Chapter 3 - Part 3

Jk: "If Lisa was my girlfriend she would of have let me do her right now." My head turned towards him so fast that it felt like it broke. My eyes widened. I was on the verge of crying but I don't want him to see me all broken.

Jk: "I bet she would feel better in my arms. she is experienced a lot more than you." He said with a smirk on his face

Y/N: "That's it!!! I am done with this bullshit. If you want her that much why do you keep coming home everyday. Just break up with me. I am not forcing you to stay with me. You want someone experienced?! Fine go to her and I will go do that thing with every single guy I meet so that I will be more 'experienced' Mr. Jeon. And I am going to do it right now. I am gonna go to clubs and fuck whomever I meet." I fired back at him. I am not gonna stay calm this time I am not an idiot that he can play with.

I stood up quickly making my way to my closet to collect my clothes and search for something to wear tonight because I am really serious this time.

I was about to grab the door handle when I heard him say: "What did you just say?" He get of the bed, walking strait towards me.

Y/N: "I said I will sleep with other guys so that I will become experienced in those thin-" my words were cut by him grabbing my wrist. He slammed my body hard to the wall and punched the area beside my head.

Jk: "If you ever talk about these stuff again I am gonna make you regret the day you were born. You can't sleep with anyone other than me. You are mine. Every inch of you is mine. Do you hear that?" He said in a high pitched voice. He seemed so mad. But why?? he doesn't have the right to be mad. He is the one who said that I am not experienced and yet he doesn't want me to sleep with anyone.

Y/N: "I am not yours anymore. And I will never be. If you keep comparing me to other girls and  keep telling me that they might feel even better, that means that I will find someone better than you. Someone who will make me feel every single feeling of pleasure. I can do that as well."

I yelled as tears streamed down my face from my eyes to my flushed cheeks. Jk: " No fucking way I will let somebody touch you. Even lay a finger on you." Jungkook said as he closed the gap between us even more. Our foreheads were touching. His breath was gaming on my lips. I didn't look at him. My gaze was on the ground. Jk: " I will break their hands if they touch you. I will take of their eye balls if they even look at you. I am gonna cut their noses if they even try to smell your sent. Everything in you is mine. It is not even yours to decide what to do with it. If  it's about making you feel pleasure I am gonna make sure that you won't leave your bed for ages just to show you how good I can make you feel." He said caressing my cheeks with his hand.

Jk: " Don't say that ever again. You don't know how terrible it makes me feel."

Y/N: "Will I am sure it wouldn't feel the same as I have been feeling for the whole month. I feel like I want to end everything with you. I don't want anything to do with you anymore." I said harshly moving his hand off my face.

Jk: " In your dreams I will never leave."

Y/N: " Like hell you will." I said as I moved away from him almost running towards my closet. He grabbed my wrist and slammed my body to the wall once more but this time even harsher.