Chereads / Apocalyptic Harry in Mcu / Chapter 35 - Chapter 30

Chapter 35 - Chapter 30

It had been a couple of months since the unveiling of the Potter Innovations technology and the whole world had been celebrating. A whole time-slot of many news channels was dedicated to report the constantly growing sphere of support that happened wherever distribution centres were set up. People were declaring him a saint in some countries and a terrorist in others. The latter, however were mostly due to how the people needed less support from their own corrupt governments.

There was talk of Nobel Prizes and people everywhere were asking: "Who is Harry Potter?" and "How do these devices work?", but nobody could find anything on him besides the back-story SHIELD had carefully crafted for him. That information pointed at government contracts and private research, so nobody could even guess as to his specialities or fields of expertise.

Where the devices were taken by governments, a warning was delivered to the people stating that any further removals would result in a cessation of support. Tony had started placing trackers in the PMGs and when they were taken, Harry would return them to their proper places. That was not an easy pill to swallow, but the governments in question would never release the information that their most secure facilities had been so easily breached.

Harry had reported that Loki had been manipulated by a certain mad titan to both Odin and Fury. He had gotten what scant details he could and given the information to Fury. There was nothing they could do about it now, but Fury was already considering options. He had been trying to make contact with the people of Wakanda. There was, according to rumour, a wonderful metal being mined in their lands, which might hold the key to capturing the un-killable.

One day at breakfast, Natasha looked up from a paper and smirked. "What did you find?" Bruce asked, having been the first to notice.

"Apparently I'm dating 'the most eligible bachelor' in the world." she said, looking at Harry.

Harry moaned, "Not again!"

"If you wanted less acclaim, you should not have helped all those people or, perhaps, let friend Tony have taken the credit." Sif said.

"That would have raised more questions than they wanted." Natasha said. "People know Tony's specialities and history. They would have expected some other motivations. The reason they had the press conference was to save Tony from suspicion."

"With Harry as an unknown entity, nobody had reason to suspect him and what he told the press was to make sure wild speculation did not go rampant. If enough people believed that something bad was going on, the governments of the world might have banned the technology. We needed them to let the people benefit from it until they could not take them away without harsh consequences." Bruce explained.

"As things stand, if they decided today to remove or close the distribution centres, any government doing so would guarantee their own downfall." Natasha finished. "And since none of them can provide the same service, and it was given for free, there really is no argument against the help he is providing. Technically he is enriching any continent he helps. The people are happier, healthier and more capable."

"So he is becoming more popular than the governments and they cannot deny him because he is strengthening them?" Sif asked.

"Precisely." Natasha said.

"That wasn't my intent, though. I just wanted to help." Harry said uncomfortably.

"That's not the point. If any of those governments could find anything harmful, they would use that as an excuse to start a witch-hunt. We need to play their game to beat them before they get the chance to attack you." Bruce said. He knew how ruthless governments could be to get what they want.

"Pretty soon they'll start coming up with allegations and try to drag you to court to reveal your technology, since obviously it must be stolen from somewhere. We must have the support of the people, so that it would become unthinkable for them to take any measures against you." Natasha said. "Tony's had to deal with similar situations."

"Why is it always politics? I hate politics." Harry stated emphatically, putting his fork down, having lost his appetite.

"Eat your breakfast, soldier." Steve spoke up with a hint of a smile. "We're training this morning and I need you at full capacity. We're upping the difficulty and Logan will be joining us for once."

Just then Logan appeared through the door, "Yeah, you don't want me to take care of all the enemies, do you? I've been interested in seeing your version of a Danger Room anyway." he said.

"Good, because you are setting up the scenario for us." Steve smirked. "Show us all the skills you learned being a teacher at that school."

"You sure you can handle it?" Logan asked with a vindictive smile.

They did think they could handle it, but once they entered the war-zone with giant robots that could absorb energy and powerful mutants with their abilities, they soon found that without Harry instantly incapacitating things, they were not trained for this kind of scenario. Logan was laughing as he happily decapitated a distracted Magneto, who had been focussing on keeping Harry busy by sending wave after wave of metallic shards at him.

Steve was struggling with Juggernaut, as he seemed mostly impervious to any attacks and tried to run him down.

Natasha and Clint were having more success by shooting any enemy that they could find in the head. For training that was fine, but they'd have to work on ways to incapacitate rather than kill. They weren't assassins and murderers after all. Not anymore.

Tony was blasting anything he could find with his repulsors and rockets. These mutants were violent and strong. Their powers varied so much, that you could not focus on just one, without another teleporting or spraying or screaming in such a way as to distract, damage and knock you out.

