It is raining heavily outside as a young boy just sits in the grass looking blankly in the distance. As the boy is sitting by himself another boy walks towards him. The boy who is walking towards him is wearing completely white clothes, which isn't suitable for this rainy weather. He has long hair that is put into a neat ponytail that is currently getting messy due to the rain.
"☐☐☐☐☐, what are you doing out here? Don't you see how bad the rain is?" The boy in white speaks in a rather spoiled tone as he stands behind the boy with his arm crossed. The boy in white waited for a while before getting annoyed that the other boy wasn't responding to him.
"☐☐☐☐☐! Are you deaf?! Why are you ignoring me, you servant?!" The boy in white pushed at the back of the sitting boy with his foot. The boy finally reacted and grabbed the leg of the boy in white. The boy then pulls on the boy in white leg hard, causing them to fall on the ground hard. Once the boy in white was flat on the ground the boy who was sitting pin him down.
The boy who was sitting was wearing black. His hair was short and messier than the boy in white. The boy in black was glaring at the boy in white who glared right back at him.
"☐☐☐☐☐ you know what will happen if you hit me, don't you? So why even pretend you will hurt me? It is pretty sad that you will pret-." The boy in white was cut off when he was punched in the face hard. Even though it was raining hard everything got quiet as the boy in white grabbed at his face and looked at the boy in black.
"H...HOW DARE YOU FUCKING HIT ME, YOU GOD DAMN ABANDON CHILD!" The boy in white struggles to get from under the boy in black. He let out a frustrated scream when he couldn't even move from under the boy in black.
"Fucking get off me you abandon animal! You are lucky that you are here! You were so pitiful that you were bought here! You are an unskill piece of shi-!" The boy in white was cut off by another punch but this time the boy in black continued to punch him.
The boy in white went to attack the boy in black as well. They were rolling around on the muddy ground as they tried to seriously hurt each other. As they continue to fight the boy in white continues to insult the boy in black. Even as this was happening the boy in black never said anything back to the boy in white.
"Are you fucking mute as well ☐☐☐☐☐?! Why the fuck won't you speak?!" The boy in white was getting even more irritated at the lack of response from the other boy. He hated how he was acting like he was better than him. Someone like him could never be better than him.
The boy in white ended pinned under the boy in black once again. Both boys were breathing hard as they stared each other down. The boy in white was glaring at the other boy before the glare changed into confusion once he realizes the boy in black was crying.
"I know what I am… I know how my life is… But the only reason I am like this is because people like you did this to me! It all your fault! Everything is my life would be better if people like you were fucking dead!" The boy in black raised his fist to punch the boy in white but stop himself, deciding to just hit the boy on his chest lightly.
"Why can't you leave me alone….? Why do you always bother me? I don't want you to bother me… Just leave me alone ☐☐☐☐☐…. Leave me alone already…." The boy in black shoulders was shaking lightly as he continued to weakly hit the boy in white.
The boy in white no longer had the appearance of someone spoiled. He just had the expression of someone who felt crushed and hurt. Both boys just stay together in the rain, feeling too tired to continue fighting each other.
Hol woke up covered in sweat as he breathed hard. His head was hurting him and he could feel tears falling down his face. His emotions were all over the place as he tried to get them under control. After a few minutes of confusing and strong emotions, Hol was finally calm again.
Hol slowly sat up and looked around in the new place he was in. He grew confused once he realized he was in a place that looked old and broken. Looking down he realized he was laying on a dirty ground with a sheet to cover his body.
Once he fully took off the sheet that was over his body his confusion was even higher. Why was he wearing some type of military-looking outfit that showed off his rather athletic looking body? Is that also a six-pack he sees? Holy hell his body is fit as hell.
Hol slowly got off the ground and noticed that there were a bunch of bags off to the side as well. Walking towards the bag and looking through it he notices that it had different things in it. Food, water, maps, radio, compass, and is that a gun he sees?
As he was trying to understand what was happening he noticed something was shining in the bag. Reaching for the shining object he looked confused at a mirror that was in his hand. The mirror that was showing his confused expression changed into Starie worried face.
