"I"= noise/speaking
'I'= Thinking
"Beep, beep, beep."
A hand slammed down on the alarm causing the table to creak. "Fuuuuuuck."
"Alex, get up honey, it's time for school." "Uhnnnnn, coming Mom," I yelled out, still trying to get used to the idea of being awake. Slowly, I rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. A few minutes later, I walked downstairs to see my mom reading the paper with a plate of crepes across from her. I froze, something is wrong, she never makes crepes unless I've fucked up in some way.
I know what you're thinking, how could crepes spell disaster? Well, my mom is more into psychological warfare than just outright telling me what I've done wrong. She will let me stew in my thoughts until I drive myself crazy, trying to think of something that I did or didn't do. The worst part is that I love these delicious strawberry-coated disasters.
"Alex, is something wrong? You've been staring at your breakfast for almost a minute." Sarcasm dripping from her voice like honey as she broke me from my thoughts. Well, screw her, I love her more than anything, but I was not going to play games right before school, not again, shuddering as I thought of 'that' day.
"Mom, tell me what I did. I have tests today, and I have to ace them, you know that." I saw her smirk up at me.
"You haven't done anything wrong, sweetie." She said, still smiling at me.
'Bullshit! There is no possible way you would make these because you could,' I inwardly screamed.
"Fine, I'll eat them, but then I need to head out. I'll figure out what I did after school." I said with a depressed tone as she smirked back at me. Quickly, I scarfed down the delicious disasters while keeping an eye trained on my mom. "Love you, mom. Breakfast was delicious, and thanks for the headache, I'll see you tonight."
"Love you too sweetie, have a lovely day." She said with a schadenfreudian smile. Little did I know that I would never see her again, or get to school for that matter.
While I was walking down the street, I noted that the weather was starting to pick up. It started slowly, a couple of minutes later it was raining. After that, it was a full-on downpour with the wind blowing in every direction and rain pelting my skin like knives. A white light flashed, and I felt an unimaginable pain as a silent scream escaped my lips. I slipped into unconsciousness shortly after.
Blinking my eyes rapidly, I woke up to someone shuffling papers across from me. "Ah, you're up. That makes things easier, I was thinking of just sending you off to some random planet to see what you'd do." A white-haired old guy said across from me. Wait...another planet.
"Did...did I die?"
"Yes, you did, a freak lightning storm swept through your town killing you in the process. Now, looking through your file gives me quite the opportunity, I see you are into reincarnation novels and systems?" Asked the still-unnamed old guy with neon green eyes.
"Yes, oh my god, yes. Oh, am I going to reincarnate with a system!?" I all but shouted with a splitting grin on my face.
"Well, kind of." He said with a despondent voice, making my smile vanish.
"What do you mean, kind of?" I questioned while my dreams of having a system started to disappear.
'It should be simple, I reincarnate with a system. Then grow stronger until I reach immortality or something like that.' I inwardly thought with a crinkle on my eyebrows. He grins at me. "You didn't think gods just made systems, did you? No, some people reincarnate with systems, some don't, and some, are reincarnated as systems; that is what you will be doing. No, you don't have a choice." Stopping me from protesting.
"Now, Mr. Volf, there are many different types of systems. As I'm sure you well know, however, there are also varying ranks. We use the S-D ranking system S being the highest and D being the lowest. I will allow you to design your system, but you will start at the lowest rank and only grow with the achievements your host makes, sounds fun, right?" He said with a cheery voice.
I couldn't process what was happening. I died, I was okay with that. I'll miss my mom and friends, but I was okay with death. What I couldn't process was that I was going to become a system.
"...what...how, how am I to become a system?" I whispered out with reluctance in my voice.
'Well, I Mosis, God of systems will digitize you once you decide what type of program you want to be, then I'll let you pick your host. Or, you could spin the wheel of fate and randomly upload yourself into a host." Saying the last part with a twinkle in his eye that I failed to see.
'Ok, this is happening so I may as well as roll with it.'
"I've always liked the military, so I guess I'll be an advanced combat system where I can alter my host's body, or maybe instead of being a system in the host's head. I will be a hivemind of nanites, which means I could repair any damages the host received. For a humanoid type person (que twinkle in Mosis's eye). Is that possible?" I asked while thinking of all the various things that I could do as a nanite swarm/hivemind.
"Yes, although an uncommon choice to become a nanite hivemind it is very possible. However, if you choose to do this you will be linked to your host through their blood, tissue, and marrow. You will feel what they do, are you sure?" Mosis asked with a questioning tone, his green eyes shining with a gaze I couldn't understand.
"Yes, I'm sure. I'd rather be able to feel pain than nothing at all. I'll spin the wheel of fate as well"
"Are you positive?" He asked once again.
"Yes, no wait. How will I know how to be a system?"
"Oh, don't you worry about it. Once you are digitized, everything you need to know will be in your mind. Now spin the wheel!" A giant wheel popped up and started spinning at incredible speeds before landing on a minuscule red space. "Hahahahaaha...well, good luck Mr. Volf." Giving me a funny grin before everything flashes bright white and I blackout.