Hulk was having fun though. Nothing stood in his path for long. The dead and dying were littered around where he stood and fought, before he started focussing on the giant robots.

When the session was complete, they walked out of the Room in various states of damage and disrepair, with a newfound respect for Logan. "You just kept going! Not once did I see you go down without you being up again less than a second later, taking on a new enemy!" Bruce was saying, having not needed to put his clothes back on, now that Harry had enchanted them to do so themselves. He had at first tried to make them shrink and grow, but Hulk disliked the feel of clothing on him.

"I've been in battles almost as bad as that one, but I must admit, this Room of yours definitely outdoes the Danger Room, especially because it gave me exactly what I was looking for." Logan said impressed. "I'll have to join more."

"I think, next time, we'll stick with Steve's scenarios. They are more staged, maybe, but he at least has a plan except for random chaos." Tony said as he sadly studied his damaged armour. "This will take forever to fix!"

"A real fight is never staged. Chaos is the only thing you can count on, and change, the only constant." Logan said. "The X-Men did not go to war. We went into fights. We were rescuing innocents and stopping people crazy on their own power. Sometimes they didn't even have a choice. So while Rogers teaches you about strategy and teamwork for war, I'll be taking you into fights. This last one was to show you how bad it could be. Next time we'll be saving innocents and then you'll see how difficult it can actually get. This was still child's play in comparison to that."

"Harry will need to help us equip better then. I don't want to train myself into killing people like I had to just now." Natasha said.

Clint was nodding along with her. "If my wife saw what we just did, she'd never look at me the same way again."

"I don't see a problem with that. I'll see what I can come up with. This scenario taught me a valuable lesson too. I need a way to bring down opponents that can resist direct magic. Those robot things, were they imagined or do things like them actually exist?" Harry asked Logan.

"Oh, they exist. I've had to fight a couple of them in my time with the X-Men." Logan said.

"Who made them?!" Harry asked incredulously.

"Who else? The government." Logan shrugged. "They were made specifically to focus on identifying, hunting down and exterminating mutants."

"We'll have to put a stop to that. Maybe Fury can point us in a direction?" Harry asked Natasha.

"I'm on it." She said with a nod and left to go make a call.

Harry had healed and fixed what he could, but decided that he'd take a break for the rest of the day. Natasha and he could go for a swim at the beach-house.

It was around mid-afternoon, when Harry felt his mirror activate. He got off the towel, where he was sunbathing next to Natasha. She was doing so topless in her never ending quest to get him used to her undressed in his presence. He had obviously cast some spells just in case they got a surprise visit, but he rather enjoyed the view and she enjoyed the attention.

He was back in the house before he answered. "Harry here." he said.

"Greetings, Harry!" Thor said. "We have glorious news. We are hosting a feast tonight to celebrate Loki returning to Asgard and being re-instated. You are expected to be there as the one who facilitated his return to us." Thor said.

"Hello, Thor. I will speak to Natasha and ask if she had anything else planned for us." Harry said with a smile.

"Please do not make me have Heimdall take you by force?" Thor joked back.

"You wouldn't!" Harry exclaimed. He was happy Thor seemed so excited.

"Oh, I would, but only to beat father to Heimdall, to request it." He said with a laugh.

"And the fact that he is listening to this conversation means you already did." Harry smirked.

"I suppose it does doesn't it?" Thor chuckled. "I'll see you in four hours, 'bro'." he said with a mysterious smirk. Thor had not used such slang with him before. For some reason it didn't sit well with him. Harry didn't like it. They were planning something…

Harry was about to ask him about it when Thor ended the connection. Harry shook himself and decided to put it behind him, for now. He walked back out to the pool to see Natasha laying on her front now. The view was just as good. Harry decided that he'd have to spend some of his nervous energy before they go to Asgard and he knew exactly how he intended to do so.

"We were just invited to Asgard for the re-instatement of Loki." He said as he sat down next to Natasha, somehow keeping his eyes off her wonderful legs.

"Oh, that was quick. It's only been a couple of days. Do you think he'll behave?" Natasha said as she got up on her elbows, trying to distract him just a bit. She loved his reactions to her tempting him.

Harry was sorely tempted to stop the conversation, and decided to let himself be distracted, but only after he said, "We have four hours." Then he levitated her up and took her into his arms.

It was just before the four hours were up that they arrived in Asgard. Harry had quickly dressed and went to Bruce to pick something up he had commissioned. Natasha had just enough time to get ready and her smile looked like it would never come off her face. Harry had tried something new and it made her knees buckle just to think about it. She wasn't certain if she could withhold from jumping him the moment they were alone again. At the peak of their passions, he could have asked her anything and she didn't think she'd be strong enough to resist saying yes instantly.

