Chapter 3 - Gordan Freeman

I hear about gordan freeman.

Since I know about half life 2, he starts on a train.


He meets Barney Calhoun and moves through the city's canal system after a failed attempt to teleport to a resistance base.

Since I just want to kill him, I sent 10 Gunships 10 Striders 60 Elites and 1 hunter.

10 minutes later my forces kill him.

( Like I said, I want to kill him, which he wasn't killed in the game but I just want to )

Now that he is out of the way.

I set up snipers and 1 Strider to act as a chokepoint. I set up another chokepoint behind and have 100 Combine Soldiers act as the chokepoint.

I deploy 1 Strider and 10 Combine Soldiers to a resistance base to kill the resistance fighters in there.