Chereads / Mana Apocalypse / Chapter 54 - Chapter 54

Chapter 54 - Chapter 54

Seeing the anger and despair from Tracy and hearing the laughter coming out of the phone, something in me snapped. I felt a full rage take over me.

While I thought Tracy was an attractive woman, I didn't have the same crush on her that Micheal did. I did like her classes though, and thought she was a nice person. Definitely not someone who deserved to be pranked when she was anxious over her family. That just wasn't right.

Without understanding how I was doing it I traced the call back to its source and tore open a portal to the location the caller was at. Blue light filled the room as the portal came into existence revealing a hotel room with two beds. Just past the portal a short man with short brown hair and tanned skin sat holding a phone in one had while laughing his ass off. Across the room by the door was a second man who looked similar to the first, but older, taller, and more muscular stood glaring angrily at the laughing man. Until he noticed the portal that had appeared behind the laughing man.

I had seen the older man before and knew who he was. Realizing the situation I was barely able to stop myself from reaching through the portal, grabbing the shorter man, and pulling him through so I could beat the shit out of him. I still wanted to, but the situation wasn't what I had expected it to be.

"John!" Tracy screamed then threw herself through the portal without a care. A moment later she was in the muscular man's arms crying into his shoulder.

"What the hell!" the laughing man yelled before falling on his ass. He looked back over his shoulder to see the portal and me staring at him. "What the fuck?!" he said looking scared.

It wasn't hard to understand the situation once I recognized Tracy's husband. He had come to the college a couple times to take Tracy out for lunch. The caller had been Tracy's brother-in-law, and he was a dick. I still had no idea how I opened a portal to where they were. No idea whatsoever. Though I could feel the portal and my control over it. Worse I could feel the drain the spell had on my reserves.

"Hey Tracy!" Caly yelled through the portal, "He can't hold this portal for long!"

Tracy seemed to regain some of her wits and turned back towards the portal. "Grab your stuff, hurry." she told her husband without letting go of him for a second. Thankfully the man seemed to have a quick mind, he grabbed a duffel bag from the bed next to him and tossed it through the portal then grabbed his brother by the back of his shirt and tossed him through a moment before he walked through with Tracy. As soon as they were all through I let go of the portal.

Once the portal closed the room shifted back to its normal colors. Then everyone just stared at each other as they processed what had just happened. Tracy was back in her husband's arms, and I would bet we would need a pry bar to separate them. Not that any of us had any intention of separating them.

"So, did that just happen?" Micheal asked, seeming like he was in shock.

"I think so." Bill replied. "I think I can understand why those girls wanted to be bonded to Daryl now."

Micheal nodded, "Yeah, didn't sound like much earlier, but seeing it..." Micheal said, obviously agreeing with his father.

"What the hell just happened?" the man who had pranked Tracy asked from where he had landed on the floor. I think his name was Jake.

"You were being an asshole." I replied then ignored him as I walked towards my own wives. I was definitely feeling weaker than I had before. Not bad, but I doubted I would have been able to pull that off before I broke through to the true metal stage.

Caly was by my side in a moment as she looked me over. "You alright?" she asked me worriedly.

I nodded, I was feeling drained but it wasn't that bad, I could still function and had mana to use if needed. "Should wrap this up and head to bed." I told her.

"How did you do that?" Karen asked, moving to my other side and wrapping an arm around my waist.

I shrugged, "No idea, just got pissed he was laughing so hard when Tracy was still crying. Wanted to bitch slap his ass." I replied honestly.

"Tracy was crying?" John asked then glared at his brother.

"How was I supposed to know she would react like that?" Jake defended.

"Been home yet?" Micheal asked coldly. He didn't seem pleased that his crush was in the arms of another man, even if he was her husband. Then again maybe he didn't think the prank was a good idea either, I wasn't sure, and had no desire to figure it out.

"Yeah, the place was trashed." Jake replied. "What happened?"