"Do you need a calming draught?" Harry asked with a smile of his own, seemingly surgically attached.

"No, I need this feast over with, so we can continue where we left off. How did you even do that? I don't think it should be physically possible!?" she asked awed.

"I did some reading in the restricted section recently and stumbled on a book I hadn't know was there." Harry replied. The book had a non-descript name that was supposedly about dark magics, but on the inside was what could only be called 'How to please your witch'. He didn't even know if he could pull some of the stuff in there off. "The spell I used was one of the easier ones described, to pull off."

Natasha almost moaned. Then she whispered, with a hungry look in her eyes, "There's more?"

"A lot more. I might need to train to pull some of it off, though." Harry said, imagining some of the things in there.

"I'll be your training partner!" she exclaimed instantly. "I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Then, on pure impulse, she pressed him against the door and kissed his brains out with a searing kiss, "But first, we're finishing what we started earlier today. The moment we get home."

Harry had to take some time to calm down. Before they left the room, Harry cast a charm to freshen them up. When they exited, they were met by a serving girl. She looked embarrassed and blushed heavily. She quickly righted herself and said, "You are expected in the throne room." Then she led them there. Every now and then she would glance first at Harry and then Natasha, as if she wondered if she could take her.

Harry didn't know it yet, but rumour of his prowess had just gained a new legend.

When they arrived, they were shown directly in, but this time they were told to go directly up the dais. The hall was empty and Odin, Frigga, Thor and Loki were seated upon thrones. Thor next to the king, Loki next to the queen. This was not customarily how it was done as far as Harry's experiences went.

"Ah, Harry! Welcome back!" Odin said as he got up and clasped forearms with Harry, clapping him warmly on the shoulder.

"It is always a pleasure to visit my friends in Asgard, King Odin." Harry then turned to Frigga and hugged her warmly, "Queen Frigga."

Natasha was hugged by Odin and then Frigga as well. "There's something going on here." Frigga said. She looked between Harry and Natasha. "What happened?"

Natasha blushed like a schoolgirl and leaned in to whisper to her, "I'll tell you a bit later, Queen Frigga. It is of an… intimate nature."

"I will hear all of it as soon as we can talk privately." Frigga announced with a smile. From her perspective, the connection between Natasha and Harry seemed to be working to constantly want to draw them to one another, much more strongly than before.

"We finally have a surprise for our Wizard!" Odin said. "We will wait for the people to arrive before we make an announcement, though. Much like you do with most of your surprises." he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Harry smiled at the king. Anything that can make him happy and didn't scream surprise wedding, was fine by Harry. "I shall wait before delivering my surprise to you then." Harry smirked.

"Again!? Why can you not show up and not give us gifts!?" Odin exclaimed.

"If you prefer, I would not detract from your surprise and keep mine to myself." Harry said with a smile and a gleam in his eyes.

"Let us not be hasty, now!" Frigga said. She loved every one of Harry's surprises to date. "We can accommodate at least one more surprise, surely?" she asked of Odin.

Odin seemed to think about it. "As you wish, my queen. But I dare say, ours shall trump yours this day!" he exclaimed triumphantly.

"We shall see." Harry said mysteriously. Next to him Natasha smiled, knowingly. She thought she knew who was going to win this contest of gifts.

They were given chairs on the dais and soon the people started flowing in. Some showed surprise at seeing Loki on the dais, but quickly hid it before they bowed to the King and Queen, before they left to their positions.

Once everybody was seated, Odin stood up. "Greetings, my people of Asgard. I'm sure many of you have noticed the faces on the dais." At this there was a stirring, but none spoke. "I know some of you wonder how it is that Prince Loki has been restored to his position in the realm. For you to understand I will simply say that our Council, Lord Harry of Midgard, has performed one of his wonders and made it possible for us to finally put aside our differences and has given us the strongest way imaginable to be certain of Loki's loyalty to the realm."

There were gasps as people looked at Harry and he nodded sombrely. "It is true! And as with everything Lord Harry does, he did it in such a way that it cannot be doubted." He paused for the scattered applause that filled the hall for a moment, relieved faces as people's trust in Harry showed in their faces. "Yes, we are grateful to Lord Harry once more, but more importantly, Prince Loki had to make the choice to come back to us. Lord Harry gave him the opportunity, but he is the one who made the decision of his own free will. For that, I ask that everybody stand and honour the returned Prince."