"Host! You have to hurry and get to the child! If the child dies then your mission will fail! I will give you the plot of this world later! So hurry and save the child. I will give you the direction in your head!" As soon as Starie said that Hol had a location of a place in his mind right away. Hol looked at the gun with hesitant eyes but decided to take it with him. Hol put the gun into an empty gun holster that was on his body.
Hol then quickly headed to the location that Starie needed him to go to. As Hol was running through the building with quiet, light feet, Hol noticed that this building looked like an old mall. There were empty and destroyed stores that looked like it had been like that for a while.
After running for a while he slowly came to a stop and pushed his back to a wall then looked over to see the place Starie needed him to go to. Hol felt his heart jump up in his throat when he saw rotting looking humans who were banging at a closed bathroom door.
'Are… Are those zombies?! Is the world I am is filled with zombies?!' Hol tried not to let out a sound when he saw the zombies. He didn't know what Starie was thinking! He doesn't know how to fight zombies!
Hol was thinking of avoiding them but heard a cry of a child coming from the closed bathroom door. Hol didn't know why but he felt his heart twisted in place when he heard that cry. Hol assumes that a child is someone important to this body.
Letting out a sigh, Hol slowly reached for his gun but felt his body freeze in place when he did that. Hol felt like it would be bad to use something that would cause loud noise. So Hol felt around his body until he felt the hilt of something. Pulling it up and holding it in front of his face, it was a hunting knife that looked covered with dried blood.
Hol got into a kneeling position and slowly stalked toward the group of three zombies that were at the door. Looking at them with careful eyes, Hol thought the first one he had to go with is the one who was missing a jaw and had one arm. He didn't know why he thought that but it was just a feeling.
Hol waited for a few seconds before quickly digging the knife deep inside of the zombie's head and twisting it out in a smooth motion. When the zombie he attacked went to the ground the other two zombies took their attention from the bathroom door and locked onto him.
Letting out an animal like roar the zombie charge at him. Hol dodges an attack from one of the zombies and sink his knife into another one's chest then push them off with his foot. He then threw the knife at the other zombie who charged at him first directly in the head then he did a high kick into the head of the zombie he stabbed in the chest.
When the zombie fell to the floor, Hol stomped on the head hard and cracked open the head of the zombie with his boots. He then quickly spun around and grabbed the knife out of the head of the zombie charging at him and cut the head clean off.
Hol then went to the head of the zombie on the floor and stomped on it. Hol let out a breath as he looked around at the bodies of the dead zombies. He couldn't believe he did this by himself! He doesn't even know how to fight so how was he so badass at the moment!
As Hol was impressed with what he did with the zombie he heard the bathroom door click and open slowly. From the crack of the door, Hol saw a head of a little boy peeking out at him with a tear cover face. When the boy saw Hol he rushes towards him and hugged at his waist tightly.
"Ira! I was so scared! I'm sorry for leaving when you were sleeping! I won't do it again!" The boy was sobbing into Hol clothes and Hol was awkwardly holding up his arms, not knowing what he should do at the moment.
Putting away the hunting knife he was holding, Hol lifted the crying boy who quickly wrapped his arms around Hol neck. Hol just awkwardly patted the boy back and started to walk back to the place he woke up in.
When they finally got back to the place the boy was fast asleep but still had his arms around Hol neck and would tighten his hold when Hol tried to take him off of him. Hol decided to just leave the child be and to sit on the ground where he woke up.
Taking out the mirror he put away in his pocket, Starie appeared on the screen with a relieved smile on their face once they saw the sleeping boy in Hol arms. "You got there on time. I am so glad! It would be bad if you got kicked out of the world right away because this boy died."
"Who is this boy and why is he so important for this mission?" Hol was rubbing at the boy back gently. He was good at holding a child since he did have children in the last world with… Hol forced back the tears when he thought about Terrance again.
"This boy is part of the body you are in wish. If he were to die you would have failed this mission. You have to make sure nothing happens to him or else this mission will be an instant failure." Starie shook their finger at Hol as they told them this seriously and Hol tightened his hold on the sleeping boy in his hand.
