Orgasmic. The DJ was playing it all. Beatmatched to perfection. We make our way downstairs to the main floor. It was to time fly.
Eye to eye, we showed respect to "DJ Tommy," famous for playing with a baseball cap and headphones covering his eyes like a visor.
The genre was Psy-Trance, slowly blending to an eventual chop of a Breakbeat song. The crowd was united.
The drop brought the house down. The mechanics and visual artists started the main show, as a mechanical dragon lowered itself across a beam of strobe lights, the laser show began. It was the moment for a coast. By this time, Clappy and I were at double digits; triple dropping every three hours. As we would call it back then, "biar tambah kenceng" or "palakasan na."
Combined, Clappy and I were at 45, with 5 to go.
Sadistic was the night, imperial was the music.