Everybody in the hall got up and bowed. Even Harry and Natasha bowed deeply to Loki, to show their support of his decision. Loki was dumbstruck. Never before had he been so honoured. Never had he thought the Wizard and his lady would show him such support. He noticed that when they bowed deeply, many others in the hall followed suit. Even the lady Sif, who had returned for the event, had bowed lower following their example. Loki smiled as he was deeply touched.

"Thank you. You may be seated." Odin said after a couple of seconds passed. When everybody was seated, Odin continued, "We are happy to welcome our son home and we give thanks to the one who facilitated it, Lord Harry." He paused and looked at Frigga, who stood up and joined him. "Not many of you know this, but Lord Harry has had a troubled life. When he was but a mere babe, his parents, magical warriors in their own rights, fought to protect him against a great evil. They died in the banishing of this foul creature. For this I thank them, for if they had not, he would not be here with us today to bring us such joy.

"That is not the end of the tale, though. When he was found after their deaths, he was placed with relatives to care for and protect him. But they did not. Lord Harry was made to serve them as a slave for they hated his gifts in the arts. He would not want me to tell you this, so please do not ask him, but there is reason I give voice to something he feels great shame for. When he was able to leave to study the arts, he did so and returned once a year to protect them from the followers of the dark one that slew his parents. For this, we believe, is one of his defining traits. He protects those he that cannot protect themselves.

"When he lost his parents, and he was made to endure a torturous existence, he never stopped giving of himself freely, so that others might not suffer the same fate. He has never known the love of a parent since, so the Queen and I have decided to provide him with that which he so greatly deserves, a family. We have decided to adopt Lord Harry James Potter of Midgard to be his new family. Please rise and greet your new Prince. Prince Harry James Potter of Asgard!" he roared.

Before anyone could react, there was a flash of fire, and Fawkes floated right above the dais, singing a song of courage and welcome.

There was an upheaval of sound as all those in the hall jumped up and cheered at the top of their lungs in approval as Harry sat there unbelievingly as he was given his first ever loving family. He did not notice his own tears until Frigga walked up to him and took him into a crushing hug. "You are now part of our family and you will never be without a home full of love and support." As she said this she wiped first at her own tears and then she looked at him and wiped his away with a thumb. "Dry your eyes, you are now a Prince of the realm and need to present yourself as such." she smiled at him.

Harry was speechless. He could never have dreamed of such a thing. Try as he might the tears never stopped flowing. Not until Natasha got up and hugged him. "You have always been a Prince, now you just have the family to go with it. A jock for an eldest brother and a prankster for an older brother. Now, stop crying or I will have to put off the celebration that we'd be having in your royal bedchambers later." She said with a saucy wink.

That did it. Once Harry's mind registered her words his thoughts were finally where they were meant to be, in the gutter. His tears finally stopped as a laugh escaped his suddenly parched throat. "Thanks," he whispered in her ear.

"No problem, my prince." she winked at him.

Harry conjured a glass and filled it with water, so he wouldn't croak as he spoke. He stepped up to where Odin stood. "I never imagined that you would do such a thing for me. It is the most wonderful surprise I could imagine." Shocking the guests in the hall, he grabbed Odin in a hug. The one he received back was powerful, reminding him of the strength of the old man.

"You are welcome, my son." Odin said heartily.

Harry squared his shoulders and turned to the people. "Thank you for accepting me so wholeheartedly. You have made this occasion even better." Harry paused for a moment, and then he smiled. "It is my turn to tell a tale."

The hall went quiet as everybody sat back down and gave him their attention. "When I was a boy, no older than fourteen, I found out that my parents had wanted me to be adopted by one of their close friends, but fate was cruel and we were separated by the machinations of one of the dark one's followers before I even knew about him. Many years later, when I found out about this man, he was on the run from the law for a crime he did not commit.

"I spent my next holiday with him and I had only a scant few years with him before he was taken away from me forever, while he was defending me in battle." There were nods of approval. "I found out years later, that he had wanted to adopt me into his family to carry on his line." He paused again. "You may ask how I would carry on his line, if I am not his true heir." there were more nods this time. "The answer is," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a vial, "with this." he finished.

"This is a potion used by people who, for whatever reason, could not conceive a child of their own, but would like to pass their gifts and traits on to the next generation. It is called a blood adoption potion. When I heard of Loki's adoption and his refusal to admit his parentage, luckily now not an issue anymore, I commissioned this made by a good friend of mine, who I instructed in the art of potion brewing. He is a genius of great skill and intelligence and has since far surpassed my own skill by a wide margin." Harry said.

Harry then held the potion out to Odin, "A gift to you King Odin. May it knit your family closer together as Loki becomes your true, blood related son."

