Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 505 - Delivering The Bed

Chapter 505 - Delivering The Bed

Harold Bartlett loved his wife. It really was as simple as that, and had done so since he met her when he was nineteen and she was a pretty innocent girl of seventeen.

At nineteen Harry, as he was known, was an apprentice fitter and worked for British Rail Engineering. As an apprentice Harry had to work in every fitting department of the works and so he met and worked with lots of various people. One of the men he met was Charlie Brooks, a foreman of the Diesel Shop. Charlie took quite a liking to Harry and found him to be a very capable apprentice and a very likeable young man. Harry really enjoyed working in the Diesel Shop and learned as much as he could whilst he worked with Charlie there.

Charlie was very active socially with most of his fitters and along with his family had regular parties and barbecues. Harry was the first apprentice that Charlie invited to a barbecue and he felt very honoured and privileged to be so.

"Well H, you must be well in with Charlie to be invited to one of these do's" exclaimed one of the fitters Mike Frampton.

"I dunno about that but it feels great to be here" Harry answered.

"You better do a bit of mingling and let the boss show off his greatest protégé"

Harry looked around the crowd to pick on someone to introduce himself to. Every fitter from the Diesel Shop was there along with their wives. Looking past a small bunch of fitters from the Injector Room, Harry saw what was possibly the most beautiful object he'd ever seen in his life.

"Fucking hell, who's that?" Harry exclaimed to Mike.

"Who? What? Where? When? Who the fuck you shouting about?"

"Her, over there, the girl in the red party dress, the red head with the green eyes."

"Oh fuck, you've got it bad already!" Answered Mike looking over the crowd.

Mikes eyes fell on the fair skinned girl with red hair in the bright red dress with string straps.

"Holy shit, you mean Kim don't you?"

"Kim!" Harry repeated as if in a daze.

"Don't go anywhere near there H, unless you want Charlie to hang you from the nearest jib crane before you have a chance to run."

"Oh my god she's beautiful, I've got to speak to her." Said Harry, not really taking in what Mike was saying.

"Harry! That's Kim, Charlie's only and precious daughter, if you even think about speaking to her he'll murder you, she's seventeen and Charlie's whole life. If he wanted a grubby little urchin like you sniffing around the most valuable thing in his life he'd say so. If I were you I'd stay well away before he rips yer head off and shits down yer neck!" Proclaimed Mike.

Harry just stood there holding his beer in one hand and his mouth in the other.

Suddenly Charlie came up to the pair of them from behind and put his large arms around their shoulders.

"And prey tell, what are you two evil grease monkeys conferring about?" He enquired.

"N n nothing s s sir" Mike stuttered back.

"Relax Frampton I'm only pulling your chain." Charlie laughed.

"S s s sorry sir"

"Look, you don't have to call me sir, not at least until I get the knighthood I so richly deserve. Relax, have a good time."

Harry stood still and quiet, not moving or taking his eyes away from Kim.

"Come with me Harry, there's someone I'd like you to meet." Ordered Charlie pulling Harry in the direction he pretty much wanted to go anyway.

"Kim, this is Harry, he's gonna be apprentice of the year and is shooting for the stars." Harry said loudly to his daughter.

"Pleased to meet you." Kim said quietly.

"Y y you're amazing... A a absolutely amazing." Harry spluttered.

"Now now Harry, don't get carried away. I'm sure you two can find lots to talk about" said Charlie pushing the young couple towards each other.

Harry was mesmerised by Kim's beauty as she looked shyly into his eyes and the whole world disappeared around them.

"Marry me!" Harry almost shouted from the rooftops.

"Ok" Kim answered.

People were coming up to them and trying to start conversations but the two future lovers were in a complete new universe and nothing else mattered to them.

From then on they were a couple and Harry was on cloud nine, along with everyone who knew them.

"I know you really want to and so do I, but do we both want our first time to be in the back of my old car in a lay-by?" Asked Harry smiling gently.

"I don't care where we are as long as we're together." Answered Kim, undoing the top buttons of her blouse.

"Just because you're eighteen and of legal age now, there's no hurry to lose your virginity. I'm just as desperate to do it as you are but we can still wait for the right time and place."

"Harry any time or any place is right if it's with you." She replied and undid another two buttons.

"I love you so much"

"And I love you more honey" she cooed.

Kim let her blouse slide over her shoulders in one smooth movement and tilted her head cutely giving Harry one of her famous smiles.

Although quite cramped in the back seat of his Ford Sierra, Harry felt that his cock would burst free of his jeans at any moment. Kim leaned back against the door in her lacy white bra and looked down as she put both her hands on her knees and in an amazingly slutty fashion she clawed her skirt up her naked thighs.

If Harry didn't know for sure he could almost swear that she had done this before.

"Look at me," she almost growled, as her hands bunched up her skirt above her white cotton panties.

"You are the most sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life." He moaned.

Leaning forward she put both hands behind her back and undid her bra letting it fall forward, leaving her naked tits in full view.

"Oh my god you're absolutely gorgeous." He crooned.

"How about you rid yourself of some clothing so I'm not naked on my own?" Kim stated.

Harry pulled his t-shirt off and fumbled with the buttons of his Levi jeans.

"Oh God I need you," Kim groaned, I don't care about anything else."

Harry's jeans and boxers came off in a confusion of arms and legs, and his hard cock spring out and slapped against his stomach.

"If I don't get it in soon I'm gonna cum all over myself" he hurried.

"Do you think you will have time to cover it while I'm taking these off? She moaned as she pulled her legs up to slide her panties off.

No sooner had she lowered her legs and opened them as wide as she could manage, then Harry had pulled the condom down over his rampant cock as the young lovers coupled together in a hurried frenzy.

"I'll love you all your life and all mine too," Harry said softly as his hard cock rubbed against her wet virgin opening.

"I'll always love you too Harry, make me a woman darling," she replied smiling softly.

Harry pushed himself into her tight pussy and felt her jump and moan as her maidenhead gave way and he could almost feel her pain for her. It took less than two or three fucking strokes before her biggest ever orgasm overrode the pain and had her squirming in absolute pleasure.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming," she cried.

"Oh God, me too," he groaned back.

They lay coupled together in their own bubble of blood, sweat and love. Cuddling each other they kissed breathlessly. Harry's cock slowly shrunk and started to slip out. After laying together for ten minutes Harry leaned down to pull the condom off.

"Oh shit,"

"What's wrong?"

Harry felt what was left of the condom tight around the base of his cock like an elastic band.

"The condoms shredded," he said in a low moan, "I must have done it when I pulled it on, I must have been too rough with it."

"Don't worry darling I'm sure we'll be ok."

"Yeh I'm sure we'd have to be pretty unlucky to get caught the first time we've done it. I love you whatever happens."

"We're getting married anyway so may be we'll have to move the wedding forward," she replied.

That's exactly what happened three months later after they found that Kim was three months pregnant.

"If it was anyone else that had done this I would have skinned them alive, but I know you love each other very much and I know you'll take great care of my wonderful daughter and my grandchild, son," warned Charlie as he once again put his huge arm around Harry's shoulders.

David Charles Bartlett was born six months after they married and weighed in at a respectable seven pounds and eight ounces.

Harry's mother cooed gently as she held her grandson, "he is the spitting image of you when you were born, except for the red hair."

Harry, Kim and David's life was mapped out before them. Kim was a doting mother and Harry was as proud of a son as a father could be.

Harry Bartlett loved his wife, it really was as simple as that. Harry and Kim had loved each other all their nineteen years of married life. They had two children, David and Sophie. David, their first was nineteen and Sophie a year younger.

Harry and Kim's sex life was good, they made love at least three times a week and Harry had gotten better and better at it over the years. He always made Kim have at least two orgasms with his talented tongue or fingers before he even entered her and she had at least another one with his cock inside her. Kim was more than satisfied with her husbands love making and could think of nothing she enjoyed more than being in bed with him.

Both Kim and Harry loved their kids and the proof of that was in the fact that they both still lived at home with their parents. What Harry and Kim didn't know was that both David and Sophie were no longer virgins.

David had lost his virginity to a local girl called Sami King. Being slightly older than David, Sami had quite a lot more experience and she had a car to go along with it too. Sami took David to a local beach and they had laid a blanket down on the sand. She had taught David how to lick her pussy just how she liked it.

"You only need just a little more experience and you'll be one of the best pussy lickers in town," she told him.

