Gary was flying through the sea of stars bouncing off of things hither and thither.
For Gary, this was a relatively peaceful ride. He was unconscious inside the bubble afterall.
For the dot this was the single most terrifying excursion it had ever been forced to participate in.
The sea of stars was a dangerous place. Filled with wonders, and horrors that couldn't be found on dry land. For the most part it was just empty. A nothing sandwich sprinkled with nothing flakes.
Unfortunately for the dot, the sea of stars was not as empty as it should have been.
"Merciful lords why?" exclaimed the dot.
The black was practically drowning in space crabs. They were migrating.
These weren't just any old space crabs. These were giant space crabs.
The dot was forced to disguise Gary's bubble as an asteroid that the crabs had to walk around.
Space crabs in general were terrified of asteroids. Asteroid crabs were common predators of the space crab, and thus asteroids were avoided like the plague.
Fortunately, the Gary bubble managed to weather that storm. Had he been caught by the Giant space crabs he would have been torn to shreds.
Did you hear that little dove?
Yes, that's right. That noise was the super-massive space whale. One of the most dangerous predators in the sea of stars.
Giant space crabs are one of its favorite meals. Mages are a luxury meal comparable to ambrosia.
The dot was again forced to make Gary's bubble appear as something else.
This time Gary's bubble looked like a giant plate of vegetables. Super-massive space whales were notorious for their hatred of vegetables. The vast majority of space-faring ships were covered in greenery to avoid ever having an encounter with these ravenous creatures.
The space whale deftly avoided Gary's bubble, and went on its merry way.
Before the dot could breathe a sigh of relief, a squad of sky-squids atop a floating veggie-covered ship quickly approached Gary's bubble, and started inspecting it.
"Hells" thought the dot.
Sky-quids are sapient. A little harder to deal with than most creatures. Sure any illusion would have been able to fool them if they weren't looking close enough, but the dot needed a heads up before committing to one. In its limited form it couldn't exactly see them approaching until it was too late.
"Captain! We've found the anomalous object!" Reported a sky-quid to its sky-squid captain. It performed a sky-squid's approximation to a salute.
"Great job Space-Lieutenant Torres" Replied the Sky-Squid Space-Captain.
It wrapped one of its tentacles around Gary's bubble inspecting it closely before throwing it off into the distance.
"What in the endless hells is that thing!?" demanded the Space-Captain.
"It appears to be a human Space-Captain!" replied the Space-Lieutenant.
"Whatever it is, shoot it far away from our planet before it infects somebody!" yelled the Space-Captain.
With that Gary's bubble was shot off further into the sea of stars.
The dot could finally breathe a sigh of relief. This part of space seemed relatively quiet, and it could finally take a rest.