Chereads / Transported In Another World As A LoL Summoner / Chapter 241 - Chapter 241: Midterms

Chapter 241 - Chapter 241: Midterms

[Gritonnia Academy]

This was the day that all students within the academy are being tensed up for. The day in which the atmosphere within the academy seemed grim and horrifying. There were no students in the halls or even loitering around the academy's grounds, every single student are within the walls of their classroom as they reviewed their notes for the upcoming events, the midterms.

A midterm is a test that a student takes halfway through a school term. By taking a midterm, students have a better idea of whether they're advancing in a class or whether they need to make changes to their study habits. Midterms are most commonly used in college or university courses that have a heavy course load back on earth, ensuring students are given an opportunity to reflect on their learning during the term. In this case, it seems like the academy itself applies such curriculum rather than periodical exams.

A midterm refers to the assessment written in the middle of an academic term to test students' comprehension thus far in a course. Mid-terms are a type of formative assessment, which measures students' understanding of course material throughout a term rather than only at the end and identifies areas in which students struggle.

Midterms set the academic tone. One's performance on your first big exam in a course has the potential to set the tone for the rest of one's academy career. In this world midterm is worth 30% of your grade and its finals are worth 50%, the remaining 20% comes form the participation of the students including their attendance record. Thus totaling it up to 100% . But despite its low percentage as a whole in the grades, midterms itself is still very important.

Inside the classroom walls, there are many types of students. The studious student who already had poured an effort in their studies a long time ago and now are just enjoying their short free time before the exam. The last minute students who are trying to cram knowledge in their brains are now drowned in their books. The cramming but loud students who tried to memorize the content of the books by speaking it out loud and walking all over the place. The negative students who tells other students that study's, that what they're doing are useless and should just leave it be through miracle or luck. Lastly the i don't care students, just like what their title describe them as.

For Sephiria and Aria they are the studious type of students whoa re already done with their studies and now are just talking to each other. As for Shun he is the a mix of cramming students and negative student, in this case his other half within his brain is encouraging his other half of his brain that they should just give up and rely on lucks to pass the exam.

What's more what he is studying is something that most humans in total in the world loathed, Math. Even though some people like math, there are more people who don't like it and are currently wondering whether learning complicated math would actually help them in real life. In that sense some grumble could also be heard across the classroom.

"Out of all things, why does math even exist? It doesn't even help me in the slightest in my future career! I'm planning to be a  royal cook for crying out loud"

"...Well you do need math in measuring the ingredients in cooking right"

"I know that but that's simple math not complicated math! Just tell how can i apply x and y symbols in cooking?"


"Do they want me to say find x if i pour 2 cups of water or what not in a boiling cooker? This is nonsense!"

Hearing that student grumble, Shun couldn't help but agree to what he said as he too had the exact same thought. In fact he doesn't even know what to do after his graduation. All he know is that he will have the  rights of being in a status of the duke, after Sephiria's parents officially announces their relationship, like in a grand party style. Aside from that all he could think off is either starting a business or continuing his adventurer career which he haven't touched for a very long time.

Speaking of career, he cant help but remember the siblings he had help back in Ruric town. the swords boy Alex and the mage Misha. Based on what Millia had said, both Alex and Misha had become renowned in their career that they each had their very own title within the guild, in fact due to Shun's absence, both of them had greater reputation than him in the adventurer's circle.

Those two were even adventuring together and had already travelled to the frontier. After Shun left, they started as a p[air of adventurer, soon after their reputation grows, they are now a group of 5 adventurers. Misha earned the title of Genius mage and  Alex earned the title of dragon knight, quite fancy in comparison to his title as Gamer.

Maybe if given a chance after the graduation, he would like to visit Ruric town once more in order to see those two kids he had taken care off in their earlier days of their career.

In that moment the professor then suddenly came in when he was thinking of such things, as he raised up the papers on his hand and ordered everyone in the class B to settle down.

"Alright! i got the midterm papers in my hands, you know what that means! Anything that is not related to the midterms should be kept inside their bag and be handed over to the front! remember no cheating! anyone i catch cheating in this test would automatically received a zero on their test! This will heavily reflect on your grade so you should not think otherwise of even cheating in this class"

After that the professor watched as all students followed through his instructions, before handing out the test paper face down to their table. Once everyone was given a paper, the professor then walked back down towards its podium as he then declared.

"The first subject is math! you know what to do, so i don't have to remind you once again! you may begin your test!"

Hearing the name of the subject that they were about to tackle, Shun couldn't help but shake in nervousness as his hands started to become wet as he flipped the side face up. The moment he saw the first question, he already knew that he fucked up as stream of sweat pour down his face.

"Aw crap!"

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