"I'm only as good as I am now because you have such a tasty pussy babe," he replied.

Sami had also taught David to fuck. At first he rushed everything, his whole aim was to get his cock in her pussy as fast as he could and to cum as soon as possible. He was used to masturbating in private and cumming before he got caught. Little did he know actually that Sophie had watched him a few times and rubbed her little pussy while she did.

Sami taught David to take his time and build up to fucking slowly and tease her a bit first.

"As long as you stay hard, take the time to build up both our arousal. By the time we're both ready to fuck the urgency will make it much better. But you must be careful that you don't get too aroused that you cum too quickly." She said wisely.

Before long David was very good at sex, and quite experienced although Sami was still the only girl he'd been with.

Sophie had lost her virginity at a party she had gone to with her best friend. She had lost it to her best friend Jean's brother Rocky. His name was really Roger but he was known as Rocky, not because he was a fighter but because he spoke like Sylvester Stallone, without the accent of course.

Jean had arranged for her brother to be alone with Sophie at the party. She obviously knew Sophie was a virgin and knew from experience that her brother was good at fucking and would be just who Sophie needed to teach her how good sex could be. Rocky had taken the time to make Sophie so turned on that she had begged Rocky to "stick it in me" until when he actually did she hardly felt much pain above her pleasure.

"Yes mom, we need to replace it because it's the one we've had since we got married and we didn't have much money." Said Kim.

"That's nearly twenty years, of course you need to replace it, but you need to get a better one that will last you even longer."

"So twenty years isn't long enough?"

"We've had the same bed since your dad and I got married and that's a hell of a lot longer than twenty years."

"But I bet they don't make them as good as that any more" stated Kim.

"Well when we first got married your dad was a fitter on the Railway just like Harry was, but we heard of a shop down here in Cornwall that sold hand made beds for a reasonable price." Kim's mom replied.

"Don't tell me the shop's still open, that was years ago?"

"The shop is here in Helston and is about five minutes from our house."

Kim thought about it for a minute and said, "we've been thinking about changing our bed for a while now and I'm sure Harry will agree to getting a new hand made one."

"I'll find the phone number for you and give you a call tonight, by the way what are you doing with your old one?"

"Hadn't thought about it, why do you have something in mind?"

"Well if you'll be coming down to Cornwall to pick up the new bed, I know a couple that would appreciate the old one"

"I was thinking that we could all come down for a few days to stay with you so with David and Sophie in the car it might be a tight squeeze to bring a bed as well"

"Of course we'd love you to stay for a few days, but could you squeeze it in if it was just the frame and not the mattress as well?"

Kim thought for a few more seconds and replied, "who's so desperate for a second hand bed?"

"You know our friends Frank and Jennie? Well their daughter Chloe is getting married and its costing their families a fortune. They would really appreciate one less thing they have to fork out for."

"Oh I know them, I remember Chloe from the Christmas party you had a few years back, God it makes me feel old that she's old enough to get married."

"You feel old? What about me?" Her mom exclaimed.

"Yeh I liked Chloe when I met her last, of course we'll bring the bed down, the mattress is only a year old so if we can fit it in we will, so then at least they'll have the choice to keep it or throw it away for a new one."

"If you're gonna stay, will the kids be ok bunking up together for a couple of nights?"

Kim knew that they wouldn't be too happy about it, but hey they could put up with each other for a while if it means that they get to visit with their grandparents.

"Thinking about it mom, if we're gonna be bringing back a whole new bed and mattress then we'll have to make room in the car. So if they can squeeze in together on a few hours journey they can put up with each other in the same room for a while."

Harry stood holding the final two lengths of side rail of their old bed. The Ford Galaxy was packed to almost full and had just enough room left for the kids in the back. He thought to himself that it was a pity the kids weren't actually kids anymore because if they were he'd still have room left in this bloody car.

"How the fuck am I gonna get these frames into this fucking car and still have room for people?" He spoke out loud to himself.

"Take the two base boards out and put them over..." Said Kim coming up behind her husband.

"Move the headboard over there and put the two..."

"Yeh but where will the kids sit?" Asked Harry smiling.

"Oh how the fudge do I know, your supposed to be the engineer in the family."

"If it was the air braking system of a type 3 locomotive I'd be ok, but fitting a bed and a family of four in a Ford Galaxy seems to be beyond my considerable capabilities...darling"

"Would you like me to find Sherlock Holmes for you?....darling."

Harry smiled and began to take the bed back out of the car. Kim laughed and stood watching him with her arms folded.

"I'm pretty sure Sam Rodgers from work has a roof rack that fits his Galaxy so I'm gonna admit defeat and give him a ring, with the headboard, long frame and our luggage on top I think we can just about squeeze in."

"Whatever you say honey, I trust you to make it happen!" Kim replied.

An hour and ten minutes later, "Sophie and David will be squashed up a bit close and you will be a bit cramped in the front but we should be ok, at least going there," Harry finally said.

"Well done dear, now we can just about fit in if we put some small luggage in by everyone's feet and I can get in the front seat across your side and the kids can lean back against the folded mattress for two hundred miles, ha."

"It's the best I can do, considering it was your idea to take the bed anyway." Harry growled.

An hour later they were on their way along the A36 to Salisbury towards the A303. Kim sat in the front passenger seat with her feet up against the glovebox and Harry obviously drove.

It didn't go unnoticed by David that just recently Sophie seemed to have grown up a little. She seemed older somehow or may be a little more life experienced and defiantly more sexy. He noticed that her skirts seemed to be shorter and her legs were really shapely and toned. She also appeared to have grown a very nice pair of tits in the last few years and they gave her quite a nice womanly figure for her eighteen years.

David had stood by the car as Sophie had crawled into the back seat and he had gotten a great view up her short skirt and had a long glimpse of her crotch and her white cotton panties.

Sophie was unaware she was showing David anything she shouldn't and making his cock as hard as it had ever been. David had kept looking at her gorgeous legs as she sat cramped up beside him.

"You ok sitting like that sis?"

"I'm a bit squashed up but I'll be fine" Sophie replied looking at her brother with a smile.

"You can put your legs across my lap if you need to stretch them out at all," he said smiling back at her.

"I'll take you up on that offer if I get cramp"

Kim turned to look at the kids in the back seat, "I can swop seats with either of you if you get uncomfortable but we'd have to stop."

"It's ok mom we can manage until we stop for a break," replied David looking down at his sisters bare legs next to him.

"Yeh, there's no need to stop, and anyway you'd only be as cramped at I am," added Sophie.

As the journey went on David was having trouble keeping his eyes off of his sisters legs. Sophie started to notice him looking and she began to look at what she thought was a bulge in her brother's jeans.

Sophie was feeling quite horny as she hadn't had sex for a few days now and looking at what was obviously a hard cock was making her wet, even if the cock did belong to her brother.

David was getting cramped up as well but his problem was his cock trying to push his jeans off.

"You happy for me to put my legs over you?" Sophie asked.

"Sure sis, I'll turn towards you and stretch mine out and you can put yours across mine."

Kim turned to watch as Sophie lifted and crossed her legs over her brothers and she noticed David looking to try and get a sneaky peak up his sister's skirt. Her first reaction was to scold David for disrespecting his sister, but for some strange reason her stomach got butterflies as she thought about her kids being sexually aware. She had never thought about the prospect of either of her kids being old enough to be sexually active but the truth was they both were. The fact that one of her kids was interested in the other should have shocked her beyond anything, but the truth was that she suddenly found the prospect a massive turn on.

Kim's pussy began to moisten fast and her clit began to throb and tingle. 

David automatically put his hands on his sisters ankles, "why don't you take your shoes off Soph? It'll relax your cramp a bit."

Sophie just smiled and raised her legs to slip her shoes off. This gave David a perfect view up her short skirt and long wonderful glance at her white cotton covered pussy. David couldn't help but groan and loud enough for Kim to hear.

Kim's pussy almost squirted juice as she saw and heard David's reaction. She couldn't help but moan herself as she put her clasped hands down against her crotch and pressed them against her pussy.

Harry heard his wife moan and asked, "you ok darling? You getting cramped up? We can stop and change positions if you need to."

"Uh? Oh no, no I'm fine just a little dry throat dear, we don't need to stop just yet."

Sophie had laid her legs back down across David's and he automatically returned his hands to her ankles again. 

Sophie was getting hornier and realised that giving her brother a look up her skirt was making him just as horny as she was.

