Chereads / Transported In Another World As A LoL Summoner / Chapter 128 - Chapter 128: The End Of Second Year

Chapter 128 - Chapter 128: The End Of Second Year

[Gritonnia Academy]

Days soon passed and the grand celebration of the congratulatory victory of Gritonnia Academy has then ended

After that festive event many non-resident people on such city then started heading back towards their own territory while some students heads out back towards their own Academy

There were some though that chose to stay for some time in the city which included the majority of Ascalon Academy students, but for others such as Shun's group, they belong to the former

After a day of rest from that celebration, Shun and his group then decided to head back to the Academy as they bid farewell towards Akito's group and Lorius group

At the same time Shun also bid farewell towards Goran, Sonia, and Rosalyn, since those three on the other hand plans to stay for awhile in the city

As Cedric took care on his family side, he then joined Shun as they headed back towards the Academy

With that they then took an airship while heading back, at this moment on the other hand Shun and Sephiria had officially been recognized as a couple by their group of friends, of course no one dares to object such a thing since Cedric who was the eldest prince of this kingdom had clearly seen as a witness between them


As they got back they spent few days for awhile before the classes starts, but contrary to their previous days, such classes was nearly at the end of the term

Due to that all the students in each section and class, especially levels were subjected to heavy drilling of knowledge since the exam for the finals of this year was just at the corner

Unexpectedly such a huge event involving six academies was actually the last event for the year, due to that everyone focused on their own as students grouped up with people of 6 or 5 to make a whole study group for the upcoming test 4 weeks from now

The reason for the students fervor in studying because such an exam couldn't be afford to fail at all as the honor of their own noble house or name was on the line in every exam

If one ever failed on one exam, they would then be forced to repeat the same year and such a record would stain their honor, due to that every student took this seriously

At this moment Shun together with Sephiria, Aria, Rachel, Wendy, and Cedric then formed a group of 6 and decided to study together in such way, after all they were in the same grade, thus the lesson was all the same

"This will be problematic..." muttered Wendy

Hearing that Aria and Cedric then glanced at her in confusion as they asked

"What do you mean?"

With teary eyes Wendy the answered

"Well... even in my past experience, im pretty bad in such test, in fact the highest I could get is just an average of 50%... I don't even know how I could pass this one especially since its not a written form but an identifying type"

At that both Aria and Cedric gave her a wry smile as they couldn't figure out how Wendy passed the entrance exam at all with just an average result

"How did you get inside this Academy in the first place?" Asked Rachel as she too grew curious on Wendy's circumstances

"Well how could I say it.... maybe pure luck" she answered sheepishly

Due to that Rachel gave her a blank stare as she then decided to ignore her as she focused on her own study

But a few moments later they suddenly got distracted as they saw Shun fully concentrating on his own study

Of course Sephiria somehow gave him and everyone a wry smile as she too got distracted by Shun's intense concentration that cause him to murmur a lot

"Magic, sometimes known as sorcery, is a conceptual system that asserts human ability to control the natural world (including events, objects, people, and physical phenomena) through mystical, paranormal, or supernatural means. The term can also refer to the practices employed by a person asserting this influence, and to beliefs that explain various events and phenomena in such terms. In many cultures, magic is under pressure from, and in competition with, scientific and religious conceptual systems.

Although an effort is sometimes made to differentiate sorcery from magic performed for entertainment value by referring to sorcery as "magick," this article will consistently use "magic" in referring to sorcery.

Fundamental to magic is unseen connections whereby things act on one another at a distance through invisible links. Magic is thus distinguished both from religion and science: From religion in that magic invokes spiritual powers without presuming any personal relationship with spiritual or divine beings, merely an ability or power to bring about particular results; and from science in that magic offers no empirical justification other than its efficacy, invoking a symbolic, rather than actual, cause-effect relationship."

Due to his intense concentration and the pressure that he was emitting, non even dared to disturb Shun even for one moment, due to that they just casted a silencing spell on him secretly as they all continued on their study

Through that 4 weeks have passed as everyone then got designated to their own type of exam and started with the basic of written exam, wherein all question was an identifying type

Through that the whole Academy suddenly quietened down as everyone got unto their focus whether one is a top grader of the lowest grader in the Academy

Such written exam then took up mostly about 2 to 4 hours of torture especially for the people who only got passed due to pure luck

After such written exam, they then went towards the second phase of the exam by noon and started to examine their physical attribute

Of course such an exam was easy as a pie for Shun as he immediately passed it sooner or later

Soon with the time reaching about 5 near night, the exam then concluded followed up by an immediate release of the scores for each students, after a Gritonnia Academy was swift in its works

Not sooner than later the scores for each student was then projected for all as they soon found out that every student in Gritonnia Academy had passed the final exam causing everyone to celebrate and shout in joy

Pm the other hand among Shun's group Wendy was surprised herself that she passed the written exam with a little bit above average passing rate, with that they all would be able to advance through the years

Following that day afyer for seem like 3 days have passed all 3rd years of Gritonnia Academy then held a graduation of its students

Of course for everyone that wasn't part of it, they were immediately recommended to go home

With that by the dock of the Academy both Shun and Sephiria then bid their farewell towards Cedric and the rest as each and everyone of them has plans for their own vacation, through that they then promised to still stay as friends even the next year comes

Of course such an event was elevated by the girls, while both Shun and Cedric just shook hands as the latter entrusted Sephiria wholly to Shun

At that after spending about 15 minutes of bidding farewell, Shun and Sephiria then saw everyone off as they all boarded their own air ship and headed towards their own homes

After seeing them off Shun then held Sephiria's hand as he said

"Let's go! Dont worry we will see them again next year"

Hearing that Sephiria then smiled as she said

"And by then I promised that I would grow stronger"

With that they then boarded their own airship as they headed back towards the Duke's territory

As Shun saw off Gritonnia on the surface and slowly drifting off as their distance grew, he then sighed in relief as he opened up his own system

As for Sephiria she then excused herself as she plans to go to the washroom after this

With that Shun then nodded as he glanced at his system


System update

Revealing updates...



New functions:

Soul possession

New store

New items

Updated champions



"Host can transform his body into any picked champion he wants, by then he would then revievex the champions memory, skills, experience, and strength for a limited time of 15 minutes (noted that each champion can only be used once every 24 hours cooldown)"


Host picked yasuo =" host then transforms into yasuo and recieve its memory, skills experience and strength


Upon seeing that Shun couldn't help but smile in delight as he couldn't wait for the time when he is in need of using it

But that would be for another story in his next adventure

End of volume 3 Academy arc

See you next time

Next volume 4 Aquasphere