 7" cock with his hand. She then noticed his eyes were closed. Rachel turned around and went back to the bathroom door and began to scoop up her brothers cum and stuff it into her mouth, around the fifth scoop Rachel heard her brother moan

"mmm... that's it Rachel ride your brothers cock, god I've wanted to be inside you for ages!"

Rachel almost squealed with joy and had to restrain from pouncing on her brother. She wanted him to initiate it not her. She continued to clean his cum up savouring every drop of it. She then got up and went back into the bedroom and watched her twin brother jack himself off.

"Oooh I love you Rachel! Urrrrghhhhhh"

Rachel watched her twin brother cum. Rachel decided to give him a big shock when he opened his eyes, she quickly took the two towels off and threw them into the bathroom, and stood in their bedroom naked waiting for her brother to open his eyes and see her.

Luke was in bliss, that was the best wanking session he had ever had. He opened his eyes and almost screamed from surprise because what he saw was the object of his masturbation session stood there right in front of him naked, smiling at him.

"I love you too Luke!" Rachel said merrily to her brother as this was what they did everyday.

"Oh my god!" Luke cried, trying to pull his boxers up as fast as he could in his haste to cover himself. His brain not processing that there was no point Rachel had already seen his cock tonight and the more frantic he was with getting his pants up the longer it took. "I... I.... I... I'm....sorry Rachel!"


"You must hate me!"


"Oh god I am the worst twin brother ever, I'll just go sleep on the sofa in the living room"


"How could I be so careless! My twin sister thinks I'm a pervert and now hates me!"

"LUKE!" bellowed Rachel, snapping Luke out of his reverie. "I do not hate you! I love you! You are the best twin brother in the world! And you will stay right here and sleep in this room and in this bed with me! And actually... I'm glad you were careless, encase you haven't noticed I am standing on purpose completely naked in front of you..."

"Uhhh... I did notice you were naked but it didn't register to me as to why... god damn woman you look gorgeous." said Luke. "Oh god! What did I just say!? I'm so sorry Rachel!"

"Luke its okay... You've no idea how pleased I am that you find me attractive" soothed Rachel. "Now if you don't mind lets get some sleep and we'll talk about this tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah sure Rach, I love you" said Luke.

"I love you too"

Rachel then crawled into the bed, and got under the covers and laid down next to her brother naked. Rachel soon fell asleep with a big smile on her face because she knew tomorrow she would have her brothers cock in her. Well she knew she could have it in her right now but didn't dare rush things to fast, as the saying goes `slow and steady wins the race'.

Luke on the other hand took a bit longer to finally drift off because he just kept saying over and over again; Rachel is lying naked next to me.

The following morning Luke woke up first to find himself holding hands with Rachel, then everything from last night came rushing back to him, to check if it was real or a dream, Luke lifted the covers up slightly so he could see underneath to be presented with a lovely view of his sisters bare tits. Dropping the cover Luke decided to get out of the room and think about his next move. As Luke walked down to the kitchen where the rest of the family would already be he was thinking about the situation; Rachel doesn't hate me, Rachel stood in front of me naked as I jacked off thinking about her, she slept completely naked next to me, she's naked under those covers right now! Rachel loves me, she said I was the best twin brother ever, she was pleased I found her attractive... what does this all mean? Does she feel about me like I do about her? With that last thought he got excited and very hopeful, then he was snapped out of his thoughts by his little sister Hannah giving him her usual morning brotherly hug.

"Morning sleepy head"

Luke proceeded on to making him and Rachel a nice ham, chicken, salad and salad cream sandwich.

Rachel woke up to find that Luke had already left, she began to panic thinking he was upset and angry at himself for everything that happened last night. She knew that today was the day to finally do what they both want so badly, so she got up and dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning all" said Rachel cheerily to her family as she entered the kitchen. She scanned the room quickly for Luke and saw him making sandwiches. She walked over and came up behind him and gave him a bear tight hug, smashing her tits into his back.

"Good morning handsome" whispered Rachel, as she said this she dropped her hands to his groin and squeezed his cock through his clothing making Luke jump. "Ooooh is this sandwich for me? Oh you do look after me don't you?" Giving him a peck on the cheek and another squeeze she joined the rest of their family at the table.

Luke for several seconds stopped making his own sandwich she groped my groin, Rachel squeezed my cock! She does want me! With a big grin on his face he quickly finished making his sandwich and took his place at the table and joined in the idle chatter.

"So Luke and Rachel what are you two going to do today?" Asked Ellen their mother; a beautiful blonde woman at the age of 40 with a very nice body from living in the Pennine Mountains.

If Rachel wants it like I think she does, I'll be fucking her mum "Nothing really, probably just stay in my bedroom" Luke glanced at Rachel "and play some games" said Luke in a casual voice.

"I think I'll join Luke mum" Join him and ride that gorgeous cock of his

"Hmmm okay dears, just don't kill each other whilst me, Lucy, David and your father are at Ikea" joked Ellen."Are you sure you don't want to come, we might go see Hancock at the cinema there" asked Ellen

Hancock or my sisters pussy, hard choice mum hard choice "No thanks mum"

"Pffft okay, Rachel?"

Sorry mum I'd rather be bouncing up and down on Luke "I'm going to hang out with my twin brother, thanks though mum"

"Fine! And Ryan, Greg and Hannah your going down to the stream right?"

"That's correct mum"

"Well have fun and play nice!" And hurry up and fuck each other already"Well lets get going then, see you five later"

"Bye" they all chorused. As Lucy, David, Ellen and Peter left the house.

"Well me Ryan and Hannah are going down to the stream see you two love birds later" joked Greg. So Greg, Hannah and Ryan left the house too leaving Luke and Rachel alone.

"Looks like its just you and me big boy" stated Rachel.

"Indeed it does, oh whatever could two twins get up too together?" mocked Luke

"Well I can think of a few things, but we'd have to be in our bedroom" Rachel said with a wink

Both twins immediately locked eyes after that with Rachel biting her lower lip as they tried to gauge what the other was thinking. Luke was sure his sister had meant by a few things as sexual things but wasn't sure. Rachel was afraid she might of pushed it too fast and was trying to guess what Luke was thinking/feeling.

Luke finally thought fuck it, in for a penny in for a pound he stood up, came round the table to his sister and bent down and put his lips to hers. He then waited for a reaction.

Rachel was a bit surprised how fast he came round the table and how he suddenly put his lips to hers. Finally she realised he was waiting for her to either pull away or kiss him. She wrapped her arms round her brothers neck and pulled him into her, pushing her tongue into his mouth.

Luke almost jumped with joy when Rachel pushed her tongue into his mouth, he was finally kissing his beautiful sister. He held her head as they kissed and kissed and kissed for what seemed an eternity. Finally pulling away for air, they put their foreheads together and panted as they regained air.

Rachel looked up to her brother and said; "I love you"

Luke just grabbed her head and kissed her again. He begun to stroke her arms softly in a loving manner, his hands then dropped to her waist and started to rub her there causing her t-shirt to ride up and bunch up under her tits, leaving her abdomen bare. Luke rubbed her bare tummy, he then decided too see how far Rachel was willing to go, raising his hands up her stomach stroking away, he got to the bottom of her tits. But then Rachel pulled her mouth from his. She smiled at him and stood up. Shit, I've blown it thought Luke. Rachel then put her hand underneath her t-shirt, gripped it then pulled it up and over her head, throwing it onto the kitchen floor. Rachel stood there naked from the waist up, her tits in plane view, in front of her twin brother. She then took her brothers hands and placed them on her breasts.