"Rub my feet." Sophie ordered with a horny growl.

David did as he was told and immediately realised that Sophie was getting turned on. Had she given him a look up he skirt on purpose?

"Is everything ok back there?" Harry suddenly asked, making everybody almost jump out of their reverie.

"Um, we.. Um.. Yeh yeh everything's ok back here dad," stuttered David.

"We're doing just fine here dad, we're a lot more comfortable now," Sophie cooed.

"Stop worrying about us and concentrate on driving dear," Kim said trying to keep the fact that she was half way to an orgasm away from her husband.

David had stopped rubbing Sophie's feet for a moment and so she leaned over and put her hand on top of his and moved it in a rubbing motion.

"Keep rubbing me," she whispered.

Kim pushed her hand harder into her crotch and rubbed her clit more. She looked over into the back seat once more and groaned quietly as she saw Sophie pull David's hands up her legs towards her knees. She licked her lips and felt the first pings of electric pleasure pulsate from her soaking cunt.

"Ohhh," Sophie sighed as David's hands massaged her knees.

Kim heard Sophie's reaction to David's ministrations and with a final push against her humming clit she turned her face away from Harry and looked out of the side window as she entered her first orgasm. Jolts of pure pleasure snaked through her body and she tried hard not to scream as her body convulsed in little jumps.

"You ok dear?" Harry asked glancing across at his wife moving around in her seat.

"Fine dear, just fine," Kim stuttered as she tried to hide her orgasm from him."

Suddenly she thought about her husband smelling her arousal so she quickly opened the window.

"Just a bit warm that's all,"

I can turn down the AC if you want," 

"No, no it'll pass, if I get too hot I'll take my top off, but I'm fine."

David now knew for definite that Sophie liked what he was doing and continued to massage above her knees now.

Sophie was in heaven, she rubbed her feet against her brother's steel hard cock and made him push his hips up to make the contact harder.

Kim was glancing over and coming down a bit from her orgasm. She thought was it possible she would get to watch her son fuck her daughter? The very thought of it made her hot again and she pushed her hand back between her legs. She began to think of how she could help to make it happen. Oh if only she could watch her son's rock hard cock slide silkily into her daughter's squirting hot cunt. The delicious naughtiness of family fucking had her pussy glowing once more and she started again on the climb to another cum.

David rubbed and massaged Sophie's thighs now and quite openly looked into his sister's eyes.

They leaned in closer together so they could whisper to each other without their parents overhearing. The didn't realise that their mother was listening intently to what she wanted to hear.

"I want you to rub my pussy, brother."

"I wanna make you cum, sister."

"Ohh, higher, harder, higher, rub my pussy please," she murmured.

"Oh god, my cock is aching."

Kim thought about how she could help her son free his cock and possibly fuck her daughter, if she was to watch that happen she would surely have the biggest cum of her life. She was so fucking turned on. Surely if the three of them kept this up Harry would soon realise what was going on. If she was going to help it happen she would have to let the kids know that she knew and approved of their coupling. 

"If you finger fuck my pussy and make me cum, I'll suck your cock dry," Sophie whispered.

David said nothing and pulled the crotch of her wet panties to one side. The first touch of his finger tip against her aching clit made her almost jump out of her seat. 

Kim pushed hard again against her clit under her denim covered crotch. Orgasm two took her over again, the thought of David's steel cock being sucked by Sophie pushed her over as she let the mixture of electric spasms and her daughters sexy fucking words, wash over her. 

"Fuck me with it, put you finger in me and fuck me with it."

"You're a dirty little cunt, sister."

"Oh yes I am, so finger me, brother."

Harry just kept driving but he felt that there was something not quite right. 

"Is everyone ok in here? I'm gonna stop at Sparkford Services for a break, you lot seem to be jumping with cramp and I want to stretch my legs and get something to eat," stated Harry.

Kim could just whimper "ok dear... Whatever you think."

David and Sophie were too busy to listen to their dad.

"DID YOU HEAR ME BACK THERE?" Harry shouted.

"Um, oh, um yes dad ok" David spluttered back.

Sophie was too busy cumming on her brothers fingers to either answer or acknowledge her father. She was humping her ass off the seat in rhythm to David's fingering and her orgasmic spasms shook her body and her cunt squirted juice all over David's hand.

David pulled his sloppy fingers out of his sisters pussy and leaned closer to her ear.

"Now you owe me a blow job sister."

Still breathing in short gasps she answered, "can't wait."

Harry pulled the car over into the car park of the McDonalds.

It took a minute to get everyone out of the car and they walked around to get the blood back to their extremities. Kim and Sophie's legs were shaky from a different reason than Harry's. Their orgasms were still glowing in their pussies and their legs were shimmering with a warm kind of radiation.

"We can have an hours break and get a burger, then we need to re-think this bed situation," said Harry. 

All four of them strolled over to the restaurant and found a seat near the window. Harry went up to the counter and ordered their food.

"You two seem to be getting on well," Kim said looking for their reaction.

"Yeh, like sister and brother," Sophie snickered.

"You looked like you were a bit uncomfortable in the front seat mom," remarked David.

"I was fine, just a little hot," she replied.

Harry returned with the tray of food and everyone tucked into their burgers and fries.

"Whoever needs the toilet better go now because we can re-sort the bed and seating arrangements before we set off again," ordered Harry.

Sophie glanced at David with a look of disappointment and Kim noticed. 

"I was quite happy with the seating, once I put my legs up I was fine" moaned Sophie.

"Yeh dad, I'm ok too," added David, but I'm gonna have a pee before we get going again. 

David rose from his seat and walked out to the toilet.

"I'm gonna go too, you two wait till we get back," stated Kim.

Harry continued to talk to Sophie about moving the car positions and changing seats.

Kim followed David out through the communal door to the passageway that the toilets were in.

As David came out of the toilet Kim was waiting for him. She stood in front of her son and glanced through the small glass window in the door. She could see her husband still talking to her daughter.

"What's up mom?" David asked innocently.

"I saw you two, I watched you," Kim purred as she moved in towards her son.

"W, w,we were just.." 

Kim got hold of David's hand and pushed it into her jeans.

"Feel how fucking hot you got me, feel your mother's pussy David."

"Oh God mom, I, I, I can feel you, you're soaking,"

"You want my pussy don't you boy? You dirty little boy, you want you mother's sweet pussy don't you? I watched you fingering your sisters hot cunt, dirty boy," Kim growled.

She grabbed her son's wrist with both hands and pushed his hand up and down in her jeans against her hot pussy. 

"We haven't got time now but you're gonna fuck me David, you're gonna fuck you're mother, you're gonna be a motherfucker David. It's just a matter of time now, but you're gonna fuck me." Kim groaned as she rubbed his hard cock through his jeans.

"Oh God mom yes, I'm gonna fuck my mother."

"Damn sure you are, and I'm gonna love it, and so are you."

Kim suddenly pulled his hand out of her jeans and held his hand up to her mouth. Slowly and deliberately she sucked and licked his wet fingers.

"Mmm I love the taste of my own pussy, here see if you like it too."

"Oh God, you taste like fresh strawberries, oh God mom, I love you taste."

She smiled and dropped his soaking hand then walked away from him and back through the door to the restaurant. 

"Fuck me, my family's gonna kill me! My family's gonna kill me with sex!" He said quietly to himself.

They were stood around the car waiting to figure out what they were going to change when Kim spoke up.

"I'll sit in the back with David and Sophie can sit up front for a while."

Harry replied, "ok that's fine, but you're all gonna be cramped up wherever you sit." 

"Well while you're deciding what else to do I'm going to change into something cooler and more comfortable," Kim stated

David wondered what his mother had in mind and looked at Sophie as his mom opened the car door to retrieve her bag of luggage. She then wondered off to the toilet block to change.

"If we turned the mattress round and put it up against the backs of the font seat we could move that frame on top with the others which would make more room," Said Harry, "but it would mean that you and your mom or Sophie would have to lay across the seat and the mattress would cut you off from us in the front."

"I'm sure that will be ok, we haven't done much talking anyway," David replied looking at Sophie as they smiled at each other.

David took the half bed frame out and Harry moved the mattress round and pulled it up against the backs of the front seats, cutting off the front of the car from the back. David slid the frame next to the others on the rack with ease. 

Sophie knew that she would get her chance to lay in the back with David but would have to sit up front with her dad for now.

