Chereads / Transported In Another World As A LoL Summoner / Chapter 103 - Chapter 103: Complicated Situation

Chapter 103 - Chapter 103: Complicated Situation

[Viltania City]

Seeing the noble woman with a scarlet hair named Iris Hestian apologizing to them for causing trouble, the girls such as Wendy, Rachel, Aria, and Sephiria didn't mind such situation at all

After that Iris immediately straightened herself up as she observed the other party

"Based on your clothing, I presume you guys are from... Gritonnia Academy yes?" Asked Iris

Hearing that Wendy immediately nodded in agreement as Rachel immediately recognized Iris uniform

"And you are from Orbium Academy... The academy wherein Akito is located right?" Asked Rachel

Hearing a familiar name Iris seemed surprised

"Oh my! Does Akito already became famous to be known by other students from another academy? Leaving that fact that all four of you are girls... Are you his fanclub?" Asked Iris

At that moment Rachel's face suddenly distorted as she saw the gleam of Iris eyes as she declared that they are Akito's fanclub

At that thought Rachel felt disgusted

Luckily she only expressed it internally as she kept a calm composure outside to keep up face, seeing her endure her disgust, the other girls couldn't help but laugh wryly

At that Sephiria immediately sneaked in between

"Um... Iris right?"

The moment that she said that, Iris immediately glanced at Sephiria only to shriek and lounged at her which caught everyone off guard

Rubbing her face on Sephiria's face, Iris seemed elated as she said

"What a cute lady!!! Your cute and beautiful! Say! How about you just come with me and become my sister?" Exclaimed Iris

At that the whole area became silent as Sephiria stood there in a daze not knowing what just happened

In a defensive manner both Aria and Wendy defended her

"Hold up! We won't give her to you!" Shouted Wendy

"Sephy is not an object! We reject this treatment!" Called out Aria

At that the girls on the other hand made their own circle as they fend off Iris overly excited manner

At this moment however after talking for some time both Shun and Akito were walking down towards the end space of Viltania City when they suddenly saw some rowdiness not far from them

A few moments later Shun recognized the group of girls that are keeping another girl away from cute things

"Sephiria? Aria? Rachel? Wendy?" Asked Shun to himself

At the same time curious on what shun was looking out from the side, Akito then suddenly widened his eyes as he recognized the woman that is being blocked by two woman

"Lady Iris?"

After recognizing the person they are close with, both shun and Akito immediately ran towards the commotion as they wanted to keep a good harmony with each other

At this time while Sephiria was looking out towards Iris who seemed overly excited she suddenly felt a hand grabbing her, thus catching her attention as she turned and saw Shun

"Sephy! What happened here?"

At first Sephiria was elated after seeing shun, then suddenly blushing after realising that Shun was so close to her


"What's with that voice? Are you surprised?"

"Huh? No I'm... Yes I'm surprised"

As Shun talked towards Sephiria, Akito however smiled widely as he stepped over and called out to Iris

"Lady Iris! May I ask what were you doing?"

After hearing that familiar voice, Iris then suddenly became stiff as she looked over at Akito and saw his smile which was calling out to explain herself

Flustered she started defending herself

"Wait! This isn't..."


"I'm serious! This time I didn't do anything..."


"Can you please believe me!"


After seeing Akito's indignant reply, Iris then submitted to him with a sulky face

"I'm sorry..."

"That's what I like to hear"

For a moment Iris apologized her behavior this bringing peace and calm to both sides (except for the boys who were still being surrounded by various young noble lady's)

With Akito on other then told everyone his relationship(non-romantic) with Iris as the latter agreed nonetheless

As they talked for awhile Shun then somehow noticed Sephiria's silence

"Well you quiet... What's pulling your string? Do you have any problem?" Asks Shun

Being asked by that Sephiria seemed to be caught off guard

"Huh? No I'm okay... Why are you even asking me that question?" She asked

"Because you looked troubled"

"If I looked troubled then would you care?" Asked Sephiria

"Of course I would care, I mean why wouldn't I?" Said Shun with full of confidence

"Oh really?..."

At this moment Sephiria remembered her confession this causing her to blush as she said

"Then what your answer?... How do you feel about me?" Asked Sephiria

Hearing that Shun then came to a stop as he looked over at Sephiria with quite a calm gaze, like a guy who have spent three years in simulation and have somewhat grown mature in mentality

At that reply he immediately patted her head as he smiled, well atleast you won't expect a bad answer... After all were not angry at each other right? Nor disgusted right?" Asked Shun

"Huh? Um no! I like you!"

"Then isn't that enough? At least you won't expect a negative answer from me" said Shun as he smiled

Seeing that Sephiria somehow blushed red which eventually got noticed by the other people near them

As Wendy, Aria, and Rachel looked at them with warm gazes, Iris on the other hand snickered as she looked over Shun then towards Sephiria

"Hohoho! What's this? Am I seeing thing or I'm right to speculate that you two have special relationship..."

At this Shun immediately replied seeing how Sephiria was blushing and couldn't answer for a moment

"You can think of it that way"

"I'm right! Wow! I didn't expect this..." Exclaimed Iris

"Well aren't you the same?" Asked Shun

"Huh? What do you mean?" Asks Iris

"Well Akito here likes you"

The moment shun said that Akito's eye suddenly bulged open as if he's secrets had been revealed, while as for Iris, she immediately blushed after hearing what Shun said

"Based on your reaction, I can deduct that you guys have a great relationship with each other"

At that Iris became so red that she pouted as she faced Akito who got flabbergasted

"Oi! Shun! This isn't..."

But before he could finish what he said, Iris immediately faced him thus compacting the situation for him

Unable to handle the heated situation Akito immediately called it off as she pulled Iris over and waved goodbye at Shun and his friends

At the same time the noble lady's who were friends of Iris saw Akito pulling Iris away, thus ending it up with them chasing him

With that the day continued on without a hitch or eventful stuff going on

After that day, the next day however came with a full course on teamwork training between Shun, Goran, Sonia, and Rosalyn

Not only that but they also did a Spartan training as they poured everything into communication training that will be very effective bon a battle royale where everything will become disordered

At that thought however Shun was kept being scolded by Rosalyn for sleeping on her class, thus receiving some light whiplash of her stick

With that training one could say that they had an restless day

After that training and preparation day

The day for the finals have begin as each of the representatives will be able to be highlighted in this event

At this moment all representatives were in the middle of the arena with an ordered line as they waited for the start of the finals

Without further ado the King of this kingdom and the royal family, together with the principal's of six different academies came in together as they stood on the high platform and drew out the start of the finals