"There all yours too play with" said Rachel

"You have perfect tits Rach" stated Luke as he began to squeeze her B cup breasts.

They just stood there twin brother and sister, with the brother feeling his sisters breasts for a couple of minutes.

Luke began to kiss her neck as he continued to fondle Rachel's tits, he breathed out; "Lets go to our bedroom Rach, I want to see all of you, especially that god damn ass of yours"

Rachel giggled; "You like my ass brother? Your a naughty brother! Feeling your sisters tits and now saying you want to see her fully naked! Naughty naughty naughty! But how could I decline? Just one thing...." She pulled down his fly, stuck her hand into his shorts and boxers, and grabbed his erect cock and pulled it free. "Lets go!" and with that she turned to the door and 'pulled' her brother by his cock to their room, though really Luke came more than willingly.

Rachel marched in, let go of Luke, and flopped backwards onto the bed. Luke shut the door behind them and just stood there staring at his beautiful half naked sister.

"Are you going to fuck me Luke? Are you going to fuck your twin sister? Are you going to stick that lovely cock of yours inside me?" said Rachel in a seductive voice whilst rubbing her dripping pussy through her panties underneath her skirt.

"Oh I'm going too all right, then I'm going to do it again and again and again, everyday to compensate for having to imagine this for the last 6 or 7 years, oh yes sis I'm going to fuck you non-stop"

"Mmmmm just what I've always wanted Luke, your cock in me, god I am so wet for you..." said Rachel "How do you want me? Like this?" She laid back on the bed and spread her legs wide; "Or do you want me like this?" She rolled onto all fours, so she was in doggy style "Or would you like me on top like I was in your fantasy last night, you want your sister on top bouncing up and down on you whilst you feel my tits Luke?"

"Hard to decide, so very hard to decide, I want you doggy so I can see your ass, but I think I'm going to go with you on top, it feels more... more... fitting to the situation, 'cause as you said its what got us into this last night"

Rachel squeeled and jumped off the bed, she quickly kissed Luke, then grabbed his shirt and pulled it off, then she grabbed his shorts and boxers and pulled them down. Luke stepped out and stood there naked in front of his twin sister.

"God your so sexy Luke!" said Rachel admiring her brothers body. Running her hands all over him, groping his cock. She then felt her panties being pulled down from under her skirt, they then dropped to the floor and she stepped out of them. She grabbed her skirt and quickly pulled that to the floor and kicked it off. She stood there completely naked in front of her twin brother again, except he was completely naked too.

"Your body is more perfect than I imagined" said Luke, grabbing Rachel's ass and pulling her to him and planting his mouth on hers. The twins stood in the middle of their bedroom completely naked kissing. Rachel finally broke it off.

"Get on the bed Luke, I need you in me now, oh I've wanted your cock inside me for soooooooo many years"

Luke quickly scrambled onto the bed and lay on his back, with his cock sticking straight in the air, and watched his sister walk to the bed, crawl up it and over him. Rachel sat up hovering her pussy over her brothers dick, grabbing his cock she mouthed 'I love you' to him then lowered herself onto him. Slowly Rachel sank onto her brothers cock until she felt him reach her hymen.

"Ready to take your sisters virginity?"

"I wouldn't want to do anything else in the world"

Rachel raised herself up again, then impaled herself on her brothers cock, letting out a gasp as the pain shot through her. She just sat there waiting for the pain to ebb away.

"Come here sexy" said Luke, pulling his sister down for a kiss; "you okay?" he asked

Rachel just sat back up and started to slowly rise herself up and down on Luke. The pain was slowly being replaced with pleasure and her speed began to grow. Up. Down. "Urghhh" Up. Down "oh god yes" Up. Down. "yyyyeesssss oooohhh". Luke watched Rachel's tits start to sway all over the place as they picked up their tempo, they mesmerized him, Luke then grabbed them and started to feel them, and pinch and twist her nipples.

"You like your sister tits don't you? You want to feel them, pinch them, grope them, suck them, lick them don't you?"

Luke just responded by pulling her down and raising himself up slightly so he could suck and lick her tits.

"Yeessss, oh Luke your such a naughty brother! Suck my tits! Oh god I love your cock, I am going to fuck my naughty brother oh so much! Ooooooh!"

Luke groaned at her dirty talk and continued to suck on her tits. Then an idea came to him, she was being such a naughty sister and naughty girls needed to be punished.

"Well your a naughty sister! Talking dirty like that too excite your poor brother even more. I think naughty girls need to be punished" said Luke bringing a slap on her ass. "Naughty naughty sister!" as he slapped her ass again and again.


Luke pulled her down and kissed her as Rachel rode through her orgasm, then Rachel fell limp on him. Luke still needing release, flipped them over so now he was on top and they were in missionary position. He began to hammer away at her, going faster and faster, harder and harder. Rachel wrapped her arms around him and spread her legs as wide as she could moaning his name. Finally Luke couldn't last any longer,

"Where do you want me to cum Rach?"

Rachel wrapped her legs around his ass and held him into her; "CUM IN ME! FILL YOUR SISTER WITH YOUR CUM, CUM IN ME LUKE OOOOH CUM IN ME!!!"

Luke then released volley after volley of cum into his twin sister and then collapsed on the bed next to her.

After they both got their breath back and their hearts slowed down, Rachel said; "So was your naughty sister worth the wait?"

"Well looking at my cock, I think so, looks like he's ready to go again, are you?"

"So he is, but I need food first but I think I can do something about your problem"

Rachel crawled to the bottom of the bed, and grabbed Luke's cock.

"I'm going to suck you Luke, your dirty sisters going to put your prick in her mouth and suck it like a lollipop until I retrieve the sticky juice from inside"

"Oooooh keep talking like that and I'll cum before you even get your mouth around the head"

Giggling Rachel wrapped her lips round the head of his cock. She lowered her head half way down his cock then pulled back up then down again, Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Each time she got more and more used to his cock in her throat allowing more to go in.

Ooooooh Rachel, your the best sister ever!! OOOOHHH FUCK SUCK ME! I'M GOING TO CUM!"

Rachel smiled the best she could with all Luke's cock in her mouth, she came back up and lapped her tongue round his head, then plunged her mouth back down and continuously repeated. 

"You better pull off now Rach if you don't want a mouthful of cum, 'cause I'm about to cum!!"

Rachel just continued to suck her brothers cock.

"You want to taste your bothers cum? Hmmm? You want a mouthful of your brothers sticky gooey cum?"

A few seconds later Luke let go, Rachel pulled her mouth to the top of his cock and sucked it like an ice lolly, then her mouth began to flood with her brothers cum, she loved the taste, she couldn't get enough of it.

"Mmmm, your cum tastes soooo good, I think I'll become addicted to it Luke." said Rachel after swallowing all her brother's cum.

"Well there's plenty more where it came from sis, you ever need a mouthful of cum again just ask, I'm happy to oblige to fill my sisters mouth"

"Mmmm... but right now I am starving, I'm going downstairs to cook us some lunch, you coming?"

"I will do in a minute sis, I'm going to relax for 10 minutes"

"Okay see you soon Luke" said Rachel, she kissed him then went downstairs. 

Luke laid back on the bed with a big grin on his face I've finally fucked my twin sister, I've finally fucked Rachel, that was better than I imagined, god she is so beautiful. He lay for ten minutes re-playing everything that's happened in his mind. Then he finally went downstairs to see what Rachel was cooking.