Kim came walking back across the car park in a thin cotton summer dress and David's already semi-hard cock gave a lurch in his jeans and hardened instantly as he realise his mother wasn't wearing a bra underneath and her hard nipples were trying to make holes in the front of her dress.

Harry was too busy getting into the car to notice his wife's dress and shouted orders to get in the car so they could carry on with the journey. Kim crawled over the mattress and smiled to herself that they would be totally on their own, blocked of from the front of the car.

David watched his mother's ass sway as she crawled into the car and crawled in behind her, then leaned over and shut the door.

Harry watched as Sophie had to get in the drivers side and get across into the passenger seat and for the first time noticed how nice his daughters legs looked. Harry hadn't taken much notice that his daughter had grown up and had to admonish himself for looking at her in that way. Sophie's skirt rode up her legs and gathered around the top of her smooth thighs as she sat next to her astonished dad.

They had driven about a mile before Kim had David on his back laying next to her. She quickly undid his belt and jeans and hurriedly let his hard cock spring out into her eager hands.

Harry drove as normal, or at least tried to as best he could without staring at Sophie's gorgeous legs. NO he shouldn't look at his daughter that way, it was WRONG. But her fucking legs were so smooth and shiny and shapely and.. And she was his daughter!

Kim grasped David's cock in one hand and wanked it in an expert twisting motion. She leaned over it and swallowed the shiny wet cock head straight into her open throat. She spluttered a bit as she took her mouth off and licked all around his solid prick with her wet tongue. Savouring the flavour of her son's cock she put her other hand down between her legs and stuck a finger straight into her slippery cunt. 

Harry kept glancing down at his daughter's legs and his cock grew in his trousers as he fought with his feelings. Sophie looked at her dad as he kept looking down at her legs, and could see the two struggles he was having. One with his conscience and one with his hardening cock. Sophie realised that she could arouse her father more if she wanted to, so she wriggled in her seat as if trying to get comfortable. The result was her skirt rode further up her thighs and showed more of her fantastic legs to her father. Harry glanced down and nearly swerved off the road. 

Kim sucked heartily on David's wonderful member and finger fucked herself as she did. David rapidly approached his orgasm and knew that when he did it would blow the top of his head off.

"Oh God mom, I'm gonna cum, can't stop it... Ahh cumming."

Kim pushed her mouth down over David's throbbing cock as he began to cum like an erupting volcano. Catching everything and not spilling a drop, Kim swallowed his hot seed and lapped up every bit. She wanked the glowing phallus and squeezed the last few drops of gloopy semen from the top and hungrily sucked it up like it was her last meal.

Harry squirmed in his seat as he realised that his daughter was showing herself on purpose as he saw her looking down at her father's bulge with a hunger in her eyes. Suddenly their eyes met in lust as they realised they were heading into a previously uncharted area of their relationship. 

Sophie looked at her dad as he kept glancing down at her legs and looking up at the road ahead. She lifted her legs up against the dashboard and pulled the final few inches of her skirt upwards. Her cotton panties were still soaked from her previous orgasm that her dad hadn't known about. His cock nearly burst through his zip fly as he saw her push her hand into her panties.

Kim laid down beside her son and whispered to him.

"Now I know it's gonna take you a few minutes to recover from that, so while you are you can do me a little favour."

"Ok mom, what do you need."

"You can start by pulling down my panties and getting to work on my pussy with that delicious tongue of yours."

Harry looked across at Sophie, "if you carry on like that girl. I'm gonna have a heart attack and we'll crash."

"Oh please daddy, don't you wanna see your little daughter finger fuck herself until she squirts her cum like a fucking fountain?"

"Oh you're a real dirty little bitch on heat, if you keep it up I'll have to pull over and spank your hot little ass."

Sophie pulled her panties over her ass and wiggled her thighs until they reached her knees. She then pulled her knees apart and they slid down to her ankles. She flattened her fingers and spanked her wet pussy a couple of times, making a sound like slapping an ass with a wet towel.

David knelt between his mother's open legs and pulled her sloppy panties off over her quivering legs. 

"Go on boy, suck on mommy's clit for her."

"Oh my, it looks so juicy."

Get down there boy and lick my fucking cunt."

Kim put her own fingers against her outer pussy lips and pulled her soaking cunt open. David put his head down and began to feed on his mother's juice covered pussy.

"Ohh yeh, that's it son, really get your tongue in there, suck on me, suck on mommy," she moaned.

David pushed his tongue as far as he could get it up her hot hole and pushed his top lip hard against her clit. Her legs shook and he body began to convulse, as a monster orgasm hit her in waves. Her cum was the result as much from the licking as to the fact that it was her own son doing it. 

Harry kept his eyes on the road as much as he could but knew he would have to stop and get his cock out soon. He realised that Kim and David in the back would want to know why they have stopped so he would have to give them an excuse. He also realised that his lust for his teenage daughter had overcome all his moral sense. Literally minutes before, he would have never thought that he would be thinking about having sex with his own daughter. He loved Kim, it really was as simple as that but oh my God, Sophie's legs! She was such a dirty little bitch, unbelievably she was sat next to him showing him how she could get herself off with her fingers. 

This was so wrong, but there was no way his lust wasn't going to be outweighed by his love, or his morals. He thought that he must have harboured incestuous feelings before and not really thought about it. 

What if they got caught? Kim would disown him, she would report him, she would probably shoot him. He had to stop this, for the sake of his family he had to go back to how everything was before she crawled into the front of the car next to him.... But oh those legs and she was such a dirty little bitch!

Kim almost cried out in lust as she had her second orgasm. If this was as good as she felt with oral sex with her son, think how good fucking him was going to be. She was lost in her incestuous ardour. She was way past worrying about getting caught, but if Harry disowned her and divorced her she was past caring, she would spend the rest of her life fucking her son. 

"Oh fuck! Lick my fucking pussy, suck on my fucking clit, oh fuck yes."

David licked and sucked for all he was worth. He revelled in the taste and the fact he was licking his mother's squirting pussy. 

The smell of sex filled the car but each parent thought it was from what they were doing and they both were almost overcome by it.

Harry couldn't drive much further and needed to stop now.

"Kim, I'm going to stop for a piss break at the next lay-by. Don't worry about getting out," he shouted to those two in the back.

"Oh, ok... D don't worry we're ok, she stuttered back, trying not to give away the fact that her son was busy sucking the fuck out of her cunt.

Harry pulled the car into the lay-by and parked up near the toilet block. He immediately opened the door and pulled Sophie out of the car with him. They both hurried to the empty toilet block and both went into the gents cubicle.

David was busy licking Kim's pussy to her third orgasm. Kim held his head hard against her squirting cunt as electricity ran through every nerve in her body and the sensation of pleasure took over her whole body.

Harry's cock sprung out of his zip as he lowered it, slapping back hard against his stomach. Sophie had to bend it down to suck it into her open mouth as she kneeled in front of him. Wanking her father's rampant prick she sucked hard on the big purple head and stuck a finger in her soaking cunt at the same time. 

Kim pushed her son off of her and groaned, "ok son that's enough for now, your dad will be back in a minute and might look in the back of the car this time. We have to wait for a while until it's safer."

Harry held on to his daughter's head as he fucked her face with his rock hard cock. Sophie approached her biggest orgasm yet and heartily feasted on him and fingered herself with three fingers in her pussy. Juice ran from her as she hummed loudly over his hard cock as he squirted a huge jet of hot cum down her throat.

"Ahh, suck me you dirty cunt, suck it all down," he growled.

Sophie gagged at the amount of fluid flooding her throat. Harry fucked his hips into her face as the last few drops glopped into his daughter's sucking mouth.

David and his mother pulled their clothes together and tried to look as normal as they could. 

Sophie stood up and put her arms tenderly around her father's neck. They kissed each other as they never had before. Greedily they wrestled tongues and revelled in each other's flavour. 

"I want you to fuck me daddy, please," she moaned.

"I don't know if I can, what we've already done is wrong, we've got to stop."

"But daddy, I need you."

"I want you too honey, but what if we get caught?"

"I don't care daddy, I've got to have your cock in my pussy, pleeease."

"We can't honey, we'll have to keep away from each other as much as possible, it's not that it wouldn't be fantastic but if we get caught everything will change for us, our whole lives will be turned inside out, we just can't," he said sternly.

David leaned over and put his hand around the back of his mother's head and pulled her in for a long sexy kiss. Their tongues danced together and they fed on each other eagerly. 