Odin was speechless as he took the potion from Harry. Frigga walked up to him and hugged him again. "You truly are a marvel. I am so proud to call you my son."

Odin seemed to pull himself together. "You told me that you had a surprise for me and I boasted that yours could not be as great as mine. I have never been so happy to say that I was wrong!" Odin cheered and the crowd followed suit. "I am happy that we became friends and even more proud to call you my son."

"Thank you, King Odin. I feel the same." Harry said. He did not feel ready to call him father, just yet. It was still too new. Odin seemed to understand and didn't press it. Harry then whispered to him, "I would make it clear that the potion will be used for Loki, if he wants it. And that you hold the blood adoption as a separate private ceremony. This is a family matter."

Odin nodded then, and said loudly, "Truly you have never brought us a more precious gift and it will be used to finally bring the question of my son's legitimacy to an end." He looked over at said son, "Loki, come forth." he beckoned. When Loki got up and walked to them, shock clearly written on his face at Odin's instant willingness to accept him, Odin asked, "Will you accept this potion and become my and your mother's son in blood?"

Loki took a moment and looked at the potion in awe. "If you will have me." he said in a slightly broken voice as something in him finally broke and he was able to see this man as his father for the first time in many years.

"I will have you, my son, and I will keep you and you will be as you always were, my beloved son." Odin then hugged Loki and Harry could see a tear running down Loki's cheek. Odin let go of him and turned to his people. "Rejoice, for the Princes of Asgard have all come home!"

The wonder of the moment was instantly broken as the biggest applause and yells of approval yet, broke from the crowd. People were stomping their feet and slapping on tables and lifting their voices to the sky, for the world to hear. Asgard was finally whole. At the bifrost, Heimdall smiled as the voices could be heard clearly all the way from the citadel. Not that he needed the voices to carry that far, but he lifted his own head and crowed along with them, clapping his hands.

Soon the feast was underway and Harry was seated at the table next to Loki, Natasha on his other side. Loki turned to him, "You have gotten me yet again. I did not think you could affect me so, ever again, but here I stand with only you to thank for allowing me my family. You will make a worthy apprentice as a trickster." he joked.

"No!" Thor said fervently from the other side. "He is my brother too, and I am his favourite! He shall be a mighty warrior. I shall teach him myself and none will stand against us!"

Odin chuckled. "You are both wrong, my sons. Harry has already started his apprenticeship under me in the Asgardian magics." he said proudly.

"And he has much to learn from me as well. As his parents we get him first. Besides, he is already a worthy trickster and he has yet to fail when facing an opponent in battle. He can learn from us first and best." Frigga said.

"But mother!" Thor and Loki said in unison.

"No buts! He is closer to making me a grandmother than either of you. As such he is entitled to some liberties. He will choose his own path and we will support him, much as we supported you." Frigga said sternly. "Now, if you'll excuse us, I'm going to have a talk with my future daughter-in-law in private." Frigga said as she got up.

Natasha winked at Harry and followed Frigga to a secluded corner.

"What are they discussing, Harry?" Odin asked, a smile on his face.

"Do you really want to know?" Harry asked with a wince.

"We're family now. You can trust us can't you?" Loki said with a smirk.

"Well, if you must know." Harry waved a hand and the sounds of the hall faded as he blocked anyone else from hearing. "Keep this to yourselves okay?" Harry pleaded. At their nods, he said, "I found a book on sex magic. We tried one of the spells out today and let's just say, we almost didn't come. No pun intended, if Natasha's reaction is anything to go by."

The king and princes gaped at him and looked to where Natasha was sitting and talking with the queen. She was blushing, and it seemed like her breathing was slightly laboured, like she was both embarrassed and excited all at the same time. When they looked back at Harry, he shrugged.

"Brother! You would let your favourite brother read that book won't you?" Thor said with a winning smile.

"You don't have the skill required to cast the simplest of spells. He'll let me read it. I at least have a chance of emulating his magic." Loki said confidently.

Meanwhile Odin was watching his wife's reaction. When she started fanning her face while Natasha spoke, he cleared his throat. "I, um, think it would be best if I examined this book first. I must be certain you don't follow any strange advice. What if one of the spells is a trap, meant for those of lesser, um, experience?" Odin said wisely and magnanimously.

"You can all wait your turn!" Harry exclaimed. "I'm the more experienced spell-caster. Once I've been over the book, I'm certain one of you will be more worthy than the rest to read it." Harry joked.

"Harry!" Odin said with mock indignation.

"Fine, I'll let you read it next, but I get to choose who it goes to after that! It is my book." Harry pouted.