Luke was immediately erect when he walked in, there was Rachel completely naked cooking what looked like pasta at the hob. Luke thought his sister looked so sexy cooking naked. He silently walked up behind her, and grabbed her tits from behind and pulled her back into him, kissing her on the neck. 

"Mmmm something smells good, I can't decide whether its you or the food" joked Luke

Rachel slapped his arm and said; "You better think its me, or no pasta or sex for you!"

"You won't be able to resist my cock" Luke replied, whilst rubbing his cock in between the crack of her ass.

"Mmmm perhaps not, but I can restrain from giving you pasta"

"Well I'll just have to eat something else then won't I" said Luke whilst rubbing his sisters pussy.

Giggling Rachel replied; "Indeed you could, but now, sit. Let me finish this. Then we can play some more."

"Yes miss, just give us a kiss and I'll behave." said Luke whilst still groping his sisters tits.

Rachel turned round and gave her brother a quick kiss then pulled his hands off her tits and went back to cooking the pasta. Luke gave her ass a slap then sat down at the table and watched with a smile on his face, his naked sister cooking. 

"You've no idea how sexy it is to watch you cook naked" said Luke

Eventually the pasta was ready and Rachel served it. She went to sit down on the seat next to her brother.

"Uh uh uh! Your seat is here missy!" said Luke pointing at his lap, or erect cock. 

"Oh my mistake, I'm sorry" said Rachel as she sat sideways on his lap and his cock was enveloped by her pussy. "There we go, all better?"

"Mmmm much, now lets eat" said Luke, as he grabbed his fork and stabbed the first bits of pasta. As they eat their pasta, Rachel started to rise up and down slowly on her brothers cock, soon her tempo got so high they both forgot about their pasta as they lost themselves in the pleasure of their union. Rachel was soon bouncing up and down as hard and fast as she could.

"Urgghhh, that's it sis, ride your brothers cock, you love your brothers cock don't you? Ooooohhh I am going to fuck you soooo hard Rach" 

Luke then grabbed his sister, pulled her off him, bent her over the kitchen table and rammed his cock back inside her, banging her into the table.

"Yeesss Luke, fuck your sister, urrrghhhh your fucking your sister where our family eats! Ooooh god Luke fuck me, fuck me, oooooh fuck mmeeeee"

Luke continued to hammer his sister into the table staring at her ass, the part of her he found the best. He began to squeeze her ass cheeks.

"Your best feature is your ass, its perfect, god I can't stop looking and touching it" said Luke

"You like your sisters ass? Urrghhh... Are you going to stick your.... OOOOOHHH..... cock inside it Luke? Are you going to fuck my ass? YEESSS OOOOH FUCK I'M CUMMING" Rachel said moaning here and there as she tried to speak.

"Yeeesss, ooooh.... I am going to fuck your ass Rach, ooooh I'm going to cuuummm toooo" moaned Luke.

Rachel spun around and said "Cum all over me Luke, cum all over your sister!" as she squeezed her tits. 

Luke pulled out and came all over his sisters face and tits, Rachel just lay there feeling her brother cum cover her. When he finally finished Luke collapsed into his chair and watched as Rachel scooped his cum up with her index fingers and sucked the cum off and into her mouth then swallowing. As Rachel finished clearing up, Luke went to clear away their plates, he then grabbed the cloth to go wash the table but stopped I think I'll let our cum dry on the table, god that'll be so hot when we have dinner, only me and Rachel will know

"I'm going to go see what's on Sky, come when your done" said Luke as he walked out of the kitchen to the living room. He laid down naked on the sofa as he flicked through his favourite channels, Sky One, Sky Two, Sky Three, FX, Dave, Paramount Comedy and E4, finding nothing of interest on any of them at lunchtime he went to the movie channels and saw the American Romance Comedy, Knocked Up was on, so he flicked down to Sky Movies Comedy and pressed Select on the remote. 

Rachel then walked in and lay down with him, grabbing his cock to play with.

"What we watching?" asked Rachel

"Knocked Up, but now your here I'm watching you" replied Luke

Rachel giggled and kissed him, then began to watch the film and she started to wank his cock as it came back to life. 

"You just can't leave my cock alone can you?" laughed Luke

"Not after 5 years of wanting it, nope, me and him need to catch up on lost time" replied Rachel as she got off the couch "I'm just going to get the cover, encase anyone comes home". 

Rachel went and got the cover, came and laid back down and pulled the cover over their naked bodies. She grabbed her brother's dick again and resumed playing with it, after about 10 minutes into the film Luke pushed his cock into his sister's pussy.

"This is perfect" Rachel said dreamily.

Luke put both his hands on her tits and caressed them; "Now it is perfect" said Luke

They resumed watching the film, slowly fucking on their sides on the family sofa and Luke was squeezing his sisters tits. Then they heard the front door opening.

"Hello! Were back from Ikea" they heard their father yell. 

I wonder what it would be like to have daddy fuck me wondered Rachel; "Were in the living room daddy" Rachel yelled back. 

They then heard the living room door open as their father came in, the first thing he noticed was his kids lying on their sides, with Luke cuddling his twin sister under the covers. He smiled at how close they were if only they'd finally start fucking each other he thought. Then he noticed the sound of the couch creaking slightly and they were moving in a slow rhythm together wait.... they are fucking, oh god I have to tell Ellen, she'll be delighted. But first he needed to act natural. 

"What are you two watching then?" asked Peter; a man 40 years old, black hair and fairly muscular from various chores out here in the countryside. 

"Just some.... mmmAmerican... comedy dad, uuuuhhh" replied Luke, trying to not moan as his sister fucked him right there in front of their dad. 

"Well I'll leave you two alone, I'll let Lucy and David know your watching a film, they might come and join you"

"Okay.... dad..." 

Their dad left the room shutting the door behind him.

"Do you think he noticed what we were doing?" Rachel asked Luke

"I don't think so, if he did he didn't show any sign of revulsion."


"Why? you wanting daddies dick too now?" asked Luke teasingly

"Mehbeh...." laughed Rachel.

Peter entered the kitchen where Ellen, Lucy and David were chatting away.

"Ellen could I have a word with you? And Lucy, David, Rachel and Luke are in the living room watching a film if you want to join them" join them in their fucking.

Lucy and David knew they were being kicked out of the room so grabbed their crisps, cheese dunker's, chocolate bars and can of Fruit Twist Tango and went into the living room. 

As soon as Ellen heard the living room door closed she turned to Peter and asked; "What is it dear?"

"Your going to be so delighted when you hear this!"

"Ooooh what is it?" squealed Ellen

"Guess" said Peter

"Hmmm....ummm... ohh I don't know... uhh is it something to do with the twins?

"Uh huh" nodded Peter.

"Ummm... uhh... oooohh...wait....are they fucking? Are Luke and Rachel finally fucking?"

"Mmmmhmm, right now, on the couch whilst watching the film."

"Oh my god Peter!! Yaaayy!! Its about time!!" Ellen said jumping up and down

"I know, are you as happy and excited as I am?" laughed Peter

"I am thrilled!!! Ooooh Peter this is our opening!!" squealed Ellen; "Ooooh I want to go watch them, lets go join them watching the film!" smiled Ellen.

"Okay, just for a bit honey, we do have to do the dinner, if we play our cards right, we'll be fucking them ourselves anyway"

"Oooooh I hope so Peter, I've waited long enough for something like this to happen!"

"I know honey, me too, me too" said Peter, as he grabbed Ellen around the waist and pulled her in for a quick kiss. Then they went into the living room. 

