Chapter 101 - I need help

My positivity is dying

I'm getting tired of surviving

I don't want to live but I can't stand the consequences of dying.

I'm a hypocrite, messed up in all this. I know I do this to myself sometimes I wish I could be anyone else. Why can't I break free of my own mind challenging me, just forget my family just forgo everything I feel like I can't breathe I'm sick of this and I'm sick of me! I can't take away my life because I feel its not mine. I only live anymore because I know I impact others I'm a part of their lives and if I die I can break theirs. I'm just mad at myself for not having the guts to leave everyone behind and be selfish for once.

I should, I could, I can't, hypocrite.

I could, I can, I'm scared, coward.

I'm dumb, I'm scared, I'm feeling numb, pathetic, worthless.

These emotions feel like they are cracking me.

I feel like I'm underwater and I cannot breathe I'm drowning myself, I'm hurting myself. My mind feels like a broken carousel I'm just stuck spinning never stopping. I feel like I'm becoming numb and raw simultaneously. I'm scared I want it to stop. What's making me more scared is I don't want to leave.

No one can help me when I'm destroying myself. I know this but I feel like I'm not trying hard enough to succeed on either side.