Chapter 79 - Brain attack

Disclaimer : do not listen if you hear this or think this, it is not a normal response I am not in the right frame of mind . Get help before it becomes like this. FYI this is when you should try to reach out as far as you can to try getting help because if your own mind attacks you it's probably not gonna help you...

What my brain feels like when it attacks itself.

Imagine you are in a crowded area. You are in the middle of the crowd and you are walking but have no idea where you are walking or which direction you're going in. Everyone around you is talking about different topics and everyone is so loud so you only hear snippets of sentences as you walk by. They are all talking about you. Everyone is trash talking you. As you walk you hear the voices and you cant stop them instead they get louder and meaner. It's scary because the more you hear the more you agree with the terrible things they say about you, you know it's not true but believe them anyway. You start to hear what you should do. You should break something! You should harm yourself! You are already broken so break more! Kill yourself! There's multiple ways just choose one! It will be terrible if you do but you should! Punch start screaming tear yourself worthless can't think this hurts you're broken pathetic why are you crying I can't breathe ... it just gets faster and faster until your mind becomes buzzing noises you can't string sentences you can't think. You can't breathe.

This won't go away on its own