"You show your wisdom once more." Odin said with a smile. He looked over and saw the queen looking at them. "Quickly, cancel the spell, we don't want your mother to think we're up to something!" he said urgently.

Harry cancelled the privacy spell and laughed. That actually felt familial. He still couldn't believe it. He had a family. And they were already vying for his attention, even if it is for a book on sex magic. He also noted the downcast looks on both the siblings' faces. He leaned over slightly, so only Loki could hear, "I may have forgotten to say that I have a spell that can copy the book. Who knows what could happen to such a copy, especially if the one that finds it can keep it to himself."

Loki kept his face impassive, in the way only a prankster up to something, could, "You should have been my apprentice. You could go so far." Harry thought he detected a tone of respect in his voice, but with Loki, you never knew.

As the evening progressed, Thor, Loki and Harry all mingled. Sif was telling the Warriors Three of her time on Midgard. Fandral sounded impressed with her work with magical creatures. She may or may not have mentioned her lover back on Midgard on one or five occasions. Everybody that looked at her noted that Midgard seemed to do her some good.

Loki was surprised by the warm welcomes that he was receiving. When he asked after it, he was told of the wonders Harry had done for the kingdom, the trust people had in him, the strength of his Lady Natasha and the joy he had brought to the King and Queen. Loki was impressed. Strangely he never felt any jealousy and actually found himself slightly proud of his new sibling. He would have to show him some useful tricks sometime. Once the prank war was over anyway. He had had to promise not to do anything this evening to his mother, but after today, all bets were off.

Thor was telling stories of Harry's exploits on earth, when people asked about him. He was already proud of the good he was doing for Midgard and couldn't be happier that he was now the eldest brother of two siblings. The people were impressed with Harry's efforts and their respect for him only grew with the fervour Thor spoke of his accomplishments.

Harry was receiving some strange looks. From both the male and female population. Had he known that a certain female servant had already been telling stories, he might have been embarrassed.

It did not take Loki long to find him once he found out. "I hear we've established a new religion in Asgard." he said conversationally as he walked up.

"Oh?" Harry asked.

"Apparently the newest Prince of Asgard is now being hailed as the god of sex." he said with a smirk.

"Oh, no." Harry said as he paled.

"Oh, yes. Apparently a certain chamber maid heard a part of a very interesting conversation from inside your chambers. Something about driving a woman to ecstasy for many hours and then being begged for more? Was that really one of the easier skills to learn?" Loki smiled. "You should learn to apply your privacy spells before such intimate moments, brother. We do not want the whole castle to hear you at your divine work."

"Natasha is going to kill me when this comes out!" Harry said in a cold sweat.

"Oh, I doubt it. Apparently everyone is jealous of her for being able to experience your first miracles." this time he actually laughed as Harry blushed. "That's four for you, and one for me." He said victoriously.

"This isn't something to joke about!" Harry insisted.

"When you enter a war of tricks with the trickster god, you will soon find out there is no such thing as a safe topic." Loki smirked again.

"Is that so?" Harry asked with a smile of his own. "Are you sure you want to do this? I have many resources to tap and thousands of years of studies going into my kind of magic at my disposal. I seem to recall a permanent sex-change charm. Maybe Frigga always wanted a daughter. I wouldn't mind a sister, mind you. Then I could defend your honour when men treat you badly and break your heart."

"You wouldn't?!" Loki asked as he flushed.

"When you enter a prank war with a wizard, not even sex-changes are off the table." Harry said. "How did you put it? No such thing as a safe topic?"

"You have a valid point. Perhaps some rules to this war then?" Loki offered.

"I'm listening." Harry said.

"Nothing permanent." Loki made the first rule.

"No affecting outside parties. This stays between us." Harry countered.

"Nothing publicly humiliating." Loki asked.

"No deal on that one. What is the fun in a prank if you don't have an audience?" Harry asked.

"Good point. What about, no pranking if you were the last one to attempt?" Loki offered.

"Sounds fair. I wouldn't want to break your spirit in one day." Harry thought. "Okay, last rules. We can decide together to cease hostilities, for a set period of time, should an occasion call for it or warrant it and we can modify the rules should we both agree to it." he finished.

"We have an accord." Loki said offering his hand.

"Deal." Harry said. "May the best me win." He smiled.

"Oh you'll win, when I allow you to." Loki rebutted.

The rest of the evening went off without a hitch. Natasha soon joined him and laughed when Loki told her of the rumour he had heard. "He may not be a god, but he is one in the bed." She said as she held onto his arm. "You should let him teach you his modified tickling charm. Its miraculous." she teased.