As soon as they entered, they saw Luke and Rachel were still moving slowly in a steady rhythm, they glanced at Lucy and David and saw their eyes were hooked on the TV, obviously they hadn't noticed what their siblings were doing. Peter and Ellen walked over to the lounge chair, Peter sat in it first then Ellen sat on his lap. Peter then pulled the lever at the side of the chair so the footrest came up and they could push the chair back. So the parents lounged back in the chair, as they watched their twins have sex right in front of them unaware their parents were watching them. 

"Look at how happy they are" whispered Ellen to Peter

"I so wish I was...." Peter started to say, but was cut off when his other three children came back from the stream, walked in naked, he didn't stop because this wasn't normal, in fact it was perfectly normal for any of them to walk around the house naked, Peter and Ellen encouraged it by doing it themselves, but not all the time so their kids didn't think it was natural and could do it anywhere, just enough so that they were all really close. No what stopped Peter was the sight of his 18 year old daughters fully glorious tanned naked body with her damp brunette hair cascading down her back and over her shoulders. Hannah has such a perfect body now, she's been coming along fine these past few years. 

Ellen wondering why Peter broke off in mid-sentence looked up and her pussy immediately gushed as she saw her sons; Ryan and Greg's cocks.

"Have fun at the stream you three?" asked Ellen, giving a reason to be able to stare at her sons naked bodies. 

"Loads mum, but I'm tired out now" replied Ryan.

Tired out cause you were fucking your sister I hope thought Peter

"Have you started cooking yet mum?" asked Hannah

"No me and your father were going to start it now, sorry are you hungry?" replied Ellen

"A little, I'll come help you both" said Hannah as she lead the way to the kitchen, not knowing her father was staring at her ass all the way. 

Ellen, Peter and a naked Hannah then began to cook all nine of them chicken kiev's, peas, carrots and a lovely Yorkshire pudding for each of them. With Peter having trouble taking his eyes off his daughters body.

Ryan and Greg on the other had couldn't decide where to sit down. Greg in the end decided to sit down where their parents had been sitting, leaving Ryan standing alone naked in front of his siblings. 

"Ummm excuse me, Luke and Rachel may I sit down please?" asked Ryan.

Rachel replied "Sure little brother" as she stood up and the covers fell off her naked form.

Ryan then sat down at the opposite end to Luke, and Rachel sat naked in between her naked brothers and put her head on Luke's shoulder.. Lucy and David just glanced slightly at them, but then turned back to the TV, this was normal in their house.

Rachel whispered in Luke's ear "We'll finish this later"

Luke whispered back; "I'll finish this in your ass"

"Mmmm sounds good too me"

All six siblings sat back and watched the film, with four of them being naked. 

Twenty minutes later a naked Hannah came in and said "Dinners ready you lot"

Another five minutes later all the family were sat at the table with five out of nine of them naked. They all began to eat and chatter away.

"God its hot in here, I think I'll take my top off" said Ellen as she pulled her top off, making her breasts jiggle around, she flung it to the floor, not caring where it landed as the family often found discarded clothing lying around the house when people got to hot. Then she noticed all her sons eyes were on her tits. Smiling she sat back down at the table and carried on eating as if a mother getting up and taking her top off in front of her family was a normal thing to do. 

"Feeling better mum?" Asked David

"Much better thank you honey" replied Ellen smiling at him, as she noticed David staring at her tits I hope you like the sight of these David. 

"So has everyone had a fun day?" asked Hannah, as she felt all eyes turn to her and stare at her naked body making her hot.

"We sure did at Ikea" replied Daivd as he burst out laughing; "you should of seen this young boy, he was bouncing up and down on this bed, and didn't notice this lampshade above him, he went "look at me mum!" and jumped right into it and broke it, then it got stuck aound his head, we were all laughing so hard at him from the other side of the room, mind you, he was lucky there was no bulb in it, but still!"

The whole family burst out laughing, "wish I saw that. Unlucky that he didn't jump into it then get stuck and was just dangling there going HELP ME! MUUUMM HELP ME! I'VE GONE BLIND!! MY EEYYYEEESS!! I CAN''T SEE!" said Luke as he covered his eyes with his hands, gaining roars of laughter from everyone and a rib dig from his twin sister

"God mum's right, it is boiling in here" said Lucy as she did exactly what her mother did, stood up, took her top off, but she also took her trousers off too, then sat back down at the table naked. Taking a quick glance in her fathers direction to see if he was looking at her, which he was making her smile even more than she already was. 

"This is one thing I love about our family" said Hannah; "we are all so close, I love being able to just be naked whenever I like, I doubt there are really any other families that allow this freedom"

Everyone agreed. The rest of the dinner was quiet and uneventful. Finally they all finished.

"I'll clear up" said Ryan as his naked form got up from the table and started going around picking up everyone's plates, knives and forks, whilst unknowingly having is mother practically drooling at his naked form, especially when he walked off to the sink and she saw his ass. 

"So lets have a family get together tonight, what shall we do?" wondered Lucy

Rachel and Luke quickly glanced at each other then nodded at each other, silently saying they'll join in with the family then get back to what they were doing later in their bedroom. 

"Ooooh, lets play Cranium! We haven't played that in ages!" said Rachel

"Okay Cranium everyone?" asked Lucy

"Sure" replied everyone else. 

Soon the whole family was in the living room.

"I'm taking these pants off, I feel so silly being half naked now my bottom half isn't hidden under the table" said Ellen then pulled her pants down and threw them somewhere in the room, then the mother just stood their fully naked in front of her family; showing off her fabulous body to her sons eyes.

"Now me and David are going to feel over clothed" Peter moaned jokingly as he took his clothes off too, then joined Ellen and both mother and father stood their naked in front of their children. They then watched their son David take his off as well. 

Lucy entered carrying the Cranium box and joined her fully naked family as if nothing was out of the ordinary, actually it made her grin. She and Ryan then set it up. 

"Okay done, so what are the teams?" asked Lucy as everyone stood around the board.

"I'm with Rachel and we'll be blue" said Luke quickly, making everyone laugh

"Obviously" said Hannah; "I'm with Ryan and Greg and we'll be red"

"I'll go with mum and we'll be green" said David

"Just just leaves me and you then daddy! With yellow" said Lucy really cheerfully. 

They all sat around the board, but due to lack of space for all 9 to fit around it, Rachel had to sit in her naked twin brother's lap, Ellen sat in her son's lap, Hannah sat in Greg's lap leaning down she whispered to Ryan "I'll sit in your lap soon don't you worry!" and Lucy sat in her father's lap. Ellen and Lucy immediately noticed their men were becoming erect and started to get really excited. Luke and Greg on the other hand were already erect. 

"Hannah, Ryan and Greg you go first" said their mother.

Picking up the dice Hannah rolled it on the board.

"You pick first sis" said Greg, as he hugged his naked sister too him.

"Okay I'll go green" said Hannah

Ellen leaned forwards causing her ass to rub against her sons cock as she picked the first card out of the Star Performer pack she read; "To win this Humdinger, choose a performer from your team who can get you to guess the song on the back of this card by humming or whistling with no lyrics or gestures. I'll pass the card to the performer then start the timer"

"I'll do it" said Ryan, taking the card from his naked mother. Ryan then took a moment to remember how the song went then began to hum. 