"We must stop David, your father will be back and we can't risk him finding out about you, me and your sister," she warned.

"I can't help it, you're so sexy, I can't keep my hands off of you."

"I know darling, but we have to be careful, don't worry, we're gonna fuck each other's brains out, but we have to be careful your father doesn't find out."

Harry and Sophie came up to the car and Harry opened the back door. Kim and David were laid next to each other on the lower half of the mattress. 

"Kim you need to get back in the front with me," Harry declared.

"Why? I'm quite comfortable here," she answered.

"Sophie's distracting me from driving and I need to concentrate on where I'm going."

Kim climbed out and went to the front to climb over into the front passenger seat, without reply. Sophie got into the back with David, and settled down next to him. 

Kim sat quietly with Harry and they chatted about all the things they were going to do on their little break in Cornwall. They talked about having a day at Flambards and going to The Wheel Inn for lunch.

Sophie laid back with her legs open and David undid his jeans and pulled them down. 

"We have to be quiet but I want your big cock in me now brother."

"The pleasure will be all mine," he grinned, "but some yours too."

Harry drove on, talking to his wife about trivial things but his mind was elsewhere. He thought about his daughter, he thought about her gorgeous legs. He thought about what it would be like to fuck his own daughter, how dirty and sexy she is and how unbelievably nasty it would be to push his hard cock into her dirty wet hole.

Kim talked to her husband about anything she could bring up, anything trivial about their lives and what they would be doing over the holiday. But all the time she was talking, her mind was on what her son and daughter would be doing in the back of the car. He would be licking her sweet little pussy with his long wet tongue. She would be sucking and licking his big hard cock, they would be fucking like rabbits and loving every second. 

Harry's cock started to harden again at his delicious thoughts. Kim's pussy began to glow once more as she thought about her fucking kids in the back of the car.

David positioned himself over his waiting sister, he looked down into her gorgeous eyes watching him. His hard cock brushed her soaking pussy lips and the opened around the solid purple knob. 

"Here it comes lovely sister of mine," David groaned as his hips jolted forwards.

"Fuck me."

David pushed his steel hard cock into his sister's beckoning wet pussy and they moaned together at the wonderful feeling. David automatically got into his fucking rhythm and Sophie urged him on.

Harry became uncomfortable again and Kim looked down and noticed his hard bulge.

"Feeling horny darling?" She cooed.

"I'm always horny when I'm with my lovely wife."

"I'm feeling a bit sexy myself darling, wanna do something about it?" She almost whispered.

"What about the kids in the back, if we stop they'll see us and I can't do anything while I'm driving"

"Get your cock out and wank it."

Kim put her legs up and slid her dress up over her thighs. Harry saw she had no panties on and he looked at her wet pussy. He thought about how much like his wife his daughter was and it made him even harder.

"Oh your are a horny minx, wife," he groaned. 

Harry was as horny as he'd ever been but needed to keep his eyes on the road. 

"Play with yourself darling I've got to keep driving."

Kim pushed two fingers into her wet pussy and fucked herself, relieved that how she could, while her husband didn't really know what was making her feel so horny. 

David thrust his hard cock in and out, sawing into his sister's soaking wet cunt. 

"I can't cum in you, and I'm nearly there."

"I'm safe brother just fill me up."

David let loose with a torrent of cum into his sister's aching hole. The feeling of the hot liquid coating her insides drove Sophie over the top and into a spasming orgasm that convulsed her whole body.

Kim thought about her son's cock fucking her, she thought about how nasty it would be to have him spear her hot pussy with his hard cock, how he could fuck her from behind like a dirty sow. Harry kept driving and glancing at his horny wife. Kim came hard on her fucking fingers thinking about her horny son being the first one to fuck her aching ass, and she squirted her hot juice all over her fucking hand. 

David rolled over next to his gasping sister and leaned over to kiss her, sliding his snaking tongue into her hot mouth. 

Kim slumped down in her seat and gulped in hard breaths. Harry looked over at his exhausted wife.

"You're such a horny bitch dear, what got you so hot?"

"Hm, hm, I, I, dunno guess it's just being near you honey," she lied.

"I'm gonna need some release myself soon."

"When we get there I'm gonna fuck your brains out."

"Won't be long now dear, were on the A394 to Helston.

David and Sophie pulled their clothes straight and laid back sated and happy. Kim relaxed and cleaned herself up and Harry drove on, frustrated a bit but happy that his family were happy and loved each other. 

"Let's have a good time on this break and enjoy being with each other," Harry smiled.

"I know we'll all do that, you can bet on it," she replied and thought about how she could get together with her family herself. 

"We have a few days together, then there's always the journey home too."

"Yes there is that honey, there is that," she answered, deep in thought.

Kim Bartlett had been brought up in a loving, happy family. Her Dad Charlie and Mother Carol, gave her everything they could to make her happy and she appreciated it with all her heart.

Kim sat next to her husband in the front of their car, on the last part of their delivery trip. She was still glowing inside from her orgasms she'd had with her son and with her husband in the car. Thinking to herself, she couldn't help feeling a pang of guilt for what she had done and how she felt. 

Why was the attraction to incest so strong within herself? Why now, after all these years? She had never thought of it before, so what made it so horny to her now? She loved her family like her family loved her. What made her jeopardise the very fabric of it now? 

Still, even thinking guiltily about how she had behaved with her son, she still knew she would find it very hard to resist having any kind of sexual contact with her son. Would her love for her existing life be enough to stop her changing it by her actions in the future? Only time would tell.

Harry drove the final miles of the trip with a slight but obvious grin on his face. He couldn't help thinking about his daughter and her incredible body. The thought of her juicy sucking mouth was beginning to arouse him again. Looking down at his sexy wife, in the seat next to him, made him remember the love he had for her. The mere fact that he could lose her and his whole family, if he pursued this thing with Sophie, made him shake his head to try and clear it.

Kim turned to Harry and smiled, "Nearly there dear?"

"Not far now we're about twenty minutes away I'd say" answered Harry.

"Good, it'll be good to see Mom and Dad again."

"Yeh they haven't seen us and the kids for quite a while now, since retiring down here."

Kim thought to herself what her parents would think of her, if they knew what she had done and was still thinking of doing!

Kim's Mom was as gentle and straight laced as they come. Kim had never heard her utter the merest profanity in her life, and her Father was much the same. Kim was everything to her parents and she loved them very much, so she didn't want them finding out about her new found obsession under any circumstances.

David and Sophie were asleep in the back having enjoyed fucking themselves to a standstill on the mattress, on the back seat. Kim knew what they had done and just the thought of it brought back the tingle in her clit. 

She shook herself out of the memory and tried to change her thoughts by talking to her husband.

"It's gonna be a bit of s squeeze with the sleeping arrangements in the cottage, when we get there darling," she observed. 

"Yeh the cottage is not that big. I wonder how Carol has decided who's sleeping where?"

Kim thought about it for a minute, trying not to think about sleeping with anyone except her husband. 

"Well she has one spare bedroom and a sofa bed in the lounge, so I guess we'll all have to sleep with someone."

"I'm sure Carol has it all under control darling, after all, she's been waiting for us all to visit since they moved down here!"

Finally driving up the country lane, they came to the sign on the gate that were looking for. 

"Damson Cottage, here it is," exclaimed Harry. 

Harry got out to pull open the five-bar gate. 

"Let's hope it's the right place!"

"How many other Damson Cottages are there gonna be in Helston?" Kim declared. 

Carol and Charlie came running out to the car as they pulled up and answered all their doubts.

"Hey you lot, you made it then!" Cried Carol, pulling the car door open.

"Hi there you two, how are you both?" Grinned Harry.

Before they had a chance to reply, Kim was out of the car and hugging both her parents together.

"Mom, Dad, it's so great to see you. I've missed you so much!" Kim cried.

"Oh we love and missed you too darling, we've left it too long, come on let's get inside, where are the kids? They are with you aren't they!" Carol rambled.

"I'll wake them and get them out of the car, you lot go on in, we won't be a minute," answered Harry. 

Inside Charlie hugged his daughter again, "Get yourself comfortable, I'll put the kettle on, I expect you could all do with a nice strong cup of tea!"

Harry, Sophie and David came walking in. The kids were yawning and dragging their feet after sleeping soundly for the last part of the journey. 

All of the family acted as if nothing had happened between them, as they all sat around the lounge chatting and catching up. 

