Chapter 3 - The Deep

Nov 25th 2046, 7:11am, Location: Fremantle Docks, Western Australia

I arrived at the Fremantle Docks looking for their Aronnax aka the Nektons "*inhales* maybe I can check the bridge overlooking the docks" so I drove off to the bridge. When I arrived at the bridge overlooking the Fremantle Docks I began to look around for their Aronnax I looked at docks and saw their Aronnax popping out of water just thirty metres away from the docks "*inhales* bingo that's them alright, now all I need to do is find their rover and I'll bring it back to them so I did a u-turn turned left at an intersection and drove towards the Swan River when my Standard got airborne my standard bike went to land, to water the wheels of my standard bike went horizontal and propeller appeared at the back of my standard bike also my standard bike can stabilise itself no matter what pressure it's in, once I was in the water I turned to my left and the Aronnax thirty metres away I looked to my right and saw Antaeus with pet fish Jeffrey, Fontaine and Kaiko twenty metres away finding their rover suddenly I felt something bump me I looked right next to me and it was Echolocation and her twin male baby dolphins called Blowhole and Watersplatter "Echo, you're okay" I said Echo wails happily I looked at twin male baby dolphins "wow you given birth to twin male dolphin Blowhole and Watersplatter but Echo what are you doing here?" I asked her Echo wailed calmly and she, Blowhole and Watersplatter swam away to my right "*inhales* wait did you find something Echo" I said Echo wailed calmly. Fontaine and Antaeus were surprised to see three dolphins and an unknown figure on a modified standard bike passing by "ahh dad why there is a figure on a bike?" Fontaine asked I waved at her "oh he or she must be saying hi" said Fontaine waving back at me my pet dolphins and I kept swimming trying to find their rover while Fontaine, Antaeus with pet Jeffrey and Kaiko with their suit swam back to the Aronnax to take a break. My pet dolphins and I were about sixty-five metres away from the Aronnax then minutes later my pet dolphins and I saw rover on the Swan River Floor out of power "nice Echo you found their rover, I'll connect it to my bike and bring this back to Nektons" so I grabbed my chain that was added as a installation to my standard bike and connected it to the rover.

Once connected I jumped back to my bike and my pet dolphins and I swam back to the Aronnax, back at… the Aronnax the Nektons were taking break after they failed to find their rover "sorry mum and dad but our rover is nowhere to be found" said Fontaine "oh well looks like we keep locating for lost artifacts without the rover" said Kaiko suddenly Antaeus burst through the room "everyone you must see this!" Antaeus shouted so the Nektons left the bridge and headed to one of the rooms and looked through the window. They were surprised to see their rover still intact Antaeus looked at me and my pet dolphins "thanks stranger" said Antaeus when I recognised Antaeus' voice I didn't respond "stranger?" Will asked me next, I removed my helmet and faced the Nektons. "Hello Nektons it's good to see you again" I said Will was surprised "ARNOLD!? Is that you" Antaeus "yep it's me alright also Echo" I whistled suddenly Antaeus saw my pet dolphins Echolocation, Blowhole and Watersplatter.

The Nektons were amazed "who is that" said Fontaine "Fontaine this is female pet dolphin named Echolocation and she have given birth to twin male baby dolphins called Blowhole and Watersplatter" I said Fontaine was surprised "thanks for finding our rover Arnold, where did you find it?" Kaiko said, amazed " I followed my pet dolphins and your rover sixty-five metres away from the Aronnax and my dolphins and I found your rover, it was out of power so I decided to connect it via a from my standard bike and we swam back here to give you to you" I said Kaiko was surprised "Arnold you can come in our Aronnax" said Fontaine "sure just wait" so I grabbed a portable aquarium for Echolocation, Blowhole and Watersplatter "go on" I said Antaeus was surprised to see my pet dolphins in my portable aquarium then I swam up to the vehicle bay of the Aronnax.

Once inside I turn off my standard bike grabbed it out of the water and it was converted back to a land vehicle next I put the aquarium housing my pet dolphins on my standard bike and started to repair their rover when Nektons came in the vehicle bay they saw me repairing their rover "hey Nektons don't mind me I'm just repairing your rover, add a few batteries in and there" suddenly the rover was back online, "back online and good as new" I said once I was done I jump back to the ground grabbed my aquarium housing my pet dolphins and walked towards the Nektons "thanks for repairing our rover" said Kaiko "no probs I just repaired your systems and added a few batteries I made so they last long now she's to go, come on we have a lot of catching to do" I said Antaeus hugged me "Antaeus what's wrong with you!" Fontaine shouted angrily "hey Fontaine, your brother hugged me because he missed me 24 years since my death due to the dreaded Covid-19 back in 2022 *sigh* you must change your attitude Fontaine… I just don't like the way you treat your brother like this your personality Fontaine is very similar to my little brother, Arjie please don't be like my brother" I said Fontaine was surprised "oh I forgot you have a biological family my apologies Arnold and sorry Antaeus" said Fontaine "it's okay Fontaine… I thought you were dead?" Antaeus asked "that's what you thought Antaeus but… Death gave me a second chance at life so I came back from the dead and decided to catch up with everyone" I said "I see come on let's have a quick talk at the bridge" said Will. The Nektons and I walked to the bridge and started to have conversation "Arnold, I'm very surprised that our family and I didn't know that Echolocation was female" said Fontaine "really Fontaine, you didn't even know that Echolocation was pregnant by the time 2021 came around" I said I looked at their sonar and saw a red dot behind the Aronnax "dad why there's dot behind us?" Fontaine asked "that can only mean one thing" suddenly I heard voice over the comms "we meet again Nektons and you're not going" he said with pirate laughter "The Dark Orca your enemy, Will, turn up engines the Dark Ocra doesn't want to grab you or even worse, invade your Aronnax" I said with warning "Arnold has a point we must get away from them or things will get worse" said Will so Fontaine, Antaeus and Kaiko got to work, Will looked at me "Arnold I'm still surprised about the warnings we bump into thank you Arnold without your help we will be held hostage by them" said Will "all in a day's work but anyway focus at the task at hand try your to drive away from the Dark Orca" I said "sure thing Arnold, I'll try" said Will but as soon an intruder tried to attack me in lightning fast speed I grabbed my Dragonbone Katana and cut the weapon in half and turned around to face the intruder "your attacks are useless against me Mad Madeline" I said Mad Madeline was in shock "WHAT! Who… who are you" Mad Madeline shouted "I'm Arnold, the creator of Planet Harmony and Saviour of both worlds of Planet Harmony and Planet Earth, I hate it when pirates get on my bad side" I said "really… you don't scare me" Mad Madeline boasted suddenly, my Dharkon Vines begin to appear and started to grow Mad Madeline was now really scared of me "oh okay now I'm really scared" said Mad Madeline so Mad Madeline ran back to the Dark Orca in fear

