Barbarian: Fighter
A fierce warrior with a taste for battle. They can use all two handed weapons Favors strength
A priestly warrior who wields divine magic. They can use all weapons and holy magic. Favors Perception
Druid: Mage
An old faith being who wields the powers of nature and forms pacts with animals. They can use bows Short weapons and staff. Favors Perception
Warrior: Fighter
A master of martial combat has the ability to master any weapon and small spells. Favors Strength and Agility
Monk: Fighter
A master of Martial arts, harnessing the body and boosting spells in the pursuit of perfection. They can use all weapons and self magic. Favors Agility and Perception
A Holy Warrior Blessed by the gods with divine magic. They can use all weapons and holy magic. Favors Strength and Charisma
Ranger: Fighter
A warrior whose combat prowess threatens the rules of society. They can use short weapons and bows and some magic can be mastered. Favors Agility and Perception
A lone being who uses stealth and trickery to overcome all that blocks their path. They can master small weapons and low magic spells. Favors Agility and Intelligence
Sorcerer: Mage
A spell caster who is born with the innate ability for a bloodline spells handed down through time. They can use staff and amulets. Favors Charisma
Warlock: Mage
a Magic wielder that derives their power from a bargain made with an extraplanar entity. They can use staffs and talismans. Favors Charisma
Wizard: Mage
A Scholarly mage who has learned to manipulate the structures of reality. They can use staffs and small weapons. Favors Intelligence
Necromancer: Unique
A practitioner of the dark art using the death of others to fuel their fight. They can use short weapons and summon magic. Favors Intelligence
A Killer of the shadows never to be seen until it is too late, mastering small weapons and poison. They can use self spells and instant kills. Favors Agility and Intelligence
Artificer: Top
A master of invention, using magic and metal work to bring their works to life. They can use amulets and creation magic. Favors Intelligence
Inquisitor: Top
The opposite of the artificer embracing Dark magic to destroy indiscriminately. They can use all melee weapons and destruction magic. Favors Strength and Intelligence
[A class and subclass mixture of Warlock and any Fighter will result in a Rogue class which can be mastered to Assassin.]
[A class and subclass mixture of Monk and any Mage will result in a Cleric class which can be mastered to Knight.]
[The only way to get to a top Class is to mix
Unique class Necromancer with Wizard for an Artificer Class
Unique class Necromancer with Barbarian for an Inquisitor Class]