"Have you worked out what the sleeping arrangements are going to be?" Asked Kim.

"Well, we have twin beds in the spare room and this is a double sofa-bed," answered Carol.

"The best way of doing it would be if you and Harry took this sofa-bed and the kids took the twin beds," Carol observed. 

" I don't know, looking at the size of it, I don't think it's big enough to take me and Kim together," Harry came back.

"That's what I said!" Injected Charlie.

"So, how are we gonna do it then? Genius!" Carol replied.

"I think the only way is if Harry and David have the twin beds and Sophie and Kim take the sofa-bed," said Charlie.

Kim tried not to show an objection, as she thought about how she would like to get her son on his own. Her guilt then made her think that perhaps keeping them apart would be a good thing.

"Let's have dinner and we can decide when we've had a think about it, ok?" Said Carol.

Everybody sat at the dinner table together. Harry sat at the end and Kim and David together on one side. Carol sat opposite them next to Sophie with Charlie at the end opposite Harry. 

Everyone relaxed and enjoyed their meal and the conversation about sleeping arrangement started again. 

Suddenly Carol saw a real look of disappointment on her Daughter's face when it was suggested that David sleep in the room with Harry. She thought her attitude was a little strange. 

David put his hand on his Mother's thigh under the table. First of all Kim moved it back over, and she gave her son a warning look. Carol noticed this and thought that there was something different between them.

David slowly placed his hand back on kim's thigh, over her dress. This time Kim gave David a disapproving look again, but this time she didn't move it away. David slowly smoothed his hand over his Mom's thigh and slid it under the hem of her summer dress.

Carol pretended not to notice that there was anything unusual between her Daughter and Grandson, but she kept glancing at them from time to time. 

David slipped his hand under Kim's dress and moved it up towards her now hot crotch.

Kim pressed her teeth together in an effort not to show any reaction to David's ministrations. 

Carol became more and more interested, and more and more shocked, as she began to realise that there was something going on. Kim began to lose her concentration on watching everyone else to keep what was going on from them. She was beginning to get lost in the feelings that David was bringing out in her. 

Harry was attempting to hold a conversation about the railway with Charlie at opposite ends of the table. Sophie was sitting next to Carol playing with her I-phone, as she seemed to do quite a lot. 

Carol became aware that the family conversation had broken up, and Kim or David hadn't said anything for quite a while. 

"Well I'm gonna start clearing the table, and fill the dishwasher," Carol stated, standing up. 

Only Sophie took any kind of notice as she looked up at her momentarily and grunted an acknowledgment. David and Kim were getting lost in each other. 

Carol dropped a spoon as she picked up a dish and put it back down to bend down. Absolute shock ran through her as she looked across, under the table. David's hand was under Kim's dress and clearly inside her panties.

Carol did the classic lifting of her head, and banging it hard on the underside of the table. Standing up she rubbed her head looked over, giving Kim and David the harshest of looks. Kim quickly came out of her reverie, pulling David's hand away from her she stumbled to get up. 

"Everything ok dear?" Asked Harry.

"Yeh, yeh,. Fine, fine, I was just... Um" she stuttered.

"Help me with the dishes darling!" Carol ordered, looking across at her daughter. 

Kim picked up a stack of plates and followed her Mother to the kitchen. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Carol cursed.

"Sorry Mom, I, I, I can't explain it! I don't know what's wrong with me!"

"It's your Son!"

"I know, I know, but Mom it turns me on, so much"

"It's incest dear! It's wrong! It's forbidden!"

"I know Mom I know!"

"Then why?"

"It's just so hot, and I don't know why, it's the fact that it is wrong and is forbidden that makes it so hot. It's like sex in public or outdoors, only ten times as sexy."

"But, but, oh God you're his Mother!"

"Sorry Mom, but it turns me on sooo much, I'm hooked on it! It's like the best drug ever, I know it's wrong but I'm already hooked," Kim moaned.

"Well I suppose when you put it like that, I may be could understand the attraction. David is a sexy young boy and he looks very fit!"

"Mom, what shall I do? I know I shouldn't do anything with him, but he has me so hot!"

"I hate to admit it but, from the look of you, you're gonna have a hard time resisting him."

If Carol was being absolutely honest with herself she would have to admit that the thought of her Daughter having sex with her own Son got her more than a little warm inside. Carol was now also in conflict with her feelings.

"I know that it's wrong with all my heart Kim, but I can also understand your deepest feelings because I have them too."

"Has what David and I are feeling and doing effected you now Mom?"

"Here, give me a cuddle Kim, I love you, and you needn't be concerned about me. My feelings are not important here, yours are."

"But Mom, I know how this has changed me... Does it turn you on too?" Kim whispered in her Mother's ear as she gave her a tight hug.

"If I'm honest, and totally honest at that, then yes, the thought of you having sex with David, and the more we talk about it, has me wetter in my pussy than I've been for a long time!"

Both women moved back into the lounge, by which time the others had sat down on the sofa and armchairs. The two women took their seats. 

"So have we decided our sleeping arrangements then?" Asked Carol.

Charlie looked over at her, "I think it's a case of who fits what bed," he stated. 

"If that's the case then David and Harry get the twin beds, and Mom and Dad stay in their room, which leaves Sophie and I on this Sofa-bed," answered Kim.

"I guess we're all agreed on that then!" Said Harry. 

The rest of the evening was spent laughing and joking, but David and Harry were a little subdued as they thought about the prospect of no sex that night.

Lesbian sex had never crossed Kim's mind before, but laying next to her young horny daughter was making a moist patch appear in her panties. She had watched Sophie getting undressed and had to admit that her sweet, young body looked delicious naked.

Her golden brown skin, that she got from her Father was in complete contrast from her Mother's fair complexion. Her shiny yellow locks were also completely different than Kim's flowing red hair.

Their figures and looks were where they were the same. Both had medium, thirty-four breasts. Slim curved waists topped wide shapely hips and beautiful round bubble butts. It was their legs that gave their bodies the final touch of class. Although differing in colour they were smooth curvy pins that would have looked good on any supermodel.

Sophie felt her Mother watching her and was so hot that she had to climb into bed quickly, before her Mom saw her fall over on shaky legs. 

Kim was already in bed and slid her hands, as she had before, between her hot, damp, thighs. Sophie pulled back the bedclothes and slid in next to her Mother.

Kim said nothing and Sophie looked at her in the moon-lit room. Side by side on the soft bed both women moved closer together. Kim moved up on her arms over Sophie as if it was something she'd done a hundred times before. Leaning down her soft mouth covered her Daughter's and their snaking tongues entwined in a duel. 

Kim couldn't believe how Sophie tasted and couldn't get enough of the flavour. She wondered to herself, that if her Daughter's mouth tasted this divine, what was her sweet young pussy going to taste like.

Both nightdresses came off over their heads and they urgently removed their panties, before they entwined their sweating, hot bodies together in a battle of caresses.

"Ahhh." Sophie moaned as Kim's hand went between her legs and her fingers curled upwards into her steamy cunt. Alternating between fucking her pussy and rubbing her clit, Kim moved her Daughter closer to coming with each touch. Sophie fucked her hips up to meet her Mother's probing hand, as her groaning got louder. Kim covered her Daughter's mouth with hers to try and silence her and the strawberry taste filled her mouth once more.

Sophie came hard and squirted her cum in a flood of hot juice onto Kim's vibrating fingers. Kim leaned over and put her hand across Sophie's mouth to gag her cries, that would surely wake the dead.

Sophie's convulsing body slowed to a stop like a steam train stopping at a station. Kim slowed her rubbing and moved her hand up to to gently massage her pert young breast. 

Holding the pointed nipple up she sucked it between her lips and massaged her hand on Sophie's pussy again.

Kim kissed her way down the heaving torso of her nubile Daughter and reached her delicious pussy.

Sophie grabbed a pillow and bit on it as her Mother's tongue took the place of her fingers and probed between her soaking cunt lips.

Carol lay next to the sleeping Charlie and her conversation with her Daughter went over and over in her mind. Her pussy started to ache like it had before. She slipped her hand into her panties and imagined watching her Daughter ride her Grandson's hard cock. Pictures of David fucking Kim from behind and pushing his finger into her asshole went through her mind.

Carol's breath started to gasp as she patted her clit and pushed a finger into her damp cunt.

Charlie slept soundly next to her, as she manipulated her hard little button between her fingers with the incredibly hot thoughts of incest filling her head. 