I looked at Will "Will any luck?" I said "yes we out of the Dark Orca's grasp and I'm very surprised to scared Mad Madeline away" said Will "yeah I did Mad Madeline was an nuisance, anyway I have a submarine similar to yours but the shape of the submarine, you will be surprised" I said "really!?" Said Antaeus "I do Antaeus you can come along if you want to" I said "sure, you want to come along Fontaine?" I asked her "no thanks Arnold, I'll stay here" said Fontaine. "Okay. Come on, Antaeus let's go" Antaeus and his pet fish Jeffrey and I with my pet dolphins Echolocation, Blowhole and Water Splatter left the bridge and headed back to the vehicle bay. When we arrived at the vehicle bay my modified standard bike was still there "come Antaeus let's get on my bike" so I jumped on my bike followed by Antaeus.

I turned on the engine and put on my motorcycle helmet then opened the portable aquarium and my pet dolphins dived in followed by Jeffrey "I'm still surprised that your pet fish Jeffrey still play with my pet dolphins Antaeus" I said "yeah, Jeffrey still like to play with your pet dolphin Echolocation but with her siblings Blowhole and Water Splatter your pet is growing" said Antaeus "I know. Anyway, my sub is located at the Perth Docks. So, it's really far" I said to him I turned and saw Antaeus sleepy, "Oh yeah, sorry Arnold. I'm a... *yawn* bit sleepy" Antaeus yawned. "Oh, I see. Get some shut eye Ant, I'll wake you up when we arrive at my sub" I said. Anteaus laid his head on my inkling back and slept. I turned around to see the Aronnax following me. "Thanks for the warning, Arnold" said Will and Kaiko. "No probs, Will and Kaiko. If we didn't act the Aronnax would be stolen" I said. When we arrived at the Perth Docks they saw my sub, they saw that my sub was in the shape of a dolphin.

Antaeus woke up from his nap and saw my dolphin shaped sub. "Wow, is this your sub?" Antaeus asked me. "Yep, Ant. This is my sub called the Beast Tamer" I said. Fontanie saw my sub. "Wow, the Beast Tamer. Arnold, must have finished his sub before he contracted the dreaded Coronavirus" said Fontanie. I drove my modified standard bike inside the vehicle bay. Then Antaeus and I ran to the deck I turned around and saw the Aronnax resurfaced "Let's make the Perth Docks as our base" I said "good idea" said Will. So I place a protective barrier surrounding Perth and the Perth Docks "there don't worry this protective barrier won't affect the things from my real world.

The Nektons and I jumped out of our subs and walked towards Elizabeth Quay when suddenly *explosion* an explosion rocked the area "what the… Arnold what was that?" Will asked me. I looked at the Pan Pacific and saw fire coming out of the windows. "The top two floors of the Pan Pacific are up in flames." Will said as I grabbed my IPhone 7S and called the fire department. "I heard an explosion that rocked Elizabeth Quay and Perth and the top two floors of the Pan Pacific Hotel are up in flames…" I said "What time did this happen?" the fire department asked me. "It happened around 8:11am…" I replied. "I see. Okay, thanks. I will send three fire engines to your location." the fire department officer said. After the call, I looked at the Nektons. "three fire engines are on the way to our location" I said. "Okay, that's good. But I think I can see someone or something hanging on the ledge for dear life" said Fontanie, looking through her binoculars. "What do you mean, Fontaine?" I questioned her. "Here Arnold, you might have to take a look." replied Fontaine as she gave me the binoculars. I used the binoculars to look at the Pan Pacific and saw a dalmation pup in a fire gear hanging on the ledge howling in fear "Fontaine… that's Marshall, he's from the Pup Patrol TV show, right I better put my experiences to work. Nektons stay here I'm going to the Lookout located at Scarborough Beach okay" I said

"Okay Arnold, I hope you still have your experiences to this day" said Kaiko. "I still do, Kaiko" I said as I ran to my Beast Tamer sub and headed to my vehicle bay. Once I was inside, I jumped on my Modified Standard Bike and turned on the engine and followed the road to the deck. I drove out of my Beast Tamer sub and landed on the ground right next to the Nektons. "Okay, just stay here. I'll head off to Scarborough Beach" I said "Okay Arnold, be careful" said Fontaine. "I will Fontaine" I replied as I drove off to Scarborough Beach.