"What happened was I found her running out of her home being chased by one of those twisted monsters. Killed it and brought her here while she tried to get ahold of her husband and brother-in-law, but they never picked up or called her back, so she has been worrying about their safety all day. Especially hearing that the store they had gone to had also been attacked by those monsters." Bill replied calmly with a stern glare, which seemed to make Jake curl in on himself.

After explaining Tracy's situation Bill turned to look at Tracy and John before looking back down at Jake. "Of course I don't mind if you stay here with us, just try and keep your pranks to a minimum, you are more likely to get hurt than get a laugh."

"Thank you." John said while holding Tracy.

Bill nodded in return then looked to me, "Should we get this show on the road? Though I suggest we wait on the prankster, at least till morning, call it a punishment."

I agreed wholeheartedly.

"Get started with what?" John asked warily.

"Megan, do you want to go first?" Caly offered.

Megan who had seemed fairly down since my marriage to the other girls was announced perked up, like she was hearing something different from what I was. "Yes." she with a shy smile before she walked to stand in front of me.

'Lots of energy husband, I will watch over her.' Caly whispered to me mentally.

"Micheal, you can get your girls right?" I asked.

"I'd prefer it." Micheal replied pulling Courtney onto his lap.

"This sounds like it is about to get awkward. Boy you remember that Megan is my niece." Bill started sounding a bit worried.

Micheal and I laughed then I placed my hand on Megan's shoulder before I pushed a lot of energy into her. I wasn't sure what would be too much, but I trusted Caly to make sure she didn't get hurt.

'Seems you have a talent for this.' Caly commented mentally as I stopped pushing energy into Megan.

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond. Once I was done Megan fell into my arms. I hadn't even considered the fact that the wakening would knock her out. Realizing my mistake I scooped her up into my arms then carried her to the living room and laid her out on one of the couches.

"Should probably do this over here." I told the others.

"Didn't even think about that." Micheal commented as he stood up with an unconscious Courtney in his arms.

"They alright?" John asked worriedly.

"Yes, they are fine. Me next?" Tracy asked looking over at me.

I glanced over at Micheal who just shrugged.

"Sure. One order of super powers coming up." I tried to joke.

"Daryl, don't make this weird." Bill retorted.

I sighed but walked over to Tracy. "Keep hold of her, she shouldn't be out for more than ten or twenty minutes." I told him before touching Tracy's shoulder and pushing mana into her, I only used half as much as I had with Megan so I hoped she wouldn't have any issues. We would keep an eye on her regardless.

John held her against him for a moment then bent down and scooped her up into his arms.

"Next?" I asked looking around to see Micheal finishing with Heather, Samantha was sitting beside her on the couch looking eager for her own turn.

"Over here." Bill called from a chair where he had already made himself comfortable.

I walked over and repeated the process with Bill until he slumped over in the chair.

"Can someone please explain now?" John asked.

"They are awakening everyone, when they wake up, they will all have some kind of powers like Daryl's teleport." Karen replied.

"What about me?" Jake asked excitedly.

"You don't listen very well do you." I commented

"Bad case of selective hearing." John told us with a resigned sigh.

"Whatever." I said tiredly. The energy I had used to awaken Megan, Tracy, and Bill wasn't all that much, but I was still a bit drained from the portal.

Grace came over and sat beside Megan peering down at her with a confused look on her face. Caly leaned over and whispered something to her, which caused the other woman to relax.

I looked back to John and Jake, a bit curious about what they had been through, though I knew I should wait until Tracy woke up. John was concentrating solely on Tracy, a worried look on his face. Jake was focused on Grace. As if feeling his gaze on her she glanced down at the man who had yet to get up off the floor, she glared at him then looked away with a shiver.

That only seemed to spark more interest in Jake so I moved to stand between Jake and Grace.

Jake looked up at me. "Dude, you are blocking the view." he told me.

"Yep." I replied with a smile.

Jake glared up at me but I just stared back down at him. Finally after a few moments the man crawled up off the floor and walked away to sit in a chair, which gave him a clear view of Grace. Which I promptly blocked. It wasn't much, and completely unnecessary, but I was still mad at him for his prank on Tracy. I would prefer to beat his ass but annoying him would have to do.