Suddenly above her own gasps of pleasure, she was sure she heard those of someone else. Stopping her movement and holding her breath for a few seconds, Carol listened intently for any sounds. 

Kim pushed Sophie's legs back over her heaving body to expose her gorgeous round ass, as she knelt before her. Sophie put both her arms around her calves and held her legs back, moaning loudly as her Mother pulled her drenched cunt lips apart with her thumbs and lapped at her open pussy. 

Carol gingerly opened the bedroom door and moved out into the doorway to the lounge. The sight before her made her legs weak and her heart beat faster as she almost spontaneously came just standing there. Kim had her Granddaughter on her back with her legs back over her head, finger fucking her exposed pussy and licking her clit.

Carol pushed her hand into her panties and felt the amazing jolts of pleasure shoot through her body as she had her orgasm. Weak at the knees she leant back against the wall, watching her Daughter fuck her Granddaughter with three fingers and lap at her teenage pussy like a cat with the biggest bowl of cream she had ever had.

Kim pushed two fingers into her own pussy as she fucked her moaning Daughter to orgasm. 

"Oh Mom, oh Mom, you're making me cum again,... Oh God, cumming, cumming."

Kim hummed as she feasted on her Daughters clit and fucked her swollen pussy with her fingers.

Carol pulled off her nightdress and tugged on her hard nipples as she got lost in the naughtiness of the incest before her. She walked over on shaky legs and stood next to the bed with her girls fucking each other on it. 

Carol stood there looking down, her hand inside her panties fucking herself at the scene in front of her. 

Kim removed her fingers from her own pussy and rubbed the pussy juice from Sophie's orgasm around her puckered little asshole before sliding a wet finger into the tight little hole. 

Carol pulled her panties off and climbed on the bed next to the writhing women in front of her. 

"Oh God Mom, yeh, sit on her face, yeh make her eat your cunt," Kim swore.

Carol stood up and put her legs either side of Sophie's shoulders and sat down on her open mouth. Sophie immediately stuck her tongue out and lapped at the dripping pussy before her. 

Carol pulled her own nipples hard as her Granddaughter pushed her tongue into the wet pussy being rubbed on her hungry mouth. 

"That's it Mom, feed my daughter your fucking wet pussy as I fuck her ass with my fingers," Kim moaned.

Carol groaned loudly, forgetting her husband and everyone else in the house. Kim thrust her fingers into her daughters ass, and started to lick her clit with long wet laps. Sophie almost screamed into her Grandmother's dripping hole as she came hard, and squirted hot liquid over her Mother's tongue.

"That's a good girl, now suck on my asshole you little slut," moaned Carol. 

Kim stopped playing with Sophie's pussy and moved up to spread her legs. She kneeled across her Daughter's crotch and lined her pussy up against hers, in the scissors position.

Carol and Kim wrestled tongues and massaged each other's tits as they fucked Sophie underneath them. Moaning into each other's mouths, both women were climbing fast to orgasm. 

Carol rubbed her own clit as Sophie sucked on her ass. Kim spread her own pussy lips and pushed her swollen clit against her Daughters, causing electric spikes of pleasure to shoot through her cunt and radiate into her whole body.

"Ohhh I'm cumming again," moaned Carol again pulling on her own nipples hard and licking her lips in pleasure.

"Oh I just love fucking my family, it makes me cum like nothing else," crooned Kim.

"Ohhh yeh, me too," said Carol.

Sophie just hummed into Carol's ass and fucked her hips up against her Mother's thrusting pussy in an effort to cum again.

All three women moaned together in an orgy of writhing, sweating flesh. It was the first lesbian sex experience for all three and the fact that it was with their own family made it even better. All of them couldn't get enough of each other's feminine charms and they all realised that they would get very little sleep that night. 

Carol gingerly crawled back into bed with Charlie in the early hours, leaving Kim and Sophie cuddling each other in sated sleep for the last few hours of what was left of the night.

The bed had to be delivered today and Charlie suggested that they all went for a day out as well. 

Chloe was so grateful for the bed, she met Kim, Harry, Sophie and David at the driveway of her house. With hugs all round the women walked inside leaving Harry and David to carry the parts of bed into the house. 

Charlie and Carol pulled up outside in their car and went inside to join Chloe and the rest. 

"It's great to have my first visitors and so kind of you to give us the bed," said Chloe.

"It's our pleasure, we know how hard it is when you're first starting married life, Harry and I were lucky too that we had friends and family to support us when we first got married," smiled Kim.

"Yeh it must feel like a whole new adventure," chimed Sophie. 

"Well we've been together for over a year and a half already but yeh, marriage and living together will be totally new for us," Chloe replied.

They all sat around chatting as Charlie and Harry put the bed together in the larger of the two bedrooms. 

As they were chatting, Chloe thought about how close Carol and her family were and how lucky they were to be so. She thought that she could detect something else apart from normal family love between them, but just thought that may be she was just imagining something more than there was.

The way that the three women tenderly stroked each other heightened Chloe's theory and the more she watched them the more she realised there was a good chance she was right.

Flambards Park was a great place to have a family day out and being very local to Helston made it an obvious place for the whole family to have a day out. 

Everyone had great fun on all the rides and David and Sophie especially enjoyed the drop slide. 

Kim had invited Chloe to tag along for the day and she had accepted graciously and was quite relieved to have a day away from sorting out the new house. 

They all sat around having lunch in the restaurant and Chloe sat next to Kim and Carol. 

Since their night of orgasmic pleasure, Kim, Sophie and Carol had become closer than ever and a bit more "touchy feely" than they had before.

Chloe noticed Carol place her hand on Kim's thigh and stroke it tenderly. Carol had not realised what she was doing and failed to notice Chloe's shock. 

Chloe had never had any thoughts about incest before but had been curious about lesbianism since she had been in her teens. 

Carol stated that she had to pay a visit to the toilet and Kim said she would go too. Chloe grabbed the moment and said she needed to go as well. Kim and Carol were a little annoyed but there was little they could say or do about it.

In the ladies toilet Chloe decided to comment, as her young tender pussy was already hot and leaking at the thought of Mother and Daughter being together sexually. 

"So how long have you two been fucking then?" Groaned Chloe, sliding her wet tongue across her cherry lips making them moist and shiny.

"But... We... I don't know what.. " Carol stuttered.

"Relax Mom, she obviously knows, and she obviously likes it too," Kim stated. 

"Oh fuck, it's got me hotter than ever before, just the thought of you two fucking, mmm" Chloe moaned.

Kim took hold of Chloe's hand and lead her into the disabled cubicle.

"In here Mom, I want a taste of this soaking pussy," Kim growled pulling Chloe in to the cubicle.

"Lock the door Mom."

Chloe surrendered quickly to the feelings glowing between her young thighs.

Kim swung her around and pushed Chloe in the centre of her back.

"Bend over you naughty little girl," Kim moaned.

Chloe immediately did as she was told and bent over at the waist. Kim pulled her short jean skirt up exposing her tight young ass. 

"Pull her wet panties down Mother and get your mouth on her tender cunt. She looks like she's aching for it."

"Oh pleasssse" Chloe cried as her dripping panties were pulled down over her shapely , tanned legs. 

"My God she's so ripe, she's gonna cum all over me," Carol moaned.

"Ahhhh" cried Chloe as soon as Carol touched her slippery pussy, pushing a thumb into her cunt and fucking the young girl slowly.

Kim pulled her own panties off and climbed up to sit on the sink unit. She opened her legs and pulled Chloe's willing face on to her open wet pussy and told her to get busy licking her dripping cunt.

Carol bent forward and after sliding her thumb out and sucking it, she pushed her face into Chloe's hot sex, fucking the young girl with her tongue. Carol slid her hand into her own panties and rubbed her own sensitive clit with her wet fingers. 

Chloe came as hard as she ever had in her life, and began shuddering in orgasm making her squirt warm salty cum all over Carol's face.

The hot tasty cum made Carol cum too and she groaned and growled into the quivering young girl's hot cunt.

Kim grasped Chloe's head and forced her face against her cunt, "keep licking me you little fucker, I'm nearly there."

Chloe managed to come round enough to suck on Kim's cunt and make her cum hard.

A couple of minutes passed and all three women recovered enough to get themselves together. 

"I loved that little quicky," said Kim, "we'll have to get together again."

