The region in the foot of the mountain is known as Malis. The region blessed by the spirits and where the spirits reside . The river has been blessed by 70000 Angel's and the drinking ground of the most mythical Phoenix. Kalyani who lied unconscious in the river bank was taken by the highest priest who lived in the indrajala tree . He knew Kalyani was not like the others and was blessed with enormous power. Indeed she was from the Kashyapa family. The spirits came to him and had told about what had happened. The spirits erased her previous memories and asked the priest to protect her. Kalyani was then trained by the spirits themselves.
In the end of the river of angels, there was a village. Kalyani usually went there to get things for the priest. She had made two friends there Arjun and Deevan. All the girls in the village was pretty while Kalyani was shabby and besides she had two different eye colours. she had a normal black eye and a red eye. Only demons possessed red eyes , as she was a priestess and the disciple of the great priest no one dared to bully her. No girl ever talked to her and she was depressed. Arjun had the power to control water whereas Deevan had the power to control lightning . They were the saviour boys of the village and everyone loved them . Instead of jealously Kalyani felt happy. She was raised to be highly pious and kind hearted by the spirits. Her powers was not to be used until she got permission from the spirits .