If I were to ask you, "did you make the most of your time", would you say yes?
Did you live a life free from regret? One where you did not lie to a single soul. A life where you were content and never strived for excess. Were you content with every decision you made?
What will you do on your death bed, when you're surrounded by the people who love you most?
Is there a secret that you'll take with you to the afterlife? Will you confess your darkest thoughts during your final hour? Would you leave them parting words to remember?
And if you were to die alone in a dark hole - what would you do?
There would be no one there to hear you but would you cry out in hopes that someone would? Would you wish that you changed your life so that you never ended up in this place? Would you crave the touch of another in your final hour?
Death is inevitable.
From your first breath, the only thing you have is a timer counting down to your last. The only thing any of us have control over is the way we spend our every hour waiting for the reaper to strike.
There are no other certainties in the universe. Death awaits no one and delivers us all to the same end. The reaper only strikes once and you cannot escape him.
"...ngh.....where am I?"