"Ummm... Uhhh... oooh I recognise it!! ggaarrgghh...." Hannah said frustratingly whilst unintentionally, squirming around on her brothers lap causing her to rub his cock in between her ass cheeks "you are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen.... grrr who sang it!! Wait I know! DANCING QUEEN BY ABBA!!" Hannah said and yelled as she struggled with the answer, just getting it in time as she bounced up and down on her brother's 7 1/2" cock making it difficult for Greg to not let out a moan as his sister virtually fucked him with her buttocks. 

"Correct sis, now roll the dice" said Ryan. 

Hananh picked up the dice and rolled it, getting a green, she then leaned forwards and moved their piece. 

"Your turn mum" said Hannah

"Oooh david baby, what should we pick?" asked Ellen, purposely rubbing her ass on her sons cock.

"Lets go with blue mum" replied David, as he joined in with his mothers games. . 

Rachel picked up a blue card and read; "To win this Cloodle, choose an artist from your team who can get you to guess the answer on the back of this card by drawing clues on paper with no talking, letters or symbols. I'll read the hint aloud, pass the card to the artist and then start the timer."

"I'll do it honey" said Ellen as she bent down to pick up the pencil and pad, giving her son a nice view of her ass. She then spun round on his lap and used his body as a resting place for the pad. 

"The hint is mum: event" said Rachel as she leant over to her naked mother and gave her the card.

Ellen immediately began to draw, obviously an easy card. She looked up and saw her son almost drooling as he stared down at her 32D tits. Touch me David, touch your mother Ellen thought. She purposely then slipped making David reflexly grab her, not realising in his haste to stop her from hurting herself, he grabbed her by the ass and lifted her back into his lap, causing his hands to get stuck as she sat on them, but hiding them from everyone else. I swear she did that on purpose... lets see David thought then began to feel her ass with his hands. Yesss that's it David, touch me, feel me, squeeze me, gooddd yess squeeze your mothers ass.

"EGG AND SPOON RACE!" yelled David when he finally looked at his mum's drawing instead of her tits. 

"YAY!!! Well done honey!!" squealed Ellen, grabbing his face as she planted a kiss on her sons lips. Ellen spun back round to face the rest of their family whilst her son continued to grope her ass. Ellen then picked up the dice and rolled. 

"Our turn" Lucy said merrily; "What should we go for daddy?"

"You pick this time sweetie" I don't care, I just want you to sit on my cock dear he thought as he held his arms round his daughter just under her tits. 

"Okay I'll go with blue" said Lucy

Rachel then leant forwards and grabbed a blue card; "To win this Sculptorades, choose an artist from your team who can get you to guess the answer on the back of this card by sculpting the subject in Cranium Clay with no talking or gestures. I'll read the hint aloud, pass the card to the artist and then start the timer.

"You do it sweetie" So I have an excuse to stare at your gorgeous naked body 

"The hint is: thing" said Rachel as she passed the card to Lucy

Lucy then got off her dad's lap, grabbed the playdo, then bent over his lap having her ass stuck in the air as she fiddled with the clay. Peter just stared at his daughters beautiful, creamy white body laid in front of him with her dirty blonde hair hanging round her face, and her 31D breasts hanging below her. Peter barely remembered he had to guess what she was making. 

"Its a pig!" stated Peter as he tried to show he was attempting to win, not just stare at his daughter.

Lucy grabbed the pig model, and dug a deep line into his back, looking back to look at her father, she saw his eyes full of lust and staring at her body. That's it daddy you like your little girls body? I don't care if we loose if it means I'm turning you on

"Come on daaaaadddd! Times nearly up!" whined Lucy, trying to act as if she cared that they might loose. 

"A...a... a.... piggy bank!!" Peter almost yelled as he knew he got the answer correct. 

"Correct daddy!" said Lucy and gave him a big hug, pressing her naked form against his naked body. If this is what I'll get every time I get something right, I best try harder thought Peter

Lucy then rolled the dice and moved their piece.

"Our turn" said Rachel "you pick Luke honey" 

"Okay lets go with green" come on an acting one 

Their mother then lent forwards and picked a green card "To win this Cameo, choose a performer from your team who can get you to guess this answer on the back of this card by acting out silent clues, just like charades. I'll read the hint aloud, pass the card to the performer and then start the timer" 

"I'll do it Luke" said Rachel so everyone can stare at my naked body, god I am so horny right now 

"The hint is: person" said Ellen as she passed the card to her naked daughter.

Rachel read what she had to act, sat down on the sofa and began to act it out, her little 28B tits bouncing around, and her family more than once got a lovely view of her pink fiery red haired pussy with only a little hair. Rachel at one point pulled her legs wide open as she continued to scold the imaginary person in front of her, pretending not to notice everyone in her family staring at her lovely pussy. Everyone in the family enjoyed her show so much they forgot all about the timer.

"I give up, you obviously can't get it, I was a back seat driver!" said Rachel, trying to act annoyed. Oh my god, everyone enjoyed my show, not just Luke she thought

"Our turn again" Hannah joyfully said as she switched bounced her body up and down on her brother causing her tits to wobble about much to all the men's pleasure. She then got off and went and sat in Ryan's lap. The game continued with Hannah having to try do a copy of Cilla Black, one person on each team having to hum/whistle Angels by Robbie Williams with Rachel and Luke winning, Lucy having to act out free-range eggs, Luke then had to do a copy of Eddie Izzard.

"Yeah well one thing about the Death Star was there was no food at all, no food at all, no one said "Hey! Darth Vadar, Emperor just nipping down to Alpha-Beta 9 what do you want? A couple of sarnies? Chiken, ham? Ham, chicken? Egg? What? Coke? Dark Coke? What do you want? What you want? Yooouu weird leaders!" acted Luke making the entire family laugh as he stood their naked in front of them all with his 7" prick sticking out at them all.

"Eddie... Izzard... phew... what a legend" Rachel managed to get out through her laughter. 

Next Greg tried to act out the expression of unhappiness; sick as a parrot, much to delight of all the girls as they got a good long look at his erect 7 1/2" prick. Neither Hannah nor Ryan could get the answer though. 

Next Ellen made an attempt at making a sculpture of beans on toast, much to the delight of David who got a great view of his mothers body laid out in front of him, he got the answer correct and earned another kiss from his mum that ended up being slightly longer than normal, he put his hands in has lap again and Ellen sat in them, David went back to groping his mother's ass. 

Peter then had to act out Austin Powers, with his 9" cock almost poking his daughter Lucy in the face, not that she minded. "Yeeeahh babbby! Yeeahhh" said Peter in an Austin Powers voice making all the family laugh. Of course Lucy got it. 

Soon the game came to an end with Lucy and Peter the winners.

"We won daddy!!" squealed Lucy bouncing up and down with joy in her daddies lap "We won! We won!" she happily said over and over again whilst covering his face in kisses and smashing her big tits against his chest as she hugged him to her. Peter just sat there with a big grin on his face. Everyone was so focused on them they didn't see or hear Ellen turn round and whisper to David "did you like feeling mummy's ass honey?" then scampered off to the kitchen laughing. 

David did not how to interpret what that meant, but he did know one thing, he had a raging hard on for his mother and it needed sorting, so he left for his and Lucy's bedroom for a quick wank before his sister came up. David laid down on his bed and began to stroke his cock to images of his mother's naked body, he imagined her beautiful face first smiling at him, then he imagined her kneeling in front of him sucking his cock as she looked up into his eyes as she pleasured him, and he got a great view of her form. 

