Chereads / Chrono-God / Chapter 10 - A New World

Chapter 10 - A New World

When Jerry could see clearly again he could see a clear blue sky in front of him, and feel a strong wind blowing at him from behind. Then started in panic when it realized he was still falling. He spun in the air to see a large body of water beneath him and land to his left. He was a good hundred feet in the air and he knew if he hits the water at this speed he would splatter like a bug on a windshield. His panic triggered his time distortion, which slowed his speed as he fell. So that by the time he hit the water it was as if he had jumped off a high dive. But he was still not out of trouble, he was a very far away from shore. He knew how to swim but he wasn't in the best of shape, just making it to shore was more than he thought he could handle. As he swam toward shore he tried seeing if he could activate any of his abilities to help. He quickly found out he had no idea what he was doing. He tried faking a panic attack to see if he could fool his abilities, but his theatrics weren't fooling anyone. The only one of his gifts he could call on with any regularity was his area detection. He was making slow progress toward shore with about half a mile left to go when his area detection kicked in showing him a very large creature entering the cove behind him. Fear and adrenaline propelled him forward, he no longer needed to pretend to panic. As the beast grew closer his defense activated, soon he was swimming faster than a speed boat. The leviathan noticed his increased speed and tried to catch up, but it was hopeless. Before he knew it Jerry was crawling out onto the beach, too exhausted to go any further. The sun beat down on him as he lay there with his eyes closed . He was just falling asleep when he noticed a shadow stretch over him. Opening his eyes he saw Orion standing over him.

"I've come to give you a little more advice as your guide on this crazy adventure you have begun", Orion said a little too perky for Jerry's liking

"You know you could have just teleported right here, on the beach, safe and sound", Jerry said indignantly.

"Where's the fun in that? You have a lot to learn and you don't have forever to do it either. You will find yourself continuously tested and challenged. Every day from here on out will be a life or death struggle, and you will be required to think on your feet. You will need to trust your instincts. When I leave you, you will be on your own for a very long time. Try to find someone who can train you in combat. This is medieval world as far as your concerned. There are customs and social rapport you will have to learn and learn fast. As you saw from your swim your no longer the athlete you were as a child. The woods behind you will lead to a set of mountains. Follow the mountains west but stick to the base of the mountain. The hike ahead of you will take weeks, hopefully it will whip you into shape. If you survive that long you will find a fort there. Pay attention to the people you meet, and you should easily figure out your who here to help. And last but not least practice, practice, practice. You can't just allow your gift to be reactive, you must above all else gain control. Remember what Mike taught you, and how you activated to in the beginning", Orion said then turned around and walked away. He made it about two steps before he vanished into thin air.

Jerry looked to the dark woods ahead of him and figured he might as well get started. He had a lot of questions, but he was getting used to being left in the dark. With nothing else to keep him on the beach, he slowly stood up and looked around. The cove the beach was in formed a horse shoe three miles wide. The forest curved around the beach also, its humongous trees four to five stories tall. Jerry could just barely make out the snowcapped peak of a mountain top forward and to the left of where he stood. As he crossed the thirty yards to the entrance of the forest, Jerry couldn't help but feel completely unprepared and out of his element. The closer he got to the forest he began to hear screams and calls from strange animals. Most of them sounded very large. With extreme trepidation Jerry stepped foot in to forest. He was immediately hit with a feeling of how old everything around him felt. He wished he paid more attention as he was falling so that he knew how big this forest extended to the north. By the direction of the sun he figured that was the direction he was supposed to head in. He looked around for a large stick he could use to walk with. He picked up a stick that was six feet tall and four inches thick. Jerry kept his area detection pushed to the extreme the entire time, constantly worried something would come eat him. Because of this he noticed the struggle between two giant beasts even before he could hear it. Jerry found a tree and climbed it to be able to observe the battle. The two beasts where frightening in there ferociousness. One looked like a brown wolf the size of a bear. It had a pronounced ridge on its back, six inch fangs, and huge paws. The other animal looked like a Bengal tiger with a solid white loin's mane. Its fangs looked like they belonged on a saber-tooth tiger. Tiger wasn't doing too well, it had cuts all over its body and was bleeding profusely. The wolf charged forward and tackled the tiger pinning it on its back. Right when the wolf was about to make the kill a small yelp sounded behind it. It turned its head toward the noise momentarily distracted. That's all the tiger need, it lounged forward biting the wolf in the neck. It did a lot of damage, but it was too weak to make its final attack accurately. The wolf's dying move was to sink its teeth into the tigers neck. Jerry was so amazed at what he saw, it was so outlandish it just didn't seem to make sense to him. Why would they fight so hard, what could cause then to attack each other in this way? Jerry hear another yelp coming from his left remembered hearing that during the fight. As he peered into the woods he saw a small form creep forward toward back of the wolf and nudge it with its head. It was the puppy of the wolf, its pelt was a dark gray. It stood as tall as a full grown dog even as a puppy, and as Jerry watched it as it began to cry and howl. Soon it was joined by another cry coming from Jerry right. There was a tiger kitten lying next to its dead mother, it coat was black and white like a snow tiger, with a solid white mane like it's mother's. Jerry was saddened by the whole scene, but he was concerned that the noise they were making would attract other predators. He climbed down from the tree and approached them cautiously. They were very weary of him, as he got closer they both turned to him and started growling at the same time. Holding his hands out in front of him he reached out with his A. D. to sense their intentions toward him. If they were preparing to attack he wanted as much of a head start as possible, but when his A. D. touched them he felt a burning sensation in his chest. He felt a throbbing throughout his entire body. The wolf and the tiger both fell down screaming even louder than before. The last thing Jerry sees before he passes out is the wolf and tiger slowly crawling toward him.