Kazuki Tatsumaki is the younger brother of Tatsumaki, one of the most powerful heroes in the Hero Association. Despite being related to a renowned hero, Kazuki leads a relatively ordinary life and possesses no supernatural abilities himself.
Kazuki has short, neat green hair giving him cool looks and warm brown eyes. He is of tall height and slim build, with a friendly and approachable demeanor. Unlike his sister, he lacks any visible psychic powers or distinctive physical traits.
Kazuki is a kind-hearted and compassionate individual, always striving to help others in any way he can. He possesses a strong sense of justice and a desire to make a positive impact on the world, though he often feels overshadowed by his sister's immense powers.
Growing up alongside Tatsumaki, Kazuki witnessed firsthand the struggles and responsibilities that come with being a hero. Despite lacking powers of his own, he admires his sister's dedication and aspires to contribute to society in his own unique way.
Kazuki may not possess superhuman abilities, but his intelligence and resourcefulness make him invaluable in supporting his sister and the Hero Association. He often acts as a strategist, analyzing situations and providing critical insights to help overcome challenges.
Kazuki shares a close bond with Tatsumaki, despite their stark differences. He admires his sister's strength and looks up to her as a role model, while Tatsumaki cares deeply for her little brother and wants to protect him from the dangers of the hero world.
Although Kazuki doesn't possess extraordinary powers like his sister, his unwavering support, intellect, and compassionate nature make him an essential support for his sister who are both troublesome in some ways.
As Kazuki reviewed this body's background he slowly sighed knowing the danger of this world where monsters can be seen roaming often on the streets.
"Ok let's check first my acquired abilities, it will be my protection in surviving this savage world"
Body Constitution: SS+
(Overall Ability of the body: 100× Stronger than Average Human)
Mind Constitution: S+
(Ability to process information and resist mental attacks)
Physical atk: 150(+)
Agility: 150(+)
INT: 150(+)
(Average Human10-15)
SP: 300 (10 SP/YEAR In The Void)