"Oh? So the god of sex has been inventing is own magics for the art? You will go far." Loki said it loudly and many people stopped when they heard it only to start whispering more urgently with their companions.

"Oh, you're good. But two can play at that game." Harry said with a wave of his hand. Natasha kept her face impassive as Loki's black hear turned blonde and got a perm. Harry locked another charm in as an enchantment. Only he'd be able to remove it. "You wanted to start now? Now we've started."

Then he and Natasha walked away to go get something to eat.

Loki hadn't felt his hair change, but he did feel the magic. He looked around him to see if anything on him had changed, but found nothing. Only when people started laughing, did he look at a reflection. He tried dispelling it with no change. Then he flushed his own power into his hair and it changed colour to bright pink.

More people were laughing now. Soon Harry received a look from Frigga and he cancelled the spells. "What? He started it!" he said defensively.

Frigga just sighed, but a small smile tugged at her lips. When Loki walked up to him, Harry offered, "Shall we cease the war until your adoption ceremony, or did you want to go to it as a duck or speaking only in a German accent?" Harry asked.

Loki seemed to consider it, but then nodded. "And it is my turn to return fire once we're done."

"Fair enough." Harry said and they shook hands one more time.

"You've formalised it?" Frigga asked.

"We thought it was the civilized thing to do." Loki said. "After all, it's all in the name of entertainment. Mine." he smirked.

"Oh, you wish!" Harry scoffed. "I'll have you begging for mercy by the end of the month."

Loki turned to his mother. "Thank you for adopting him. He's going to be good to practice on." he smirked.

"Boys." she sighed. "You've not been family for a day and you're already fighting like you've had a rivalry for years."

"If you ask me, it's the middle child syndrome. Not the doted on youngest, nor the respected eldest." Harry stated affecting a wise old man voice and making his face and hair look old as he once had.

"You may be right." Odin interjected, with a chuckle as he sat down. Then he winked at Loki. Harry tried to change back, but found his face stayed the same. He looked up at Odin incredulously. "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to pull a face, that it might stay that way?" he laughed.

"You want in on this? I can take both of you, old man!" Harry mocked playfully. Then he placed a glamour on top of Odin's glamour to make himself look normal. "Don't forget, I've handled multiple pranksters in the past." He flicked a finger and made Odin look like himself. "I've even handled twins."

Frigga burst out laughing. "Please don't. I don't think I'd survive the laughter. Two pranksters are enough." She said as she wiped a mirthful tear from her eye.

"As you wish." Odin said and cancelled his change and Harry's glamour. "I just didn't want them to forget this old man still had some tricks up his sleeve."

Loki really enjoyed this milder side of Odin and wondered where he had been all these years. Then he noticed the bottle of Odin's Brew. "What are you drinking, father?" he asked.

"Nobody has told you?" Odin asked. When Loki shook his head, Odin smiled and poured him a small glass. "Harry's own creation." He looked at Harry, when he made to object, "With some help from his friends."

Loki took the offered drink and took a sip. He sat back and looked at the drink. "You made this?!"

"He did." Natasha said. "Imagine, if you weren't in a war with him he'd have so many things to teach you. He might even take you on as an apprentice." Then she looked at Harry. "Butterbeer please?"

As Odin chuckled and Loki looked at her with a thoughtful look, Harry made a pitcher and poured her a glass. "There you go, love." he said. It had been the first time he had used that descriptor.

"Harry, are you sure you're not ready yet?" Frigga asked. "You just seem so happy together." She said as she poured herself some butterbeer.

"Every time you ask, I'll add another month before asking." Harry warned.

"You'll never be married then!" Odin laughed again.

"Oh, hush you." Frigga swatted at Odin's arm good-naturedly.

The evening continued with jokes and happiness. Thor joined them half-drunk with a bottle of half-century Firewhiskey he had brought from another table, but took it more slowly with a look from his mother. He even had some butterbeer in between.

When they retired for the evening, Harry was shown to the royal wing. Apparently there had been a room prepared for him there. This time he remembered the privacy wards.

The next day, they were gathered in the family's communal living room and Odin asked him how the potion worked. "You take a drop of blood from the parents and add it into the potion. It will then use that blood and alter Loki to be of your own blood. There was another ritual, where you'd have to give up some of your actual flesh, like a finger, but that would affect his physical appearance as well. It fell out of use long ago. As it is, you want him to pass part of his own inheritance and yours on to his progeny, correct?"

"That is right." Odin said, looking at Loki. "I love him as he is, but want him to be mine as well."

"Okay, usually those that give the blood, say something of import, something to remember the occasion by." Harry took out a piece of paper and a dictation quill. "This will record it for posterity." He then took a special enchanted dagger out and handed it hilt first to Odin. "This dagger will allow only one drop to escape before healing the cut." Then he took a step back and stood with Thor.