Lucy came up the stairs to go too bed, she was very happy, mainly because she pretty much rubbed her naked form against her dad for ten minutes with him not stopping her, making her think he wanted her. She entered the room and heard; "Oooooh mum yeeess... suck my cock mum, ooooh muuummmm". Looking up she saw her naked brother their wanking, obviously to thoughts of their mother. Watching her brother wank made her really excited especially because she now knew she wasn't the only one with incestuous thoughts about their parents. She closed the door quietly behind her, and began to play with her pussy whilst watching/listening to her brother masturbate to images of their mother. "Oooooh mum, I'm going to cum, oooh yeeesss eat my cum mum, that's it eat your sons cum!", Lucy watched as her brother came all over himself, making her moan as she rubbed her clit vigorously causing her to cum as well. 

David opened his eyes and saw his naked sister as she came. 

"Oooh shit! Uhhh hey Lucy" said David in a brief moment of panic "enjoy the show?" he continued as he rubbed his cock in front of her.

"Mmmhmmm, so you have fantasies about our parents too eh?" asked Lucy

Yes, god mum is so fucking hot" replied David; "why you have fantasies of dad?" asked David

"Yup, I want daddies dick sooooo badly" 

"Well... what if we helped each other?"

"Hey yeah! That sounds like a good idea."

"Okay, what should we do first?"

"Well if us two were so horny to do this, and I dunno about mum, but dad sure seemed to love to stare at my naked body" 

"I think mum wants this actually, I practically felt her arse all the way through that game, she even gave me a big kiss. Oooh and not to mention she whispered at the end "did you like feeling mummy's ass honey?" 

"Well lets go and see what their talking about in there bedroom right now!" suggested Lucy

So both naked siblings sneaked up to their parents bedroom and put their ear to the door.

Ryan wait a second" said Greg an 18 year old boy with dark brown hair and a slim teenage body as he stopped his triplet brother outside their bedroom where Hannah was. 

"What is it Greg?" asked Ryan also 18 years old with brown hair, practically identical to his brother except he has his mothers eyes. 

"Well you know how we both want to fuck Hannah desperately?"


"Well today I was sick of watching her gorgeous naked body down at the stream and not being able to touch it the way I wanted too sooo badly, so I got to thinking, especially after tonight with Hannah constantly rubbing my cock between the crack of her ass. I think she wants it too, so why don't we start to initiate things?"

"Sounds good to me" said Ryan grinning; "but how do we approach this?" 

"Well I thought we could be subtle about it first just in case she doesn't want too, and I read all the signs wrong. So how about we just touch her, by touch I mean in a way brother's shouldn't touch their sister, see how she reacts."

"Yeaaah that might work, and if she doesn't stop us we'll know she wants it! I don't think I could be subtle after a few touches that she hasn't stopped though. Okay lets start this tomorrow Greg, good plan bro!" 

"Remember Ryan, we take her virginity together" said Greg as they walked into their bedroom where Hannah was fast asleep.


Lucy a girl age 21 with dirty blonde hair, a slim figure from working out, and David a young man age 20, black hair and a fairly slim/muscular figure both listened to their parents talk excitedly to each other.

"I think our dreams might come true soon dear" said Peter 

"Same here honey, ya should of seen David, he couldn't take his hands off his mummy's ass, oooooh I so hope he wants to fuck me"

"I hope so too honey. God Lucy's body is amazing, her tits... I swear I almost drooled, and her ass is perfect! I had to restrain from giving it a squeeze when she made that piggy bank."

"Mmmhmmm... and Luke and Rachel are finally fucking, oh I hope they'll also want to fuck us and their other siblings"

"God honey I am so horny after tonight" they heard their dad say.

"Mmmm, are you going to fuck me daddy?" they heard their mother ask him in a playful tone.

"Ohhhhh" they heard their father reply

"Are you going to fuck my ass daddy? Your little girl wants daddy to fuck her tight little ass, pweetty pwease daddy"

Lucy just had to watch this, she silently pushed the door open slowly so she and David could look in. Lucy and David stood their naked as they watched their parents about to have anal sex. Their mother was on her hands and knees with their father behind her pushing his cock inside her ass. 

"Uuuhhh uuuuhhh, that's it daddy, push it all the way, I want all of it!!" 

David saw Lucy move forwards as if she was about to run in and shove her mother aside and take her place. Grabbing his sister by her tits, he pulled her back into him.

"Not yet Lucy, just watch and enjoy" David whispered into his sisters ear as he massaged her big 31D cup tits. 

"Ooooh yeea, you like it when daddy fucks your ass don't you??? Urrghhh I love my daughters little ass"

Brother and sister remained standing there with David squeezing his sisters tits whilst they watched their parents play one of their fantasies. 

"Ooooh fuck me daddy, ffuuccck mee, god I love daddy's dick" they heard their mother moan. 

"I'm going to cum baby" their dad said.

"Mmmm cum in my ass daddy, cum in your little girls ass" they heard their mother fuel their dads fantasy.

Lucy turned round to David and whispered "lets go back to our room, I am so horny" Lucy and David quietly as possible run back to their room. David stared at his sisters bouncing breasts all the way. 

Once inside David shut the door behind them, turned to see where his sister was and before he knew what was happening Lucy pounced on him; driving her tongue into his mouth. David happily snogged his sister back, pushing her tack out of his mouth with his tongue and driving his tongue into hers, both tongues began to duel as their passion climbed. David pulled his sister into him by grabbing her ass, rubbing his cock against her pussy. Lucy pulled back.

"I want daddy to take my virginity, so we can't fuck, sorry David, but I have an idea what we can do to relieve each other. Lay on a bed" said Lucy.

David quickly laid on a bed eager to do anything with his sexy sister. He watched as his sister crawled up his body. 

"Mmmm were going to have some fun tonight little brother, you mind eating your sisters pussy?" asked Lucy

"Not at all!" replied David eagerly

Lucy spun round and positioned her pussy over her brother's face as she, sucked his cock into her mouth. David eagerly began to feast on his sisters dripping pussy earning her to send vibrations round his cock from her moaning.

"Your pussy tastes so nice sis, I could eat it every night, or any time you like actually" David told his sister

"Mmmm I'll hold you to that little bro, I'll do the same for your cock too, deal?" asked Lucy


"Now less talking, more eating!" Lucy said then went back to sucking her brother's cock


Meanwhile two other siblings were busy fucking each other senseless.

"God yes Luke!! Fuck my ass!!! Urrghhhhhhhh, this feels sooo goood" exclaimed Rachel as she was on her hands knees on their bedroom floor as her twin brother knelt behind her pounding her ass with his cock. 

"Your such a naughty sister" spank "enjoying your brother fuck your ass" spank "naughty girls get punished" spank 

"Mmmm yeeesss punish me Luke, I've been such a naughty sister, urrrghh spank me, yyeeeesss" 

spank spank spank "you enjoy being spanked? Are you that naughty that you even enjoy your punishment?" spank spank

"mmmmhmmmm, you'll just have to spank me harder brother"

Luke continued to fuck and spank his twin sisters ass, after another seven minutes of them both moaning and groaning in pleasure Luke said; "you were so hot when you acted a back seat driver, I nearly came there and then when you opened your legs wide for all of us to stare at your pussy"

Rachel laughed; "I can't believe I did that, I thought mum and dad were going to yell at me but dad seemed to just be enjoying the sight" 

"Well I can' blame him, you have such a nice little pussy sis"

They were silent for the next few minutes except for their moans of pleasure, the slapping of Luke's cock against his sister's ass and the occasional slap on her ass. 

