It was decided to balance out training on both parts since I was more skilled in
magic, than martial arts that I would take an extra hour and thirty minutes from magic training to do aura cultivation
I bought a few temporary cultivation speed increasing pill for the cheap price of two thousand dollars, and three days in the real world I was already at mid mortal level cultivation which would normally take a month of pure cultivation and no other training
I still got my ass kicked by amaya each day, obviously she was holding back but dang I wish she would hold back even more
little by little, half way through our training I seen on the supernatural app a spear
that could also serve as a staff that makes using magic more efficient, not only that but was also made of chromium it cost me $50,000.
So I will practice spearmenship for the remainder of my training
Flashback ends: Magic training
My mana has almost reached the level of an apprentice mage, which is by no means impressive, the average mage's child is born on this level apparently
"So do I need any other qualification to be a "magician" or is there more ?" Christian
" Yes of course there is more than just your magic capacity, I mean duh." Gary said with sarcastic smile, then he got back serious and said
"In order to be a full fledged magician you need to master all of the low level spells
in two or more types of western magic or mid level spells in one or more types of
magic. So, have you decided on what your going to focus on yet ? I have mastered all the mid level elements, and a lot of non attribute spells, but I chose to focus on wind and lightning magic. So how about you ?" Gary
" Yeah I thought we were going to focus on elemental magics first like they do in mangas." Christian
"What is a manga ?" Gary said with a look of confusion
"It's a Japanese....never mind. What do you suggest ?" Christian
"Well elemental magic doesn't work for everyone unless your not using it for attack magic or something.
But unless you plan on paying for extra time I suggest you focus on dark magic, lightning magic, and something special.....gravity magic. " Gary said with holding his chin with a satisfied grin
"Alright, learning gravity magic sounds cool and all but, why?" Christian
"Because gravity magic is apart of space magic. Just like fire magic is apart of elemental magic. With your esper ability to manipulate space this should come easy to you." Gary
"All right but how about this." Christian says as he summons a book from the space ring that wasn't his
"This is a book for mind manipulation magic ! That mage had one of these." Gary
Christian notices the look on his face
"Is this book expensive ?" Christian
"Yes, you said you plan on mainly being a magician right ?" Gary asked
"Yeah, I always thought being mage would be cool." Christian
"Good ! As your teacher I advise you not to sell that until you learn it, and I also advise you not to try to learn it until you master the esper ability for telepathy." Gary said excitedly
"Okay. So how would I master telepathy if its an esper ability and why do I have to wait until then ?" Christian
"Some esper abilities could actually be mastered through training, for example, my
father mastered telekinesis. And your other question, why wait, because as an esper
you're already are accustomed to esper abilities, so it would be easier for you to learn esper abilities. That's why espers are so powerful !" Gary said with a look at excitement
(This guy reminds me of a chuunibyou) Christian thought to himself
Flashback Ends
Training Highlights
I decided to spend three extra days inside
costing me 10,000 a day
Some time on what would have been the third day outside, I was training with Amaya
"I had finally mastered my first martial skill !" I scream while crying
" Yeah you are, the moment you use it, you'll be temporarily out of aura." Amaya said
What I had mastered was a simple, yet inefficient way to use aura
Amaya spent hours of this time to teach me how to use what is called "true aura", or better known as "Raw aura"
The reason why its called that is because it's aura that has no other attribute to it, which is similar to non-attribute magic attacks, and to describe it its like.....a weak laser, and also the color varies from person to person
My color happens to be an emerald green color
Fortunately this type of "skill" can "level up" with enough practice and training
But, like she said I need higher cultivation to use it more frequently
Also I became pretty proficient in my way of fighting with a spear, not to mention I could use dark magic to make my spear increase in length
Speaking of dark magic,I have mastered a great deal of dark element spells
I've mastered all of the low tier ones, and most of the mid tier ones
As for Lightning magic, I am at the stage where I could manipulate electricity and enhance that electricity using mana, so pretty much low tier
now for my proudest achievements I learned Space magic
I could now make barriers and increase or decrease the amount of gravity of what I touch and the area around me (so long as I have enough mana)
For the extra three days I spent there I would make barriers and increase the gravity for
The only thing I dont like is that I dont have enough Mana to be at the "Master Mage stage" I'm about 75% there but that doesn't matter
Scene Change
"Alright thanks for the personal training, you guys probably could have had two other's teach me, right ?" Christian
"For martial arts probably, but besides Dad, Gary is the only magician in the family, we are a tribe of cultivators." Amaya said
"Plus we are hoping you may join the U.S magician's guild." Gary
"Or... here's an idea, how about becoming a pack member." Amaya
"Like getting bit by an alpha ?" Christian asked
"Yeah" Amaya said cheerfully
"I think I want to aim for high human and then figure it out." Christian
"Hmmmm, okay I'll be with you every step of the way, just like a cheerleader." Amaya cheered
"What do you mean ?" Christian
"Its a surprise..." Amaya said as the corners of her mouth lifted up unto a smile
" Alright...well there are other things I have to get to that I've been delaying the past few days."
Three days later
I had dropped of one million to my mother, I had bought houses in L.A and my city in Ohio, bills, spell books and martial art books, pills and potions from the dark web.
The rest of my cash, I had put to the side because after I deal with Hispanic region were-wolves that want to forcefully make me join there pack, I will go back to L.A and train more inside of their training ground
For a full day of training inside of their time altered area, the cost is 10,000
I could have easily stayed in there for weeks but I chose not to, the reason is
because thanks to otaku culture I learned being OP from the start comes with one price that is way too cliche
They get arrogant and although they may be strong, others that people the main character wants to protect winds up getting hurt or even killed because of the MC's recklessness
I refuse to fall into that same old, overused, and obvious cliche and I have one simple solution for that....experience
I'll experience first hand why not to get cocky and think just because your strong that your untouchable, taking a thrashing will also get me used to taking damage from different opponents
Of course this sounds dumb at first thought, but think how many characters I've seen in manga or anime experiences pain for the first time and gets completely thrown off of their game and nearly die, and the only reason why they don't die is because of plot armor...unfortunately I don't have any plot armor
I was thinking these things while eating ramen that I made a large pot of when I seen on my "space radar" a familiar blue dot
Yeah thats right ! When I was training, I wasn't with the two light skins all of the time, half of the training I did was alone, and one of the space abilities I made by myself is, what I call "mental radar" I could see allies in blue and hostiles in red, but Amaya, and Gary have no clue about that yet
I put my noodles down and teleport right behind the dot that isn't trained well in espionage, who is outside my Ohio house hiding inside of a bush with a pair of binoculars in her hand
"Why are you stalking me, and why do you have a pair of binoculars ?" Christian
"So I could see in your windows...HYEEEE?" Amaya screeched realising she was talking to the person she was trying to stalk