Chereads / Transported In Another World As A LoL Summoner / Chapter 158 - Chapter 158: Chaotic Event III

Chapter 158 - Chapter 158: Chaotic Event III

[Kingdom of Avalon]

Even thought the cloaked person's mana and pressure isn't that terrifying  compared to the pressure that the Shade had implemented towards Shun, Such mana intensity was still sufficient enough to make Shun instinctively put up his guard and unknowingly manifest his weapons out of thin air

Upon seeing that the cloaked person has no good intentions from the start, since it actually activated such a huge magic all around the kingdom, causing chaos to the masses, the guards protecting the national treasure of the kingdom naturally split into two groups to protect it at all cost

One group consist of people with the goal to apprehend and suppress the mage in front of them, while the other has the goal to completely barricade the whole building and not letting anyone in 

But since the guards is still somehow have a considerable distance away, Shun on the other flash right behind the cloake4d mage as his instincts probe him to eliminate the enemy right in front of him at all cost

Bearing the intent to kill, Shun then nonchalantly slashed his Shiv towards the neck of the cloaked person, unfortunately for Shun himself Asmodeus is somewhat an experienced and veteran type of combat mage, thus when he suddenly felt a killing intent aiming from behind, he then naturally casted a barrier right above his neck before glancing back towards the attacker himself

For once he was quite surprised to learn that the attacker himself was nothing but a young man and one of the bystanders on the area, but with Shun's initial attack being stopped, the latter himself naturally followed it with another strike with his I.E and completely destroy his barrier, unfortunately Asmodeus was fast enough to see through such a move that he barely dodge Shun's second strike

"Clay Marionette!!!"

But the onslaught wasn't finished yet as  Asmodeus rolled forward and summoned about 20 clay dolls from the ground, all to attack Shun himself, but because of what he did the latter was then immediately preoccupied by the dolls that he was unable to stay focus on fighting against Asmodeus

But luckily Shun wasn't alone on such occasion that Sephiria suddenly snapped out of her trance and immediately provided a fire cover towards Shun, thus destroying most of those clay dolls made from the ground

"Ice Lance!!!"

"Fire Lance!!!"

"Lightning Lance!!!"



With such cover which mostly destroys all the clay dolls that Asmodeus had manifested, he then begun casting another spell as he waited for Shun to clear out his dolls

In just a few moments Shun then naturally took the last down doll, But when he did Asmodeus then aimed his spell towards him while also casting another spell towards Sephiria\

"Tsepi Nebes (Chains of Heaven)!!!"

"Rentetan Tanah (Earthen Barrage)!!!"

In that instant chains then completely restrained Shun's movement as he couldn't move a single muscle, while bullets made out of dirt then started barraging their attacks towards Sephiria causing the latter to immediately take on a defensive spell

While Sephiria was distracted on taking the defensive tactic, Asmodeus on the other hand pulled Shun along with then chains and smashed him towards the building of the national treasure, and just like Asmodeus had expected the building itself has it's own defensive mechanism as it struck Shun with 50 volts of electricity, causing the person to shout out in pain

Thankfully Shun wasn't an ordinary human as his body was occasionally modified by the system to completely surpass normal human capabilities and because of that such voltage wouldn't' be enough to knock him out

Gritting his teeth Shun then used Shunpo (Katarina's ability) to completely get out from the restrains of Asmodeus and immediately blinked in on top of the latter while brandishing his I.E and Shiv for a strike, at the same time under the cover of her defense, Sephiria was already making preparations of another form of spell to assist Shun from afar

In that few moments however Asmodeus immediately reacted to both Shun and Sephiria's movement as he suddenly erected a magic 5 layered barrier around himself while also nullifying Sephiria's spell who just came out from her hiding

"Scudo di tartaruga (Tortoise Shield)!!!"

"Aveesea atoatoa (Absolute Demolition!!!"

Right after negating their attacks, Asmodeus then immediately jumped forwards to put some distance between them as he begun chanting some spells as he started to materialize an object out of thin air

Sensing that the cloaked person was about to do something absurd, Shun then  quickly flipped over from his position unto the hard ground before opening up his summoning book, at the same time Sephiria could be seen casting a long phrase as she constructed a spell that she haven't mastered yet to the point of chant less magic

"Summon! Zed! Yasuo! Sylas! Garen! Darius! Lux! Rek' sai!"

As Shun Summoned his champions out from the summoning book while rushing up towards the cloaked person, the battle then continued between the three of them as both Asmodeus and Sephiria's chanting overlapped with each other


Asmodeus Chant:

Oh imatge que ens recorda que la Mort sega les ànimes dels pecadors

(Oh image that reminds us that Death reaps the souls of sinners)

com el pagès que sega blat de moro al seu camp

(like the peasant who harvests corn in his field)

Cada moviment de la dalla porta milers d'ànimes

(Each movement of the scythe brings thousands of souls)

actuen d'una manera salvatge, incontrolada o violenta perquè tenen por, emocionats o confosos

(act in a wild, uncontrolled, or violent way because they are afraid, excited, or confused)

El pandemoni va esclatar amb el gol de la victòria

(Pandemonium broke out with the winning goal)

Pandemonium Scythe!!!



Sephiri's chant:

Castrum sicut compages e caudices glaciei

(A castle-like structure made of blocks of ice)

Saxum glaciei marginem maritimam faciunt glacier quae non natat

(A cliff of ice forming the seaward margin of a glacier that is not afloat)

Thronus significationem accipit a gradibus usque ad tribunal seu suggestum

(The throne takes its meaning from the steps leading up to the dais or platform)

Princeps qui sedet in throno glacies

(A ruler who sits at the throne of Ice)

Praecipio tibi ad voluntatem meam

(I command thee at my will)

Ice Palace!!!


In that moment two huge magic circles then formed at the vicinity sweeping everything away, unknowingly the two were of the same kind of lost magic

True to the destruction that had enveloped the whole kingdom, the fight then goes on as everyone was on their toes for the battle of survival