"Are you ready to fill my ass with your cum Luke? Fill your sisters ass mmmmm, uhhh I'm going to cum sooooo hard" earning her ass another slap

Luke ploughed into his sisters ass for another minute "Here it comes Rach, I'm going to fill your ass with my cum, yyyeesssss, oooooh I'm cumming Rach!"



"Urghhh I'm cumming Lucy, I'm going to cum in your mouth oooooohhh" exclaimed David as he stopped eating his sisters pussy to lost in his own orgasm. Lucy felt her brother's cock grow bigger in her mouth and eagerly awaited his cum, before she even registered it she was drinking as much of her brother's cum as she could. 

"Mmmmm tasty" said Lucy as she licked the cum that spilled out of her mouth onto his cock; "now make me cum David"

David quickly went back to eating his sister's pussy to an orgasm, stuffing his tongue into her pussy and lapping away whilst he rubbed her clit with this fingers. 

"So you like my pussy little brother?"

"Yumph" was all Lucy could hear from his muffled voice.

"Uhhhh yeesss, I'm cumming David I'm cumming, god you eat your sisters pussy soooo goooooood" said Lucy as she came all over her brother's face. 

After she came down from her climax, Lucy crawled up the bed and snuggled against her naked brother.

"So how are we going to let mum and dad know we want the same thing as them?" asked Lucy

"We could just tell them" suggested David as he wrapped his arm around his naked sister and squeezed her left breast, pinching the nipple.

"Mmmm that feels nice, but no, that's too simple and boring. I know! We know we can do anything to them sexually teasing and we won't get in trouble, so lets do whatever we want, just don't tell them verbally that we want them. I mean like you've already felt mums ass and she enjoyed it, so why not do it again but more open. Like just as you walk past her give mums ass a squeeze. And we'll see what goes from there." 

"Wow, yeah! That sounds great sis! Tease them. I think we should every night tell each other what we did that day it'll get us so hot and worked up and then do what we did tonight and have massive orgasms."

"Yeaaahhh.... ooooh I can't wait for tomorrow David, lets get some sleep, you going to go to your bed, or sleep with me?"

"I'll sleep here with you if you don't mind"

"I was hoping you'd say that" said Lucy as she turned on her side and shut her eyes. She felt David pull her to him as he spooned her. 

"Good night sis, I love you" David said lovingly

"Good night David, I love you too." Lucy said sleepily, "oh one thing David, lets not let mum or dad fuck us until they are begging for it."

"Sure sis"

Both Lucy and David had a wonderful slumber full of dreams of sex with each other and their parents. 

Lucy woke up feeling her brother's morning erection poking into her ass. As the memories of last night came to her mind she grinned, jumped out of bed as she couldn't wait to begin the day. She quickly grabbed a pair of short shorts and a tight fitting top out of her wardrobe and put them on, not bothering like the rest of her family with a bra or panties. 

"Mmmm morning sis" she heard her brother say to her.

Lucy skipped to her brother bent down and gave him a big morning kiss "morning"

"Stay a bit" David drowsily mumbled to her.

"No way, we have some fun to be having! Now get up before mum goes out somewhere!"

"Ooooh yeeahh!" David said as realisation came to him. He jumped out of bed and said to his sister "I'm going down like this, lets go"

Lucy and David walked down to the kitchen. As they entered the saw their mum in a blouse and tight jeans at the breadboard making their usual morning toast and their dad sat at the table reading the Daily Mail with a cup of tea in his hand wearing some clothes. Well he was reading it until Lucy came in. 

Lucy skipped over too her dad, "morning daddy" she said then gave him a kiss on the lips. She stood behind him and leant over him, pushing his head in between her tits. "Whatcha reading?" she asked.

"Uhhh uhhh j-j-j-just the section on on on uhmmm sports honey, have a nice sleep?" he managed to stutter out as he pushed his head back further into her cleavage

Yeah I had a nice dream of you fucking me non-stop daddy "yeah it was pretty good" she replied as she sat in the chair next to him.

David on the other hand walked up to his mother, came up behind her, and grabbed her ass. He leant over her shoulder kissed her on the cheek and asked "Want any help mum??" as he continuously squeezed her ass. 

"Mmmm morning to you to, and yes could you get the cereal down for the other five please hun?" 

David stood on his tip toes as he leant over his mother to reach the cupboard above her. Causing his cock to rub in between the crack of his mothers ass. Needing something to hold onto for balance, David grabbed his mothers left tit with his left hand, as he reached up for the cereal boxes. He heard his mother slightly moan as he played with her breast. He pretended to struggle to reach the cereal boxes as he ground his cock against his mothers ass and felt her breast. He finally got it and put it down next to his mother. He then felt both her 32D tits at the same time through her blouse as he stared down his mothers cleavage.

"Anything else mum?"

"No thanks honey, you can just stay here though, I'll need help to carry all of this to the table" Ellen said as an excuse to keep her son there. 

David did exactly what his mother said and continued to grind his cock against her ass and squeeze her tits, he began to pinch her nipples causing his mum to moan quietly and stop what she was doing as she lost herself in pleasure. David began to kiss his mother on her neck and cheeks. Ellen then heard noise on the stairs. She turned round to face David.

"You better stop now honey" she said with a sad face; "take the cereal and bowls to the table" but before he could even move she grabbed his head and gave him a big kiss and turned back round. 

David gave his mums ass a quick pinch causing her to giggle, then he grabbed the cereal and took it to the table.


As Ryan and Greg walked down to the kitchen with their triplet sister Hannah, they kept squeezing her ass, the first time made Hannah jump. After that she enjoyed it and didn't stop them once which Ryan and Greg took as a good sign, so by the time they got the kitchen, they were continuously feeling her ass, not stopping to see if she'd react. They each got a good grope just before she pushed the kitchen door open.

They walked in and saw Lucy and their father sat close together at the table, both sharing a newspaper, their naked brother David setting up their breakfast, and their mother carrying the toast to the table. 

"Morning all" the three triplets said in unison as they sat at the table

"Morning" replied the other four.

Ryan, sat on his sisters right, put his hand on her thigh and began to stroke and rub it. He looked at her face for a reaction, Hannah looked at him and just smiled and nodded at him to continue. 

"So what are you three doing today?" asked their mother

"We thought we'd just chill out around the house mum, what are you and dad doing?"

"I'm off to pick your Aunt Amber up from Leeds train station, remember she's coming up today? Anyone want to give their old man some company in the car?"

"I'll go with you daddy" said Lucy excitedly 

Ellen smiled at Lucy then said; "I think I'll do a spot of gardening at the bottom, David could you help me?"

David knew exactly why his mum asked him "I'd love to mum" he replied smiling at her knowingly. 

"Oh and could one of you three wash up please" asked Ellen

"Sure mum" replied Hannah

All seven off them began to eat their breakfast I bet Rachel and Luke won't be down for a while thought Peter.


Rachel woke up to a lovely feeling of pleasure coming from her pussy. Luke wasn't in bed next to her. Still drowsy from sleep she was a little confused as to why Luke wasn't in bed and she felt her pussy on fire, she just couldn't put the two together. Rachel lifted the covers up to look down there and the sight made her smile, there was her twin brother smiling up at her as he eat his sisters pussy. 

"Now this is what a sister should get to wake up too every morning" said Rachel dreamily as she watched her twin brother feast upon her pussy; "ooooh Luke, eat me, eat your sister mmmm yeessss"

Luke began to finger fuck her with three fingers making her moan even louder. 

"Luukke I'm cumminning yeeessss" moaned Rachel

Luke quickly dove back in and wrapped his mouth round his sisters clit as he ravaged it with his tongue.