"Can I get the plot of this world? I want to know what I am dealing with." Hol felt still out of touch without the plot of the world. He didn't like being off guard and he still felt a bit messed up from that weird dream he had.
"The world plot is a zombie story. It's like a usual one you see in a zombie horror movie but there are a few changes. You see when zombies started to appear people with abilities started to appear as well. These people would have amazing abilities that would help them face off against zombies. The protagonist of this world has really powerful lighting abilities. He is someone who is seen as the savior of the world because of his abilities and how it went originally in the world before. But it changed now due to the fact someone who shouldn't be here, is here. So, this world is basically like a book in another world and a very popular one. The person who came here was a fan of this book. She admired the protagonist of this book and how attractive he was. When she realized she was in this book and that the zombie outbreak didn't happen yet she decided she would get close to the protagonist and have a love story with him. But she realized it couldn't happen because the female lead was by his side so it would be hard to get the protagonist to fall in love with her. So the fan decided to get close to the female lead and once the outbreak happened she pushed the female lead into a group of zombies that ate her alive. Seeing as the female lead was gone the world had to give someone the healing abilities of the female lead so she got them. She assumed since she took the place of the female lead the protagonist would like her but he couldn't stand her at all." Starie showed a chibi version of the protagonist rejecting the chibi version of the fan who was stomping her feet in anger.
"Seeing as the protagonist wouldn't fall in love with her the fan decided to let the protagonist get attacked by a group of zombies she drew to them when they were on a scouting mission for supplies. The protagonist ended up getting bitten by a zombie and turned into one. The fan went back to the place that was a hideout for the human survivors and made up a lie that the protagonist got turned into a zombie protecting her. She ended up falling in love with the second main lead in the book and got into a relationship with him. But since she made the protagonist get turned into a zombie and he had very powerful abilities he became a high level of a zombie that could control other zombies. He made zombies attack the hideout of the human survivors until there was a little percent of the human left." Starie showed him a clip of zombies overrunning a bunch of humans who were screaming. The zombie protagonist was in the back controlling them with a dark look in his eyes.
"So I have to protect the protagonist from this fan? That seems simple enough. But what's the deal with the body I am in?" Hol was rather curious about the body he was in. They were insanely good at fighting and had a fit body.
"You are in the body of Ira Reeves age 28, the youngest general from the military. He can control really powerful winds. He is a calm and fearless man who many people respect for his accomplishments. The boy you are currently holding is your son, Rubin Reeves age 8. You had him young with a girl who was no longer alive due to a disease. Your son also has a healing ability but his blood can be used to make a cure for the zombie virus. In the original world when the protagonist was turned into a zombie a group of scientists who were still alive learn that your son was immune to the zombie virus and kidnap him. They did countless tests on him that he died from. When the original learned about this he killed all the scientists and destroyed their research in an act of revenge. He then killed himself by shooting himself." There was a chibi version of dead Ira with a spirit hovering over his body. Hol could feel his heart clench and he had a feeling it was the original Ira who was not over his son's death.
"The mission of this world is to protect the protagonist and to show the true colors of the fan. The mission of this body is to protect his son and to make a cure for a virus so his son won't have to live in a world filled with zombies. The host is currently located in the story where the fan is planning to kill the protagonist. I will give you the location of where they will be so that you can protect the protagonist. That is all this System has to tell you. Make sure to sleep because you have a long journey when you wake up~" Blowing a kiss to Hol, Starie disappears from the mirror.
Hol was back to looking at the face of this body. He had skin that was a bit lighter than his original skin but was still a bit dark and his son's skin was lighter than his. His eyes were stern-looking which was different from his son's more gentle looking eyes. Both he and his son had green eyes. He had short curly black hair and stubble on his face. His son's brown hair was curly like his but longer.
Hol was in a rather attractive body that gave off a closed-off feeling. He was glad for that because he didn't feel like getting close to anyone unless it was necessary. He didn't want to get into anything… Not after Terrance…
Hol let out a quiet sigh as he lay down on the ground and pulled the sheet over both him and his son. Patting Rubin on the back one last time, Hol closed his eyes and went back to sleep. He hoped he didn't get another weird dream like before. He couldn't deal with that right now.