"When the potion is complete you hand it to Loki and he will say his piece before drinking the potion. There will be slight pain as your blood changes, but it is over quickly." Then he looked up. "Fawkes!" When the phoenix appeared, Harry asked him to go to Odin's shoulder. It was a special moment after all. Let the record show a phoenix presided and approved. It would add to the credibility of the event for the future.

Odin took the dagger in his one hand. The potion was on a podium between him, Frigga and Loki. "With our family here and a phoenix in attendance, let your blood become ours. With my blood I make you mine." Odin intoned. He sliced open his finger over the potion and the drop fell in. He handed the dagger to Frigga.

She took it and looked at Loki. "I love you my son and with this act I claim you forever. With my blood I make you mine." She finished with Odin's words. She cut her finger and added her own blood.

The dark red potion roiled for a second before it became crystal clear. Loki Looked at Harry, who nodded. It was supposed to do that. He took the potion in his hand. "May your sacrifice and trust in me always be rewarded with the honour I bring to our family. By your blood, I am yours." He took the potion to his lips and downed it. "It's not so bad act…" he stopped as he clutched his head and then his stomach before he went down on one knee.

For a minute he panted on the floor, before the magic ran its course. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and got back up. "I am yours." he said.

"So mote it be!" Harry intoned. Thor following after him and then both Odin and Frigga.

The phoenix sang a song of acceptance and love. It was so beautiful it drove Frigga to tears as she rushed forward and hugged Loki. "My son!"

Odin put a hand on Loki's shoulder. "My son."

And that was it. Harry stopped the quill and cast a spell to make the words look like the most beautiful calligraphy he could imagine and handed it to Loki. "This is your proof. You may hold it forever or burn it, but it will never change who you are. I don't think you needed it, but I know you wanted it. Welcome to the family." He said and shook Loki's hand.

"If you burn that, I will disown you on the spot." Frigga said instantly.

"Wow, not even five seconds and she's already threatening to disown you. That must be some kind of record." Thor said as he clapped his brother on the shoulder.

"I never said that! I intend to frame it. It was Harry's stupid remark." Loki pouted. He looked at the document. "This was really nice of you, though. And the script is beautifully done. I will never tire of seeing it."

Thor then looked thoughtful. "So when are we having a ceremony for Harry?" he asked.

"No offense Thor, but I had hoped to pass my parent's blood on to my children." Harry said apologetically.

"We shall take no offense to that. You honour their memory well." Odin said with a smile. "And I would expect nothing less from you. But that does not mean that they will not be my grandchildren and I will love them either way."

"Even if our gifts of long life do not pass on to our children?" Harry asked. He was well aware of the laws and the way the Aesir sometimes looked down on mortals.

"Even then. But we will try to assure them a long life anyway. Perhaps you can find more of the serum that ascended your beloved?" Odin asked.

"Perhaps. But I will offer it to them if I do find it. I will not force it upon them." Harry said sternly.

"Of course." Odin said understandingly. Then, "You may not be adopted by blood, but you are my son." He looked at his wife and she nodded. "As my son, you will receive the power of the Aesir, and the blessings of Asgard." He reached forward and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Do you accept the power and responsibility of your title?" he asked.

"I do." Harry said. He did not want more power, but he would take the responsibility and he would care for his people as he would have anyway.

Odin smiled at him and Harry felt something surge into him. "So mote it be." Odin said.

"So mote it be." Frigga, Thor and Loki intoned.

Harry did not know what had changed, but he felt different. "Why do I feel different?" he asked.

"It was merely a blessing of sorts. Asgard takes care of her people." Odin smiled again.

Their time on Asgard was soon at an end. Harry and Natasha said their goodbyes and left for their home. When they were gone, Odin said, "I probably should have warned him of his enhanced strength and endurance." He then smiled and winked at Loki again. "I believe, that's two for me." he chuckled.

Loki looked gobsmacked. Odin had certainly changed a lot since he met Harry. "You are a worthy adversary, but I think you have met your match in him." he said before laughing.

"Why do you say so, Loki?" Frigga asked.

"Have you heard the rumour of your youngest son's divine attribute?" Loki asked still trying to stop his laughter.

"We have not. What has our Harry been supposedly attributed with?" Odin asked, eager to hear of his latest achievement.

"Harry is being hailed as the god of magic and sex," Loki burst out laughing again, "and you have just given him more stamina!"

"Oh dear." Frigga said, shocked.

"Indeed." Odin said worriedly.