"LUUUKKKEEE OOOOHHH MMMYYY GOOOOOODDDD FUUUCCCKKKKKKK!!!!" Rachel screamed at the top of her lungs as she arched her back off the bed, not caring if her family could hear her.

When Rachel finally came down from her orgasm she heard Luke say "Lets go down for some real breakfast"

He didn't get far before Rachel was wrapping her arms around him and french kissing her brother. After five minutes both siblings made there way down to the kitchen naked. 


"Was that Rachel who just screamed?" asked Greg with worry

"I think so" replied Lucy

"Shouldn't we go see what's wrong?"

"Oh I'm sure nothings wrong Greg" said Hannah

"How do you know?"

"Didn't you hear what she screamed?" asked Peter

"No" I was too busy staring at mums cleavage dad

"It sounded to me like she screamed Luke's name then some gibberish, I'm guessing Luke just gave her an orgasm, you want to go check to see if your sisters okay Greg?" teased Ellen

"Uhhh uhhh, they're having sex?" asked Greg in wonder

"Yup" said Peter

"And you don't care?" asked Greg eagerly

"Not at all" said Ellen

"Now drop it, and don't bring it up when they come down! Now me and Lucy are off to pick your Aunt Amber up, we'll see you later" 

He opened the kitchen door and looked up the stairs to see his naked daughter coming down, he was treated to a lovely sight of her pussy, then he saw Luke naked behind her. 

"Morning daddy" Rachel said as she came to the bottom of the stairs and gave her dad a hug; "going somewhere?"

"Yeah me and Lucy are going to pick your Aunt Amber up from Leeds" he replied as he hugged his naked daughter back, running his hands up and down her back. "We'll see you later"

"Bye daddy, look after him Lucy" Rachel replied as she hugged her sister.

Luke and Rachel walked into the kitchen where the rest of their family was. Luke being a disappointed that his mum was clothed, but he didn't fail to notice his gorgeous little sister wasn't, he marched on in with a raging hard on, as he went to give his mother and sister a hug. Rachel likewise went and hugged all her naked brothers, pushing her naked body against theirs. 

Luke and Rachel both sat down at the table and picked their favourite ceral, Nestle Nesquick for Luke and Kelloggs Honey Loops for Rachel.

"Well me and David are going to the bottom of the garden to do some gardening, see you five later" said Ellen as she went around and hugged all her children's heads one by one into her cleavage. Then she and David walked out of the back door. 

Ryan nearly didn't get his hand off his sisters thigh in time before his mother came round. With his heartbeat going at a hundred miles per hour as he watched her leave the house. Finally after about five minutes he eventually calmed down and put his hand back on her thigh and worked it up towards her pussy. He noticed Greg's hand was now on her opposite thigh, clearly he'd got the nerve now both their parents were gone, and their brother and sister were alone with them and they knew they were fucking. Looking at Hannah's face, Ryan saw she had a glazed look in her eyes, and she was biting her lower lip. 

Hannah saw Ryan looking at her, she gave him a quick smile, and licked her lips at him, telling him silently that she was enjoying it. 

Hannah looked over the table at her other siblings and saw they were both staring at each other, not paying attention to her, Ryan and Greg. Hannah wrapped her hands around her triplet brother's cocks and started to stroke them, gaining quiet moans from them. Smiling Hannah spread her legs, opening herself up for her brother's hands. Looking over at her other siblings again and noticed Rachel's hand was under the table and Luke had a big smile on his face.

"So how long have you two love birds been having sex?" asked Hannah suddenly, startling not just the twins but Greg and Ryan as well. 

Stuttering Rachel replied "Y-y-y-y-you know about us?" 

"We all heard you this morning, but mum and dad already knew you were"

"Oh my god! Are they angry?" asked Luke with obvious fear in his voice

"I dunno" shrugged Hannah

"Well... actually... they seemed to be rather happy by it now I think about it" said Ryan

Rachel and Luke let out a big load of pent up air.

"And what are you three's feelings?" asked Rachel

"It's great!" said Greg

"I can't believe you two love birds are finally doing it!" said Hannah excitedly. 

"Your lucky bitch Luke!" said Ryan smiling. 

"Y-y-y your not disgusted? You don't think were sick and twisted?" Luke exclaimed as he tried to comer to terms with his siblings support. 

Not at all!" all three said in unison.

Rachel screamed with joy, ran round the table and grabbed Greg , pulled him to his feet and hugged his face into her breasts. 

"Come here Ryan!" shouted Rachel

Ryan wasted no time in coming over to his gorgeous naked sister, as she also grabbed his head and pulled it to her breasts, so she had two naked brothers pressed into one tit each, their mouths millimetres from her nipples. 

Luke walked round slowly to his little sister Hannah, both of them staring into each others eyes all the way round. Just as Luke reached her Hannah stood up, both naked brother and sister staring at each other, then they came together in a passionate kiss, arms around each others naked bodies. 

Ryan and Greg were finding very hard to resist touching their naked sister in sexual ways, especially from sucking those nipples so close to their mouths. But they were unsure whether she would let them or not. After what seemed ages of deciding but was actually only two minutes, Ryan and Greg looked at each other and nodded. Each of them put their mouths around one of their sister's nipples and began to suck on her tits. Rachel was a bit surprised at first, but she quickly began to moan as her brother's sucked and bit on her nipple, and licked her breasts. Rachel just stood their naked and held their heads to her tits.

Luke and Hannah were running their hands all over each other, each getting a good feel of each other's ass and in Luke's case her tits, he also tried going for her pussy but got slapped away, and Hannah had a quick feel of his manhood. They broke apart when they heard Rachel moaning, looking over they saw Greg and Ryan happily sucking on her breasts. 

Luke could see the longing in Hannah's eyes for her to be Rachel at that moment so he pulled Hannah to him so their mouths were by each others ears, he brought his hands down to her ass and began to massage them as he whispered, "How far have you three gone? I don't want to do anything that you three haven't yet"

"We haven't done anything! This morning they started to touch me, and they haven't left me alone until now, just groping my ass as we came downstairs and stroking my thigh. All I've done is pretty much touch their cocks." whispered back Hannah

"So, you haven't even made each other cum?" 

"No" whsipered Hannah sadly.

"Do you want them Hannah?" 

"I've wanted the both of them to take me at the same time for a long time Luke, I thought they were never going to do anything, and it was just a silly little girls dream, until today, I thought I had grown wings this morning when they started to grope me."

"Are you upset that they are sucking Rachel's tits and making her moan, when they have never done that to you?"

"A bit, I suppose I'm keeping it down by rationalising that they are men, and their heads are pressed into a nice pair of tits, but god Luke yes, I want them to be sucking my tits!"

"Well then I'll break them up and me and Rachel will go upstairs, you three have fun down here okay?"

"Oh thankyou Luke!" said Hannah with joy, as she leant back then brought her lips to his again, "how can I repay you?"

"Well I'd like to fuck you someday Hannah, you are beautiful, you have a terrific body" said Luke with a grin on his face.

Giggling Hannah replied, "mmmm sounds good to me, you'll have to wait until I've had Ryan and Greg a few times though.... but your cock does look delicious."

Luke and Hannah hugged again then they split up. Hannah walked to the sink and started to do the drying up.

"Hey Rach, I'm going upstairs for a bath, ya coming?" announced Luke as he walked out the door.

Letting out a squeal of excitement Rachel ran out after her brother, leaving her other brother's looking very silly.