"God I've never cum like that before, that's why you two are into it with each other!" Said Chloe.

"Yeh and the fact we're Mother and Daughter just makes it better," Kim stated. 

"It definitely does," smiled Carol, rubbing her pussy.

"You three were a long time!" Said Charlie.

"Yeh we were beginning to think you'd gone home on your own!" Harry joined in.

"We were just having a women's chat," laughed Carol.

"Yeh we were talking about you lot so you better be careful," Kim chided.

The group carried on having a good time for the rest of the day. 

"I'm staying at the house on my own tonight, Dean's away on business trying to make a little extra for us. He's back in a couple of days," Chloe said.

"Are you living together already then?" Asked Sophie.

"No, Dean's been staying there since we got the house, and I still live with Mom and Dad. I'm just gonna stay while Dean's away so the place is not empty."

"It will be much better now you have a proper bed now!" Carol stated.

"Yeh, Dean's been sleeping on an old camp bed we were given."

"I bet that was difficult for two of you!" Laughed Sophie.

"Can't say I'm sorry to not be sleeping on top of Dean all night!" Chloe replied with huge grin.

Kim had an idea and thought about it for the rest of the day. On the journey home she mentioned it in conversation, as she didn't want to appear too eager. 

"Chloe, you should have your meal with us tonight to save eating alone."

"That would be great but you'll have to drop me home afterwards."

"No problem, we can do that," said Harry. 

Harry and Charlie lit the barbecue and Kim helped Carol with the salad. 

After a lovely meal of steaks and salad, they all sat around the lounge and chatted about their day. Chloe, Kim and Carol couldn't help giving each other a rye smile when the restaurant was mentioned.

"You must be crowded for sleeping arrangements here," remarked Chloe.

"It's a bit squashed but we're managing," answered Charlie. 

"Well if you could do with some company, a couple of us could stay with you tonight," said Kim, thinking that her idea might just come together. 

"One from each room would lighten the load here," stated Carol. 

"Well if Chloe only has one double bed and a camp bed, then only two can go and there's no need for you to go because you're still with me anyway," observed Charlie.

"Well I think one of the men should go and the obvious solution would be if David and I went with Chloe. I could sleep with Chloe in the double and David on the camp bed as he's smaller than Harry," Kim stated.

"Sounds like a good idea, that alright with you Chloe?" Asked Charlie.

"Great," said a subdued Chloe looking across at a disappointed Carol.

But then she realised she would be sleeping with Kim and her little pussy gave a slight pulse and wet her panties for the second time that day.

David suddenly realised that he would be on his own with his horny Mother and a very tasty little woman who looked like she could fuck a rattlesnake.

"OK with me if anybody's interested," David chirped in.

"Oh you'll do as you're told anyway my son," ordered Kim, cupping his face gently in her Motherly hand.

David hoped that his Mother planned to go ahead with her promise to fuck his brains out when she told him so in McDonalds on the way down. His dick began to harden in his jeans at the thought of getting to fuck his gorgeous Mother and possibly their young friend as well.

At about nine o'clock Chloe sat in the back of the car and Kim drove with David in the passenger seat. As soon as they got a few yards down the road, Kim looked at Chloe in the rear view mirror and smiled. 

"Don't worry about David tonight Chloe, he's got a wonderful cock and he's going to fuck the pair of us for most of the night." 

Chloe couldn't stop herself from pulling up her skirt and sliding a hand inside her wet panties to finger her glowing cunt to what she hoped would be the first of many orgasms that night. 

Back at Charlie and Carols, Sophie suddenly realised that her Father would be on his own tonight and a little twinge of pleasure shot through her pussy. She would be paying him a visit tonight without doubt as she knew he wouldn't resist her if she rubbed her naked wet pussy on him.

At just approaching midnight a completely naked Sophie stood at the side of her Father's bed. Pulling back the bedclothes she gently took his half hard cock in her small hand and lifted it, a look of longing overtaking her face.

Bending forward over her sleeping Dad, Sophie lowered her pretty young mouth over the slowly hardening shaft of flesh in her grasp. Sucking hard, she felt her Father's cock grow on her lapping tongue. 

Harry groaned and started to come to from his slumber. He felt the warm glow in his cock before, in the half light, he saw his daughter hungrily feasting on him as his vision cleared. Harry quickly forgot all his inhibitions about Sophie and remembered the age old saying about men. "When your dick goes hard your brain goes soft."

Placing his hand on the back of his daughters bobbing head he smiled to himself and gave in to the expert blow job his wonderful sexy young daughter gave him.

Sophie wanked the now hard cock shaft and licked the big round knob, as she pushed her other hand between her own legs and rubbed her aching clit between her wet fingers. A groaning Harry watched his loving Daughter act like a big slut for her Father and wondered to himself what it was going to be like to fuck her tight little pussy.

"That's it my little slut, suck Daddy's cock like a good girl."

"Hmm hmm mmm" Sophie moaned as she licked and sucked on her Daddy's hard dick with ultimate joy.

Sophie climbed up onto the bed and placed herself over her Father's head in a classically naughty sixty-nine. Harry lifted his head and pushed his hungry mouth against her dripping cunt lips and greedily feasted on her hot pussy. 

Sophie took his cock out of her mouth momentarily, to groan just a bit too loudly as her first orgasm approached her trembling young body. She humped her eager hips against her Dad as she fucked his face and sucked his solid cock.

Harry was close to cumming in his Daughter's willing mouth, but he thought of anything he could to delay his orgasm. He wanted his cock to fill his girls pussy when he came and he wanted her to cum before he did so. 

Harry pushed two wet fingers into Sophie's swollen pussy and sucked hard on her sensitive clit. Sophie came hard and hot womanly fluid squirted from her spasming cunt and soaked Harry's joyful face. Sophie collapsed forward in a heap, still grasping her Dad's hard cock in her tiny hand. 

Not giving Sophie too much time to recover, Harry turned her around to sit on top of him. 

"Lower yourself on me, fuck me Sophie, fuck your Dad," he groaned.

Sophie did as she was told and squatting down with her feet either side of him she spread her ass cheeks with her hands and lowered her dripping pussy over her Dad's hard cock as he held it up erect for her. 

Hot juice coated the shaft as Sophie fucked herself up and down on her Dad's throbbing cock. 

"Oh yes, I fucking love it, fuck me fuck me," Sophie cried.

"Oh God yeh, you're amazing, your cunts sooo hot, fuck yourself on Daddy's cock."

Any inhibitions that Harry had were long forgotten in the throws of passion he had for his sex hungry Daughter. Her young body and her enthusiasm for fucking had him past all his moralistic worries. The thoughts of whether he could do it outweighed the thoughts that he should.

Harry sat up and flipped Sophie over. Lining her up on all fours he rubbed his hard aching member against the warm wet entrance to her willing pussy. One long slow push of his hips slid his hard cock into the core of his Daughter's body.

"Ohh God that's good," groaned Harry.

"Yeh so good, fuck me Daddy, fuck me."

Harry grasped Sophie's hair and pulled her head back as he fucked his chunky meat into his Daughter's slippery pussy, and tried with all his might to push into her cervix. 

"Oh my God Dad, you're sooo deep."

Harry groaned and letting go of her hair he pushed her head down onto the bed. Sophie's ass now presented itself to Harry as he prised her cheeks apart and looked down at her puckered hole. 

Sophie moaned long and hard as the little sparks of lightning pleasure spread themselves from her spasming pussy. Harry felt her channel contract against his shaft as his Daughter came hard on his plunging phallus. 

Harry felt his orgasm rising from his genitals in a glow of warm pleasure. He pulled his cock out of Sophie's hot cunt and dribbled a rope of spit onto her little purple asshole. He pushed his throbbing knob into the tight little hole and fucked into his Daughter's opening ass. 

Within a few strokes Harry came hard and filled his Daughter's ass with the biggest load of man juice he'd ever cum. 

Sophie jammed her own fingers into her sensitive pussy and came hard again as her Dad's cum filled her asshole. Both Father and Daughter collapsed onto the bed together, exhausted but sated by their orgasmic pleasure. 

"That was amazing, I don't feel anywhere near as guilty as I should," gasped Harry.

"Nothing that feels that good should be wrong Dad,"

The pair of them wrapped their arms around each other and forgot about the fact that they had just had insestual sex, and basked in the warm glow of love for each other. 

Sophie had no intention of going back to her bed in the lounge, and Harry had no intention of letting her.